Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
81 Occupations
81 - g - Co Counselling, 1957-1965. Removed: Carl Ens, Called to A Vocation (Newton, Kan.?: Board of Christian Service, 1965), 48p. (available at CGUC Library and Archives); Melvin Gingrich, "Choosing our work" in Gospel Herald, Aug. 5, 1958, p.729; articles in the "Careers for You" series in Youth's Christian Companion, 1955: Sept. 4, p.283f., Oct. 23, p.341, Oct. 16, p.333f.; 2 Christian Science Monitor articles: "New Jobs - New Frontiers" in Oct. 19, 1963 & "The impact of automation" in Nov. 30, 1963.
81 - A Advertising - Included one ad of the Royal Bank of Canada in Liberty, June 1957, which was removed. File withdrawn.
81 - C Careers, Jobs, Vocations, 1951, 1958-1963, 1976-1977. Includes: 2 National Council of the Churches of Christ pamphlets: "Women's Church Vocations" 1950s? and "Christian Youth and Christian Vocation" 1951.
Removed: "Careers in Canada" in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 19, 1957; "What do you want to be" in Youth's Christian Companion June 29, 1958, p.405f.; 7 of 10 articles from "Choosing your career" series in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, 1976-1977.
81 - C - Ja Janitors, 1957-1958.
81 - JM Job making, 1963. Removed: "Manuscript Typing is interesting" in Youth's Christian Companion, Oct. 12, 1958.
81 - L Life Planning, 1956-1957, 1965. Includes: William Macdonald, Think of Your Future (Oak Park, Ill.: Midwest Christian Publishers, 1956), 51p.; The Master Calleth for Thee (Newton, Kan.?: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1950s?), 24p.; Frank Epp, "Advice to Youth: Go Back to School" radio sermon on "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, 1950s.
Removed: Sanford Calvin Yoder, If I were young again (Nappanee, Indiana: Reprinted by Evangel Press, 1963), 20p. booklet; "Vocation Plus" in Mennonite Youth, Apr. 26, 1960, p.269; "Beckoning Businessmen" in The Mennonite, Apr. 26, 1960, p.271; "Choosing a Profession" in Konferenz-Jugendblatt, Sept.-Okt. 1955, p.3.
81 - M Military Service - Included one news clipping: "Militia to run national cleanup" in Minneapolis Star, June 7, 1972, p.7, which was removed. File withdrawn.
81 - R Retirement - Included one item: "Retirement: What Then?" in The Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter, March 1972, which was removed. File withdrawn.
82 Philology
82 - g General, 1958-1976. Removed: "Rodolphe Petter, Breaker of Language Barriers, The story of a pioneer missionary and linguist of the General Conference Mennonite Church" in The Mennonite, June 14, 1960; "If you think its groovy to rap, you're shucking" in New York Times Magazine, June 6, 1971; 6 articles on language fromSaturday Review from the 1960s.
82 - g - PGS Pennsylvania German Society, 1974-1975.
82 - g - Tr - Transition, 1957. Includes 2 clippings related to George R. Brunk's comments on the transition from the German to the English language in the Mennonite community.
82 - E Esperanto - Included one news clipping: "Esperanto answer to bilingualism" in the Ottawa Citizen, April 19, 1968, p.19, which was removed. File withdrawn.
82 - F Foreign Languages, 1962-1972, 1983-1985. Includes letters of inquiry from Frank Epp on learning the Russian language.
82 - F - Eng English, 1954-1961, 1973, 1982.
82 - F - Fr French, 1957, 1964, 1970. Includes letter of 1970 from Berlitz School of Language, Ottawa to Frank Epp, following his interview and test.
82 - F - Ger German, 1957-1966. Includes: D. D. Klassen, "Nur ein Sprachenwechsel?" 3p. (see published article with same title in clippings file); J. Thiessen, "Die Geschichte Der Deutschen Sprache," Vortag, Dec. 1961; D. K. Duerksen, "Bericht des Bildungsdirektors ueber die Arbeit in den ersten drei Monaten des Schuljahres 1961-1962," Dec. 8, 1961; Hans de Boer, "Draft Report" (to be edited for publication) with attached memo from Harvey Taves, Mennonite Central Committee, to Aaron Klassen, Aug. 2, 1960, pp.16-55.
Removed: articles related to the German language in the Mennonite community in: Bibel und Pflug, Aug. 16, 1958, p.3; Mennonitische Rundschau: Apr. 9, 1958, p.2, Sept. 19, 1961, p.4, "Aufssatz Wettbewerb" in June 6, 1962;Der Bote: Apr. 8, 1958, p.5, Aug. 20, 1958, Apr. 15, 1959, p.5, "Werter Herr Editor!" in Feb. 7, 1961, Sept.8, 1961, p.3, "Hat es fuer uns einen Wert, die deutsche Sprache beizubehalten?" in Mar. 13, 1962, p.9 & Mar. 20, 1962.
82 - F - Ger German, 1958-1971. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes article by Hans de Boer in Der Nordwesten, Jan. 3, 1967; undated article by D. D. Klassen, "Nur ein Sprachenwechsel?" in Der Bote?
82 - F - Ru Russian, 1960-1965. Includes articles in Russian: an issue of The Student's Companion, 1960; a Mennonite Brethren pamphlet? printed by The Christian Press, Winnipeg, Man.
82 - G Grammar, 1950s, 1961, 1979.
82 - H Heritage Languages, 1983. Includes: "Minutes of Proceedings and Evidence of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on Official Languages," No. 62, June 21, 1983.
82 - Vu Vulgarisms - Included one news clipping: Art Buchwald, "Those blankety-blank words" in Ottawa Citizen, Sept. 23, 1968, p.19, which was removed. File withdrawn.
83 Philosophy
83 - g General, 1959-1960. Includes: Rev. Wesley C. Ewert, "Where do we go from here?" sermon at First Congregational Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Jan. 3, 1960.
83 - g - Hi History - Included only an ad for the 6 vol. set: "The Great Ages of Western Philosophy," which was removed. File withdrawn.
83 - C Cosmology, 1956-1957.
83 - E Ethics, 1961-1963, 1971. Includes: Moral Re-Armament (MRA) Pictorial Magazine, Autumn 1961 on Dr. Frank Buchman.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: David Ewert, "An Approach Tp Problems Of Christian Ethics" Mennonite Brethren Herald Pamphlet (March 24, 1967), 25p.
Removed: "The Christian Way of Love" in Herald Teacher, Dec. 2, 1956; from Christianity and Crisis, "Darwinism: Foundation for an ethical system?" & "The Obsolescence of Ethics" both undated; "Brethren and Biblical Ethics" inGospel Messenger, Oct. 25, 1958; "Have our moral standards been destroyed by the pursuit of the dollar?" in Look Magazine, Mar. 29, 1960, p.35f.; "Watergating on Main Street, What is happening to ethical standards in government, law, business, accounting, journalism, medicine, education" in Saturday Review, Nov. 1, 1975.
83 - E Ethics, 1956-1963, 1970-1971. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
83 - E - Lo Love (Christian), 1955-1958. Includes: Martin Luther King Jr., "The Most Durable Power" in The I-W Mirror, Mar. 15, 1958, No.1, Vol.6.
83 - E - Ma Materialism - Included only one clipping: "Thousand acts of charity show we are more than flash, chrome" in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Dec. 13, 1959, pp.1, 21, which was removed. File withdrawn.
83 - E - MD Moral Dilemma - Included only one clipping: "Methodists Face Secession Threat" in Minneapolis Star, Apr. 27, 1960, p.5, which was removed. File withdrawn.
83 - K Knowledge, 1957, 1969.
83 - K - Fr French - Included a letter and brochure from Campion Language Studies, 146 Front St. W. Toronto, Ont.. regarding a "French Course for Canadians" (the registration form was blank), which was removed. File withdrawn.
83 - Th Thought, 1958.
84 Physics
84 - A Atomic Energy, 1953-1963, 1983. Includes: R. G. Hart, "The False Apocalypse" Presentation to the taskforce on the churches and corporate responsibility, March 224, 1983.
Removed: the majority of the 40 news clippings and magazine articles; Look Magazine: Sept. 3, 1957, p.25f., Apr. 12, 1960, p.23f., Aug. 13, 1963, p.19f., Aug. 11, 1970; Maclean's Magazine: Oct. 7, 1961, 17f.; New York Times Magazine: "How to wind down the nuclear arms race" in Nov. 16, 1969 & "23 nuclear explosions later" in Mar. 1, 1970, p.24f.; "Under the Mushroom Cloud" in Saturday Review, Feb. 3, 1968, p.26; Christian Science Monitor: "Nuclear `Plow' Readied" in Jan. 16, 1965 & "The `Peaceful Atom' Comes of Age" in Sept. 24, 1964; The I-W Mirror: Apr. 1, 1958, No.7, Vol.6, p.1 & Apr. 15, 1958, No.8, Vol.6; The Mennonite: Apr. 22, 1958, Aug. 11, 1959, p.486f., Sept. 8, 1959, p.549; The Canadian Baptist (newspaper), Feb. 15, 1964, p2, 14, 16.
84 - A Atomic Energy, 1957-1965, 1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes an issue ofSanity published by The Canadian Campaign For Nuclear Disarmament, Sept. 1963, Vol.1, No.7.
84 - HB Hydrogen Bomb, 1957, 1968, 1979. Removed: a dozen news clippings.
84 - S Space Efforts, 1957-1971. Original file measured 3.5 cm. Includes Frank Epp, "When I Consider The Heavens" Four Inspirational Talks on "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, July 1961; essay on the beginnings of space in the US, 8p., 4 photos, from Pendray & Cook, N.Y.
Removed: Life Magazine, Sept. 2, 1957, p.19f.; Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 28, 1961, p.22f.; Look Magazine, Dec. 10, 1957, p.105f.; New York Times Magazine, Jan. 31, 1960, Apr. 23, 1961, Feb. 23, 1969, July 13, 1969; U.S. News & World Report, Feb. 5, 1962, p.38f.; Saturday Review, Sept. 5, 1959, Aug. 6, 1960, Mar. 4, 1961, May 6, 1961, Aug. 19, 1961, Nov. 20,1965, Aug. 6, 1966, Sept. 3, 1966, July 8, 1972; This Week Magazine, Sept. 13, 1959, Aug. 21, 1960, Dec. 4, 1960, Feb. 5, 1961; over 40 news clippings.
84 - S Space Efforts, 1957-1972, 1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
84 - S - A8 Apollo 8, 1968. Removed: 16 of 20 news clippings.
84 - S - All Apollo 11, 1979. Removed: "Moon Ships Reunited" in Globe and Mail, July 22, 1969, pp.1,8, 9, 13; "The Apollo Astronauts - 10 Years later" in Sunday Star, July 15, 1979, p.A6.
84 - S - A13 Apollo 13, 1970. Removed: New York Times, Apr. 19, 1970, Section 4, p.1.
84 - S - A15 Apollo 15, 1971-1973. Removed: New York Times, Aug. 1, 1971, pp.1, Section 4 p.1, 49.
84 - S - Ma Mars, 1969.
Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing