Three Windows of the Centre for Peace Advancement

Innovation is part of everything we do at the Kindred Credit Union Centre for Peace Advancement (CPA). The beehive of activity emerging from the CPA can be linked back to our three core programs. We support and engage in collaborative research through the Core Collaborators program, catalyze outside-of-the-box solutions to local and global problems through the Epp Peace Incubator program, and experiment with the artistic expression of important peacebuilding ideas in the Grebel Gallery. Stay connected through our new e-newsletter.

Advancing peace through the arts

Engage, inspire, or admire—the Grebel Gallery is one way the CPA promotes whole-bodied engagement in important peace issues. It welcomes community members to engage in the themes and questions each exhibit highlights, and encourages mutual learning and shared action. The gallery is governed by a team of artists and creatives from Kitchener-Waterloo and hosts three exhibits per year.

Get Involved with the Grebel Gallery
  • Engage with our current exhibit! Plan a community conversation in our gallery.
  • Submit an exhibit proposal.
  • Join our Grebel Gallery team.
  • Donate to the Grebel Gallery Fund.

Advancing peace through social innovation

If you are ready to put wheels to your idea, the CPA is here to support you. We enable students, recent grads, and community members to take their initiative to the next level. Ventures that advance peace in some way, or tackle systems change can access mentorship, funding, and peer support.

Get Involved with the Epp Peace Incubator
  • Become an Incubator member.
  • Join our Mentorship Circle.
  • Donate to the Peace Incubator Fund.

Advancing peace through research and engagement

The CPA is home to peacebuilding organizations, faculty, and research fellows who benefit from proximity to each other, as well as to students attending the University of Waterloo. Core Collaborators advance their work by engaging in collaborative research projects and community engagement opportunities catalyzed by the CPA.

Get Involved with Core Collaborators
  • Inquire about available working space.
  • Reach out to explore a research partnership.
  • Attend a community engagement event.