ALICIA BATTEN published “The Letter of James in the Divine Liturgy” in “To Recover What Has Been Lost”: Essays on Eschatology, Intertextuality, and Reception History in Honor of Dale C. Allison Jr., edited by Tucker Ferda, Daniel Frayer-Griggs, and Nathan C. Johnson, 337-350. NovTSupp 183 (Leiden: Brill, 2020) and served as the general editor for Review of Biblical Literature 22 (Atlanta: SBL Press, 2020).
JEREMY BERGEN was an invited presenter at the Mennonite Church Canada study conference “Table Talk: Does the Church Still Have Legs?” held online October 24, 2020.
Jeremy Bergen
MARLENE EPP presented a paper on Mennonites and dress at the virtual workshop “In/visible Bodies: Gender, Religion, and Politics” at the Université Laval on March 26 and 27, 2021.
PAUL HEIDEBRECHT published “Peacebuilding and the Norms of Technological Change” Toda Peace Institute Policy Brief No. 103 (February 2021) and held a webinar through the Network for Education and Research on Peace and Sustainability titled “PeaceTech and the Prospects for Critically Engaging Technology to Advance Peace and Sustainability.”
JANE KUEPFER recorded a podcast with Dementia Dialogues, and published “Emerging from a winter of grief” in Embracing Change, and “Seeds of hope: Spiritual resources for stressful times” in the Ontario Association of Residents Council’s Seasons publication.
ERIC LEPP was named a Curriculum Fellow with the Washington, DC-based International Center for Nonviolent Conflict for his role in the development and delivery of PACS 610: Contemporary Nonviolent Movements offered in winter 2021 as part of the Master of Peace and Conflict Studies program.
REINA NEUFELDT presented her current research on “Conscripts of the Nation: Exploring Mennonites as Implicated Subjects in Treaty One Territory” at a Faculty Forum (February 2021).
KATE STEINER’s article “The Scribe of W1 and His Scottish Context” will be published in the Journal of Musicology in the summer issue, vol. 38, no. 3.
DEREK SUDERMAN wrote “Faith Forged in Disorientation”, an article published in Canadian Mennonite, October 26, 2020 and taught a course titled “El Grito del Oprimido: Los Salmos de Lamentación y Su Pertenencia para Hoy” (“The Cry of the Oppressed: Lament Psalms and their Significance for Today”) for the Mennonite Seminary in Bogotá, Colombia (ZOOM, October 2020).
KAREN SUNABACKA’s newest piece …our inner lives were entwined…embroidered by the same pattern for solo piano was premiered on March 20th by pianist Naomi Woo and Virtuosi Concerts. Wandering for solo Bass Clarinet was written for Kathryn Ladano in Summer 2020 and was premiered on a NUMUS concert in April 2021.
Kathryn Ladano graduated in 1999 with a BA in Music.
MARK VUORINEN and the Grand Philharmonic Choir received funding from the Canada Council for the Arts for a project called Sing Across, Canada/ Chantons Ensemble, Canada to commission a new work to be performed and recorded remotely by five choirs across Canada.