Collection of Personal Information

Employee Health and Accommodations (EHA) collects, stores, and uses personal and health information as is reasonably required to provide services and supports within EHA's mandate under the authority of Ontario's Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA) R.S.O. 1990, c. F. 31 as amended, the University of Waterloo's Policy 46 - Information Management, and other legislative requirements. 

  • EHA collects information from employees about their disability, functional limitations, and other related information necessary to support service provision, verify medical absences, and support accommodation planning for the employee.  
  • EHA collects information about the employee’s role (Department, position) at the University of Waterloo and personally identifying information such as your name, WATIAM or ID number, birth date, and contact information.
  • EHA collects this information to provide services and supports to employees with known or suspected disabilities and disabling conditions. Examples of services and supports include:
    • Determining an employee’s eligibility for accommodations or medical absences and sick leave programs;  
    • Developing an individualized accommodation plan;  
    • Facilitating referrals to on and off-campus supports
  • EHA collects information from an employee’s application for accommodations, medical documentation, and self-report.
  • EHA may collect an employee’s medical documentation in a variety of ways including: