Two-factor authentication
IST recently launched a two-factor authentication service (2FA). Powered by DUO, 2FA adds an extra layer of security to your University accounts by requiring you to verify your identity using a second factor (such as your mobile device) before logging into or accessing a specific service.
Download the DUO Mobile app and enrol your device today!
Streamlining IT support for students
Created specifically for Waterloo students, the new Student IT Services website provides information on the IT services available to them in one convenient place. Students can quickly find information on the top used/requested IT services, explore IT support resources, chat with service desk staff, and stay in the know regarding IT service news and events.
Doing more with TeamDynamix
IST Projects page revamped 
Using a dynamic link with the Project & Portfolio Management Tool TeamDynamix (TDX), IST is able to display a current and concise summary of the planned, inflight, and operational work IST leads or supports in one convenient location.
Project and initiative details are now more readily available on the IST website, organized under 11 main categories including Business Intelligence, Analytics, Reporting & Integration; Departmental and Campus Systems; Construction and Renovation; and Organization, Governance, Policy and Standards. Projects and initiatives closed in the past year can also be viewed.
Visit the IST Projects page regularly to stay up to date on the status of this important work.
Building a Knowledge Base
Another great feature of the new PPM tool TeamDynamix is the Knowledge Base. This summer, IST will migrate IT service support and how-to material from the IST website to the TDX Knowledge Base, beginning the development of a robust repository of training and support resources for our clients.
Power shutdown in MC late August
Please note: The dates and times of this work have the potential to change. IST will confirm the timeline and provide detail on the services impacted soon.
What is happening? Plant Operations will be turning off the power in the Mathematics & Computer (MC) Building from Tuesday, August 21 to Wednesday, August 29 for building maintenance. This shutdown will affect the IST datacentre and core, wireless, and distribution networking equipment located in MC.
What is the impact? Some information systems and services will not be available during this shutdown. IST is working with application owners to determine the list of impacted services. Some of the services that will be impacted include:
- The data centers and core network will be operating without redundancy
- Wireless will be operating without redundancy
- Internet connectivity on campus will be operating with reduced bandwidth and without redundancy
When is this happening? Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, August 21 to Friday, August 24. The dates and times of this work have the potential to change.
Additional power outages: The following buildings will each have individual, one day power outages (details to be confirmed) during this period (Note: the network will be unavailable within these buildings during the outages):
- Math 3 (M3)
- General Services Complex (GSC) including the Commissary (COM) and Central Services Building (CSB)
- Davis Centre (DC)
- Chemistry 2 (C2)
Questions or concerns? Please contact the IST Service Desk, or ext. 44357.
And the winner is...
Congratulations to Kayla Dixon, who won a $25 Tim Hortons gift card for subscribing to the IST Newsletter.
Don’t miss an issue! Subscribe to the IST Newsletter today and be entered to win the last $25 Tim Hortons gift card.
There will be a total of three chances to win (i.e. fall 2017, winter 2018, and summer 2018 issues). Contest winners will be contacted directly by IST Communications.