Topic: Bomgar vs MS Teams
Date: Friday, March 26
Time: 9:00 – 9:45 a.m.
Online: Via Teams: Please follow the link below to access the session
Presenter: Will Lewis, Stephan Markan, IST
Bomgar vs MS Teams
With an entire year of Work from Home (WFH) for much of campus, IT support staff have had to explore how to provide remote support to systems.
This seminar will explore some of the lessons learned in providing Remote Help to devices. And then focus on two of the tools available for us to see what our users are seeing.
Will Lewis will provide an overview of Bomgar (BeyondTrust) as a tool for in-depth support and troubleshooting.
Stephen Markan will provide an overview of Teams for use as a triage tool for better understanding what someone is describing.
Speaker Bios:
Will Lewis
William Lewis is a computing consultant in Customer Relations and Support, Client Services, IST. Will led the investigation of remote support tools in 2008 which selected Bomgar as the university’s remote support tool. Will is the account representative for the Faculty of Arts and also provides support for the Office of Research.
Stephan Markan
Stephen has been an employee at the University of Waterloo for over 30 years. He is currently part of IST and the Client Services liaison to the Faculty of Science. He also knows a thing or two about SharePoint (hint: OneDrive is really SharePoint in disguise). When not puttering with computers, Stephen putters in the garden; and organizes tabletop gaming events throughout Waterloo region via KW Gamers.
This session will be recorded and a link added to the PDAG seminar page.
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