A Sampling of Scholarship

In addition to classroom teaching, faculty and other academic personnel at Grebel accomplish a wide range of scholarship and service in the academy, church, and community. Here is just a sampling of recent activities and achievements.

JENNIFER BALL facilitated a session on “Circle: A Tool for Understanding Changing Demographics” at the annual conference of the Ontario Professional Planners Institute.

ALICIA BATTEN published “Gender” in The Ancient Mediterranean Social World. A Sourcebook, ed. Zeba A. Crook (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2020), 141-56.

JEREMY BERGEN published “The Ecumenical Vocation of Anabaptist Theology,” in Recovering from the Anabaptist Vision: New Essays in Anabaptist Identity and Theological Method, ed. Laura Schmidt Roberts, Paul Martens, and Myron Penner (New York: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2020), 103-126.

MARLENE EPP convened a panel to discuss “Conservative Anabaptist Groups and Covid-19.” It is available for viewing on YouTube. youtu.be/Bey2778deNY

NATHAN FUNK has written the “Conclusion” chapter for Bessma Momani and Thomas Juneau’s edited book, Canada and the Middle East, forthcoming from the University of Toronto Press.

LAUREEN HARDER-GISSING published “‘White, Mennonite readers are asking questions about Indian people’: Indigenous peoples and issues in the pages of Mennonite Reporter, 1972-1997.” Canadian Society of Church History, June 2, 2020.

PAUL HEIDEBRECHT published “MCC as an incubator for new approaches to relief, development and peace” in Intersections: MCC Theory and Practice Quarterly 8/2 (Spring 2020).

JANE KUEPFER published an article about supporting the spiritual resources of those working in long-term care in the Ontario Long-term Care Association’s publication, Long Term Care Today.

ERIC LEPP presented to the British International Studies Association – Peacekeeping and Peacebuilding Working Group in an online event titled, “Indiana Jones and the temple of scholarly doom/ eternal light: Navigating peace and conflict fieldwork.” Eric also delivered Grebel’s first virtual Faculty Forum titled, “Side-by-Sidedness: A conceptual rethinking of post- peace agreement encounter in everyday Belfast” based on research from his PhD thesis.

DAVID NEUFELD’s article titled, “‘As Far as the Records Dictate’: Archival Logics in Anabaptist Source Collections” will appear in German translation in the journal Mennonitica Helvetica.

REINA NEUFELDT co-authored “Gaps in knowledge about local peacebuilding: a study in deficiency from Jos, Nigeria,” Third World Quarterly, with PACS instructor Mary Lou Klassen, MPACS alumna Jessica Dyck, and Jos-based colleagues John Danboyi and Mugu Zakka Bako.

CAROL PENNER gave virtual presentations of her C. Henry Smith Peace Scholar lecture entitled “#MennonitesToo: Sexual Violence and Mennonite Peace Theology” for Goshen College and Bluffton University. It was also presented virtually as Grebel’s Benjamin Eby Lecture. grebel.ca/eby

DEREK SUDERMAN had two articles published in Canadian Mennonite: “In a Perfect Storm” (July 15, 2020) and “Forged in Disorientation” (Oct. 26, 2020)—both relating the Bible and the Christian tradition to the context of the pandemic. He has also been working on several writing projects related to the Psalms, and taught a nine-hour open course on Zoom, titled “The Cry of the Oppressed: Lament Psalms and their Relevance Today” (“El Grito del Oprimido”) for the Colombian Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Bogota, Colombia.

MAISIE SUM delivered a scholarly presentation at the 65th Society for Ethnomusicology Annual Meeting in October titled, “It’s a party, don’t call it a lila: Commodification and the Misappropriation of Gnawa Cultural Heritage.”

KAREN SUNABACKA completed Wandering for solo bass clarinet that will be premiered online by Music alumna Kathryn Ladano in a NUMUS concert and a twelve- minute solo piano piece titled, Spider Solitaire. On December 20th, Orchestre Métropolitain (Montreal) will perform her string orchestra piece, Born by the River (2012).

MARK VUORINEN released This Love Between Us, a new CD with The Elora Singers, this past June. The recording contains new music by Indian-American composer Reena Esmail and Odawa First Nations composers

KATE KENNEDY STEINER recorded a workshop for high school music teachers on Music for Life.

“One of my jobs as a choral director is to provide students with skills to use either as singers or instrumentalists to incorporate music throughout their life.”