In addition to classroom teaching, faculty and other academic personnel at Grebel accomplish a wide range of scholarship and service in the academy, church, and community. Here is a sampling of recent activities and achievements.
ALICIA BATTEN published a chapter “James the Dramatist” in Who Was ‘James’? Essays on the Letter’s Authorship and Provenance, edited by Eve-Marie Becker, Sigurvin Lárus Jónsson, and Susanne Luther (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2022), 313-330.
JEREMY BERGEN presented a paper, “Christian Martyrdom, Cultural Trauma, and Conspiracies of Silence,” and contributed to a panel discussion on the papal apologies and visit to Canada at the annual meetings of the Canadian Theological Society in May.
LAURA GRAY has been appointed as President of the Canadian University Music Society for a 2-year term. She was previously Vice-President.
LAUREEN HARDER-GISSING gave a presentation entitled “’What was Lost, What Remains, What is Possible’: Attempts at Truth and Reconciliation in a Mennonite Archives,” at the Indigenous-Mennonite Encounters in Time and Place conference and community education event held at Grebel in May 2022.
PAUL HEIDEBRECHT published an article entitled “PeaceTech” in IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 41/3, September 2022.
JANE KUEPFER published “Supporting Spirits in Changing Circumstances: Pandemic Lessons for Long-Term Care and Retirement Homes” in the Religions journal special issue entitled “Spirituality and Aging: Finding Meaning in the Context of Personal and Societal Change” for which she served as guest editor.
ERIC LEPP published two new journal articles: ‘Civil Sanctuary: Clearly marked spaces of civility in divided urban settings’ in Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding and ‘A Side-by-Side Methodological Approach: Shared experience, informality, and adaptation’ in Qualitative Research.
DAVID Y. NEUFELD presented research entitled “Archiving Anabaptist Error: Officers, Information Management, and the Project to Rid Zurich of Dissent” at the meetings of the Sixteenth Century Society and Conference, October 2022.
CAROL PENNER co-edited and published Resistance: Confronting Abuse, Power And Violence in Peace Churches with Cameron Altaras (Elkhart, IN, Institute of Mennonite Studies, 2022).
JOHONNA MCCANTS-TURNER published an article co-authored with Michelle Garred “Far beyond a tool: Do No Harm as spiritual (trans)formation for interfaith cooperation and action,” in Development in Practice, 2022, and was the invited keynote speaker for the Virtual Peacemaking Colloquium 2022: Restoring and Reaffirming Sacred Relationships through PeaceCircles - A Resiliency Model, held in September.
REINA NEUFELDT presented her research on “Mennonites as Implicated Subjects in Treaty 1 Territory” at the Indigenous Mennonite Encounters in Time and Space gathering and conference held at Grebel in May 2022.
DEREK SUDERMAN taught three international, week-long courses for local pastors and leaders this summer: “The People of God in the Old Testament” in Cuba (in Spanish) and “The Importance of the Old Testament for Followers of Jesus” in two locations in Thailand.
MAISIE SUM delivered the keynote address for the 23rd annual Western University Graduate Symposium on Music in August 2022, titled “Rules, Rites, and Respect: Performing Black Moroccan Music and Culture in a New Era.”
KAREN SUNABACKA released her first album of all her solo piano works with pianist Darryl Friesen (pictured above) on September 23, 2022. The album, titled Curlicue, is available to download or stream digitally as well as in CD format.
MARK VUORINEN has recorded a CD of new music at the CBC’s Glenn Gould Studio with the Elora Singers and TorQ Percussion Quartet to be released in spring 2023 and include works by Carmen Braden, Paul Frehner, Melody McKiver, and Annika Socolofsky.