Accurate Measurement of Small Execution Times – Getting Around Measurement Errors

TitleAccurate Measurement of Small Execution Times – Getting Around Measurement Errors
Publication TypeReport
Year of Publication2017
AuthorsMoreno, C., and S. Fischmeister
Document NumberTR-2017-cmoreno-001
InstitutionUniversity of Waterloo
CityWaterloo, Canada

Engineers and researchers often require accurate measurements of small execution times or duration of events in a program. Errors in the measurement facility can introduce important challenges, especially when measuring small intervals. Mitigating approaches commonly used exhibit several issues; in particular, they only reduce the effect of the error, and never eliminate it.  In this technical report, we propose a technique to effectively eliminate measurement errors and obtain a robust statistical estimate of execution time or duration of events in a program. The technique is simple to implement, yet it entirely eliminates the systematic (non-random) component of the measurement error, as opposed to simply reduce it. Experimental results conrm the effectiveness of the proposed method.

This technical report is an extended version of the letter submitted to IEEE Embedded Systems Letters on May 2016, revised version submitted on November 2016, accepted for publication on January 2017.

Refereed DesignationNon-Refereed


Looking for motivated students (undergrads and grads) interested in working on embedded software and systems research. Mail Sebastian Fischmeister for further information.