Sexual harassment is...
Unwanted attention of a sexual or gender related nature (verbal, non-verbal, physical) - jokes, touching, suggestive remarks, leering, or demands for sexual favours, threats...
In contravention of University of Waterloo policy and the Ontario Human Rights Code (University of Waterloo takes this seriously - for information on our policy and the Ontario Human Rights Commission check out Conflict Management & Human Rights Office's website)
It can...
- occur anywhere (classroom, residence, athletic facilities, part-time job, co-op work term...)
- create an unpleasant environment
- affect your study, work or well-being
- cross gender paths (female-male, female-female, male-male)
- leave you feeling powerless, hurt, uncomfortable or afraid
Some examples...
- Even though you said "no," another resident continues to ask you out and follow you around.
- Your workterm supervisor continually brushes up against you.
- You said no to a date, and now the person in charge of your course will not answer your course related questions.
- You continually receive X-rated e-mail messages, and now you are reluctant to log on to your account.
- The students in residence (or class, or club, etc.) tease and hassle you about being gay (or lesbian, or bisexual, or transgnedered, or queer, etc.).
If it happens to me, what can I do?
- don't ignore your feelings
- talk to someone you trust - friend, mom, residence don, etc.
- remember - you are not to blame
- talk to someone on campus... soon!
- collect and document date(s), time(s), location(s), name of alleged harasser(s), frequency of occurrence, witness(es), what happened and any paper trail
- to learn more, speak with someone at Ontario Human Rights Tribunal 1-866-598-0322
- if you are concerned about your personal safety (unwanted touching, aggressive or threatening behavior) contact the University of Waterloo Police at 519-888-4911 or Ext 22222
Who can I talk with that will listen?
If you are on campus or in residence:
University of Waterloo Campus 519-888-4567
Counselling Services
NH 2080
Ext 32655
University of Waterloo Police
Off Campus 519-888-4911
On Campus Ext 22222
(Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer/Questioning campus organization)
Ext 38569 or 519-888-4567
SLC 2101
Health Services
Federation of Students
SLC 1102
Ext 84042
If you are across the creek:
St. Jerome's |
Martha Fauteux Director, Campus Ministry (519) 884-8111 ext.28215 |
Renison |
Credence & Co Renison's External anti-harassment and anti-discrimination officers 519-883-8906 |
St.Paul's |
Rob McAllister Dean of Student Services 519-885-1460 Ext.208 |
Conrad Grebel |
Mary Brubaker-Zehr Director of Student Services 519-885-0220 Ext.24251 Ed Janzen Chaplain 519-885-0220 Ext 24249 |
If you are on co-op work term:
Linda Davis | |
Diane McKelvie | |