22. May I include links to videos from a free platform such as YouTube or Vimeo, or embed the videos on a learning management system such as LEARN?

Videos from a free online service should be used only if you have a reasonable belief that they were uploaded legally. A good way to check this is to look at what account posted a video. For example, if the official account for BBC News or the producer of a documentary uploaded a video, the content is more likely to be a legal copy. If an account belonging to an individual who does not appear to be connected to a project uploads a copy of a full-length feature film, it is likely not a legal copy. More information about asessing the legality of content can be found in question 17. If you are reasonably certain that the video on the service is a legal copy, then displaying that video in your class or linking to it for teaching purposes is permitted, as long as it is played from the service directly and not uploaded into a learning management system.

Frequently Asked Questions