Epp, Frank H. -- 86. Professions, 87. Psychology

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

Epp subject files homepage

86 Professions

86 - g General, 1957-1965. Includes: Church Vocations Team at CMBC schedule with forms for 3 interviews conducted by Frank H. Epp attached; evaluation of the team visit. 
Removed: "The Janitor who became a Teacher" in Gospel Messenger, Nov. 4, 1962, p.4f.; "Direction Unlimited" in The Mennonite, Feb. 2, 1960, p.74f.; 2 news clippings.  

86 - g - Co Counselling, 1958-1960. Removed: 2 articles from Mennonite Youth: "Why am I doing What am I doing? in May 10, 1960, p.301f. & "Vocation Plus" in May 3, 1960, p.285f.; 2 news clippings; 

86 - g - Ph Philosophy of Vocations, 1950s. Includes: "Women's Church Vocations" pamphlet of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, 1950s?; "Women in Church Vocations Who? What? When? Where? How?" leaflet of the Board of Christian Service of the General Conference Mennonite Churches, 1950s?  

86 - Ar Artists, 1958, 1982.

86 - AS Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 1963.

86 - B Business Services, 1954-1958, 1966. Includes: articles on stenographers and secretaries.

86 - B Business Services, 1950s?, 1960-1965, 1978-1979, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a number of articles on secretaries.

86 - C Civil Service, 1960-1970-1982.

86 - C - Po Policemen, 1968. Includes: article on a Christian policeman in Honolulu; 5 handwritten pages on "Report of Royal Commission on Security" undated.

86 - C - Po Policemen, 1960, 1968-1971, 1978-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 
Removed: approximately 2/3 of the news clippings and popular articles.

86 - E Educators and Librarians, 1957-1974. Includes: letter of Aug. 1964 from Alvin Thiessen advising Frank H. Epp to take up library work; notice sent by Frank H. Epp to the Canadian Association of University Teachers, Dec. 29, 1966. 
Removed: "So you're planning to teach school" in Youth's Christian Companion, Oct. 28, 1956, p.349; 8 news clippings.

86 - E - Mn Mennonites, 1962. Includes: page from Winnipeg Free Press with names of Mennonites teaching in Winnipeg schools underlined.

86 - ES Engineering Sciences, 1964. Includes: brochure about Canadian opportunities for engineering graduates. 
Removed: booklet, "Careers in Engineering" and brochure on careers in the physical sciences.

86 - L Lawyers and Legal Services, 1971-1973, 1979. Includes: news clippings only. Removed: half of the news clippings and articles including, "Leonard Boudin" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 14, 1971, p.38f.; 2 page brochure, Careers for university graduates with the government of Canada," 1966. 

86 - Mi Ministry (Clergy), 1956-1972. Includes: articles and brochures on the ministry in various denominations, also on pastors' salaries; World Council Report on Women in Ministry" in National Council of Churches, Dec. 12, 1959; copy of letter from William W. Dick to members of Canadian Conference on the Ministry and personal note to Frank H. Epp on the back, May 27, 1965; letter to Frank H. Epp from Jacob T. Friesen, conference minister, regarding ordination and commissioning, Nov. 11, 1971; letter to ordained persons in the General Conference Mennonite Church with several position statements attached (including a statement on a case of divorce and remarriage), Nov. 15, 1971; minutes from Breslau Mennonite Church Council Meeting, Dec. 9, 1972 which includes questions on a pastor's role; William W. Dick and Laurent A. Isabelle, "Vocational self-concept in terms of the vocational interests and values of seminarians and ministers," Paper based on Isabelle's master's thesis of May 1964, 14p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Russell L. Mast, "The Ministry and the Church Three Sermons" 1960s? Removed: "Ministers must live too!" in The Christian Century, Feb. 20, 1957, p.241; "The Pastor's Wife" in The Evangelical Mennonite, Mar. 15, 1957, p.5; in the Evangelical Visitor, "Consider your calling" Aug. 25, 1958, p.3f. & "The Minister's Salary" May 4, 1959, p.2f.; "The Pastor's Salary" in The Evangelical Mennonite, Jan. 15, 1959, p.3f.; inThe Mennonite, "How much shall we pay the minister?" Mar. 13, 1956, p.174f. & "Your Minister's Income" Nov. 18, 1958, p.713; in Der Bote, articles about elders and pastors: "Ist das Aeltestenamt ueberholt?" in Aug. 28, 1962; "Das Aeltestenamt ist das hoechste Amt" in Mar. 19, 1963; "Ein Wort zum Aeltestenproblem" & "Warum `Reverend'?" in May 28, 1963; J.J. Thiessen, "Doch der Segen kommt von oben" in Oct. 18, 1966; "Ist der Ruecktritt vieler Prediger von ihrem Amt eine ansteckende Krankheit?" in Mar. 28, 1967; "I was a prisoner of silence" in Saturday Evening Post, Aug. 27, 1955; in The Observer "Why men leave other professions for the ministry" May 15, 1965, p.18f. & "This `call' to ministry was a family affair" June 1, 1965.  

86 - Mi Ministry (Clergy), 1958, 1967-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: "New-Look Chaplains" in Globe and Mail, May 22, 1972.

86 - Mi - Ch Chaplains, 1968. Includes: Myron Ebersole, "Toward Renewal of Ministry," Paper presented to the Mennonite Chaplain's Association meeting, 1968, 9p. Removed: "Why I like hospital chaplaincy" in The MennoniteOct. 9, 1956, p.640f. 

86 - Mi - Wo Women, 1983. Includes only one item: a special report in the  Toronto Star on women and equality in Canadian churches, Oct. 1, 1983.

86 - MS Medical Services, 1955-1965. Includes: "From a missionary pharmacist" in General Conference Mennonite Church News Service, Sept. 29, 1958. 
Removed: Mennonite Medical Messenger, Nov. 1957; brochure from the Civil Service of Canada on medical careers (1964); advertising supplements from the Ladies Home Journal: "Should your child be..." a pharmacist (June 1957), a veterinarian (June 20, 1961), a pathologist (May 22, 1962); "My first fifty years in medicine" in Maclean's, Feb. 23, 1963, p.22f.; half of the news clippings. 

86 - MS Medical Services, 1965? 1971-1972, 1980-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

86 - MS - N Nursing, 1957-1960. Includes: booklet (1950s?) "Do you want to be a nurse?" promoting nursing education in in Mennonite schools of nursing; brochure on nursing education at Goshen College (1950s?). 
Removed: "Following Christ in Nursing" in Gospel Herald, Dec.2, 1957, p.1133f.; "Even unto the least" in The Mennonite, Aug. 26, 1958, p518f. Mennonite Hospitals and Homes, Sept. 1958, Vol. IX, No.9; 3 issues of  Canada's Health and Welfare, Oct. 1963 (Includes article "Nursing is a man's job too!), Oct. 1964 & Jan. 1965 (Includes article "Nurses in the North").  

86 - Po Politicians - Included only 2 news clippings on salary for members of parliament in Toronto Star May 18, 1985, p.D2 & Globe and Mail Dec. 28, 1984, p.3, which were removed. File withdrawn.

86 - SS Social Service, 1962. Includes: information and a paper by James N. Miller, "Is Social Work Christian?" from the Association of Mennonite Social Workers, sent to Frank H. Epp as editor of The Canadian Mennonite.

86 - W Writers, 1956-1971. Removed: Don E. Smucker, "Wanted: Trained Writers" in The Mennonite, June 5, 1956, p.366f.; "Mightier than the sword" in Christian Leader, Feb. 1, 1957, p.3f. 

86 - W - Jo Journalists, 1960-1961. Includes: booklet "Choosing a career in journalism" 1960. 
Removed: "Missionary Journalists at work" in Youth's Christian Companion, Sept. 6, 1959, p.568f.; full page notice on Victor Cohn,  Minneapolis Tribune science writer, recipient of an award as the nation's top newspaper science reporter in 1959, Minneapolis Tribune, Jan. 16, 1960, p.11C

86 - W - RJ Religious Journalists, 1957?-1962. Includes: bibliography for religious journalists from National Council of Churches, 1957?

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87 Psychology

87 - g General, 1971, 1982. Removed: book ads; Canada's Health and Welfare, Dec. 1964.

87 - g - Gr Groupthink, 1977? Includes: Richard C. Huesman & Russell W. Driver, "Groupthink" Implications for small-group decision making in business," part of an edited work? See Readings in Interpersonal & Organizational Communication of which Richard C. Huseman was one of the editors (Boston : Holbrook Press, 1977).

87 - Ap Applied, 1957-1959, 1965-1971. Includes: G. T. Barrett-Lennard, "Significant aspects of a helping relationship" (Dept. of National Health and Welfare, 1965), 5p.

87 - Ap - Cu Curiosity - Included one human interest story from an unidentified newspaper: "Curiosity almost killed him" Feb. 11, 1960, which was removed. File withdrawn.

87 - Ap - Ha Handshakes (Touch), 1970.

87 - Ap - Le Leadership, 1959-1960, 1966-1968, 1975, 1983. Removed: 7 news clippings and 10 popular articles, many on presidents of the USA: from New York Times Magazine: "The Right Man for the Big Job" in Apr. 3, 1960 & "`Alone with himself and history'" in Nov. 13, 1960; from Look Magazine: Harry S. Truman, "The Day Ike Snubbed Me" in May 24, 1960 & "What is a college president?" in June 7, 1960. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Willard Claassen, Learning to lead : leader's guide (Scottdale, PA: Herald Press ; Newton, KA: Faith and Life Press, 1963), 32p.

87 - Ap - Pop Popularity, 1959-1960.

87 - Ap - Sa Salesmanship, 1958-1961. Removed: undated general information about salesmanship.

87 - At Attitudes, 1955-1961, 1982. Removed: 7 news clippings; the following transcriptions of Norman Vincent Peale's sermons from 1959, published by the Foundation for Christian Living, New York, N.Y.: "Man thrives on inspiration," "What to do about a blue day," "Do people like you," "How to make every day a good day"; the following transcriptions of Norman Vincent Peale's sermons from 1960, published by the Foundation for Christian Living, New York, N.Y.: "The wonderful feeling of security," "How to live without being afraid," "Life's greatest experience and how to have it."  

87 - At - Ad - Adversity, 1976.

87 - At - AL Abundant Living, 1953, 1959-1961. Includes: Albert Schweitzer, "Discover your worth," short note with his photo in This Week Magazine, Nov. 29, 1959, p.2. 
Removed: Norman Vincent Peale, "Do you realize your own importance," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959); the following transcriptions of Norman Vincent Peale's sermons  from 1960, published by the Foundation for Christian Living, New York, N.Y.: "What to do when discouraged," "What to do with your difficulties," "Secret of building up your confidence," "Anyone can improve his personality," "Prayer gives you the right answers," "Formula for a better life," "A Feeling of confidence can be yours," "Does the power of positive thinking always work."

87 - At - Ap Appreciative, 1950s.

87 - At - Beau Beauty - Ugliness, 1956.

87 - At - Bra Bravery - Included only one article: June Callwood, "The Emotions, Fear" in McLean's, Jan. 5, 1963, p.18f., which was removed. File withdrawn. 

87 - At - Col Coolness, 1957.

87 - At - Cra Courage - Cowardice, 1954-1961, 1972. Includes: Billy Graham, "The cure for discouragement," radio message of "The Hour of Decision," 1954 (small pamphlet); story about courage on a Mount Vernon filing system heading sheet. 
Removed: 2 feature articles from the Minneapolis Tribune on the courage of Americans in WW II: July 31, 1960, pp.1 & 7 & Aug. 7, 1960, pp.1 & 7; article on the courage of Judge Robert Bastien in Look Magazine, May 21, 1963, p.25f.

87 - At - Cnq Conquering Spirit (Depression), 1951, 1957, 1964, 1973. Removed: "Be a pioneer" in The I-W Mirror, June 15, 1958; "Why they named a mountain after George Podolsky" in Maclean's, Sept. 24, 1960, p.22f.; "Ordeal in the Atlantic Six dedicated men master the elements on an epic journey" in Look Magazine, Apr. 1, 1958.   

87 - At - Cnq Conquering Spirit (Depression), 1959-1961, 1973, 1979-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: human interest stories.

87 - At - Ded Dedication, 1961.

87 - At - Dev Devotion - Included 2 Gospel Herald articles: "Yield therefore your members," in Mar. 13, 1962, p.245 & William Klassen, "Jesus-Lord of home and community" in July 17, 1962, p.621, which were removed. File withdrawn.

87 - At - Du Duty, 1950s.

87 - At - Eg Ego, 1957-1962. Removed: "Bathrooms the new status symbol" from Look Magazine? 1960s?

87 - At - En Enthusiasm, 1956. Includes: undated new clipping on Norman Vincent Peale. 
Removed: Norman Vincent Peale, "The priceless gift of enthusiasm," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959); Norman Vincent Peale, "New enthusiasm for living," Feb. 22, 1959, pp.21-26, from a pamphlet?

87 - At - Es Escapism, 1958. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Don't run away from life" radio sermon on "The Abundant Life" Nov. 1958.

87 - At - Fo Forgiveness, 1959-1960, 1969. Includes: Frank H. Epp's sermon outline or notes for a sermon on forgiveness; tract of the Evangelical Tract Distributors in Edmonton, Alberta, undated; 4 of Frank H. Epp'sAbundant Life sermons from 1959: "Let's bury the hatchet," "Your sins are forgiven," "The last man to hang," and "My problem is Dad"; Four inspirational talks by Frank H. Epp "Jesus, the friend of sinners" by The Abundant Life,Mar. 1961; C. J. Ramer, "Even the forgiveness of sins," The Mennonite Hour message, 1950s? small pamphlet, 8p. 

87 - At - Fr Friendliness, 1957. Removed: "Befriending the friendless The story of an ordinary housewife whose initiative has brightened life for hundreds of troubled people" in The Observer, Aug. 1963. p.17f.; Norman Vincent Peale, "How to make and keep friends," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959).

87 - At - Ha Happiness, 1957-1963. Includes: "Happiness new light on an old subject," undated, no author indicated, 4 typed pages.

87 - At - Hon Honesty, Dishonesty, 1954-1961, 1970-1973. Removed: 10 clippings and popular articles.

87 - At - Hop Hope, 1959, 1968. Removed: Norman Vincent Peale, "Let hope work for you," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959). 

87 - At - Hu Humility, 1959, 1961. Removed: "Seven Tests of Humility" in Christian Living, Nov. 1963, p.26f.; articles from The Mennonite: "Pride and Humility" in Aug. 20, 1957, p. 516f., "The peril of pride" in Feb. 10, 1958, p.88, "The Meekness of Wisdom" in July 19, 1960; "Adventure in Humility" in Gospel Messenger, Sept. 30, 1961, p.4f.  

87 - At - In Indolence, 1957-1960.

87 - At - Jo Joy, 1957, 1962. Includes: William Klassen, "The Recovery of Joy" reprinted from Pastoral Psychology, Dec. 1962.
Removed: Norman Vincent Peale, "How to enjoy your life," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959.

87 - At - Ki Kindness, 1957.

87 - At - Lo Loneliness, 1958, 1971. Includes: Armand Georges, "Crusade against loneliness" (Great Britain: Stationers Hall, 1958). 

87 - At - LH Love - Hate, 1958-1961, 1967, 1974. Removed: Norman Vincent Peale, "The art of loving people," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1960). 

87 - At - Ma Magnanimity, 1956.

87 - At - Op Optimism - Pessimism, 1959-1960, 1971.

87 - At - Pti Patience, 1957. Removed: "The Patient God" in The Observer, Jan. 1, 1959, p.7.

87 - At - Per Perseverance, 1957-1960. Includes: notes of Frank H. Epp (on green paper), a sermon text? (typed). Removed: 2 Globe and Mail articles: "Survives 58 days in Arctic" in Apr. 3, 1967, p.1 & Martin Hartwell, rescued after 32 days in the NW Territories, in Mar. 2, 1973, p.4;  4 shorter news clippings and a popular article.

87 - At - Qu Quietness, 1957-1962. 
Removed: "Yellow silence" in The Mennonite, May 24, 1960, p.343; "Stille" in Der Mennonit, 11 Jahrgang, Nr. 2, p.1; Norman Vincent Peale, "Tranquility and efficiency," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1960). 

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87 - At - Sa Sacrifice, 1958-1960.

87 - At - SeDi Self-Discipline, 1961, 1971.

87 - At - Sin Sincerity, 1955.

87 - At - Sp Speed, 1957-1961.

87 - At - St Strength, 1950s.

87 - At - Su Success, 1956-1963, 1970-1973. Includes: some note papers of  Frank H. Epp on success; a selection of the news clippings and popular articles that were kept; a sheet from the Mount Vernon Foundation (Frank H. Epp used their filing system.). 
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Jan. 1959, p.11 & Nov. 11, 1961, p.3; Christian Leader, Nov. 1, 1957, p.3; booklets by Norman Vincent Peale, from 1959: "Think your way to success", "How to handle that difficulty", "No more failure for you" and from 1960: "How to Adjust when things go wrong", Victory over every defeat." 

87 - At - Tru Trust, 1950s.

87 - At - Un Unselfish, 1956-1958.

87 - At - Wo Worry, 1985.

87 - Ch Choice, 1959.

87 - Ch - De Decisiveness, 1959-1963.

87 - Ch - Im Impulse, 1959-1960.

87 - Ch - WP Will Power, 1958-1961.

87 - D Dreams, 1952, 1961.

87 - Em Emotions, 1950s? 1962. Includes: small undated pamphlet Harvey C. Roys, Your emotions and God's word(Washington: Seattle Gospel Publishing Service, 1950s?), 16; June Callwood, "Emotion" in Maclean's, Sept. 22, 1962, p.15.

87 - Em - Fe Fear, 1958-1961, 1967-1968. 
Removed: article on children's fears, "Who's afraid of the big bad world" in New York Times Magazine, Sept. 22, 1968, p.109f.

87 - Em - IC Inferiority Complex - Included one item: Norman Vincent Peale, "What to do about that inferiority complex," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959), which was removed. File withdrawn.

87 - G Genetic, 1957, 1971-1974, 1983-1984.

87 - H Habits, 1958.

87 - H - To Tobacco, 1957.

87 - I Imagination, 1972.

87 - I - In inspiration - Included one item: Norman Vincent Peale, "Get your inspiration replenished," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959), which was removed. File withdrawn.

87 - M Memory, Learning, 1950s? 1960. Includes: "Anybody can remember anything" in Look Magazine, 1950s?; brochure on Memory from the Mt. Vernon Foundation (1956?). Frank H. Epp used their filing system.

87 - MH Mental Health, 1950-1972. Original file measured 6.5 cm. Includes: brochures on mental health from various agencies (a selection of those in the original file were kept); William Klassen, "Report of Director to the Board" Mennonite Mental Health Services, Sept. 1965, 12p.; William Klassen, book review of Life and Death in Mental Hospital (1965), 13p. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: William Klassen, "The Healing Community" (Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Mental Health Services, Inc. 1966), 8p., dedication address for Kern View Hospital, Bakersfield. 
Removed: 5 news clippings and 7 popular articles; Norman Vincent Peale, "Don't let anything get on your nerves," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1960); Report, MCC services bulletin, Autumn 1961, Vol. IV, No.1, available in CGUC Library and Archives, rare periodicals; booklet, Discipleship in Mental Health Professions (Newton, KA: Faith and Life Press for Mennonite Mental Health Services, Inc., 1963), 28p.;Canada's Mental Health Supplement, "Mental Health Coming Events" Dec. 1963, Nos.: 40 (Mar.-Apr. 1964), 42 (Sept.-Oct. 1964), 43 (Sept.-Oct. 1964), 43A (Sept.-Oct. 1965), 44 (Nov.-Dec. 1964), 48 (Sept.-Oct. 1965), 71 (Sept.-Oct.1972); Canada's Health and Welfare, Nov. 1965, Vol.20, No.9; "Attitudes toward mental illness" inGospel Messenger, Apr. 25, 1959, p.6f.; articles in The Mennonite: Aug. 6, 1957, p.488f., May 6, 1975, the whole issue with articles on retardation.

87 - MH - In Institution, 1946-1950, 1957-1963. Includes: "Handbook for psychiatric aides, section one: a general guide to work in mental hospitals," (New York, N.Y.: National Association for Mental Health, 1946), 58p.; "Mennoniten Sanitarium of Manitoba, Bericht an die Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba," Nov. 1962, 2p.; copy of letter to the chairman of the Manitoba Mennonite Sanitorium from Ted E. Friesen, Jan. 1963; "Oaklawn: More than an institution," in Messenger, Church of the Brethren publication, Nov. 25, 1965, p.22f.; 3 issues of Prairie View Newsletter: Jan.-Feb., Vol.I, No.1, 1962?, Vol.1, No.2, Jan.-Feb., Vol. II, No.1; brochures and booklets on Mennonite homes for the mentally ill in Canada and the USA. 

87 - MH - In Institution, 1956, 1967. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: newspaper articles on the opening of the Bethesda Home in St. Catharines, Ontatio in 1956 & on the opening of the Eden Mental Health Centre in Winkler, Man. in 1967. 

87 - O Occult Sciences, 1940, 1955-1956, 1967. Removed: "Land of cultists, mystics and quacks" in New York Times Magazine, Sept. 11, 1960, 37f.; "That old black witchcraft" in The Globe Magazine, July 17, 1971, p2f.

87 - P Psychiatry, 1959-1961. Includes: some things noted by Frank H. Epp, 1959. 
Removed: "Disillusionment" in Youth's Christian Companion, Oct. 19, 1958, p.668; "Psychiatry" in Look Magazine, Feb. 2, 1960, p,33f.; After fifty years - an analysis of analysis" (on Freud's theories) in  New York Times Magazine, Feb. 12, 1961, p.11f.

87 - P - Re Religion - Included only one item: Report, MCC services bulletin, Autumn 1961, Vol. IV, No.1, available in CGUC Library and Archives, rare periodicals. It was removed from the file. File withdrawn.

87 - Ph Physical - Included only one item: Why we do and don't say `Ouch!'" in New York Times, June 6, 1971, p.12, which was removed. File withdrawn.

87 - PP Psychic Phenomena, 1958-1961, 1968. Among the popular articles removed were: "The mysteries of hypnosis" in Look Magazine, July 10, 1956, p.21f.; article on nightmares in New York Times Magazine, Dec. 7, 1969, p.56f.; "Holland's incredible mind readers" in This Week Magazine, Feb. 19, 1961, p.4f.; "Meet Bridey Murphy" in The Christian Century, June 6, 1956, p.692. 

87 - R Religion (Psychology in) - The following items that were in the file were removed: book ads from the Pastoral Psychology book club; "On straight thinking" in The Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter, March 1976; Norman Vincent Peale, "The amazing results of positive thinking," sermon transcription (New York, N.Y.: Foundation for Christian Living, 1959). File withdrawn.

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Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing