Waterloo Architecture - TA training for graduate students in the School of Architecture

Monday, January 13, 2025 - Friday, January 17, 2025 (all day)

ExpecTAtions_Arch Winter 2025: January 13th (9.00am) to January 17th (11.59pm).

Dates for self-registration for ExpecTAtions_Arch via LEARN: Monday, January 6th from 7pm EST to Sunday, January 12th at 7pm EST.

Recovery workshop: February 13, 2025 (tentative)
Expected certificate release date: 1st week of March

ExpecTAtions_Arch is a Teaching Assistant (TA) training that prepares graduate students in the School of Architecture to undertake a teaching assistantship. The training is designed with an intention to help students better understand their roles and responsibilities as a TA in the School of Architecture.

To serve as a TA in the School of Architecture, you are required to self-enrol into and complete ExpecTAtions_ARCH within the first term of your TAship.

ExpecTAtions_Arch will run as a combination of live sessions and asynchronous modules with quizzes, activities, discussions, and assignments and will require 4-6 hours of student time spread over a week.

Students are required to register into ExpecTAtions via self-registration on LEARN which will generally be open a week or so before the start of ExpecTAtions_Arch. More details on self-registration dates, links, and process will be emailed to the students by their department.

Components of ExpecTAtions_Arch:

  • Orientation session- One-hour synchronous session at 11.00am the first day of start of the training (required).
  • Pre-training quiz will be available at 12.00pm on LEARN at the end of the Orientation session. The pre-training quiz can be attempted within the first two days and must be completed to see the training content. All the content will be visible after the quiz is completed and submitted.
  • The TA training includes two modules with content and activities, which will be available on LEARN. Modules and deliverables must be completed by 11:59 pm on the last day of training.
  • Post-training quiz will be available on LEARN near the end of the training. It must be completed before 11:59 pm on the last day of training.

After attending synchronous sessions and completing all submissions, you will receive a certificate of completion noting your achievement.