The Healthy Workplace Committee consists of representation from the Faculty Association, the Staff Association, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 793, the Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association, Graduate Student Association, and from the following University Departments: Human Resources, and Occupational Health.
As of April 2023, the Healthy Workplace Committee is as follows:
Human Resources
- Lee Hornberger, Director, Total Rewards
- Melanie Will, Director, Talent Management
- Lisa Yuhasz, Director, Employee Relations and Planning
Occupational Health
- Karen Parkinson, RN, COHN(C), Occupational Health Manager
Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 793
- Ralph Wind, Plant Operations
The University of Waterloo of Staff Association (UWSA)
- To be annouced
Faculty Association of the University of Waterloo (FAUW)
- Omar M. Ramahi, Faculty of engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor
Waterloo Undergraduate Student Association (WUSA)
- Alana Guevara
Graduate Student Association (GSA-UW)
- Kaylee Biggart