Hermes---A Lean M-Commerce Software Platform Utilizing Electronic Signatures

TitleHermes---A Lean M-Commerce Software Platform Utilizing Electronic Signatures
Publication TypeConference Paper
Year of Publication2002
AuthorsFischmeister, S., G. Hagleitner, and W. Pree
Conference NameProc. of the 35th Hawaiian Conference on System Sciences (HICSS)
Date PublishedJanuary
PublisherIEEE Computer Society
Conference LocationIsland of Hawaii
Keywordsmobile computing

The world-wide growth of the mobile-telephony market opens the door for mobile commerce (m-commerce). For the restricted target platforms used for m-commerce such as mobile phones or personal digital assistants, domain solutions need to be lean but still secure. Especially mobile contracting and mobile payment as parts of m-commerce require solutions resting upon a sound legal basis. Electronic contracts and slips require solutions that are admitted as evidence in court. This is considered a key aspect for m-commerce applications to be widely accepted. This paper presents the Hermes platform developed at the University of Constance. It is a lean and secure trading platform that utilizes digital signatures for authentication conforming with the European electronic-signature laws.

Refereed DesignationRefereed
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