2023 Alumni Events

Thanks to the 500+ alumni who came out to Grebel reunions and gatherings this year! We enjoyed a four-College Beer and Bites tour, a Blue Jays game, and dinner in Toronto with MEDA participants. The era reunion this year was the late ’80s, who put on a show with special guests Bil Weber and the Glum Bunch, other musical acts, and much reminiscing. All Grebelites were invited back for a 60th Anniversary reunion and picnic, hosted by Pete and Kendra Whitfield Ellis. Other activities that day included Ultimate Frisbee, a hymn sing led by several guest conductors including Len Enns, a retired faculty panel, a bouncy castle and kids activities, and a huge picnic with alumni and students. We’ve celebrated well this year!


blue jays


On October 11, Grebel celebrated its 60th Anniversary with a special Gala dinner! With guests from every decade, this event paid homage to Grebel’s weekly Community Supper tradition. Guests enjoyed a delicious dinner and listened to keynote speaker, UWaterloo President Vivek Goel, who spoke about Waterloo at 100. Current students also shared some Community Supper announcements, and Grebel President Marcus Shantz announced the beginning of a new capital campaign for the renewal of Grebel’s iconic residence building. Thank you to everyone who attended! vivek

alumni group pic



reunion crowd


