Sun Z, Zhu Y, Dubin JA. Noisy matrix completion for longitudinal data with subject- and time-specific covariates. Accepted, Canadian Journal of Statistics, 2025.
Tompkins G, Dubin JA, Wallace M. On flexible inverse probability of treatment and intensity weighting: Informative censoring, variable selection, and weight trimming. Accepted, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 2024.
Mussavi Rizi M, Dubin JA, Wallace M. Dynamic treatment regimes on dyadic networks. Statistics in Medicine, 43(30): 5944-5967, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1002/sim.10278
Sun Z, Zhu Y, Dubin JA. Estimation of network treatment effects with nonignorable missing confounders. Journal of Causal Inference, 12(1): 20220079, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1515/jci-2022-0079
Gohari MR, Doggett A, Patte KA, Ferro M, Dubin JA, Hilario C, Leatherdale ST. Using random forest to identify correlates of depression symptoms among adolescents. Published online, Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00127-024-02695-1
Sahu KS, Dubin JA, Majowicz S, Liu S, Morita PP. Revealing the mysteries of population mobility amid the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada: Comparative analysis with Internet of Things-based thermostat data and Google Mobility insights. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2024;10:e46903. https://publichealth.jmir.org/2024/1/e46903
Sen A, Stevens NT, Tran NK, Agarwal RR, Zhang Q, Dubin JA. Forecasting daily COVID-19 cases with gradient boosted regression trees and other methods: Evidence from U.S. cities. Frontiers in Public Health (Infectious Diseases: Epidemiology and Prevention Section), 2023, 11:12594102023. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2023.1259410
Yeh C-K, Rice G, Dubin JA. Functional spherical autocorrelation: a robust estimate of the autocorrelation of a functional time series. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 17: 650-687, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1214/23-EJS2112
Battista K, Diao L, Patte KA, Dubin JA, Leatherdale ST. Examining the use of decision trees in population health surveillance research: An application to youth mental health survey data in the COMPASS study. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada, 43(2): 73-86, 2023. https://doi.org/10.24095/hpcdp.43.2.03
Yeh C-K, Rice G, Dubin JA. Evaluating real-time probabilistic forecasts with application to National Basketball Association outcome prediction. The American Statistician, 76(3): 214-223, 2022. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/epub/10.1080/00031305.2021.1967781
Battista K, Patte KA, Diao L, Dubin JA, Leatherdale ST. Using decision trees to examine environmental and behavioural factors associated with youth anxiety, depression, and flourishing. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(17): 10873, 2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710873
Feng S, Dubin JA. Identifying early-measured variables associated with APACHE IVa providing incorrect in-hospital mortality predictions for critical care patients. Scientific Reports, 11:22203, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-01290-7
Sharafoddini A, Dubin JA, Lee J. Identifying subpopulations of septic patients: A temporal data-driven approach. Computers in Biology and Medicine, 2021. 130:104182. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compbiomed.2020.104182
Sahu KS, Majowicz S, Dubin JA, Morita PP. NextGen public health surveillance and the Internet of Things (IoT). Frontiers in Public Health, 9:756675, 2021. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpubh.2021.756675
Ji K, Dubin JA. A semiparametric stochastic mixed effects model for bivariate cyclic longitudinal data. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 48(3): 471-498, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1002/cjs.11543
Feng S, Dubin JA. APACHE IV is an accurate measure of predicting in- hospital mortality of ICU patients, but there are covariates associated with its occasional failure - a multicentre analysis of intensive care units. Research Square, 2020. https://doi.org/10.21203/rs.3.rs-125430/v1 (Technical Report)
Yeh C-Y, Rice G, Dubin JA. Evaluating real-time probabilistic forecasts with application to National Basketball Association outcome prediction. arXiv:2010.00781; Methodology (stat.ME), 2020.
Xu Y, Lee J, Dubin JA. Similarity-based random survival forest. arXiv:1903.01029, 2019. (August 2019)
Yang Y, Hirdes JP, Dubin JA, Lee J. Fall risk classification in community-dwelling older adults using a smart wrist-worn device and the Resident Assessment Instrument-Home Care (RAI-HC): Prospective observational study. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR) - Aging, 2(1), e12153, 2019. http://dx.doi.org/10.2196/12153, June 2019
Sharafoddini A, Dubin JA, Maslove DM, Lee J. A new insight into missing data in intensive care unit patient profiles: observational study. JMIR (Journal of Medical Internet Research) – Medical Informatics, 7(1): e11605, 2019. DOI: 10.2196/11605, January 2019.
I. E. R. Waudby-Smith, N. Tran, J. A. Dubin, and J. Lee. Sentiment in nursing notes as an indicator of out-of-hospital mortality in intensive care patients. PLoS ONE, 13(6): e0198687, June 2018.
B. Y. Kim, A. Sharafoddini, N. Tran, E. Y. Wen, and J. Lee. Consumer mobile apps for potential drug-drug interaction check: systematic review and content analysis using the mobile app rating scale (MARS). JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 6(3):e74, March 2018.
K. L. Tulsieram, J. Arocha, and J. Lee. Readability and coherence of department/ministry of health HPV information. Journal of Cancer Education, 33(1):147-153, February 2018.
D. Trtovac and J. Lee. The use of technology in identifying hospital malnutrition: scoping review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 6(1):e4, January 2018.
A. Puri, B. Kim, O. Nguyen, P. Stolee, J. Tung, and J. Lee. User acceptance of wrist-worn activity trackers among community-dwelling older adults: mixed method study. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(11):e173, November 2017.
C. Chen, J. Lee, A. E. Johnson, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, and J. Danziger. Right ventricular function, peripheral edema, and acute kidney injury in critical illness. Kidney International Reports, 2(6):1059-1065, November 2017.
A. Staszewska, P. Zaki , and J. Lee. Computerized decision aids for shared decision making in serious illness: systematic review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(4):e36, October 2017.
A. Bhattarai, A. Zarrin, and J. Lee. Applications of information and communications technologies to public health: A scoping review using the MeSH term “public health informatics”. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics, 9(2):e192, September 2017.
L. Fuchs, M. Feng, V. Novack, J. Lee, J. Taylor, D. Scott, M. Howell, L. Celi, and D. Talmor. The effect of ARDS on survival: do patients die from ARDS or with ARDS? Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, published online first, 2017.
N. N. Tran and J. Lee. Online reviews as health data: examining the association between availability of health care services and patient star ratings exemplified by the Yelp academic dataset. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 3(3):e43, July 2017.
B. Y. Kim and J. Lee. Smart devices for older adults managing chronic disease: a scoping review. JMIR mHealth and uHealth, 5(5):e69, May 2017.
A. Sharafoddini, J. A. Dubin, and J. Lee. Patient similarity in prediction models based on health data: a scoping review. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(1):e7, March 2017.
R. E. Laxer, R. C. Brownson, J. A. Dubin, M. Cooke, A. Chaurasia, and S. T. Leatherdale. Clustering of risk-related modifiable behaviours and their association with overweight and obesity among a large sample of youth in the COMPASS study. BMC Public Health, 17:102, January 2017.
J. Lee. Patient-specific predictive modeling using random forests: an observational study for the critically ill. JMIR Medical Informatics, 5(1):e3, January 2017.
J. Lee and D. M. Maslove. Customization of a severity of illness score using local electronic medical record data. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 32(1):38-47, January 2017.
D. M. Maslove, J. A. Dubin, A. Shrivats, and J. Lee. Errors, omissions, and outliers in hourly vital signs measurements in intensive care. Critical Care Medicine, 44(11):e1021-e1030, November 2016.
R. Ling and J. Lee. Disease monitoring and health campaign evaluation using Google search activities for HIV and AIDS, stroke, colorectal cancer, and marijuana use in Canada: a retrospective observational study. JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 2(2):e156, October 2016.
J. Lee, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, and J. Danziger. Proton pump inhibitors are not associated with acute kidney injury in critical illness. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 56(12):1500-1506, September 2016.
M. D. Boone, J. Massa, A. Mueller, S. P. Jinadasa, J. Lee, R. Kothari, D. J. Scott, J. Callahan, L. A. Celi, and M. R. Hacker. The organizational structure of an intensive care unit influences treatment of hypotension among critically ill patients: A retrospective cohort study. Journal of Critical Care, 33:14-18, June 2016.
J. Danziger, K. Chen, S. Cavender, J. Lee, M. Feng, R. G. Mark, K. J. Mukamal, and L. A. Celi. Admission peripheral edema, central venous pressure, and survival in critically ill patients. Annals of the American Thoracic Society, 13(5):705-711, May 2016.
A. Moskowitz, J. Lee, M. Donnino, R. Mark, L. A. Celi, and J. Danziger. The Association between admission magnesium concentrations and lactic acidosis in critical illness. Journal of Intensive Care Medicine, 31(3):187-192, March 2016.
J. Danziger, K. P. Chen, J. Lee, M. Feng, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, and K. J. Mukamal. Obesity, acute kidney injury, and mortality in critical illness. Critical Care Medicine, 44(2):328-334, February 2016.
J. Lee, E. Ribey, and J. R. Wallace. A web-based data visualization tool for the MIMIC-II database. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 16:15, February 2016.
K. Chen, S. Cavender, J. Lee, M. Feng, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, K. J. Mukamal, and J. Danziger. Peripheral edema, central venous pressure, and risk of acute kidney injury in critical illness. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 11, doi:10.2215/CJN.08080715, January 2016.
M. G. Shrime, B. S. Ferket, D. J. Scott, J. Lee, D. Bradford, T. Pollard, Y. M. Arabi, H. M. Al-Dorzi, R. M. Baron, M. G. Myriam Hunink, L. A. Celi, and P. S. Lai. Time-limited trials of intensive care for critically ill patients with cancer: How long is long enough? JAMA Oncology, 2(1):76-83, January 2016.
J. D. Raffa and J. A. Dubin. Multivariate longitudinal data analysis with mixed effects hidden Markov chain models. Biometrics, 71(3):821-831, September 2015.
J. Lee and D. M. Maslove. Using information theory to identify redundancy in common laboratory tests. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 15:59, July 2015.
K. P. Chen, J. Lee, R. G. Mark, M. Feng, L. A. Celi, B. E. Malley, and J. Danziger. Proton pump inhibitor use is not associated with cardiac arrhythmia in critically ill patients. The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 55(7):774-779, July 2015.
E. J. de Louw, P. O. Sun, J. Lee, M. Feng, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, K. J. Mukamal, and J. Danziger. Increased incidence of diuretic use in critically ill obese patients. Journal of Critical Care, 30(3):619-623, June 2015.
J. Lee, D. M. Maslove, and J. A. Dubin. Personalized mortality prediction driven by electronic medical data and a patient similarity metric. PLOS ONE, 10(5):e0127428, May 2015.
J. Lee, M. Niemi, R. Nelson, R. G. Mark, L. A. Celi, K. J. Mukamal, and J. Danziger. Association between fluid balance and survival in critically ill patients. Journal of Internal Medicine, 277(4):468-477, April 2015.
S. A. Navarro-Silvera, S. T. Mayne, M. D. Gammon, T. L. Vaughn, W-H Chow, J. A. Dubin, R. Dubrow, J. L. Stanford, A. B. West, H. Rotterdam, W. J. Blot, and H. A. Risch. Diet and lifestyle factors and risk of subtypes of esophageal and gastric cancers: classification tree analysis. Annals of Epidemiology, 24(1):50-57, January 2014.
S. A. Khan, G. S. Chiu, and J. A. Dubin. Therapeutic hypothermia: quantification of the transition of core body temperature using the flexible mixture bent-cable model for longitudinal data. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 55(4):369-385, December 2013.
L. A. Celi, D. J. Scott, J. Lee, S. L. Alper, K. J. Mukamal, R. G. Mark, and J. Danziger. Association of hypermagnesemia and blood pressure in the critically ill. Journal of Hypertension, 31(11):2136-2141, November 2013.
L. Fuchs, J. Lee, V. Novack, Y. Baumfeld, D. J. Scott, L. Celi, T. Mandelbaum, M. Howell, and D. Talmor. Severity of acute kidney injury and two-year outcomes in critically ill patients. Chest, 144(3):866-875, September 2013.
J. Danziger, J. H. William, D. J. Scott, J. Lee, L. Lehman, R. G. Mark, M. D. Howell, L. A. Celi, and K. J. Mukamal. Proton-pump inhibitor use is associated with low serum magnesium concentrations. Kidney International, 83(4):692-699, April 2013.
T. Mandelbaum, J. Lee, D. J. Scott, R. G. Mark, A. Malhotra, M. D. Howell, and D. Talmor. Empirical relationships among oliguria, creatinine, mortality, and renal replacement therapy in the critically ill. Intensive Care Medicine, 39(3):414-419, March 2013.
D. J. Scott, J. Lee, I. Silva, S. Park, G. B. Moody, L. A. Celi, and R. G. Mark. Accessing the public MIMIC-II intensive care relational database for clinical research. BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 13:9, January 2013.
S. A. Khan, M. Rana, L. Li, and J. A. Dubin. A statistical investigation to monitor and understand atmospheric CFC decline with the spatial-longitudinal bent-cable model. International Journal of Statistics & Probability, 1(2):56-68, November 2012.
L. A. Celi, S. Galvin, G. Davidzon, J. Lee, D. Scott, and R. Mark. A database-driven decision support system: customized mortality prediction. Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2(4):138-148, September 2012.
I. Silva, J. Lee, and R. G. Mark. Signal quality estimation with multichannel adaptive filtering in intensive care settings. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 59(9):2476-2485, September 2012.
J. Lee, R. Kothari, J. A. Ladapo, D. J. Scott, and L. A. Celi. Interrogating a clinical database to study treatment of hypotension in the critically ill. BMJ Open, 2:e000916, June 2012.
S. Hunziker, L. Celi, J. Lee, and M. D. Howell. Red cell distribution width improves the SAPS score for risk prediction in unselected critically ill patients (PDF). Critical Care, 16:R89, May 2012.
J. Lee, S. Nemati, I. Silva, B. A. Edwards, J. P. Butler, and A. Malhotra. Transfer entropy estimation and directional coupling change detection in biomedical time series (PDF). BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 11:19, April 2012.
L. A. Celi, J. Lee, D. J. Scott, T. Panch, and R. G. Mark. Collective experience: a database-fuelled, inter-disciplinary team-led learning system. Journal of Computing Science and Engineering, 6(1):51-59, March 2012.
2011 or earlier
T. Mandelbaum, D. J. Scott, J. Lee, R. G. Mark, A. Malhotra, S. S. Waikar, M. D. Howell, and D. Talmor. Outcome of critically ill patients with acute kidney injury using the Acute Kidney Injury Network criteria. Critical Care Medicine, 39(12):2659-2664, December 2011.
S. N. Navarro-Silvera, S. T. Mayne, H. Risch, M. D. Gammon, T. Vaughn, W-H Chow, J. A. Dubin, R. Dubrow, J. Schoenberg, J. L. Stanford, A. B. West, H. Rotterdam, and W. J. Blot. Principal components analysis of dietary and lifestyle patterns on the risk of subtypes of esophageal and gastric cancer. Annals of Epidemiology, 21(7):543-550, July 2011.
J. Lee and R. G. Mark. An investigation of patterns in hemodynamic data indicative of impending hypotension in intensive care (PDF). BioMedical Engineering OnLine, 9:62, October 2010.
X. Xiong and J. A. Dubin, A binning method for analyzing mixed longitudinal data measured at distinct time points. Statistics in Medicine, 29(18):1919-1931, August 2010.
J. A. Dubin and S. S. O’Malley. Event charts for the analysis of adverse events in longitudinal studies: an example from a smoking cessation pharmacotherapy trial (PSF). The Open Epidemiology Journal, 3:34-41, July 2010.
S. A. Khan, G. Chiu, and J. A. Dubin. Atmospheric concentration of chlorofluorocarbons: addressing the global concern with the longitudinal bent-cable model. CHANCE, 22(3):8-17, September 2009.
T. R. Fried, P. H. Van Ness, A. L. Byers, V. R. Towle, J. R. O’Leary, and J. A. Dubin. Changes in preferences for life-sustaining treatment among older persons with advanced illness. Journal of General Internal Medicine, 22(4):495-501, April 2007.
P. E. Wainwright, S. E. Leatherdale, and J. A. Dubin. Advantages of mixed effects models over traditional ANOVA models in developmental studies: a worked example in a mouse model of fetal alcohol syndrome. Developmental Psychobiology, 49(7):664-674, November 2007.
J. A. Dubin, L. Han, and T. R. Fried. Triggered sampling could help improve longitudinal studies of persons with elevated mortality risk. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 60(3):288-293, March 2007.
T. R. Fried, A. L. Byers, W. T. Gallo, P. H. Van Ness, V. R. Towle, J. R. O’Leary, and J. A. Dubin. Prospective study of health status preferences and changes in preferences over time in older adults. Archives of Internal Medicine, 166(8):890-895, April 2006.
J. A. Dubin and H. G. Müller. Dynamical correlation for multivariate longitudinal data. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100:872-881, September 2005.
S. E. Hardy, J. A. Dubin, T. R. Holford, and T. M. Gill. Transitions between states of disability and independence among older persons. American Journal of Epidemiology, 161(6):575-584, March 2005.
G. A. Kaysen, J. A. Dubin, H. G. Müller, W. E. Mitch, N. W. Levin, and The HEMO Group. Levels of α 1 acid glycoprotein and ceruloplasmin predict future albumin levels in hemodialysis patients. Kidney International, 60(6):2360-2366, December 2001.
J. A. Dubin, H. G. Müller, and J. L. Wang. Event history graphs for censored survival data. Statistics in Medicine, 20(19):2951-2964, October 2001.
G. A. Kaysen, J. A. Dubin, H. G. Müller, L. M. Rosales, N. W. Levin, and The HEMO Group. The acute phase response varies with time and predicts serum albumin levels in hemodialysis patients. Kidney International, 58(1):346-352, July 2000.
J. J. Lee, K. H. Hess, and J. A. Dubin. Extensions and applications of event charts. American Statistician, 54(1):63-70, February 2000.