Call for proposals

Do you have a project you are proud of? Did you make a contribution towards your department's productivity? Is there a change on your team or in your unit that went well, and you’d like to share?  We would like to hear from you!

The People, Process and Projects community of practice is excited to announce that we will be hosting our 5th annual Showcase event on campus on September 25, 2024 from 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. and we’re seeking proposals.

The P3 Showcase is a free, half-day  in-person event that brings campus colleagues together to share best practices, successes, and connect. It will feature poster exhibits and poster flash talks —all centered around ideas and practices that contribute to continuous improvement, change management, and project management. The Showcase is open to all employees and students.

We invite those interested to submit a proposal for a poster exhibit and/or flash talk by August 9, 2024.

Proposals will cover topics related to Continuous Improvement, Change Management, and/or Project Management. Past posters can be viewed on the Showcase event page.

Procedure for submitting proposals

Successful proposals will meet some or all the following criteria: 

  1. Addresses projects or initiatives and the application of best practices in one or more of Continuous Improvement, Change Management, and/or Project Management. 
  2. Is geared to employees as the primary audience. 
  3. Promotes tools, methodologies, or practices others can use, apply and are supported by the campus. 
  4. Identifies clear learning outcomes and key takeaways. 
  5. Focuses on innovations or emerging trends, practices, or knowledge. 
  6. Offers a mix of information-sharing and engagement. 

If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please register the proposal by August 9th, 2024. 

Submissions will be reviewed and evaluated on the above criteria. You will be notified soon after your submissionwhether your proposal has been selected.

Support will be provided for all approved submissions.  

Please contact us if you have any questions.