Instructor | Lecturer | Sessional | Teaching Assistant


38. Is Course Reserves permitted to scan articles or chapters and put them on electronic reserve for students in my course?

Yes. In many cases, works may be scanned and posted under fair dealing or licence terms without the need to obtain permission. When permission is required, this process can take several weeks. When there is a fee for permission, the Library will usually be able to absorb the cost as long as it is reasonable. 

34. Are there any databases of materials that I can use for free without worrying about copyright restrictions?

Yes. There is a wealth of material out there that either is in the public domain or is available under what is known as a Creative Commons licence, which generally means the work is available for free but is subject to certain limited conditions, such as non-commercial use only and acknowledgement of the creator.

33. Are students permitted to include copyright-protected materials in their assignments and presentations?

Generally, yes. Since fair dealing now includes education, students may include limited amounts of material in their assignments and presentations. See the Fair Dealing Advisory for details about amounts allowable under fair dealing.

32. May I play videos/movies/films in class?

You may play videos/films/movies in class under the following circumstances:

31. May I play music in class?

Yes! The Copyright Act allows instructors to play a sound recording or a live audio broadcast in class as long as it is for educational purposes, not for profit, on University premises, and before an audience consisting primarily of students.

29. Is there any difference between posting something on my own website versus posting something on one of Waterloo's learning management systems (such as LEARN)?

Yes. Posting something on your own website means you are making the work openly available worldwide. Wide distribution tends toward the conclusion that the dealing is not “fair,” and such uses are unlikely to be covered by any University licences. By contrast, Waterloo's learning management systems are password-protected, secure websites that are accessible to students enrolled in university courses. In some cases, posting material on a learning management system will be covered by one of the University’s electronic subscriptions.
