Notable News

In and Around Grebel

Heirlooms Find a Safe Place in Archives

Bender Bible returns to Canada

The “Bender Bible”—a 1744 Froschauer Bible—is in Grebel’s custody through a cooperative agreement with Mennonite Historical Library at Goshen College, IN. In May, more than 125 members of the Bender family gathered to see the Bible, hear a historical background, and to celebrate its return. Printed in Alsace, France, the Bible came to Canada in 1832 with Jacob and Magdalene Bender, an Amish immigrant family.

Bender family with Bible at Grebel

Martyrs Mirror Saved from destruction

The Canadian Conservation Institute spent nearly 700 hours rescuing one of the Milton Good Library copies of the 1780 Der blutige Schau-Platz (Martyrs Mirror) from almost certain destruction. From its mouldy, water-stained, and torn state, the Schlegel family heirloom has been cleaned, repaired, deloused, and rebound.

restored martyrs mirror

Both books are available to view by appointment with archivist-Librarian Laureen Harder-Gissing:

Journal Builds Global Academic Community

The Conrad Grebel Review (CGR) builds community by providing a forum for scholars, researchers, and practitioners from various disciplines. As the academic journal published by the College, CGR seeks to advance thoughtful, sustained discussions of theology, peace, society, and culture from broadly-based Anabaptist/Mennonite perspectives.

In doing so CGR links authors and readers from Mennonite and public institutions, agencies, and churches around the world. CGR’s editors heartily welcome contributions from established and emerging scholars that engage ongoing conversations and blaze new trails of inquiry. 

Published three times a year, CGR is available in print and online.

Jeremy Bergen (CGR editor 2010-2017) and Derek Suderman (current CGR editor) with stack of all published CGR issues.

Pictured above (left to right) are Jeremy Bergen (CGR editor 2010-2017) and Derek Suderman (current CGR editor).

Canadian Boomerfest: Boomers and Spirituality

Jane Kuepfer, Schlegel Specialist in Spirituality and Aging, brought a keynote address to baby boomers gathered at Siloam United Church in London, October 17-19. This inaugural event brought together specialists in spirituality and aging from across North America, including Rabbi Richard Address, Dr. Reginald Bibby, Rev. Dr. Craig Kennet Miller, Mardi Tindal, Rev. Dr. Will Randolph, and Dr. Paul Links.

Conversations revolved around understanding the cultural context of the baby boom cohort and their relationship with spirituality and faith communities, as well as the spiritual challenges of the retirement years; the meaning of dependence and community, and the importance of mental health and caregiving support; spiritual discovery and growth; and cultivation of spiritual resources.

Jane Kuepfer

Building Community in the Wilderness

There are many ways to build community—even by paddling through the wilderness! Earlier this fall, the Anabaptist Learning Workshop (ALW) hosted its first backcountry workshop in Massasauga Provincial Park. Led by Tanya Dyck Steinmann and Mark Diller Harder, participants spent four days paddling, camping, portaging, and exploring spiritual practices together. One participant commented on how “disconnected from responsibilities and devices, the trip created space for reflection on faith and spirituality.” The ALW is a program of Mennonite Church Eastern Canada in cooperation with Conrad Grebel University College.

ALW participants on canoe trip

Mental Health Workshops

A recent article in the Toronto Star was headlined  “Continuing education empowers mental health.” With that in mind, check out the upcoming workshops offered in the Conflict Management Certificate Program, particularly those offered in 2019, including the recently added “Mental Health First Aid and Conflict” workshop. 

Margaret Van Herk Paradis leading conflict management session