
Journal Publications/Conference Proceedings










  • Krzysztof Pietroszek, Anastasia Kuzminykh, James R. Wallace, Edward Lank. A Discount 3D Interaction Technique for Public Displays.  2014 
  • James R Wallace, Daniel Vogel, Edward Lank. Effect of Bezel Presence and Width on Visual Search. Pervasive Displays 2014
  • James R Wallace, Daniel Vogel, Edward Lank. The Effect of Interior Bezel Presence and Width on Magnitude Judgement. Graphics Interface 2014



  • Dubin JA. Similarity-based statistical modeling. Yale University Department of Biostatistics Seminar Series, 2022 Feb 1; New Haven, CT, USA; held virtually.


  • Yang Yang, Zahid A. Butt, Scott T. Leatherdale, Plinio P. Morita, Alexander Wong, Helen H. Chen. Phenotyping Risk Profiles of Polysubstance Use Among Canadian Youth via Fuzzy Clustering. Oral presentation given at the 7th Annual Conference on Vision and Intelligent Systems (CVIS 2021), University of Waterloo
  • Yang Yang, Helen H. Chen, Zahid A. Butt, Scott T. Leatherdale, Plinio P. Morita, Alexander Wong. Exploring the Dynamic Transitions in Use Patterns of Youth Substance Use: A Latent Variable Modelling Approach Using the COMPASS Data. Oral presentation given at the Canadian Public Health Association (CPHA 2021)



  • Robert P Gauthier, Mary Jean Costello, James R. Wallace. (2019) Understanding Addiction Recovery Communities on Reddit: A Thematic Analysis Driven by Topic Modelling. Human Factors Inter-University Workshop. 
  • Chen, H., Yang, Y., Wallace, J., Jiang, N., & Mainville, M. (2019). Design and Development of Mobile, Tablet-based ECG Hardware and Software for Clinical Use. In 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare-Demos and Posters. European Alliance for Innovation (EAI).
  • Leila Homaeian, James R. Wallace, Stacey D. Scott. Visualizing Communication Grounding Costs in Collaborative Environments. (2019) Human Factors Inter-University Workshop.
  • George Michalopoulos, Sujan Subendran, Yang Yang, Robert R. Quinn, Matthew J. Oliver, Zahid Butt, Alexander Wong, and Helen H. Chen. Interpretability of Machine Learning Models for Health Data - A Case Study. INTERPRETABILITY: METHODOLOGIES AND ALGORITHMS (IMA2019). DEC 2, 2019. ADELAIDE, AUSTRALIA


  • Tina Chan, Marcela Costa C. Bomfim, Nadia Somani, Dulguunbayar Mungunzagas, Suvdanchimeg Purevsuren, Munkhtulga Baljinnyam, Tergel Nyamlkhavga, Tamir Batmend, Tsendsuren Batsaikhan, Andrea Irvin, Oyun L, Bolorchimeg Dagva, Alex Heikens, James R. Wallace, Plinio P. Morita. LIFEHACK - A Serious Game and Simulation by Mongolian Youth to Educate and Motivate Students to make Healthy Choices in Mongolia. Global Health Students and Young Professionals Summit, 2018.
  • Denise Ng, James R. Wallace, Plinio Morita, Josephine McMurray. Is Smartphone Application-based Patient Feedback a Good Idea? “It depends.”The Open University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, April 30, 2018


  • Denise Ng, James R. Wallace, Josephine McMurray, Plinio Morita. Exploring the Barriers to Smartphone-based Patient Experience Feedback. Waterloo-Wellington Clinical Research and Quality Improvement Symposium (WWCQRI 2017).
  • Pietroszek, Luidmila Tahai, James R. Wallace, Edward Lank. Watchcasting: Freehand 3D Interaction with Off-the-Shelf Smartwatch. IEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces (3DUI 2017).