iPod version Periodic Table Project

This September, go to iTunes and download the iPod version of the Periodic Table Project for free. You will also find the tablet apps (iPad and Playbook) which have been available for free since April 2012. Search for “Periodic Table Project”.

The iPod app has all the great screens and information as the tablet apps except the iPod version has been modified to enhance the table on the iPod Touch and iPhone small screen.

Students can use the apps to find out the atomic properties relevant to high school chemistry. The app lists each element’s atomic mass, melting and boiling points, ionization energy, density, colour and classification (metal, non-metal or metalloid). While students are looking up a melting point, we hope they will be tempted to stay awhile and explore the different elements through the creativity of the artwork. Our goal is to have not only students but the general population stop and take a moment to read and learn about the periodic table of elements.

Pictured below are just a few of the screenshots from the Periodic Table Project apps.

Thanks to 3M Canada for making this project a possibility. 3M Canada together with JWA Group in London ON, took the student-designed elemental tiles submitted during the International Year of Chemistry and created an impressive mobile app. Take five minutes and download this app and see how these mobile apps capture the talent and creativity of chemistry students. Then have your students use these apps in your classroom.

Periodic Table Project Apple app’s screenshot of main page with the periodic table.

Periodic Table Project Apple app’s screenshot of deign tile and elemental properties for helium Alt tag.