Publications list
2025/in press
E. Jaffal, S. Lee, D. Shiryaev, A. Vtorov, N. K. Barua, H. Kleinke, A. Oliynyk, Composition and Structure Analyzer/Featurizer for Explainable Machine-Learning Models to Predict Solid State Structures, Digit. Discov., in press.
A. Golabek, N. K. Barua, E. Niknam, L. T. Menezes, H. Kleinke, Large Improvements in the Thermoelectric Properties of SnSe by Fast Cooling, Materials 18, 358/1 - 8 (2025).
N. K. Barua, S. Lee, A. O. Oliynyk, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Materials Performance (zT) Predictions with Machine Learning, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 17, 1662 - 1673 (2025).
A. Golabek, N. K. Barua, L. T. Menezes, E. Niknam, Z. Yang, H. Kleinke, Influence of the Densification Process on the Thermoelectric Properties of p-type SnSe co-doped with Na and Cu as well as Na and Ag, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 7, 11852 - 11858 (2024).
Y. Rangom, O. Sherepenko, A. Shafie, A. Cholewinski, K. G. Kalligowdanadoddi, B. B. Azer, P. Jafarzadeh, B. Zhao, E. Biro, H. Kleinke, M. A. Pope, Covalent Carbide Interconnects Enable Robust Interfaces and Thin SEI for Graphite Anode Stability under Extreme Fast Charging, Adv. Sci. 11, 2408277/1 - 11 (2024).
N. K. Barua, E. Hall, Y. Cheng, A. O. Oliynyk, H. Kleinke, An Interpretable Machine Learning Model on Thermal Conductivity using Publicly Available Datasets and Our Internal Lab Dataset, Chem. Mater. 36, 7089 - 7100 (2024).
X. Gao, Y. Wang, Z. Huang, L. T. Menezes, H. Kleinke, Y. Li, Stable 2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoquinone Based Organic Cathode Enabled by Coordination Polymer Formation and Binder Optimization, Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, 2315669/1 - 12 (2024).
D. Ramirez, L. T. Menezes, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of the Chalcopyrite Solid Solutions ZnGe1-xSnxP2, ACS Appl. Electron. Mater. 6, 2942 - 2950 (2024).
D. Ramirez, L. T. Menezes, H. Kleinke, Synthesis and Transport Properties of ZnSnP2-yAsy Chalcopyrite Solid Solutions, Materials 17, 1712/1 - 11 (2024).
L. T. Menezes, E. Gage, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Comparative Analysis of the Crystal Structures and Physical Properties of the Complex Group 14 Selenides Sr8Ge4Se17 and Ba8Sn4Se17, Inorg. Chem. 63, 4982 - 4988 (2024).
A. Azulay, N. Caspin, D. Freidzon, Y. Kauffmann, H. Kleinke, Y. Amouyal, Y and La Doping in CaMnO3 Compounds: Effects of Dopant Identity and Amount on Charge Transport Kinetics, Adv. Energy Sustainability Res. 5, 2300191/1 - 12 (2024).
H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Copper and Silver Chalcogenides, in: Thermoelectric Micro/Nano Generators 1: Fundamental Physics, Materials and Measurements, eds: H. Akinaga, A. Kosuga, T. Mori, G. Ardila, Wiley - ISTE, London, United Kingdom (2023).
L. T. Menezes, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Phase Width, and Physical Properties of the Barium Tetrel Selenides Ba6Si2-xGexSe12 (x = 0, 0.5, 1, and 1.5) with Ultralow Thermal Conductivity, Dalton Trans. 52, 15831 - 15838 (2023).
N. K. Barua, A. Golabek, A. O. Oliynyk, H. Kleinke, Experimentally Validated Machine Learning Predictions of Ultralow Thermal Conductivity for SnSe Materials, J. Mater. Chem. C 11, 11643 - 11652 (2023).
Y. Shi, Z. Sepahi, L. R. Macario, C. Sturm, N. Mashmoushi, Y. Amouyal, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of hot-pressed Ruddlesden-Popper phases CaO(CaMnO3)m, J. Amer. Ceram. Soc. 106, 6098 - 6105 (2023).
L. T. Menezes, E. Gage, A. Assoud, M. Liang, P. S. Halasyamani, H. Kleinke, Sr6Ge3OSe11: A Rationally Designed Noncentrosymmetric Oxyselenide with Polar [GeOSe3] Building Blocks, Chem. Mater. 35, 3033 - 3040 (2023).
C. Gayner, L. T. Menezes, Y. Natanzon, Y. Kauffmann, H. Kleinke, Y. Amouyal, Development of Nanostructured Bi2Te3 with High Thermoelectric Performance by Scalable Synthesis and Microstructure Manipulations, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 15, 13012 - 13024 (2023).
L. T. Menezes, B. N. Richtik, A. Assoud, I. D. Zeljkovic, N. Farahi, M. Dolgos, H. Kleinke, Ba6Ge2Se12 and Ba7Ge2Se17: Two Centrosymmetric Barium Seleno-Germanates with Polyatomic Anion Disorder, Inorg. Chem. 62, 285 - 294 (2023).
L. R. Macario, A. Golabek, H. Kleinke, E. R. Leite, Thermoelectric properties of Sb-doped tin oxide by a one-step solid-state reaction, Ceram. Int. 48, 3585 - 3591 (2022).
Y.-C. Tseng, S. S. Razavi-Tousi, D. Ramirez, H. Kleinke, Advancing the Reliability of Thermoelectric Materials: a Case Study of Silicides through Statistics, Appl. Phys. Lett. 119, 193903/1 - 6 (2021).
C. Sturm, N. Boccalon, D. Ramirez, H. Kleinke, Stability and Thermoelectric Properties of the Canfieldite Ag8SnS6, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 4, 10244 - 10251 (2021).
C. Sturm, N. Boccalon, A. Assoud, T. Zou, J. Kycia, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Hot-Pressed Ba3Cu14–δTe12, Inorg. Chem. 60, 12781 - 12789 (2021).
L. T. Menezes, Z. W. Richter-Bisson, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, La12Sb9S38: A New Semiconducting Lanthanum Antimony Polysulfide with a mixed La/Sb site, J. Mater. Chem. C 9, 6553 - 6559 (2021).
C. Sturm, L. R. Macario, T. Mori, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of zinc-doped Cu5Sn2Se7 and Cu5Sn2Te7, Dalton Trans. 50, 6561 - 6567 (2021).
L. T. Menezes, Z. W. Richter-Bisson, A. Assoud, B. A. Kuropatwa, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of the Lanthanum Chalcoantimonate TlLa2Sb3Se9, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 647, 81 - 85 (2021).
N. Nandihalli, R. Liang, S. Gorsse, T. Mori, N. Zhou, H. Kleinke, Transport properties of a molybdenum antimonide-telluride with dispersed NiSb nanoparticles, Mater. Chem. Phys. 260, 124061/1 - 9 (2021).
H. Kleinke, K. Biswas, Virtual Special Issue: Materials for Thermoelectric Energy Conversion (Editorial), ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 12, 47113 - 47114 (2020).
L. T. Menezes, A. Assoud, W. Zhang, P. S. Halasyamani, H. Kleinke, Effect of Pb Substitution in Sr2-xPbxGeSe4 on Crystal Structures and Nonlinear Optical Properties Predicted by DFT Calculations, Inorg. Chem. 59, 15028 - 15035 (2020).
N. Farahi, D. Y. N. Truong, C. Stiewe, H. Kleinke, E. Müller, Half-Heusler Thermoelectric Materials for Waste Heat Recovery, in: Thermoelectric Materials: Principles and Concepts for Enhanced Properties, eds: K. Kurosaki, Y. Takagiwa, X. Shi, Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin, Germany (2020).
D. C. Ramirez, L. R. Macario, X. Cheng, M. Cino, D. Walsh, Y.-C. Tseng, H. Kleinke, Large Scale Solid State Synthetic Technique for High Performance Thermoelectric Materials: Magnesium-Silicide-Stannide, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 3, 2130 - 2136 (2020).
L. R. Macario, Y. Shi, P. Jafarzadeh, T. Zou, J. B. Kycia, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric and mechanical properties of environmentally friendly Mg2Si0.3Sn0.67Bi0.03/SiC composites, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 11, 45629 - 45635 (2019).
N. Farahi, C. Stiewe, D. Y. N. Truong, Y. Shi, S. Salamon, J. Landers, B. Eggert, H. Wende, J. de Boor, H. Kleinke, E. Müller, Effects of Ta substitution on the microstructure and transport properties of Hf-doped NbFeSb half-Heusler thermoelectric materials, ACS Appl. Energy Mater. 2, 8244 - 8252 (2019).
P. Jafarzadeh, L. T. Menezes, M. Cui, A. Assoud, W. Zhang, P. S. Halasyamani, H. Kleinke, BaCuSiTe3: A Noncentrosymmetric Semiconductor with CuTe4 Tetrahedra and Ethane-like Si2Te6 Units, Inorg. Chem. 58, 11656 - 11663 (2019).
P. Jafarzadeh, A. Assoud, D. Ramirez, N. Farahi, T. Zou, E. Müller, J. B. Kycia, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties and stability of Ba3Cu16–xSe11–yTey, J. Appl. Phys. 126, 025109/1 - 9 (2019).
Y. Shi, N. Mashmoushi, W. Wegner, P. Jafarzadeh, Z. Sepahi, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Ultralow thermal conductivity of Tl4Ag18Te11, J. Mater. Chem. C 7, 8029 - 8036 (2019).
P. Jafarzadeh, M. R. Rodrigues, Y. Shi, A. Assoud, T. Zou, J. B. Kycia, H. Kleinke, Effect of Mixed Occupancies on The Thermoelectric Properties of BaCu6–xSe1–yTe6+y Polychalcogenides, Dalton Trans. 48, 9357 - 9364 (2019).
Y. Shi, Q. Guo, X. Cheng, P. Jafarzadeh, L. R. Macario, L. Menezes, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of TlSbTe2 doped with In and Yb, J. Alloys Compd. 795, 1 - 7 (2019).
Y. Shi, C. Sturm, H. Kleinke, Chalcogenides as Thermoelectric Materials, J. Solid State Chem. 270, 273 - 279 (2019).
C. Sturm, P. Jafarzadeh, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Nanomaterials, in: Comprehensive Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2nd ed., vol. 1, eds: D. L. Andrews, R. H. Lipson, T. Nann, Academic Press (2019).
P. Jafarzadeh, M. Oudah, A. Assoud, N. Farahi, E. Müller, H. Kleinke, High thermoelectric performance of Ba3Cu16–x(S,Te)11, J. Mater. Chem. C 6, 13043 - 13048 (2018).
N. Nandihalli, R. Liang, D. Wijethunge, N. Zhou, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of Ni0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 composites with NiSb nanocoating, AIP Adv. 8, 125304/1 - 12 (2018).
L. R. Macario, X. Cheng, D. Ramirez, T. Mori, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Bi-Doped Magnesium Silicide Stannides, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 10, 40585 - 40591 (2018).
N. Nandihalli, T. Mori, H. Kleinke, Effect of addition of SiC and Al2O3 refractories on Kapitza resistance of antimonide-telluride, AIP Adv. 8, 095009/1 - 17 (2018).
Y. Shi, A. Assoud, S. Ponou, S. Lidin, H. Kleinke, A New Material with a Composite Crystal Structure Causing Ultralow Thermal Conductivity and Outstanding Thermoelectric Properties: Tl2Ag12Te7+δ, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 140, 8578 - 8585 (2018).
V. S. Aswathy, C. R. Sankar, M. R. Varma, A. Assoud, M. Bieringer, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties and thermal stability of layered chalcogenides, TlScQ2, Q= Se, Te, Dalton Trans. 46, 17053 - 17060 (2017).
A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, A new Polyselenide with a novel Se78– unit: the Structure of Sr19–xPbxGe11Se44 with x = 5.0 and 6.4, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 5515 - 5520 (2017).
Y. Shi, A. Assoud, C. R. Sankar, H. Kleinke, Tl2Ag12Se7: a new pnp conduction switching material with extraordinarily low thermal conductivity, Chem. Mater. 29, 9565 - 9571 (2017).
A. Assoud, Y. Shi, Q. Guo, H. Kleinke, Crystal and electronic structure of the new quaternary sulfides TlLnAg2S3 (Ln = Nd, Sm and Gd), J. Solid State Chem. 256, 6 - 9 (2017).
A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Metal Pnictides: Structures and Thermoelectric Properties, in: Handbook of Solid State Chemistry, Ed.: R. Dronskowski, S. Kikkawa, A. Stein, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany (2017).
A. Assoud, Q. Guo, C. R. Sankar, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure, electronic structure and physical properties of the new quaternary chalcogenides Tl2NdAg3Se4 and Tl2NdAg3Te4, Inorg. Chem. Front. 4, 315 - 323 (2017).
N. Farahi, S. Prabhudev, G. A. Botton, J. R. Salvador, H. Kleinke, Nano- and microstructure engineering: an effective method for creating high efficiency magnesium silicide based thermoelectrics, ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 8, 34431 - 34437 (2016).
N. Farahi, S. Prabhudev, M. Bugnet, G. A. Botton, J. R. Salvador, H. Kleinke, Effect of silicon carbide nanoparticles on the grain boundary segregation and thermoelectric properties of bismuth doped Mg2Si0.7Ge0.3, J. Electron. Mater. 45, 6052 - 6058 (2016).
N. Farahi, D. Y. N. Truong, H. Kleinke, Main Group and Transition Metal Silicides for the Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, Ref. Mod. Chem. Mol. Sci. Chem. Eng. (2016).
Q. Guo, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Thallium-Based Chalcogenides as Thermoelectrics, in: Materials Aspect of Thermoelectricity, Ed.: C. Uher, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA (2016).
X. Cheng, N. Farahi, H. Kleinke, Mg2Si-Based Materials for the Thermoelectric Energy Conversion, JOM 68, 2680 - 2687 (2016).
N. Nandihalli, Q. Guo, S. Gorsse, A. U. Khan, T. Mori, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Ni0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 with Embedded SiC and Al2O3 Nanoparticles, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 853 - 860 (2016).
Q. Guo, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Different site occupancies in substitution variants of Mo3Sb7, J. Solid State Chem. 236, 123 - 129 (2016).
H. Wang, S. Bai, L. Chen, A. Cuenat, G. Joshi, H. Kleinke, J. König, H. W. Lee, J. Martin, M.-W. Oh, W. D. Porter, Z. Ren, J. Salvador, J. Sharp, P. Taylor, A. J. Thompson, Y. C. Tseng, International Round-Robin Study on Thermoelectric Transport Properties of an n-Type Half-Heusler Compound from 300 K to 773 K, J. Electron. Mater. 44, 4482 - 4491 (2015).
D. Y. N. Truong, D. Berthebaud, F. Gascoin, H. Kleinke, Molybdenum, Tungsten, and Aluminium Substitution for Enhancement of the Thermoelectric Performance of Higher Manganese Silicides, J. Electron. Mater. 44, 3603 - 3611 (2015).
N. Farahi, S. Prabhudev, M. Bugnet, G. Botton, J. Zhao, J. S. Tse, J. R. Salvador, H. Kleinke, Enhanced figure of merit in Mg2Si0.877Ge0.1Bi0.023/multi wall carbon nanotube nanocomposites, RSC Adv. 5, 65328 - 65336 (2015).
D. Y. N. Truong, H. Kleinke, F. Gascoin, Preparation of pure Higher Manganese Silicides through wet ball milling and reactive sintering with enhanced thermoelectric properties, Intermet. 66, 127 - 132 (2015).
N. Farahi, S. Prabhudev, G. A. Botton, J. Zhao, J. S. Tse, Z. Liu, J. R. Salvador, H. Kleinke, Local structure and thermoelectric properties of Mg2Si0.977–xGexBi0.023 (0.1 ≤ x ≤ 0.4), J. Alloys Compd. 644, 249 - 255 (2015).
N. Nandihalli, S. Gorsse, H. Kleinke, Effects of additions of carbon nanotubes on the thermoelectric properties of Ni0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6, J. Solid State Chem. 226, 164 - 169 (2015).
D.-H. Kang, F. Ledderboge, H. Kleinke, T. Schleid, Pr3S2Cl2[AsS3]: A Praseodymium(III) Sulfide Chloride Thioarsenate(III) with Double Chains of Condensed [SPr4]10+ Tetrahedra, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 641, 322 - 326 (2015).
M. Oudah, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of the Quaternary Chalcogenides BaCu5.9STe6 and BaCu5.9SeTe6, Inorg. Chem. 54, 845 - 849 (2015).
Q. Guo, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of hot-pressed Tl9LnTe6 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb) and Tl10 xLaxTe6 (0.90 ≤ x ≤ 1.05), J. Alloys Compd. 630, 37 - 42 (2015).
Q. Guo, M. Chan, B. A. Kuropatwa, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of Sn- and Pb-doped Tl9BiTe6 and Tl9SbTe6, J. Appl. Phys. 116, 183702/1 - 9 (2014).
A. Assoud, C. R. Sankar, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, crystal structure, electronic structure and electrical conductivity of La3GeSb0.31Se7 and La3SnFe0.61Se7, Solid State Sci. 38, 124 - 128 (2014).
Q. Guo, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Improved Bulk Materials with Thermoelectric Figure-of-Merit > 1: Tl10–xSnxTe6 and Tl10–xPbxTe6, Adv. Energy Mater. 4, 1400348/1 - 8 (2014).
N. D. Y. Truong, H. Kleinke, F. Gascoin, Thermoelectric Properties of Higher Manganese Silicide/Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites, Dalton Trans. 43, 15092 - 15097 (2014).
N. Farahi, M. VanZant, J. Zhao, J. S. Tse, S. Prabhudev, G. Botton, J. R. Salvador, F. Borondics, Z. Liu, H. Kleinke, Sb- and Bi-doped Mg2Si: location of the dopants, micro- and nanostructures, electronic structures and thermoelectric properties, Dalton Trans. 43, 14983 - 14991 (2014).
Q. Guo, H. Kleinke, The beneficial influence of tellurium on the thermoelectric properties of Mo3–xFexSb7, J. Solid State Chem. 215, 253 - 259 (2014).
B. A. Kuropatwa, G. Guo, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Optimization of the Telluride Tl10 x ySnxBiyTe6 for Thermoelectric Properties, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 640, 774 - 780 (2014).
H. Alamri, N. Ballot, J. Long, Y. Guari, J. Larionova, K. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, E. Prouzet, Integrative Synthesis of Coordination Polymers, Metal Oxides, and Alloys Magnetic Nanoparticles in MSU Mesoporous Silica, Chem. Mater. 26, 875 - 885 (2014).
S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, C. R. Sankar, P. A. Dube, J. E. Greedan, H. Kleinke, Magnetic properties of Tl9LnTe6, Ln = Ce, Pr, Tb and Sm, J. Alloys Compd. 589, 389 - 392 (2014).
C. R. Sankar, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, New Layered-Type Quaternary Chalcogenides, Tl2PbMQ4 (M = Zr, Hf; Q = S, Se): Structure, Electronic Structure, and Electrical Transport Properties, Inorg. Chem. 52, 13869 - 13874 (2013).
B. A. Kuropatwa, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Effects of Cation Site Substitutions on the Thermoelectric Performance of Layered SnBi2Te4 utilizing the Triel Elements Ga, In, and Tl, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 639, 2411 - 2420 (2013).
Q. Guo, M. Chan, B. A. Kuropatwa, H. Kleinke, Enhanced thermoelectric properties of variants of Tl9SbTe6 and Tl9BiTe6, Chem. Mater. 25, 4097 - 4104 (2013).
N. Nandihalli, A. Lahwal, D. Thompson, T. Holgate, T. M. Tritt, V. Dassylva-Raymond, L. I. Kiss, E. Sellier, S. Gorsse, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Composites Made of Ni0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 and Fullerene, J. Solid State Chem. 203, 25 - 30 (2013).
H. Wang, W. D. Porter, H. Böttner, J. König, L. Chen, S. Bai, T. Tritt, A. Mayolett, J. Senawiratne, C. Smith, F. Harris, P. Gilbert, J. Sharp, J. Lo, H. Kleinke, L. Kiss, Transport Properties of Bulk Thermoelectrics: An International Round-Robin Study, Part II: Thermal Diffusivity, Specific Heat, and Thermal Conductivity, J. Electron. Mater. 42, 1073 - 1084 (2013).
C. R. Sankar, A. Becker, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, New Quaternary Chalcogenides, Tl18Pb2M7Q25 (M = Ti, Zr, and Hf; Q = S and Se): Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure, and Electrical Transport Properties, Inorg. Chem. 52, 1895 - 1900 (2013).
H. Wang, W. D. Porter, H. Böttner, J. König, L. Chen, S. Bai, T. M. Tritt, A. Mayolett, J. Senawiratne, C. Smith, F. Harris, P. Gilbert, J. W. Sharp, J. Lo, H. Kleinke, L. Kiss, Transport Properties of Bulk Thermoelectrics – An International Round-Robin Study, Part I: Seebeck Coefficient and Electrical Resistivity, J. Electron. Mater. 42, 654 - 664 (2013).
S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, C. R. Sankar, P. Schlender, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of Tl10–xLnxTe6, with Ln = Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er, and 0.25 ≤ x ≤ 1.32, J. Alloys Compd. 594, 126 - 134 (2013).
T. C. Holgate, S. Zhu, M. Zhou, S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, H. Kleinke, J. He, T. M. Tritt, Thermoelectric transport properties of polycrystalline titanium diselenide co-intercalated with nickel and titanium using spark plasma sintering, J. Solid State Chem. 197, 273 - 278 (2013).
B. A. Kuropatwa, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Stoichiometric Compounds in the (SnTe)x(Bi2Te3)y System, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 638, 2640 - 2647 (2012).
C. R. Sankar, B. A. Kuropatwa, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Structures and properties of the ternary thallium chalcogenides Tl2MQ3 (M = Zr, Hf; Q = S, Se), Dalton Trans. 41, 9646 - 9650 (2012).
C. R. Sankar, S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of TlGdQ2 (Q =Se, Te) and Tl9GdTe6, J. Electron. Mater. 41, 1662 - 1666 (2012).
B. A. Kuropatwa, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of the New One-Dimensional Metal Ba2Cu7–xTe6, Inorg. Chem. 51, 5299 - 5304 (2012).
O. Mayasree, C. R. Sankar, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Cu Clusters and Chalcogen–Chalcogen Bonds in Various Copper Polychalcogenides, Coord. Chem. Rev. 256, 1377 - 1383 (2012).
M. Guch, C. R. Sankar, J. R. Salvador, G. P. Meisner, H. Kleinke, Improvements of the Thermoelectric Properties of PbTe via Simultaneous Doping with Indium and Iodine, J. Appl. Phys. 111, 063706/1 - 6 (2012).
K. M. Kleinke, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, HfSb2–xTex: the second new compound on the quasi-binary section HfSb2 - HfTe2 with different Sb–Sb interactions, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 637, 2033 - 2038 (2011).
A. Assoud, B. A. Kuropatwa, H. Kleinke, Barium manganese(II) selenostannate(IV), BaMnSnSe4, Acta Crystallogr. E 67, i72 - i72 (2011).
M. Guch, C. R. Sankar, J. Salvador, G. Meisner, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of In-doped PbTe, Sci. Adv. Mater. 3, 615 - 620 (2011).
C. R. Sankar, M. Guch, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Structural, Thermal, and Physical Properties of the Thallium Zirconium Telluride Tl2ZrTe3, Chem. Mater. 23, 3886 - 3891 (2011).
O. Mayasree, C. R. Sankar, Y. Cui, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of Barium Copper Polychalcogenides with Chalcogen-Centered Cu Clusters and Te22– Dumbbells, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 4037 - 4042 (2011).
B. A. Kuropatwa, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of the New Chalcogenides Ba3Cu17–x(S,Te)11 and Ba3Cu17–x(S,Te)11.5 with Two Different Cu Clusters, Inorg. Chem. 50, 7831 - 7837 (2011).
B. A. Kuropatwa, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Phase range and physical properties of the thallium tin tellurides Tl10–xSnxTe6 (x ≤ 2.2), J. Alloys Compd. 509, 6768 - 6772 (2011).
O. Mayasree, C. R. Sankar, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, New Barium Copper Chalcogenides Synthesized Using Two Different Chalcogen Atoms: Ba2Cu6–xSTe4 and Ba2Cu6–xSeyTe5–y, Inorg. Chem. 50, 4580 - 4585 (2011).
M. Zelinska, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Crystal and Electronic Structure, and Physical Properties of the New Lanthanum Copper Telluride La3Cu5Te7, J. Solid State Chem. 184, 516 - 522 (2011).
C. R. Sankar, S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of New Thallium Tellurides, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. 1309, 67 - 76 (2011).
S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, C. R. Sankar, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structures and Thermoelectric Properties of the series Tl10–xLaxTe6 with 0.2 ≤ x ≤ 1.15, Dalton Trans. 40, 862 - 867 (2011).
C. R. Sankar, S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structures, Electronic Structures, and Physical Properties of Tl4MQ4 (M = Zr or Hf; Q = S or Se), Inorg. Chem. 50, 245 - 249 (2011).
M. Guch, C. R. Sankar, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure and physical properties of the new antimonide Hf3Cu2Ge3.58Sb1.42, Chem. Mater. 22, 6433 - 6437 (2010).
C. R. Sankar, S. Bangarigadu-Sanasy, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Syntheses, Crystal Structures and Thermoelectric Properties of two new Thallium Tellurides: Tl4ZrTe4 and Tl4HfTe4, J. Mater. Chem. 20, 7485 - 7490 (2010).
C. Graf, A. Assoud, M. Zelinska, H. Kleinke, The metastable m-Ba2SnSe5 – Synthesis, Phase Transition, Crystal Structure, Structural Relations and Electronic Structure, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 636, 1821 - 1826 (2010).
H. Xu, K. M. Kleinke, T. Holgate, D. Rossouw, G. Botton, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of A0.05Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 (A = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni), J. Alloys Compd. 504, 314 - 319 (2010).
O. Mayasree, Y. Cui, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Structure Change via Partial Se/Te Substitution: Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of the Telluride Ba2Cu4–xTe5 in Contrast to the Selenide-Telluride Ba2Cu4–xSeyTe5–y, Inorg. Chem. 49, 6518 - 6524 (2010).
J. Xu, M. Sonne, S. Yanangiya, N. V. Nong, N. Pryds, M. Nygren, H. Kleinke, High thermoelectric performance of reduced lanthanide molybdenum oxides densified by spark plasma sintering, J. Alloys Compd. 500, 22 - 25 (2010).
M. Guch, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure and physical properties of the new silicide Hf4CuSi4 with planar CuSi4 rectangles, J. Mater. Chem. 20, 4356 - 4360 (2010).
A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure, electronic structure and electrical conductivity of the antimony selenide BaLaSb2Se6, Solid State Sci. 12, 919 - 923 (2010).
H. Wu, A. V. Skripov, T. J. Udovic, J. J. Rush, S. Derakhshan, H. Kleinke, Hydrogen in Ti3Sb and Ti2Sb: Neutron vibrational spectroscopy and neutron diffraction studies, J. Alloys Compd. 496, 1 - 6 (2010).
Y. Cui, O. Mayasree, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Different clusters within the Ba4M4–xA2Te9 (M = Cu, Ag, Au; A = Si, Ge) Series: Crystal structures and transport properties, J. Alloys Compd. 493, 70 - 76 (2010).
H. Kleinke, New bulk Materials for Thermoelectric Power Generation: Clathrates and Complex Antimonides, Chem. Mater. 22, 604 - 611 (2010).
Y. Cui, J. He, G. Amow, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of n-type double substituted SrTiO3 bulk materials, Dalton Trans. 39, 1031 - 1035 (2010).
M. Zelinska, A. Assoud, C. Graf, H. Kleinke, The reversible reconstructive phase transition of Ba2SnSe5: a new high temperature modification with completely different structural motifs, Inorg. Chem. 49, 1090 - 1093 (2010).
K. Habermehl, H. Kleinke, G. Meyer, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of RbNb4Br11, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 636, 50 - 53 (2010).
J. Xu, M. Sonne, N. Pryds, M. Nygren, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of molybdenum oxides LnMo8O14 (Ln = La, Ce, Pr, Nd and Sm), J. Alloys Compd. 489, 353 - 356 (2010).
C. Graf, A. Assoud, O. Mayasree, H. Kleinke, Solid State Polyselenides and Polytellurides: a Large Variety of Se–Se and Te–Te Interactions, Molecules 14, 3115 - 3131 (2009).
H. Xu, T. Holgate, J. He, Z. Su, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, New Ternary Arsenides for High Temperature Thermoelectric Applications, J. Electron. Mater. 38, 1030 - 1036 (2009).
Y. Cui, J. R. Salvador, J. Yang, H. Wang, G. Amow, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric properties of heavily doped n-type SrTiO3 bulk materials, J. Electron. Mater. 38, 1002 - 1007 (2009).
Y. Cui, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Synthesis and Structural and Physical Properties of New Semiconducting Quaternary Tellurides: Ba4Ag3.95Ge2Te9 and Ba4Cu3.71Ge2Te9, Inorg. Chem. 48, 5313 - 5319 (2009).
H. Xu, K. M. Kleinke, T. Holgate, H. Zhang, Z. Su, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Performance of NiyMo3Sb7–xTex (y ≤ 0.1, 1.5 ≤ x ≤ 1.7), J. Appl. Phys. 105, 053703/1 - 5 (2009).
B. Kuropatwa, Y. Cui, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of the New Selenide-Tellurides Ba3Cu17–x(Se,Te)11, Chem. Mater. 21, 88 - 93 (2009).
J. Xu, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Hf5Sb9 containing a unique T net of Sb atoms, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 634, 2367 - 2372 (2008).
J. Xu, A. Assoud, Y. Cui, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of a New Semiconducting Thallium Antimony Selenide: Tl2.35Sb8.65Se14 , Solid State Sci. 10, 1159 - 1165 (2008).
A. Assoud, Y. Cui, S. Thomas, B. Sutherland, H. Kleinke, Structure and Physical Properties of the new telluride BaAg2Te2 and its quaternary variants BaCuδAg2-δTe2, J. Solid State Chem. 181, 2024 - 2030 (2008).
J. Xu, H. Kleinke, Unusual Sb Sb bonding in High Temperature Thermoelectric Materials, J. Comput. Chem. 29, 2134 - 2143 (2008).
H. Xu, N. Soheilnia, H. Zhang, P. N. Alboni, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, New Thermoelectric Arsenides and Antimonides for High Temperature Applications, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 1044, 459 - 467 (2008).
N. Soheilnia, J. Giraldi, A. Assoud, H. Zhang, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Nb3Sb2Te5, J. Alloys Compd. 448, 148 - 152 (2008).
A. Assoud, J. Xu, H. Kleinke, Structures and Physical Properties of New Semiconducting Polyselenides Ba2CuδAg4-δSe5 with Unprecedented Linear Se3 4- Units, Inorg. Chem. 46, 9906 - 9911 (2007).
N. Soheilnia, H. Xu, H. Zhang, T. M. Tritt, I. Swainson, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Re3Ge0.6As6.4 and Re3GeAs6 in comparison to Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6, Chem. Mater. 19, 4063 - 4068 (2007).
H. Zhang, J. He, B. Zhang, Z. Su, T. M. Tritt, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6 and Ni0.06Mo3Sb5.4Te1.6, J. Electron. Mater. 36, 727 - 731 (2007).
S. Derakhshan, A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, T. Khaire, A. S. Massadeh, S. J. L. Billinge, H. Kleinke, Square Net Distortion Engineering in the Ternary Variants of Titanium Antimonide, Ti2-δMδSb (M = Zr, Hf), Intermet. 15, 1071 - 1077 (2007).
N. Soheilnia, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of two new Antimonide-Tellurides: ZrSbTe and HfSbTe, Chem. Mater. 19, 1482 - 1488 (2007).
S. Derakhshan, A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure, Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of Ti1-δMo1+δAs4 and Ti1-δMo1+δSb4, Inorg. Chem. 46, 1459 - 1463 (2007).
Y. Cui, A. Assoud, J. Xu, H. Kleinke, Structures and Physical Properties of new Semiconducting Gold and Copper Polytellurides: Ba7Au2Te14 and Ba6.76Cu2.42Te14, Inorg. Chem. 46, 1215 - 1221 (2007).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of the new Tellurides SrSc2Te4 and BaSc2Te4 in comparison to BaY2Te4, Intermet. 15, 371 - 376 (2007).
J. L. Brusso, S. Derakhshan, R. C. Haddon, M. E. Itkis, H. Kleinke, R. T. Oakley, R. W. Reed, J. F. Richardson, C. M. Robertson, L. K. Thompson, Isostructural Bis-Dithiazolyl and Bis-Thiaselenazolyl Radicals: Trends in Bandwidth and Conductivity, Inorg. Chem. 45, 10958 - 10966 (2006).
N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Semiconducting representatives of the Ir3Ge7 type: Mo3Sb5Te2, Nb3Sb2Te5, and Re3GeAs6, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 623, 2082 (2006).
A. Assoud, S. Thomas, B. Sutherland, H. Zhang, T. M. Tritt, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of the New Polytelluride Ba3Cu14-δTe12, Chem. Mater. 18, 3866 - 3872 (2006).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure, electronic structure and physical properties of the new low-valent thallium silicon telluride Tl6Si2Te6 in comparison to Tl6Ge2Te6, J. Solid State Chem. 179, 2707 - 2713 (2006).
J. P. F. Jemetio, P. Zhou, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure, electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of Cu4Sn7S16, J. Alloys Compd. 417, 55 - 59 (2006).
A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Structure and Electronic Structure of the Ternary Sulfide La7Sb9S24, Chem. Mater. 18, 1041 - 1046 (2006).
A. Assoud, S. Derakhshan, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Two new titanium molybdenum arsenides: Ti2MoAs2 and Ti3MoAs3, ternary substitution variants of V3As2 and β-V4As3, J. Solid State Chem. 179, 464 - 469 (2006).
A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, The sesquitelluride Sc2Te3, Acta Crystallogr. E 62, i17 - i18 (2006).
S. Derakhshan, A. Assoud, N. J. Taylor, H. Kleinke, Crystal and electronic structures and physical properties of two semiconductors: Pb4Sb6Se13 and Pb6Sb6Se17, Intermet. 14, 198 - 207 (2006).
L. Beer, J. L. Brusso, R. C. Haddon, M. E. Itkis, H. Kleinke, A. A. Leitch, R. T. Oakley, R. W. Reed, J. F. Richardson, R. A. Secco, X. Yu, Pressure Enhanced Conductivity in Bis-1,2,3-Thiaselenazolyl Dimers, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 18159 - 18170 (2005).
A. Assoud, S. Derakhshan, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Exploratory Synthesis of New Heavy Main Group Chalcogenides, Proc. Int. Conf. Thermoelec. 24, 303 - 310 (2005).
C.-S. Lee, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, structure, and electronic and physical properties of the two SrZrS3 modifications, Solid State Sci. 7, 1049 - 1054 (2005).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, A Unique Barium Selenostannate-Selenide: Ba7Sn3Se13 (and its variants Ba7Sn3Se13-δTeδ) with SnSe4 tetrahedra and isolated Se anions, Chem. Mater. 17, 4509 - 4513 (2005).
A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, H. Kleinke, The First Titanium Molybdenum Antimonide Ti5.42Mo2.58Sb9, a substitution variant of Zr2V6Sb9, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 631, 1924 - 1928 (2005).
J. Xu, A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, S. Derakhshan, H. L. Cuthbert, J. E. Greedan, M. H. Whangbo, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Structure, and Magnetic Properties of the Layered Copper(II) Oxide Na2Cu2TeO6, Inorg. Chem. 44, 5042 - 5046 (2005).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, New Quaternary Barium Copper/Silver Selenostannates: Different Coordination Spheres, Metal-Metal Interactions, and Physical Properties, Chem. Mater. 17, 2255 - 2261 (2005).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, The new semiconducting polychalcogenide Ba2SnSe5 exhibiting Se32- units and distorted SnSe6 octahedra, J. Solid State Chem. 178, 1087 - 1093 (2005).
H. Kleinke, Nonclassical Sb-Sb bonding in Transition Metal Antimonides, in: Inorganic Chemistry in Focus II, Ed.: G. Meyer, D. Naumann, L. Wesemann, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany, 2005.
S. Derakhshan, A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Electronic structure and thermoelectric properties of the thioantimonate FePb4Sb6S14, J. Alloys Compd. 390, 51 - 54 (2005).
S. Derakhshan, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, The Predicted Structures of the New Pnictides HfMQ in Contrast to ZrMQ (M = Ti, V; Q = P, As), Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 1183 - 1189 (2004).
N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Electronic Structure and Thermoelectric Properties of AxMo3Sb5Te2, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 793, 149 - 154 (2004).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Crystal and electronic structure of the red semiconductor Ba4LaSbGe3Se13 comprising the complex anion [Ge2Se7–Sb2Se4–Ge2Se7]14–, J. Solid State Chem. 177, 2249 - 2254 (2004).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Band gap tuning in new strontium seleno-stannates, Chem. Mater. 16, 2215 - 2221 (2004).
S. Derakhshan, A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, E. Dashjav, X. Qiu, S. J. L. Billinge, H. Kleinke, Planar Nets of Ti Atoms Comprising Squares and Rhombs in the New Binary Antimonide Ti2Sb, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 126, 8295 - 8302 (2004).
N. Soheilnia, K. M. Kleinke, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Distorted Sb chains in the interlayer region of the antimonide-selenide MoSb2Se, J. Mater. Chem. 14, 2768 - 2774 (2004).
A. Assoud, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, From Yellow to Black: New Semiconducting Ba Chalcogeno-Germanates, Z. Naturforsch. 59b, 975 - 979 (2004).
A. Assoud, K. M. Kleinke, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, T-förmige Netze aus Sb-Atomen in dem binären Antimonid Hf5Sb9, Angew. Chem. 116, 5372 - 5375 (2004); T-Shaped Nets of Antimony Atoms in the Binary Antimonide Hf5Sb9, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 43, 5260 - 5263 (2004).
N. Soheilnia, K. M. Kleinke, E. Dashjav, H. L. Cuthbert, J. E. Greedan, H. Kleinke, Crystal Structure and Physical Properties of a New CuTi2S4 Modification in Comparison to the Thiospinel, Inorg. Chem. 43, 6473 - 6478 (2004).
A. Assoud, S. Derakhshan, N. Soheilnia, H. Kleinke, Electronic Structure and Physical Properties of the Semiconducting Polytelluride Ba2SnTe5 with a unique Te54- unit, Chem. Mater. 16, 4193 - 4198 (2004).
S. Derakhshan, K. M. Kleinke, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, HfMoSb4, the first nonmetallic early transition metal antimonide, Chem. Commun., 2428 - 2429 (2004).
C. A. Bridges, J. E. Greedan, H. Kleinke, Insights on the Origin of the Structural Phase Transition in BaV10O15 from Electronic Structure Calculations and the Effect of Ti-doping on its Structure and Electrical Transport Properties, J. Solid State Chem. 177, 4516 - 4527 (2004).
C.-S. Lee, A. Safa-Sefat, J. E. Greedan, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Structure, and Physical Properties of mixed-valent Mo2SbS2, the first superconducting antimonide-sulfide, Chem. Mater. 15, 780 - 786 (2003).
A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, Ytterbium sesquiselenide Yb2Se3, Acta Crystallogr. E59, i103 - i104 (2003).
E. Dashjav, Y. Zhu, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of Early Transition Metal Antimonides, in: Chemistry, Physics, and Materials Science of Thermoelectric Materials, Ed.: M. G. Kanatzidis, S. D. Mahanti, T. P. Hogan, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York, NY, USA (2003).
S. Bobev, H. Kleinke, Instabilities in the Linear Sb Atom Chain of the New Binary Antimonide Ti11-xSb8-y, Chem. Mater. 15, 3523 - 3529 (2003).
N. Soheilnia, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Band-gap tuning by solid-state intercalations of Mg, Ni, and Cu into Mo3Sb7, Can. J. Chem. 81, 1157 - 1163 (2003).
N. Soheilnia, A. Assoud, H. Kleinke, MAδSb2-δ (M = Zr, Hf; A = Si, Ge): A New Series of Ternary Antimonides and Not "β-ZrSb2" , Inorg. Chem. 42, 7319 - 7325 (2003).
E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Sn/Sb atom ordering in the ternary stannide-antimonide TiSnSb, J. Solid State Chem. 176, 329 - 337 (2003).
E. Dashjav, A. Szczepenowska, H. Kleinke, Optimization of the thermopower of the antimonide Mo3Sb7 by a partial Sb/Te substitution, J. Mater. Chem. 12, 345 - 349 (2002).
C.-S. Lee, H. Kleinke, Synthesis, Structure, and Thermoelectric Properties of the New Antimonide Sulfide MoSb2S, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 591 - 596 (2002).
I. Elder, C.-S. Lee, H. Kleinke, Zr11Sb18: a new binary antimonide exhibiting an unusual Sb atom network with nonclassical Sb-Sb bonding, Inorg. Chem. 41, 538 - 545 (2002).
H. Kleinke, Ti5Sb2.2Se0.8: the first titanium antimonide-selenide, J. Alloys Compd. 336, 132 - 137 (2002).
C.-S. Lee, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Ti4MoAs3 and Ti3.7Mo1.3As3: the predicted structure changes in Ti5As3 by a partial substitution of Mo for Ti, J. Alloys Compd. 338, 60 - 68 (2002).
E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Thermoelectric Properties of the Antimonide-Telluride Mo3Sb5-xTe2+x, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 730, 131 - 136 (2002).
E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Crystal and Electronic Structures of the New Antimonides TiGeSb and HfGeSb, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 628, 2176 (2002).
Y. Zhu, H. Kleinke, The New Binary Antimonide Ti5Sb8, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 628, 2233 (2002).
E. Dashjav, C.-S. Lee, H. Kleinke, Crystal structure predictions: the crystal and electronic structure of Zr1-δV1+δAs, J. Solid State Chem. 169, 96 - 102 (2002).
S. Derakhshan, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Designing Crystal Structures From Atoms Up, Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 755, 341 - 346 (2002).
H. Kleinke, A Three-Dimensional Extended Sb Network in the Metallic Antimonides (M',Ti)5Sb8 (M' = Zr, Hf, Nb, Mo), Inorg. Chem. 40, 95 - 100 (2001).
H. Kleinke, Extraordinarily Short Pb-Pb Bonds in the New Binary Intermetallic Ti6Pb4.8, J. Solid State Chem. 159, 134 - 138 (2001).
H. Kleinke, Ti5Si1.3Sb1.7: the first titanium silicide antimonide, forming a crystal structure not found in either binary system, Can. J. Chem. 79, 1338 - 1343 (2001).
C.-S. Lee, E. Dashjav, H. Kleinke, Structure Prediction Using Our Semiempirical Structure Map: The Crystal Structure of the New Arsenide ZrTiAs, Chem. Mater. 13, 4053 - 4057 (2001).
H. Kleinke, Entropy-stabilized pnictides and chalcogenides of the early transition metals, Trends Inorg. Chem. 7, 135 - 149 (2001).
H. Kleinke, C. Ruckert, C. Felser, Mixed Linear (M,Sb) Chains in the New Antimonides Hf10MδSb6–δ (M = V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu): Crystal and Electronic Structures, Phase Range, Electrical and Magnetic Properties, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem., 315 - 322 (2000).
H. Kleinke, Zr1-xTixSb: A Novel Antimonide on the Quasi-Binary section ZrSb - TiSb with a Complex Crystal Structure exhibiting Linear Sb Chains and Fragments of the TiSb Structure, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 122, 853 - 860 (2000).
H. Kleinke, M. Waldeck, P. Gütlich, Ti2Sn3: A Novel Binary Intermetallic Phase, Prepared by Chemical Transport at Intermediate Temperature, Chem. Mater. 12, 2219 - 2224 (2000).
H. Kleinke, B. Harbrecht, Combining the Structure Controlling Factors for Metal-rich Compounds to a Structure Map, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 626, 1851 - 1853 (2000).
H. Kleinke, Replacement of selenium by antimony in MoSe2: interconnection of the MoSbSe layers by Sb-Sb bonding, Chem. Commun., 1941 - 1942 (2000).
H. Kleinke, From molecular Sb units to infinite chains, layers, and networks: Sb–Sb interactions in metal-rich antimonides, Chem. Soc. Rev. 29, 411 - 418 (2000).
H. Kleinke, C. Felser, Differences and Similarities between the Isotypic Antimonides MFe1–xSb, ScCo1–xSb, and MNiSb (M = Zr, Hf), J. Solid State Chem. 144, 330 - 338 (1999).
H. Kleinke, Sb–Sb Interactions in the Hafnium-Rich Antimonide Hf6TiSb4, Inorg. Chem. 38, 2931 - 2935 (1999).
H. Kleinke, W. Tremel, Nb2Te3, a niobium sesquitelluride with Te22- groups, Chem. Commun., 1175 - 1176 (1999).
H. Kleinke, E. W. Finckh, W. Tremel, Ta4BTe8: Tantaltellurid-Clusterketten mit interstitiellen Boratomen, Angew. Chem. 111, 2189 - 2192 (1999), Ta4BTe8: Tantalum Telluride Cluster Chains with Encapsulated Boron Atoms, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 38, 2054 - 2057 (1999).
H. Kleinke, C. Felser, New Binary Antimonide Hf5Sb3: Differences and Similarities to the Zr Antimonides, J. Alloys Compd. 291, 73 - 79 (1999).
H. Kleinke, Metal-Rich Polyantimonides: internal competition between M–M and Sb–Sb and heteroatomic M–Sb interactions in (Zr,V)13Sb10 and (Zr,V)11Sb8 (M = Zr, V), J. Mater. Chem. 9, 2703 - 2708 (1999).
K. D. Myers, S. L. Bud'ko, I. R. Fisher, Z. Islam, H. Kleinke, A. H. Lacerda, P. C. Canfield, Systematic study of anisotropic transport and magnetic properties of RAgSb2 (R = Y, La-Nd, Sm, Gd-Tm), J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 205, 27 - 52 (1999).
H. Kleinke, B. Harbrecht, Zr7(Sb,Se)4 - Eine polare Variante des Nb7P4-Strukturtyps, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 625, 1873 - 1877 (1999).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Structures, Crystal Structures, Bonding and Electronic Structures of MM'As, a Series of New Ternary Arsenides (M = Zr, Hf; M' = Fe, Co, Ni), Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 624, 51 - 56 (1998).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Hf5CoAs3, the First Hf-rich hafnium cobalt arsenide: intercalation of Co vs. a Co/As exchange, J. Alloys Compd. 266, 139 - 144 (1998).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Bonding and Site preferences in the New Quasi-Binary Zr2.7Hf11.3P9, J. Solid State Chem. 136, 221 - 226 (1998).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Sc–Sc Bonding in the New Ternary Phosphide ScNiP, J. Solid State Chem. 137, 218 - 222 (1998).
H. Kleinke, A substitution of nickel by antimony: Crystal and electronic structure of the new antimonide Hf6Ni1–xSb2+x, J. Alloys Compd. 270, 136 - 141 (1998).
H. Kleinke, Die neuen Antimonide ZrNiSb und HfNiSb: Synthese, Struktur und Eigenschaften im Vergleich zu ZrCoSb und HfCoSb, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 624, 1272 - 1278 (1998).
H. Kleinke, Stabilization of the New Antimonide Zr2V6Sb9 by V–V and Sb–Sb Bonding, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 9, 1369 - 1375 (1998).
C. Felser, E. W. Finckh, H. Kleinke, F. Rocker, W. Tremel, Electronic Properties of ZrTe3, J. Mater. Chem. 8, 1787 - 1798 (1998).
H. Kleinke, Infinite linear chains of Sb atoms in the Novel Metal-Rich Polyantimonides Zr7.5V5.5Sb10 and Zr6.5V6.5Sb10, Chem. Commun., 2219 - 2220 (1998).
H. Kleinke, ScCoSb: der bisher valenzelektronenärmste Vertreter der ternären Übergangsmetallantimonide MM'Sb, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 624, 1771 - 1776 (1998).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Hf2NiP: gezielte Modifizierung einer intermetallischen Phase durch (formale) Substitution von Nickel durch Phosphor, Angew. Chem. 109, 530 - 533 (1997); Hf2NiP: The Planned Modification of an Intermetallic Phase by (Formal) Substitution of Nickel by Phosphorus, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 36, 513 - 516 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Intercalation of Nickel into the New Ternary Phosphide Hf5NiP3, Chem. Mater. 9, 1030 - 1035 (1997).
H. Kleinke, Zr6CoAs2, the First Zirconium Cobalt Arsenide: A New Ordered Variant of the Fe2P Type, J. Alloys Compd. 252, L29 - L31 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, The Co/P Exchange in Hf5Co1+xP3–x and its Consequences for the Electronic Structure and Magnetic Properties, J. Alloys Compd. 255, 110 - 116 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Structure and Properties of the new phosphides M2M’P (M = Zr, Hf; M’ = Co, Ni), and their Relations to ZrNi and HfNi, J. Solid State Chem. 131, 379 - 386 (1997).
J. R. Andersson, H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, ZrO2–xSx: Stabilization of Cubic ZrO2 by a Partial Exchange of Oxygen by Sulfur, J. Alloys Compd. 259, L14 - L18 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Fractional Site Occupation and Local Coordination in Novel High-Temperature Materials, Bol. Soc. Chil. Quím. 42, 421 - 436 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Novel Quaternary Metal-Rich Phosphides: Stabilization by Differential Fractional Site Occupancies and Polar Intermetallic Bonding, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 119, 12824 - 12830 (1997).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, A partial substitution of phosphorus with the metal atom Co: the crystal structure of Hf5Co1+xP3–x, J. Alloys Compd. 238, 68 - 72 (1996).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, HfNixP - Intercalation of Ni into the three-dimensional compound HfP, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 622, 1342 - 1348 (1996).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Zr9Co2P4 and Zr9Ni2P4: A New 3D Structure Type, Consisting of Edge- and Vertex-Condensed Zr6 Octahedra, Inorg. Chem. 35, 5272 - 5277 (1996).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Das binäre Phosphid Hf7P4 - ein unerwartetes Syntheseprodukt, Angew. Chem. 108, 2062 - 2064 (1996), Hf7P4: A New Binary Phosphide Synthesized by a Surprising Route, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl. 35, 1934 - 1936 (1996).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, The Binary Hafnium Phosphide Hf3P2, Acta Crystallogr. C52, 2127 - 2129 (1996).
H. Kleinke, K. M. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Synthesis, Oxygen Occupation, and Properties of the k-phases Hf9Mo4SOx and Hf9W4SOx, J. Alloys Compd. 242, 11 - 17 (1996).
H. Kleinke, H. F. Franzen, Synthesis, Crystal Structure and Properties of HfM'P (M' = Fe, Co, Ni) in comparison to ZrNiP, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 622, 1893 - 1900 (1996).