
Questions about or related to the use of images.

34. Are there any databases of materials that I can use for free without worrying about copyright restrictions?

Yes. There is a wealth of material out there that either is in the public domain or is available under what is known as a Creative Commons licence, which generally means the work is available for free but is subject to certain limited conditions, such as non-commercial use only and acknowledgement of the creator.

28. May I make copies of copyright-protected works to hand out to students in class? May I include copies of another person’s images and materials in my PowerPoint presentations?

You may make copies of another person’s works and hand them out to students enrolled in your course, and you may also include another person’s work, including images, in your PowerPoint presentations that you display to students enrolled in your course. In both cases, you must adhere to the amount that may be copied under fair dealing. Please see the Fair Dealing Advisory for copying limits.