Harassment is...
- in two words unwanted attention;
- defined as "engaging in a course of vexatious comments or conduct that is known, or ought reasonably to be known, to be unwelcome" (University of Waterloo Ethical Behaviour Policy #33, University of Waterloo / Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Union Agreement; Article 4-Harassment & Discrimination in the workplace;
- is a form of discrimination; and,
- can come in many forms: jokes, insults, gestures, gossip, request for dates, etc.
And, harassment might...
- be directed at a person or group;
- negatively impact one's work or well-being;
- create an unpleasant work environment;
- leave someone feeling powerless, hurt, uncomfortable, or afraid; and,
- not be directed at a specific person.
If it happens to me...
- seek assistance and support as soon as possible;
- don't ignore your feelings;
- collect documents and record date(s), time(s), location(s), name(s) of alleged harasser(s) and witnesses, what happened, and frequency of occurrence; and,
- remember - instances of harassment are against the law and University of Waterloo policy.
Whom can I talk to...
- staff in the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office (CMAHRO) at Ext. 35671;
- an EAP member (Ext. 33528) or a CUPE representative (Ext. 36793);
- your Staff Relations Co-ordinator in human resources; or,
- Counseling Services (Ext. 32655) or Health Services (519-888-4046 or Ext. 84096).
- Contact the University of Waterloo Police at 519-888-4911 if you are concerned for your personal safety.
Check out the CMAHRO website for more information and direct links to resources, University of Waterloo documents, and the Ontario Human Rights Commission.
Prepared by the Conflict Management and Human Rights Office