Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26
89 Research
89 - g General - MRA Mennonite Research Association, 1961-1967. Includes: constitution, reports, minutes and some presentations of the Mennonite Research Fellowship, 1961, the Urban-Rural Research Association, 1965 and the MRA, 1965; related correspondence; Leo Driedger, "Some thoughts on Canadian research"; "Towards of working philosophy of a MRA"; reference to the completion of Frank H. Epp's PhD dissertation on German nationalism and racialism in the German newspaper Der Bote (" fresh that it wasn't bound yet.") in the minutes of the Urban-Rural Research Association, May 3, 1965; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with University of Toronto Press concerning publication of his PhD dissertation, Sept. 1965.
95 Statistics
95 - g General, 1954-1957, 1961-1963. Includes: draft copy for article in Gospel Herald, Oct. 31, 1961, p.961 (no indication of author).
Removed: Canadian Statistical Review, Feb. 1964, pp.i-iv and Dec. 1963, Vol.19, No.11 on "The Labour force," (Called the Dominion Bureau of Statistics).
Note: The papers in the following files were combined and all moved to this file. See descriptions below.
95 - A1 Alcoholism, 1954-1957.
95 - B Bible, 1957. Includes: reports of the American and British Bible societies, 1956-1957; Gideons report of 1957.
Removed: "A Plain statement on our responsibility to God and the world," in Gospel Herald, Jan. 22, 1957.
95 - C Church, 1961-1962. Includes: information from the National Council of Churches, US.
95 - Cr Crime, 1954-1957. Includes: 2 introductory sheets with short popular articles.
95 - J Juvenile Delinquency, 1957. Include: introductory sheet only.
95 - P Population, 1961-1963. Includes: Publications of the 1961 Census of Canada, List No.2-Oct. 1962, a Canadian government publication;2 daily bulletins from Oct. 1963 with statistics for Canada.
95 - P - Re Religious Census, 1962. Includes: 1961 Census of Canada, Population, Ethnic Groups, Bulletin 1.2-5.
97 Transportation
97 - A Air, 1957-1961, 1979. Includes: popular articles.
97 - A Air, 1956-1962, 1968. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
97 - A - KAL007 Korean Air Lines 007, 1983-1984. Includes: news clippings only on this ill fated flight which attracted international political attention. Half of the news clippings were removed.
97 - Au Automotive, 1957-1958. Includes: a selection of the popular articles that were in the file.
Removed: "Detroit, its 1961 cars...," in Look Magazine, Oct. 25, 1960, p.34-68; "The import battle: U.S. defends a periled market" and other articles in The New York Times, Apr. 2, 1972, Section 11, 32p.
97 - R Railway - Included - "Our railroad revolution," in The Star Weekly Magazine, Dec. 26, 1959, p.4f. and "Railroads are focusing their attention on mergers," in The New York Times, Mar. 20, 1960, p.1, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
97 - W Water, 1957-1960. Includes: articles on the St. Lawrence Seaway and the Mayflower. A 1964 brochure on "Great Lakes water levels," was removed.
97 - W Water, 1957. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
100 Wild Life
100 - g General, 1960, 1975-1979. Includes: 2 articles on wildlife in danger; a government of Canada brochure, "Questions and answers on the seal hunt" (1979).
Removed: "Earth's wrecking crew at work," in Christian Science Monitor, Oct. 3, 1966, p.9.
100 - C Camping - Included - Mennonite Camping Association Newsletter (December 1974), in which Conrad Grebel College was listed as affiliated with the University of Waterloo where students could take courses on camping and outdoor education in the Recreation and Leisure Dept. This newsletter, available in the CGUC Library and Archives was removed. File withdrawn.
100 - H Hunting, 1963, 1972, 1979. Includes: articles regarding the danger in the use of firearms.
100 - H -Hunting, 1968-1973, 1979-1981. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: 4 articles on proposed firearm laws in Canada, the gun lobby, etc.
Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing