AttentionĀ KIN graduate students. It's that time of year again. The KGSA annual general meeting (AGM) will be held in less than a month (exact time and location will be announced soon). That means that if you, or any of your Kin grad student colleagues, are interested in any of the executive positions, please let us know:
All positions (except Past President) are open. In cases where multiple people are nominated, an online vote will determine the winner.
See below for a list of the available executive council positions. Summaries of duties/responsibilities can be found here.
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary-Treasurer
- Communications Representative
- Member At Large: Biomechanics
- Member At Large: Physiology
- Member At Large: Neuroscience
- Athletics/Social Convener
- GSA Council Representative
- Kin Department Council Representative
- AHS Faculty Council Representative