Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.1
88 Religion
88 - g General, 1960, 1979. Removed: "'Linguistic First Aid' for pioneer missionaries, probing the secrets of language" in Evangelical Visitor, Feb. 19, 1962, p.7f.
88 - g - Di Dictionaries - Included only 2 book ads, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe Periodicals, 1956, 1962, 1967. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "The Making and Unmaking of Inter-Mennonite Periodicals," Independent Study Course, research paper, Dept. of History, Bethel College, 1956, 72p.; survey sheets on "A Philosophy of our Church Papers" and Frank H. Epp's memo to Maynard Shelly on this topic, 1960s?
88 - g - Pe - CL Christian Leader - Included one item: an editorial discussing use of the Mennonite Brethren name, in Christian Leader, Aug. 12, 1958, p.2, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe - DB Der Bote, 1962-1967. Includes: various notes and reports related to goals and readership of this periodical; H. T. Klassen, "Wie gedenken wir uns die Gestaltung des Boten." Removed: the Mar. 20, 1962 issue of this periodical.
88 - g - Pe - DB Der Bote, 1960-1967. Complements the above file. Includes: articles from the periodical on issues related to tradition and language.
88 - g - Pe - Men The Mennonite, 1963-1965. Includes: reader surveys on The Mennonite, 1963; "How Mennonites read The Mennonite A report on four surveys of readers in 1963," General Conference Mennonite Church, 1965.
Removed: 2 of Maynard Shelly's editorials in The Mennonite, Aug. 19, 1958, p.498 & May 26, 1959, p.326.
88 - g - Pe - MBH Mennonite Brethren Herald - Included one issue of this periodical, June 9, 1967 (sent to The Canadian Mennonite) on "The brotherhood in Canada," which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe - MO Mennonite Observer - Included one issue of this periodical, Vol.VII, No.52 (Dec. 29, 1961), which had been sent to The Canadian Mennonite & "The Voice of the Church," editorial from Mennonite Observer, Vol. IV, No.25 (June 20, 1958), p.2, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe - MR Mennonitische Rundschau - Included one item: "Nachrichten" in Mennonitische Rundschau, Mar. 28, 1962 (page not given), which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe - MWR Mennonite Weekly Review - Included an issue of this periodical, No.19 (May 12, 1960), sent to Frank H. Epp at his home address in Minneapolis; the extended article in the May 26, 1960 issue on the 40th anniversary of the paper, pp.1, 5, 8 and Frank H. Epp's note of congratulation to the paper; article, "Controversial Issues" in the June 19, 1958 issue, p.3. These items were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - g - Pe - SP Steinbach Post, 1965. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp in 1965 on: the demise of Die Post; military recruitment notices in Der Bote (including a reference to Epp's paper based on his dissertation).
88 - g - Pe - SP Steinbach Post, 1958-1965. Complements the above file. Includes: clipped articles and several whole issues of the Steinbach Post and Die Post. Military ads and the demise of Die Post are some of the issues discussed.
88 - g - Sp Spoilers - Included one page from Newsweek, Dec. 27, 1976, p.25 on defense issues, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - B Bible
88 - Bg Bible General, 1946, 1952-1966, 1972. Includes: "Bible events and facts, a nonsectarian and non controversial account of the world's greatest book," Booklet No.212 (Washington, D.C.: Educational Research Bureau, 1946); "Story of the English Bible," reprinted from Winnipeg Free Press, 1952; "A Christian declaration on the authority of the Scriptures," General Conference Mennonite Church pamphlet, 1961?
Removed: book ads for Bibles; articles from Youth's Christian Companion, Dec. 8 1957, pp.769-784 & June 28, 1959, pp.412-414; "How the Bible made America" in Newsweek, Dec. 27, 1982, pp.44f.; 10 articles in a series by David Ewert, "How our Bible came to us" in The Mennonite, 1974: Oct. 8, 22, 29, Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec. 10, 17, 24.
88 - Bg N New Testament, 1954-1960s. Information in this file was originally in files for individual books and Scripture texts of the New Testament and included notes, articles and human interest stories, most of which were kept. The information is now arranged in the order of the books of the New Testament (not chronologically) from the Gospel of Matthew to the book of Revelation.
Items of note include: New Testament course outline of William Klassen, 1960?; Frank H. Epp's notes from a sermon by F. C. Peters on Matthew 5, 6 & 7; Gerhard Enns, "Du sollst nicht schwoeren!" 3p.; Gospel Messenger, Mar. 15, 1958, pp.10-14; the following radio sermons of Frank H. Epp, all from "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, the titles and dates of publication of which are as follows: "`Boys will be men' Four inspirational talks," June 1960; "Believe in God now," Sept. 1958; "A living or a life," Sept. 1958; "Practise what you preach," Mar. 1959; "Learn to say no," Oct. 1958; "Your life can be changed," Sept. 1959; "Go back to school," Aug. 1958 (based on II Peter 1:5); 2 sermons based on the Gospel of John, given in Minneapolis in 1959 by Wesley C. Ewert; "To Live is Christ" brochure on Philippians for Mennonite Youth Fellowship, 1962; "Faith with works Studies in the letters of James," Dept. of Youth Work, Presbyterian Church, USA, 1950s?; Notes on First and Second Peter, by Erland Waltner? 1964; William Klassen, "Vengeance in the Apocalypse of John" a Catholic Biblical Quarterly reprint July 1966.
Removed: book ads; Luther A. Weigle, An introduction to the Revised standard version of the New Testament(Chicago?, 1946), 72p.; "A rough word for preachers" in Christian Century Aug. 29, 1956; A. H. Unruh, Nikodemus Wie kommt man in das Reich gottes? Predigten (Winnipeg, Man.: Christian Press, 1956?), 63p.; "Bread of life" inGospel Herald, May 27, 1958, p.485; "`A well of water springing up...'" in Evangelical Visitor, Sept. 8, 1958, p.7f.;The Mennonite, Feb. 16, 1960, p.99 & 105; "Modern Galatianism" in Gospel Herald, Mar. 11, 1958, p.217f.; in theGospel Messenger, "Fruit of the Spirit," Aug. 19, 1961, p.3f. & "A Mighty Heritage A paraphrase of Hebrews eleven," Nov. 22, 1958, p.6-7; "Jesus Christ, the Beginning" (based on Colossians 1: 17-18) in Christianity and Crisis, Apr. 4, 1960, p.35f.; "Church Hospitality" in Evangelical Visitor, Aug 25, 1958, p.5f. (on Hebrews 13:2);"The City of Wonders" in Christian Leader, Mar. 11, 1958, p.4f.
88 - Bg O Old Testament, 1950s & 1960s. Information in this file was originally in files for individual books and Scripture texts of the Old Testament and included notes, articles and human interest stories, most of which were kept. The information is now arranged by themes in the Old Testament books (not chronologically) such as Wisdom and Literature, Law and History.
Items of note include: the following radio sermons by Frank H. Epp, all from "The Abundant Life" broadcast of theMennonite Radio Mission, the titles and dates of publication of which are as follows: "Believe in God now," Sept. 1958 (from file on the Psalms), "A living or a life," Sept. 1958, "Your life can be changed," Sept. 1959 (from file on Ezekiel 33:1-48:35); George R. Brunk, Jr., "Is America doomed? A paraphrase of Amos" tract (Goshen, Ind: Gospel Witness, 1950s?), 8p.; The 20th Century Quarterly July Aug. Sept. 1957, 64p. (from file on Old Testament); J. K. Klassen, "Abraham ein Glaubensheld Vier Predigten," Mennonite Radio Mission, Sept. 1962.
Removed: book ads; 2 articles on Job from 1956 in Gospel Messenger, Oct. 13, 1956, p.12f. & Oct. 27, p.10f.; "The Bible: book of the month, The Psalms" in Christianity Today, Sept. 30, 1957, p.17f.; "God's palm tree saints" in Evangelical Visitor, Apr. 7, 1958, p.3f.; "Nothing new under the sun" in Gospel Herald, Apr. 15, 1958, p.341f.; inThe Mennonite: "To the blind! To the bound!," Apr. 12, 1960, p.230f.; "Standing by one's convictions," Dec. 3, 1957, p.756 (from file on Daniel); "The Jonah Christians," Sept. 21, 1971, p.551f. & Waldemar Janzen, "If there were no Old Testament," Apr. 15, 1975, p.246f.; in the Gospel Messenger: "Hosea: a disillusioned lover," Feb. 3, 1962, p.8f. & "Micah something of a heretic," Feb. 10, 1962, p.10f.; "Right and wrong uses of the apocrypha" inChristianity Today, Sept. 30, 1957, p.3f.; Montgomery J. Shroyer, Understanding the Scriptures: A study manual for use with the Revised standard version of the New Testament (New York: Nelson, 1948), 64p.; articles on Noah's ark in Youth's Christian Companion, Aug. 15, 1954, p.261f.; "The plenary inspiration of Leviticus" in The Evangelical Mennonite, Oct. 15, 1958, p.7f.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, The point of no return? (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1958); B. Charles Hostetter, The Ten Commandments - Obsolete or Absolute (booklet) (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1958?), 63p. Julius A. Bewer, The Book of Jeremiah, Vol. One Chapters 1-25, Harper's annotated Bible, In the King James version, No. 5 (New York: Harper, 1951), 80p.; Julius A. Bewer,The Book of Jeremiah, Vol. Two Chapters 26-52, Harper's annotated Bible, In the King James version, No. 6 (New York: Harper, 1952), 87p.
88 - Bg Y Youth, 1955-1958, 1960. "Young People's Program Helps" General Conference Mennonite Church (Newton, KA). The original 29 files were left in chronological order and combined. They were sent out several times a year and include some of the following topics: Christian dating and marriage, the Christian and the automobile, studies on various books of the Bible, the Christmas season, New Year's Eve (Watch Night Service), Halloween, movies and television, alcohol, alternative service, C.O. status, peace, who are the Mennonites, Menno Simons, choosing friends, suggestions for social events, tithing and stewardship, personal stories, choosing a vocation, Christian calling, evangelism, salvation, renewal, servanthood, the world's needs, race relations, youth retreats and social events, automation, conformity. Also included is the constitution of the GCMC Young People's Union (Aug. 11, 1962), 3p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Young People's Program Helps 1950-51 Series, No. 5102, Voluntary Service, prepared by General Conference of the Mennonite Church North America, 10p.; Young People's Program Helps 1950-51 Series, No. 5010, Methods of Visual Aid, prepared by General Conference of the Mennonite Church North America, 10p. Withdrawn: Harold S. Bender, Millard C. Lind, Chester K. Lehman, The Revised Standard Version An Examination and Evaluation (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1953), 63p.; Lucille Kreider, The Friendly Way A One-Act Play in Three Scenes (Newton, KA: Faith and Life Press, 1961), 22p.
88 - Bg Y Youth, 1961-1964, 1966-1967. See list above for topics included in these files.
88 - Bg - Ar Archeology, 1957-1960. Includes articles on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Removed: book ads; Christian Leader, June 3, 1958, p.4f.; Maclean's Magazine, Dec. 22, 1956, p.7f.
88 - Bg - Au Authority, 1961-1962. Includes: some correspondence; 1962 brochure of the General Conference Mennonite Church on the topic.
Removed: 2 Gospel Messenger articles, Feb. 15, 1958, p.6f. & Oct. 18, 1958, p.7.
88 - Bg - Di Distribution, 1957-1962. Includes: 2 issues of The Russian Bible Society Bible Journal, 1957 & 1961;Canadian Bible Society Quarterly Newsletter, May 1962; brochure.
Removed: "Scotland, Bibles for Export" in Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 3, 1963, p.13f.
88 - Bg - Di - AB American Bible Society, 1956-1958. Includes: general report for 1958.
88 - Bg - Di - ABS Altona Bible Society, 1963. Includes: minutes of Feb. & Nov. meetings.
88 - Bg - Di - BF British and Foreign Bible Society, 1958-1964. Includes: annual reports and general resources.
Removed: "Bible Society Prayer Booklet 1962"; 3 issues of The Bible in the World A record of the work of The British and Foreign Bible Society, Nov.-Dec. 1958, Mar.-Apr. 1959, May-June 1959.
88 - Bg - Di - CBS Canadian Bible Society, 1961-1964. Includes: Canadian Bible Society, Manitoba District Annual Reports, 1961, 1962; The Canadian Bible Society Annual Report 1964.
88 - Bg - Di - Gideons, 1957, 1962.
88 - Bg - H History, 1959-1966. Removed: Gospel Messenger, Feb. 14, 1959, p.14f.; from Gospel Herald, Jan. 30, 1962, p.102f., Feb. 6, 1962, p.118f., Feb. 13, 1962, p.143, Feb. 20, 1962, p.167; series in Der Bote, "Ueber die Entstehung der Heiligen Schrift" in Feb. 5, 19 & 26 1958, March 5, 12 & 19, 1958
88 - Bg - In Inspiration, 1950s?, 1957. Includes: Clarence Bauman, "The Mystery and Miracle of the Bible" 1950s?
88 - Bg - In - Th Theories - Included only one item: "Two New Bibles" in Gospel Herald, Oct. 31, 1961, p.957, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Bg - In - Th - Ve Verbal - Included only one item, Norman V. Williams, Verbal Inspiration (Chicago: Moody Press, 1955), 126p., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Bg - Re Reading Schedules, 1959. Includes: "Perpetual Calendar Table Bible Reading Guide," 1959; Elder George J. French, Subject Concordance (Boston: Advent Christian Publications, Inc., 1950s?).
88 - Bg - St Study of the Bible, 1954-1960. Includes: course outline and materials used in Biblical Theology I course of Jacob J. Enz, 1958-1959.
Removed: 2 articles in Christian Leader, Dec. 1, 1957, p.4f., Oct. 21, 1958, p.4f.; The Mennonite, Mar. 17, 1959, p.163f.
88 - Bg - St - Co - HB - GGS God's Great Salvation - Included only the series "God's Great Salvation" Home Bible Studies A Bible Correspondence Course, Lessons I-XII (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1955) which was transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
88 - Bg - St - Co - HB - LC Living for Christ, 1959? Includes: Lessons 1, 2 & 4 in German on "Das Leben Fuer Christus" from the correspondence series of Mennonite Radio Mission, 1959?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Living for Christ" Home Bible Studies A Bible Correspondence Course, Lessons I-XII (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1959).
88 - Bg - St - Co - HB - SM Sermon on the Mount, 1960.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "The Sermon on the Mount" Home Bible Studies A Correspondence Course of The Mennonite Hour, Lessons I-XII (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1956).
88 - Bg - St - Me Methods, 1957. Includes: articles from Moody Monthly.
Removed: Youth's Christian Companion, Sept. 2, 1956, p.281f. & Sept. 23, 1956; Gospel Messenger, Nov. 6, 1954, p.3f.
88 - Bg - Tr Translations, 1958-1963, 1967. Includes: Helen Harder, "Translations of the Bible," Paper for senior seminar class, Swift Current Bible Institute, 1963. Removed: The Gospel According to John A Contemporary Translation (New York: New York Bible Society, 1969), 47p., gift to Frank H. Epp from J. C. Wenger, AMBS 12-10-70; 4 articles from Gospel Messenger: Dec. 7, 1957, p.14f., Dec. 13, 1958, p.12f., Dec. 27, 1958, p.13f., Oct. 28, 1961, p.14f.; Gospel Herald, Mar. 11, 1958, p.221f.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "How God Gave us the Bible" fold out chart, 1911; Frank E. Gaebelein,The Story of the Scofield Reference Bible 1909-1959 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1959), 16p.
88 - Bg - Tr - RS Revised Standard Version, 1952-1962. Includes: letter of 1959, materials of National Council of Churches; J. Carter Swaim, "Tenth Anniversary of R.S.V.," 1962.
Removed: M.R. De Haan, "Bible Versions and Perversions" (Grand Rapids, MI: Radio Bible Class, 1962); Carl McIntire, "The New Bible Revised Standard Version Why Christians Should Not Accept It" 1961; Robert L. Sumner, "The `New' Bible An Appraisal of the Revised Standard Version" Twelfth printing, 1960s?; Luther A. Weigle, Bible Words That Have Changed in Meaning (New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1955), 36p.
Removed: "RSV Appraisal: Old Testament" in Christianity Today, July 8, 1957, p.6f.; Harold S. Bender, Millard C. Lind, Chester K. Lehman, The Revised Standard Version An Examination and Evaluation (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1953), 63p.; Luther A. Weigle, Chairman of Revision Committee, An Introduction to the Revised Standard Version of the Old Testament (New York: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1952), 92p.
88 - Bg - Tr - NEB New English Bible, 1961-1962. Includes: popular articles.
88 - C Christology, 1958-1972. Includes poetry.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Kirby Page, The Creative Revolution of Jesus: Then and Now (La Hiabra, CA: Kirby Page, 1950), 62p.
Removed: majority of the news clippings; "Himmelfahrt," poem in Der Bote, May 14, 1958; Gospel Herald: Nov. 26, 1957, p.1016f. & Dec. 10, 1957, p.1057f.; The Mennonite: May 11, 1975, p.317; 1975 series by David Schroeder in: Jan. 7, p.14f., Jan. 14, p.30f., Jan. 21, p.44f., Jan. 28, p.61f., Feb. 4, p.78f., Feb. 11, p.94; "Obrammer-gau's Passion, Onstage and Off" in New York Times, Apr. 26, 1970, Sec. 10, p.1; "The Untold Story of Christ's World" inLook, Dec. 22, 1959, p.25f.
88 - C Christology, 1967-1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - C - At Atonement - Included only 2 articles from the Apr. 1, 1957 issue of Christianity Today: "Luther's Doctrine of the Atonement," p.10f. & "The Gospel of Luke," p.24f., which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - C - Bi Birth, 1957-1960. Removed: "What we know about the star of Bethlehem" in Maclean's Magazine, Dec. 20, 1958, p.11f.; Evangelical Visitor, Feb. 5, 1962, p.2; "Only the local is universal" in Christian Century, Aug. 8, 1956, p.922f.
88 - C - Bu Burial, 1957;
88 - C - Mi missions, 1950s?;
88 - C - Su Suffering, 1950s? - Each of these files included only the introductory sheet and were combined into one file.
88 - C - Cro Cross, 1960-1961, 1968. Removed: Youth's Christian Companion, Aug. 1, 1954, p.246; The I-W Mirror, Mar. 15, 1957, p.2; Gospel Herald, Mar. 4, 1958, p.197.
88 - C - Cru Crucufixion, 1956-1972.
88 - C - JP Jesus People, 1971-972. Three items from
88 - CR - JP Jesus People, moved here.
Removed: "Youth returns to Jesus" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Weekend Magazine, Jan. 1, 1972, p.9f.
88 - C - Misc Miscellameous - Included 2 issues of Commonweal: "God commonweal papers: 1," Vol.85, No. 18, Feb. 10, 1967 & "Jesus commonweal papers: 2," Vol. 87, No. 8, Nov. 24, 1967, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - C - Re Resurrection, 1953-1958, 1964-1972. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Return From The Grave," Radio Sermon on "The Abundant Life" broadcast of Mennonite Radio Mission, Mar. 1959 with typed notes attached from Mar. 5, 1953; notes of Frank H. Epp on "The triumph of the risen Christ," Mar. 29, 1964 and "Who will roll away the stone?" Mar. 18, 1965.
Removed: Christianity Today Apr. 15, 1957, p.3f.; from United Church Observer: Mar. 15, 1959, p.10f., Oct. 15, 1959, p.19f., Apr. 15, 1960, p.7f.; Gospel Messenger, Apr. 20, 1957, p.6-8; Apr. 5, 1958, p.1-16; Christian Leader, Mar. 25, 1958, p.4f.; Gospel Herald, Apr. 1, 1958, p.293-96 & 301-02.
Return to top
88 - Ch Church, 1955-1966, 1971-1973. Includes: General Conference Mennonite Church publications: 5 pamphlets from 1955 in "The Believer's Church" series and "A Statement on The Believer's Church" (1956); pamphlet by Theodore Roosevelt, "What the Church Means to Me" (New York: Evangelism Board of National Missions, 1950s?), 16p.; Newsletter of the British Columbia Mennonite Youth Organization, Jan. 1958; Horst Gerlach, "Das Mennonitische Gemeindeideal Eine kurze Beschreibung einer christlichen Freikirche" (Luxemburg: Christlichen Mission der Mennoniten, 1955?), 8p.; essay by William Klassen, "Some neglected aspects in the biblical view of the church" 1960?; essay by John Howard Yoder, "The otherness of the church," 1950s?; Frank H. Epp, "The Retreat and Advance of the Christian Church," Radio Sermon on "The Abundant Life" broadcast of Mennonite Radio Mission, July 1962; undated notes of Frank H. Epp on Buddha and Christ (1960s?).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: booklet by B. Charles Hostetter, The True Church (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1958), 22p.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Jan. 13, 1959, p.1f.; Christianity Today, Aug. 19, 1957, pp.3-22; The Mennonite, July 26, 1960, p.471f. & Aug. 29, 1961, p.550f.
88 - Ch - ABM Altona Bergthaler Mennonite - Included only one item: memo from the Education Committee to members of various church organizations on "Procedure on church publicity" recorded by Frank H. Epp, secretary, which was transferred to, PF - BM - A - Altona Education Committee, 1955-1962. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - AMC Altona Mennonite Church, 1962-1968. Includes: minutes, annual reports and correspondence related to this (English language) church which Frank H. Epp helped to establish and of which he was the first pastor; architect's plan for the church building, Dec. 17, 1962; message of Frank H. Epp at the memorial service for Sara (D. W.) Friesen, Mar. 10, 1963; notes from a meeting "The Christian Citizen and the Election" held Oct. 17, 1965. See also, PF - BM - A Altona, 1954-1965.
88 - Ch - AMC Altona Mennonite Church - Bulletins, 1962-1966, 1967-1974. Includes all the church bulletins from 1962-1966 and some (loose) from the years 1967-1974.
See also, PF - BM - A Altona, 1954-1965.
88 - Ch - AMC Altona Mennonite Church - 25th Anniversary, 1986-1987. Includes: a letter of request (Nov. 1986) to Helen Epp to contribute to the AMC commemorative book; information regarding plans for the reunion.
88 - Ch - Br Brotherhood, 1955-1960. Includes: 6 issues from 1958 of "727 Reba Place, Evanston Illinois."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 Brethren publications by R. E. Mohler: "thirteen 5's for Men's Work" 15p. and Manual of Men's Work for the Church of the Brethren, 34p.
Removed: from Christian Century: Feb. 13, 1957, p.204f., Mar. 6, 1957, p.285f.; from Gospel Messenger: July 20, 1957, p.1, Apr. 4, 1959, p.10; from Gospel Herald, Apr. 23, 1957, p.389f., Mar. 18, 1958, p.241f.
88 - Ch - CMC Charleswood Mennonite Church, 1965-1967, 1973-1980. Includes: bulletins, annual reports, constitution of the church, 3 issues of the church newsletter "Grapevine" (May, Oct. and Nov. 1980), correspondence including the Aug. 1967 letters regarding the Epps' transfer of membership from this church when they moved to Ottawa.
88 - Ch - Cre Creative Churches (Underground), 1957-1963, 1969-1971. Includes: reprint article by Norman Vincent Peale on the Marble Collegiate Church, Manhatten, May, 1959; information from the Berkeley Free Church, Berkeley, California.
Removed: 3 1963 articles from United Church Observer: Sept. 15, 1963, p.12f., Oct. 1, 1963, p.16f., Oct. 15, 1963, p.16f.; Gospel Messenger, June 20, 1959, p.6f., whole issue of Sept. 15, 1962; Christian Century, Feb. 27, 1957 (first page copied due to underlining), p.256f. & Aug. 28, 1957, p.1010f.; "Portrait of a small black church," inThe New York Times Magazine, June 30, 1985, p.16f.
88 - Ch - Cre Creative Churches (Underground), 1959-1961, 1970. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: "Directory of the Liberated Church in America," Oct. 1970.
88 - Ch - Cri Criticism of - Included only a book ad and one news clipping: "Is religion's postwar surge nearing the end?" in Minneapolis Tribune, Apr. 16, 1961, p.1f., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - CS Church and State, 1957, 1983-1984.
88 - Ch - Di Discipline, 1959-1960. Removed: The Ontario Mennonite Evangel, Oct. 1958, Vol. III, No. 10, whole issue.
88 - Ch - EM Evangelical Ministerium, 1970-1971. Includes: notices to members and minutes of meetings.
88 - Ch - FGMF Fort Garry Mennonite Fellowship, 1968-1971. Includes: information on their plans, their story & a membership list.
88 - Ch - FMC Faith Mennonite Church, Personal Record, 1960-1962. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp when he was pastor of the church; "An Introduction" of Frank H. Epp (with his photo) as pastor of FMC in The Northern Light, Dec. 1960, p.1; notes of Frank H. Epp (made at the Northern District Conference in Mar. 1961?); Frank H. Epp, "North. District pastors in session at Warroad, Minnesota" in The Northern Light, Mar. 1961, p.5f. (with photos).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 7 photos, most published in The Northern Light, Mar. 1961, p.5f.; 14 photos (negatives for some) of church members and pastors, June & August 1961.
88 - Ch - FMC Faith Mennonite Church, 1960-1971. Includes: church bulletins from 1960-1962; church yearbooks from 1961 & 1962; church directory from 1966; church newsletter from 1965-1971.
88 - Ch - KG Kingdom of God - Included the following articles: Gospel Messenger, Mar. 1, 1958, p.6f.; United Church Observer, Mar. 15, 1960, p.11; "The Kingdom of God" in Christianity and Crisis A Christian Journal of Opinion, Aug.? 1960, p.85f.; Christian Century, Oct. 16, 1967, p.1225f., all of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - Me Membership, 1956-1959.
88 - Ch - Mo Monasticism, 1954-1957.
88 - Ch - OMC Ottawa Mennonite Church (1), 1966-1984. Includes the following items, some of which were in this file and some of which were moved here from the following two files: the original copy of the Aug. 13, 1967 announcements which included a welcome to the family of Frank H. Epp when he became pastor of the church; personal correspondence of Frank and Helen Epp while Frank was pastor of the church; Frank H. Epp, "The Law Above The Law Of The Land," sermon given in the Ottawa Mennonite Church, May 18, 1969 in the presence of Hon. John N. Turner, Minister of Justice and Attorney-General of Canada; correspondence regarding their transfer of membership in 1975; a few undated items; Marlene Epp's copy of "The True Meaning of Christmas" (undated).
Transferred to the Ottawa Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario (Mennonite Archives of Ontario): Church bulletins from June 4, 1967-June 20, 1971; Church Directory of Dec. 31, 1970; Annual Reports and Recommendations of the Ottawa Mennonite Church for the year 1980.
88 - Ch - OMC Ottawa Mennonite Church (2) - Transferred to the Ottawa Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: bulletins from Oct.- Dec. 1971, 1972 (not complete for the year), Jan.-Apr. 1973, a few from 1979, 1980 & 1981; church directories for 1968, 1970, 1971 & 1972; Annual Reports and Recommendations of the Ottawa Mennonite Church 1970-1973; minutes of meetings, reports and communications between the pastor and the deacons; church newsletters for 1972, 1979, 1980; information and newsletter (sent to the Epps by Hedi and Peter Wiens) from 25th anniversary in 1984.
Removed: Y. V. Andropov, "To preserve peace for present and future generations, Statements and Interviews," Aug.-Nov. 1983, booklet (Moscow: Novosti Press Agency House, 1983), 30p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 12 photographs which include Frank Epp, leaders of the church, members joining the church (and a child dedication?); 2 issues of Ontario Mennonite Youth Newsletter, July? and August 1971.
88 - Ch - OMC Ottawa Mennonite Church (3) - Transferred to the Ottawa Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: bulletins, newsletters, Annual Reports, minutes of annual meetings from 1973-1979 and one item, Preface from Handbook, from 1969. Also transferred: information on history of the church, officers, its constitution, a directory from 1969, Information Sheets with biographical information on the members, issues of the OMC Letter from 1967-1971, Annual Reports, 1965-1971 and a section called "Applications" with miscellaneous items.
88 - Ch - Pe Persecutions, 1956-1958. Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 15, 1957, p.3f.; Youth's Christian Companion, Dec. 29, 1957, p.826f.; "Religion in the godless state," article on Russia in Look Jan. 10, 1956, p.11f.
88 - Ch - PFGC Proposed Fort Garry Church, 1966. Includes: general letters of invitation to discuss the idea.
88 - Ch - RMC Rockway Mennonite Church, Personal Record, 1972-1974? 1980-1984. Includes: a few items of personal correspondence that were moved from the following files before the transfer.
88 - Ch - RMC Bulletins - Transferred to the Rockway Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: some bulletins from each of the years 1973-1986. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - RMC Newsletter, 1983-1986. Transferred to the Rockway Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: 9 issues of the newsletter (for which Frank H. Epp was part of the editorial committee in 1983-1984); a few sheets about member biographies. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - RMC 73 - 79 - Transferred to the Rockway Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario church notices, mailings, directories, minutes of council and congregational meetings, 2 sermons, both undated: "The Silence of God" by Peter C. Erb & "Judgement and Hope" by Walter Klaassen. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - RMC 80 - Transferred to the Rockway Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: church notices, mailings, directories, minutes of council and congregational meetings for 1980-1987. File withdrawn.
88 - Ch - WA West Abbotsford Church, 1984-1985. Includes: correspondence and information related to the history and property of H. M. Epp and his family (father of Frank H. Epp); a first draft written by Anna Epp Ens (sister of Frank H. Epp) in June 1985 on the history of their father.
Removed: 12 copies of Frank H. Epp's letter to his siblings concerning the West Abbotsford History and the writing of their own family history.
88 - Ch - WK Waterloo-Kitchener, 1971-1973. Includes: a few miscellaneous items from the Kitchener-Waterloo area.
Transferred to
88 - Ch - RMC Rockway Mennonite Church, Personal Record: some personal items for the Epp family from 1972.
Transferred to the Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario 3 bulletins (1971-1972). Transferred to the Rockway Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: church notices, mailings, etc.for 1971-1975, 1978; a few bulletins from 1971, 1972, 1975. Transferred to theOttawa Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: bulletins from 1972, minutes of annual meeting Jan. 1972 & program for Christian Ethics Seminar, Mar. 1972.
Transferred to the Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: some bulletins, 1971-1973, Young People's Directory 1971-1972, Reports from annual meeting of Jan. 1972, etc.
Transferred to the Kitchener Mennonite Brethren Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: 1 bulletin from Nov. 14, 1971.
Transferred to the Toronto United Mennonite Church Collection in the Mennonite Archives of Ontario: 1 bulletin from Jan. 30, 1972.
88 - CE Criticism - Evidences, 1957-1959, 1964-1965, 1972-1975. Includes: W. Gordon Brown, "The New Curriculum in the light of Scripture" 1964 pamphlet; Bernie Wiebe, "Towards an understanding of form criticism" Essay, Apr. 1965.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Oct. 8, 1957, p.841; Gospel Messenger: Aug. 2, 1958, p.6f., Dec. 13, 1958, p.8f.;Christian Century: May 23, 1956, p.640f., Jan. 2, 1957, p.11f., Mar. 27, 1974, p.336f.; Christian Leader, Jan. 28, 1958, p.3f.; "Laboring the Obvious" in Mennonite Observer, July 25, 1958, p.2f.; in Der Bote: "Hemmt Tradition den Fortschritt?" June 7, 1960, p.3 & "Tradition bei uns zu Hause" May 31, 1960, p.3; United Church Observer: Dec. 15, 1964, pp.20, 21, 36, 39, Feb. 15, 1965, p.19f.; William W. Orr, Answering college student's questions(Wheaton, Ill.: Van Kampen Press, 1950s?), 32p.
88 - CE - Cr Creationism - Included only one article: "U.S. Creationists flex their muscle" in Sunday Star, Oct. 5, 1980, p.B5, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CE - Evangelism to Traditionalism, 1956-1984. Includes: papers from the following seven files which were combined after materials were removed.
88 - CE - Ev Evangelism, 1956-1959. Removed: Gospel Herald, Mar. 26, 1957, p.289f.; Christianity Today, Sept. 16, 1957, p.20f.
88 - CE - FO Formalism, 1960s? Includes: one item: "Statement by convert to Pentecost" from Henry Wiebe in Vancouver.
88 - CE - Fu Fundamentalism, 1958-1961, 1982. Removed: Christian Century, July 3, 1957, p.817; Gospel Herald, Oct. 21, 1958, p.989f.
88 - CE - In Intellect, 1950s? Includes: a few undated quotes noted by Frank H. Epp. Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 19, 1954, p.12f.
88 - CE - Li Liberty - Included 2 items: Christian Century, May 1, 1957, p.555f. & "Billy Graham and the Christian Century" in Action, July 15, 1957, p.7, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CE - LT Liberation Theology, 1984-1985. Includes: news clippings and a longer article from the New York Times Magazine, Oct. 21, 1984.
88 - CE - Mo Modernism, 1950s, 1984.
88 - CE - SH Secular Humanism - Included only 2 clippings: "U.S. parents seek religious choice, Fundamentalists want to see `secular humanism' banned from schools" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, May 18, 1985, p.B3 and "The horrors of secular humanism" in New York Times, May 19, 1985, p.20E, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CE - Tra Traditionalism, 1957. Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Gwynn Evans, Spirit, Traditionalism and Liberalism (Rifton, N.Y.: The Plough Publishing House, 1950s?), 19p.
Removed: "Discuss value of Mennonite settlements" in Mennonite Observer, Mar. 28, 1958, p.3; Gospel Herald,Apr. 10, 1956, p.341, Jan. 8, 1957, p.25f.; a discussion of tradition in Der Bote in 1960 in: Mar. 29, p.1f., Apr. 5, Apr. 26, p.3, May 3, p.3, May 17, p.1? & 3, May 24, p.3, July 12, p.3.
Return to top
88 - CL - Christian Living, 1959-1962. Includes: Course syllabus of Prof. C. Baumann on "Christian Discipleship" 1961-1962; Billy Graham, "This is the victory," Radio message, 1959.
Removed: Reprint from the Mennonite Quarterly Review, Vol. 35 (April 1961): "The Nature of the Holy Life," Four papers from the Anabaptist and Wesleyan Tradition Seminar, Dec. 10, 1960.
88 - Co Communism, 1954, 1960-1967, 1974, 1981. Includes: An issue of The Canadian Intelligence Service, Vol. 4, No. 7, July 1954; Congressional Record Proceedings and Debates of the 86th Congress, Second Session, Vol. 106, No. 71, April 19, 1960; 2 essays by Clarence , 1964 and 1966?; John R. Friesen, "The Christian faces the east-west conflict," 1964.
Removed: "Communism and the Churches" in The New Leader New York (N.Y. : New Leader Association), Oct. 24, 1960, p.12f.; "A Christian's Select Bibliography on Communism" in Occasional Bulletin from the Missionary Research Library, Vol. XII, No. 9, Nov. 1961; United Church Observer, Sept. 15, 1961, p.8f.; "Can Christians talk to communists?" in Look , May 2, 1967, p.36f.
88 - Co - AC Anti-Communism, 1952-1972. Includes: excerpts from a publication of Carl McIntire? (See issue with article, "Communism in our churches" Address of J.B. Mathews, Mar. 22, 1958 where the "20th Century Reformation Hour" broadcasts are listed.); "Resolution on Communism and Anti-Communism" of the Mennonite Church, General Conference, Aug. 23, 1961; letter to Pres. John F. Kennedy from J. B. Martin, Moderator Mennonite General Conference, Aug. 24, 1961; Frank H. Epp, "Communism, Anti-Communism and the Mennonite Christian," Paper given at the MCC Peace Section Meeting, Jan. 18, 1962, 12p.; some correspondence related to publications on the topic in The Canadian Mennonite (1962); materials from "The Alert Service," organization giving Canadians information on Communism (1963); The Canadian Intelligence Service, Vol.14, No.4, Apr. 1964; reprint of "A Christian Declaration on Communism and Anti-Communism" from The Mennonite, Apr. 28, 1964; Frank H. Epp, "A Statement of the problem and purpose" (A paper presented to the Consultation on Communism and Anti-Communism sponsored by the Canadian Board of Christian Service on Jan. 20, 1965, at CMBC in Winnipeg), 9p.; Frank H. Epp, "On being afraid of communism" 1968 0r 1969?
Removed: The Christian Evangel Organ of the Central Conference of Mennonites, July 1954, p.123f. & Aug. 1954, p.143f.; Gospel Messenger, Oct. 9, 1954, p.10f.; United Church Observer, Sept. 1, 1959, p.21f.; Gospel Herald, Aug. 15, 1961, p.712f. & Aug. 29, 1961, p.757f.; The Evangelical Mennonite, May 15, 1962, p.7f.
88 - Co - AC Anti-Communism, 1960-1966, 1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - Co - CC Christian Crusade, 1961-1964. Includes: materials from this organization; Frank Epp's correspondence with them; correspondence which includes a transcription of their radio broadcast where Billy James Hargis attacks articles in The Mennonite by Frank H. Epp and Russell L. Maust.
88 - Co - Re Religion in Communist Countries, 1970-1975. Includes: 2 news clippings; newspaper, "The church in the Communist world" (April 1975).
88 - CR Comparative Religion, 1950s? 1965, 1975, 1980? Includes: Council on mind abuse newsletter #1, 1980?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: H. Goerz, Die Urgemeinde Die katholische Kirche Die Reformation(Yarrow, B.C.: Columbia Press, 1950s?), 48p.
Removed: Maurice S. White, Religions of the world A brief historical account of on hundred religions practices in the world today Service booklet No. 179 (Washington, D.C.: Educational Research Bureau, 1942), 32p. "Canada's curious cults" in United Church Observer, Dec. 1, 1961, p.15f.; Bishop Athanasius, "The copts through the ages" booklet (Cairo, U.A.R.: State Information Service, 1967?); a copy of Issue 23, on religious diversity, publication of United Church of Canada, Division of Mission, June 1980.
88 - CR Comparative Religion, 1958, 1970-1973, 1979-1984. Complements the above file, includes news clippings only.
88 - CR - Ba Baha'i, 1981-1985.
88 - CR - Bu Buddhism, 1956-1958, 1965-1968. Removed: The Mennonite, Apr. 1, 1958, p.198f.; Christian Century, July 6, 1955, p.788f.
88 - CR - CCCJ Can. Council of Xians and Jews (K-W), 1983.
88 - CR - CD Current Dialogue - Included 3 issues of Current Dialogue: Spring 1982, Summer 1983, Spring 1984, all of which were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - CS Christian Science, 1968-1971. Removed: "What is a Christian Scientist?" in Look, June 6, 1953?; Apr. 11, 1959 issue of Christian Science Sentinel.
88 - CR - Cu Cults, 1980-1984. Removed: "Do we have freedom of religion?" in Newsweek, July 19, 1982, p.11.
88 - CR - DC Darwin Centennial, 1959.
88 - CR - GO Greek Orthodox, 1957, 1968. Removed: Gospel Messenger, Oct. 12, 1963, p.12f.; Look, Dec. 6, 1960, p.103f.
88 - CR - Hi Hinduism - Included only one clipping: "New role for India's `Holy Men'" in New York Times Magazine, Sept. 6, 1959, p.9f., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - Jo Jonestown, 1978-1979. Removed: "The cult of death" in Newsweek, Dec. 4, 1979, p.38f.; "Cult of death" in Time, Dec. 4, 1979, p.10f.; Globe and Mail, Nov. 22, 1978, p.1; Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Nov. 28, 1978, p.39; Sunday Star, Nov. 26, 1978, p.A12; Toronto Star, Dec. 2, 1978, p.C6
88 - CR - JP Jesus People - Items moved to file above: 88 C Christology - Jesus People.
88 - CR - Ju Judaism, 1957-1958, 1970-1975, 1982. Includes: notes of Frank H. Epp from a talk? by Dr. Katz, Apr. 17, 1970, 6p.; essay by Ran Kislev, "All those rejected by religion," Mar. 10, 1975, 9p.
Removed: a dozen of the 65 odd news clippings & 10 book reviews; "The Kingdom of Auschwitz" in Globe and Mail, Oct. 2, 1981, pp.9-13; Gospel Messenger, May 18, 1957, p.6f.; "Exodus revisited," in Look, Nov. 24, 1959, p.98f.:United Church Observer, Feb. 15, 1964, p.13f.; Mennonite Brethren Herald, June 27, 1969, p.9f.; whole issue ofCommentary published by the American Jewish Committee, Feb. 1971; Franklin H. Littell, "Ethics after Auschwitz" in Worldview, Vol.18, No.4, (1975), p.22f.; Dan Bahat, ed. Twenty centuries of Jewish life in the Holy Land the forgotten generations (Jerusalem: The Israel Economist, 1975), 68p.; "American Jews discover orthodoxy" in New York Times Magazine, Sept. 30, 1984, p.41f.
88 - CR - Ju Judaism, 1959-1960, 1969-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - Ju - Ca Canada, 1956-1959, 1970, 1980-1984. Removed: one quarter of the 80 odd news clippings:Globe Magazine on the Jews in Toronto, Oct. 14, 1967, 24p.; United Church Observer, Apr. 15, 1960, p.11f.; program brochures for the Jewish Community Centre of Toronto for Spring 1983, Summer 1983, 1983/84 Programs.
88 - CR - Ju - Ca Canada, 1969-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - Ju - CJ Christianity - Included only one article: "Christian missionaries and a Jewish response" inWorldview, May 1978, p.37f., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - Ju - Ep F.H. Epp, 1971-1980. Includes: correspondence and notes of Frank H. Epp; his writings: "My experience with the Jewish people," Dinner dialogue Apr. 7, 1981 at Holy Blossom Temple, Toronto, 5p.; "A dinner dialogue with Canadian Jews," Report on conversation Apr. 7, 1981 at Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto with 3 leading Canadian Jews, 4p.; Memo re: "Diagloue with Jews," Apr. 21, 1973, 2p.; "Multiculturalism and the Jewish people," Notes for a talk at Beth Jacob Synagogue, Kitchener, Sept. 20, 1978, 7p.; Richard Kurtz, "The Jewish claim for Israel, an emotional and historical perspective," Course paper for History 374G, Prof. Frank H. Epp, Dec. 1978, 12p. Note in the file states: For "Epp and Jews" see also 90 PSR - 78 - B'nai B'rith.
88 - CR - Ju - ER Epp-Resnick Dialogue, 1980-1982. Includes: a few notes by Frank H. Epp.
88 - CR - Ju - Fa Falashas, 1983-1985. Includes: several news clippings; an issue of Release A Report from AAEJ, Fall 1983.
Removed: 8 clippings.
88 - CR - Ju - Fr France, 1980-1985. Removed: several news clippings.
88 - CR - Ju - Ger Germany, 1971-1973, 1984. Includes: some articles Canadian Jewish Outlook, 1983, 1984.
88 - CR - Ju - Ho Holocaust, 1981-1985. Includes: "Did six million really die?" articles in Historical Fact No.1, 1980s?
Removed: 7 news clippings; Dan Diner, "Israel and the trauma of the mass extermination" in Comparative PoliticsNo.57 (Fall 1983), p.41f.
88 - CR - Ju - JJ Jews for Jesus - Included 3 clippings: "Jews for Jesus insult local Jews, rabbi says" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Aug. 30, 1980, p.4; 2 advertisements from the Toronto Star: Apr. 2, 1982, p.G15 & Apr. 28, 1984, p.A11, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - Ju - Me Mennonites, 1970-1972, 1983. Includes: story about a Jewish woman from Mennonite Brethren Missions and Services, Mar. 1972; some correspondence with Epp concerning his research on Mennonites and Jews; 3 course papers from 1970-1971 by Luke G. Stoltzfus for Franklin H. Littell: "The Anabaptists' attitude toward the Jews," "The attitude of the Mennonite Church toward the Jewish people," and "Anti-semitism among black extremists and the far right - is it similar?"
Removed: Missionary Messenger, Apr. 1973, p.15; Gospel Herald, Jan. 22, 1974, p.65f.; Mennonite Mirror, Mar. 1978, p.6f.; Festival Quarterly, Apr. 1981, p.16; Mennonite Reporter, June 14, 1982, p.5; Christian Leader, June 7, 1983, p.6f.
88 - CR - Ju - NJ-Sh Non-Jews - Shahak, 1975. Includes: article of 1975 from student newspaper at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Removed: three part article by Israel Shahak, "The Jewish religion and its attitude to non-Jews" in Khamsin, No. 8, pp.27-61 and No. 9, pp.2-49 (1970s?).
88 - CR - Ju - Po Poland, 1956, 1965-1968, 1975. Includes: quotations from books.
Removed: Soloman Grayzel, A history of the Jews, from the Babylonian exile to the establishment of Israel(Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1947), pp.508-13; Heinrich Graetz, History of the Jews Vol.V (Philadelphia: Jewish Publication Society of America, 1956), pp.1-5, 7-17.
88 - CR - Ju - US United States, 1953, 1966-1973, 1984. Includes: Billy Graham, "Principles of approach to Jewish people," 1950s?; popular articles.
Removed: half the 60 odd news clippings; 2 New York Times Magazine articles on Russian Jews and Israel, Apr. 16, 1972 & on the Battle of
Forest Hills, Feb. 20, 1972; "The Agonized American Jews" in Look, Apr. 20, 1971, p.17f.; The Evangelical Mennonite, Mar. 15, 1959, p.3f.
88 - CR - Ju - US United States, 1966-1973, 1980-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - Ju - USSR USSR, 1958, 1971, 1983. Removed: over half of the more than 80 news clippings.
88 - CR - Ju - USSR USSR, 1968-1973, 1979-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - Ju - WJC World Jewish Congress - Included only 2 articles from The Canadian Jewish News: "Israeli press neglects plenary, Bronfman subject of cartoon" in Feb. 5, 1981, p.2 & "Bronfman arouses controversy" in Mar. 5, 1981, p.5, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - JW Jehovah's Witnesses, 1920, 1948-1962, 1985. Includes: "Constitutional freedom in peril the Jehovah Witnesses' Case" reprint from Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 1954; German booklet: Sieben Sekten (1953); pamphlet by Alfred Cooke on Russelism (1948); letter to Frank H. Epp at The Canadian Mennonite (1958); issues of "The converted Jehovah's Witness Expositor" (1958); booklet by W. J. Schnell, "Another Gospel" (1950s?); The Watchtower, 1958 & Apr. 15, 1985 (on curing all diseases).
Removed: United Church Observer, May 1, 1960, p.9f.; Christian Century, July 13, 1955, p.818f. & Feb. 13, 1957, p.197.
88 - CR - Mo Moslem, 1951, 1957-1960, 1980-1984. Includes: 2 clippings of 1980 and 1984 from
88 -CR - Is - Ca Canada file, which were copied for this file and the former file withdrawn.
Removed: half of the dozen odd clippings; Gospel Herald, Feb. 4, 1958, p.110f.; "The Islamic Heritage" 2 copies of picture booklet published by Esso Standard Libya Inc.
88 - CR - Mo Moslem, 1959-1961, 1973, 1978, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - PG Process Group, 1971-1973. Includes: an issue of The Processeans, Mar. 1973.
88 - CR - Pr Protestant, 1954-1957. Includes: popular articles on ecumenism.
Removed: "Is Protestantism Dying?" in Gospel Messenger, Jan. 19, 1963, p.12f.; "Communism and the Protestant clergy" in Look, Nov. 17, 1953, p.33f.
88 - CR - RC Roman Catholic, 1950-1971. Original file measured 4cm. Includes: "Letter to our non-catholic neighbors," booklet No. 23, Knights of Columbus (1950).
Removed: James Deforest Murch, "Shall America bow to the pope of Rome?" reprint from United Evangelical Action, Nov. 1, 1951, 20p.
Removed: half of the 70 odd news clippings; "These men they call knights," booklet No. 9 of Knights of Columbus, 1957?; "Billy Graham and the Pope's legions," in Christianity Today, July 22, 1957, p.20; United Church Observer, May 15, 1959, p.14f., May 15, 1960, p.11, Feb. 1, 1964, p.10f.; Christianity and Crisis, Aug. 1960, p.136f.; Globe and Mail: July 31, 1968, p.1, Oct. 2, 1972, pp.1, 9, Aug. 28, 1978, pp.1, 25; New York Times: Aug. 7, 1978, pp.1, 12-15, Aug. 25, 1968, pp.1, 42, 43; Ottawa Citizen: July 30, 1968, pp.1-5, 9-17; Newsweek: Oct. 20, 1958, p.65f., Oct. 25, 1971, p.127, Dec. 6, 1971, p.58; Maclean's Magazine: May 9, 1959, p.28f., July 14, 1962, p.13f.;Look: Nov. 12, 1957, p.115f., Feb. 27, 1962, p.51f., Oct. 23, 1962, July 2, 1963, p.19f., Feb. 9, 1965, p.21f.
88 - CR - RC Roman Catholic, 1957-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: an issue ofWestern Sunday Visitor weekly publication of the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Apr. 7, 1957.
88 - CR - RC - Pa Papal Visit to Canada, 1984. Includes: ticket and program for ecumenical service, Sept. 14, 1984.
Removed: Globe and Mail, Sept. 15, 1984, Special Section, pp.1-8; The Saturday Star, Sept. 15, 1984, pp.1, 8, 12, 1-15; The Sunday Star, Sept. 16, 1984, pp.1, 4, 8, 23.
88 - CR - RC - Pa Papal Visit to Canada, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - CR - Sh Shintoism - Included only 2 news clippings, one from the Ottawa Citizen, Aug. 30, 1969, p.1 & one undated, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - Si Sikhs - Included 2 news clippings: New Hamburg Independent, Nov. 30, 1983, p.3 and Globe and Mail, Nov. 13, 1982, p.4, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - Sp Spititualism, 1955, 1967.
Removed: Hans Kappler, "Spiritist? - Nein Christ!" (Cassel: Verlag von J. G. Oncken Nachfolger, 1926), 68p. (given to F. H. Epp in 1948). Removed: pamphlet on history of spiritualism, Educational Research Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1920's?
88 - CR - Th Theosophy - Included only one article: "Why we Theosophists believe in reincarnation" in Liberty, Nov. 1956, p.42f., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - CR - TM Transcendental Meditation, 1975-1977. Includes: "Scientific research on the transcendental meditation programme," 1975; letter to Frank H. Epp from a Conrad Grebel College student; some notes of Epp.
Removed: Psychology Today, Nov. 1975, p.90f.; Christian Century: Dec. 10, 1975, pp.1129-1137, Mar. 17, 1976, p.259f.; Reader's Digest, Jan. 1976, p.156f.; "An invitation to enlightenment," catalogue of the Maharishi International University, 1977.
88 - D Denominations 1956-1966, 1979. Removed: James R. Graham, Strangers and Pilgrims (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1951), 55p.; 1962 series from Gospel Messenger: Mar. 24, p.6f., Mar. 31, p.11f., Apr. 14, p.14f.;United Church Observer: May 1, 1960, p.5, Sept. 1, 1960, p.7f., Jan. 15, 1967, p.16f.; Ecumenical Information from Czechoslovakia, Apr. 1966 issue.
88 - D - ACC American Council of Churches, 1961-1966. Includes: letter of appeal from Carl McIntire, Jan. 1962; World Council of Churches pamphlet, 1961.
88 - D - AG Assembly of God, 1957.
88 - D - An Anglican, 1956, 1969.
88 - D - An Anglican, 1959, 1967-1971, 1984. Complements above file, news clippings only. Includes a copy ofCanadian Churchman, Sept. 1967.
88 - D - Ba Baptist, 1953-1962, 1970-1972, 1980-1985. Removed: McMaster Divinity College 1980-81-82 Calendar, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada; Jarold K. Zeman, "Baptists in Canada and cooperative Christianity" in Foundations, reprint from July-Aug.-Sept. 1972, pp.211-40.
88 - D - BCo Bethesda Colony, 1971-1973. Includes: materials from the Fellowship of Believers, Bethesda Colony, Gladstone Manitoba.
88 - D - Br Brethren in Christ - Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: A Year in the Harvest Handbook of Missions Brethren in Christ (1958), 123p.; copies of the Canadian Parliament acts to incorporate the Brethren in Christ Church, April 1964.
Removed: whole issue of Evangelical Visitor, July 14, 1958; E. J. Swalm, A History of the Brethren in Christ in the Nottawa District, 1878-1978 (Stayner, Ont.: Stayner Brethren in Christ Church, 1978), 52p. File withdrawn.
88 - D - CB Church of the Brethren, 1970s? and 1975. Includes: statement of the General Conference Mennonite Chuch on "Relations with the Church of the Brethren", Oct. 1975; "What is the Church of the Brethren," News bulletin with 2 photos attached, 1970s? Edward K. Ziegler, Tell us about the Church of the Brethren (Elgin, Ill. : Brethren Press, 1970s), 22p.
Removed: Donald F. Durnbaugh, "The Brethren through 250 years" in Christian Living, Jan. 1959, p.19f.; Gospel Messenger: July 20, 1957, pp.3-32, Jan. 4, 1958, whole issue, Dec. 7, 1957, p.6f., Feb. 1, 1958, p.6-14, Mar. 15, 1958, p.6f., July 26, 1958, whole issue.
See also, PF - Peace Materials - Church of the Brethren, 1948-1951.
88 - D - CCC Canadian Council of Churches - g - General, 1966-1974. Includes: correspondence and papers for the goals and work of the various commissions and committees, 4 of which Frank H. Epp served on, beginning with his appointment Dec. 5, 1967 to the Commission on Canadian Affairs (CCA); letters regarding a CCC office in Ottawa, Jan. 29, 1968; post World Council of Churches Uppsala, Sweden correspondence, Feb. 1969; letters to the government, July 2 and Sept. 24, 1969 and Apr. 24, 1970; interview by Ernie Dick of Brazil desk officer, Dept. of External Affairs, Oct. 2, 1969; correspondence Jan. 1970 on Indians in Brazil; Feb. 26, 1970 letter of Frank H. Epp to Jake Letkeman, Conference of Mennonites in Canada in which Epp states he is a member and vice-chairman of the Commission on Canadian Affairs and a consultant to the Committee on International Affairs; correspondence related to sending CCC materials to Mennonite churches, Apr. 1970; Brief on poverty presented to Canadian Senate in Social Thought Canadian Catholic Conference publication, June 11, 1970; coalition responsibilities of Frank H. Epp and Ernie Dick (Aug. 10, 1970); Oct. 7, 1970 request of Frank H. Epp to send the report of the CCC Churchmen's study tour which he conducted to various Mennonite organizations;
Frank H. Epp, "Report to CCC 1972 triennial assembly of the Commission on Canadian Affairs" attached to letter of July 18, 1972.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Amex the American expatriate in Canada (Toronto, Ont.: Amex-Canada Enterprises, 1971).
Removed: United Church Observer, Sept. 1, 1961, pp.10f.; Program booklet for the Fifteenth meeting of the CCC in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Nov. 16-19, 1964; "Goals for Mission in the 70's" Workbook of the National Council of Churches; Faith and Order Commission, Canadian Council of Churches, The Biblical and Theological Understanding of Sexuality and Family Life : Report of a study (Toronto: 1969), 84p.; The Unesco Courier, issue on “Answers to racism” (Nov. 1971), published in Paris, France; Canadian Churchman with articles on, “New look for church union,” Vol.98, No.1 (Jan. 1972); 3 issues of, Social Thought Canadian Catholic Conference publication: Sept. 1, 1969 and Apr. and May 1970; Canadian Council for International Co-operation Bulletin, Vol.5, No.3 (Autumn 1969); Taking the next steps, Women's Division, Board of Missions, The United Methodist Church (Cincinnati, Ohio: United Methodist Church, 1971), a booklet of articles on working against racism.
88 - D - CCC - Central Committee, 1970-1971. Includes: book of minutes of meeting in Hamilton, Ontario, Nov. 17-20, 1970; minutes and papers related to the meeting of the Central Committee in Kitchener, Ontario, Nov. 23-25, 1971 attended by Frank H. Epp; minutes of the CCC Priorities and Development Committee, Sept. 8, 1971 attended by Frank H. Epp.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA Commission on Canadian Affairs (1), 1967-1971. Includes: correspondence and papers related to this committee of which Frank H. Epp was the chair in 1971 and 1972; information related to social issues which the commission dealt with such as, Quebec, Vietnam, the California grape workers, draft-age emigrants, etc.; links to the Mennonite church are apparent in some of the correspondence (Aug. 17, 1967, Apr. 15, 1969 and Mar. 5 and Sept. 8, 1970); "Memorandum prepared by Rev. Burn Purdon and Dr. Frank Epp" on the goals and objectives of the CCA (on green paper, to which a copy of the CCC goals and objectives is attached (on blue paper), 1970?; Frank H. Epp, "Birth of Ottawa Report" and Ernie Dick, "Our response to poverty" both in Ottawa Report, Vol.II, No.1 (Jan. 1970), attached to letter of Feb. 1971.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (2), 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence and papers related to issues the commission dealt with; Frank H. Epp's statement from this meeting (pink sheets);"Brief from the CCC opposing any legislation to legalize lotteries in Canada," presented to the Prime Minister of Canada, Sept. 9, 1968; Resolutions of the Canadian conference on church and society, May 1968; list of Canadians attending World Council of Churches in Uppsala, Sweden which includes Frank H. Epp.
Removed: D. V. Donnison, "Housing problems and policies: an introduction," Background paper No. 1 for Canadian Conference on Housing (June 1968), 60p.; "Canadian housing policies," Background paper No. 2 for Canadian Conference on Housing (June 1968), 117p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (2), 1968. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (3), 1971-1972. Includes: correspondence and papers related to issues the commission dealt with; Frank H. Epp, Report on the Ottawa office to the CCC, May 14, 1968, 2p., with papers attached; bilingual version of lotteries brief of Sept. 9, 1968.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (4), 1971-1972. Includes: correspondence and papers related to issues the commission dealt with; memo of July 20, 1971 regarding his duties as temporary chair of the CCA and explanation of this situation in Frank H. Epp's letter of Aug. 2, attached to one from July 23; "Control of Violence in Canadian Society,"Independent Research Associates Limited, Nov. 19, 1971.
Removed: "Venereal disease... the plain facts," newsprint booklet that was attached to letter of Jan. 17, 1972.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (5), 1972. Includes:correspondence and papers related to issues the commission dealt with; memo of Canon M. P. Wilkinson, Jan. 25, 1972 regarding the actions of the executive committee on the CCA report (a copy of Frank H. Epp's CCA report to the executive committee, Jan. 18, 1972 is in 88 - D - CCC - Executive Committee, 1972); Ernie Regehr, "Preliminary draft of brief to the commons committee on external affairs and national defence" with his letter of Feb. 8, 1972
Removed: duplicate copy of Frank H. Epp's "Chairman's Report to the CCA," Feb. 15, 1972, the original of which is in
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1972.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA (6), 1971-1973. Includes: correspondence with commission members, Ernie Regehr (see letter of Sept. 25, 1972) and others, briefs and reports related to the issues the commission dealt with, such as national defence, alcoholism and reform of criminal law; papers related to Bill Janzen's work on law reform; papers related to the meetings of Oct. 18, 1972 and Jan. 25, 1973.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Church and Industrial Society, 1971. Includes: minutes and related papers for the National Committee on Church and Industrial Society.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - French - English, 1971. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "French-English relations in Canada" (A Statement presented to Central Committee meeting of CCC, Kitchener, Ontario, Nov. 23, 1971), 2p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - One Hundred Plus One, 1970s?
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Ottawa Office, 1972-1973. Includes: appointment and papers related to the work of Ernie Regehr in this office, including his report of 1973.
Removed: Man and Resources, Vol.1, No.3 (Feb. 1972) published in Montreal by the Canadian Council of Resource Ministers.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Prisons, 1971. Includes one item: "Submission re maximum security penitentiary design" prepared by CCA, Sept. 24, 1971.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Racism, 1970-1972. Includes: agendas, reports and memorandums of meetings of the committee on racism of which Frank H. Epp was the chair until June 1972; Frank H. Epp's Chairman's Report, Committee to combat racism, Jan. 25, 1972; reports and information related to the international year to combat racism, 1971 and CCC actions and response; papers related to work with native Indians in Canada; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Mennonites, eg. Menno Wiebe regarding his involvement in this committee; memorandum and minutes for the committee on racism, chaired by Frank H. Epp during 1971; 2 articles by Clarence W. Hall in Reader's Digest: "Must our churches finance revolution?" in Nov. 1971 and "Which way the World Council of Churches?" (undated).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Racism, 1971. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: The National Black Coalition newspaper, Vol.2, No.2-3, Sept. 1971 and several clippings related to Indians in Canada.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Racism - Indians, 1970. Complements the above file, newspaper only. Includes: "The Indian challenge of 70s," articles in The London Free Press, reprinted by the Anglican Church of Canada.
Removed: Hugh Brody, Indians on skid row: the role of alcohol and community in the adaptive process of Indian urban migrants (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1971); Indian News, Vol.14, No.9 (1972); the following publications of the Anglican Church of Canada: Extracts from "Native Rights in Canada" Bulletin 202, 1970; Being Black in South Africa Bulletin 204, 1971; Recent Statements by the Indians of Canada, General Synod Action 1969 Bulletin 201;Aboriginal issues Racism in Australia, publication of the World Council of Churches, 1971; 2 copies of The First Citizen, June and July 1970, Editions 7 and 8.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Racism - JCIW Joint Committee on Indian Work, 1972. Includes: correspondence and minutes of meetings.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - War Resisters, 1969-1972. Includes: a brief, reports and information on draft age refugees, correspondence and meeting minutes.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CFD Coalition for Development (1), 1970-1972. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's work for 6 months, July to Dec. 1970, with Ernie Dyck for this CCC coalition; papers related to Frank H. Epp's role as co-secretary for the Canadian Coalition for Development; letter of Dec. 17, 1970 in which Frank H. Epp sums up the work of himself and Ernie Dick; letter of Jan. 27, 1971 in which Frank H. Epp states that Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) "voted to continue its observer status with the coalition during 1971."
This file was moved here from 92 - g - CFD. See also the correspondence in, 8 - g - Pe - EFH - CFD (Canadian) Coalition for Development, 1970.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CFD Founding Forum (2), 1969-1970. Includes: correspondence, minutes and mailings related to its beginning; correspondence and papers related to the founding forum for the CFD, Mar. 13, 1970 which Frank H. Epp was asked to attend on behalf of the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) as an observer and report back to (see letters of Feb. 25 and Mar. 6, 1970).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CFD Meetings (3), 1970-1971. Includes: papers from the first general assembly of the CFD; Frank H. Epp, "The Intentions of the coalition" (Focus and comments by Frank H. Epp prepared for First General Assembly by CFD, Nov. 13-14, 1970), 4p.; "The Debate on tax reform that wasn't" (A research report by Ernie Dick), attached to "Progress report on tax reform" Nov. 13, 1970; minutes of the Jan. 14, 1971 meeting of the CFD executive and of the Feb. 19, 1971 meeting of the CFD board.
Removed: Social Implications of Tax Reform A Submission by the Canadian Welfare Council to the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce (Canada. Parliament. Senate. Standing Committee on Banking and Commerce, (May) 1970), 200p.; Income security for Canadians, John Munroe, Minister of National Health and Welfare, 1970, 60p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CIA Committee on International Affairs, 1971-1973. Includes: notices and minutes of meetings; brief to the government on national defence, Feb. 29, 1972; letter to the Prime Minister of Canada, Apr. 4, 1972; letter of concern, May 6, 1972, from Frank H. Epp to the moderator of the United Church of Canada during the controversy between the United Church and the Jewish people, with his talk, "A Dinner dialogue with Canadian Jews" of April 7, 1971 attached.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CIA – ’72 Seminar, 1972. Includes: agenda and papers for the Churchmen's Seminar, Feb. 16, 1972 which Frank H. Epp was attending as chair of the CCC-CCA and to which he was asking Newton Gingrich, chair of Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), to designate Ernie Regehr and Adolf Ens as Mennonite representatives.
*See also,
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - WCC-CCIA World Council of Churches - Commission of the Churches on International Affairs.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - Executive Committee, 1971. Includes: some papers for meetings in 1971.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - Executive Committee, 1972. Includes: minutes, papers and correspondence related to the meetings and work of this committee (they met in Jan. 18, Mar. 21, June 20 and Sept. 26); Frank H. Epp's reports as chair of the CCA (as of Dec. 14, 1971) to the CCC executive committee, Jan. 18 and Mar. 21, 1972; resolution on amnesty for draft-age immigrants, written by Frank H. Epp as chair of the CCA for the CCC executive committee, Mar. 21, 1972; letter from Ernie Regehr regarding his appointment as Ottawa Research Consultant and details of his work, Apr. 10, 1972; Ernie Regehr, "Ottawa research consultant report for April 1972" on the death penalty and defence research, 3p.; Frank H. Epp's letter of May 4, 1972 to Rev. Dr. Floyd Honey, CCC with a suggestion for wider communication of CCC policies (which had impressed Epp in his 4 year association with the council); Frank H. Epp's expense statement of Aug. 31, 1972 on his trips to Toronto for CCC meetings.
Removed: Man and Resources, Vol.1, No.5 (July-Aug. 1972) published in Montreal by the Canadian Council of Resource Ministers.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - Executive Committee (P & D Committee), 1971-1972. Includes: minutes and related papers for the Priorities and Development Committee of which Frank H. Epp was an ex-officio member as chair of the CCA (see memo of July 20, 1971 to him from Flyod Honey in 88 - D - CCC - CCA (4), 1971-1972 Frank H. Epp attended the Sept. 8, 1971 meeting. Also included is a memo of Sept. 9, 1971 from Frank H. Epp to John Toews and Winfield Fretz at Conrad Grebel College in which Epp mentions he is "quite involved" with the CCC as chair of the CCA and hopes the college and other members of the Mennonite educational community could respond to the "Ecumenical discussion of educational issues."
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1968. Includes: "Report concerning the Ottawa office" with the March 2nd minutes. Frank H. Epp attended the majority of the meetings during this and the following years. In June 1971 he was appointed chair of this commission, a position he held until April 1972.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1969.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1970. Includes: attachments to the Sept. 30th and Nov. 3rd minutes on draft-age immigrants.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1971. Includes: minutes of Sept. 29th, Nov. 2 and Dec. 14 meetings chaired by Frank H. Epp.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Minutes 1972. Includes: agendas, reports and papers from the meetings in addition to the minutes; reports of Frank H. Epp: to the CCC executive committee, Jan. 18, 1972, his chairman's reports to the CCA, Feb. 15 and June 14, 1972. Also includes minutes of Jan. 25, 1973 meeting at which Frank H. Epp was not present.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CIA Committee on International Affairs, 1968-1971. Includes: correspondence, minutes of this committee of which Frank H. Epp was a member; Frank H. Epp, "Towards a Christian 'Strategy' vis-a-vis the Middle East," Paper presented at a strategy study of the CCC Nov. 18, 1969, 13p.; correspondence and minutes regarding the Canadian Churchman's Study Tour to the Middle East, directed by Epp; the CCC/CIA "Memorandum on Selected Actions" of the 24th United Nations session, 1969 (Feb. 1970); summary of MCC tour appointments, June 8-28, 1969, with Apr. 27, 1970 minutes of Middle East Study Tour sub-committee.
Removed: Search for understanding : a study booklet on the Middle East (Toronto: Canadian Council of Churches, 1970s), 26p.; issue of the World Federalist, Jan./Feb. 1970 (was attached to minutes of Mar. 2, 1970 meeting).
See also,
88 - D - CCC - CIA Committee on International Affairs, 1971-1973, located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - CC Council Communicator, 1970-1974. Includes: some issues of this newsletter for 1970 to 1974 which were sent to Frank H. Epp at both his home and Conrad Grebel College. The duplicates were removed.
88 - D - CCC - CIA - Sem Seminars, 1968-1969. Includes: program, list of delegates and some notes made by Frank H. Epp from the seminar held Jan. 1968; correspondence and minutes of the planning committed for the Jan. 1969 seminar (beginning June 26, 1968); copies of signed evaluation sheets of seminar participants, Feb. 5, 1969;Canadian Hunger Foundation, Jan.-Mar. 1969 in which the Jan. 1969 seminar presentations were published.
88 - D - CCC - OO Ottawa Office, 1966-1970. Includes: correspondence and Frank H. Epp's reports on establishing an Ottawa Peace Office.
Removed: "Has God a lobby in Ottawa?" in United Church Observer, Feb. 15, 1967, p.26f.
See also,
88 - D - CCC - CCA - Ottawa Office, 1972-1973, located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - D - CCC - OO - Me Mennonites, 1968-1969. Includes: "Report concerning an Ottawa Office," Jan. 27, 1968; correspondence to raise funds for the office from individual Mennonites; pledge forms.
88 - D - CCC - see file under Unity below.
88 - D - CMA, Co and Cong, 1950s. The CMA, Christian and Missionary Alliance, file included only the introductory sheet from 1957. Two brochures from the Covenant Church file (1950s?) and two items from the Congregational Church file were added to it (1957, 1959).
88 - D - CPL Canadian Protestant League - Included pamphlets, a poster and an issue of Protestant Action, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - CS Christian Science - Included an article from The Christian Science Monitor newspaper, July 1, 1965, p.4 and a special supplement to the The Christian Science Monitor (glossy magazine) for their centennial, June 6, 1966, 20 p., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - D Doukhobors, 1954-1958, 1962-1966, 1973-1981. Includes: pamphlets by S. S. Sorokin; writings by K. J. Tarasof; "The Thorny pathway" 1899-1981, A Brief form the Union of spiritual communities of Christ (U.S.C.C.) - Orthodox Doukhobors in Canada to the Honorable Allan Williams, Attorney-General of British Columbia, 1981, 50p.; popular articles; a bibliography by K. J. Tarasoff.
Transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario: the following issues of The Inquirer (published by The Union of Young Doukhobors): Oct. 1956, pp.14-18, Nov. 1956, Feb.-Mar. 1957, Jan. 1958, Feb.-Mar. 1958, June-July-Aug. 1958; S. S. Sorokin, Doukhobor Affairs Inside Out... (1957), 19p.; set of slides on Doukhobors, 1984.
Removed: United Church Observer: Dec. 1, 1958, p.12f. & Jan. 15, 1959, p.15; "Canadians of Russian Origin" inCitizen (Ottawa: Citizenship Branch, Dept. of Citizenship and Immigration), Oct. 1963, pp.14-23; Liaison - a Monthly Journal For the Criminal Justice System, June 1984, pp.2-9; Review Articles in Canadian Slavic Studies, IV No.2 (Summer 1970), pp.300-326.
88 - D - D Doukhobors, 1957-1963, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - D - EFC Evangelical Free Church, 1968-1975, 1983. Includes: EFC constitution; letter to Epp c/o The Mennonite Reporter; record of Frank H. Epp's membership contributions.
Transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario: issues of Evangelical Thrust: Dec. 1, 1966, Jan. 1, 1967, Feb. 1, 1967; Thrust: Oct. 1968, Jan. 1969, Jan. 1972. Removed: issue of The Baptist World, March 1972 (attached to Mar. 20, 1972 letter from Ontario Bible College); John Merrill, "Global patterns of elite daily journalism" in The Journalism Quarterly, Spring 1968, pp.99-105; some general mailings to members.
88 - D - Ep Episcopalian - Included one item: "What is an Episcopalian?" in Look, June? Vol. 30, 1953, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - EUB Evangelical United Brethren - Included only United Church Observer, Dec. 1, 1964, p.12f., removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - Fr Friends, 1960-1973, 1983-1984. Includes: promotional literature on activities and relief organizations; materials, correspondence and notes of Frank H. Epp from the Grindstone Conferences of 1967, 1969 and 1972; several issues of the Grindstone Reports; paper by Frank H. Epp on "Mennonites and Quakers" (Feb. 14, 1972), 2p.; information sheet on Quaker-Mennonite co-operation (Aug. 11, 1972); brief and memorandum to Canadian government on the Indochina war (June 1972); Canadian Friends Service Committee newsletter (Mar. Apr. 1973); a bibliography compiled by the Epps, 1972?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Arthur G. Dorland, Recent Developments in Canadian Quakerism(Toronto, Ont.: Friends, 1956?), 32p.
Removed: Look Magaine, Mar. 29, 1960, p.69f.; New York Times Magazine, Mar. 24, 1968, p.54f.; The Canadian Mennonite, Sept. 19, 1969, p.6.; FCNL Washington Newsletter, No.285, Aug.-Sept. 1967 & No.286, Oct. 1967.
88 - D - Hu Hutterites, 1951-1966, 1978, 1985. Includes: lists of Hutterite colonies in western Canada, 1951, 1956, 1961.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: P. S. Gross, Hutterian Brethren Life and Religion (Pincher Creek, Alberta, 1950s?); The Plough Quarterly of the Bruderhof Communities, 2 issues from 1957, Vol.V, Nos. 1 & 4; The Plough Bulletin of the Bruderhof Communities, No.1, 1958.
Removed: Peter Hofer, The Hutterian Brethren and their beliefs (Starbuck, Man.: The Hutterian Brethren of Manitoba, 1955), 48p.; Eberhard Arnold, Why we live in community (Rifton, N.Y.: Plough Publishing House, 1967), 20p.; "Das neue Buch" in Der Bote, Feb. 15, 1966, p.12.
88 - D - Hu Hutterites, 1954-1966, 1973-1975, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - D - JW Jehovah's Witnesses - Transferred to file 88 - CR - JW Jehovah's Witnesses.
88 - D - Lu Lutheran, 1957-1959. Includes: materials sent to Frank H. Epp in 1958 as editor of The Canadian Mennonite; information on Lutheran radio broadcasting; notes of Epp on the Lutheran ecumenism; booklet: "Growing with Canada" (1959); pamphlet of the United Lutheran Church Women "The Canadian Scene" (1958). Removed: half the news clippings; Look, Apr. 1, 1958, p.77f.; brochure "The American Lutheran Church A Glance at the church-to-be" (1958)
88 - D - Lu Lutheran, 1959-1960, 1971-1972, 1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - D - Me Methodists 1957-1960. Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 30, 1962, p.9f.
88 - D - Mo Mormons, 1958-1965. Removed: 2 magazine articles (1950s?); pamphlets on Mormonism.
88 - D - NAC New Apostolic Church - The 2 items in this file were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives:Testimony of the the New Apostolic Church (Waterloo, Ont.: New Apostolic Church, 1974), 60p.(not kept);Completion work in the New Apostolic Church (Waterloo, Ont.: New Apostolic Church, 1978), 77p. File withdrawn.
88 - D - NAE National Association of Evangelicals, 1946, 1957-1968. Includes: part of article from The Canadian Mennonite Nov. 10, 1961; Peter Ediger's NAE convention (Apr. 1966) report to Board of Christian Service; Frank H. Epp's report on the NAE convention in "MCC News Service" May 17, 1968; issues of United Evangelical Action: 1956, 1957 and April 1967; James DeForest Murch, "United Action Now" reprint from United Evangelical Action, 1946, 32p.
Removed: some general mailings.
88 Includes: "Nazarenes in Eastern Europe" marked confidential (1967).
88 - D - NCC National Council of Churches, 1956-1972. Original file measured 5.5 cm. Includes: materials ordered by Frank H. Epp for use in The Canadian Mennonite; press releases and board meeting information; information on the issue of Communism.
Removed: James DeForest Murch, The Growing Super-Church A critique of the National Council of Churches of Christ reprinted from United Evangelical Action (1952), 78p.
Removed: Christianity and Crisis, May 16, 1960, p.67f.; unmarked press releases; NCC constitution and bylaws.
88 - D - Pe Pentecostal, 1956-1959, 1969-1972. Removed: The Christian Century, Dec. 25, 1974, p.1223f.;Maclean's Magazine, Nov. 3, 1962, p.20f.
88 - D - PC Protestant Catholic - Included only one clipping: "The Archbishop of Canterbury's search for church unity," in Globe and Mail, Oct. 8, 1971, p.7, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - Pr Presbyterian, 1957-1958, 1970.
88 - D - Re Reformed Church, 1974. Includes: an issue of The Reformed Ecumenical Synod, Apr. 9, 1974 from Dr. Remkes Kooistra.
88 - D - SA Salvation Army, 1958, 1964, 1970-1971, 1979. Removed: United Church Observer, Mar. 15, 1960, p.8f.; an issue of The War Cry, Christmas 1964; advertising supplement to The New York Times, Nov. 5, 1967, 28p.
88 - D - SB Southern Baptists - Included only 2 items, 1956-1957, which were moved to
88 - D - Ba Baptist, above.
88 - D - SD Seventh Day Adventists, 1952-1959, 1983. Removed: in Christianity Today, 1958: Mar. 31, p.6f. & Apr. 14, p.13f.; Look, June 24, 1958, p.75f.
88 - D - Sw Swedenborgians, 1962. Includes: requested article: "Towards one church."
88 - D - UC United Church, 1940, 1957-1970. Original file measured 3cm. Includes: "Statement of Faith" booklet (1940); various pamphlets and information sheets.
Removed : Faith and Sexuality A spectrum of theological views in the United Church of Canada for the General Council (Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1980?), 30p.
Removed: United Church Observer: Sept. 15, 1958, p.8f., May 1, 1959, p.7f., Mar. 1, 1960, p.7f., Mar. 1, 1964, p.9-10, June 15, 1965, p.8f.; unmarked general mailings; In God's image-- male and female : a study on human sexuality (Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1980), 101p.
88 - D - UC United Church, 1955-1956, 1965-1972, 1980. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: an issue of The United Churchman, May 12, 1955.
88 - D - UCC United Churches of Christ - Included only: article on forthcoming United Church of Christ (April 1957) which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - D - UMC United Missionary Church - Transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario: The Gospel Banner: June 7, 1956 & Nov. 27, 1958.
Removed: Conference Journal: Proceedings of the Ontario Conference of the United Missionary Church (June 13-17, 1955). File withdrawn.
88 - D - Uni Unitarians, 1960-1965. Removed: United Church Observer, Apr. 1, 1960, p.14f.
88 - D - Uny Unity in the church, 1957-1970, 1979. Includes: Erland Waltner, "Basic principles in improving church and conference relations" message given 1955; articles from United Evangelical Action (1956).
Removed: unmarked press releases of the National Council of Churches and the World Council of Churches; Harold E. Bauman The price of church unity Focal Pamphlet No.7 (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1962); Calvin Redekop,Brotherhood and schism Focal Pamphlet No.9 (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1963); Christianity Today, Sept. 30, 1957, p.20f.; Christian Century, 1957: Mar. 6, p.290f., July 10, p.841f., July 17, p.862, Nov. 6, p.1313, 1315;Gospel Messenger: Apr. 12, 1958, p.12f., Oct. 25, 1958, p.14f., Jan. 12, 1963, p.12f., June 1, 1963, p.8; Gospel Herald: 1957: Jan. 22, p.77, Jan. 29, p.100f., Feb. 5, p.125f., Feb. 12, p.150f., Nov. 19, p.985f., July 3, 1962, p.604f.; United Church Observer: Feb. 1, 1959, p.5f.June 1, 1959, p.7; Mennonitische Rundschau, July 2, 1958, p.2; The Mennonite, 1961: Aug. 29, p.550f. & Sept. 12, p.582f.; No. 14 & 15 of Ecumenism '68; "To end a scandal" in Time May 26, 1961, p.62f.
88 - D - Uny Unity in the church, 1959-1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Removed: half of the 35 odd clippings.
88 - D - Uny - AU Anglican United, 1968. Removed: folder from the General Commission on Church Union (Anglican, United) with news releases and information on commission members(1968); Plan of union and by-laws (Toronto: General Commission on Church Union, 1973), 108p.
88 - D - Uny - CCC - Canadian Council of Churches, 1967-1974. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and materials from meetings he attended; mailings on church unity discussions and issues discussed by the CCC.
88 - D - Uny - Mn Mennonite, 1957-1965. Includes: some information on Mennonite groups working together.
Removed: Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1930, pp.287-288; "Christian Unity" in The Mennonite, June 18, 1957, p.392f.; "The General Conference" in Christian Leader, Nov. 1, 1957 , p.2; from the Gospel Herald: "Mennonite and Protestant" in Dec. 25, 1956, p.1189 and "Sharing our testimony" in June 10, 1957, p.535; "Lessons to be learned from past divisions" in The Canadian Mennonite, May 27, 1960, p.2; "A study paper on amalgamation" June 1979; booklet on "Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) Annual meeting," Feb. 9, 1980; booklet: "Ontario Mennonite student services, 1978-79," 15p.; minutes of Inter-Mennonite Executive Council, Dec. 13, 1979; Draft operational guidelines for the Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) 1979.
88 - D - Uny - PC Political consultation, 1981. Includes: information on a meeting Nov. 13, 1981 on church and state issues, which Frank H. Epp could not attend.
88 - D - Uny - SCC Strategy Committee of the Churches, 1970-1971. Includes: correspondence, minutes, news releases etc. for SCC, a committee of the Ottawa Council of Churches (OCC), convened and chaired by Frank H. Epp in 1970 and 1971; OCC Strategy Committee Minutes # 1 to 6, 17-20 and Minutes #21 attached to letter of Sept. 14, 1971; constitution of the OCC; drafts of the constitution of the Ottawa Christian Council. Also included is the "Resource book of the Christian Council of the National Capital Area" (CCNCA) which includes: Ernie Dick, "The Ottawa Council of Churches A brief historical analysis," Sept. 1970; OCC Strategy Committee Minutes # 7 to 15, 22 and 23; SCC report to OCC and others, May 19, 1971; Frank H. Epp, "A National Capital Calls the Christian Church," his keynote address to CCNCA assembly, Nov. 6, 1971; minutes of the founding assembly of the CCNCA; constitution of the CCNCA.
88 - D - Uny - SCC Strategy Committee of the Churches, 1972-1973. Includes: minutes of the CCNCA.
88 - D - Uny - SCC Strategy Committee of the Churches, 1974-1978. Includes: minutes of the Christian Council of the Capital Area (CCCA); its revised constitution, Feb. 1977; 1977 Worship directory for the national capital region; program for Service of worship of the CCCA for Canada week, June 1978.
Removed: an issue of Presence Archdiocese of Ottawa, Vol.5, No.1, Sept. 15, 1979.
88 - D - Uny - WCC World Council of Churches, 1948, 1957-1962, 1968-1975, 1983. Includes: materials from WCC; Billy James Hargis, "Is the National Council of Churches and is the United Nations subversive?" (1960s?); 2 issues ofEcumenical Courier, Oct.-Dec. 1970 and July-Sept.1971; Ecumenical Press Service, Feb. 1975; some reports by John Howard Yoder on WCC Fifth Assembly, 1975; "Summary of Historic Peace Church discussions with WCC, Apr. 1983; report of Urbane Peachey, observer at WCC Sixth Assembly, Vancouver, B.C..; booklet: "All Things New" for the WCC Fourth Assembly in Uppsala Sweden, 1968, which Frank H. Epp attended.
Removed: "They put Christianity to work" in Saturday Evening Post, July 24, 1954, p.25f.; Leslie Tarr, "The case against church unity" in MacLean's, 1961?; "New Delhi doesn't excite me" in Gospel Messenger, Mar. 3, 1962, p.13f.; an issue of Current Dialogue, WCC publication, Autumn 1984.
88 - D - Uny - WCC World Council of Churches, 1968-1972, 1979-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - D - Uny - WCC - Uppsala - Epp articles, 1968. Includes: Frank H. Epp's "Press" name tag for the WCC Fourth Assembly; the following articles written by Frank H. Epp on the Fourth Assembly for MCC News Service in 1968: July 16, July 26, Aug. 2, Aug. 16, Aug. 23.
88 - D - Quakers - Papers transferred to file
88 - D - Fr Friends above. File withdrawn.
88 - DM - MENNONITES g General, 1952-1955, 1961-1967, 1978. Includes: "Jahresberechnung" (financial statement) of M.C.R.C. for 1955; student paper on Mennonites for Sociology 331 (1967); John C. Wenger, "Who are the Mennonites" brochure (1960s?); Frank H. Epp's notes on a talk by John Howard Yoder, Aug. 23, 1963; poem "Die Mennonites," undated.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Constitution of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada (Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1965), 8p.; Cornelius Krahn and Melvin Gingrich, The Mennonites A Brief Guide to Information, Revised and enlarged ed. (Newton, KA: Faith and Life Press, 1962), revised 1966, 20p.
Removed: H. H. Ewert, "The Mennonites, Address given under the auspices of the Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, April 18, 1932" (Altona, Man.: Committee on Doctrine and Conduct, General Conference of the Mennonites of Canada, 1932?), 12p.; Paul Erb, What it means to be a Mennonite (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1947), 32p.; articles on planned Menno Memorial Church at Witmarsum and 400th anniversary of Menno Simon's death in Mennonite Weekly Review, June 9, 1960, p.4 & Dec. 29, 1960, p.5; John A. Hostetler, "Religious Mobility in a sect group: the Mennonite Church" in Rural Sociology (1952?), pp.244-255; an issue ofMennonite Life (1955) given to Frank H. Epp Apr. 4, 1957; Gospel Herald, Oct. 28, 1958, p.1026, Oct. 29, 1963, p.957; The Mennonite, Sept. 8, 1959, pp.551-52, Feb. 9, 1960, pp.89-90, Jan. 21, 1975, pp.33-35; 2 articles by Gerhard Lohrenz in Der Bote, Oct. 25, 1960, p.3 and Mar. 7, 1961, p.3; Gospel Messenger, June 6, 1964, p.4f.
88 - DM - g - CP Church Publications - Transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario Clipping Collection: a file measuring 2.5 cm of newspapers articles on Mennonites from newspapers in Winnipeg, Kitchener-Waterloo, Toronto and Saskatchewan. Removed: J. Walter Greep, "Church Publicity Handbook" booklet of 32 p., undated. File withdrawn.
88 - DM - g - Et Ethnicity - Included: Robert Kreider, "The Anabaptist Conception of the church in the Russian Mennonite environment 1789-1870" reprint from Mennonite Quarterly Review, 1950s? and "Wollen wir Mennoniten uns auch als Volk erhalten?" in Der Bote, June 5, 1957, p.3, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DM - g - SSP Student Seminar Papers - Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 17 papers from the Student Services Summer Seminar, Elkhart, Indiana, Aug. 1964 to the Academic Papers collection: William Klassen, 5 essays on 16thC Anabaptism, John Howard Yoder, "Recovery of the Anabaptist Vision," Victor Adrian, 1 on Christian apologetics and 1 on the Mennonite Brethren Church, Clarence Bauman, 3: Christianity and Communism, ethics and the economic order, John Miller, 2 on renewal in the church, Jack Thiessen, "The Struggles of a Mennonite in a Non-Mennonite University," Millard Lind, on the Old Testament, Erland Waltner, "The General Conference Mennonite Church," Ross T. Bender, Chapel meditation; "The Brotherly Union of Schlaten-am-Randen (Schleitheim) 1527," Anticipatory extract from J. Yoder, ed. The Legacy of Michael Sattler, 27p.
Removed: Donovan E. Smucker, "The theological triumph of the early Anabaptist-Mennonites" reprint fromMennonite Quarterly Review, Jan. 1945, pp.3-24. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - MENNONITE BRETHREN - g General, 1952-1966, 1985. Includes: Statistical report for 1954-1956; Study of the organization of the MB church, 1958?; letter regarding Centennial Conferences in 1960; various materials and reports from the 1963 MB General conference in Winnipeg, Man.; CFAM news releases on the latter; thank you letter for Frank H. Epp's visit to the Portage Ave. MB Church (1965); information on "Commission in conflict," Nov. 1966; letter from Ken Reddig requesting information for his research (1985).
Removed: articles in Christian Leader: for 1959: Jan. 13, p.2, Jan. 27, p.3f., Feb. 10, p.9, for 1961: Jan. 10, p.2, Aug. 8, p.18f., Nov. 14, p.2, Dec. 12, p.4f.; article on 100 year anniversary in Der Bote, Mar. 12, 1960, p.1? & 3; article on historic merger in Mennonite Weekly Review, Dec. 1, 1960, p.1f.; Mennonite Brethren missions today(Hillsboro, Kan: Mennonite Brethren Church, Board of Missions, 1962), 24p.
88 - DMB - g - Hi History - Included 2 items: introductory sheet (1950s) which was added to general file above; article by Waldo Hiebert in Christian Leader, Jan. 15, 1957, p.4f. which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - g - Se Sessions - Included 2 items: General Conference Program of Oct. 1957 which was added to the general file above; "This is the general conference" in Christian Leader, Oct. 15, 1957, p.3f. which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - BM Board of Missions, 1957. Includes: "Foreign Missions Triennial Report to the General Conference of the MB Church of North America (1957); "Presenting the fields of the MB Board of Foreign Missions" brochures for HCJB, Belgian Congo, Brazil, India, Japan.
Removed: article on MB missions in Mennonitische Rundschau, July 29, 1959, p.2.
88 - DMB - BR Board of Reference and Counsel - "Recommendations of the Board of Reference and Counsel to the Conference" (1957) moved to general file above. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - BW Board of Welfare - 3 items of this board from 1957, moved to general file above. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - Ca Canada - Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 1956 Year-Book of the Ebenezer Mennonite Brethren Church, Dalmeny, Sask.; The Canada Inland Mission sponsored by the M.B. Conference of Canada, 1954?
Removed: "Offener Brief an alle Ortsgemeinden" in Mennonitische Rundschau, Apr. 29, 1959, p.2?; Mennonite Weekly Review, July 28, 1960, p.5. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - Ca - BC British Columbia - Included: blue colored brochure, "The MB Mission of B.C," 1962? which was transferred to DMB - g General file.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Protokoll der Halbjahresversammlung der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde von Britisch Columbien (B.C.: The Conference, 1957), 24p.; Home Missions of M.B. Churches of B.C. Prayer Guide(British Columbia: Columbia Press, 1959), 34p. with photos; photos attached to University of British Columbia 1962 Summer School brochure & blue colored "The MB Mission of B.C." brochure (which includes a group photo).
Removed: article on B.C. Conference missions in Mennonite Observer (sent to The Canadian Mennonite in Manitoba), June 13, 1958, pp. 1, 8 & 12. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - Ca - Ma Manitoba - Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Minutes of the conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of Manitoba = Protokoll No. 21 der provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinde von Manitoba (1955), 93p.
Removed: "Conference approves mission expansion" in Mennonite Observer, June 13, 1958, p.1f. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - Eu Europe - Included one item: Christian Leader, Sept. 1, 1957, p.6, 9, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMB - SA South America - Included: Christian Leader, Aug. 26, 1958, p.18, which was removed and brochure "Unto the household of faith" which was moved to general file above. File withdrawn.
88 - DMCC MENNONITE CENTRAL COMMITTEE, 1962-1963, 1972, 1978. Includes: MCC membership list, Jan. 1962; MCC meeting reports, 1963 (including "Visit to Algeria"); Neufeld report on MCC Middle East projects 1978; 2 MCC "Service opportunities" newsletters, 1972.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Women's Activity Letter Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee, June 1972; M. C. Lehman, The History and principles of Mennonite relief work - An introduction (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945), 44p.
Removed: M. C. Lehman, The history and principles of Mennonite relief work: an introduction (Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee, 1945, c1944); 2 articles by Peter J. Dyck from Frankfurt, Germany in Der Bote, Apr. 9, 1958 and the earlier one; Dienst -- im namen Christi: starke Schatten der Not, starre Schatten der Zusehenden : ein Aufruf zur Tat und ein Bericht ueber begangene Wege der Hilfe (Basel: Agape-Verlag, 1962), 14p.; A Letter to boys and girls from the Mennonite Central Committee, No.39, Oct.-Dec. 1958; Women's Activity Letter Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee, July-Aug. 1962; Intercom Akron, Pa: Mennonite Central Committee, Vol.12, No.4 (Aug. 1972).
88 - DMCC - AR Annual Report, 1960. Includes: "Mennonite Central Committee Summer Service discussion booklet" (Leadership ed.), rev. ed., 1960, 9p.
Removed: Annual Report 1959 Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1959); "Pax Pilgrimage 1960" in The Mennonite, June 7, 1960, p.381f.
88 - DMCC - Ca Canada, 1972-1979. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's role as representative of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada.
Transferred to
88 - DMC MCCC below: L. B. Siemens, "The Green Revolution" Jan. 1971, attached to Apr. 13, 1971 letter to MCC (Canada) members; MCC (Canada 1978 Annual Report; "MCC (Canada) begins its services" brochure, 1965?
88 - DMCC - Ca - CCC Caribbean Child Care, 1976-1977. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and other MCC(Canada) members and members of MCC (Ontario) with Jack Wall and other members of Caribbean Child Care Inc. regarding a possible partnership of MCC and this charitable organization.
88 - DMCC - Ca - Ma Manitoba, 1962-1964. Includes: Newsletter of MCC Summer Service Unit in Portage, 1962; various reports of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1963 & 1964 (some MCC related information eg. when MRIC became MCC (Manitoba) in 1964).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Statut der Provinzialen Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba 1959; Jahrbuch Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba 1962; Jahrbuch Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba 1963.
88 - DMCC - Ca - MaPS Manitoba Peace Section, 1966-1968. Includes: correspondence and minutes related to Frank H. Epp's work on the MCC (Manitoba) Peace and Social Concerns Committee; Frank H. Epp's talk: "The task of MCC (Manitoba) Peace Committee," Apr. 15, 1967, 11p.; booklet from MCC (Manitoba) meeting, Feb. 1968.
Removed: Erland Waltner, How Peter became a non-resistant Christian (Newton, KA: Board of Christian Service, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1950s?), 7p.
88 - DMCC - Ca - On Ontario, 1958, 1966. Includes: "Report of visit to Matheson Old Colony communities," Oct. 1958; "Memorandum of understanding between MCC Waterloo office and representatives of constituent groups interested in Northern Ontario relief, " 1958; minutes of 3rd annual meeting of MCC (Ontario), Nov. 1966; minutes of MCC alumni meeting, Nov. 1975.
88 - DMCC - Ca - On Ontario, 1973-1977.
88 - DMCC - Ca - OnAR Ontario Annual Report '68, 1968. Includes: Frank H. Epp's copy of the report, with some annotation; "As cold waters to a weary soul so is good news from a far country," Reports of Ontario MCC personnel.
Note: All files in the following section, 88 - DMCC - MCC(C), were transferred to the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) Collection at the Mennonite Archives of Ontario (hereafter MAO) The files include: correspondence, memos, minutes, meeting materials and mailings, for the years, 1979-1986.Most of the issues of MCC(C) News Service and all the issues of Accord, the MCC(C) publication on victim offender ministries were removed from these files. Issues of Project North from the 1980s (see file below) were transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives. Issues of Mennonitische Post (available in the CGUC Library) were also removed from the MCC(C) files. Some of the files that were transferred are named below. Unfiled papers from storage which include reports and report books, committee agendas and other papers were organized by year for 1971 to 1986 and a ll of these files were transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1969-1971, 1976-1978. Includes: Frank H. Epp's correspondence and materials from MCC (Canada); constitution of MCC (Canada); Frank H. Epp, "MCC (Canada) and Canadian Christianity," Dec. 28, 1971, 5p.; Frank H. Epp, "MCC (Canada) statement on immigration/population policies," Draft, Nov. 13, 1973, 4p.; MCCC News Service mailings, 1973.
Removed: Alberta Law Review The interpretation of Section 15 of the Immigration Appeal Board Act, Vol.XI, No.2 (1973), pp. 260-278.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Co Correspondence - 72 - Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and mailings to him as a member of the MCC (Canada) executive and board (eg. contacts with the Canadian House of Commons on issues like capital punishment; letter of Apr. 2, 1973 to Hon. Warren Allmand with MCC Peace Section with Peace Section members attached).
Removed: book review of Politics of Jesus in The Mennonite, Oct. 9, 1973, p.580f.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Co Correspondence, 1971-1974.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Co 1983 Consultation - Includes: plans and report of Jan. 1983 consultation between MCC (Canada) and conference leaders (Frank H. Epp was secretary of the committee); proposal by Frank H. Epp to MCC (Canada) for bicentennial project.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Co 1988 Consultation - Includes: planning in 1984 for a Canadian conference of Mennonites and Brethren in Christ in 1988.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ex Executive, Sept. 1982 - Includes: pre and post Sept. meeting correspondence; draft of minutes by Frank H. Epp.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - FB Food Bank - MCC(C) positional statements on the Food Bank, June 11, 1981; notes from May 21, 1981 meeting; Art DeFehr, "The Food Bank redefined" First Draft, June 19, 1981, 13p. The report: An evaluation of the Food Bank: final report to the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) (Canada: MEDA?, 1980), 159p., was removed from 103. See also 103 - Ar - 81 MCC (Canada) Food Bank, 1980-1981, which includes: Frank H. Epp, "MCC (Canada) executive committee position re: the future of the Food Bank," Draft, 4p., 1981? typed with editing marks.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka Kanadier, 1975-1976 - Includes: correspondence of Kanadier Mennonite Colonization Committee.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka Kanadier, 1977 - Includes: correspondence of Kanadier Mennonite Colonization Committee.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka Kanadier, 1978-1981 - Includes: correspondence of Kanadier Mennonite Colonization Committee.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka Kanadier, 1982-1984 - Includes: correspondence of Kanadier Mennonite Colonization Committee.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka MP Mennonitische Post, 1976-1977 - Includes: correspondence related to publication of the Mennonitische Post.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka MP Mennonitische Post, 1978-1979 - Includes: correspondence related to publication of the Mennonitische Post.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Ka MP Mennonitische Post, 1977 - Includes: "The Picture history of Old Colony Mennonites," Oct. 1977, 6p. newspaper, possibly a supplement to Die Mennonitische Post.
Removed: the following issues of the newspaper, Die Mennonitische Post: May 19 No.2, June 2 No.3, Oct. 6 No.11, Mar. 3 No.21, all in 1977 as well as Sept. 1980, No.10.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Mi Minutes - Includes: minutes of MCC Canada meetings, 1980-1981 and 1984-1985 which were in 2 blue binders.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Mi Minutes - Includes: minutes of MCC Canada meetings, 1985, Jan. to Nov. arranged by topic. File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - OO Ottawa Office, 1, 1970 - Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp, Ernie Dyck of the Ottawa office and Bob and Linda Janzen who were doing volunteer service in Ottawa; Frank H. Epp and Ernie Dick, "Ottawa Report," No.23, July 1, 1970; Frank H. Epp and Ernie J. Dick, draft of "Prospectus for `Ottawa presence of MCC (Canada),'" Aug. 1970 in which it was proposed that Frank H. Epp continue as supervisor and Ernie Dick be re-appointed until 1971, p.7; "Monthly Reports: of the Ottawa Service Program," for Oct. and Nov. 1970, by Ernie Dick.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - OO Ottawa Office, 2, 1975-1978 - Includes: correspondence and mailings between Frank H. Epp, William Janzen (the director of the office) and J. M. Klassen, the members of the Ottawa Advisory Committee on topics such as securing the legal status of Mexican Mennonites in Canada (regarding Kanadiers see letter of Aug. 17, 1976 and other citizenship issues, the letter of Nov. 2, 1976); letters to the Prime Minister of Canada and government ministers; Report No.7, Dec. 1976; Rev. A. J. Vincent (a Catholic priest), "Sermon to the Ottawa Mennonite congregation, July 13, 1975, attached to letter of June 21, 1977; 3 articles by William Janzen on, "The Old Colony Mennonites in Ontario," written for the Mennonite Reporter on his trip to Mexico, attached to letter of Aug. 29, 1977;Contract arrangements of William Janzen and his study leave, Sept. 17, 1977; Report No.10, Sept. 1977; regarding the evaluation of the Ottawa office done by John H. Redekop see, June 1, June 12, Nov. 21 and Dec. 19, 1978; Minutes #2 of the Advisory Committee to the Ottawa Office of MCC (Canada), Dec. 8, 1978.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - OO Ottawa Office, 3, 1979 - Includes: correspondence of William Janzen and members of the Advisory Committee, memos, reports and minutes; William Janzen's report to the Vietnamese Embassy, Jan. 10, 1979; Annual report and Projections for 1979, by William Janzen for the MCC (Canada) annual meeting in Calgary, Jan. 19-20, 1979; William Janzen, "Abortion law in Canada," Paper prepared at the request of Herta Funk, Feb. 1979; letter of June 1, 1979 to members of the Ottawa Office Advisory Committee, Aaron Klassen, Leonard B. Siemens, Bill Redekop and Frank H. Epp who was the convener of the committee; "Stranded Mennonite immigrants at Seminole, Texas, and Boley Oklahoma: A Report for the congressional efforts to resolve the problem," submitted by Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pa, June 6, 1979, 36p. plus appendices; Minutes #3, Aug. 20, 1979; Report No.16, Sept. 1979; "The General character of Ottawa office work: its depth and breadth," prepared for the meeting of the Executive Committee of MCC (Canada), Sept. 28, 1979; correspondence with the Prime Minister and government ministers, Oct. 29, 1979; Report No.17, Nov. 23, 1979; William Janzen, "Report on the visit to Ottawa of Russian church leaders: Jakob Fast, Traugott Quiring, Bernard Sawatsky, Sergei Nikolaev, accompanied by Lawrence Klippenstein," Nov. 14-15, 1979; copy of, William Janzen, "A Visit to the Soviet Union in Ottawa," in MCC News Service, Nov. 28, 1979; "Ottawa Office, Projections for 1980, Annual Meeting, Jan. 17-19, 1980," attached to letter of Dec. 5, 1979; Minutes #4, Dec. 7, 1979; report for the year 1979 by William Janzen, submitted to annual meeting of MCC (Canada), Jan. 1980, Vineland, Ontario; William Janzen, "The Commission on Canadian Affairs of the Canadian Council of Churches Report for the 1979 MCC (Canada) workbook."
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - OO Ottawa Office, 4, 1980 - Includes: correspondence of William Janzen and members of the Advisory Committee, memos, reports and minutes; "A Meeting at the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa," William Janzen and Frieda Enns, Mar. 26, 1980; notes from meetings of Apr. 17, June 13 and Minutes #7 Sept. 26, 1980; information about possible personnel for the office, with letter of May 16, 1980; "Freedom of conscience and religion in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms," submission from MCC(C), Nov. 10, 1980.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - OO Ottawa Office, 5, 1981-1985- Includes: correspondence of William Janzen and members of the Advisory Committee consisting of Frank H. Epp and J. M. Klassen (see letter of Mar. 24, 1981), memos, reports and minutes; Minutes #8, Mar.20, and #10, Dec. 12, both in 1981; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp from the meeting of Oct. 26-27, 1981; "Sharing our perspectives and pressing them, Interview with William Janzen," inMennonite Brethren Herald, Nov. 6, 1981; meetings with moderator of the United Church of Canada, Nov. 10, 1981; meeting with MP's in Ottawa, attended by William Janzen, Nov. 12, 1981; copy of motion on the constitution tabled in the House of Commons, Nov. 18, 1981; reference to the MCC (Ontario) book-writing project involving William Janzen, Dec. 7, 1981 (for correspondence and reports on this project see 103 - Ar - 81 MCC(O) Committee of Inquiry, 1981-1982); "Ottawa Notebook," in MCC(Canada) News Service, Jan. 20, 1982; William Janzen's submission for the Parliamentary Committee on External Affairs and National Defence, Draft copy, attached to the letter of Feb. 18, 1982; "Ottawa Notebook" in MCCC News Service, Mar. 24, 1982; Minutes #11, Mar. 26, 1982; "Ottawa Notebook," in MCC(Canada) News Service, May 6, 1983; letter of William Janzen on behalf of MCC(C) to Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Nov. 2, 1983, supporting him in building "better east-west understanding"; "Election '84" from The Ottawa Citizen, Sept. 5, 1984, p.38-39 listing all elected members of the Canadian parliament with the names of those who were Mennonites indicated.
one letter from Feb. 20 1985. (See also references to the Ottawa Office in the general correspondence files where it was discussed at MCC(C) meetings and file
88 - D - CCC - Ottawa Office, 1966-1970.)
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - PM Prime Minister, 1969. Includes: letter of Dec. 15, 1969 to Pierre Elliot Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada, from D. P. Neufeld, Chairman, Mennonite Central Committee (Canada).
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - PS PSC Documentation Project - Includes: one item - minutes of Advisory committee for peace and social concerns statements research project meeting, held in Winnipeg, Mar. 25, 1982.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - SE Service Education Committee - Includes: mailings from 1982-1985.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC Peace - Includes: correspondence and mailings on peace and justice issues, 1966-1968.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Poster, 1922. Included a commemorative poster entitled, "Denkschrift den Mennoniten in Amerika - die Mennoniten in der Ukraine" ("Historical Memorandum to the Mennonites in America - from the Mennonites in the Ukraine"), Ohrloff, 1922. Above the title is a sketch of a man plowing with a tractor. The text discusses the situation of the Mennonites in the Ukraine following World War I and thanks the Mennonites in North America for their help in providing tractors ("Traktorhilfe"). It is signed by the members of the "Vorsitzende des Verbandes der Mennoniten" (executive members of the Association of Mennonites), B. B. Janz, JH for Johann?) Cornies, H. Bartel and A. Fast. It was created by Hans Janzen and Peter Cornies.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: XV-62 Union of the Mennonites who had emigrated since 1923 Fonds.
88 - DMCC - MCCC Project North - The following issues of the Project North Newsletter that were in the 1980 MCCC correspondence files in boxes, were transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives: for 1980, Feb., Mar., Apr., May and Sept.; for 1981, Jan., Feb., Mar., Apr.-May, June-Aug. and Dec.; for 1982, Oct. and Nov./Dec., for 1983, Jan./Feb., Mar./Apr. and May/June.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Wider Ecumenical Fellowship, 1978-1981.
File transferred to MAO.
88 - DMCC - MCCC - Withdrawals from MAO transfer files, 1980-1982. Included the following copies: Larry Kehler,Making room for strangers : a review of the Refugee Assistance Program of MCC (Canada) and the provincial MCCs (Winnipeg: Mennonite Central Committee, 1980), 78p.; Crime is a peace issue : readings on issues in the criminal justice system (Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1980?), 299p.; Helmut Harder,The Biblical way of peace(Strasbourg, France: Mennonite World Conference ; Akron, Pa.: International Mennonite Peace Committee, 1982), 34p.
88 - DMCC - IS Information Service, 1963. Includes: papers for MCC Information Services Consultation, held Sept. 1963.
88 - DMCC - ME Memorandum, 1983-1985. Includes: papers, correspondence and personal notes of Frank H. Epp for the MCC US/MCC Canada Memorandum of Understanding Review Committee of which he was a member.
88 - DMCC - PS Peace Section - Includes: the outline guide created by the Epps for this section, the headings of which were entered into this guide. Some files in the cabinet were not clearly labeled or listed in their guide. File headings for the latter were added.
88 - DMCC - PS - g General, 1968, 1974, 1980. Includes: "MCC Peace Section" brochure dated 1970 with photos and staff positions and a photo of Frank H. Epp as Director of Studies in International Conflict, a position he held from 1968 to 1971; brochure for the MCC Peace Section Washington Office; miscellaneous correspondence.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Intercom Feb. 1972, Vol.12, No.1.
Removed: International peace studies newsletter, Center Peace Studies, University of Akron (Fall 1972), Vol.2, No.1; Peace Section Washington Memo: May-June 1978, Vol.X, No.3 & July-August 1978, Vol.X, No.4; MCC Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church and Society Report: April-May 1978 & June-July 1978; Peace Section Newsletter, May-June 1978, Vol.IX, No.3 and Sept.-Oct. 1981, Vol.XI. No.5.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - FHE Frank H. Epp, 1968-1971. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's half-time staff position as Director of Studies in International Conflict with the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section beginning January 1, 1968; job description; work contracts (Records of Agreement); expense records; contracts (Records of Agreement) for the secretarial services of Helen Epp for the Director, based in Ottawa, Ontario.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co AO Correspondence Akron Office, 1967-1970. Includes: correspondence with MCC Akron office in USA.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co Correspondence - 69, 1969. Includes: Includes: general correspondence of Frank H. Epp related to his PS work with some general mailings and related papers; letter of invitation to Frank H. Epp, Sept. 30, 1969 to attend a Voice of Women program on Gandhi; Voice of Women Newsletter, Nov. 6, 1969; Report (#3) of Frank H. Epp to Joint Committee of History of Mennonites in Canada, Nov. 22, 1969.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Peace Notes, Oct. 1969, No.1.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co - 70, 1970. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp related to his PS work with some general mailings and related papers; Voice of Women Newsletter, Mar. 14, 1970; "Visit to Mennonite men in the military service in Vietnam," Memo to MCC executive committee from Henry H. Dick, Apr. 14-22, 1970.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: MCC News Service bulletins for June, July and Aug. 1970 (the June 26 & July 2 bulletins were attached to the July 6, 1970 letter from John Lapp to PS and Peace secretaries).
Removed: 2 issues of the Peace Section Newsletter: Feb. 15, 1970, No.1 & Apr. 25, 1970, Vol.1, No.2; from papers sent Sept. 25, 1970, Peace Section Washington Memo, Sept.-Oct. 1970, Vol.II, No.5.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co - 71, 1971. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp related to his PS work with some general mailings and related papers; Frank H. Epp, "Toward the adjustment of American war resisters in Canada," Position paper to Advisory Board on the adjustment of immigrants, Jan. 12-13, 1971; Doug Hostetter, "Peace Mission to Hanoi" is with Jan. 28, 1971 letter; "Issues for a peace church in a militarized society" presentation to the Goshen College congregation? July 11, 1971, sent out by John A. Lapp, PS; some hand written notes of Frank H. Epp follow a letter of Aug. 31, 1971.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: MCC News Service bulletins for Jan., Feb., Apr., May and Sept., 1971; 8 page brochure, "Information for headquarters staff and visitors MCC, Akron, Pa., " 1971?
Removed: Peace Section Washington Memo, July-Aug. 1971.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co - 72-74, 1972-1974. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp related to his PS work with some general mailings and related papers.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Indochina 1972 perpetual war," American Friends Service Committee, May 1972, No.689; MCC (Canada) News Service bulletins, May 5, 1972.
Removed: Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, Vol.21, No.5 (1975); 2 Reports of the PS Task force on women in church and society, No.3, Dec. 1973 & No.4, Feb. 1974.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Co - JHY John Howard Yoder, 1967-1970. Includes: memos and information from John Howard Yoder to the PS members.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Col - PS Colloquium on Peace Studies in Mennonite Colleges, 1972. Includes materials from the colloquium.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, Vol.18, No.1, Jan. 1972.
Removed: 2 copies of Praxis a radical student bulletin: Vol.1, Aug. 1968 & Vol.2, Mar. 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - CS Citizenship Seminar, 1970-1971. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's participation in the Christian Citizenship Seminar conducted by the General Conference Mennonite Church for young people.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Hi History, 1966-1967. Includes: Guy F. Herschberger, "The committee on peace and social concerns (of the Mennonite Church) and its predecessors."
Removed: Richard C. Detweiler, "An examination of Mennonite peace witness documents (1915-1966)," Feb. 7, 1967, 30p. which was published as Mennonite statements on peace 1915-1966 (Herald Press: Scottdale, Pa., 1968), 61p.
88 - DMCC - PS - g- Mi Minutes, 1962-1967. Includes: minutes and information sent to PS members for 1962, 1964 and 1965; PS executive committee minutes for 1966 & 1967.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 68, 1968. Includes: minutes and materials from January 18, 1968 MCC PS annual meeting: "Peacemaking and community" (Remarks of William Keeney at the Peace Section Annual Meeting, Jan. 19, 1967, 9p.), Peace Section Membership list; minutes of MCC PS executive committee meetings and reports in 1968 and materials related to them as well as information sent to the executive committee members before and after meetings; Frank H. Epp's reports for 1968 to the PS executive committee: #2 May 30-31, Sept. 16 (to the Middle East Reference Group Meeting), Oct. 10, Oct. 24 and #4 Nov. 22-23, 1968; "The Land of Promise, a land without peace: a report on Middle East study trip" to the MCC PS executive committee is Exhibit 5 and attached to the Aug. 17, 1968 minutes; minutes from Sept. 12, 1968 meeting of Peace and Social Concerns Committee, Board of Christian Service, Conference of Mennonites in Canada.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 69, 1969. Includes: MCC PS annual and subsequent meetings of the executive committee in 1969 and reports and materials related to them; Frank H. Epp, "Report to Peace Section Middle East Study Tour" June 8-28, 1969; Frank H. Epp's Reports of Jan. 27, Mar. 21-22, #5 and his Activity Report of Sept. 12-13, 1969; post meeting materials from Mar. 26 to July 10. Proposed format for Consultation on the Draft, MCC Peace Section Assembly, Nov. 20-21. For the MCC PS annual meeting of Jan. 23 Frank H. Epp's handwritten notes as recording secretary are included in addition to the printed minutes.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: MCC "Middle East Report," 1969 which includes Frank H. Epp's article: "A quarrel over the land," 12p.; 2 issues of Selective Service Newsletter, Feb. 15, 1968, Jan. 15, 1969; MCC News Service, Aug. 29, 1969 on Vietnam.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 70, 1970. Includes: minutes of MCC PS meetings and materials related to them; reports of Frank H. Epp for the Feb. 9-10, June 4-5 (#6) meetings, his report for period beginning July 1, 1970 and for the Nov. 10 meeting; 2 pamphlets from The National Council to repeal the draft 1970; "Southern Africa Study" by Don Jacobs and James Bertsche; materials from the Nov. 19-21 MCC PS Assembly in Minneapolis.
Removed: The Christian Century issue, Apr. 29, 1970.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 71, 1971. Includes: minutes and materials for PS meetings: of Apr., Sept. and Nov.; minutes of Middle East Reference Committee, Sept. 11, 1971 in Akron, Pa.; items by Frank H. Epp: "Draft Proposal Mennonite Study of biblical theology vis-a-vis the Middle East," Sept. 16, 1971, 3p.; "Toward greater holiness in holy land travel," 1 page flyer; "Listening to the Middle East, Report on the Epp-Goddard research trip August 2-30, 1971," Aug. 30, 1971, 4p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Lloyd A. Kniss, I couldn't fight The story of a CO in World War I(Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1971), 47p.; 2 MCC News Service bulletins for Mar. 19, 1971.
Removed: Peace Section Newsletter, Vol.II, No.5, Oct. 15, 1971.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 72, 1972. Includes: minutes and materials for PS meetings: folder contents for PS meeting of Mar. 17-18, 1972; minutes of Middle East Reference Committee, May 18, 1972 & information sent out July 7, 1972; John A. Lapp, "Last Report," May 30, 1972; PS Report of Frank H. Epp, "Activities as Director of Studies in International Conflict," 1972?
Removed: Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, Vol.19, No.1, Oct. 2, 1972.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - Mi - 80s, 1979-1985. Includes: minutes, materials, mailings for PS meetings that were originally separate in a white binder (transferred as they were organized in the white binder); Frank H. Epp and Marlene G. Epp, "The Progressions of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section (A topical history in outline form, 1939-1984), p. 1 and pp.20-22 attached to "Recommendation Re: Peace Section/Movement History" Fall 1984, (see 103 - Ar - 83 for article on Peace Section History); correspondence to Peace Section members related to PS meetings in the Fall of 1984.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - MPS Mennonite Peace Secretaries, 1968-1973, 1982. A meeting of 2 denominational and 3 MCC Peace Secretaries: Darrell Fast of the General Conference Peace and Social Concerns Committee; Walton Hackman, executive secretary (Old) Mennonite Peace and Social Concerns Committee and acting executive secretary of MCC PS Akron; Frank H. Epp, MCC PS Dir. of Studies, Ottawa; Delton Franz, Washington representative of MCC PS, Washington; Daniel Zehr, secretary for Peace and Social Concerns of MCC (Canada), Winnipeg took place in Spring 1969. See news release of March 1969. File includes: minutes and correspondence for 1968 to 1970, PS minutes, April 19, 1973 and minutes of semi-annual meeting, June 8, 1982; some personal notes made by Frank H. Epp are with the Mar. 1969 and the Dec. 1969 papers.
Removed: Christianity and Crisis, issue of Dec. 22, 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - PSNL Peace Section Newsletter, 1982. Removed: MCC Peace Section Newsletter, Apr.-May 1979; series of the PSNL from the 1980s that were with unfiled Peace Section materials: for 1980, Sept.-Oct. and Nov.-Dec., for 1981, all issues for the year from Jan.-Feb. to Nov.-Dec., for 1982, Jan.-Feb., Mar.-Apr., July-Aug. (on West European peace movements including Mennonite ones, see also 103 - Ar - 82 Europe, 1981-1982 for more materials on this topic), Sept.-Oct. (on the Philippine Church), Nov.-Dec., for 1983, May-June, July-Aug. and Sept.-Oct. (all of which dealt with peace issues). See 103 - Ar - 82 The Prince of Peace as President, 1982, for Frank H. Epp's article in the PSNL, "The Prince of Peace as President," May-June 1982, pp.1-5. File withdrawn.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - SP Sider Proposal, 1984-1985. Includes: materials related to Ron Sider's proposal for a peace keeping force; some personal notes of Frank H. Epp. See file:
88 - DMCC PS - MCC - Mi Minutes, 1984-1985 for May 3, 1985 memo from Atlee Beechy and Barbara Willems Hoover on Sider's proposal. Removed: Gospel Herald, Mar. 30, 1948, p.290.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - SS Structure Study, 1961-1968. Includes: minutes of Peace Section Structure Committee in 1967 and 1968; "Proposed Guiding Principles for the MCC Peace Section" drafted August 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - VS Vietnam Study, 1967-1969. Includes: correspondence, lists of resources and contact persons; "Vietnam 1969" brochure of American Friends Service Committee.
88 - DMCC - PS - g - VC Vietnam correspondence, 1976-1979. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with persons in the Mennonite Central Committee offices in Akron, Pa. and Canada; Vern Preheim, "Vietnam trip report," June 15, 1976; correspondence regarding the Advisory Group of the Vietnam Study Project.
88 - DMCC - Peace Section - Int International - the files in this international section were added here from boxes in storage. They all include, memos and mailings, especially from Urbane Peachey, the PS executive secretary, as well as some correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding the work of Mennonite Central Committee International, of which he was the chair from 1979 to 1986. The months for each file are indicated and articles by Frank H. Epp are cited. They are located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co Correspondence, 1979, Jan. to Dec.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1980, Jan. to May.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1980, June to Dec.
Removed: Gerald E. Dirks, "The Plight of the Homeless: the Refugee Phenomenon"in Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Vol. 37, No.3 , (Aug. 1980), 28p. Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1981, Jan. to Apr.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1981, May to Dec.
Removed: Affirm life: pay for peace : a handbook of World Peace Tax Fund educators/organizers (Newton, Kan.: Historic Peace Church Task Force on Taxes, 1981), 86p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1982, Jan. to Apr. Includes: "Frank H. Epp, "The Ever-Expanding circle of peace (3)" (Report by the chairman, MCC Peace Section, MCC Annual Meeting, Henderson, Nebraska, 29-30 Janunary, 1982).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1982, May to Aug. Includes: Frank H. Epp's articles: "Europe and the end of the war," attached to letter of Aug. 20, 1982 and his report, "MCC Peace Section Europe," account, "A Summary of experiences in Europe" and list "Europe persons and organizations," from his 19-day trip to Europe Feb. 12 to Mar. 2, 1982.
Removed: Remembering : stories of peacemakers : stories, readings and short plays for use in churches and schools (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1982), 60p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1982, Sept. to Dec.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1983, Jan. to May.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1983, June to Sept. Includes: "Voluntary change or violent revolution: MCC and the Philippines" (A Report to MCC and MCC Peace Section by Frank and Helen Epp in consultation with Esther and Dan Epp-Tiessen, Aug. 1983).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1983, Oct. to Dec. Includes: letter to President Ronald Reagan, Washington, DC, with Nov. 1983 papers.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1984, Jan. to May.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1984, June to Dec. Includes: agenda for Peace Section executive meeting of Sept. 12, 1984; Frank H. Epp, "Expanding the circle of peace V," Chairman's report to annual meeting of MCC Peace Section, Bluffton, Ohio, 15-16 November, 1984.
>Removed: Conciliation service: an occasional quarterly, Vol.3, No.2 (August 1984), published in Akron, Pa. by Mennonite Central Committee, U.S. Peace Section; Peace Section Newsletter, A Special issue on the International Mennonite Peace Committee Mennonite World Conference, Vol.XIV, No.5 (Sept.-Oct. 1984).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co, 1985. Includes: Frank H. Epp's letter of Aug. 7 in which he reports to Florence Driedger that he will not be at the Sept. executive committee meeting of the Peace Section because of his heart surgery and thanks her for taking over the duties of chairperson; 2 other letters, from Jan. 9 and June 18.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
Note: The following files all contain copies of Urbane Peachey's international correspondence, sent monthly from Mennonite Central Committee international headquarters in Akron, Pa., to Frank H. Epp and other international Peace Section members. Some of the correspondence in the files up to 1983 concerns the Middle East. The months are noted for each file.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1980, Jan. to Aug.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1980, Sept. to Dec.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1981, Jan. to Nov. Also included are a few letters of Frank H. Epp to Urbane Peachey in Oct. and Nov. 1981.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1982, Mar. to July.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1982, Sept. to Dec.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - Int - Co - Urbane Peachey, 1983, Jan. to July.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC Mennonite Central Committee, 1967-1969. Includes: materials from annual meetings; annual reports for 1968 and 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC - COMBS Council of Mission Board Secretaries, 1967-1969. Includes: correspondence and minutes for joint meetings of COMBS & MCC. See MCC - EC file below June 23, 1969, Exhibit 14 for May 8, 1969 minutes of joint meeting.
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC - EC Executive Committee, 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence with MCC executive members; executive committee minutes.
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC - IS Information Services, 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence related to publications in Mennonite newspapers and journals; news releases on Frank H. Epp's work; popular series of biographical-type stories on the Middle East by Frank H. Epp: "Our Men in the Middle," 1969; MCC news service mailing list.
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC - Mi Minutes, 1984-1985. Includes: minutes and related correspondence for Frank H. Epp's work on this board. A memo of May 3, 1985 from Atlee Beechy and Barbara Willems Hoover on Sider's proposal following a meeting with Frank H. Epp relates to g - SP above. (These papers were in a separate binder and added here into the collection.)
88 - DMCC - PS - MCC - VS Voluntary Service, 1968-1969. Includes: MCC VS "Unit Leader's Handbook," Jan. 1969.
Removed: MCC Service Opportunities bulletins: Jan.& Apr. 1972, Jan. & Mar. 1975.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Semi-Annual Index - January to June, 1971" (7) MCC News Service, July 9, 1971; Statement of policy for overseas personnel, Mennonite Central Committee, Feb. 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - O Organizations, 1967-1969. Includes: mailings, information and greetings from various organizations.
88 - DMCC - PS - O - CPRH Conference on Peace Research in History 58-70, 1958, 1964-1970. Includes: conference papers; correspondence of Frank H. Epp. Removed: Blanche Wiesen Cook, ed., Bibliography on peace research in history, No. 11 (Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-Clio, 1969), 72p.
88 - DMCC - PS - O - CPRH 71-76, 1971-1976. Includes: conference papers.
Removed: whole issue of Peace and change A journal of peace research, Vol.I, No.1 (Fall 1972).
88 - DMCC - PS - O - IVS International Voluntary Services, 1967-1968. Includes: two letters on the subject of Vietnam.
88 - DMCC - PS - O - OCEWV Ottawa Committee to End the War in Vietnam, 1966-1973. Includes: newsletters, notices, press releases and information about the work of this committee; Frank H. Epp's "Activity report to the annual meeting," Oct. 19, 1968 attached to Sept. 16, 1968 papers; Frank H. Epp's "Request to delegates from Vietnam," July 1969 attached to "Visit of the Vietnamese Women"; some issues of the Vietnam Mobilizer, 1970 and of Affairs of the Moment, Background information for Canadian women, 1970, 1973; newsletters of the Voice of Women (1970); a financial contribution from Frank H. Epp is noted on the Dec. 1970 letter from the Ottawa Committee for Peace and Liberation (the new name for this committee).
88 - DMCC - PS - O - SAEWV Student Association to End War in Vietnam, 1968. Includes: letter from the Carleton Committee and brochure for the association.
88 - DMCC - PS - O - SPC Soviet Peace Committee, 1968-1970. Includes: materials requested by Frank H. Epp for his work as PS Director; 2 letters from Frank H. Epp to the committee; booklet: "Soviet Peace Committee," Moscow, 1969?
Removed: 6 issues of XX Century and World Peace, Jan. to May, 1969 & July 1970.
88 - DMCC - PS - O - SPC Soviet Peace Committee, 1968. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: an issue of Moscow News, Oct. 26, 1968 which was sent to Frank H. Epp with information on Vietnam Solidarity Week, Oct. 15-21, 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC Organizations Church, 1968-1969. Includes: letters of Frank H. Epp requesting mailings; John Braun, "Manifesto of the radical Mennonite union," Dec. 1968; notice about a vigil for Vietnam conducted by Eastern Mennonite Students, May 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - CFSC Canadian Friends Service Committee, 1966-1970. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp (see letters of June 10, 1969 and August 12, 1970 regarding his financial contributions), meeting notices, general mailings, eg. for the Grindstone conferences; Canadian Friends Service Committee bulletins for Spring, Apr. 1 & Oct. 1969; Grindstone Reports, 1968 Conference for journalists, Vol.VI, No.3.
Removed: The Canadian Friend, March 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS- OC - CPC Christian Peace Conference, 1968. Includes: information sent to PS members about the Third All-Christian Peace Assembly.
88 - DMCC - PS- OC - FCNL Friends Committee on National Legislation, 1968. Includes: FCNL Washington Newsletter, May 1968, attached to letter of Frank H. Epp remarking about the "Vietnam Chronology" it contained.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 3 issues of the FCNL Washington Newsletter: Jan., Mar., Apr. 1969;FCNL Action, Apr. 8 & 11, 1968 (single sheets).
Removed: the following issues of the FCNL Washington Newsletter: Dec. 1967, Jan. Apr. & June to Dec. 1968, May 1969. The May 1968 issue was attached to a letter of Frank H. Epp's and as the only item left in the file, moved to the above file:
88 - DMCC PS - OC - CFSC Canadian Friends Service Committee, 1966-1970. File withdrawn.
88 - DMCC - PS- OC - FOR Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1967-1969. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp, information on his financial contributions, general mailings and their newsletter; The Fellowship of Reconciliation Action Newsletter, Apr. 1969.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 issues of Forum " Forum for news, conviction and opinion" published by the Canada Fellowship of Reconciliation: Vol.II, No.2 & Vol.II, No.3 (1968).
See also, PF - Peace - Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1951-1952.
88 - DMCC - PS- OC - GC General Conference Mennonite Church, 1967-1970. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Darrell Fast of the GC Peace and Social Concerns Committee; Barbara Duerksen's "Final Report" July 28, 1969 as summer intern for the Board of Christian Service in Vancouver, B.C.; some overlap to
88 - DMCC PS - g - MPS Mennonite Peace Secretaries file above; minutes of Peace and Social Concerns Committee meeting, Chicago, Apr. 1969; information for immigration to Canada, 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS- OC - MB Mennonite Brethren Church, 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence responding to Vernon Wiebe, General Secretary of MB Board of Missions and Services, in regard to a controversial Intercollegiate Peace Conference in 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - NAE National Association of Evangelicals, 1968. Includes: Frank H. Epp's copy of his convention report and the similar published versions in MCC News Service, May 17, 1968; an issue of United Evangelical Action, Spring 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - NCC National Council of Churches, 1968. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with their Dept. of International Affairs, especially related to Vietnam.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - QAG Quaker Action Group, 1967-1969. Includes: reprint of Kenneth E. Boulding, "The impact of the draft on the legitimacy of the national state, " in A Quaker Action Group, July issue of Fellowship Magazine, 1968?; Congressional Record, No.147, Sept. 19, 1967.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: A Quaker Action Group, Newsletter, for 1968: No.9 & 16, Jan.; No.10, Mar. & Apr. June; No.13, Aug.; No.14, Oct.; No.15, Nov.; for 1969: No.17, Feb.; No.18, Apr.; No.19, May-June; No.20, July-Aug.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - RO Russian Orthodox Church, 1968. Includes: notes of Frank H. Epp from the Toronto Consultation of Apr. 22, 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - UC United Church, 1968. Includes: 2 letters to Frank H. Epp, one from the UC in Canada, the other from the UC of Christ in New York; an issue of Social Action, Dec. 1969.
Removed: "Congressional Comment" recording, Apr. 1968.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - UMC United Methodist Church, 1967-1968. Includes: materials on peace and social concerns, peace education and Vietnam; some issues of "Division of Peace and World Order" 1964-1967.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - UNCE United Nations Church Centre, 1968-1969. Includes: brief correspondence with churches associated with the centre.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - WCC-CCIA World Council of Churches - Commission of the Churches on International Affairs - Included only an issue of The Commission of the Churches on International Affairs Report 1966-67, 61p., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMCC - PS - OC - WEF World Evangelical Fellowship, 1968. Includes: background information sent to Frank H. Epp.
88 - DMCC - PS - P Program, 1967. Includes: information on Peace Team proposal; booklet: "Report to Peace Section Members Peace Witness Seminar" Nov. 30-Dec.2, 1967; minutes and related materials from Evangelical Peace Witness Seminar.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - D Draft, 1967-1969. Includes: materials related to MCC PS's role regarding draft dodgers; correspondence and notes about individual draft resisters; briefs and statements of MCC PS made to the US government; Frank H. Epp, "American draft-resisters and Canadian Mennonites" first draft, written for MCC (Canada) Peace Committee and MCC PS, Mar. 1968. US Senate Hearings, Apr. 1967; Congressional Record, May 1967; "Congress decides against more stringent co provisions: influenced by peace section testimony" in MCC News Service, June 1, 1967; excerpts from Canadian House of Commons debates; copies of news clippings, 1967-1969.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 issues of Selective Service Newsletter from 1969: Jan. 15 & Apr. 25; Mark Satin, ed. Manual for draft-age immigrants to Canada (Toronto, 1968), 87p.; Ottawa Report, information sheet for Canadian Board of Christian Service, No.15, May 10, 1969.
Removed: Anastasia Erland, "Mark Satin, draft dodger" in Saturday Night, Sept. 1967, pp.21-23; "The Real Crime of Dr. Spock" in The Nation, Mar. 11, 1968, pp.327-330.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - D Draft, 1970-1972. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "I would like to dodge the draft-dodgers, but history won't let me" Paper prepared for MCC (Ont.) meeting, Apr. 25, 1970; Pan-Canada Deserter/Resister Conference, May, year not given.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo attached to "Draft-dodgers - some really fantastic kids" report from CIDA representative, which includes Frank H. Epp and 2 unidentified young men; The Mennonite Draft Resistance Newsletter, Vol.1, No.1, June 1970.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - D Draft, 1968-1972. Complements the above 2 files, news clippings only.
Removed: article on selective C.O. in New York Times Magazine, Mar. 23, 1969, p.34f.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - F Finances, 1967-1968. Includes: booklet: "Peace Section Program and Budget Planning FY 1968."
88 - DMCC - PS - P - HC Hunger Consultation, 1968. Includes: materials for conference participants; William Klassen, "God's people and the poor," Paper for MCC Consultation on world hunger, May 24, 1968, 10p.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - IMS Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1967-1970. Includes: Memorandum (Report on Project 20) from John H. Yoder, Dec. 1967; minutes of IMS meeting June 6, 1970.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - MC Minneapolis Consultation, 1966. Includes: letter to Frank H. Epp in regard to planning; Report of the Findings Committee from Carl Kreider, Dec. 1966.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - NSBRO National Service Board for Religious Objectors, 1967-1969. Includes: report by J. Harold Sherk, Jan. 1967; NSBRO Comparative statement of income and expenses, 1967 & 1968; information on I-W Service.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - PR Peace & Revolution, 1967-1968. Includes: correspondence about plans for a conference on this topic; Frits Kuiper, "From Jerusalem to Peking, sketch of a timely political biblical vision," presented to the Mennonite Peace Group, Elspeet, Sept. 3, 1967.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - PT Peacemaker Tours, 1967-1968. Includes: information on study tours organized by the PS European committee.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - St Staff, 1967-1968. Includes: correspondence related to the office of PS executive secretary; MCC staff policies, Dec. 1967; PS executive secretary job description, tentative proposal.
88 - DMCC - PS - P- WO Washington Office, 1966-1969. Includes: minutes and reports on the beginnings of the PS office in Washington, D.C.; reports of Delton Franz, WO staff member, Mar. & July 1969; Congressional Recordfor Jan. 22, 1969 & Feb. 25, 1969; Action Bulletin from: PS Washington Office, Mar. 4, 1970. Removed: Peace Section Washington Memo: Aug. 1969, Jan.-Feb. 1976, Jan.-Feb. 1979, Mar.-Apr. 1979. Also removed, the following series of the Peace Section Washington Memo that were in unfiled Peace Section materials: for 1979, Nov.-Dec., for 1980, Jan.-Feb. and May-June, for 1981, Jan.-Feb., for 1982, Jan.-Feb., Mar.-Apr., May-June, July-Aug., Sept.-Oct., for 1983, Mar.-Apr., May-June, July-Aug.
88 - DMCC - PS - P - WT War Taxes, 1968. Includes: information on the Peace Leadership Loan Fund; memo on International Citizens Development Fund, 1968; information on Peace leadership loan fund.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Handbook on nonpayment of war taxes" 1963, 3rd ed. 1967, compiled for members of the Peacemaker Movement. (See also, Peace Section Newsletter, Jan.- Feb. 1981, on war taxes.)
88 - DMCC - PS - P - WW Washington Witness, 1967. Includes: "Draft statement on Vietnam for the White House," Oct. 3, 1967; letter to President of the US, Nov. 2, 1967; related correspondence.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "The necessary evil: a time for tears" in MCC News Service, Nov. 10, 1967.
88 - DMCC - PS- Pa - Papers, 1968. Includes: several letters of Frank H. Epp to various newspapers; his letter to the editor of the Mennonite Brethren Herald on the subject of Vietnam.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR Programs by Regions, 1968. Includes: MCC PS Memo on Nam Chin Cha, Korean Presbyterian pastor; correspondence.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - A Africa, 1967-1970. Includes: correspondence from and about Deacon Moses J. Akpanudo, Conference of Mennonites in Nigeria, including letters to and from Frank H. Epp; "Background to the church situation in Nigeria," Oct. 1969; Frank H. Epp's notes from conversations with Walter F. McLean on Africa.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Moses J. Akpanudo, Mennonite Work in Abak, Nigeria (Abak: Apex Printing Works, 1969), 7p. which was attached to his letter to Frank H. Epp of Aug. 14, 1969.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - A-K Africa-Kimbanquists, 1966-1969. Includes: reports on the Congo by Harold Fehderau, Clarence Hiebert, 1967; MCC PS Memo with report on the Kimbanquists Church, Oct. 25, 1968; correspondence; Contact with God, Congo Inland Mission, Apr. 15, 1969, Vol.11, No.4.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - C China (Akron Packet), 1961-1970. Includes: materials on Mainland China; correspondence.
Removed: Christian Century, reprint on Mainland China, Jan. 13, 1965, pp.1-12.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - C China (Akron Packet), 1966. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
Removed: Globe and Mail, Oct. 17, 1966 article on Ronning, pp.1 & 7; The Telegram (Toronto), Oct. 17, 1966, pp.1 & 7.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - E Europe, 1967-1970. Includes: report on East-West Conference which included peace churches, Feb. 1967; minutes of PS European Committee (EC), June 5, 1967; report of Alan Kreider to PS EC, Sept. 1968; Report on trip to Soviet Union by David P. Muffed, John A. Tows, John A. Lapp, Apr. 6, 1970; correspondence. (See also
88 - DMCC - MCC(C) East-West, 1983-1984, transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario.)
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - E-N Europe-Nazarenes, 1967. Includes: items from Delbert Graz including his essay, "Nazarenes in Eastern Europe," Nov. 15, 1967, 15 p.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - E-R Europe-Russians, 1968-1969. Includes: correspondence and materials related to religion in the USSR, Frank H. Epp's notes from meeting Russian Baptists, July 16, 1968. (See also
88 - DMCC - MCC(C), Russia Concerns Advisory Committee, 1976-1978.)
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Frank H. Epp, "Russian churchmen report new freedoms while critics point out restrictions," Nov. 10, 1967 and his second of five articles on this subject, July 26, 1968, both in MCC News Service.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - I India, 1967. Includes: Report to PS on visit with Vernon Reimer; reports on Mennonite college student camp and consultation on peace with C. Norman Kraus.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - J Japan, 1963-1968. Includes: letters and reports from Carl Beck, peace worker in Japan; information on work camps; minutes of Japan MCC Consulting Committee, Oct. 1967 & Oct. 1968.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Southeast Asia MBC church news, Vol.4, No.1(April 1968); Carl Beck, "Reconciliation progress surprises workcampers" in MCC News Service, Sept. 1967.
Removed: South East Asia MBC church news, Vol.4, No.2 (Nov. 1968).
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - LA Latin America, 1967-1970. Includes: Edgar Stoez and W. T. Snyder, "Reports of South America visit" on Brazil, Bolivia and Paraguay, Oct.-Nov. 1968; correspondence on LA concerns.
Removed: James D. Kratz, "Good Mennonite church neighbors" in Gospel Herald, Aug. 29, 1967, p.774f.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - M Mississippi, 1967-1968. Includes: reports of Titus Bender, PS representative in the South.
Removed: Titus Bender, "Peacemaking" in Gospel Herald, June 6, 1967, p.508f.
88 - DMCC - PS - PR - V Vietnam, 1966-1968, 1975. Includes: News release of The Canadian Mennonite, Feb. 23, 1966, which discusses Frank H. Epp's upcoming tour to Asia and South Vietnam, 2p.; Frank H. Epp, "Report on 1966 Asian Tour by Frank H. Epp, Mar. 1-Apr. 5, 1966," (Submitted to sponsoring agencies and other interested parties), 9p.; for 1967, correspondence on Vietnam Christian Service (the cooperative relief and service program of Church World Service, Lutheran World Relief and MCC) from Paul Leatherman, Paul Longrace and others; reports of Doug Hostetter; Draft of statement to Senate subcommittee regarding refugees and escapees, Oct. 4, 1967; Luke S. Martin, "A view of the Christian church in Vietnam," Nov. 1975. See also, 8. Biography - g - Pe - EFH - Pub - V Publicity Vietnam, 1966-1967, which includes newspaper articles on Frank H. Epp's speeches following his tour to Vietnam.
Removed: the following reprints of 34 part weekly series by Frank H. Epp "Asia at our Doorstep" on Asian tour Mar.1-Apr.5 in The Canadian Mennonite in 1966 (Vol.14): numbers 10 (May 10, 1966), 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 27.
88 - DMCC - Pu Publications - Included: MCC brochures from 1954, eg. "Introducing MCC," "Christmas Bundles," "Pax" which were removed.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Intercom, Vol.12, No.3 (June 1972); Women's Activities Letter, MCC, for 1962: Sept., Nov., Dec. & Jan. 1963; "Handbook Newfoundland" published by MCC, 1963?; MCC Annual reports for 1961, 1962 and 1965 as well as Report Summer 1964 and Report Winter 1965 and "Dienst - Im Namen Christi" (Akron: MCC, 1960s?).
Removed: I-W Mirror, "Tenth Anniversary Issue" Vol.11, No.1, Jan. 1963; Women's Activities Letter, MCC, No.169 (Mar. 1959); A Letter to boys and girls from the Mennonite Central Committee, No.40 (Jan.-Mar. 1959) & No.54 (July, Sept. 1962); MCC (Canada) Bulletin, A special section of The Canadian Mennonite, Vol.I, No.1, Oct. 27, 1964. File withdrawn.
88 - DMCC - Pu - TAP Teachers Abroad Program, 1962-1963. Includes: several information sheets on TAP.
88 - DMCC - VS Voluntary Service, 1961-1964. Includes: brochures on summer service, Pax, etc; list of service units of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Board of Christian Service, 1964.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Discipleship in Mental Health Professions a survey of psychiatric professions open to the Christian student" (Hillsboro, Kan.?: Faith and Life Press, 1963); "Voluntary Service Report Spring 1962"; Intercom, special issue, 1975?; Kaiserslautern, Germany, Dec. 1958.
Removed: The Mennonite, issue on VS, Mar. 4, 1959.
88 - DMG GENERAL CONFERENCE MENNONITE CHURCH, g General, 1956-1974, 1981. Includes: general information about various aspects of the conference, eg. Board of Christian Service, Board of Missions; "The First Mennonite church 1906-1956, Reedley, California, Fiftieth anniversary program and a brief history of the church"; Frank H. Epp, "Japan's lesson" in The Mennonite, July 19, 1960, p.460, as well as pp. 451, 454 and 457; "General conference Mennonite students in non-conference educational institutions," published by the Board of education and publication, GCMC, 1958-59; information from the 1962 triennial sessions; mailing from Young People's Union GCMC, June 11, 1962.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Christian Service News, Jan. 1963; Erland Waltner, "Basic principles in improving church and conference relationships," 1950s?
Removed: the following issues of The Mennonite: July 31, 1956, Aug. 13, 1959; articles in The Mennonite: Mar. 4, 1958, p.134f., for 1959: Aug. 11, p.489f., Sept. 8, p.547, Oct. 27, p.665f., Oct. 27, p.667f., for 1960: Mar. 1, p.139, May 10, p.294.; Missionary news and notes, reprint of "1968 Mission projects," May 1968, 32p.
88 - DMG Ce Central District - File empty, withdrawn.
88 - DMG Ce - Re Reporter - Included only: 3 issues of The Central District Reporter (published by the Central District General Conference Mennonite Church, Vol.2, No.10 (Nov. 15, 1958); Vol.2, No.11 (Dec. 15, 1958); Vol.3, No.2 (Feb. 15, 1959), which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMG CoC Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1958-1975, 1985. Original file measured 6.5 cm. Includes: "Das verhaeltnis der kanadischen Mennoniten Gemeinde zu den gemeinden in den Ver. Staaten," 1958; programs for conferences in 1958 & 1959; minutes of Board of Christian Service meeting, executive and members present, July 3, 1959; German reports for conference of 1959; some Board of Christian Service correspondence, 1959; J. C. Neufeld, "The relationship of the Mennonites in Canada to the general conference," July 1959; J. R. Dyck, "The conference of Mennonites in Canada needs an English paper," 1962; minutes of workshop on conference publications, Mar. 21, 1962; "CoC Mission Board Report," 1962, 24p.; Reports of the executive secretary: Jan., Mar., June, Sept., 1963; Report of executive secretary to Board of Missions, 1964, 26p.; CoC minutes, executive committee, Aug. 28, 1968; minutes of meeting of college board, June 8, 1968; CoC Memo to "Company of 1000" regarding money for scholarship.
Removed: H. T. Klassen, ed. Teaching the word (Winnipeg, Man.: Board of Education and Publication of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1960), 16p.; Conference Highlights: 1960, 1961, 1962, for 1963: Jan. 1, Mar. 15, June 15; Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin, June 4, 1968 & July 3-7, 1976; "Conference highlights,"Special section of The Canadian Mennonite, July 19, 1963; Celebration in song : selected hymns for the 70th session of the CoC, July 5-9, 1972, Waterloo, Ontario; Conference information in Der Bote: No.24, p.12, Mar. 22, 1960, p.12, Missionsfest program in May 31, 1960; conference reports in 1966 Der Bote: "Die 64 Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada," in Oct.? pp.6 & 11, "Einege Eindruecke..." in Aug. 16, pp1-2, "Wohin des Weges?" in Aug. 23, "Ich war ein Konferenzdelegierter" in Oct. 4, "Das Rufen nach einem starken Mann" in Oct. 11, "Zu `Wer und was ist die Konferenz?'" in Dec. 27.
88 - DMG CoC BCS Board of Christian Service, 1966-1968. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "An Apology for the Canadian Board of Christian Service" (The following is the approximate text of an introductory statement by Chairman Frank H. Epp, presented at the 64th annual session of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, United College, Thursday, July 7, 1966), 4p.; minutes of CoC BCS, Jan. 26-28, 1967 & July 7, 1968; minutes of CoC BCS executive committee meeting, May 31-June 1, 1968; correspondence of Frank H. Epp as a consultant for the CoC BCS, beginning Aug. 1967; letter discussing relationship of Voice of Women, Toronto with the CoC BCS, Oct. 20, 1967; copy of Bill C-170, Oct. 24, 1967; "Commons Debates" Mar. 4, 1968, Canadian Service Newsletter, CoC BCS publication, May 1968. Removed: Frank H. Epp, Ottawa Report, Nos. 1, 3, 7, 8.
See also, 88 - Co - AC Anti-Communism, 1952-1972, regarding Frank H. Epp paper to the BCS Consultation on Communism and Anti-Communism held in 1965.
88 - DMG CoC BCS, 1969. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp as a consultant for the CoC BCS.
Removed: Ottawa Report, No.20, Dec. 1, 1969.
88 - DMG CoC BCS, 1970. Includes: minutes of CoC BCS, executive committee, Apr. 10-11, 19, 1970; correspondence of Frank H. Epp as a consultant for the CoC BCS.
Removed: Ottawa Report, No.21, Mar. 1, 1970 & No.22, May 1, 1970.
88 - DMG CoC - 64, 1964. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "The Church's witness to society and state" (A Paper presented to 1964 session of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada at Rosthern, Saskatchewan, July 3-7), 7p.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMG CoC - 65 1965 Conference, 1965. Includes: Frank H. Epp's conference packet; Reports CoC, Clearbrook, July 3-6, 1965 (unbound); minutes of 63rd session of CoC, July 2-6, 1965; David Schroeder, "History of discussion," 1965, including discussion of The Canadian Mennonite, of which Frank H. Epp was the editor (yellow sheets); News releases written by Frank H. Epp: July 2, 5, & 6.
Removed: Minutes 1965 GCMC.
88 - DMG CoC - 69 1969 Conference, 1969. Includes: Frank's packet, personal notes, etc. from the conference; the program in German; songbook from the conference; "A Message from the 1969 MCC Peace Section Middle East Study Tour" (June 8-28, 1969), including itinerary and list of participants.
Removed: an issue of Der Bote, July 8, 1969. Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin, May 30, 1969;Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin, A special issue of The Canadian Mennonite, May 9, 1969; 3 issues of the "Conference News" newspaper which are in the CGUC Library CoC collection.
88 - DMG CoC - 70 1970 Conference, 1970. Includes: Frank's conference packet, personal notes, German program; "Boys Peacemaker Camp: report and evaluation," Oct. 15, 1969 in Canadian Service Newsletter, Board of Christian Service.
Removed: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin, June 9, 1970.
88 - DMG CoC - 74 1974 Conference, 1974. Includes: Frank's conference packet, personal notes, etc.
Removed: duplicate copy of conference packet (used by Helen Epp who also attended); Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin, May 30, 1979.
88 - DMG CoB British Columbia Mennonite Conference 1957-1962. Includes: "Jahr-Buch Protokolle & Berichte von der Jahresberatung der West-Abbotsford Mennoniten-Gemeinde" Dezember 1957; a sheet of statistics from the "Konferenz der Vereinigten Mennonitengemeinden" in B.C., Jan. 1959; "Report of executive secretary on the trip to B.C., Feb. 8-17, 1962.
Removed: Information bezueglich der Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden in British Columbien: gelegentlich der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada (Abbotsford, B.C.: [s.n.], 1959), 24p.
88 - DMG CoM Manitoba Mennonite Conference, 1958-1966. Includes: reports and yearbooks of the Manitoba conference; "Open Letter to Manitoba Young People," from Frank H. Epp, Director, Mennonite Radio Mission, inManitoba Youth Organization, p.2; minutes of Study Committee on the Church Publications, June 18 and 20, 1962, where The Canadian Mennonite was also discussed. See also, 92 - Y - MYO Manitoba Youth Organization, 1952, 1962-1963.
Removed: "Nachklaenge zu unserer Jahresbruderschaft" ("Report on our annual meeting) in, Der Bote, Feb. 16, 1960.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMG CoM - SG Schoenwieser Gemeinde (Church), 1957-1963. Includes: Das Blatt, monthly publication of the youth organization ("Jugendverein") of First Mennonite Church, Winnipeg (Mar. 1957) (sent to The Canadian Mennonite); 5 issues of "Gruess Gott! Rundschreiben der Schoenwieser Mennoniten Gemeinde" (newsletter of the Schoenwieser Mennonite Church), 1957-1962; 3 membership lists of the Schoenwieser Mennonite Church for 1958-59, 1962 and 1963.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMG CoM - 58, 1958. Includes: program and reports from the meetings in Nov.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
88 - DMG - CoO Ontario United Mennonite Church Conference, 1961-1963. Includes: special bulletin of the Toronto United Mennonite Church, May 1, 1961?; "Report on some visits made by the executive secretary Dec. 28-29, 1962 and Jan. 1-7, 1963."
Removed: 2 copies of Conference Highlights A brief report of the work of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1962 (cover photo of Niagara Falls).
88 - DMG - CoS Saskatchewan Mennonite Conference, 1955, 1962-1965. Includes: "Jahrbuch der Eigenheimer Gemeinde von Saskatchewan, 1955"; "Report of CoS sessions at Drake, Sask., Oct. 25-26, 1962"; "Minutes of CoS, 1965," 19p.
88 - DMG - Pu Publications - Removed: 2 issues of God and Caesar a forum newsletter for sharing information, questions, and convictions on war taxes, published by the Commission on Home Ministries of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Vol.1, No.1, Jan. 1975; "Open doors everywhere," GCMC brochure. File withdrawn.
88 - DMG - Pu - CV Conference Visitor - Included the following issues of the Conference Visitor: Aug. 15, 1957; July 1958; for 1960, Jan., Feb. & Apr.; Apr. 1961; for 1962, July, Oct. & Dec.; for 1963, Jan. & Oct.; June-July 1964, which were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
88 - DMG - Re Reports - Removed: "Minutes 1962 General Conference Mennonite Church" (GCMC); "Report 1965 GCMC"; "GCMC Report 1959." File withdrawn.
88 - DMG - TS Triennial Sessions, 1959. Includes: "Reports to the Young People's Assembly of the GCMC" at Bluffton, Aug. 1959; some information on GCMC goals. Removed: The Mennonite Winnipeg General Conference Reports, Vol.71, No.35, Sept. 4, 1956.
88 - DMI Ind.TER-MENNONITE ORGANIZATIONS, 1959-1963, 1977. Includes: minutes from Mennonitischen Historischen Vereins von Manitoba, Nov. 1959? and Feb. 1960; correspondence and minutes of meetings to share information on MCC, MDS work, including correspondence on forming a Canadian MCC; report on meeting of Mennonite editors, Sept. 12, 1963; Memo from Frank H. Epp to Inter-Mennonite Conference sub-committee.
88 - DMI - CMC Canadian Mennonite Council, 1963. Includes: constitution; paper on programs that CMC needs to take on, by J. M. Klassen, Dec. 1963
88 - DMI - CHPC Canadian Historic Peace Churches, 1959-1963. Includes: minutes of joint meeting of HPCCC, Sept. 25-26, 1959, Winnipeg, Man.; report on Peace Booth at Canadian National Exhibition, Aug. to Sept. 1962; paper for annual meeting by D. Schroeder, "HPCCC serves the Mennonite constituency," Nov. 30, 1962; reports and minutes of meetings, Nov. 1962-July 1963; minutes of Peace sub-committee, Sept. 1963.
88 - DMI - CMRC Canadian Mennonite Relief Committee, 1958-1964. Includes: reports and minutes of CMRC, 1959-1964; correspondence on plans to promote peace teaching in the churches, May to October 1961; script of address on CMRC by Frank H. Epp on CFAM, Nov. 19, 1958, 2p.; CMRC Newsletter, Oct. 14, 1958, No.3 and Feb. 1959, No.4.
88 - DMI - CMRC - Peace Committee, 1962. Includes: correspondence and reports on this CMRC sub-committee.
88 - DMI - IMC - Inter-Mennonite Consultation 1982-1983. Includes: "Tentative Organizational Structure for North American section of MWC; materials sent to Council of moderators and secretaries (Mennonite and Brethren in Christ); reports to Oct. 21-23, 1982 Consultation.
Removed: Mennonite Renewal Services Newsletter, July-Sept. 1982, No.37; Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, constitution, bylaws, Mar. 1987.
88 - DMI - MCC Mennonite Central Committee Canada 1962 Meeting - Included: Mennonite Central Committee Report: Autumn 1961, Vol.IV, No.1 & Winter 1962, Vol.IV, No.2 which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMI - MCC - Ma Manitoba, 1963-1964. Includes: minutes related to formation of MCC (Manitoba) which began Dec. 1, 1964.
88 - DMI - MCC - On Ontario, 1967-1971. Includes: correspondence related to issues such as immigration, the Amish and social security, worker's compensation, draft dodgers, etc.; some minutes of MCC (Ont.) executive meetings.
Removed: MCC (Ont.) Reports to the Annual Meetings, 1969, 1971 (including auditor's report for 1971); MCC (Ont.) News Release: May 10 & Sept. 26, 1968.
88 - DMI - MW Mennonite World Conference - Included: Mennonite World Conference Newsletter: Dec. 1980; 1981: Mar., June, Sept., Dec.; 1982: Mar., June, Sept., Dec.; 1983: Mar., June, Sept., Dec.; 1984: Mar., June, Sept.-Dec.; Torsten Bergsten, "Selbstbesinnung der Mennoniten" in Der Mennonit, Feb. 1959, pp.22-23, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMI - MW - Si Sixth, 1957. Included: MWC Program, Karlsruhe, Aug. 1957, which was transferred to MWC Collection, Mennonite Archives of Ontario. Removed: "Mennonites in World Assemble" in Christian Century, Oct. 2, 1957, p.1180f.; "Die Mennonitischen Weltkonferenz," in Der Mennonit, Aug. 1957, p.104f.; whole issue of Der Mennonit. File withdrawn.
88 - DMI - MW - Se Seventh, 1958-1962. Includes: materials from the MWC held in Kitchener, Ont., Aug. 1-7, at which Frank H. Epp was a delegate and where he presented a report; daily newsheetsissued during the conference; items of interest for the media; General Conference News Service, Mailing List (pink sheets).
Removed: Gospel Herald, Aug. 21, 1962, p.729f.; MWC 1962 program; minutes of meeting to plan for Seventh MWC, Feb. 28, 1958; correspondence from 1961.
88 - DMI - MW - Se Seventh, 1962. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles and photos in Ontario newspapers reporting on the conference; article on plans for Conrad Grebel College in London Free Press, Aug. 7, 1962, p.7; photo of Frank H. Epp with articles in Toronto Daily Star, Aug. 4, 1962, p.56; (Aug. 4, 1962 Kitchener-Waterloo Record includes photos of "Mennonite Garb" particularly of women at the conference).
Removed: article on MWC in Der Bote, Jan. 3, 1961, p.10-11.
88 - DMI - MW - Ei Eighth, 1964-1967. Includes: pre-conference correspondence; Frank H. Epp made a presentation on the Holy Spirit and young adults in the young people's sectional meeting, July 27, 1967; conference materials; a copy of Doopgezind Maanblad, in dit amsterdam Juli/Aug. 1967, No.7/8.
88 - DMI - MW - Ei Eighth, 1967. Complements the above file. Includes: a copy of Algemeen doopsgezind weekblad, July 29, 1967, 22, No.30.
88 - DMI - MW - Ni Ninth, 1972. Includes post conference letter of Erland Waltner to members of the Presidium and Frank H. Epp's letter of response thanking Waltner for his leadership.
88 - DMI - MW - Te Tenth, 1978. Includes: conference program guide, etc.; papers from MWC Consultation on Mennonite World Mission, July 22-25, 1978; Frank H. Epp, "Missions: the end and a new beginning" brochure of MCC Peace Section.
Transferred to MWC Collection, Mennonite Archives of Ontario: MWC 10 Wichita, 1978: Program and Information, Exhibition Hall Guide, International Songbook, Visual arts.
Removed: Parables of the Kingdom: a study guide in six lessons (Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press, 1977), 55p. published for the MWC 10th Assembly, Wichita, 1978.
88 - DMM MENNONITE CHURCH (OLD) - g General, 1963. Includes: brochure by A. J. Metzler, "We work together through Mennonite General Conference"; written notes on what the Mennonite church believes, John C. Wenger, 1963, Elkhart series; correspondence of Harvey Taves with the editor of The Varsity, 1963. Removed: Gospel Herald articles: Sept. 5, 1978, p.670-71, Aug. 28, 1979, pp.687-92; the Aug. 20, 1979 issue of Mennonite Reporter which included a special section on the Mennonite Church Assembly '79, 24p.
88 - DMM - g - Waterloo Assembly - Included an issue of Kingdom Acts, Mennonite Church News and Notes, Aug. 11-16, 1979 (newspaper) and the Mennonite Church General Assembly Workbook, Aug. 11-16, 1979, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMM - BM Board of Missions - Included: Mission-Service newsletter, Elkhart, Indiana, Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, May 1962, Vol.V, No.5, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMM - BM - Br Brazil - Included 2 brochures on missionaries which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - DMM - OM Old Mennonite - Included: Annual reports of the Mennonite Conference of Ontario for June 5-6, 1963 and Mar. 28-30, 1980; "Church wide organization evaluation and update, findings and questions," April 26, 1982, all of which were removed.
Removed: Gospel Herald articles: "The Mennonite yearbook" in Apr. 1957, Apr. 16, 1957, p.370; "Increasing membership" in Feb. 28, 1958, Mar. 10, 1959, p.219; Mennonite Weekly Review articles: "On my desk" in June 2, 1960, p.5, 2 1960 articles by Melvin Gingrich in Aug. 25, third installment & Sept. 22, No.7. File withdrawn.
88 - DMO OTHER MENNONITE ORGANIZATIONS, 1962. Includes: a newspaper article on elder H. K. Schellenberg.
88 - DMO - AM Amish Mennonite, 1969. Includes: some notes of Frank H. Epp on the East Zorra Amish Mennonites; copy of Bill C-190, Apr. 25, 1969 act of the Canadian Parliament to amend the Canada Pension Plan allowing Old Order Mennonites of Waterloo County to make payments into an alternate fund; Kitchener-Waterloo Record article on the latter, Apr. 25, 1969.
Removed: John A. Hostetler, Amish Life (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1952), Fifteenth printing, 1963.
88 - DMO - EM Evangelical Mennonite Church, 1954-1961. Includes: conference statistics for 1957 & 1961;Winnipeg Tribune article on Reimer clan, July 9, 1954. Removed: article from The Evangelical Mennonite, Mar. 15, 1962, No.9, p.1f.
88 - DMO - EM - B Evangelical Mennonite Brethren - Included annual report booklets for 1958 and 1964 which were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn
88 - DMO - CG Church of God in Christ Mennonite, 1950s? Includes: a chart showing tracing the roots of the church, a note about its beginning.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 1 booklet, Yearbook 1956 Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 40p. and 2 tracts: Monroe Toews, "Why I can't take part in carnal warfare since I've become a Christian," 15p. and "Statement of the christian doctrine of the church of God in Christ Mennonite," 8p., that were attached to the introductory sheet of the file; John M. Penner, A Concise History of the Church of God (Hesston, KA: Publication Board of Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1951), 2nd ed. 1953, 84p.
Removed: "History of the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite" in Messenger of Truth, June 15, 1949, Vol.48, No.12, p.85-89.
88 - DMO - RM Rudnerweider Mennonite, 1958-1959. Includes: some pages from Der Leitstern, 1958, 1959; constitution of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church of Man. and Sask. (Rudnerweide Mennonite Church), in English.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 Jubilee Yearbook of the E.M.M. Conference (Rudnerweider), 1937-1962, in English and German; Die Entstehung der Rudnerweider Gemeinde 1936, 27p.; Evangelical Mennonite Missionary Conference, 1960-1961, report booklet and constitution, in German.
88 - Di Discipleship, 1958-1961. Includes: a few notes on the subject; Jacob J. Enz, "Biblical Imperative for Discipleship" reprint from Mennonite Life, Jan. 1958; Martin Luther King, Jr., "Pilgrimage to Violence" reprint fromChristian Century.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Nov. 19, 1957, pp.987-988; John C. Wenger, How to live a dynamic Christian life(Scottdale, Pa. : Herald Press, 1955), 23p.; J. H. Langenwalter, The challenge of the present : three lectures(Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1950), 32p.
88 - Do Doctrines, 1959, 1968. Includes: some general items; E. J. Swalm, "Swear not at all A treatise authorized by Ontario joint-council of the Brethren in Christ Church," 6p.
Removed: "On saying naughty words" in United Church Observer, Dec. 1, 1958, p.7; Principles of faith : a brief discussion of some of the teachings of God’s word: for the confirmation of the "Faith once delivered unto the saints," (Moundridge, Kan.: Publication Board, Church of God in Christ, Mennonite, 1961), 62p.
88 - Do - Di Discipleship - Included only: C. Bauman's syllabus for Ethics I, 235.1, Christian discipleship seminar, 1962? which was added to the Doctrines file above. File withdrawn.
88 - Do - ES Eternal Security, 1950s, 1959. Includes: two tracts by Mennonite publishers and booklet by M. R. De Haan.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 copies of J. L. Stauffer, The eternal security teaching (Harrisonburg, Va.: Tract Press, 1933), 32p.; J. C. Bailey, "Can a christian so sin as to be lost? What saith the Scriptures?" 32p.
Removed: 2 articles from The Mennonite, Jan. 24, 1956, 60f. & July 9, 1957, p.424-25f.
88 - Do - Ma Man - Included only the heading page, which was added to Doctrines file above.
Removed: "No place to hide" poem in Gospel Herald, Feb. 4, 1958. "To face the real crisis: man himself" in New York Times Magazine, Dec. 25, 1960, p.5f. File withdrawn.
88 - Do - Non Nonresistance, 1948, 1954-1959, 1966. Includes: the following booklets & pamphlets attached to the introductory pages: 2 by C. N. Hostetter, Jr., both published by (Nappnee, Ind.: E. V. Publishing House, 1950s?): Rethinking our peace position and War and the word (Nappnee, Ind.: E. V. Publishing House, 1950s?);Think ... on these things (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1948); Edward Yoder, "What the Bible teaches about war" (Scottdale. Pa.: Harold Press, 1950s?); "Frieden, krieg und militaerdienst" (1950s?); Erland Waltner, "Wie Petrus ein wehrloser Christ wurde" (1950s?); "Bericht ueber unsere Friedens- bestrebungen," 1958. Also in the file: brochures from various denominations; John H. Redekop, "Study outline of christian nonresistance," 1956?; some typed notes on articles in the Mennonite Encyclopedia; William K. Harrison, "The Christian in Military Service" in The Alliance Witness, Mar. 16, 1966.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: O.B. Ulery, Can a Christian fight? (Nappanee, Ind.: Christian Light Press, 1950s?), 16p.; J. M. Brenneman, Das Christentum und der kreig (publisher? date?), 55p.; John Horsch, The principle of nonresistance as held by the Mennonite Church : an historical survey (Scottdale, Pa. : Mennonite Publishing House, 1951), 54p.; Fred Rice (adapted and rewritten by), Before you decide (General Brotherhood Board Church of the Brethren, 1955), 72p.
Removed: Don E. Smucker, "The theological basis for Christian pacifism" reprint Mennonite Quarterly Review, July 1953; The Mennonite, Oct. 2, 1956, p.625f.; Gospel Herald, Mar. 18, 1958, p.249; Gospel Messenger, Feb. 22, 1958, p.3-4f.; J. A. Toews, True nonresistance through Christ : a study of Biblical principles (Winnipeg, Man.: Board of General Welfare and Public Relations of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, 1955), 63p.; J. Irvin Lehman, God and War (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1951); Youth and Christian love, thirteen special lessons for young people (Newton, KA: Board of Education and Publication of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1956?); Erland Waltner, "How Peter became a non-resistant Christian" (Newton, Kan.: Board of Christian Service, 1950s?); John H. Yoder, Reinhold Niebuhr and Christian Pacifism (Zeist, Netherlands: Heerewegen, 1954), 23p.; John R. Mumaw, Nonresistance and pacifism (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1952), 32p.; E. J. Swalm, Nonresistance under test (Nappanee, Ind.: E. V. Publishing House, 1938) 55p.; J. A. Toews, True Nonresistance Through Christ (Winnipeg, Man. : Board of General Welfare and Public Relations of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, 1955), 63p.
88 - Do - Oa Oaths - Included only: "'Loyalty': an issue of academic freedom" in New York Times Magazine, Dec. 20, 1959, p.18f. which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Do - Pr Predestination - Included only the heading sheet, which was added to the Doctrines file above. File withdrawn.
88 - E Eschatology, 1957-1972. Includes: chart on dispensationalism; various magazine articles.
Removed: Charles Hostetter, Dust or destiny? (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1959), 24p.; Mennonite Brethren Herald, May 19, 1978 whole issue, papers from Eschatology conference; Gospel Herald, Feb. 15, 1972, p.148f.; "Inside the second-coming cocoon" in Christian Century, May 7, 1980, p.535; "The end of the world" whole issue of Life Harvard Lampoon Parody, 1968, Vol.158, No.4; "Putting the prophets in their place" in Time, Feb. 15, 1971, p.34f.; "Reincarnation" in National Enquirer, Dec. 17, 1967, p.1f.
88 - E Eschatology, 1957-1960, 1970-73, 1979-1982. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - E - Ar Armageddon, 1984-85. Includes: 2 newspaper articles.
88 - E - De Death, 1957-1960. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Your turn to die," radio sermon of "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, 1950s?; "For those who mourn," booklet by The Forward Movement; chart of deaths reported in Windsor Star, Dec. 23, 1957; last words of grandfather L. Dick as reported by Agatha (W. Dick) at family fest 8-9-59, "Blievt junt goat" (in Low German meaning, remain in good relationship to each other).
Removed: The Mennonite, Dec. 4, 1956, p.768; 2 items from Gospel Herald: "When I am Gone" in June 3, 1958 & July 15, 1958, p.658; Gospel Messenger, Oct. 11, 1958, p.14f.; "Should we pray for the dead?" in United Church Observer, Jan. 15, 1960, p.15f.; Saturday Review, June 4, 1960, p.43f.; "Death is not inevitable" in MacLean's Magazine, Aug. 15, 1959, p.13f.; "Learning how to die" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 14, 1971, p.58f.; whole issue of Mar. 1973 Harper's Magazine, includes articles on "Beyond Dying" & on the Amish, p.36.
88 - E - De Death, 1957-1962, 1969-1972, 1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. The file included many, short articles on people killed, a selection of which were kept.
88 - E - En End of the World - Included: 2 news clippings: from Globe and Mail, June 26, 1982 & Toronto Star,Sept. 20, 1984, which were moved to E - Et Endtime, below.
Removed: "End of the world scenarios" in New York Times, Nov. 25, 1984, p.E17. File withdrawn.
88 - E - Et Endtime, 1950s? 1961-1962, 1972, 1978-1984. Includes: news clippings.
Removed: "Ron Marr Prophet of doom" in Christian Century, Dec. 27, 1978, p.1279f.
88 - E - Fu Futurism (Global Conference) - Included materials and news clippings from and about the conference, which were removed. Also removed: Futures Canada, Vol.1, No.4, 1977. File withdrawn.
88 - E - Fu - KWR K-W Record - File withdrawn (see Futurism, above).
88 - E - He and Hel Heaven and Hell, 1957-1963, 1979-1980. Includes: letter to The Canadian Mennonite fromLiberty Canada's family magazine, Sept. 23, 1958; 2 articles from Liberty: Hugh Garner, "Why I don't believer in heaven and hell" in October 1958 and Cameron Allard, undated.
Transferred to CGUC Library: B. Chrales Hostetter, Is hell a real place? The Mennonite Hour, March 1959.
Removed: 1959 articles from United Church Observer: Nov. 1, p.19f. & Dec. 1, 19f.; "Heaven is what you make it" in The Telegram (Toronto), June 6, 1970, p.69.
88 - E - Im Immortality, 1950s, 1960-1961, 1969. Includes: popular articles; Norman Vincent Peale (1960).
88 - E - Ju Judgement, 1955, 1968-1969. Includes: a few newspaper articles; "Violence and the judgement of God" from the board of Christian Education of the Presbyterian church, USA.
Removed: Charles Hostetter, Principles of divine judgment : nine sermons preached over the international broadcast of "The Mennonite Hour" (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1953?), 60p.
88 - E - Mi Millenium - Included one item: booklet by F.C.G. Schumm, Does Revelation 20 teach a millennium (Saint Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1950s?) attached to introductory page, which was moved to
88 - E - Eschatology above. File withdrawn.
88 - E - Re Rewards - Included only: introductory page with clipping attached, moved to E Eschatology above. File withdrawn.
88 - E - Un Universalism - Included one item: "Repentance and salvation after death?" in United Church Observer, Jan. 1, 1960, p.19f. which was moved to - E Eschatology, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev Evangelism, 1954-1972, 1979. Includes: materials from various denominations; reports on various Mennonite workshops on evangelism; materials for youth; The Good News of God, report of special commission of National Council of Churches; Leland Harder, Evangelism and church extension course outline.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Russell L. Mast. "Rethinking Evangelism" (North Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Press, 1958) 14p.; Charles B. Templeton, The Church and Its Evangelistic Task (Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1952),15p.;
Removed: "Religion reaches out" in Look, Dec. 14, 1954, p.41f.; Henry E. Reimer, Being born again by the word of God, I Peter 1:23 : instructive conversion testimonies of the triumphant grace of God, Romans 5:20 (Canada?: The Compiler?, 1970), 56p.; Nelson E. Kauffman, During-the-week witnessing: a guide for study and action(Elkhart, Ind.: Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Commission for Christian Education; Mennonite Publishing House, 1967), 30p.; Speak for your faith! "ye are-- witnesses" (Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press for the Committee on Evangelism, Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1964), 39p.; Evangelisation, Referate und Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen ueber Evangelisation: abgehalten auf der Studienkonferenz in Vineland am 26.-28. Juni 1956 (Winnipeg?: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1956), 97p.; article on Salvation Army in New York Times, May 31, 1961, p.22f.; article on religious revival by Stuart E. Rosenberg, in Maclean's Magazine, Dec. 3, 1960, p.10f.; United Church Observer: Nov. 1, 1958, p.13; Christian Century, June 26, 1957, p.782f.; Gospel Messenger, 1959: Feb. 28, p.12 & Mar. 7, p.3; The Mennonite, 1958: June 3, p.346f., Feb. 4, p.69, Feb. 18, p.99, Sept. 16, p.563f.; Gospel Herald: 1958: Apr. 29, p.389, May 13, p.453, June 3, p.513, Oct. 7, p.946, Nov. 11, p.1062, 1959: Jan. 6, p.5, Jan. 13, p.40, Feb. 24, p.182f., May 12. p.433; Katie Florence Shank, Revival Fires (Broadway, Va.: The Author, 1952.) 63p.; The Voice, May - June 1956, Vol.5, No.3; James E. Berney, ed., Studying Jesus' Way (Toronto, Ont.: Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, 1960s?)54p.
88 - Ev - CCE Canadian Congress on Evangelism, 1970-1971. Includes: materials from Press Kit for conference of Aug. 1970; correspondence of Frank H. Epp and Conference of Mennonites in Canada; "The new evangelism," article for the congress; "An invitation from the Ottawa Mennonite Church" for attending the conference and hosting; list of Mennonites attending? and their denomination; an issue of Thrust (Willowdale, Ont.: Evangelical Fellowship of Canada) Nov. 1970, Vol.3, No.1.
Removed: "Churches talk evangelism at Ottawa" in The Mennonite, Oct. 6, 1970, p.602; "'Some signs of hope'" inMennonite Brethren Herald, Oct. 16, 1970, p.28.
88 - Ev - CCE Canadian Congress on Evangelism, 1970. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles in which Frank H. Epp is quoted, also a photo of him in The Ottawa Citizen, Aug. 25 & 28, 1970; "Evangelicals disagree on war as sin" in Toronto Daily Star, Aug. 28, 1970, p.5 in which Frank H. Epp is quoted; "Evangelism goals hit in two papers" in unnamed newspaper, end of Aug. 1970.
88 - Ev - CC Campus Crusade - Included: "Students stage 'operation alternative'" in Moody Monthly, Feb. 1971, p.12, which was moved to
88 - Ev Evangelism file above.
Removed: 2 brochures: "Have you made the wonderful discovery of the spirit-filled life?" & "Have you heard of the four spiritual laws?" File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Ce - Included: John Howard Yoder, "Islam's special challenge to Christian missions" in Gospel Herald, Dec. 31, 1957, p.1142 which was removed; news clipping, "Mission farmers arrive in Brazil" in New York Times, Jan. 3, 1958, which was moved to
88 - Ev Evangelism, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Ch Child, 1956-1957, 1966. Includes: I. W. Redekop, "The problem of child conversion" in Konferenz Jugendblatt, May-June, 1956, p.3f.; article from Christian Life, July 1957, an issue of Child Evangelism, June 1966.
Removed: an issue of Child Evangelism, Apr. 1964; Christian Leader, Feb. 15, 1957, p.3; Gospel Herald, July 23, 1957, p.665.
88 - Ev - Ex Explo. '72 - Included: "The Christian Woodstock" in Newsweek, June 26, 1972, p.52; "Corralling Jesus in the cotton bowl" in Saturday Review, July 8, 1972, p.15f., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Ke Key '73, 1972-1973. Includes: information on this inter-denominational endeavour; Frank H. Epp, "The Gospel as Peace," p.9 in "Key 73" pamphlet by Peace Section, Mennonite Central Committee
Key 73 in Canada Newsletter, June 1972; 2 news clippings.
88 - Ev - LC Last Chance, 1985. Includes: "Nairobi conference may be women's last chance" in Toronto Star, Jan. 5, 1985, p.F, on the United Nations Decade for Women conference planned for June 1985; 2 newspaper articles, Jan. 5, on Africa and India (Gandhi).
88 - Ev - Ma Mass Evangelism, 1957-1963. Includes: "Crusade Evangelism" pamphlets on meetings in London and Windsor, Ontario conducted by Barry Moore, 1963-1967.
Removed: India calling Summer-Fall, 1963, Vol.26, No.2; Christian Century, Mar. 20, 1957, p.359; Frank H. Epp, ed., Revival fires in Manitoba (Denbigh, Va.: Brunk Revivals, Inc., 1957?).
88 - Ev - Ma Mass Evangelism, 1960, 1970-1972, 1980-1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - Ev - Ma - Br Brunk, 1950s. Includes: policy and information sheets for the Brunk revival meetings; "Radio spots"; posters.
Removed: 2 copies of A. J. Klassen, ed., Revival fires in British Columbia : a report on the work of Brunk Revivals, Inc., in the three Fraser Valley campaigns at Chilliwack, Abbotsford and Vancouver, June to September, 1958(Denbigh, Va.: Brunk Revivals, 1958?), 20p.; 4 copies of Frank H. Epp, ed., Revival fires in Manitoba : a report on the work of Brunk Revivals, Inc. in four Manitoba communities, summer of 1957 (Denbigh, Va.: Brunk Revivals, Inc., 1957?), 17p.; The Canadian Mennonite, June 7, 1957, pp.5-7 & 10-12.
88 - Ev - Ma - Br Brunk, 1954-1957. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - Ev - Ma - BG Billy Graham, 1953-1974, 1984. Original file measured 5 cm. Includes: articles and news releases from New York Crusade 1957; pamphlets by Billy Graham: "Labor, Christ and the Cross" (1953) & "A tourist's impressions of Moscow" (1959); "1oth Anniversary book of remembrance" (1959); mailings to supporters; Decision Newsletter, Oct. 1957; letter to Frank H. Epp from Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA), Dec. 1, 1967 with their pamphlet attached "Aids to Christian Living"; letter of Frank H. Epp to BGEA requesting July 4th sermon of Billy Graham; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Billy Graham and his assistant, Nov., Dec. 1972; Kitchener-Waterloo Record article, Nov. 18, 1972 in which Frank H. Epp's views are discussed; reprint of "Billy Graham my son-in-law" in Ladies' Home Journal, 1958.
Removed: "Billy in New York" in Time, May 20, 1957, p.72f.; "Does a religious crusade do any good?" in U.S. News & World Report, Sept. 27, 1957, p.72; Decision Magazine: Mar. 1965, July & Nov. 1966, Apr. 1967; articles fromChristianity Today: 1957: Sept. 2, p.28 & Sept. 16, p.3f., Jan. 19, 1973, p.36, Jan. 4, 1974, pp.8-10, 12-14, 16, 18-19. In the latter Graham was interviewed regarding Watergate and Nixon. A copy was attached to a packet of handwritten notes and news clippings from Dec. 1973 & Jan. 1974.
Removed also: Christian Century: Aug. 7, 1957, p.933f., Sept. 4, 1957, pp.1032-48; "Billy Graham speaks to the Mennonites" in The I-W Mirror, Sept. 22, 1961; articles from The Mennonite: 1970: May 19, p.344, Dec. 8, p.760, Dec. 15, p.770, Jan. 26, 1971, p.56f.; United Church Observer: 1965: Aug., p.17f., Sept. 15, p.26f., Nov. 15, p.11, July 1, 1966, p.10f.; 2 souvenir recordings 21 cm square of "How Great Thou Art" & "The Ninety and Nine" both sung by George Beverly Shea.
88 - Ev - Ma - BG Billy Graham, 1957-1979, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles from Chicago newspapers, May 31, 1962; Kitchener-Waterloo Record article, Nov. 18, 1972 in which Frank H. Epp's views are discussed.
88 - Ev - Ma - BG - W Winnipeg, 1966-1967. Includes: materials for crusade preparation; "Relations of the CMPA with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Team before and during 1967 Winnipeg crusade" which discusses Vietnam and the peace issue, 4p.; "Evangelism and the church today A message to ministers by Billy Graham," attached to letter of Jan. 16, 1967; letter of Frank H. Epp to Henry R. Baerg, chair of the Mennonite pastors fellowship, Winnipeg, Apr. 5, 1967, 12p.
88 - Ev - Ma - BG - W Winnipeg, 1967. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - Ev - Ma - BG - UC Upper Midwest Crusade, 1961. Includes: materials for crusade preparation in Minnesota; "Billy Graham Upper Midwest Crusade Prayer Bulletin", May, June & July 1961; "Crusade Report" July 9, 10, 14, 15, 16, 1961.
88 - Ev - Ma - CC Crusade for Christ - Includes: Crusade Staff, Crusade for Christ (Orville, OH: Christian Laymen's Tent Evangelism, Inc., 1955?), 63p, annotated; and The Voice of Truth, July 1957, Vol.1, No.4, which was transferred to CGUC Library and Archives.
88 - Ev - Ma - JB Janz Brothers, 1956?-1962. Includes: brochures; Crusade for Christ, 3 issues: Nov.-Dec. 1961, Mar.-Apr. 1962, May-June 1962.
Removed: Decision Magazine, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, (Nov. 1960).
88 - Ev - Pe Personal Work, 1953-1957. Includes: J. Darrel Handel, "Pointers for soul winners," pamphlet & Helps in soul winning (Lincoln, NE: Back to the Bible Publishers, 1953), 33p.; articles from Christian Life, July 1957; Paul Verghese, "Your personal evangelism course" Sections I - IV (typed notes), 1950s?; "Suggestions to counsellers," 10p.1950s?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, The missionary is you (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1957), 24p.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Nov. 18, 1958, p.1098.
88 - Ev - Pr Probe, 1970-1971. Includes: materials and correspondence for this All-Mennonite Consultation on Evangelism, 1972 for which Frank H. Epp was Peace and evangelism chair; Epp is quoted in t he news release "Social action vs evangelism"; papers for consultation book by: Art Smoker, Peter B. Wiebe, Ken Weaver, Nelson E. Kauffman, H. Eugene Herr, Donovan E. Smucker, Henry D. Wiebe, Hubert Schwartzentruber, as well as by Frank H. Epp, "Peace witness as evangelism". Also includes: "Evangelism by the life-style of the congregation" Nov. 1969, paper by Paul M. Miller, general chair (Norman Derstine was executive secretary); executive meeting minutes Jan. 29-30, 1971, Chicago.
Removed: Mennonite Brethren Herald, May 23, 1971, pp.7-10, 14.
88 - Ev - Pr Probe, 1972. Includes: pre and post correspondence and materials from the All-Mennonite Consultation on Evangelism, held Apr. 13-16, 1972 in Minneapolis, MN; rough draft of introduction for book by James Fairfield, editor (Feb.); minutes of the executive program committees and program chair, Feb. 14-15, 1972; Bernie Wiebe, "Probe '72... and beyond."
88 - Ev - PF Promotional Features - Included introductory sheet, which was moved to:
88 - Ev Evangelism, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Ref Reform - Included introductory sheet & 1 clipping, which were moved to:
88 - Ev Evangelism, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Rep Repentance - Included introductory sheet which was moved to:
88 - Ev Evangelism, above.
Removed: "Can Brethren repent?" in Gospel Herald, Oct. 12, 1957, pp.3f. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - Rev Revival, 1951-1961. Includes: articles from various Christian magazines; "National Council of Churches News"; Look, 1955.
Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, The road to heathendom (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1954), 40p.;Evangelical Visitor, May 5, 1958, p.3; Gospel Herald, Aug. 13, 1957, p.713f.; Gospel Messenger, 1957: Mar. 30, p.3f., Apr. 13, p.10f., Apr. 6, p.10-14; "National Council of Churches News" 145GA Oct. 11, 1956. (See also related topic: Mass Evangelism above.)
88 - Ev - Ru Rural, 1956-1959. Includes: "The Religious Newsweekly" and news by the National Council of Churches.
Removed: "The Jesus movement" in Look, Feb. 9, 1971, p.15f.; an issue of Evangelical Baptist, Mar. 1964; fromMennonite Weekly Review, 1960: series on churches in Michigan: Aug. 11, p.5, Aug. 18, p.11, Sept. 8, 1960, p.9;United Church Observer, Aug. 1960, p.4f.; Christian Century, Jan. 30, 1957, p.129f.; Gospel Messenger, Oct. 12, 1957, p.12f.
88 - Ev - SM Southern Manitoba, 1961-1965. Includes: minutes of Southern Manitoba Crusade for Christ; correspondence of Frank H. Epp, publicity chair in 1963; transcripts of CFAM announcements for the crusade, 1963. Most of the papers relate to the crusade of 1963 for which A. G. Neufeld was the evangelist.
88 - Ev - Ur Urban, 1957-1961, 1968-1971. Includes: J. Winfield Fretz, "Reflections about Mennonites in urban cultures (a sociological perspective), late 1950s? 8p.; Mrs. Floyd Bartel, "Where cross the crowded ways," message at Western District Women's Missionary Organization, Mar. 19, 1957; reports and information from various denominations including the Canadian Urban Training Project of the Anglican Church (1971); materials from Leland Harder's surveys, 1960s?
Removed: Agape, Aug. 1958, p.1; The Mennonite Church in the city: May 1, 1958, Winter 1965-1966, Issue 41 (undated), 1966: Aug., Oct., July 1968; "Church extension study conference" in Ontario Mennonite Evangel, Sept. 1958, p.6f.; article on Arvada church in Mennonite Weekly Review, Jan. 12, 1961, p.3; The Mennonite: Aug. 26. 1958, p.520f., 1959: Sept. 15, p.567 & Oct. 27, p.661, May 24, 1960, p.346; Gospel Herald: 1958: Apr. 22, p.378 & Aug. 26, p.520, 1959: Feb. 10, p.125 & 135, Feb. 17, p.159; Gospel Messenger: Mar. 27, 1954, p.6f., Mar. 10, 1956, p.6f., June 6, 1959, pp.3-16; Christian Century, Oct. 16, 1957, p.1230f.; United Church Observer, Sept. 15, 1959, p.15f.; "Aus unseren Gemeinden Canada" in Der Bote, Feb. 7, 1961, p.3
88 - Ev - Vi Visitation - Included - introductory sheet and letter to pastors from General Conference Mennonite Church, which were moved to
88 - Ev Evangelism, above.
Removed: "Indiana pastor rings 194 door bells " Mennonite Weekly Review, July 12, 1962; Gospel Messenger, Apr. 27, 1957, p.10f.; "Let's stop dropping in" in Maclean's Magazine, July 19, 1958, p.24f. File withdrawn.
88 - Ev - WC World Congress, 1966. Includes: daily news sheets from the World Congress on Evangelism held Oct. 26 to Nov. 4, 1966 in Berlin, Germany. Emperor Haile Selassie gave one of the opening addresses as did Billy Graham, who also addressed the congress on Reformation Sunday, Oct. 30.
88 - G God, 1959-1961, 1972, 1979. Includes: sermon by Paul Tillich (undated).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Arthur W. Pink, The attributes of God (Swengel [Union Co.], Pa.: Bible Truth Depot, 1951), 84p.; B. Charles Hostetter, Do you worship God or gods (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1958), 25p.
Removed: book ads; United Church Observer, June 1, 1960, p.12f.; Gospel Messenger: Aug. 3, 1957, p.3f., Feb. 15, 1958, p.3f.; B. Charles Hostetter, If you were God (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1959), 25p.
88 - G - Gr Grace - Included introductory sheet and clipping, which were moved to
88 - G God, above. Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Norman Derstine, For Christian living which way? Law Grace (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1958), 25p. File withdrawn.
88 - G - Lo Love - Included: articles from Ivory Tower (1960) & Ladies' Home Journal, which were added to
88 - G God, above.
Removed: Norman B. Harrison, His love Greatest thing in the world (Minneapolis, MN: The Harrison Service, 1943), 48p.; Gospel Herald, Jan. 29, 1957, p.104; B. Charles Hostetter, The dynamic of Christian love (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1950s?), 63p. File withdrawn.
88 - H Holy Spirit, 1956-1959, 1972. Includes: articles by Kenneth S. Wuest in English and German; message from president of World Council of Churches.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, The Holy Spirit gives power for living(Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1958).
Removed: Gospel Messenger, May 16, 1959, p.3f.; The Mennonite, Nov. 10, 1959, p.691f.; Christian Leader, Feb. 25, 1958, p.4f.; Christianity Today, Apr. 1, 1957, p3f.
88 - H - Gu Guidance - Included: 1 page reprint from Christian Life, Jan. 1956, which was moved to
88 - H Holy Spirit, above and a review copy of B. Charles Hostetter, How God leads us, (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1962), which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - H - To Tongues - Included: tract "Speaking in tongues," 1950s? and news clipping from Globe and Mail, Feb.9, 1972, p.35, both of which were moved to
88 - H Holy Spirit, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Ho Homiletics, 1958-1963, 1971-1973. Includes: article from Action, Aug. 15, 1958; popular articles.
Removed: book ads; Evangelical Visitor, June 2, 1958, p.5; United Church Observer, Apr. 1, 1959, p.5 & Feb. 15, 1960, p.15f; , Dec. 14, 1964, p.21f.; Time, Mar. 10, 1967, p.56f.
88 - Ho - De Delivery - Included: "The Calamity of good taste" in Christian Century, Jan. 18, 1956, attached to the introductory file, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Ho - Se Sermons, 1951-1962. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "The scramble for youth" in Pulpit Preaching, Sept. 1962, pp.24-31; 4 tracts by B. Charles Hostetter: "But God," "No Hiding Place," "The Winner," "Is This The Last Generation?"; 4 p. leaflet radio sermons by Samuel M. Shoemaker, published by (Atlanta, GA: Episcopal Hour, 1957): "Who is Jesus Christ?" Feb. 24, "What is Our Greatest Need?" Feb. 17, "Christians, Awake!" Feb. 10, "How You Can Win Others to Christ," Mar. 31, "Are Your Prayers Real?" Mar. 24, "How Do We Continue A Christian Experience," Mar. 17, "How to Begin a Christian Experience," Mar 10, "What is the Christian Religion?" Mar, 3, "The Resurrection: Fact, Mode and Meaning," Apr. 21, "The Law of Sacrifice," Apr.14, "How to Make Your Daily Work Serve God," Apr. 7; 3 books by Norman Vincent Peale all published by Sermon Publications Inc.: Thought Conditioners, 1951, 30p, What's Your Trouble, 1952, 44p, Spirit Lifters, 1954, 40p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, What is life's greatest problem (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1960), 24p.; 2 sermon series by J. K. Klassen, "Vier Persoenliche Fragen" (Four personal questions), Sept. 1961 and "Abraham ein Glaubensheld" (Abraham, faith hero), Sept. 1962 (Altona, Man.: Mennonite Radio Mission, 1961, 1962).
Removed: book ads; pamphlet, "Man to Man" with Gordon M. Torgersen, produced for television by National Council of Churches, (undated), 10p. ; booklets by B. Charles Hostetter: Good Men Who Needed Salvation (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1956); B. Charles Hostetter, Be Sure Your Sin Will Find You Out (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1956); Marks of False Teachers (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1957); Ralph W. Sockman, all published by (New York, N.Y.: National Council of Churches of Christ USA): The Cup of Hope, 1959, 15p., Light Shineth in the Darkness, 1953, 32p., National Radio Pulpit, 1959, 35p., The Lord's Prayer, 1957, 15p., The Easter Story for Children, 1957, Life can be Eternal, 1958, 30p.; 6 p. leaflet radio sermons by Oswald Hoffmann, all published by (St. Louis, MO, The Lutheran Hour, 1958): "God's Liberty Bell," "Hero of the Faith," "True Security," "The Meaning of Suffering," "Christian Poise," " Christ, the Head of the House," "The Upward Look (Ascension)," "An Inside Job (Pentecost)," "This is my God (Trinity)," "Is God Fair?" "Sour Grapes," "The Great Cleansing," "The Government of God," "Leisure to the Glory of God," "Christ Relieves our Anxiety," " Christ Frees You of Your Guilt," "Christ Releases Your Frustration," "Christ Comforts You in Your Sorrow," "Christ Understands Your Doubt," "Christ Directs Your Loyalty," "Christ Helps You in Your Work."
88 - M Miracles, 1955, 1970. Includes: news clippings.
Removed: Christian world facts 1958-59, Annual publication of National Council of Churches, USA, No.39.
88 - Mi Missions, 1955-1972, 1981-1985. Includes: articles from Christian Life, Moody Monthly; Wheaton Declaration subscribed by the delegates to the Congress on the church's worldwide mission", Apr. 1966; notes for speech of Right Honorable Joe Clark, Sec. for External Affairs, June 1, 1985; Harry R. Boer, The World Missionary Situation Today (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 1958), 16p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Taiwan home bond, Spring 1971; 2 booklets by Charles Hostetter, both published by The Mennonite Hour: Are the Heathen Lost? June,1958, 25p., Without Excuse June 1959, 24p.
Removed: Melvin Gingrich, "North American Mennonite overseas outreach in perspective 1890-1965" reprint fromMennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 1965, p.262f.; Christian world facts 1957-58, Annual publication of National Council of Churches, USA, No.38; an issue of United Evangelical Action, Voice of Evangelical Christianity in America, Feb. 15, 1958, 40p.; a whole issue of Gospel Messenger, Jan. 25, 1958; Gospel Herald: 1958: Jan.28, p.73f., July 22, p.684f., Sept.2, p.821f., Oct.28, p. 1015f., Nov.4, p.1037f., Mar.3, 1959, pp.193, 213f.; Youth Christian Companion, Nov. 30, 1958, 762f., The Mennonite, Aug. 20, 1957, p.520f., The Christian Century, Sept. 4, 1957, p.1027f., Christianity Today, Sept. 16, 1957, p.12f., United Church Observer, Feb. 15, 1959, p. 12f.,Look, Dec. 20, 1960, p.23f.
88 - Mi - Am America, 1957-1958. Includes: Mennonite Brethren Board of Foreign Missions flyer (hereafter MBFM flyer) on church among Comanches; "Mission to the Cheyennes," 1957?
Removed: "the field at home" in Moody Monthly, Sept. 1957, p.37f.; The Mennonite, Nov. 12, 1957, p. 709f.;Youth, June 28, 1960, p. 429f.; Gospel Herald, Jan. 21, 1958, p.62.; The Mennonite, Oct.23, 1956, p. 674f.;United Church Observer, May 15, 1960, p. 9f.; United Church Observer, June 15, 1960, p.9f.; Time, Apr. 18, 1960, p. 64f.,
88 - Mi - As Asia, 1957-1962, 1980. Includes: S. N. Solomon, "Current issues facing the Mennonite church in India," 1950s?; articles on China and Tibet in Moody Monthly, Oct. 1957, p. 14f. & July, 1959; "The Christian church works in Nepal," Mennonite Central Committee Information Service, Sept. 11, 1959; "Facts of a Field" sheets from World Vision Magazine, 1962.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Taiwan home bond, July 1957.
Removed: India calling, Autumn 1956 & Spring 1957; Evangelical Visitor, June 16, 1958, p. 11f.; 2 articles on China in The Mennonite, Feb. 9, 1958, p. 86 & Feb. 16, 1958, p. 102f., also from The Mennonite, Sept. 9, 1958,
p. 547f.; The Gospel Herald, July 23, 1957, p. 674f. & Aug. 20, 1957, p. 738f.
88 - Mi - Br Brazil - Included only MBMF on Brazil, which was moved to
88 - Mi Missions, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Br - GMU Gospel Missionary Union - Included pamphlets on Alaska and Panama, which were moved to
88 - Mi Missions, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Br - MMM Mexican Militant Mission, 1957. Includes: "Mexican Militant Mission Messenger," Sept. 1957 which includes letters from the Edigers and the Hueberts; brochures on MMM which include photos of the workers; MBFM flyer on Mexico.
88 - Mi - Eur Europe, 1957-1963. Includes: information on the churches in Sicily and Jamaica from the secretary of the Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities; telegram from evangelical Baptists in Moscow, Apr. 1959;World Vision Magazine fact sheets , 1961-1963; Deutscher Evangelischer Kirchentag, Dortmund, Germany, July 1963.
Removed: "The open door in Sicily and Italy" in Gospel Herald, June 11, 1957, p.566, also p.561; "Berlin in United Church Observer, Feb. 1, 1962, p.11f.; "The Polish faithful, in spite of Marx" in New York Times Magazine, June 18, 1961, p.20f.
88 - Mi - Fo Foreign, 1956-1957, 1971. Includes: article on Middle East in United Evangelical Action, Dec. 15, 1956; "Heralding Christ Jesus' blessings by radio" in Konferenz-Jugendblatt, Jan.-Feb. 1957; "Look on the fields," brochure of Mennonite Brethren Board of Foreign Missions, 1957?.
88 - Mi - Fo - Af Africa, 1957-1963. Includes: MBFM flyer on Belgian Congo; popular articles; information from World Council of Churches.
Removed: Elmer Neufeld, The unfinished revolution: Congo history and missionary-African relations today (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee, 1963), sent to Frank H. Epp, ed. of The Canadian Mennonite; Gospel Herald, Sept. 10, 1957, p.784, from 1958: Feb. 18, p.158f., Mar. 18, p.254f., Apr. 1, p.306, Apr. 29, p.402f.
88 - Mi - Fo - Au Australia - Included only the introductory sheet, which was moved to
88 - Missions, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Fo - Ec Ecuador -Included only: "The martyrs' widows return to teach in jungle" in Life, May 20, 1957, Vol.42, No.20, p.24f., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Ho Home, 1957-1961. Includes: Mission to Canada February to June 1961, Canadian Cavalcade, on the mission led by evangelist Tom Rees of Britain (with a word of welcome from the Rt. Hon. John G. Diefenbaker), 35p.
88 - Mi - Ho - St Student, 1956-1962. Includes: "A summary of the discussion at a meeting of Mennonite graduate students at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, Apr. 4-5, 1958; information on various student groups; Inter-varsity Reports, Christian fellowship quarterly, Mar. 1959.
88 - Mi - Ja Japan, 1956-1959. Includes: article in Christian Life, Oct. 1959; articles from the Virginia Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1950s?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Japan witness, Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, Christmas 1963, Vol.II, No.5; What God hath wrought in Japan (Newton, Kan.: Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1956?), 14p.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Dec. 28, 1957; United Church Observer, June 1, 1967, p.22f.; Christian Century, Aug. 21, 1957, p.983f. & Oct. 9, 1957, p.1196f.
88 - Mi - Ko Korea, 1957-1960. Includes: news releases of "Church world service"; Mennonite Central Committee Activity Reports from Clara Eshleman, attached to letter to Frank H. Epp, editor of The Canadian Mennonite, June 3, 1959.
88 - Mi - Li Literature, 1959-1963. Includes: "The place of literature in missions Statement and definition of the problem," 9p. and bibliography, 1963?; letter of Oct. 1964 from Henry Dirks in the Congo, to Frank H. Epp, a subject on which Epp planned to write an editorial in The Canadian Mennonite; information from various evangelical literature organizations, eg. Western Tract Mission (1961); of few notes of Frank H. Epp on translation work, talk by Paul H. Bartel, Feb, 14, 1963.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Oct. 3, 1961, p.868f. & Jan. 23, 1962, p.77f.; Christian Leader, Feb. 24, 1959, p.4f.; The Mennonite, Oct. 3, 196, p.626; The Canadian Mennonite, Jan. 11, 1963, pp.1-8.
88 - Mi - Ma Martyr - Included only: "The Congo Massacre" in Time, Dec. 4, 1964, title page & p.30-34, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Me Methods and Techniques - Included only the introductory sheet, which was moved to
88 - Mi Missions, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - ME Middle East - Included only article on Turkey in "Facts of a field" series of World Vision Magazine, Jan. 1962, which was moved to
88 - Mi Missions, file above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - Pe Persecution - Included: introductory sheet, news clippings and article from Action, Nov. 15, 1957, which were moved to
88 - Mi Missions, above.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: A. E. Janzen, The Moro's Spear (Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Missions, Mennonite Brethren Publishing House, 1962), 51p. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi - QU Qualifications, 1950s? Includes: "Qualifications of the foreign missionary," Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship tract; Fremont C. Regier, "I answer Congo's call," tract of Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1950s? "Get ready for a real job," brochure of the United Christian Missionary Society. Removed: Gospel Herald, July 1, 1958, p.610; "Does C.I.M. still need missionaries?" in Congo Missionary Messenger, Vol.XX (Jan. 3, 1957).
88 - Mi - SA South America, 1957-1963. Includes: Elisabeth Elliot, "Through gates of splendor" in Christianity Today, June 10, 1957; World Vision Magazine fact sheets, 1961-1963.
Removed: Frank H. Epp, "Truth vs. quacks" in The Mennonite, 1960s? p.444; Gospel Herald, Aug. 6, 1957, p.706f. & Aug. 15, 1961, p.716f.; Gospel Messenger, July 19, 1958, p.3f., July 13, 1957, p.6f., Jan. 12, 1963, p.2f.; "Its later than you think in Latin America" in Look, July 8, 1958, p.19f.
88 - Mi - SA South America, 1957-1963. Includes: H. S. Bender & D. B. Wiens, "Report on the mission to Russia, Oct.26-Nov.16, 1956."
Removed: series on "The church and the Soviet Union" in Gospel Messenger, 1962: Jan. 6, p.10f., Jan. 13, p.6f., Jan. 20, p.12f. & "Did we let Communists into the World Council?" in Feb. 3, p.3f.
88 - Mi - USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1962, 1970. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: "Russian Baptist visitors" in The Canadian Baptist, Oct. 15, 1961, p.2f.
88 - Mi - VS Voluntary Service - Included only: Voluntary Service 1957 published by Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities & a brochure from them. The book was transferred to CGUC Library & the brochure moved to
88 - Mi Missions, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Mi 70s Mission in the 70s, 1969. Includes: materials from the Consultation on Goals for Mission in the 70s at which Frank H. Epp represented the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, May 1969; some correspondence concerning his role and reporting.
Removed: God and Caesar, June 1976, Vol.II, No.2.
88 - Mi 70s Mission in the 70s, 1969. Complements the above file. Includes: Tempo, National Council of Churches newspaper, Jan. 1, 1969.
88 - MB Mission Boards, 1956-1962. Includes: brochures and information from Mennonite and other mission agencies; short Christmas play by Christena Duerksen; Ministry of the Mennonite churches to the victims of leprosy (New York: American Leprosy Missions, Inc., 1956?), 8p.; "Budget projects for 1959" General Conference Mennonite Church, Board of Missions, Newton, Kan.; "More fruits of our fields," brochure of Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church; "A short history of General Conference Mennonite Mission work in Colombia," pamphlet published by Literature Committee, Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Association, General Conference Mennonites of North America; "So shall my word be...," brochure with photos of General Conference Mennonite representatives, 1956; The Crossroads, Panama field paper, New Tribes Mission, Vol.1, No.5, June 1958; Full Gospel native missionary, Mar. 1962.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Taiwan home bond, Spring 1959.
Removed: Colombian news, Cachipay, Cund., Colombia : Information Service of the Mennonite Mission in Colombia, Apr. 1, 1959.
88 - MB - AIM Africa Inland Mission - Included 4 brochures; moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - CGM Congo Gospel Mission - Included: 2 issues of "Congo Gospel Mission," Feb. 1 & July 15, 1958; Mrs. Anton C. Andersen, "A gleam of light in the Congo's night," which were moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - CIM Congo Inland Mission, 1954-1963. Includes: " all nations, 1954 General Conference Mennonite Representatives," flyer; Christian Life, Dec. 1955, p.20f.; F. J. Enns, "Field report 1957" (Elkhart, Ind.: Congo Inland Mission, 1957); Congo Contact" Feb. 15, 1963, Vol.4, No.2, 4p.; booklet, brochures and information on CIM; "Congo PAX, " brochure discussing this "government approved service for I-W's on the foreign mission field."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: The Congo missionary messenger, Oct.-Dec. 1958.
Removed: "Future Congo missions will be different" in Mennonite Weekly Review, Sept. 8, 1960; The Congo missionary messenger, Sept.-Oct. 1955.
88 - MB - GCMM General Conference Mennonite Missions, 1953-1964. Includes: flyers, brochures and information about workers sent out by the Board of Missions; "Looking into our work," Conference of Mennonites in Canada Mission board report, 1962; letter from Anne Penner, Feb. 1960, Taiwan home bond, Winter 1960, annotated; India; flyerson the different countries where the GCMM was active, 1960?; "Literature on missions," published by GCMM, Mar. 1962; Willard Wiebe, "The Christian Mission, Five radio mission sermons," July 1963, attached to tract: "Stop! Look! Listen!" and mission board "Items in brief" sheets; GCMM board, executive meeting agenda, Dec. 8, 1964; maps featuring locations of GCMM to Native people; 5 "For a fact" sheets published by Literature Committee, Women's Missionary Association of the General Conference Mennonites of North America; 16 one page biographies of missionary men and women, also published by the Literature Committee, Women's Missionary Association of the General Conference Mennonites of North America; 6 one page biographies published by the Mission Board of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church of Manitoba on: Bishop & Mrs. Jacob Hoeppner; Bishop & Mrs. David Schulz; Bishop & Mrs. Ernest Wiebe; Bishop & Mrs. Jacob F. Pauls; Bishop & Mrs. David D. Klassen; Bishop Jacob M. Pauls.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: India calling, Spring 1958 & Winter 1963; The Congo Missionary Messenger (Golden Jubilee Year) Apr. 1961; Colombian news, Cachipay, Cund., Colombia : Information Service of the Mennonite Mission in Colombia, Aug. 1, 1962; Taiwan home bond, No.2 (Spring 1958) & Vol.5, No.1 (Spring 1960); Japan witness: Vol.1, No.6 (Fall 1962), Vol.2, No.4 (Fall 1963); Unser Missionsblatt, published by Missions-Naehvereinen der Konferenz der Mennoniten in Canada, Apr. 1960 & Feb. 1961 (women of the missions sewing circles, Conference of Mennonites in Canada); Lois R. Habegger, Cheyenne trails; a history of Mennonites and Cheyennes in Montana (Newton, Kan.: Mennonite Publication Office, 1959), 65p.; Seventy-five years of General Conference mission work Among the Cheyenne and Arapaho Indians in Oklahoma, 32p.; Elva May Roth, Guide to mission study 1956-57, published by Literature Committee, Women's Missionary Association of the General Conference Mennonite Church.
Removed: Colombian news, Cachipay, Cund., Colombia : Information Service of the Mennonite Mission in Colombia: Dec. 1, 1955, Apr. 1, 1963 & Mar. 1964; Taiwan home bond: Spring 1961 & Winter 1963; Japan witness: Vol.2, No.3 (Summer 1963); Mrs. G. A. Linscheid, Rev. G. A. Linscheid: reminiscences of our life among the Cheyenne Indians (Newton, Kan.: Women’s Missionary Society, General Conference Mennonites, 1944), 24p.; small spiral bound 1970 calendar with pictures of the GCMM in Taiwan.
Removed: a whole issue of The Mennonite, July 31, 1956 in which pp.475-491 include photos of GC missionaries & 2 articles: June 21, 1960, p.411f. & Aug. 2, 1960, front & back pages; "Wende bei den Morros im Chaco?" in Der Bote, Feb. 14, 1961, p.3?; article on Moros who killed missionary in Paraguay in Mennonite Weekly Review, Feb. 9, 1961, p.5.
88 - MB - GMU Gospel Missionary Union Included only one brochure, moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - MB Mennonite Brethren, 1959-1964. Includes: 2 flyers; posters with photos of workers in Germany, Austria, Colombia and Japan; prayer guide for 1959-60; "Mennonite Brethren Church 1960 missions report"; "Obedience in partnership, Mennonite Brethren Church missions report to the 1963 General Conference"; brochure on British Columbia, Canada, June 1964; brochure, "Sowing the seed through medical work."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: sheets for 1954-1957 sent to update the: Missionary album of missionaries serving under the Board of Foreign Missions, the Mennonite Brethren Conference, Inc. (Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Foreign Missions of the Conference of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America, 1954).
88 - MB - MBMC Mennonite Board of Missions and Charities, 1958-1963. Includes: programs for the 52nd (1958) & 53rd (1959) annual meetings of the MBMC; "Obeying Christ in crisis" brochure for Missions week 1962; letter from Albert and Lois Buckwalter from Argentina, June 1958; various sheets of information.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Nov. 4, 1958, p.1052-53.
88 - MB - ML Mission to Lepers - Included: Robert G. Cochrane, Leprosy its challenge and hope (London, England: The Mission to Lepers, 1950s?), 40p. which was transferred to CGUC Library and Archives and American Leprosy Missions, Inc. brochure, which was moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - MPM Mennonite Pioneer Mission, 1957-1958. Includes: "Mennonite Pioneer Mission Bericht (report) to Konferenz der Mennoniten in Kanada, Winkler, Man., 1957; Mennonite Pioneer Mission Our Missionary Family, 1958: Mar., June & Oct.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Tote´mak, Vol.3, No.4 (Apr. 1974).
Removed: O. J. Hamm, The Mennonite pioneer mission in Cross Lake (Winnipeg, Man.: Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1961), 19p.; Tote´mak: 1974: Mar., May-Sept., Nov., Dec.; 1975: Jan.-Mar., May.
88 - MB - NCE Northern Canada Evangelical - Included: one flyer, which was moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - NTM New Tribes Mission - Included: one flyer, which was moved to
88 - MB Mission Boards, above. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - OM Operation mobilization - Included only: Operation mobilization periodical from Port Colborne, Canada, Feb. 1984, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - MB - WCCM West Coast Children's mission, 1958-1959. Includes: 2 issues of Western Challenge, West Coast Children's Mission, Jan.-Feb. 1958, Jan.-Feb. 1959 & Dec.? issue.
88 - MB - WGM Western Gospel Mission, 1958. Includes: principles and practices; May 8, 1958 minutes; 3 bulletins of Western Gospel Mission, 1958.
Removed: 2 copies of "A Mission to neglected areas" in The Canadian Mennonite, June 13, 1958, pp.5-8.
88 - My Mythology - Included: "Fact and Fancy" sheet on myths and legends, Educational Research Bureau, Washington, D.C., 1940s?; "Visions of a new religion" in Saturday Review, Dec. 19, 1970, p.12f. both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - O Ordinances, 1956-1961. Included: a blank "Application for ordination Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Conference, which was removed.
Removed: Paul M. Miller, The prayer veiling : an expository study of 1 Corinthians 11:2-16 (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1956), 24p.; "The devotional covering" in Gospel Herald, Nov. 18, 1958, p.1089; "Joy that comes back" & other Christmas poems in The Mennonite, 1969? p.777; from Der Bote: 2 articles in 1959 on "Vom Brauchtum der Kirche," Oct. 6, 1959, p.3? & Nov. 10, 2 articles from 1958 on "Sollten wir unsere Kinder einsegnen lassen," Sept. 10 & Sept 19, p.3?
Papers from: Communion and Foot-washing, files below, were moved here.
88 - O - Ba Baptism, 1953-1960. Includes: "Die neutestamentliche Taufe" in Konferenz-Jugendblatt der Mennoniten Bruedergemeinden in Kanada, 5/1953; the following tracts: "Baptism its mode" (Rosenort, Man.: Church of God in Christ, 1950s?); "Infant baptism" (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1950s?); "Our mode of baptism" (Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1956 & 1960); "The thief on the cross" Saskatoon, Sask.: Church of Christ, 1950s?); "My Concern," anonymous letter dealing with the 5-point statement of the Mennonite Brethren Board of Reference and Counsel; manuscript for "MB position on rebaptism under current discussion" article for The Canadian Mennonite, Oct. 21, 1960.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: pamphlet by Henry Poettcker, A Study of Baptism (Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1963), 28p.; the following booklets on baptism: Richard Davidson, The Meaning of baptism(Toronto, Ont.: Board of Evangelism and Social Service (Wesley Buildings), 1954); Mackay, W. A. Water baptism the doctrine of the mode (Altona, Man.: D. W. Friesen & Sons, 19--); E. J. Berkey, The Bible mode of baptism, revised ed. (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1945), 63p. The Doctrine and practice of infant baptism (Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1950s?), 12p.; William L. Lumpkin, A History of immersion (Nashville, TN: Broadman Press, 1962), 40p.
Removed: Gospel Herald, July 17, 1962, p.620; Gospel Messenger: Oct. 2, 1957, p.6f. & Mar. 21, 1959, p.6f.;Christian Leader, Feb. 6, 1962, p.3f; Mennonite Observer: "Six adults receive baptism," Mar. 7, 1958, p.3 & "Baptism" in Mar. 14, 1958, p.3.
88 - O - Co Communion - Included: tract by H. H. Janzen, "Das Abendmahl"; information from World Council of Churches & a few other items, which were moved to
88 - O Ordinances, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: Gospel Messenger: Aug 17, 1957, p.3f., Oct. 4, 1958, pp.6-13, Mar. 21, 1959, p.3f.; Christianity Today, Sept. 30, 1957, p.12f.; United Church Observer, Feb. 15, 1959, p.4.
88 - O - FW Foot-Washing - Included only the introductory sheet and a news clipping, which were moved to
88 - O Ordinances, above. File withdrawn.
88 - O - LF Love Feasts - Included: 2 articles from Gospel Messenger: Sept. 29, 1956 (with interesting photos of bread preparation), p.6f. & Jan. 12, 1963, p.7, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - P Pastoral Theology, 1956-1965. Includes: notes of Frank H. Epp on preaching attached to the introductory pages; 2 General Conference Mennonite Church pamphlets: "Guiding principles for ministers and congregations" and "Steps in calling a pastor"; Pastors salary survey, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1965; program for induction service of James Reusser, 1963; 2 articles from Steinbach Post in German on the office of elder, 1962; a few undated materials.
Removed: an issue of Pastoral psychology, Vol.3, No.28 (Nov. 1952) with a mark beside article: on ministering to the sick, "Dealing with interpersonal conflict" and "Luther as pastoral counselor"; Gospel Messenger, 1958: Feb. 15, p.21, May 31, p.10-14, Aug. 30, p.14f., Feb. 14, 1959, p.6f.; Gospel Herald: 1958: "Code of ethics for the minister" in June 17, p.561, July 29, p.701f., also: Feb. 10, 1959, p.122, Mar. 27, 1962, p.295; Christian Leader, Aug. 12, 1958, p.4f.; The Mennonite: 1956: Sept. 18, p.596 & Oct. 16, p.657, July 22, 1958, p.441; Christian Century: 1957: Jan. 2, p.19f., June 26, p.789f., Sept. 11, p.1061f., Oct. 2, p.1161, Nov. 6, p.1312; United Church Observer: "Prudence in the parsonage" in Aug. 1959, p.17, "Observations" in June 1, 1960, p.3, Oct. 15, 1961, p.11 & Jan. 1, 1965, p.8f.; "Who are metro's leading preachers?" in Toronto Daily Star, June 11, 1966, p.63; "Preach and practice" in New York Times, June 26, 1960.
88 - P - Co Counselling, 1958. Includes: Paul M. Miller, Syllabus for Pastoral care and counselling, Goshen College Biblical Seminary, 1958?
Removed: Carol Murphy, The Ministry of counselling (Wallingford, Pa.: Pendle Hill, 1952), pamphlet, 32p.;Premarital counselling A manual of suggestions for ministers (New York, N.Y.: Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 1948), 40p.
88 - P - CP Call to Preaching, 1958. Includes: veterans as clerics; tract by Bill Young, "Who will go for us? God's call."
Removed: William Klassen, "Who shall preach?" in The Mennonite, Feb. 19, 1957, p.117f.
88 - P - Fu Funerals, 1957-1964. Includes: Christian burial, United Church of Canada booklet (1956); popular articles on funeral costs.
Removed: Gospel Messenger: Sept. 14, 1963, p.27 & Apr. 13, 1967, p.27; Gospel Herald: Nov. 26, 1957, p.1010 & Oct. 3, 1961, p.859; The Mennonite: Sept. 15, 1959, p.563, Oct. 13, 1959, p.631, Mar. 15, 1960, p.167, June 28, 1960, p.423.
88 - P - Ord ordination, 1963. Includes: "Das Aeltestenamt, Statement of the Problem," Dec. 7, 1962 and Jan. 4, 1963 by the "Commission on the study of the Eldership" and P. J. Schaefer, "Das Aeltestenamt in der Mennonitische Geschichte und anderen Konfessionen," Jan. 1963.
88 - P - Vi Visitor - Included: The Healing of His seamless dress, Meditation for the sick (Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1945), 41p. and a brochure "The Hospital visitor" published by various evangelism boards and women's missionary societies, Toronto, Ontario, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - P - We Weddings, 1959-1963. Includes: popular articles; wedding program (in German) of John Hiebert and Annie Wiebe, July 13, 1963, Gretna Bergthaler Church.
Removed: Waldo Hiebert, "A Christian philosophy for weddings" in Christian Leader, June 1, 1957, p.4f.; "Make your wedding Christian" in The Mennonite, June 2, 1959, p.340f.; article on wedding music in United Church Observer, June 15, 1960, p.11.
88 - P - Wi Wife of Pastor, 1959. Includes: N. N. Fransen, "Stimmberechtigung der Schwestern in unsern Gemeinden im Lichte der Bibel und unsere Praxis," (concerning the women's right to vote in our churches) read in Winnipeg, Jan. 13, 1959; letter of Margarete Ediger, pastor's wife to Wilfrid Ulrich concerning the attendance of her husband at the centennial conference, written Aug. 6, 1959 from Copper Cliff, Ontario; 2 poems.
Removed: "Can she find her own identity" in Gospel Messenger, July 6, 1963, p.8f.; "The pastor's wife assuming her responsibility" in Gospel Herald, Apr. 15, 1958, p.345f.; The Mennonite, June 11, 1957, pp.371, 373; Christian living: a magazine for home and community, Feb. 1959, pp.26-28.
88 - Pra Prayer, 1943-1959, 1971-1981. Original file measured 2.5 cm. Includes: E. Stanley Jones, How to pray(USA: Abingdon Press, 1943), 22p.; Oscar E. Feucht, The Practice of prayer (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, 1956), 29p.; popular articles; "Das Verlorene Gebet," poem printed in Prince Albert, Sask., Dec. 1948; prayer of Frank and Helen Epp, used Apr. 8, 1973 at Church and world lectures, Rockway Mennonite Church as well as Feb. 3, 1978 and one other time; program of worship service at Pickering College where Frank H. Epp gave the address, "What I believe as a Mennonite," Feb. 26, 1978; Edward C. Dahl, The fellowship of prayer, Lenten season(Toronto, Ont.: United Church of Canada, 1971), 48p.; undated materials, a prayer hand printed on index cards.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: General Conference Mennonite Church Youth Prayer Calendars for: 1956, 1960, 1961, 1963, 1964.
Removed: Gospel Messenger: whole issue of Nov. 30, 1957 &June 20, 1959, p.3.; Menno H. Epp, "Let's pray" inThe Mennonite, Mar. 2, 1976, p.146; "Programm der Gebetswoche 1959" in Mennonitische Rundschau, Dec. 1958?; "Saying grace at the table" in United Church Observer, Jan. 15, 1964, p.17f.; prayer in the public schools inNewsweek, Nov. 22, 1971, p.89f.
88 - Pra - An Answered, 1957-1959. Includes: "Does God answer prayer?", Herald Press tract; George A. Butterick,A way of private prayer (New York, N.Y.: Federal Council of Churches of Christ in America, 1942), 23p.; articles inLiberty and Action.
Removed: "Program for universal week of prayer" in The Canadian Mennonite, Dec. 7, 1962, p.5.
88 - Pra - AP Annual Program - Included: "Das Gebetsprogramm fuer 1960" in Der Bote, Dec. 1959? p.12, which was removed; the program for "World Day of Prayer, Friday, Feb. 14, 1964" from the Women's Inter-Church Council of Canada, Toronto, Ontario, which was moved to
88 - Pra Prayer, above. File withdrawn.
88 - Pra - Ad Adoration and Praise - Included: introductory sheet and "Trapped youth credits prayer" news clipping, which were moved to
88 - Pra Prayer, above.
Removed: "Eat and be thankful" regarding grace at meals, in Gospel Herald, Mar. 19, 1957. File withdrawn.
88 - Pra - Po Power, 1956-1959. Includes: an issue of, The Herald A Journal of full salvation and the way of faith, Feb. 22, 1956; "An experiment in faith: praying to aid plants" in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Apr. 26, 1959.
Removed: E. M. Bounds, Power through prayer (Moundridge, Kan.: Evangelism Committee of the General Conference of the Mennonite Church of North America, 1944), 58p.
88 - Pra - Re Requests, 1956-1960. Includes: George Mueller, "Secrets of success in prayer" Herald Press tract, No.421; "Our prayers could change the world" in Reader's Digest, July 1956; article by Norman Vincent Peale, 1959; article, Christian Life, 1960.
Removed: "Secret of power: revive the prayer meeting" in Christianity Today, Sept. 2, 1957, p.3f.
88 - Pro Prophecy, 1956-1958, 1971-1975. Includes: "Signs of the times" pamphlet by Billy Graham, 1956; M. R. DeHaan, Palestine and the Middle East prophecy, Five radio sermons, 1950s?; special Prophecy issue of Moody Monthly, Oct. 1958; notes of Frank H. Epp from D. D. Klassen's talk; typed notes from Willard Swartley's lecture; article from Quaker Life, Sept. 1971; Robert J. Baker, "Lord, Please be advised," story from Youth's Christian Companion, 1950s?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Clarence Larkin, The Second coming of Christ (Philadelphia, Pa.: Rev. Clarence Larkin Estate, 1918-1922), 71p.; Chester K. Lehman, The Fulfillment of prophecy (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1950), 32p.; Die spaetere und die letzte Zeit im Spiegel unserer gegenwaertigen Weltkrisis als prophetische Erfuellung (Winkler, Man.: A. J. Banman, 1954), 79p. Removed: B. Charles Hostetter,Jesus is coming (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1958), 24p.; Christian Leader: 2 articles in 1957 on Suez crisis: Mar. 15, p.4f. & Apr. 1, p.4f.; Gospel Herald, Apr. 4, 1972, p.310f; "The Prediction Game," Jan. 15, 1972, p.14f;
88 - Pro - Je Jerusalem Conf. on Biblical Prophecy, 1970-1971. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's attendance in connection with his work in Mennonite Central Committee, Peace Section (in the end he was not able to attend).
88 - S Salvation, 1937, 1950-1960, 1968. Includes: tracts and booklets from various denominations that were attached to the introductory pages, eg. "God's offer to you in Christ Jesus," pamphlet of General Conference Mennonite Church, 13p., John R, Rice, What must I do to be saved (Wheaton, IL; Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1950), 24p., Norman B. Harrison, "The Way of life" (Minneapolis, MN: The Harrison Service, Inc., 1937), 14p.; "A New man a new life," pamphlet of the London Rescue Mission, London, Ont.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Paul Peachey, Why be a Christian (Scottdale, Pa.: Peace Problems Committee, Mennonite General Conference, 1956), 16p.
Removed: Billy Graham, How to find God (Minneapolis, MN: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn., 1950s?), 64p.;Gospel Herald: 1957: Oct. 15, p.865f., Nov.12, p.969f., Aug. 12, 1958, p.749f.; The Mennonite: Aug. 19, 1959, p.499f. & Mar. 15, 1960, p.163.
88 - S - As Assurance, 1958 - Included: a Herald Press tract; 6 "Mennonite Hour" tracts by B. Charles Hostetter, 1958, which were moved to
88 - S Salvation, above.
Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, How to know you are saved: eight sermons preached over the international broadcast of "The Mennonite Hour" (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1953) Revised edition, 56p. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Ca Call - Included only: Christianity vs. a bloodless religion, "Hour of Decision" pamphlet (Minneapolis, MN: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn., 1951), which was moved to
88 - S Salvation, above. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Co Conversion - Included: a Herald Press tract and one by Billy Graham: "What is conversion?" which were moved to - S Salvation, above. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Fa Faith, 1956-1957. Includes: popular articles; undated notes; "The Meaning of a saving faith," 4p., undated.
Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, Faith : the gateway to glory (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1959), 24p.; article with photos on children of 3 churches formally entering a religion, in Maclean's Magazine, Dec. 16, 1961, p.13f.
88 - S - For Forgiveness - Included: C. J. Ramer, "Even the forgiveness of sin" sermon tract (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1950s?); 2 clippings; 2 undated notes, all of which were moved to S Salvation, above.
Transferred to CGUC Library: B. Charles Hostetter, Experiencing Forgiveness (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1957), 24p.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 21, 1958, p.8. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Ju Justification - Included: "God's verdict, not guilty," pamphlet by Alfred Doerffler, attached to introductory sheet, which was moved to - S Salvation, above.
Removed: Gospel Herald, July 22, 1958, p.677f. File withdrawn.
88 - S - NB New Birth - Included: 3 Herald Press tracts; an undated note, which were moved to S Salvation, above. File withdrawn.
88 - S - PH Peace of Heart - Included only a Herald Press tract, which was moved to S Salvation, above. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Reg Regeneration, 1957-1963. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Your life can be changed," radio sermon "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, 1950s? James S. Thomson, "The Good news of God and the conversion of the soul" broadcast address, United Church of Canada, 1957, 15p.; "Renewal in societies and men" reprinted from 1962 Annual Report of Carnegie Corporation, N.Y.; John Gardner, "Self-renewal," reprint fromSelf-Renewal (New York, N.Y.: Harper & Rowe, 1963), 10p., sent to Frank H. Epp from Ernie Dick.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Feb. 7, 1959, p.9f.
88 - S - Sa Sanctification, Included - J. Vetter, Hinter der engen Pforte oder Winke und Ratschlaege fuer neubekehrte Zionspilger, im druck gegeben von Peter D. Berg (Altona, Man.: D. W. Friesen and Son, 1950s?), 55p. (meaning of title: advice for newly converted pilgrims to Zion) and B. Charles Hostetter, Conquering Temptation(Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1958), 24p., both of which were transferred to CGUC Library and Archives.
Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, How to live a holy life (Harrisonburg, Va.: The Mennonite Hour, 1952), 40p. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Te Testimonies - Included: Kyoichi Kitano, "My conversion experience," tract (Hillsboro, Kan.: Board of Missions, Mennonite Brethren Church, 1961?); notice "To all Mennonite Relief Committees, Ladies Aids and church leaders in Alberta" on which reference to a testimony from Hong Kong is noted; short note of Frank H. Epp, Aug. 26, 1962, which were all moved to
88 - S Salvation, above.
Removed: Robert O. Ferm, ed. They met God at the New York Crusade (Minneapolis, MN: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Assn., 1957), 76p.; "Hano Klassen tells the story of his soul's pilgrimage -- from Hitler's army to prison camp where Christ found him" in The Mennonite, Jan. 8, 1957, p.26f.; "From Hinduism to Christianity" in United Church Observer, Feb. 1, 1959, p.13f. File withdrawn.
88 - S - Va Vanity - Included only a Clairol (Hair color) ad from a popular magazine entitled" "If I've only one life... let me live it as a blonde!" which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - Sa Satan - Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, Satan and his strategy : nine sermons preached over the international broadcast of "The Mennonite Hour" (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1953?), 64p.; Evangelical Mennonite, June 15, 1959, p.11f.; The Mennonite, Oct. 13, 1959, p.633f.; Gospel Messenger, Oct, 20, 1956, p.3f.;Christian Century: 1974: Feb. 13, p.191f. & Dec.18, p. 1196f.; "The Exorcism Frenzy" in Newsweek, Feb. 11, 1974, p.60f. File withdrawn.
88 - SO Special Occasions - Empty. File withdrawn.
88 - SR Science and Religion, 1956-1960, 1978. Includes: some articles on evolution.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Youth’s Christian companion, series on "Spiritual truths revealed in Science" by H. Harold Hartzler from 1954: Jan.: 3, 17, 31, Feb. 14, Mar.: 7 & 21, Apr. 4 & 25, May 23, June 6 & 27, July 11 & 25, Aug. 8 & 29.
Removed: Norman Derstine, It took a miracle (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1959), 24p.; "Seven reasons why a scientist believes in God" in Reader's Digest, Dec. 1946, p.11f.; Benson Y. Landis, compiler, Selected references on Faith and Learning (New York, N.Y.: United Church for Homeland Ministries, 1963?), 12p.;Newsweek, Sept. 1, 1958; Saturday Review, Nov. 14, 1959, p.61f. & Dec. 3, 1960, p.31f.p.45; Gospel Herald, Dec. 17, 1957, p.1084f.
88 - SR Science and Religion, 1958-1962, 1969-1973, 1981. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
88 - SS Sin and Sinners, 1952-1961. Includes: popular articles; undated notes and information from church bulletins; letter to pastors from the Board of Missions, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1961. Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, Four sins God hates... Gossip, jealousy, lust, greed (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1957), 24p. (sent to Frank H. Epp at The Canadian Mennonite); B. Charles Hostetter, Why do the wicked prosper?: four sermons preached over the international broadcast of "The Mennonite Hour" (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1953?), 31p.; The Mennonite, Feb. 17, 1959, p.103 & Mar. 22, 1960, p.178; Christianity Today, July 22, 1957, p.11f.; "Our churches are damning the wrong kinds of sin" in Maclean's Magazine, July 16, 1960, p.7f.
88 - SS - Ad Adultery - Included: introductory sheet plus 2 clippings, which were moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above; "When is adultery news" in Maclean's Magazine, Aug, 30, 1958, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Com Compromise - Included: introductory sheet and Frank H. Epp, "Learn to say no," radio sermon "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, Sept. 1958? which were moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above.
Removed: "The Transformed life" in Gospel Messenger, Sept. 6, 1958, p.4. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Cov Covetousness - Included: introductory sheet plus 1 clipping, which were moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - CU Catch Up - Included only 2 clippings from the Minneapolis Star: "Puterbaugh drove two years with no license," 1960? & "'Please don't put Mom in jail,'" Feb. 5, 1960, p.2A, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - De Deception - Included only one article: "A House full of illusion" (pertaining to the Canadian House of Commons) in Maclean's Magazine, Dec. 17, 1984, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Ga Gambling - Included only: Gospel Herald, Apr. 30, 1957, p.413f., which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Go Gossip, 1952-1958. Includes: Billy Graham, "The Sins of the tongue," pamphlet, 1953; popular sayings and articles
Removed: "The ABCs of rumor watching" in Maclean's Magazine, Feb. 9, 1963, p.18f.; Gospel Herald, Mar. 11, 1858, p.219.
88 - SS - Gu Guilt - Included: introductory sheet plus clippings, which were moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Hy Hypocrisy, 1957-1962. Includes: popular articles; news release No.22 from Christianity Today.
88 - SS - Im Immortality - Included: "An Abomination" in Gospel Herald, Sept. 3, 1957, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Ly Lying, 1955-1960. Includes: popular articles.
Removed: "Christian conversation" in The Mennonite, Mar. 12, 1957, p.167; "Little lies have become big business" in Maclean's Magazine, Feb. 2, 1957, p.4f.
88 - SS - Mi Mistakes - Included only the introductory sheet which was moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Mu Murder - Included only the introductory sheet which was moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Se Seven Deadly Sins - Included: a series of articles in the Toronto Star, 1981 on: greed in Nov. 21, p.1f., lust in Nov.22 (the Sunday Star), p.A8, anger in Nov. 23, p.1f., pride in Nov. 24, p.A11, covetousness in Nov. 25, p.A26, envy in Nov. 26, p.A12, which were removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Sel Selfishness - Included: "Canadians are far too pleased with themselves" in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 31, 1959, p.8f.; clipping from Mennonite Weekly Review, June, 1958 & a note from Sept. 1957, which were moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - SR Self-Righteousness- Included only a hand written note, which was moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Sen Sensual - Included only the introductory sheet, which was moved to - SS Sin and Sinners, above. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - St Stealing, 1957-1960, 1969. Includes: popular articles.
Removed: "The Great Canadian South African diamond haul" in Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 4, 1958, p.25; "Why they steal" in The Star Weekly Magazine, Nov. 22, 1958, p.8f.
88 - SS - Id idolatry - Included only: "The gods Canadians worship" in Maclean's Magazine, Oct. 25, 1958, which was removed. File withdrawn.
88 - SS - Wo Worldliness, 1949, 1955-1957. Includes: "taboo? The problem of worldliness," Inter-Varsity booklet, 1949; "Death of modestly," pamphlet from the Watchmen-Examiner, 1955; "Christianity in dress," tract, 1950s?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, Worldliness - What is it? (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1957), 24p.
Removed: Gospel Herald: "Our Readers Say-" Sept. 24, 1957 & "Christian Principles in Apparel" Apr.2,1957, p.317f.;Gospel Messenger, June 29, 1957, p.3f.; "Christian Purity in Relation to Dress"in Christian Leader, June 17, 1958, p.4f.; The Mennonite" Everyone's Doing It,"Aug. 6, 1957, p.492f. & "Be Not Conformed," Mar. 18, 1958, p.164f.
88 - St Stewardship, 1957-1961, 1966-1967. Includes: brochures and pamphlets of the Mennonite church (Pa.) & General Conference Mennonite Church including 2 in German (one by C. J. Dyck); "Per-member contributions for all purposes," for 1961 for various denominations.
Removed: 2 annual publication of the National Council of Churches of Christ USA, all 64p.: Stewardship Facts 1964-1965, Stewardship 71 and Stewardship 72; "Attendance at Annual Bethel Deaconess Hospital Gift Day,"Mennonite Weekly Review, Sept. 13, 1962.; Gospel Herald: 1957: Apr. 2, p.313f. & June 18, p.577f., 1962: Sept. 11, p.804f. & Mar. 20, p.274f.; Gospel Messenger, Dec. 6, 1958, p.9f.; The Mennonite, Oct. 23, 1956, p.672f.; "The Stewardship of Personality" in Christian Leader, Feb. 10, 1959, p.3f
88 - St - CL Christian Living, 1957. Includes: "How to become strong," Herald Press tract; Waldemar Janzen, "Address given to the Summer Service workers at the MCC workshop," Altona, Manitoba, May 1, 1957, 5p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: John C. Wenger, A Dynamic Christian life (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1955), 23p.
88 - St - Mo Money, 1956-1961. Includes: "Treasures in heaven" tract, 1950s?; news clippings; page from a newsletter in Lowe Farm, Manitoba, Oct. 1957; letter from Andrew Shelly, Apr. 21, 1961, to "Christian friends" with 5p. attached; "Witness to your faith with a gift..." etc., series of brochures of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1960s?
Removed: 3 81/2 by 11 size photographs showing the "togetherness" of a middle-class family enjoying their backyard Esther Williams swimming pool, manufactured by the International Swimming Pool Corporation; The Canadian Mennonite, Oct. 4, 1957, p.5f.; Evangelical Visitor, June 17, 1959, p.5f.; Gospel Messenger, Feb. 2, 1957, p.12f.; The Mennonite: Feb. 26, 1957, p.132f., May 21, 1957, p.326 & Feb. 4, 1958, p.75; Youth's Christian Companion, Feb. 16, 1958, p.98f.
88 - St - Po Possessions - Included: introductory sheet, which was moved to 88 - St Stewardship, above.
Removed: "Hidden treasures in your Canadian attic" in Liberty, Aug. 1957, p.19f. File withdrawn.
88 - St - Ta Talent - Included: popular articles, which were moved to 88 - St Stewardship, above.
Removed: "Proposed: A national talent hunt" in New York Times Magazine, Apr. 23, 1961, p.31f. File withdrawn.
88 - St - Ti Time - Included only a poem "Take time for these things," moved to 88 - St Stewardship, above. File withdrawn.
88 - St - Tit Tithing, 1952, 1950s? Includes: pamphlets, booklets and leaflets of the Layman Tithing Foundation, 1950s?; information on tithing sent to ministers and leaders of the General Conference Mennonite Church from Andrew R. Shelly, Feb. 1952; a selection of the 1cm high stack of sheets (potential bulletin covers?) from the Layman Tithing Foundation that were in the file.
Removed: leaflets from the Layman Tithing Foundation; Gospel Herald, Oct. 8, 1957, p.845f.; The Mennonite, Sept. 23, 1958, p.581f.
88 - T Typology and Symbols, 1959-1967. Includes: "Sign language of Christian faith" in This Day, Mar. 1959; information on Billy Graham's "Living witness tree," 1967.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Johannes Gossner, Das Herz des Menschen ein Tempel Gottes(Konstanz: Buch- und Kunstverlag Carl Hirsch A.-G., 1950s?), 48p.
Removed: "Is the eagle un-american?" in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 14, 1960, p.30f.; Gospel Messenger, July 25, 1959, p.1
88 - U Unbelief, 1958, 1971, 1983. Includes: "Fallen idols" in This Day, Nov. 1958; popular articles.
88 - U - Ag Agnosticism - Included only introductory sheet, 1957, which was moved to
88 - U Unbelief, above. File withdrawn.
88 - U - Ath Atheism - Included: introductory sheet & popular articles, 1957-1960, which were moved to
88 - U Unbelief, above. File withdrawn.
88 - W Worship, 1957-62, 1971-1972. Includes: church bulletins from Mennonite churches in the USA; Mennonite education brochure on family worship; "Annual report for 1962" pamphlet of The Lord's Day Alliance of Canada; Henry H. Epp, "The Word of God on worship," prepared for workshop on worship, 1976?
Removed: Gospel Messenger, June 1, 1957, p.3f.; Gospel Herald: Sunday evening services in Mar. 11, 1958, p.225, "Suggestions for choosing hymns in June 4, 1957, church music in Apr. 2, 1957, p.321; "Do-it-yourself religion" inChristian Century, Dec. 26, 1956, p.1504.
88 - W - At Attendance, 1957-1960. Includes: "No children welcome" in This Day, Sept. 1957; welcome letter from Wesley C. Ewert, pastor of the First Congregational Church in Minneapolis, Sept. 1959; popular articles.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Feb. 28, 1959, p.3f.; Gospel Herald, July 22, 1958, p.680; Christian Evangel, June 1957, p.105.
88 - W - BP Bulletin Program-1, 1955-65. Includes: bulletins from churches where Frank H. Epp preached, reported or was mentioned in the announcements: Zion Mennonite Church, Elbing, Kan. in Feb. 1955, West Zion Mennonite Church, Moundridge, Kan. in Mar. 1960, Minneapolis Mennonite Brethren Church, 1960, Whitewater Mennonite Church (Manitoba) in June 1962, Stirling Ave. Mennonite Church in Mar. 1964, First Mennonite Church (Kitchener) in Mar. 1964, and Toronto United Mennonite Church in Feb. 1965; First Covenant Tidings (including a 1000th radio broadcast feature), Sept. 1959; 4 issues of First Mennonite Newsletter, Saskatoon, Sask.: Mar. 1960, Oct. 1964, Dec. 1964 & Jan. 1965; mailings from Maynard Shelly regarding bulletin selections, 1962; programs from the dedication of the Biehn Mennonite Church, Ontario, Jan. 1964 and Sturgeon Creek United Church, St. James, Man., Dec. 1963.
Transferred to Mennonite Archives of Ontario: dedication program of Faith Mennonite Church, Leamington, Ontario; an issue of The Pastor's Assistant of the Toronto United Mennonite Church, Feb. 1962; program for the inaugural service and deacon ordination of the Ottawa Mennonite Church, May 1963, including a list of charter and associate members; dedication service program of Ottawa Mennonite Church, May 1966, including historical notes and member information.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Dec. 11, 1956, p.1149; Faith and Life Press bulletin covers (blank) that were with the mailings from Maynard Shelly.
88 - W - BP Bulletin Program-2, 1954-1967. Includes: bulletins (some mailed to The Canadian Mennonite) from the following Mennonite churches : in Manitoba: Evangelical Mennonite Brethren Church (Steinbach), Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church (Altona), Bergthaler Mennonite Church (Altona), Grace Mennonite Church (Winkler), Mennonite Brethren Church (Morden), Portage Avenue Mennonite Brethren Church, Elmwood Mennonite Brethren Church; in Saskatchewan: Vereinigte Mennoniten Gemeinde (Rosthern), First Mennonite Church (Saskatoon), Zoar Mennonite Church (Langham); in British Columbia: Vancouver Mennonite Mission, Eben-Ezer Mennoniten Gemeinde (Abbotsford); in Ontario: Toronto Mennonite Brethren Church, Mennonite Brethren Church (Kitchener), St. Jacobs Mennonite Church, Wilmot News Bulletin; in the USA: Eden Mennonite church (Moundridge, Kan.), First Mennonite Church (Newton, Kan.), Salem Mennonite Church (Freeman, SD); a few bulletins from United, Methodist and Lutheran Churches and one nondenominational (The Central Church, Chicago).
88 - W - CW Call to Worship, 1962. Includes: some hand written notes on the subject.
88 - W - CY Church Year - Included: "A Christian calendar" from the National Council of Churches, May 1961, which was moved to file: 88 - W - CW Call to Worship, above. File withdrawn.
88 - W - CY - Le Lent - Included only the introductory sheet with an article from 1957, which was moved to 88 - W - CW Call to Worship, above. File withdrawn.
88 - W - In Invocation - Included: hand written notes, which were moved to
88 - W - CW Call to Worship, above. File withdrawn.
88 - W - Su Sunday - Included: introductory sheet and one clipping, which were moved to 88 - W - CW Call to Worship, above.
Removed: "A Foretaste of eternity" in Newsweek, Jan. 8, 1973, p.50. File withdrawn.
Last modified 22-Sep-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing