P3 Showcase


The People, Process and Projects (P3) Showcase event is hosted each year by the community of practice (CoP).

This event is a great opportunity to learn more about how different departments use tools and methodologies to achieve the most efficient processes and outcomes.

The P3 Showcase aligns with our community of practice strategy of championing and embedding a culture of Continuous Improvement, of establishing best practices for managing Portfolios and Projects, and promoting, through collaboration, the delivery of a holistic approach to Change Management.

The P3 Showcase will feature poster exhibits and poster flash talks, all centered around ideas and practices that contribute to continuous improvement, change management, and project management.

Through booth presentations, employees and students discover how departments / areas consistently use Change Management (CM), Continuous Improvement (CI), and Project Management (PM) tools and methodologies to achieve:

  • successful change adoption
  • the most efficient processes and outcomes
  • successful project outcomes and benefits

Variety of applied projects shown. Good way to build connections with colleagues across UW​

The variety of units presenting on CI CM PM projects. I liked learning about what has changed on campus and why the changes were made.​

A great opportunity to learn what other areas are doing and how CM/PM/CI are being applied.