
Classification scheme:



Sub-Series 1: Early Administrative Records

Vol. 1: Misc., 1964, 1967, 1974

  1. Name and address file, 1973
  2. File of Ontario Mennonite youth attending university, 1964
  3. Name and address list, 1967

Vol. 2.: 1965?

  1. Address book, undated
  2. Student sign-out log, 1965?
  3. Misc. record book, 1965

Sub-Series 2: Event Scheduling Books

Vol. 1: 1968-1988

  1. 1968
  2. 1969
  3. 1970
  4. 1971
  5. 1972
  6. 1973
  7. 1974
  8. 1975
  9. 1976
  10. 1977
  11. 1978
  12. 1979
  13. 1980
  14. 1983
  15. 1986
  16. 1988

Sub-Series 3: Director of Student Affairs/Dean of Students/Student Services

  1. Student Council financial records, 1965-1967; Coffee house financial records, 1967; CGC Church financial records, 1964-1969.
  2. Student Council minutes, 1967-1969; Financial records, 1967, 1968
  3. Correspondence -- Misc, 1970-1972
  4. Co-ordinating Committee records, 1972, 1973; Director of Student Affairs re: student activities, 1972/73
  5. Correspondence, memos, 1973/74 (RESTRICTED)
  6. Co-ordinating Committee minutes, correspondence, 1973-1974
  7. Correspondence, 1974-1976
  8. Correspondence, 1974-1979
  9. Admissions & Aid Committee, including minutes, 
    1974-1980, 1999 (RESTRICTED)
  10. George St. housing correspondence, 1975-1977
  11. Mailing list of Mennonite schools, 1981
  12. Orientation, 1983-1984
  13. Misc. Memos, etc., 1983-1984
  14. Baccalaureate minutes, and materials, 1981-1999
    Baccalaureate/Convocation programs, 1981-1985, 1988-1995, 1998, 2001-2019
    Note: "Baccalaureate," referring to the event in April that concludes the College academic year, began in 1981. The name given to this event was changed to "Convocation" between 1999 and 2001.
  15. Family Day minutes, programs and materials
    Guestbook, 1974-1996
  16. Summer Mailing to Incoming Students, 1981-1995 (not complete)
  17. Examples of forms contracts
  18. Campus Day, 2000-2003

  19. All-College Retreat, 2000-2005

  20. Convocation programs, minutes and correspondence, 1985-2001
    Note: includes presidential addresses from 1986, 1987, 1988, 1991. "Convocation" in these materials refers to the all-College September start of academic year event.

  21. Fall mailings to incoming students, 1997-2005

  22. Winter mailings to incoming students, 1983-2005 (Incomplete)

  23. Residence evaluation surveys

  24. Associate housing survey, April 1999

  25. Grebel satisfaction survey, November 2004

  26. Student Services Departmental Review, 2003-2013

Sub-Series 4: Director of Business Affairs/Vice-President, Administration/Director of Operations

Vol. 1, 1964-

  1. Annual Fund appeal, 1991-1993
  2. Alumni Executive Committee, 1973-1986
  3. Associate Students, 1973-1989
  4. Associate Students — phone lists, 1976-1993
  5. Brubacher House, 1974-1994, 2000
  6. Budget, 1976/77-1985/86
  7. Budget, 1986/87, 1990/91-1991/92
  8. Campus Day, 1978-1988
  9. Choir tours, 1975-1987
  10. Community Education Program, 1983-1988
  11. Community Supper policy, 1975-1987
  12. Conference groups, 1981-1988
  13. Alternative Service conference, 1978
  14. Archivists’ workshop, 1977
  15. Mennonite Marriage Encounter, 1980
  16. Correspondence (Misc.), 1983-1991
  17. Correspondence, memos, 1984-1986
  18. Correspondence, memos, 1986/87
  19. Correspondence, memos, 1987/88
  20. Correspondence, memos, 1988-1993
  21. Dietary Committee — memos, job descriptions, minutes, 1962-1989
  22. Energy Audit, 1982-1985
  23. Faculty/Staff memos re: budget, 1980-1983
  24. Faculty/Staff memos re:farewells, 1981-1988
  25. Faculty/Staff memos memos (misc.), 1972-1989
  26. Faculty/Staff memos re: orientation week, 1981-1989
  27. Faculty/Staff memos re: United Way appeal, 1985
  28. Family Day programs, 1965-1989
  29. Famine Aid Committee, 1984-1985
  30. Fees (memos on withheld marks), 1964-1966
  31. Financial statements (CGC), 1966-1986 (incomplete)
  32. Food Services memos, 1973-1982
  33. Fretz, Winfield, correspondence re: manuscript on Mennonites, 1985
  34. Funding formula (UW) memos, 1967-1973
  35. Funding formula (UW), 1980
  36. Gilbert, Enid, correspondence, 1981-1989
  37. Guests of the College, memos, 1972-1982
  38. Haiti Seminar, 1976
  39. Harder Agencies (Insurance), 1968-1977
  40. Kianza, Nola, memos 1984-1985
  41. Laurel memos, 1985
  42. Memos (misc.), 1982-1992
  43. Mennonite Publishing Service rental, 1980-1982
  44. Missions Service Week, 1981-1988
  45. Neufeld, Woldemar, memos, exhibit materials, 1974-1982, 2013
  46. Orientation Week materials, 1981-1989
  47. "Peace and the Arts," 1983
  48. Presidential Review committee, 1972, 1975, 1982
  49. Professor Emeritus policy, 1981
  50. Recycling and Conservation Committee, 1990
  51. Project Ploughshares memos, etc., 1976-1985
  52. Prospective students — form letters, 1982-1990
  53. Residence fees, 1974/75-1992/93
  54. Resident student directory, 1968/69-1972/73
  55. Resident student phone lists, 1969-1993
  56. Sabbatical policy, 1979-1980
  57. Salary Committees, 1977, 1986
  58. Scholarship Committee minutes, etc., 1975-1990
  59. Secretary staff memos, etc., 1972-1984
  60. Senior Resident lists and job descriptions, 1980s
  61. Small groups, 1984-1988
  62. Stauffer Lecture, 1980-1985
  63. Students, Associate, fees, 1979-1993
  64. Student symposia, 1980-1983
  65. UW 25th anniversary celebrations, 1982
  66. UW Watfund, 1980, 1984
  67. UW Library services to colleges, 1981, 1985
  68. Year of the Disabled minutes, 1981
  69. Health and Safety Committee
  70. Realizing the Vision Campaign, 1988/89
  71. 25 Anniversary Planning Committee, 1987/88
  72. Management Advisory Committee
    Minutes, 1991-1993
  73. Faculty retreat/Faculty-Staff retreat, 1981-1984
  74. Salary memos, 1985-1996 (Restricted)
  75. News clippings re university funding crisis, 1988-1989
  76. Enershare thermal management services, 1986-1992
  77. Scholarship and Bursary Committee, 1994-1996

Sub-Series 5: CGC Bulletin

Note: This series has been transferred to the CGUC library rare periodicals collection. Locate issues using the library catalogue.

  1. Apr., Dec. 1964, Dec., 1966
  2. Sept.-Nov. 1973
  3. 1974/75
  4. 1975/76
  5. 1976/77
  6. 1977/78
  7. 1978/79
  8. 1979/80-1980/81
  9. 1981/82
  10. 1982/83
  11. 1983/84
  12. 1984/85
  13. 1985/86
  14. 1986/87
  15. 1987-1990

Sub-Series 6: Director of Academic Affairs/Academic Dean

(-- Moved to Series 20 --)

Sub-Series 7: Chaplain (1964-1989)

Dates of Creation: 1964-1989; predominantly 1973-1989. 
Note: After 1989, the Chaplain's records are located in Series 21.

Physical Description: of textual material.

Administrative History: Walter Klaassen, a professor of religious knowledge, assumed the role of chaplain from 1964-1970. Donovan Smucker, a professor of sociology, served as chaplain from 1970-1971. From 1971-1973, John Kampen and Ann Kampen shared the position. During this time, few structured worship services took place at the College. In 1973, John Rempel was appointed to the joint position of chaplain and director of residence, now called "Director of Studen Affairs." During a leave of absense for Rempel in 1979, Gloria Eby acted as chaplain and dean of students. In 1986, Sue Steiner assumed the chaplaincy during Rempel's sabbatical. By then, the two roles of chaplain and dean of students were separated. Rempel served as chaplain until 1990. During Rempel's tenure, a chapel committee, composed of students, planned services and retreats in conjunction with the chaplain.

Scope and Content: The sub-series largely consists of minutes, reports, correspondence, communications, liturgies, sermons, and orders of service related to the planning and conduct of chapel services and chapel retreats. Issues of student life, worship style, philosophy and theology are also raised and discussed. Due to John Rempel's joint role as chaplain and director of students for a number of years, some materials relating to the running of the residence program are found here.

Custodial History: These files were transferred from the chaplain's office in 1989 or 1990 by John Rempel.

Note: Some early files related to chaplaincy at the College can also be found in XXVI-2.5 Student Services Committee.

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Vol. 1: 1973-1983

  1. Correspondence with Mennonite Ministers Fellowship, 1975
  2. "Guidelines for Community Living," 1981
  3. Calendar of CGC students, 1973/74
  4. Job descriptions--Chaplain, Dean of Students, Assistant to the Dean of Students, Don, Associate Don, 1980-1983
  5. Misc. Memos, 1973, 1976/77
  6. Misc. 1982/83
  7. Correspondence, 1982-1986
  8. Correspondence, thank-you letters, 1983-1987
  9. Correspondence, 1980-1988
  10. Maranatha information, memos, 1982-1983
  11. Mennonite Graduate Seminar, 1978

Vol. 2: 1965-1986

  1. Retreat correspondence, schedules, 1970-1981
  2. Orientation memos, schedules, 1974-1978
  3. Dons contracts, 1978-1981
  4. Residence guidelines, Aug 1964, 1968-1975
  5. Statistics, 1973-1984
  6. Associate student forms, memos, etc., 1973-1982
  7. New applicants, 1981-1983
  8. Student body lists of names, 1973-1983
  9. Memos, minutes, 1983/84
  10. Alumni minutes, 1982/83
  11. Off campus Grebel house (George St.) memos, 1975-1977
  12. Baptisms in Conrad Grebel Chapel, 1976-1984
  13. Sermons by Walter Klaassen mimeographed by John D. Rempel, 11 May 1966
  14. Commission on Education and the Mennonite Board of Missions Student and Young Adult Services study, survey and results, 1985-1986
  15. Sermons on Mennonite doctrine by faculty and students at Conrad Grebel, Sept 16-Nov 25 1984
  16. Tauferkonferenz / Conference on Anabaptists, Ruschlikon/Zurich, 14-18 Jul 1975 (program and papers)
  17. Study Conference on the Believers' Church in Canada, Winnipeg, 15-18 May 1978 (program and papers)

Vol. 3: 1967-1989

  1. Academic Affairs memos, reports, 1981-1984
  2. Ad hoc famine relief correspondence, memos, 1984/85
  3. Admissions memos, misc., 1973-1985
  4. Administration minutes, memos, correspondence, 1984-1987
  5. Arena magazine artwork, 1968-1970
  6. Arena misc., 1968-1970
  7. Chaplain’s annual reports, 1974-1989
  8. Arts 300 correspondence, 1986
  9. Baccalaureate minutes, memos, 1975-1989
  10. Banquet chapels, programs, 1977-1989
  11. Benjamin Eby lecture series, 1981-1989
  12. Bibliographies for undergraduates
  13. Bicentennial drama by Paul Born
  14. Blue book songs -- original 1982 edition
  15. Book publishing minutes, memos, 1985
  16. Book sale memos, reports, 1984
  17. Chapel evaluations, 1977-1982
  18. Chapel documents, misc., 1966-1989
  19. Chapel records, memos, 1965-1979
  20. Chapel records, memos, 1980-1988
  21. Chapel minutes, 1979-1984
  22. Chapel minutes, 1985/87
  23. Chapel minutes, 1984/85
  24. Chapel philosophy, 1988
  25. Chapel philosophy and use, 1967-1981
  26. Chapel retreat correspondence re: Tom Sine, 1988/89
  27. Chapel Peace/Disarmament material, 1982-1985
  28. Chaplain’s Advisory Committee, 1981-1988
  29. Chaplain’s Advisory Committee, 1981-1987
  30. Chapel congregation lists of names, 1965-1968
  31. Conrad Grebel review memos, etc., 1987-1988
  32. Community Education Program minutes, etc., 1984-1989
  33. Community life essays, etc.
  34. Congress on Evangelism correspondence, minutes, 1970-1973
  35. Convocation chapel, 1973-1975
  36. Correspondence received re: Arena, 1967-1969
  37. Correspondence duplicates, 1967-1969

Vol. 4: 1968-1989

  1. Christmas banquet chapel programs, music, etc., 1973-1984
  2. Dean of Students-Chaplain job development - memos, etc., 1972-1983
  3. Evangelistic mission, 1988/89
  4. Faculty nuclear review, essays, misc., 1988/89
  5. Faculty retreat memos, 1980-1988
  6. Faculty sermons, 1973-1986
  7. Family Day service programs, etc., 1977-1986
  8. Fellows memos, etc., 1981-1986
  9. Film company correspondence, etc., 1968-1970
  10. Form letters -- past
  11. Graduate studies, misc., 1988
  12. Grebelspeaks, 1981-1985. Note: Moved to CGUC Library.
  13. Grebelspeaks, Laurel, 1985-1989. Note: Periodical issues moved to CGUC Library.
  14. Inclusive language, misc., 1985
  15. Inclusive language minutes, notes, 1984-1988
  16. Mennonite Ministerial correspondence, minutes, 1978-1985
  17. Chapel Committee, 1986-1989
  18. Mennonite Self-Understanding Conference memos, correspondence, 1984-1985
  19. Minister Information Day correspondence, memos, 1985
  20. Misc., 1970-1989
  21. Church Colleges in Canada Conference, 1989
  22. Mission/Service Days, misc., 1981-1989
  23. Missions and Service retreat 1987/88
  24. Music Co-ordinator correspondence, memos, 1982-1985
  25. Music report, n.d.
  26. Orders of service, 1989
  27. Orders of service, 1987-1988
  28. Orders of service, 1984-1986
  29. Orders of service, 1978-1982
  30. Orders of service, 1986/87
  31. Orders of service, 1982-1984
  32. Orders of service, 1973-1977
  33. Orders of service, 1966-1977
  34. Orders of service, 1985-1986
  35. Pascal lectures, 1978-1983
  36. Pascal lectures, 1988

Vol. 5: 1967-1989

  1. Religious Studies Dept. memos, 1973-1983
  2. Residence -- Academic Religion essays, etc., 1978-1985
  3. Residence-Academic religion essays, programs, 1972-1983
  4. Retreat - All-College, misc., 1982-1988
  5. Retreat - Chapel, 1982-1989
  6. Scholarly journal misc., 1981-1985
  7. Self study/criticism misc., 1989
  8. Sending service misc., 1978-1986
  9. Songbooks, nd
  10. New songbook correspondence, 1980-1986
  11. Spring banquet chapel notes, 1983-1989
  12. Student attitude questionnaire, 1969
  13. Student Services Committee misc., 1974-1978
  14. Student Services Committee correspondence, 1967-1968

Vol. 6: 1967-1989

  1. Students Services, misc., 1976-1985
  2. Student Services, misc., 1978-1985
  3. Student Services newsletters, misc., 1967-1988
  4. Student sermons, 1974-1978
  5. Student sermons, 1981-1989
  6. Student writings, 1980-1983
  7. Summer Council minutes, 1988-1989
  8. Symposium, misc., 1975-1980
  9. Thanksgiving activities, letters, etc. 1981-1983
  10. Theological Concerns Committee minutes, 1988/89
  11. Theological conservatives and peace and war correspondence, 1984-1985
  12. Theological/Ethical discussion group, 1980-1983
  13. Twenty-fifth anniversary misc., 1988
  14. University congregations, misc., 1964-1970
  15. Walter Klaassen’s chapel sermons
  16. Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, 1981-1988
  17. Week of Prayer, misc., 1981-1986
  18. Wednesday Chapel Services
  19. Services for Easter
  20. University of Waterloo Chaplains Association
  21. Internal Memos, 1973-1975
  22. Isaac Tiessen correspondence and manuscripts, 1981-1989
    Note:4 The following article was removed from the file: "Wer das Schwert nimmt" / by Isaak [sic] Tiessen. Der Bote, 13 November 1995, pp. 5,8.
  23. Institute of Mennonite Studies Project 20, 1966-1971.
    Note: Includes correspondence with John Howard Yoder and C.J. Dyck.
    The following articles were removed from the file: "Christians and Revolution" / by Joel H. Nederhood. Christianity Today, 1 January 1971, pp. 7-9;
    "The church in Search of Mission" / by Hendrik Kraemer. Christianity Today, 1 January 1971, pp. 10-12;
    "Bombos or Bibles? Get Ready for Revolution!" / by Vernon C. Grounds.Christianity Today, 15 January 1971, pp. 4-6.
  24. Mennonite College Bible and Seminary Faculties meetings, 1968-1970

Vol. 7: Supervised Experience in Ministry Internship (restricted)

Sub-Series 8: Administrative Team/Management Committee/Administrative Executive

  1. Minutes, 1975/1976, 1979/1980-2019/2020, 2021/2022
  2. Guidelines, 2015
    See also XXVI.2.8 Board Policies.

Sub-Series 9: Personnel / Search Committee Files (CONFIDENTIAL)

Files in this sub-series include only former employees of the College. They may be accessed only by permission of the President, Academic Dean or, in the the case of former staff members, by the Operations Manager or Accountant (for employment records). The files are listed offline.

Sub-Series 10: Staff Association/Support Staff

  1. Minutes, 1982, 1984, 1988-2011

Sub-Series 11: Development Office

  1. Fundraising Committee minutes
  2. Correspondence and estate gift files (CONFIDENTIAL)
  3. "Building on the Vision" Forms, 1989-1992
  4. Minutes, Memos, Correspondence, 1993-1995

Sub-Series 12: Food Services

  1. Term end banquets, 1990-2014
  2. Weekly menus, production sheets and modified menus (sample), 1990-2016

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