Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26
90 Self-Expression
90 - g General, 1960, 1966. Includes: typed notes, "On the ethical responsibilities of the speaker," Spring 1960; letter from the Canadian Speakers' & Writers' service, June 1966; brochure: "How to get the most out of a visiting lecturer's coming" (undated).
Removed: "The Priceless gift of speech," article on how children condemned to silence are being helped in Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 3, 1959.
90 - g - Bi Bibliography - Included 1 item: a note regarding the Quarterly Journal of Speech, which was moved to
90 - g General, above. File withdrawn.
90 - g - Hi History - Included 1 clipping, which was moved to
90 - g General, above. File withdrawn.
90 - C Criticisms, 1957-1961, 1979. Includes: popular articles.
Removed: "Great challenge of the dissenter" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 15, 1959, p.24f.; "The Family that can't fight back," article discussing how Queen Elizabeth may not reply to her critics in, Winnipeg Tribune, Weekend Magazine, Vol.8, No.13, 1958, p.2f.
90 - I - Included only ads for Speakers pocket dictionary & Speakers desk book, which were removed. File withdrawn.
90 - J Journalism - Included 2 articles: "Counterfeit News" in Harper's Magazine, May 1972, p.32f. & "Teaching and the journalism revolution" in Saturday Review, Dec. 14, 1968, p.71f., which were removed. File withdrawn.
90 - L Letter Writing Techniques, 1960-1965. Includes: letters of Frank H. Epp to the editors of various Mennonite newspapers and the Carillon News; "Courtesy in correspondence" in The Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter, Oct. 1965; article on Harry Truman's correspondence in Look, 1950s.
Removed: 2 articles "What happened to love letters?" in Globe and Mail, Mar. 15 & 16, 1969, both p.6; Christian Century (CC): "How to handle your correspondence" in Feb. 22, 1956, p.231 & "How to write a letter" in Jan. 9, 1957, p.40; "World's `most valuable' letter," on beginning of Christian missions in Hawaii, in Youth's Christian Companion, Aug. 24, 1958, p.541f.
90 - L - Ed Editorial, 1967. Includes: letter from the Honorable Paul Martin with his speech to the United Nations General Assembly, which included a statement on Vietnam, attached; letter of Frank H. Epp to Dalton Camp, president of the Conservative party, with a favorable comment on his policy as published in the Globe and Mail; letter to the editor of the Carillon News by Frank H. Epp, deploring their support of the USA in Vietnam, 1967?
90 - P Public Speaking, 1957-1970, 1982-1983. Includes: popular articles (eg. on politicians); correspondence on stewardship article for General Conference Mennonite Church (GCMC), June 1964; public speaking evaluations by Frank H. Epp for the Peace Oratorical Contest held in St. Catharines, Ontario, 1966
Removed: "Stage fright: unnecessary nuisance" in Youth's Christian Companion, Dec. 15, 1957, p.790; "Auctioneer got gift of gab in ministry" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Sept. 9, 1972, p.17; New York Times Magazine: "The All-purpose political speech, 1968" in , June 9, 1968, p.39f., article comparing politicians' speeches past & present in Mar. 6, 1960, p.13f. & "What made Lincoln president" in Feb. 7, 1960, p.19f.; "Why I don't like speeches" inMaclean's Magazine, Mar. 1, 1958, p.18f.
90 - PSR Public Speaking Requests
90 - PSR - 1959 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: bulletin from Frank H. Epp's presentation at the Young People's Watchnight Service at the First Mennonite Church of Saskatoon, Dec. 24 and program for graduation exercises, Rose Farm High School where he spoke in May.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1960 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers related to Frank H. Epp: invitation from Delphine Martens to lead in the devotional period in Newton Kansas in Feb.; his two sermons at the Minneapolis Mennonite Brethren Church during the worship service on Oct. 9 and at the afternoon Missions Festival on Nov. 6.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1961, Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches, the Canadian Mennonite Bible College Missions Conference, the 125th anniversary of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church, the opening of Mennonite Educational Institute in Sept., youth groups in Oct. and Nov., at weddings in Oct., the kindergarten opening in Oct., the Altona Collegiate Institute commencement in November, the Association of Mennonite University Students, the Christmas teachers local organization in the Winkler School in Dec.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo of Frank H. Epp speaking at Mennonite Educational Institute in Sept.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1962Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches, various youth groups and various high school and college commencement exercises, at meetings regarding The Canadian Mennonite newspaper in Jan. and Feb., at the Men's Society (Maennerverein) of First Mennonite Church in Winnipeg in Jan., at the Mennonite Central Committee Annual Peace Section Meeting in Chicago in Jan. for which the paper he gave, "Communism, Anti-Communism and the Mennonite Church" is included, at meetings in Saskatoon in April, at the Pembina Christian Business Men's Committee meeting in Winkler, Manitoba in Oct., at the Rhineland School Trustees' Association meeting in Manitoba in Nov., and the teachers local in Kronsthal, Manitoba in Dec.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1963 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches and youth groups and various high school and college commencement exercise, at the Alberta Faith and Life Broadcasting Association in Jan., at the Inter-Mennonite Sunday School Conference in Winnipeg in Feb., at the Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship in Winnipeg, Manitoba in Feb., at the Federation of Southern Manitoba Coops in Mar., at the Mennonite Educational Institute and Mennonite Brethren Bible Institute in British Columbia in April, at the Ministers Peace Retreat at Five Oaks near Paris in May, at the Missions Conference held at Canadian Mennonite Bible College in June, at the Christian Singles Adult Retreat at Moose Lake Bible Camp in June and July, at the Giesbrecht-Heinrichs wedding at which he officiated in Oct., at the Mens' Society (Maennerverein) of the Mennonite Brethren Church in North Kildonan, Winnipeg in Nov.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1964 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches, various youth groups and various high school and college commencement exercises, at the Canadian Mennonite Association meeting in Feb, to Sunday School teachers and to promote The Canadian Mennonite in Saskatoon in Feb., for a course for the Federation of Southern Manitoba Coops in Mar., at the Association of Mennonite University Students in April, toThe Canadian Mennonite Association in Rosemary, Alberta in April, at Prairie Bible Institute in Alberta and the Bethel Bible Institute in Abbotsford, British Columbia in Apr. at the Mennonite Brethren Collegiate Institute Alumni Association meeting in May, at the Altona baseball park opening in June, the Peace Conference in Saskatchewan in October, at the Missionary Conference of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church in Nov., at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College Student Council meeting in Nov.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1965 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches, various youth and high school groups, at the Mennonite Disaster Service All-Unit Meeting in Kitchener, Ontario in Feb., at the Conference on Mennonite Cultural Problems in Bluffton in June, at the Bethel Mennonite Church Mennonite Men's Meeting in June, at the Ministers' Conference of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada held in British Columbia in July, at the Peace Conference in Saskatchewan in Oct., and at the Cuna Mutual Insurance Society staff in Nov.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1965 Wiebe Reunion. Included: cassette tape labeled "Family Reunion Excerpts 1965," which was transferred to CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1965 Consultation, Communism Anti-Communism. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "A Statement of the problem and purpose," (A Paper presented to the Consultation on Communism and Anti-Communism sponsored by the Canadian Board of Christian Service on January 20, 1965, at CMBC in Winnipeg). See book, Christians between east and west, Christian Concerns Series No. 1, published by the Board of Christian Service, Conference of Mennonites in Canada (1965) in which Epp published this talk.
Return to top
90 - PSR - 1966 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (1). Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations (many of them on Vietnam): at various churches and to various youth and student groups, to the Mennonite Historical Society in Goshen, Indiana in Jan., at the Mennonite Fine Arts Festival in Feb., at the Anabaptist Seminar of the Mennonite Brethren Bible College in Feb., at the Missionary Conference of the Ontario Mennonite Bible School and Institute in Kitchener, Ontario in Feb., at a Mennonite Central Committee Peace Conference in Saskatchewan and one sponsored by the Mennonite churches of British Columbia, both in Apr., to the Manitoba Voice of Women in Apr., on The Mennonite Hour radio broadcast in Apr. and May (see publication of Frank H. Epp, "Man and his world of war" by The Mennonite Hour attached to letter of May 6), of a series of public lectures at churches in Minnesota, South Dakota and Nebraska in May.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1966 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (2). Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations (the majority of them on Vietnam): at various churches, various youth and student groups and high school and college commencements, at the Inter-Faith Seminar sponsored by the Canadian Friends' Service Committee on Grindstone Island, Ontario in July, at the Winkler Bible Camp in July, on CJOH-TV in Ottawa in Aug., on Vietnam at a public meeting sponsored by the Maplewood Mennonite Church in Ft. Wayne in Aug., to Mennonite churches in the Northern District Conference (Mennonite Church USA) in Sept.; at Mennonite churches of the Central District Conference (Mennonite Church USA) on the situation in Vietnam in Oct., to Mennonite churches in Illinois in Oct., at a memorial for the Vietnam war dead in Nov. (see slide # 2000-1.161 taken at this event in the CGUC Photo Collection, referred to in, 8. Biography - g - Pe - EFH - Ph Photographs, 1902, 1962-1968, 1970s? ); in Toronto sponsored by the Inter-Faith Committee on Vietnam and the Canadian Friends Service Committee, Nov. 12-20, at the Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) third annual meeting, in St. Catharines in Nov., at the Voice of Women, Hamilton Branch in Nov. (see letter of Jan. 11, 1967, at the end of this file).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: part of a contact sheet with small photos taken by an Ottawa photographer, of an undated demonstration in Ottawa in which Frank H. Epp took part (he holds a placard in one of the photos).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1966 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (3). Includes: Frank H. Epp, "An Apology for the Canadian Board of Christian Service" (The following is the approximate text of an introductory statement by Chairman Frank H. Epp, presented at the 64th annual session of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, United College, Thursday, July 7, 1966), 4p.; correspondence regarding the use of Frank H. Epp's brief to the Hon. Paul Martin (on Vietnam) for "Affairs of the Moment, Background Information for Canadian Women," July and Aug.; Frank H. Epp's TV interview on the program "Window" in Aug.; various other speaking requests.
90 - PSR - 1966 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (4). Includes" notice written in chalk with photo of Frank H. Epp, announcing his presentation, "The Vietnam situation in historical perspective," Slides - Discussion, on Sept. 13.
90 - PSR - 1966 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (2), which includes a program from Oct. 18, 1966 at which Frank H. Epp spoke on this topic.)
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1967 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (1). Includes: papers from Frank H. Epp's presentations: at various churches, various youth and student groups, at the Manitoba Dept. of Education in Jan., at the Inter-Mennonite Sunday School Convention in Winnipeg in Feb., in an interview for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation done in Nov. 1966 (see correspondence of Feb. 15), at the Missions Conference of the United Mennonite Church in the Niagara region, Ontario in Apr., at meetings at the Elmira, Steinmans, George Street and Preston Mennonite churches on "War and peace in Vietnam" in Apr., at a business men's breakfast (Berkeley Square) in Apr., at a panel discussion on Vietnam at the YMHA Community Centre in Winnipeg in Apr., at the Peace Days of Freeman Junior College in May
See also, 29 - g - General, 1967? 1971, which includes Frank Epp's speech to the Mennonite World Conference (1967?). Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files.
90 - PSR - 1967 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous (2). Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: various Mennonite churches in Canada and the United States, the Quakers and clergymen from New York (July), Mennonite Biblical Seminary in Elkhart, Bluffton College (Jan. 4, 1968), at Rockway Mennonite School graduation in Oct.
90 - PSR - 1968 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: papers by Frank H. Epp: 3 for the Goshen College "Peace Emphasis Days" in Oct.: "Sometimes I pray for nuclear war, but I've never yet said, Amen!" "On taking part in a revolution" and "On being afraid of communism"; CGC Music-Lecture Series Nov. 10; position paper of Frank H. Epp, "The Ecumenical Movement and the Mennonite Churches" for lecture series of Rockway Mennonite Church. "The Church and the Word" Nov. 17.
Removed: 2 issues of Menno-Pause (Goshen, Ind.: Campus Underground Newspaper Team, 1967), Sept. 29 & Oct. 9, 1967; the following issues from 1968 of The Record Goshen College: May 17, June 21, July 12, Aug. 16, Sept. 20, Oct. 11 as well as a copy of the Oct. 11 issue attached to a note dated Nov. 10, 1968 to Frank from Jacob D. and a copy of the July 12 issue attached to a letter of Aug. 23.
90 - PSR - 1969 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: MCC (Manitoba) Peace Committee; ICPF (Washington); Leamington Ministers Conference (where he spoke on divorce); Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship Conference; Canadian Mennonite Bible College; the teach-in "War: a search for alternatives" Mar. 22 in Winnipeg; "Teach-In on the Middle East Conflict" and TV interviews, Eastern Mennonite College in Apr.; various Mennonite churches; Youth Conference at Niagara Christian College in Oct.
90 - PSR - 1970 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: AMBS; Niagara teach-in on the Middle East in Sept.; the Toronto Service Program of Mennonite Central Committee in Mar.; the draft resisters consultation requested by Mennonite Central Committee, Apr.; participation at the Conference of Mennonites in Canada annual sessions; the Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries; the Christian Booksellers Association Convention in Aug.; "Interchurch Broadcasting" where Frank H. Epp spoke Nov. 3; various Mennonite churches. Also included: The Mennonite, Apr. 5, 1960, p.219 which includes a photo of Frank speaking in Arvada, Colorado?; programs of the wedding of Anita Warkentin and Edward Paetkau where Frank H. Epp made introductory remarks and the golden wedding anniversary of the D. D. Klassens where Frank H. Epp brought greetings, both in July; beginning of correspondence.
90 - PSR - 1970 Associate Mennonite Biblical Seminaries - Included: The Bulletin of the Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, Vol.34, No.1 (Jan. 1971), which includes a photo of Frank H. Epp speaking there, which was moved to: 90 - PSR - 71 1971 Speaking Requests, below. The papers in this file were moved to
90 - PSR - 70 1970 Speaking Requests, above.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Mennonite Biblical Seminary Annual Catalog, 1970-71. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1970 Eastern Mennonite College. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's lecture in the "Peacemaking in a world of Revolution" series, Feb. 17 to June 23; 6 pages of Frank H. Epp's handwritten notes on "Certain considerations on the economics of our time."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: a binder with the transcribed text of seminar lectures given during the "Peacemaking in a world of Revolution" series including Frank H.Epp's speech, "Revolution in the Middle East," pp.16-23.
90 - PSR - 1970 Speaking Requests in Minnesota and Western Canada. Includes correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's: speaking in Minneapolis, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta; presentations in Winnipeg, Nov. 24, including the topic "The Palestinian people: hijacked and hijacking" and meeting with the world federalists; address to a public meeting in Altona, Nov. 23. Also included: article in Red River Valley Echo, Nov. 25, reporting on the latter, as well as letter to the editor from Art Froese, Dec. 15 or 16 and Frank H. Epp's response to this letter, Dec. 24, 4p.; speaking at Faith Mennonite Church in Minneapolis; meetings and interviews in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Dec. 2-4; correspondence regarding his speaking at: the Peace Section Assembly of Nov. 20, 21, Freeman Junior College, Gustavus Adolphus College in Minnesota and various Mennonite churches.
Removed: "Schools and Colleges" page which was marked, especially the notice for the Associated Seminaries "Evangelist proposes united outreach" in Mennonite Weekly Review, Nov. 26, 1970, p.12; "Epp tells why hijacked people hijack" in The Canadian Mennonite, Nov. 27, 1970, p.1f.
90 - PSR - 1971 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: The Bulletin of the Mennoite Biblical Seminaries, Vol.34, No.1 (Jan. 1971), which includes a photo of Frank H. Epp speaking there as part of the Inter-Mennonite School for Ministers; news clipping showing Frank H. Epp speaking at Mennonite Central Committee annual meeting in Chicago; correspondence with Jake Rempel of The Canadian Mennonite; the Red River Valley Echo and more letters to the editor, Jan., Mar., Apr.; correspondence regarding the sale of Whose Land is Palestine?, peace sermons of Frank H. Epp (June 21 & July 15) and Conference of Mennonites in Canada and script for "Jesus '71" in which Frank H. Epp participated. Also included: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Gretna, Manitoba, Homecoming Reunion (Sept.); Peace Consultation (July); Niagara Christian College; Ontario Mennonite Youth meetings; various Mennonite churches. Also included: materials for lecture series in Pennsylvania where Epp spoke on "The Church and Nationalism"; correspondence regarding the November Assembly of Wesley United Church in Ottawa where Frank H. Epp spoke to the Fellowship Assembly, Christian Council for the National Capital Area, Ottawa and his paper, "A National capital calls the Christian Church," 7p.
90 - PSR - 1971 Speaking Requests in Canada and the US. Includes correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Canadian Friends Service Committee in Ontario in Jan.; Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) annual meeting in British Columbia in Jan.; the "Festival of Life and Learning" at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College in Manitoba in Feb.; Messiah College and the Monterey Mennonite Church in Pennsylvania in Feb. (including a copy of the President's Report 1969-70); "Church and Word" lectures in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario in Mar.; Holy Blossom Temple in Toronto Apr. 7: "A Dinner Dialogue with Canadian Jews" (report on 2 hour conversation with 3 leading Canadian Jews), "My Experience with the Jewish people" (prepared for a dinner dialogue) and "Memo Re: Dialogue with Jews" (notes following the meeting); the Franconia Mennonite Conference in Oct.
90 - PSR - 1971 Kansas. Includes: correspondence and materials related to Frank H. Epp's speaking at 3 colleges in Kansas: Tabor, Stirling and Hesston and the Hesston Mennonite Church; a copy of The Christian Endeavour Reporter, Vol.1, No.6 (Nov. 1970), (published in India) is attached to the Tabor College correspondence; 2 essays by Cornelius Wall: "Some observations based on the Old Testament prophets" and "Some observations and conclusions on prophecy based on a survey of the New Testament."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: The Bethel Collegian, Vol. 59, No.12 (Apr. 30, 1971).
Removed: James C. Juhnke, "Anabaptists at the flagpole" in The Mennonite, Apr. 13, 1971, p.2f.
90 - PSR - 1971 Manitoba - Included: 12 p. newspaper on the "Festival of Life & Learning" outlining events on the campus of the University of Manitoba (with which the Canadian Mennonite Bible College was affiliated) and The Tribune, Feb. 12, 1971, pp.7-8 & 13-14, which included articles on the Middle East, both of which were removed. The papers in this file relating to Frank H. Epp's presentation at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College were moved to 90 - PSR - 71 1971 Speaking Requests in Canada and the US, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1972 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Mennonite World Conference in Brazil as part of the Work Group on Peace; "Zero Population Growth" meetings in Jan. (from which a 16p. newsprint copy of articles published by this group and a paper by Cope W. Schwenger, "Social and Demographic Trends in Canada" presented to the School of Hygiene, University of Toronto, Feb. 16, 1971 sent to Frank H. Epp following the meeting, were both removed); Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite Church and First Mennonite Church, Kitchener on "Palestine, Israel and the Bible"; the Ministers' and Deacon's Conference in Leamington in Mar.; the Altona Mennonite Church 10th anniversary celebrations; CKCO TV in Apr.; the Canadian Arab Federation Convention in May (including his report: "Listening to the Middle East, a Report on the Epp-Goddard research trip Aug. 2-30, 1971, 3p.); the Galt Rotary Club; Canadian Mennonite Bible College in Apr. and Oct.; Bloomingdale Mennonite Church Centennial Worship in Sept.; with other authors at Oktoberfest in Kitchener-Waterloo in Oct.; Mennonite churches in Calgary, Alberta regarding the history project of the Joint Committee of Mennonite Historical Societies; various Mennonite churches and Christmas events. Also included: correspondence with Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries on resources; letter to Doug Snyder regarding Grindstone Conference, July1 (formerly in file 90 - PSR - 1972 Quakers); correspondence related to speaking at the Mennonite Educational Institute in Clearbrook and the formation of a historical society in British Columbia, Oct. 11f.
90 - PSR - 1972 Canadian Historical Association. Includes: correspondence related to the paper given by Frank H. Epp at the CHA meeting in Montreal in June, entitled: "Canada and the American Draft-Dodger in World War I"; letter to Bill Janzen to whom Frank H. Epp sent a copy of this paper, Mar. 18, 1980.
Removed: "Liberal-Progressivism and `Union power' in Manitoba: 1915-1920," no date or author given.
90 - PSR - 1972 Canadian Mennonite Bible College. Included: correspondence (starting Mar. 16) related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the alumni banquet and graduation service of the Canadian Mennonite Bible College in Apr. which was transferred to 90 - PSR - 1972 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Canadian Mennonite Bible College Alumni Bulletin, March 1972, which was attached to "Third Notice" (green sheet) sent out to alumni. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1972 Eastern Mennonite College. - Included: correspondence (beginning Feb. 14) related to Frank H. Epp's speaking at commencement in May, which was transferred to
90 - PSR - 1972 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above; 2 1972 issues of the Eastern Mennonite College Bulletin, April and August which were transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives; informal photo of Frank H. Epp, from the publicity office of Eastern Mennonite College, which was transferred to the Photo Collection, CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1972 Montreal Symposium. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with participants (especially Koozma Tarasoff) at "The Social Scientist and a World Without War" symposium, Apr. 5-9, 1972, a joint meeting of the Society of Applied Anthropology, American Ethnological Society and the Council on Anthropology and Education; correspondence regarding some funding of it from Mennonite Central Committee; Paul Wehr, "Developing the study of peace and conflict," Paper given at the Montreal symposium, 1972, 23p. The correspondence begins in Jan. 1971.
90 - PSR - 1972 Pearce-Gerber. Papers moved to 90 - PSR - 72 Weddings. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1972 Rockway Mennonite Church. Includes: bulletins of the Rockway Mennonite Church for Oct. 22 & Nov. 19 when Frank H. Epp spoke there in a series on "Salvation Today"; correspondence related to the Rockway presentations and discussion of them in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record. The correspondence continues into 1973.
Removed: 12 copies of Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Nov. 18, 1972, p.41. See file below in which it is included.
90 - PSR - 1972 Rockway Mennonite Church, Pratt. Includes: request from Mrs. L Pratt of Galt, Ontario for Frank H. Epp's messages as well as her own letters and tracts which she sent to him which were moved here from
90 - PSR - 72 Rockway Mennonite Church.
90 - PSR - 1972 Rockway Mennonite Church, news clipping. Includes: article in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Nov. 18, 1972, p.41, discussing Frank H. Epp's presentations on Christian teachings, Billy Graham and the "Godfather culture" of the day.
90 - PSR - 1972 United Mennonite Educational Institute. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp as graduation speaker at the United Mennonite Educational Institute, Leamington, Ontario in June.
90 - PSR - 1972 United Mennonite Educational Institute, news clipping. Includes: one news clipping on United Mennonite Educational Institute graduation in the Leamington Post, June 14, 1972, p.1 in which Frank H. Epp, the speaker, was mentioned.
90 - PSR - 1972 Weddings. Includes: Order of service for wedding of Feb. 12 at which Frank H. Epp spoke; correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's participation in the wedding of Dorothy Gerber and Bob Pearce at the Conrad Grebel College Chapel, Apr. 27; a duplicate, unmarked copy of "The Greatest of them all is love (A Wedding meditation by Frank H. Epp)" which was in the Pearce-Gerber file; correspondence related to the wedding of Paul Parker and Susan Shiner in Ottawa, July 2, conducted by Frank H. Epp; "The Greatest of them all is love (A Wedding meditation by Frank H. Epp)"; program of wedding and "The Story of Paul and Susan, written by Frank H. Epp; correspondence and sayings of "The Prophet - Kahlil Gibran" related to the wedding ceremony of Brian Maclean and Terri Love conducted by Frank H. Epp (see July 11).
90 - PSR - 1972 World Federalists of Canada. Papers moved to
90 - PSR - 1972 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1973 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: IVCF (including paper by Brian Ludgate, "Creative Christian Journalism," 4p.); in Leamington, Feb.2; Bethany Mennonite Church School on "Mennonites in Canada" (Jan. 9-Feb. 27), eight lectures; Mennonite churches in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Jan. 14; various youth and student groups; to the Americans for Middle East Understanding Travel Seminar on "The Clergyman as tour leader" Feb. 22 (includes a list of participants at the seminar); the Canadian Institute on Public Affairs on "Immigration and population growth" in Mar. (with his notes attached); during the Manitoba Centennial (see Apr.2); the Hanover Mennonite Fellowship on "Salvation Today: The Godfather Way" and "Salvation Today: The Jesus Way" in April; at the Barber-Stampe wedding in May (notes drafted); at the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Conference in July, representing the Conference of Mennonites in Canada; at various Mennonite churches and conferences and the Conrad Grebel College Chapel (Oct.21); at Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church, Edmonton, Alberta, July 8. Also included: correspondence with John English regarding a program on local television on "Mennonites in Canada" (Oct.); report of an interview with Frank H. Epp and John Lapp: "Educators on Mennonites and Politics" in The Goshen College Record, Vol.83, No.3 (July 6, 1972), p.1-2 and draft page of questions for the interview.
90 - PSR - 1973 Bethel College. Includes: correspondence before and after Frank H. Epp's presentations at the Bethel College graduation, May 20; the abbreviated version of his commencement address in The Mennonite, June 19, 1973, pp.1-2; Bethel College Peace News, Vol.III, No.4 (Apr. 2, 1973).
Removed: Bethel College Bulletin, 4/73 in which it was noted that Frank H. Epp would speak at the Baccalaureate Service, May 20.
90 - PSR - 1973 Elim Christian Education Centre. Includes: correspondence (beginning in May 1972) related to Frank H. Epp's speaking at the Elim Festival on Peace, Mar. 2-3, 1973 in Altona, Manitoba; Elim Catalogue 1972-1973.
90 - PSR - 1973 Elmira Community Conference. Includes: planning correspondence (starting in 1972) related to Frank H. Epp's presentation with 2 other faculty members of Conrad Grebel College, Walter Klaassen and Donovan Smucker; Menno Wiebe, "Searching for Christian community and my ethnic Mennonitism," paper given to Mennonite Conference on Christian Community, 1973, 9p. (some underlining and notes attached).
Removed: several copies of Menno Wiebe's paper; financial report of Mennonite Community Association, Scottdale, Pennsylvania, 1961-1972; report on the conference; Willard Swartley, "The Biblical basis of community," paper given to Mennonite Conference on Christian Community, 10p.
90 - PSR - 1973 IVCF - Included: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's giving one of the courses, was moved to 90 - PSR - 1973 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1973 Leamington. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking to various groups about history and the work of historical societies.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Members and Adherents of the Leamington United Mennonite Church 1973."
90 - PSR - 1973 Saskatoon. Included: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking on Mennonite History in Saskatoon churches, which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1973 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: an issue of Podium, published by the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Saskatoon, the institution where Henry V. Friesen was studying. It was attached to Friesen's letter to Frank H. Epp, Nov. 20, 1972. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1973 Red Cross. Includes: correspondence (beginning in Nov. 1972) related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the annual meeting in Waterloo Feb. 12; report booklet 1972 with program at which he was the guest speaker; news clippings, including Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Feb. 13, 1973, p.24 in which Frank H. Epp is mentioned.
Removed: "The Canadian Red Cross Society Waterloo Branch Annual Report" for 1969, 1970, 1971; "Red Cross Speaker's Kit 1972."
90 - PSR - 1973 Rosthern. Includes: correspondence (beginning in July 1972) related to Frank H. Epp's speaking at the 50th anniversary of the Mennonite immigration in the 1920's; photo of Frank H. Epp and his friends in Rosthern from Helen Dyck; articles in Der Bote, July 31, 1973 in which Frank H. Epp is pictured speaking.
90 - PSR - 1973 Virgil. Included: correspondence regarding the eight lectures Frank H. Epp gave at the Bethany Mennonite Church School on "Mennonites in Canada" during Jan. and Feb., which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1973 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. Also included: a cassette tape from Nelly Rempel dated Jan. 26, 1973, of one of Frank H. Epp's lectures. See her card of Apr. 26 and letter from Frank H. Epp of May 8, 1973. The tape was transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives. File withdrawn.
Return to Top
90 - PSR - 1974 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Mennonite Central Committee meetings; the Festival of Religion at Wilfrid Laurier University, Jan. 14; Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship; Canadian Arab Federation; World Day of Prayer in Mar.; the Easter sunrise service at Doon Pioneer Village; Kitchener-Waterloo services for the physically disabled; Association of Arab-American University Graduates; the wedding of Arlene Reesor and Denis Taylor where he was the officiating clergyman; University of Waterloo as convocation chaplain; CKCO TV on the "Let's Talk" program; a number of Ontario Mennonite churches, as president of the college; Conrad Grebel College Parent's Day; the funeral of Norman Harvey High; Mennonite Week at the University of Winnipeg; various Mennonite churches (invited as president of Conrad Grebel College); "Questions and Answers about Extension Courses at Leamington" to be taught in the fall of 1974 by Frank H. Epp.
90 - PSR - 1974 General Conference. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp before and after he preached at General Conference Mennonite Church annual conference Sunday morning worship and led one of the "Insight groups" in Aug. Discussion begins Sept. 1973 with the General Conference Program Committee Minutes, Sept. 22-23, 1973 and ends May and June 1975 with a letter of response to Frank H. Epp's letter to the editor in The Mennonite, May 13. Also included: Frank H. Epp, "Improving relations between Canadian and American Mennonite churches (A discussion paper prepared for use by interested people as they see fit) attached to correspondence with Larry Kehler, Nov. 4; The Mennonite, Sept. 3, 1974, pp.498-503 in which Frank H. Epp is in photos on pp.500 and 503; Frank H. Epp, "Menschliche Not und Volkschaft" in Der Bote, Sept. 3, 1974, p.5f.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 3 publications of the General Conference Mennonite Church: Christ our Message, Directory for Overseas Missions; The Mennonites A Brief Guide to Information, revised ed. 1966; Constitution and Bylaws of the General Conference Mennonite Church 1968.
Removed: The Mennonite, Sept. 10, 1974, whole issue, which was attached to correspondence with Larry Kehler, editor, Nov. 4; "Should there be a separate U.S. conference?" in The Mennonite, July 23, 1972, pp.460f.; Der Bote, Aug. 20, 1974, p.2.; A Christian declaration on the authority of the scriptures (Newton, Kan.: General Conference Mennonite Church, 1962), 23p.; brochure, "Introducing Mennonite Central Committee," 28p.
90 - PSR - 1974 Mennonite Relationships. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp at the "Consultation on Mennonite Relationships" in Oct.; notes of Frank H. Epp from the meetings (yellow sheets); papers given at the conference: Elmer Neufeld, "Models for the Future," Paul N. Kraybill, "North-American Inter-Mennonite Relationships," Cornelius J. Dyck, "Philosophy of Mennonite Relationships," Daniel Zehr, "Philosophy of Mennonite Relationships"; also included: "Mennonite Central Committee Ad Hoc committee on offender ministries, report and recommendations (First draft 9-30-74)."
Removed: James M. Lapp, ed., Mennonite Church Kitchener 71 Principles and Guidelines for Interchurch Relations.
90 - PSR - 1974 - Middle East Conference. Includes: correspondence regarding a conference on the Middle East for Canadian churchmen held in Ottawa, June 13-15, 1974 where Frank H. Epp gave an address entitled, "The Refugee Problem," based on his book, Whose Land is Palestine? (1970); Frank H. Epp's response to a letter by Philip Golden in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, June 24, 1974, p.7 critiquing Epp's talk.
90 -PSR - 1974 Niagara Christian College. Included: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at Niagara Christian College Dedication Day, which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1974 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Niagara Christian College Calendar 1974-1975. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1974 Saskatoon. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at: centennial celebrations at Nutana Park Mennonite Church in Saskatoon and the Rosthern Unit cultural diversity seminar in Oct.; photo that was published in Saskatchewan News, Nov. 14, 1974, of Epp and Peter Worobetz at the seminar.
90 - PSR - 1974 Winnipeg. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the University of Winnipeg convocation at which Benjamin Horch, Gerhard Lohrenz and Helena A. Reimer were given honorary degrees and "Mennonite Week" during the Manitoba centennial; convocation program; Inside Info University of Winnipeg, "Autumn Convocation Issue," Vol.4, No.2, Oct. 26, 1974.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Dein Reich Komme 5 (Nov. 1974).
90 - PSR - 1975 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: historical society and convocation at Goshen College in Feb.; Ohio and Eastern Conference meeting (see photo in Gospel Herald, Mar. 25, 1975, p.228); Pennsylvania German Folklore Society in Apr.; Wadhams Hall Seminary College in New York state; the wedding of Marcia Barber and Harry Cole, 2 diplomats, in May; CGC retreat in Aug.; "War Tax Conference" with Walter Klaassen in Oct. (correspondence starting June 9); Rockway Mennonite Church anniversary service (and baptism of daughter Marlene Epp) in Oct.; "Festival of Joy" University of Waterloo in Oct.; Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) annual meeting in Nov.; various Mennonite churches. Also included: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's participation in Arab League anniversary celebrations.
90 - PSR - 1975 Beamsville. Included: correspondence and newspaper article related to Frank H. Epp's presentation at the Beamsville high school Canada Day event, which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1975 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. News clipping of Feb. 27, 1975, shows Harold Fransen at 18 years of age (centre), student participant in this event.
Transferred to Realia in Frank H. Epp fonds: 2 different batik cloths, each 30 x 60 cm in size, and each with solid red bars on the ends and 3 maple leafs in the centre on a mixed red and white background.
90 - PSR - 1975 Bluffton College. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the Bluffton College faculty-staff retreat; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp on "The Role of a Christian College," dated Aug. 27, 1975, from a talk given by Holmes?; The (1/2) Wit, Vol.I, No.1 (Aug. 8, 1975), A bit of frivolity for the long hot days of August.
90 - PSR - 1975 Canadian Mosaic, Winnipeg. Includes correspondence from Feb. 1975 to Aug. 1978 related to Frank H. Epp's paper given at the Canadian Ethnic Studies Association in Oct. 1975; Frank H. Epp, "Problems of Mennonite Identity: A Historical Study," Paper given at CESA, Oct. 1975, and revised for a chapter in Leo Driedger, ed., The Canadian ethnic mosaic: a quest for identity (Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978), 22p.
Removed: an offprint of Frank H. Epp's chapter, "The Mennonite Experience in Canada" in Harold B. Coward and Leslie S. Kawamura, et al., eds., Religion and ethnicity: essays (Waterloo, Ont.: Published for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1978), pp.21-36, which was attached to letter of Aug. 18, 1978 (see
90 - PSR - 1977 Religion and Ethnicity Conference, below regarding the latter); 3 papers from the Oct. 1975 CESA conference that were published in The Canadian ethnic mosaic: a quest for identity (1978): Edgar Z. Fiedberg, "Changing Canadian attitudes toward American immigrants," 16p., Jeremiah Allen, "Economic models, migration and the green paper," 15p. and William M. Newman, "Theoretical perspectives for the analysis of social pluralism," 17p.
90 - PSR - 1975 Fresno. Includes: correspondence from Feb. 1975 to Mar. 1978 related to Frank H. Epp's paper given at the symposium on Mennonite Brethren history, May 1-3, 1975; paper by Frank H. Epp, "Keeping body and soul together in church history" presented at this symposium, 17p. (with page of handwritten notes attached) which was later published in Paul Toews, ed., Pilgrims and strangers : essays in Mennonite Brethren history(Fresno, CA: Center for Mennonite Brethren Studies, Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1977), pp.15-27.
90 - PSR - 1975 Kitchener-Waterloo - Immigration. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's presentation at the Kitchener Public Library on Canadian immigration and the "Green Paper"; Guide for discussion and response to the Green Paper on immigration, May 1975.
90 - PSR - 1975 Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) Annual Meeting. Included: program for this meeting and letter of thanks to Frank H. Epp for his two addresses to this meeting, both of which were moved to 90 - PSR - 1975 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above.
Removed: Helen L. Epp's copy of MCC Ontario Annual Report, 1975. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1975 Peace Camp. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the Eastern District Peace and Service Committee Peace Camp in Jan.; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp for this event.
90 - PSR - 1975 Pennsylvania. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at the annual meeting of the Ohio and Eastern (Mennonite) Conference and at the Neffsville Mennonite Church in Mar. 1975, transcription of the tape his address and publication of it in the Gospel Herald; Frank H. Epp, "Civil religion, North America and the Mennonintes," address to members of the Ohio and Eastern Conference, 8p. (single spaced), with markings, and his address, edited version, 15p., both attached to letter of July 14, 1975; photo of Frank H. Epp (at left) with a conference participant (at right) with the theme of the conference, "The Biblical church in our seductive age" in the background, similar to photo used in Gospel Herald, p.228; Neffsville Mennonite Church Directory, Nov. 15, 1974; minutes of Ohio and Eastern Conference Mennonite Church, Mar. 6-8, 1975; Annual reports Ohio and Eastern Conference Mennonite Church, Mar. 6, 7 & 8, 1975.
90 - PSR - 1975 Toronto, Can. Arab Federation. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking on a panel, "Towards a new Canadian foreign policy in the Middle East" at the CAF convention in May; John Nicholls Booth, "The Middle East: No escape from Armaggeddon?" address given Sept. 24, 1972; Palestine Bulletin, Vol.1, No.1 (Feb. 1975).
90 - PSR - 1975 Toronto, Can. Arab Federation, news clipping. Complements the above file: includes 2 issues of Jerusalem Times: Mar. (feature article "Palestinian Women") and Apr. 1975
90 - PSR - 1975 Victorian Age Symposium. Includes: materials from the Symposium 1975 Canada in the Victorian Image 1837-1887, Guelph, Ontario during which a Pennsylvania German Mennonite dinner was held at Conrad Grebel College at which Frank H. Epp gave the blessing and the welcome speech.
90 - PSR - 1976 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: University of Toronto (a lecture) in Jan.; Community Forum in Feb.; International Studies Association in Feb.; History Society, University of Waterloo in Mar.; K-W University Women's Club in Mar.; Victoria Hills Neighborhood Y; Kitchener Public Library in Apr.; Leamington Saengerfest in Apr. (his hand written notes included); Middle East Committee in Cleveland May 3; Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding (which was cancelled, see below); Canadian Mennonite Health Assembly banquet in May 13; young people at Chesley Lake Camp (with notes from his mediation attached); Quakers in May on "Mennonites and Quakers" (1 1/2 p. paper included); Niagara Christian College installation service; Granada TV; Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) Alumni retreat in June; CGC, chapel, Faculty Forum, service for opening of new Academic Hall, at Family Day and the college community supper ; Meetinghouse Editor's Group fall retreat in Oct. 7; Dept. of History faculty, University of Waterloo in Nov.; Chesley in Nov.; the Stanley Park Community Association; Richmond College (lecture on the Middle East); various Mennonite churches. Also includes: letter of June 22, 1976 from with report of D. J. Klassen, "Ein reicher Tag mit den lieben Russen!" attached in which Klassen reiterates Frank H. Epp's presentation.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Conference of Mennonites in Canada Bulletin July 23-27 1977 Toronto, Ontario, 75th Annual Session, Vol.13, No.1 (May 30 1977)
Removed from 1976 files: 3 issues of The Canadian Friend: Vol. 72, No.3 (Summer 1976), Vol.72, No.2 (Mar.-Apr. 1976) and Vol.72, No.4 (Sept.-Oct. 1976) in which Frank H. Epp's talk was discussed on pp.13-14.
90 - PSR - 1976 Bethel College. Includes: correspondence before (beginning July 1975) and after Frank H. Epp gave the annual Bible lectures at the college, Feb. 8-10; bulletin of Bethel College Mennonite Church where Frank H. Epp preached on Sunday, Feb.8; some materials about the Hesston Corporation.
90 - PSR - 1976 Chesley. Included: materials and hand written notes by Frank H. Epp for his presentations at the dedication service of the Chesley Mennonite Fellowship and the Hanover-Chesley Mennonite Fellowship, Nov. 12-14, which were moved to 90 - PSR - 1976 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1976 Council for the Advancement of Arab-British Understanding. Included: letters to Frank H. Epp and program materials for the Seminar on Palestinian Nationhood in July which was cancelled in May due to tensions in the Middle East. Papers moved to
90 - PSR - 1976 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1976 Fresno. Includes: correspondence (beginning in Aug. 1975) related to Frank H. Epp's lectures at Fresno Pacific College and sermon at the College Community Church, Mennonite Brethren, in Apr.
90 - PSR - 1976 Goshen. Includes: correspondence before and after (extending to Jan. 1977) Frank H. Epp's presentation at the "Mennonite Experience in America" conference in Goshen in Dec.; Frank H. Epp's paper for the conference, "Religious history and national borders," 9p.; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with Sue Clemmer Steiner related to his presentation.
90 - PSR - 1976 Lancaster. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's presentation to the Mennonite Historical Association in Lancaster, Pennsylvania in Dec.; Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society Mirror, Vol.VIII, No.6 (Dec. 1976) which includes an article on Epp's presentation and a photo of him.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Lancaster Mennonite Conference Historical Society Annual Report 1976.
90 - PSR - 1976 MCC (Ontario) Alumni. Includes: information related to Frank H. Epp's presentation, which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1976 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Minutes, Ontario MCC Alumni business meeting, June 26, 1976, Rockway Mennonite High School. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1976 Messiah College. Includes: correspondence (beginning Dec. 1975) and materials related to Frank H. Epp's role as chair of the evaluation team for the Philadelphia campus of the college in Jan. 1976; about 30 p. of hand written notes by Frank H. Epp (from his meetings with persons at the college?); Messiah College Handbook 1957 1977 and "The President's Report Messiah College 1974-75 Academic Year," 8 p. supplement to the Sunday Patriot-News, Oct. 5th, 1975.
Removed: Ronald J. Sider, "Christian cluster colleges - off to a good start" in Christianity Today, May 24, 1974, p.982f.
90 - PSR - 1976 Ontario Genealogical Society. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp speaking at their "Seminar 76" in May and his paper for the conference, "The Mennonites: Genealogical opportunity and genealogical problem" and some hand written notes (see this paper with changes made for a later meeting in
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov Mennonite Genealogy); notes on Mennonite genealogical sources in Germany and Poland; hand written notes (by Frank H. Epp for his talk?) on the front of the file; "A Representative list of holdings for the use of genealogical workers" from the local university libraries, prepared for Seminar 1976, May 1976.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Families a publication of the Ontario Genealogical Society, Vol.12, No.4 (Fall 1973).
90 - PSR - 1976 Oral History. Includes: correspondence between Walter Klaassen and Frank H. Epp for an oral history meeting in Winnipeg in which Frank H. Epp participated; correspondence between Frank H. Epp and John H. Yoder on interviewing Mennonites (1971); information on collecting oral history from James Urry; sample questionnaire for interviewing Mennonites; information and questionnaire for interviewing WWI draftees for the Showalter Oral History Project.
90 - PSR - 1976 Regina. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's participation at the National Conference on Ethnic Studies and Research 1976 where he chaired a session.
Removed: 2 papers given at the conference by Leo Driedger of the University of Manitoba, "Ukrainian identity in Winnipeg," 23p. and short summaries of various papers from the conference.
90 - PSR - 1976 USSR Baptists. Includes: correspondence and information related to the delegation of Baptists from the USSR for which Frank H. Epp was a member of the Mennonite delegation, the contact person for their visit to Kitchener, Ontario and speaker (in Waterloo) along with John Redekop and 2 members of the visiting delegation; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp on some of the visitors and from some of the talks; typed notes on "What the Bible says about the nature of the church" by H. Dueck and N. Gingrich; Peter Dyck, "Discussions with the Russians" notes from his travels with the Russian Baptist Delegation in May 1976, 22p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo mentioned by Peter Dyck in his letter to Frank H. Epp, Aug. 12, 1976; 2 photos of worshippers in a church in Russia in Mar. 1976 in Durschaube (given to Frank H. Epp by the Baptist Delegation?).
Removed: Mennonite Reporter, May 31, 1976, p.1, which included a photo of the Peter Dyck and the Baptist Delegation at the Ontario MCC Relief Sale; The Right to believe, Centre for the Study of Religion and Communism, Keston College, Summer 1976.
90 - PSR - 1976 Wort des Lebens. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp related to tape recordings of his preaching on "The Abundant Life" (a radio program he initiated 20 years earlier) and participation in anniversary events of the program and the station (1977).
90 - PSR - 1977 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Chapel service at Conrad Grebel College (hand written notes for his prayer attached); various high school and university students; Conference of Mennonites in Canada annual meeting in July; Mike McMannus (TV) Show; Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) on immigration, June; Ontario Mennonite Historian's Workshop, Oct.; Sentry Television Productions in Sept.; Mennonite Conference of Ontario (Oct.); Association of Arab-American University Graduates in Oct. where he chaired a panel; Inter-Mennonite Church Leaders Conference (hand written notes attached) in Nov.; Russian Mennonite Studies Seminar at Canadian Mennonite Bible College and giving an illustrated lecture; various Mennonite and other churches; various functions at Conrad Grebel College.
Removed: The Voyageur, Pickering College, Newmarket, Ontario, 1976-9177, Vol.50, sent to Frank H. Epp when he spoke at the college.
90 - PSR - 1977 British Columbia. Includes: correspondence (beginning Apr. 1976) related to Frank H. Epp, the main speaker at Mennonite Central Committee meetings in British Columbia in Nov., where he spoke to the alumni and gave the main address at the annual meeting; correspondence also regarding his presentations at two Mennonite churches.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 1977 MCC (British Columbia) Annual Report Mennonites and their call in the world today and tomorrow, 45p.
90 - PSR - 1977 Canadian-Arab Friendship Society. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's presentation to them in Mar.; some of Frank H. Epp's notes and cards from this meeting and his talk of Mar. 19, "If I were a Palestinian," 10p.
90 - PSR - 1977 Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship. Includes: materials from the conference they held in Oct. where Frank H. Epp's presentation was "Canadian Immigrant case study."
Removed: Emma Laroque, ed., In search of peace: a challenge from four non-white North American Mennonites(Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee. Peace Section (U.S.), 1976); The way of Christian love in race relations : a statement adopted by Mennonite General Conference, August 24, 1955 (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, 1961, 1955?), 10p.
90 - PSR - 1977 Mennonite Central Committee (Canada). Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's paper on relationships between the Canadian and US MCC organizations, Dec. 1976; program where Frank H. Epp acted as moderator at the Jan. 21, 1977 public meeting in conjunction with MCC (Canada); "MCC News Service" Jan. 25, 1977 in which Epp's paper and this meeting were discussed; church bulletin from Fort Garry Mennonite Brethren Church where he spoke Jan. 23; MCC news releases; Henry J. Gerbrandt, "Report to General Board," Jan. 27-29, 1977.
90 - PSR - 1977 Religion and Ethnicity Conference. Includes: correspondence related to the paper Frank H. Epp gave at this conference in Aug.; offprint of chapter by Frank H. Epp in Harold B. Coward and Leslie S. Kawamura, et. al., eds., Religion and ethnicity: essays (Waterloo, Ont.: Published for the Calgary Institute for the Humanities by Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1978), pp.21-35. See also, correspondence from 1978 in
90 - PSR - 1975 Canadian Mosaic, Winnipeg, above.
90 - PSR - 1977 Saskatchewan. Includes: correspondence (beginning Nov. 1976) related to Frank H. Epp's lecture and slides entitled "A Second look at Russia" and "A Second look at communism and capitalism" in Rosthern and his preaching in the Good Friday worship service for the Mennonite and Brethren in Christ churches in Saskatoon; letters to the editor in The Saskatchewan Valley News, Apr. 21 to May 19, 1977, following Frank H. Epp's presentations.
90 - PSR - 1977 Stauffer Reunion. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp giving the address at this reunion in July; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp related to this event.
Removed: 2 copies of Pioneer Times published by the Visitor and Convention Bureau, Kitchener, Ontario, July 1, 2, 3, 1977; Lorna L. Bergey, A history of the Stauffer families who came to Ontario (Ontario: Stauffer Reunion, 1977), 32p.
90 - PSR - 1978 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: various high school students in Ontario; various Mennonite churches as well as the Church of the Good Shepherd (Swedenborgian) in May, the Unitarian Fellowship in Oct. and St. James United Church in Nov.; the University of Western Ontario; Pickering College; the Arab Student Association (Mar.); various functions at the college (see introductory comments by Tamara Schuppen on Frank H. Epp for Mar. 29 chapel presentation); Chesley and the Believer's Church Study Conference in July; the Third Canadian Conference on Multiculturalism in Oct. (representing Mennonite Central Committee); Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba (see Apr. 24); Wilfrid Laurier University installation of president, Neale H. Taylor in Oct. See also "The Speakers Bureau, University of Waterloo, Sept. 1978" which includes topics that Frank H. Epp and other faculty members at Conrad Grebel College could speak on.
90 - PSR - 1978 Beth Jacob Synagogue. Includes: typed notes for Frank H. Epp's talk on Sept. 20, "Multiculturalism and the Jewish People" at Beth Jacob Synagogue; "Liberal candidate called an anti-Semite" inKitchener-Waterloo Record, Sept. 21, 1978, p.3 reporting on the meeting; "Liberal candidate called an anti-Semite," handwritten statement by Frank H. Epp responding to Record article, Sept. 25, 1978; "About Anti-Semitism and related issues" (A briefing paper) by Frank H. Epp, Sept. 26, 1978; post meeting correspondence including letters of Gerald Musselman and Max Saltsman; a newsletter of Temple Shalom in Waterloo, Ontario with Tom Fahidy's comments on the Record article on p.2.
90 - PSR - 1978 Canadian Historical Association. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's paper "Mennonite Education in Canada," given in London, Ontario June 1; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp from this session; 23 page handwritten paper and bibliography on the subject.
90 - PSR - 1978 Chretien. Includes: materials related to Waterloo Federal Liberal Association dinner and program in Kitchener at which the Honourable Jean Chretien, Canadian Finance Minister, spoke and was introduced by Frank H. Epp, Waterloo Liberal candidate; letters of Frank H. Epp to supporters.
90 - PSR - 1978 Giesbrecht-Sisler Wedding. Includes: letters to Frank H. Epp from Janice Giesbrecht and Gordon Sisler regarding the sermon and other preparations for their wedding which he conducted on Sept. 23; comments made by Frank H. Epp written out.
90 - PSR - 1978 MEDA/MIBA. Includes: program of the Mennonite Economic Development Associates and Mennonite Industry and Business Associates annual joint convention in Cambridge, Ontario during which Frank H. Epp hosted the visitors and spoke to them on "Conrad Grebel College a service agency"; correspondence with Larry Nolt of Eastern Mennonite College in 1979 regarding this speech (which is not in this file).
90 - PSR - 1978 Nomination Meeting. Included news clippings and notes of congratulation on winning the nomination, which were moved to: 85 - EE - N Nomination, 1977-1978 and 85 - EE - N - P Press, 1977-78. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1978 Rockway. Includes: correspondence regarding a request from John Snyder of Rockway Mennonite Church for Frank H. Epp to speak there; a handwritten outline by Frank H. Epp on the topic "The Doctrine of prayer for government"; letter from Don Harder, chairperson of the Charleswood Mennonite Church, on behalf of the church to the prime minister (Trudeau) and the Minister of Defense, Dec. 10, 1978.
90 - PSR - 1978 Rosthern. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's participation in their 75th anniversary with presentations based on his history book of the college and his graduation address; The Bulletin, A Publication of Rosthern Junior College Alumni, June 1978.
90 - PSR - 1979 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: the dinner in honour of the founders at Renison College, Jan. 14; YMCA/YWCA Jan. 22; Conrad Grebel College Symposium in Jan. (see 90 - PSR - 1979 CGC Symposium, below); Conrad Grebel College community supper, Feb. 15; the Fairview Mennonite Centre, Cambridge, Ontario on Canadian multiculturalism and immigration, Feb. 12; high school students in Ontario; various Mennonite churches; the Wilfrid Laurier Campus Liberal Association; worship service at Chesley in June; opening of Brubacher House, June 28; candidates in the Principal's Qualifications Summer Course in July; the Faculty Conference at Eastern Mennonite College in Aug.; the Political Ethics class at Goshen Biblical Seminary in Oct.; at an event for the George Wiebes sponsored by the Canadian Mennonite Bible College Alumni.
Removed: "The Speakers Bureau, University of Waterloo, Sept. 1979" in which the topics listed for Frank H. Epp under Conrad Grebel College were the same as in "The Speakers Bureau, University of Waterloo, Sept. 1978." See also, application of Frank H. Epp for International Who's Who in Education, June 13, 1979.
90 - PSR - 1979 British Columbia. Includes correspondence related to Frank H. Epp presentations in Oct. to students at the Columbia Bible Institute in Clearbook and on "Mennonites in Canada: 1786-1920" to persons interested in this history at two Mennonite churches.
90 - PSR - 1979 Christian Reformed Retreat. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's presentation to students at a conference of the Ontario Christian Reformed Ministries in Oct.; outline notes for Frank H. Epp's lecture at this conference, "The Gospel and our political task," 6p.
90 - PSR - 1979 CGC Symposium. Included: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's participation in the Conrad Grebel College Symposium: Canada: Harmony or Discord, Confronting the Dilemma of Canada's Future as a Nation, Jan. 24-26, as a respondant to Gregory Baum and as moderator of the panel on ethnic minorities, which was moved to 90 - PSR - 1979 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: an issue of Imprint, Nov. 7, 1980 (Waterloo, Ont.: Journalism Club, Federation of Students, 1980) with a feature article, "Disarmament linked to development, MacGuigan defends arms exports" in which Mark MacGuigan, Minister of External Affairs, was interviewed, p.11f. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1979 Ottawa, Canada-Palestine Committee. Includes: materials for their conference, Nov. 24-25 where Frank H. Epp spoke on "The Palestinians as I know them" a copy of which was published with the other papers given at these meetings; booklets and pamphlets, some published by the Palestine Committee; Palestine Human Rights Bulletin, July and Oct. 1979 issues; Palestine P.L.O. information bulletin, Vol.5, No.19 (16-31 October 1979).
90 - PSR - 1979 Ottawa, Stanfield. Includes: "Why Canada's Embassy should not be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem (A Statement prepared for the Hon. Robert Stanfield by Frank H. Epp)," Aug. 14, 1979, one page; "The Seven dimensions of a just, comprehensive, and lasting peace in the Middle East (A Statement prepared by Frank H. Epp for the Hon. Robert Stanfield)," Aug. 14, 1979, 5p.; background and related materials for this discussion in which Frank H. Epp spoke as the vice-chairman of Mennonite Central Committee (Canada).
90 - PSR - 1979 Russia Delegation in Canada. Includes: memos and itinerary from Mennonite Central Committee to Frank H. Epp who was in charge of their visit in Ontario with Corny Rempel; invitation from the Institute of Anabaptist-Mennonite Studies (Walter Klaassen) to a luncheon at Conrad Grebel College with the four delegates; sheet of handwritten notes by Frank H. Epp dated July 25, 1978 which are his thoughts on why not all the Mennonites and Mennonite Brethren in Russia had joined the all church council (see the resolution of the Council of Churches of Evangelical Christians and Baptists in this file attached to letter of Oct. 30, 1979).
90 - PSR - 1979 Waterloo Riding Campaign. Includes: copies of invitations of Frank H. Epp to speak at candidate meetings at local high schools, to various groups, as well as on the radio; copy of Frank H. Epp's canvassing and interview schedule, Apr. 30 to May 24; correspondence with Ed Boldt, History Dept., Kitchener & Waterloo Collegiate & Vocational School regarding Frank H. Epp speaking at the candidates assembly at their school in May. Copy of "Riding of Waterloo News" (special issue, May 1979, features Frank Epp)
90 - PSR - 1980 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: memorial service for Newton Gingrich at MCC (Canada) annual meeting in Jan.; the Family Winter Bible School course on the Middle East in Jan.; at the (United ?) Mennonite Church in Leamington in Feb.; on TV and radio in Mar. and Apr. on "The Israelis," promotion of his newly published book; "Government and God" in May; Ottawa Mennonite Church in Apr.; "Nationalism and the church" at Mannheim Mennonite Church in July (including his outline notes on the topic); 2 lectures at the Fairview Centre in Oct.; on Mennonite identity at the Faculty Forum of Conrad Grebel College (see file note below); Laurier Christian Fellowship in Nov.; "Conversations with the cloud of witnesses," sermon at chapel service, at Conrad Grebel College? Nov. 23; "Mennonites and politics," address to the Toronto Mennonite Student Services, Nov. 20.
90 - PSR - 1980 British Columbia. Includes: correspondence and the schedule related to Frank H. Epp's lectures to students at the Mennonite College and Career Retreat at Camp Squeah in Mar. on "Christian identity: a global perspective."
90 - PSR - 1980 Campaign. Includes: Frank H. Epp's schedule as electoral candidate for the Waterloo riding and related correspondence from Jan. 25 to Feb. 18.
90 - PSR - 1980 Charleswood. Includes: bulletin for Charleswood Mennonite Church where Frank H. Epp preached on "Failure need not be failure" Apr. 20; thank you letter from Dan Tiessen on behalf of the church; Grapevine, Vol.5, No.8 (April 1980), newsletter of the Charleswood Mennonite Church which includes a "slightly altered version" of Frank H. Epp's sermon of Apr. 20.
90 - PSR - 1980 Edmonton. Includes: pre and post conference correspondence continuing to Aug. 1982; Frank H. Epp's hand written notes on half sheets of paper for his speeches: "How Canada became a multicultural society" on Nov. 14 and "How Canada can become a multicultural society" on Nov. 15 at the Multicultural Education Council Annual Conference, as well as the typed manuscripts for these speeches; Multicultural Education Council of the Alberta Teacher's Association Newsletter, June and Oct. 1980; minutes of the general annual meeting of the Multicultural Education Council.
90 - PSR - 1980 Epp Reunion. Includes: papers related to the reunion held at the United Mennonite Educational Institute in Leamington, Ontario, July 25-27, 1908, at which Frank H. Epp spoke on Sunday morning; his address, "The Search for one's roots: lessons I have learned," 6p.; 16 page song book put together for the reunion.
90 - PSR - 1980 Faculty Retreat. Includes: papers for the Conrad Grebel College Faculty and Staff Retreat at Hidden Acres, Aug. 26, at which Frank H. Epp spoke on "Sabbatical Life and Thought"; hand written notes of Frank H. Epp from the presentations and an outline for his talk.
90 - PSR - 1980 MCC (Manitoba). Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's keynote address at the Mennonite Central Committee (Manitoba)'s Nov. 22 celebration of 60 years of MCC work; MCC (Manitoba) Reportbook 1980; "475 delegates hear reports on MCC" in Red River Valley Echo, Dec. 1980?whichincludes a photo of Frank H. Epp speaking.
Removed: Mennonite Reporter, Vol.10, No.25 (Dec. 8, 1980), p.3, articles on this MCC (Manitoba) meeting.
90 - PSR - 1980 MCC (Manitoba) Alumni Retreat. Includes: papers related to Frank H.Epp's presentation at this retreat at Camp Assiniboia in Sept. where he spoke and was also a panel member discussing MCC International; Frank H. Epp's talk on MCC as a movement on 30p. of hand written half sheets of paper; "A Response" by Frank H. Epp in Mennonite Reporter, Nov. 12, 1979, p.13; Frank H. Epp, "MCC (Canada) as a movement of faith, love and hope," 6p.
90 - PSR - 1980 Mennonite Identity (Faculty Forum). Includes: copy of Frank H. Epp's chapter, "Problems of Mennonite Identity: A Historical Study" in Leo Driedger, ed., The Canadian ethnic mosaic: a quest for identity(Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1978) with a few markings; Frank H. Epp's notes from Donovan Smucker's summary and critique of this chapter at the Faculty Forum of Conrad Grebel College where Epp presented it in Nov. These papers were moved to
90 - PSR - 1980 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1980 Minneapolis. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's participation at the 20th anniversary of Faith Mennonite Church in Minneapolis, MN where he had been a pastor; his sermon was "Small is still significant"; letter from Vic Dirks, a former member ; Faith Mennonite Church Newsletter, Vol. I, No. 3 (Sept. 28, 1980).
90 - PSR - 1980 Shalom. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's 2 talks on the Middle East in Oct. at the retreat sponsored by the Christian Reformed Campus Ministries; draft copy of "Pastoral guidelines concerning the Canada-Quebec relationship" drawn up by the Christian Reformed Church, 10p.
90 - PSR - 1980 Symposium. Includes: papers for "7 Minutes to Midnight A Symposium on Disarmament" held Oct. 30 - Nov. 2, sponsored by Conrad Grebel College and the Federation of Students; introduction of Frank H. Epp for the Honorable Mark MacGuigan, Minister of External Affairs, who gave an address at the symposium; biography of the Honorable Mark MacGuigan, Minister of External Affairs. See 90 - PSR - 1979 CGC Symposium, above, regardingImprint, Nov. 7, 1980, which included an article of an interview with Mark MacGuigan.
90 - PSR - 1981 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: various Mennonite churches; review of Redekop's paper at CGC Faculty Forum, Jan. 13; Lenten Services of the James Street Baptist Church in Hamilton, Mar. 18; lecture at First Mennonite Church on the Middle East, Mar. 29; to MCC staff in Akron in May; Catholic Women's League on Mennonites in June; Conrad Grebel College events; Leamington MCC Day in Oct.; J.J. Thiessen Lectures in Oct.; Kitchener-Waterloo Regional Folk Arts Centre in Nov.; interview on Toronto Multilingual Television
90 - PSR - 1981 Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East. Includes: correspondence (beginning June 23, 1980) for a meeting of the local chapter which sponsored the lecture, "The Middle East after Camp David: A Dialogue between Professors Frank Epp and Haim Shaked" on Feb. 5; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp from the meeting; opening statement of Frank H. Epp for this dialogue, 6 p. typed; a copy of the published dialogue inMiddle East Focus, Vol.4, No.1 (May 1981), pp.12-18. See also, 60 - g - CPPME Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East, 1980-1983.
Transferred to University of Waterloo Library: an issue of Middle East Focus, Vol.3, No.5 (January 1981).
90 - PSR - 1981 Canadian Professors for Peace in the Middle East, news clippings. Complements the above file. Includes: new clippings on Zionism, Israel and the PLO from the Canadian Jewish News and other sources, Aug. to Nov. 1980 and Jan. and June 1981.
90 - PSR - 1981 East Zorra. Includes: correspondence regarding the Winter Bible School in Tavistock area on the Christian church starting Feb. 2; the following materials used for course taught by Frank H. Epp at the East Zorra Mennonite Church: notes of Frank H. Epp on the history of the Christian Church, the first 1500 years; some material on the Arabs and the Middle East conflict; an issue of Link Published by Americans for Middle East Understanding, Vol.VI, No.5 (Nov./Dec. 1973).
90 - PSR - 1981 - Feb Mennonite Reporter. Includes: correspondence with Frank H. Epp starting Dec. 4, 1980 related to the latter's speech at the Mennonite Publishing Service annual banquet Feb. 7 in Vineland on the founding vision; minutes of "founding discussions" Apr. to July 1971; statement by Frank H. Epp at this banquet, "Mennonite Reporter: the Founding Vision," 4p.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Apr School of Adult Studies. Includes: memos and letters regarding the "Interpreting our heritage seminar" which was part of the Conrad Grebel College School of Adult Studies, at which Frank H. Epp gave an address Apr. 3; list of symbols for Mennonite and Mennonite related churches in Ontario, "agreed to on Sept. 9 by Fred Lichti, J. W. Fretz and Frank H. Epp.
90 - PSR - 1981 - May MCC Overseas Task Group. Includes: correspondence beginning July 30, 1980 and background materials for Frank H. Epp's keynote address to this group May 28-29 as chair of the MCC Peace Section; Frank H. Epp, "Five ways to help a hurting world (Prepared for MCC (Ontario) annual meeting Nov. 15, 1975, St. Catharines, Ontario)," 8p., with July 27, 1981 correspondence; 5 MCC News Service bulletins, Jan. 23, 1981; materials sent to Frank H. Epp from Walter McLean, M.P. for Waterloo; in Bulletin Quarterly of the United Nations Association in Canada, Spring 1981; Global Community Centre News, (Kitchener, Ontario) Spring 1981; Len Siemens, "Impact of food shortages on international security," Apr. 1, 1981, 9p., attached to letter of Apr. 6, 1981; Frank H. Epp's handwritten notes from the meeting; minutes of Overseas Task Group Meeting, May 28-29, 1981; Frank H. Epp, "Mennonite Central Committee the millenium on its mind," handwritten outline and notes as well as a typed draft copy.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Ten days for world development 1980 Leader's Study/action guide to the work issue, which was attached to letter from Richard MacBride, Feb. 14, 1980.
Removed: Behind the headlines (Toronto: Canadian Institute of International Affairs, 1981), Vol.38, No.5; Bulletin [of the] United Nations Association in Canada, Vol.7, No.1 (Spring 1981) which includes a lead article on international drinking water.
90 - PSR - 1981 - May MCC Overseas Task Group, news clippings. Complements the above file. Includes: various articles from the Globe and Mail, Nov. 23, 1980 through May 23, 1981; an issue of "A Shift in the wind, Hunger in East Africa," 1980s?
90 - PSR - 1981 - July Akron Orientation. Includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's address at the MCC Orientation, "A Volunteer in today's world" and his presentation "Israel-Palestine: Armageddon or New Jerusalem."
90 - PSR - 1981 - Aug Great Trek. Includes: program booklet and materials from this Canadian Mennonite Youth Assembly at which Frank H. Epp was the resource person for the workshop on Canadian unity; correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's participation; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on "Canadian unity from the Christian perspective"; minutes of the Youth Assembly planning meeting, Sept. 8-10, 1980;
Removed: Jugendgeist, A newsletter bringing together youth executives, sponsors, teachers, ministers and youth of the United Mennonite Conference of Ontario, (Oct. 1980); Youth in Christ, A newsletter bringing together youth executives, sponsors, teachers, ministers and youth of the United Mennonite Conference of Ontario, (Apr. 1981).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Evangelism: good news or bad news (Akron, Pa.: Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section; Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1981, 1976), 22p.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Aug Hamilton, St. Giles United Church. Includes: letter of invitation for Frank H. Epp to preach at this church; "The Uncomfortable Christ," sermon preached by The Minister, Feb. 1, 1981, attached to letter of May 5, 1981; bulletin from the service of Aug. 9 at which Epp preached; booklet, W. Earl McDonald, Poems, a gift to Frank H. Epp.
Removed: sermons preached by various ministers at this church in Mar., Apr. May and June 1981.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Aug MIBA/MEDA Consultation. Includes: materials for this consultation at which Frank H. Epp spoke; handwritten notes for Frank H. Epp's talk, "Religion, faith, life and Mennonite business people"; notes in the minutes made from Frank H. Epp's talk; "Meda News Release," Jan. 1987.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Nov MCC US Peace Section Assembly. Includes: correspondence ending Feb. 10, 1982) and presentations (by Herman Reitz and Mary Sprunger-Froese) from this meeting on the theme, "The Christian faith and the nuclear arms race" at which Frank H. Epp spoke on "Political influence"; Frank H. Epp, "Christian faith, politics, and nuclear war" (Based on a talk by Frank H. Epp given at the MCC US Peace Section Assembly 20-21 November 1981, East Swamp Mennonite Church, Quakertown, Pa.) and "Response to Frank Epp, Dorothy Friesen," 15p. and 4p.; Frank H. Epp, "The Ever-expanding circle of peace II" (Chairman's report to annual meeting of MCC Peace Section, Salunga, Pennsylvania, 6-7 November, 1981), 4p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Ploughshares Monitor, Vol.3, No.6 (Oct. 1981), a special issue to introduce the campaign to make Canada a nuclear weapon free zone.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Nov Paris, Fairview/Erin. Includes: correspondence for Frank H. Epp's presentation, "Israel-Palestine: Armageddon or New Jerusalem" which he gave to: high school students at the Paris District High School, older adults at the Fairview Centre and in Erin and at the Kitchener Public Library
90 - PSR - 1981 - Nov Russia Film - Dueck Productions. Includes: "Preliminary Prospectus Proposed film on the Russian Mennonite experience, a presentation for the Winnipeg film cluster" June 15, 1981; preliminary correspondence of David Dueck for production of the film "And when they shall ask"; proposed contract between Canadian Mennonite Historical Society and Dueck Film Productions; notations showing the role of Frank H. Epp in these discussions and materials sent to him on the topic; booklet of background materials and program for symposium to discuss the proposed film at which Frank H. Epp spoke on the time period 1784-1800, held Nov. 28, 1981 in Winnipeg; minutes of this meeting on "Russia film project."
90 - PSR - 1981 Nov Tenth Anniversary. Includes: paper presented by Frank H. Epp, "How Canada became a multicultural society," at the Tenth Anniversary of the Teacher's Association in Alberta, Nov. 28, 1981.
90 - PSR - 1981 - Dec Mennonite Diversity. Includes: abstract of paper (Oct. 19, 1981) by Frank H. Epp, "Historical dimensions of Mennonite separation," for "The Mennonites: Sociology of Separation and Integration" conference held at CGC Dec. 28-30, 1981; handwritten copy of first draft of Frank Epp's paper, sent to Cal Redekop, Jan. 1982.
Transferred to CGUC Archives, Unpublished papers: Calvin Redekop, "A Contribution to the study of ethnicity," 18p.; Menno Wiebe, "Mennonites and native peoples of Canada: an intersection of two peoples," 13p.; E. K. Francis, "The Mennonites - An typical prototype for the study of ethnic groups," 16p.; Victor Stoltzfus, "Brotherhood economics in the corn belt," 13p.; Alan B. Anderson, "Sociological implications of sectarian distinctions in a Saskatchewan Mennonite Colony," 8p.
90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp to: various Mennonite churches; grade twelve class at Rockway Mennonite Collegiate; Central District Ministerial Winter Bible School; CGC Peace Society (Good Friday litany for peace), Apr.; Altona Mennonite Church (twentieth anniversary), May; CGC Alumni Reunion, Sept. 14: "From Chemistry to Theology to History," CGC Retreat; Oct. 23; CGC Chapel (includes notes of Frank H. Epp from his talk "Peace theology: the parts and the whole of it"), Nov.; Polish Veterans Branch 412 anniversary banquet and sheet of outline notes "Poland and its people" Nov. 13; to the Canadians for Peace in the Middle East, Nov. 20 (news release); . In addition he was on the speaker's lists of the University of Waterloo (see "Speaker's Bureau September 1982" in the file) and participated in the CGC School of Adult Studies, CGC student Study Groups, Mennonite Central Committee Canada, CGC student/faculty retreat in Sept.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Jan Henderson. Includes: materials for annual meeting of Mennonite Central Committee held in Henderson, NE Jan. 29-30; Frank H. Epp, "The Prince of Peace as president," draft copy of address at this meeting, 14p.; "To seek peace" Mennonite Central Committee Annual Report 1981.
Removed: Henderson Telephone Directory Jan. 1982.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Jan MCC (Canada) Winnipeg. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "The Cooperative approach to our common agenda," (handwritten) Outline of presentation to MCC (Canada) Consultation with moderators and secretaries, 21 January 1982, Winnipeg), 8p.; background information for this meeting.
Removed: John Redekop, "Need more efforts towards unity says Mennonite Brethren leader," in Mennonite Reporter, Mar. 2, 1981, Vol.11, No.5, Section A, p.5
90 - PSR - 1982 - Jan Winter Bible School. Included: papers related to Frank H. Epp's presentation on the Middle East as part of this study program, which were moved to the file above:
90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 3 issues of The Washington Spectator and Between the Lines: Vol.7, No.22 (Jan. 1, 1982); Vol.8, No.1 (Jan. 15, 1982); Vol.8, No.2 (Feb.1, 1982). File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Mar United Nations - Palestine. Includes: papers related to Frank H. Epp's attendance at the North American Regional Seminar on the question of Palestine, Mar. 15-19, 1982; Frank H. Epp, "Canada and Palestine," paper prepared by Frank H. Epp for this seminar, held at UN headquarters, New York (presentation copy with an introductory sheet of handwritten notes and some pen notations added to the typed copy; letter of Apr. 27, 1982 to Frank H. Epp regarding photos taken by the UN photographer at this seminar.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Apr Poland, MCC (Ontario). Includes: notes and resource materials for Frank H. Epp's lecture "Poland between east and west" sponsored by the Peace and Social Concerns section of Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario), Apr. 25, May 4 and 5 in three Ontario churches; Mark Mac Guigan, "Violation of human rights in Poland," address, Feb. 9, 1982, 4p.; Oikoumene, World Council of Churches, Feb. 24, 1982, issue on Poland.
90 - PSR - 1982 - May Faith and Life Communications. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's 4 presentations on the "Abundant Life" radio program and his handwritten talks.
90 - PSR - 1982 - May Moscow. Includes: papers from the Moscow International peace conference on the nuclear arms race, at which Peter Dyck, representing the Mennonite Central Committee, addressed one of the working groups and Frank H. Epp, chair of MCC Peace Section, acted as the reporter for the Christian caucus (Billy Graham also addressed the conference); Frank H. Epp, "Interfaith Moscow meeting called `religion's finest hour'" in Toronto Star, May 29, 1982, p.H7; reports in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Elmira Independent, Mennonite Brethren Herald; Frank H. Epp, "The Moscow Conference: War, religion and freedom," notes for Sunday morning address at Rockway Mennonite Church, May 30, 1982.
90 - PSR - 1982 - June Doukhobor Symposium. Includes: pre-conference correspondence, press releases, program and papers from symposium held June 25 to 28 in Castlegar, B.C. at which Frank H. Epp was a panelist; Frank H. Epp, "Non-conformity, integration and citizenship," notes for panel, June 27, 1982; the American Molokan, 16p.; "The Doukhobors in Canada," 8 page brochure with coloured pictures (including meeting Prime Minister Trudeau and the Queen); Lawrence Klippenstein, "International Doukhobor intergroup symposium June 25-28, 1982 A Brief report of my participation," 4p.;
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: photo of symposium participants published in Nelson Daily News, June 29, 1981(misprint, should be 1982?), p.1; Leo Tolstoy, Two Wars, A Letter to those Doukhobors who have migrated to Canada (Castlegar, B.C.: Cotinneh Books, 1982?), booklet dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the migration of Doukhobors to Canada.
90 - PSR - 1982 - June Doukhobor Symposium, news clippings. Complements the above file. Includes: 2 articles from the Castlegar News on the symposium, June 23 & 27, 1982; "The Doukhobor Saga," special issue of theNelson Daily News, July 31, 1974, 20p.
90 - PSR - 1982 - July St. Catharines Conf. of Mennonites. Includes: correspondence concerning Frank H. Epp's participation in the ad hoc group to discuss plans for a liberal arts college and the Task Force on education of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada and his promotion of Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940, Vol. 2 at the conference; "Conrad Grebel Brief to the Task Force on education the Canadian Mennonites in Canada, July 6, 1982, 11p.; an issue of "News Conference of Mennonites in Canada" for Wed. July 7, 1982 which includes election results, motions and resolutions passed.
90 - PSR - 1982 - July Killarney Elementary School Reunion. Includes: correspondence and papers related to the Plum Hollow School District Reunion in Killarney, Manitoba, July 12, 1982 at which Frank H. Epp led the commemorative service and also did a reading from his book, Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940, Vol. 2; "Plum Hollow School District #549 1888-1962," booklet on the elementary school attended by Frank H. Epp and his siblings while growing up in Lena, Manitoba which includes a poem co-authored by Frank and John Dyck in the Appendix, p.3.
90 - PSR - 1982 - July Three Hills. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's attendance at the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Convention, July 9-13, where he spoke to the convention about Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940, Vol.2 for which the Canadian Mennonite BrethrenConference had given a subsidy; one page of sketchy handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp. Papers moved to
90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: folder with reports from the Canadian Mennonite Brethren Convention, in Three Hills, Alberta, July 9-13, 1982.
Removed: "Pre-Convention Insert" Mennonite Brethren Herald, published with the June 4, 1982 issue, 28p.
90 - PSR - 1982 - July Winnipeg - EMC, EMMC. Includes: correspondence with members of the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference held in Winnipeg where Frank H. Epp promoted Mennonites in Canada 1920-1940,Vol. 2 on July 6 and 7. Papers moved to
90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: papers reports from the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Conference of July 1982.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Aug Coaldale, I.I. Regehr. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Lessons I have learned from I. I. and his generation," notes for his sermon in the Mennonite Brethren church in Coaldale; correspondence regarding these presentations; short article attached to MCC (Canada) memo of Sept. 9, 1982 describing the celebration and stating they raised $5000 in donations for Mennonite Central Committee (Canada); newspaper articles on the event (including a photo of Frank with the Regehrs); Christmas thank you letter from I. I. Regehr to Frank H. Epp.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Isaac Isaac Regehr" Ted Regehr's review of his father's life at his 90th birthday, 10p.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Sept Washington. Includes: correspondence and papers from Frank H. Epp's address to the Young Adult Services in the Washington area Sat., Sept. 18 and his sermon at the Hyattsville Mennonite Church Sun., Sept. 19; Frank's handwritten outline notes for his sermon, "Christians between east and west" and his talk to the youth on "God, creation and government"; "Hyattsville Mennonite Church Covenant and Polity" sent to Frank H. Epp Sept. 12, 1982.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct Altona Church, Ontario. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's address at the Altona Mennonite Church, Stouffville, Ontario on Oct. 3, "Tell it to the coming generations"; Frank's handwritten outline notes for his talk; Luella Lewis? author of "A Short history of the Altona Mennonite Church," 4p.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct Handicap Awareness. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Theological Basis of Lobbying," 2 sets of handwritten outlines as well as 9 typed pages for his talk Oct. 16; correspondence before and after the event; Kathleen S. Miller, Linda M. Chadderdon, eds., A Voice of their own Proceedings of the First World Congress of Disabled People's International, November 30 - December 4, 1981 (East Lansing, MI: University Center for International Rehabilitation, 1982) which includes articles by 2 Mennonite writers, Henry Enns and Diane Driedger.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct Handicap Awareness, news clippings. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct Kitchener, United Nations Association. Includes: memo, flyer and handwritten notes for Frank H. Epp's speech to the UNA K-W Branch (of which he was president) in the Fall lecture series held at the Kitchener Public Library, Oct. 20; background articles; address of W. Bartels, International Secretary of the Interchurch Peace Council of the Netherlands to the United Nations, June 24, 1982; Alan J. MacEachen, address of Secretary of State for External Affairs to the United Nations, Sept. 27, 1982.
Removed: from the Toronto Star: "Maggie's star wanes after war" in Aug. 20, 1982, p.33 and "Britain: From Falklands glory to harsh reality, Thatcher's Britain beset by double trouble" in Sept. 26, 1982, p.C1 & C4; "Roots of Terror" in Toronto Sun, Aug. 20, 1982, p.10; Time Magazine articles from the June 14, 1982 issue on the Falklands, pp.32-40, the Middle East & Iraq, pp.41-42 and El Salvador, p.48.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct Manitoba Education, Elim Bible School. Includes: related correspondence and speech notes of Frank H. Epp for his workshop presentations, "Mennonite approaches to education and church schools, Parts 1 & 2" at a Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba Sunday School Conference, Oct. 31 and his address to the Elim Bible Institute Fellowship Banquet, "Anabaptist faith and anxieties of our age" Nov. 1, a talk which he also gave in four different churches in southern Manitoba, Oct. 30 to Nov. 3 (see poster and ad in Elim Contact, Oct. 1982 for dates and locations); Frank H. Epp, "Will our children know peace?" handwritten notes for this talk at the SS Conference Oct. 31; Elim Bible Institute, Altona, Manitoba, Catalogue 1982-83 (Sponsored by the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba).
90 - PSR - 1982 - Oct "Stranger Seminar." Includes: Minutes from "Welcoming the Stranger," Seminar of Inter Mennonite Mission and Service Board of Ontario, Oct. 14, 1982 at which Frank H. Epp led the afternoon session; correspondence related to the event; Frank H. Epp, "Making room for the stranger" excerpts from his paper "How Canada became a multicultural society" to the Teachers' Association in Alberta, Nov. 14, 1980 (2 copies of the paper, annotated, pagination unclear); letter of Jan. 5, 1983 from Brice Balmer to the Hon. Lloyd Axworthy, M.P. regarding the resolution passed at this seminar, specifically concerned with refugees from Central America; papers from the Oct. 12, 1981 consultation by Alvin N. Roth, Henry Gerbrandt and Hubert Schwartzentruber.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov Canadian Legion - Polish Branch. Included: Frank H. Epp, "Poland and its people," one page of Frank H. Epp's handwritten outline for this talk; Epp's invitation to the 36th Anniversary banquet Nov. 13, which were moved to 90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: 2 1982 articles on Poland in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record: Mar. 26, p.25 & Oct. 14, p.31; "Polish sorrow a papal defeat" in the Globe and Mail, Oct. 13, 1982, p.3.
Removed: Michal Rozek, The Royal Cathedral at Wawel (Warsaw: Interpres Publishers, 1981), gift to Frank H. Epp from the Polish Veterans, Branch 412, in appreciation for being the guest speaker at this banquet.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov Erin, Ontario. Included: correspondence for Frank H. Epp's talk on the Middle East to a seniors' group in Erin, Ontario through the University of Waterloo, Office of Continuing Education; 2 sheets listing main points for his lecture. He had spoken to this group in 1981 and had been "obviously very popular last year" writes Kate Redmond, June 7, 1982 with the request to Epp. These papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov MCC (Ontario). Included: program and papers from the Annual meeting of Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario) where Frank H. Epp gave a workshop on "Experiences in Moscow and Warsaw" on Nov. 20. These papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov Mennonite Genealogy. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Why waste time on genealogies," Based on a talk given at the first public meeting of the Mennonite Genealogy Committee of the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, Nov. 18, 1982; correspondence for this event, held at CGC; "About the Epp name," p.23f., source not given; "The Search for one's roots: lessons I have learned," A Sunday morning address by Frank H. Epp at the Epp Family Reunion, Leamington, Ontario, 25-27 July 1980, one typed sheet; brochure for "Mennonite Genealogy and Family Studies," located at the Mennonite Heritage Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba; Lawrence Klippenstein, "Canadian Sources for Mennonite Genealogists - The Mennonite Heritage Centre," 3p.; Frank H. Epp, "The Mennonites: Genealogical opportunity and genealogical problem," Paper prepared for the Seminar '76 of the Ontario Genealogical Society, May 14-16, 1976, Waterloo, with some changes (see original copy in 90 - PSR - 1976 Ontario Genealogical Society, above).
90 - PSR - 1982 - Nov U of Western Ontario. Included: one sheet of Frank H. Epp's handwritten outline notes on, "The Unacceptable status quo - and our prospects for peace in the ME" for his talk at the University of Western Ontario. It was moved to 90 - PSR - 1982 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: St. Catharines United Mennonite Church, Jan. 9; Richmond Hill High School, Jan. 12?; Eigenheim Mennonite Church, Saskatchewan, Jan. 23; Saskatoon MCC(C) consultation, Jan.; on peace movements at St. Jerome's Senior School, Feb.; at the Fairview Mennonite Centre, Apr.; Bethlehem (declined), Aug.; the Unitarian Church; at Rockway Mennonite Church, Sept.; at CGC Community supper on the Philippines, Oct. 6; Peace Sunday at Zurich Mennonite Church, Oct. 30; evening chapel at Conrad Grebel College on the "History of Hope," Nov. 2 ; "History of Hope" sermon at Waterloo-Kitchener United Mennonite Church, Nov. 6; "When defeat is not defeat" at K-W Kiwanis (includes text of talk), Dec. 20.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Jan Saskatoon MCC(C). Included: correspondence before and after the consultation, Jan. 20-22, at which Frank H. Epp gave the keynote address and a panel responded to his paper, "Partnership in God's work: past, present and future," (A Presentation to the tenth consultation of leaders on the occasion of the annual meeting of Mennonite Central Committee Canada in Saskatoon 20-22 January 1983), which were moved to 90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: articles on the consultation in: Mennonite Reporter, Vol.13, No.3, pp.1, 3, 5; Harold Jantz, "Mennonites-BIC Canadians discuss partnership ideas" in Christian Leader, Feb. 22, 1983, p.21; Harold Jantz, "Will the glue draw us closer together?" in Mennonite Brethren Herald, Feb. 11, 1983, p.15.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Feb British Columbia. Included: correspondence asking Frank H. Epp to speak at the annual meeting of the Conference of Mennonites in British Columbia, which he declined. These papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: Mennonite Reporter, whole issue of Mar. 21, 1983 and Mar. 7, 1983, p. 4 which included a report of the conference meeting.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Feb Chapel. Includes: memo to all chapel speakers; Frank H. Epp, "No longer strangers," outline notes for his Wed. chapel talk; Conrad Grebel College Bulletin, Feb. 8-15, 1983 which includes a note about Frank H. Epp under "Faculty Activities."
90 - PSR - 1983 - Mar Joint Ontario Mennonite Conference. Includes: papers for the joint annual sessions of the Western Ontario Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec held in Waterloo, Ontario at which Frank H. Epp spoke on Sunday, Mar. 27 in the afternoon and evening; correspondence for the event; notes for his 2 talks: "The Mennonite Peace Trip (1) - Blazing trails in the wilderness" and "The Mennonite Peace Trip (2) - Building highways for our God"; draft plan for the devotional/worship on Sunday where Epp was speaking, prepared by Ferne Burkhardt.
Removed: "Guidelines for ministerial endorsement in MCOQ and WOMC", Memorandum of Western Ontario Mennonite Conference and Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec, 12p.; "Highlights, Saturday, March 26, 1983" 6p.;Annual Reports of The Mennonite Conference of Ontario and Quebec and the Mennonite Mission Board, March 25-27, 1983, 38p.
90 - PSR - 1983 - May Waterloo Vietnam. Included: schedule and background information for Vietnam delegation to Ontario May 7-11, at which Frank H. Epp was the host for the reception and supper at Conrad Grebel College. These papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1983 - July Martin Neufeld Wedding. Includes: letter from Keith Neufeld, Apr. 1983; wedding program; notes for meditation given by Frank H. Epp.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Aug Rockway Mennonite Church. Included: Frank H. Epp, "Bethlehem and beyond" handwritten outline notes for his sermon July 17, 1983, which were moved to
90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: Mennonite Church news and notes, "Kingdom Builder" June 1983, Vol. 77, No.2, 32p.; Mennonite Brethren Herald, July 8, 1983, which was folded open to an article by Walter Unger, "WCC shifts to theological agenda at Vancouver Assembly" pp.14-15.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Aug Canadian Council of Christians and Jews. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's presentation at the National Youth Forum Conference sponsored by the Canadian Council of Christians and Jews, Aug. 30, 1983; handwritten outline notes by Frank H. Epp for his address, "Peace in the Middle East"; "National Youth Forum Evaluation," pamphlet which includes, "Positive action for peace (suggestions by Dr. Frank H. Epp, Prof. Conrad Grebel College, for 1983 National Youth Forum delegates," pp.5-6 and Frank H. Epp's topic on Aug. 30, "Mennonite Relief Committee and peace in the Middle East," p.15; news clipping from the Waterloo Chronicle, Aug. 24, 1983, p.5 which discusses the conference and mentions Frank H. Epp's participation.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Sept Rockway Mennonite Church. Included: bulletin of service planned by the Epp family; Frank H. Epp, "The Philippines: recognizing the signs of the times," notes for his sermon at this service; 2 news clippings. These papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1983 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Nov MCC (Ontario). Includes: correspondence for Frank H. Epp's address, "Celebrating the Mennonite-Brethren in Christ witness in our changing world," at the Twentieth annual meeting of Mennonite Central Committee Ontario; news article in the Mennonite Reporter, Dec. 12 (one observer said it was Frank H. Epp "at his best").
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: MCC Ontario Celebrating twenty years of service 1983 annual report;Report to the churches A quarterly publication of Mennonite Central Committee Canada, Fall 1983
90 - PSR - 1983 - Nov Archbold. Includes: papers from the Peace Section meeting in Archbold, Ohio; Frank H. Epp and Marlene G. Epp, "The Progressions of Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section (A topical history in outline form, 1939-1984)," 19p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: The Ohio Evangel, Sept.-Oct. 1983.
90 - PSR - 1983 - Dec IVCF. Includes: letter from Will, Carol (and Sarah) Fick, Feb. 8, 1984; Frank H. Epp, "The Four-circle Gospel of peace or four biblical visions of peace," handwritten outline notes for his talk to the Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Dec. 23, 1983.
90 - PSR - 1984 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Knights of Columbus, Jan. 9; Benefit Shops Anniversary, Jan. 16; First Mennonite Church, Edmonton, Alberta, Jan. 22; Peace Mennonite Church, Vancouver, Jan. 29; Mid-East panel at WLU, Mar. 15; Conrad Grebel College chapel on "The Christian and political responsibility" (notes included), Mar. 11; Cambridge Rotary Club, Apr. 10; Mennonite Central Committee Promotional dinner, Apr.; 60th anniversary of Waterloo-Kitchener Mennonite Church, Oct. 7 (correspondence attached); Virgil, Niagara Mennonite Jubilee, Oct. 13 (correspondence attached); Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, Nov. 3; undated notes about various presentations.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Jan MCC Annual Meeting/Handicap Concerns. Includes: outline notes of a talk but no title or place given; memo from Lois Siemens of Handicap Concerns with a copy of Frank H. Epp, "Theology and Tactics of Lobbying" talk to Handicap Awareness Meeting, Kitchener, Ontario, Oct. 15, 16, 1983; correspondence regarding this talk.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Jan Benefit Shops Anniversary. Included: letter from Frank H. Epp to John Harder concerning the topic for his talk to the Thrift Shops meeting in Virgil, Ontario, Jan. 18; Mary Harder, "Annual report of the Christian Benefit Shops, St. Catharines, Ontario, 1983, 2p.; Mary Harder, Annual report of the Christian Benefit Shops to the supporting churches, 1982, 1p.; program for the Jan. meeting; Frank H. Epp, "The International meaning of the Benefit Shops," outline notes for his talk at the tenth anniversary of Christian Benefit Shops, Jan. 16, 1984. These papers were moved to: 90 - PSR - 1984 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Jan Kitchener, Ministerial. Includes: correspondence and bulletin for the ecumenical service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity at which Frank H. Epp spoke; his handwritten outline notes entitled: "The Christian cross in today's world."
90 - PSR - 1984 - Feb Listowel, Bicentennial. Includes: copies of six transparencies outlining Frank H. Epp's talk in Listowel on plans for the Mennonite Bicentennial of 1986.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Feb Brethren in Christ. Includes: correspondence for MCC Day held at the Sherkston Brethren in Christ Church, Feb. 26 at which preached on "A Christian and war in the Middle East" and led a seminar on this topic as well; correspondence and notes for Frank H. Epp's presentation at the Peace and Social Concerns seminar of the Brethren in Christ Church, Mar. 3 on "The Christian and politics"; letters indicating responses of those who were there.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Mar Erin. Includes: papers related to Frank H. Epp's talk in the Erin lecture series on the Middle East, Mar. 29. He had been there twice earlier but his topic was specifically requested.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Apr Cambridge Rotary. Included: correspondence with Gerald Musselman on behalf of the Rotary Club's Peace Committee regarding Frank H. Epp's talk to them on Apr. 10. These papers were moved to: 90 - PSR - 1984 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Apr Kingston. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's address, "Peace in the Mennonite tradition" to the Nuclear War and Disarmament working group of St. George's Cathedral in Kingston, Ontario, Apr. 11.
90 - PSR - 1984 - June WFLA Convention. Includes: handwritten outline notes as well as a typed copy of notes for Frank H. Epp's speech, "The Best for Canada for the world" June 27 which was his nomination speech to the Waterloo Federal Liberal Association Convention.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: cassette tape labeled "27 June 84 F. H. Epp Rehearsal of Nomination Speech.
90 - PSR - 1984 - July CGC Chapel. Includes: handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp for his talk "A Celebration of change" in the Conrad Grebel College Chapel Service (and banquet), July 27; background articles.
Removed: 2 Globe and Mail articles by Jeffrey Simpson, "So What's New" in July 28, 1984, p.6 and "Speech of a Lifetime" in Aug. 11, 1984, p.6.
90 - PSR - 1984 - July W-K Church. Includes: bulletin and handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp for his sermon at the Waterloo-Kitchener Mennonite Church on "Eine Welt - Eine Konferenz" (One world - one conference), July 29.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Sept Rockway Mennonite Church. Includes: bulletin from the church, Sept. 9 where Frank H. Epp spoke on "Christian education: then and now"; handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp for this topic.
Removed: articles on Sunday School copied from the Mennonite Encyclopedia, Vol. IV (1959), pp.657-662.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: The Foundation series Leader's Guide (Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Press ; Newton, Kan. : Faith and Life Press ; Scottdale, Pa. : Mennonite Pub. House, c1977).
90 - PSR - 1984 - Sept Besu - Wolkow Wedding. Includes: wedding invitation and papers from the marriage ceremony of Robert Wolkow and Danica Besu, conducted by Frank H. Epp, Sept. 15; typed notes "The Celebration of love" on which Frank H. Epp based his meditation at the wedding.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Oct CGC Chapel. Includes: order of service and the handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp for his talk "The Dialogue about disarmament" in the Conrad Grebel College Chapel Oct. 24.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov Bethany Mennonite Church. Includes: correspondence, bulletin and some outline notes of Frank H. Epp from his Peace Sunday sermon, Nov. 11.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov Bingeman Dinner. Includes: program and 2 tickets from the surprise dinner held at Bingeman Park Lodge, "A Tribute to a special person," to honour Frank H. Epp; letters sent to Frank H. Epp from persons not able to attend the dinner; copy of short article about the dinner in the University of Waterloo Gazette, Nov. 14, 1984, p.9; some handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp made at the dinner, guestbook.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov Bingeman Dinner. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles in theThe Independent, Nov. 6, 1984, pp.4, 8 and 9, the Elmira, Ontario newspaper which reported on the surprise dinner honouring Frank H. Epp.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov China Delegation. Includes: schedule and information about the six member delegation from Sichuan province, China to learn about Mennonites and their institutions, as part of the China Educational Exchange; notice of their visit to Conrad Grebel College Nov. 9 in the morning; invitation to Frank H. Epp and Helen Epp to the dinner and reception for the group in Elmira, Nov. 9; outline notes of Frank H. Epp for his comments at the dinner in Elmira.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov Japanese Canadians. Includes: Mennonite Central Committee News sheets, Oct. 30 which include comments made by Frank H. Epp as secretary for the MCC; news clippings on the subject.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: cassette tape: Radio Canada International, Herbert Bopp, Announcer/Producer - German Section.
90 - PSR - 1984 - Nov MHSO. Included: Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario notices which included a request for funds for "Mennonites in Canada" Volume 3; handwritten outline notes of Frank H. Epp from his talk to the society's Fall meeting Nov. 3 on "The Challenge of writing Volume 3, Mennonites in Canada." Papers moved to
90 - PSR - 1984 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence and church bulletins for the following speaking engagements of Frank H. Epp: Mennonite Central Committee Canada dinner in Leamington recognizing J. M. Klassen (including papers for his talk), Jan. 18; on the peace position to the East Zorra Sunday School class, Mar. 3; cancelled talk in Belleville (see details below); Conrad Grebel College Chapel and notes made from his "Abundant Life" sermons, Apr. 7; at Mannheim Mennonite Church and notes for his sermon, "Unity in the Trinity," Apr. 14; correspondence with Learning Unlimited, May, see note below; letter regarding Bicentennial Sunday plans, July, see note below.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Feb Kitchener Public Library. Includes: program, information and one page of handwritten topics for Frank H. Epp's talk Feb. 4 on "War and peace in the Middle East" at the KPL as part of the University of Waterloo noon hour lecture series; copies of black and white transparencies for his lecture; copy of transparency of colored chart with population figures for Israel and Palestine.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Feb Brantford. Includes: ads, a letter and an article related to Frank H. Epp's talk Feb. 10 in Brantford on the history of the Mennonites.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Mar Kanadier. Includes: one page of topics, handwritten for Frank H. Epp's talk together with Abe Wiebe at the Kanadier Mennonite Colonization Committee meeting on "Reflecting on Mennonite attempts to remain `separate': Looking back, looking ahead"; related correspondence; copy of colored chart done on transparency showing the different Mennonite aid and relief groups.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Mar Arab Friendship Society, Edmonton. Includes: correspondence, papers and program related to Frank H. Epp's presentations at this conference Mar. 23 and 24; Canadian Arab friendship association bulletin, March 1985; outline notes combined with typed pages for his talks: "Prospects for peace in the Middle East" and "The Future of the Palestinians."
90 - PSR - 1985 - Apr Belleville. Included: correspondence concerning Frank H. Epp's participation in a seminar on terrorism or diplomacy Apr. 24 at Moira Secondary School which was cancelled. The papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: news clippings related to terrorism in Japan, Europe and South Africa (Mandela).
90 - PSR - 1985 - Apr MCC Ontario. Includes: papers related to the Mennonite Central Committee Ontario review and consultation planned for Apr. 20 attended by Frank H. Epp as a board member.
90 - PSR - 1985 - May Canadian Arab Federation. Included: letter inviting Frank H. Epp to chair a session at the conference on May 19; conference program. The papers were moved to
90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1985 - May MHSO 20th Anniversary. Included: program for the meeting at which Frank H. Epp introduced the speaker, J. W. Fretz and gave a response. The papers were moved to 90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1985 - May Learning Unlimited. Included: correspondence with a group from Woodstock who planned to visit the Waterloo area in Oct. to learn about Mennonite culture. Frank H. Epp forwarded their request to the Elmira Mennonite Church. Papers moved to 90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
90 - PSR - 1985 - June Evangelical Round Table. Includes: correspondence and papers related to Frank H. Epp's paper at this conference June 5-7; "The Peace that need not pass us by," Presentation by Frank H. Epp at The Evangelical Round Table, a Conference on `Christianity and the Arab/Israeli Conflict," at Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, St. Davids, Pa., 16p., version edited for publication in Transformation An International dialogue on evangelical social ethics.
90 - PSR - 1985 - July Bicentennial Sunday. Includes: letter of Frank H. Epp to Ross Nigh, Chair of the committee in which Epp declines the invitation to speak in 1986; copy of Globe and Mail news clipping which includes a photo of US President Ronald Reagan in a jovial mood as he recuperates and the first part of article on CMA in which federal Health Minister Jake Epp is quoted. Papers moved to 90 - PSR - 1985 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: 2 Toronto Star articles from 1985: Mar. 17 on the new Japanese ambassador, pp. A1, A12 and July 13 on homeless street kids, pp. A1, A6.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Oct Canadian Ethnic Studies Association. Includes: papers related to Frank H. Epp's plans to chair a session "Research horizons" at this conference. He underwent open heart surgery in August and was still hospitalized in Sept., therefore could not attend.
90 - PSR - 1985 - Oct Sackville. Includes: correspondence with Peter Penner in Sackville, NB (March to June) making plans for Frank H. Epp to speak at the MAP conference in Oct. on "Mennonite Self-Understanding."
90 - PSR - 1985 Eby Lecture. Includes: newspaper and other articles on the subject of the university which Frank H. Epp was likely collecting for this lecture which he would have been scheduled to give; Theodore M. Hesburgh, "The Moral dimensions of higher education" excerpts from his address, Oct. 1983; Issues in education and culture, May 1985 (Institute for the Humanities, Simon Fraser University, 1985).
Removed: University of Waterloo Gazette: Oct. 26, 1983, Vol.24, No.8, whole issue and Sept. 5, 1984, pp.1-6;Ontario universities 1984: issues and alternatives, The Commissions on the future development of the universities of Ontario June 1984; University of Waterloo courier, alumni magazine, June 1985, whole issue.
90 - PSR - 1986 Speaking Requests, Miscellaneous. Includes: correspondence from July 1985 from First Mennonite Church requesting Frank H. Epp to speak in Feb. 1986 at Lenten services in Sugarcreek, Ohio, which Epp declined.
90 - PSR - 1986 Laurelville. Includes: correspondence from 1983 making plans for Frank H. Epp and Helen Epp (a professional social worker) to serve at the Laurelville Mennonite Church Center in May or October of 1986.
See also 103 - Ar - Misc. Personal, 1956-1981, regarding articles by and about Frank H. Epp and some of his speeches.
90 - Rh Rhetoric - Included: "A Religion for laymen," editorial in Gospel Messenger, Aug. 13, 1955, p.5; magazine article, "The Power of words" from Life Magazine? both of which were removed. File withdrawn.
90 - S Self-Improvement, 1950s. Includes: a few handwritten notes.
Removed: "Hidden Possibilities" in Gospel Herald, Feb. 26, 1957, p.197f.; "You reveal yourself by what you tell" inMaclean's Magazine, Feb. 27, 1960, p.17f.; "Taken for Grunted" in Christian Century, Oct. 9, 1957.
Last modified 03-Oct-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing