E-mail: kiana.zolfaghari@uwaterloo.ca
Research interests

My research interests are mainly in the application of remote sensing methods for biogeochemical characterization of waterbodies, more specifically on the investigation of algal blooms and water turbidity. I study the potential of satellite-derived lake optical parameters for improving lake models used as parameterization schemes in numerical weather forecasting models.
My current work as a member of the core technical team of Global Water Futures focuses on the design of a multispectral/hyperspectral microsatellite water mission; integration of satellite-derived water quality parameters into numerical models to study 1D and 3D algal distribution in lakes; and investigation of the impact of physical and chemical limnology of lakes and rivers in modeling patterns of algal bloom population growth.
- PhD, 2016, Geography (Geomatics/Remote Sensing), University of Waterloo, Canada
- MSc, 2011, Surveying and Geomatics Engineering (Remote Sensing), Faculty of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
- BSc, 2009, Surveying and Geomatics Engineering, University of Tehran, Iran