Grebel Now
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G6
Programs at Grebel
Certificate Programs
Mennonite Studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Theological Studies
With roots in the Mennonite-Anabaptist tradition, Grebel has always ensured that part of the College’s programming has included Mennonite Studies and History. This issue of Grebel Now introduces readers to the intriguing research of one of Grebel’s newest faculty members, David Y. Neufeld, Assistant Professor of History. We also trace the long line of Grebel’s influential Mennonite Studies and History professors, as well as the related offerings of the College, including the Mennonite Archives of Ontario. We also caught up with almost a dozen History and Mennonite Studies alumni to see where their degree and career paths have taken them. This issue of Grebel Now marks the 40th Anniversary of the newsletter turned magazine and the 60th Anniversary of Conrad Grebel University College! We’ve spent the last few months celebrating the anniversary, with a few more events to go. Another way we are celebrating this milestone is with our 60 Stories of Interesting Alumni project. We release a new story that highlights a noteworthy alumnus each Tuesday, so be sure to check out our website regularly.
Music has been a core aspect of Grebel's academic programing and residence life since the College was founded almost 60 years ago. Grebel has always advocated for interdisciplinary approaches with the purpose of providing a rich academic and residence experience that awakens surprising ideas and interesting partnerships. This issue of Grebel Now focuses on the idea of “Music AND,” and highlights the unique and creative ways that Grebel faculty, students, and alumni are meshing music with other fields to express their diverse interests.
This issue also showcases many student voices and initiatives that demonstrate the vibrancy of Grebel life. We celebrate student and faculty achievements, mark transitions and milestones, and look forward to a sustainable future.
This issue of Grebel Now focuses on tech for good, and highlights the many interesting ways that students and alumni are using technology to benefit society and the world—either as a profession or a passion. This issue also includes the 2021-2022 Annual Report, stories about the work of our professors and some new scholarships, and we bid farewell to a number of long-serving members of the Grebel community.
This issue of Grebel Now highlights Grebel programs that help grow or resource church leaders and congregations. This issue also catches up with a sampling of alumni who are serving the church in a variety of ways, as a career or as a volunteer.
In a recent survey done in partnership with Mennonite Central Committee, Grebel alumni responded strongly on the issue of climate change. When asked to list their top three important causes or issues, addressing climate change was top for alumni, followed by clean water/sanitation and food/housing security. And when asked to describe their identity, 91 percent of alumni described themselves as environmentalists.
This issue of Grebel Now focuses on stories and alumni profiles that illustrate the theme of sustainability. As students, Grebelites were at the forefront of recycling and composting, always pushing the College to do better. Even now, some alumni memories note frustration with the slow pace of Grebel’s move toward sustainability—urging us forward. It is clear that alumni have integrated values of creation care into their lives and, guided by new generations of students, Grebel as an institution is making new steps toward living those values as well.
This issue also includes the 2020-21 Annual Report, general Grebel news, and details for many upcoming events that will hopefully be in person!
Fred W. Martin, Director of Advancement
Jennifer Konkle, Marketing and
Communications Manager
Front cover: Alana Matsuo and Ceileigh McAllister, Environment Reps on Grebel’s Student, Council inspect the new green roof.
It has been a difficult year for many people, as we continue to live through a global pandemic. At Grebel, many of us are studying, working, socializing, and building relationships online from home. Others of us are still showing up on campus to work with students or are living together in residence. This issue of Grebel Now highlights some of the experiences of students, staff, and faculty in both scenarios.
2020 has been a difficult year for most of the world. And yet, at Grebel we have continued to see our students as a source of hope and purpose. In this issue you’ll read about the innovative and creative ways students, faculty, and staff are meeting the challenges of the pandemic amid urgent social movements, global unrest, and isolation from friends and family. We also profile a few of our many alumni who are providing leadership and assurance to our communities during the pandemic.
It’s been a surprising term at Grebel this winter, with the COVID-19 pandemic at the centre of everyone’s attention. This issue of Grebel Now shares stories of the resilience and connectedness of students, faculty, and staff as we live, study, and work at a distance from each other in a crisis-stricken world. But, as you will read here, more has happened at the College, before and beyond the coronavirus. Grebel’s community is strong because of the foundation that is built from the first day of classes and throughout the whole university experience. And it extends into the future—in workplaces, relationships, and purpose. Some stories in this issue focus on mental health and wellness, as seen through the lens of Grebel’s programs and people. Other stories look at the underlying reasons and results of our intentional and beloved traditions that create a capacity for resilience. And others still, celebrate accomplishments and milestones of our students, faculty, and alumni. As you read this issue in isolation, remember that as part of the Grebel community you aren’t really alone! We look forward to the day that we can meet again face-to-face.
This issue of Grebel Now demonstrates the varied involvements of our students: sharing gifts in church, making a difference in the world on internships, gaining valuable industry experience on co-op terms, and testing leadership abilities among peers. You’ll also read about the methods, examples, and underlying motivations of our professors as they shape their classroom into a space where students actively participate in experimentation, application, analysis, and reflection.
Grebel is a college community that nourishes body, mind, and spirit on many levels! On the surface, our kitchen and dining room project clearly illustrates our commitment to physical nourishment, celebrating Grebel’s tradition of having students in all disciplines and years live and eat together. As you’ll soon discover, this intentional mix of students is one reason why Grebel teams do so well in hackathons and pitch competitions. Bringing different backgrounds and academic disciplines together strengthens the team—and Grebel’s community.
This edition of Grebel Now also tells stories of how the Arts at Grebel nourish the mind in our commitment to Theology, Religious Studies, PACS, History, Mennonite Studies, and Sociology. And our spirits are fed through talented musicians, student passion for drama, and creating a place for visual arts in our Grebel Gallery.
This issue of Grebel Now embraces Grebel’s history of belonging and friendship from its early years to today. Alumni and students alike share how their view of the world has been impacted by both residence life and academic courses. You will read about the “Grebel Sings” integration initiative and a Peace and Conflict Studies course that is creating conversations between PACS and Engineering students. You will also notice that this issue includes Grebel’s 2017-18 Annual Report. We have had a good year!
As you read this issue of Grebel Now, you will notice the many intersections between stories. Links abound, whether it is people, programs, ideas, or aspirations that bind everything at Grebel together.
This issue of Grebel Now delves into some of Grebel’s opportunities for experiential learning: PACS internships, music ensembles, the Supervised Experience in Ministry for Theological Studies students, the Epp Peace Incubator in the Centre for Peace Advancement, plus continuing education workshops from the Conflict Management Certificate Program and Anabaptist Learning Workshop. Students are graduating with a deep understanding of their chosen field, complete with desirable, practical skills for the workplace.
This issue of Grebel Now highlights the strong growth and deep impact of Grebel’s Theological Studies (TS) program. TS at Grebel encompasses the Master of Theological Studies degree, (a conjoint degree with the University of Waterloo), Anabaptist Learning Workshop (a partnership with Mennonite Church Eastern Canada), and Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre (a teaching and research centre affiliated with the Toronto School of Theology).
Creating a growing community education program is part of who we are at Grebel and part of our strategic visioning plan. This edition of Grebel Now includes stories and examples of ways in which our faculty, students, and alumni are engaged in education in various communities.
Grebel Now
Conrad Grebel University College
140 Westmount Road North
Waterloo, ON, Canada, N2L 3G6
Programs at Grebel
Certificate Programs
Mennonite Studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Theological Studies
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