MCEC Terminates Ministerial Credential

October 20, 2020 — Mennonite Church Eastern Canada announces the termination of the ministerial credential of John D. Rempel of Niagara-on-the Lake, Ontario, following an investigation into multiple complaints of ministerial sexual misconduct. Marcus Shantz, President of Conrad Grebel University College, brought the complaint forward after receiving disclosures from former undergraduate residence students about sexual misconduct they had experienced while Rempel served as Chaplain, residence director, and Adjunct Professor at Grebel from 1973 until 1989. No complainants were minors at the time of the alleged incidents.

MCEC appointed an independent investigation team to investigate the complaints, according to the Ministerial Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedure, a denominational protocol. MCEC’s Leadership Council received the investigation report. Based on the evidence from the investigation, Rempel’s own acknowledgement of certain incidents of misconduct and a hearing process, Leadership Council found Rempel guilty of ministerial sexual misconduct and ministerial misconduct. Leadership Council considered the range of disciplinary options, and due to the serious nature of the findings, terminated Rempel’s ministerial credential.

MCEC does not terminate a pastor’s credential lightly. John D. Rempel was, and is, for many people, a beloved pastor, professor and theologian. His ministry was wide-ranging, and we will have to reconcile the tension that human beings have the capacity to cause much harm and pain even while they have also done much good for the church.

We as a faith community must support paths that lead to healing and wholeness for all. As a Regional Church, we will do our best to walk alongside all those who are impacted.

We are indebted to the courage of those who have come forward to share their stories. We thank you for showing us what it means to be brave and vulnerable and we are sorry that you experienced this harm.

MCEC holds all pastors to a high standard of ethical conduct. We have policies, procedures and training for pastoral leaders that promote safe and ethical interactions between pastors and participants in our faith communities. MCEC commits to ongoing review and strengthening of these safeguards. In addition, MCEC also has a web-based resource for understanding, reporting and responding to sexual misconduct by church leaders.

We pray for God’s grace and compassionate love to support and enfold all those affected. In the same spirit, we invite your prayers for everyone involved.


Grebel Policy 21: Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence

University of Waterloo Policy 42: Prevention and Response to Sexual Violence

University of Waterloo Sexual Violence Prevention and Response Resources | 519-888-4567 ext. 40025


Sexual Assault Support Centre of Waterloo Region | 519-741-8633

Community Justice Initiatives
24/7 helpline 1-866-877-0015

Victim Services | | 519-585-2363

Ontario Women’s Justice Network


Reporting Sexual Misconduct by Leaders

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