Agenda (Tentative)
Location: Teams
10am-12 noon
- July 29, 2020 FACCUS meeting minutes are in MS Teams
- Anything to add to today's agenda?
- Various projects/initiatives/updates - Information Systems & Technology (IST) (Also see
- Wireless refresh update (Matt Verlis) (5 min)
- WCMS 3.0 Update (Greg Smith) (20 min)
- Office 365 Change Management (Samantha Murray and Pam Fluttert) (15 min)
- Office 365 Change Request process (Lisa Tomalty) (5 min)
- Office 365 email migration updates (Lisa Tomalty) (5 min)
- Jira Service Desk update (Matt Harford) (10 min)
- Kanopy ( (Matt Harford) (5 min)
- SharePoint Online Project (Connie van Oostveen) (10 minutes)
- Two-factor authentication (2Fa) (Andrew Ward) (10 min)
- WatIAM Q&A (Sean Mason) (10 min)
- Faculty/area updates and introductions (all)
- Name, Department, Role
- Service Desks info sharing
- Common questions
- Changes (services provided, other)
- Updates from IST Service Desk
- Reminder for future meetings - all are invited to present/report on new projects/initiatives in your areas
- Who to host next FACCUS meeting? (placeholder for when we are back on campus)