Epp, Frank H. -- 92. Sociology

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.26.1

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92 Sociology

92 - g General, 1958-1962, 1972. Includes: popular articles; "The Report of the biblical theological commission of church and society conference," Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1961, Chicago, Ill. (not for publication), 19p.; "Out of Iran's earthquake tragedy a new life begins" World Council of Churches Information sheet, F/4-62, Oct. 24, 1962;
"Counselling young people," Outline prepared by H. Poettcker, 1950s?; "One-hundred sociological concepts and their definitions," Prepared for Introduction to Sociology Course, Bethel College, North Newton, Kan., 1950s?; bibliography for S.W. 268, 269, 270, 1950s?
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Christian responsibility on a changing planet, Report of the Fifth World Order Study Conference, Nov. 18-21, 1958, 64p.
Removed: Esko Loewen, "The Church and social concerns" in The Mennoite, Dec. 3, 1957, p.758-59; Gospel Messenger, Apr. 26, 1958, anniversary Brethren Service issue, pp.1-16; "Is Social Science scientific?" in New York Times Magazine, June 25, 1961, p.11f.

92 - g - CFD Coalition for Development, 1970-1972. See Series 2: Miscellaneous files for this file, which includes: correspondence related to Frank H. Epp's work for 6 months, July to Dec. 1970, with Ernie Dyck for this Canadian Council of Churches coalition; papers related to Frank H. Epp's role as co-secretary for the Canadian Coalition for Development.

92 - g - CWC Canadian Welfare Council - included only news clippings from 1968 and 1969, which were copied and moved to 92 - g General, above. File withdrawn. 
Removed: Canadian welfare, Jan.-Feb. 1969, Vol.45, No.1; Canadian Welfare Council, The forty-eighth annual report, 1968, 20p.

92 - g - Et Ethics - Community, 1951, 1958. Includes: "A Statement of concerns" pamphlet adopted at a Study conference on Christian community relations, at Laurelville Mennonite Camp, July 1951; Living witness to the living faith, order from: Board of Christian Education, Toronto, Ont.; W. Lloyd Sandham, Christianity and daily work(1958).
Removed: The I-W Mirror, June 1, 1958, No. 11, Vol.6; "The Biblical basis of social welfare" in Gospel Messenger, Mar. 24, 1956, p.8f.

92 - g - IYHR International Year for Human Rights (1), 1968-1969. Includes: Frank H. Epp's notes and materials from the Canadian Commission International Year for Human Rights National Conference, held in Ottawa in Dec. 1968, which he attended; List of registered delegates and observers, which includes Frank H. Epp's name as representing the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), p.5; one item from 1969, namely, Frank H. Epp's letter of Jan. 13, 1969 asking the International year for human rights Canadian Commission to send materials to Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) offices in Winnipeg.
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files. 

92 - g - IYHR (2), 1968. Includes: materials related to the conference and the IYHR Canadian Commission; The Revolution in Human Rights A background paper of the United Nations Association in Canada (Toronto: Policy Committee, United Nations Association in Canada, 1966); "The Canadian Welfare Council: A Guardian of Human Rights?” The forty-eighth Annual Report, 1968 of the Canadian Welfare CouncilA Presentation by the Canadian Baha’i Community, Canadian Conference on Human Rights, Ottawa, Dec. 1-3, 1968; Human Relations, published by the Ontario Human Rights Commission, Vol.8, No.16 (May 1968).
Removed: Citizen, Vol.14, No.1 (Feb. 1968), journal published by the Citizenship Branch, Dept. of the Secretary of State; Fighting Discrimination in Employment and Occupation, A Workers Education Manual (Geneva: International Labour Office, 1968); Human Rights Review (Ottawa: Citizenship Branch, Dept. of the Secretary of State, 1968);International Year for Human Rights 1968 Catalogue of PublicationsUnesco Bulletin, Vol.10, No.5 (Feb. 1968);Report of the Canadian Committee of the International Council on Social Welfare , for the XIV International Conference on Social Welfare (Ottawa: Canadian Welfare Council, 1968); Ill.O panorama, published by the International Labor Office, Geneva, No.32 (Sept.-Oct. 1968).
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files. 

92 - g - IYHR (3), 1967-1968. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles related to Canadian issues of human rights. 
Located in Series 2: Miscellaneous files. 

92 - g - Mn Mennonite - Included: Kenneth Peacock, "A Survey of ethnic folk music across western Canada" leaflet, 1963, Nov. No.5, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - g - PSC General Conference Peace and Social Concerns, 1970. Includes: Report of Oct. 2, 1970; minutes of luncheon meeting, Oct. 6; correspondence with Leo Driedger regarding presentations by Frank H. Epp.

92 - g - MS Ministers (Churches) and Social Issues, 1967-1971, 1984. Includes: news clippings only, a selection of which was kept. 
Removed: article on Daniel Berrigan, first political-fugitive priest in New York Times Magazine, June 28, 1970, p.8f. 

92 - g - Re Religion, 1959-1964, 1970. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Walter Rauschenbusch: 1861-1918, spiritual prophet of social reform" in partial fulfillment of History 149, 150, 151, for Dr. David W. Noble, July 1961; "Minutes, reports and findings, The Church and society conference," General Conference Mennonite Church, Chicago, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1961; "The Mission of the people of God among the peoples" prepared by Elkhart, Indiana Study Group, William Klassen, chair, preliminary paper for Chicago Church and society conference, Oct.-Nov. 1961; William Klassen, "The Biblical basis of the church's social concern and witness," Paper presented at the Church and its witness in society conference, Jan. 1959; Russell L. Mast, "The Theological basis for social concern"; Frank H. Epp, "The Church's witness to society and state," Paper presented to Conference of Mennonites in Canada session in Rosthern, Saskatchewan, July 1964; 2 popular articles, 1970. 
Removed: Social Progress A Journal of church and society, July Aug. 1966, whole issue; "John Woolman (1720-1772): exemplar of ethics" in Christian Century, Oct. 4, 1972, p.984f; "The Church and social responsibility:..." inChristian Century, Apr. 3, 1974, p.363f.; The Mennonite, Jan. 29, 1974, p.72; "Spirituality and social concern" inGospel Herald, Apr. 23, 1974, p.337f.; "The New evangelicals," in Newsweek, May 6, 1974, p.86.

92 - g - Re Religion, 1960, 1968-1972, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes a selection of articles on the church and social action.

92 - g - Re - HCP Hungarian Church Press, 1968. Includes: "The Social responsibility of the church in our time" Special number, No. 2, Hungarian Church Press, Vol. XX (June 1969), a theological contribution of the Hungarian church and society study group on social ethics to the Uppsala Assembly 1968, 173p.

92 - g - Re - Labour Council, 1966-1969. Includes: papers and information on the Religion-Labour Council of Canada to which Frank H. Epp was nominated in 1967 and Rev. David Janzen of the Board of Christian Service, Mennonites in Canada in 1968.

92 - A Accidents, 1957-1961, 1973, 1983. Includes: a selection of the news clippings reporting various types of accidents that were in the file. 
Removed: "Car accidents. Does it really matter who's guilty?" in Maclean's Magazine, July 16, 1960, p.20f

92 - A1 Alcoholism, 1952-1964, 1974, 1983. Original file measured 7 cm. Includes: a selection of the pamphlets, denominational mailings and literature that were in the file; Russell L. Mast, Alcoholism in America (North Newton, KA: The Mennonite Press, 1958), 14p. (sermon); materials requested by Frank H. Epp from the Manitoba Temperance Union, Jan. 21, 1959; Homer K. Janzen, M.D. Concerns regarding intemperance and Wie ein Artzt unmaessiges Leben beurteilt (Winnipeg, Man.: Canadian Board of Christian Service, 1959), pamphlets in German and English based on paper presented to Conference of Mennonites in Canada, July 1959), each 8 p.; submission to the Hon. Donald M. Fleming, Minister of Finance, Ottawa, Canada from the Dominion Breweries Assoc., Feb. 11, 1959; "The Christian Church and alcoholism," Paper prepared by Saskatchewan study group for the Church and Society Conference, Oct. -Nov. 1961, 28p.; "Statement on alcohol" Canadian Board of Christian Service, Conference of Mennonites in Canada, pamphlet, 1950s?; "Brief -re - liquor problem" by Rose Farm Church (Rudnerweidner) to the Manitoba Liquor Enquiry Commission, 1950s?; undated pamphlets and brochures.
Transferred to CGUC Library: B. Charles Hostetter, Drinking "distinction" or delusion (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1959), 24 p.; B. Charles Hostetter, Drinking "distinction" or delusion (Chicago: Moody Press, 1961), 32 p.
Removed: Loren Lind and Willard Krabill, Alcohol and your life (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1963), 31p.; 2Maclean's Magazine: "A Priest's own story," Mar. 4, 1958, p.84f., "Maclean's national survey The Truth about teen-age drinking," June 21, 1958, "A Medical diagnosis of the links between alcohol and sex," Nov. 19, 1960, p.30f.; "More people drink, but less," New York Times Magazine, May 14, 1961, p.53f.; "The Other side of alcohol ads" inChristian Century, Nov. 21, 1956, p.1361; 2 articles from The United Church Observer, 1959: Sept. 15, p.2f. and Oct. 15, p.10f.; Youth's Christian Companion: June 16, 1957, p.380f., July 13, 1958, pp.436-38, 445; The Mennoite: Mar. 11, 1958, p.152, Aug. 19, 1958, p.507, 1959: Jan. 20, p.35f., Sept. 29, p.602f., Nov. 10, p.694, Oct. 8, 1974, p.578f.; Christian Living, Mar. 1962, p.25f.; Christian Science Monitor, June 3, 1965, p.9; Gospel Messenger: Mar. 20, 1954, p.12f., 1956: July 7, p.8f., Oct. 27, p.13f., 1957: Mar. 9, p.9f., July 6, p.10f., Oct. 26, pp.6-12, Oct. 27, 1962, p.12f.

92 - A1 Alcoholism, 1955-1972. Complements the above file. Includes news clippings only. Includes: an issue ofThe Temperance Advocate, Oct. 1955; editorial from The Canadian Baptist, Jan. 15, 1963.

92 - Al - AA Alcoholics Anonymous, 1950s, 1954. Includes: Committee for alcoholism for Manitoba booklet; 1950s?; Carl Smucker, article in a Mennonite periodical? Oct. 31, 1954.
Removed: The United Church Observer, Feb. 1, 1960, p.14f.; New York Times Magazine, June 5, 1960, p.26f.

Return to top

92 - A1 - Cu Cure, 1952-58. Includes: popular articles; "Alcoholics victorious" in United? Evangelical Association, June 1, 1952. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Goodwill Rescue Mission Newsletter, Mar. 1957.
Removed: "The Judge who saves alcoholics" in Look Magazine, 1957?, p.78f.; "A Noted doctor talks about alcohol and tranquilizers" in Maclean's Magazine, Feb. 15, 1958, .13f.; "Alcoholism and its cure" in Youth's Christian Companion, Oct. 24, 1954, p.339f.

92 - A1 - Dr Drunkenness - Included: introductory sheet with news clipping attached, which was moved to 92 - A1 Alcoholism, above and "Drinking vs. road safety" in Christian Science Monitor, Dec. 21, 1963, p.8, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - A1 - Ef Effects - Included: introductory sheet with poem "Alcohol speaks for itself" attached and article from Action, Apr. 1, 1957, which were moved to 92 - A1 Alcoholism, above. 
Removed: A Treatment digest Alcoholism, published by the Alcoholism Foundation of Manitoba, Vol. 1, No. 3 (August 1957). File withdrawn.

92 - A1 - Pe Periodicals, 1950s? 1960-1961. Includes: "Statement on alcohol, Board of Christian Service, Conference of Mennonites in Canada" 1950s?; 5 issues of the pamphlet for young people called The Winner, 1950s?; Sam Morris, The Christian and the liquor traffic (Wheaton, Ill.: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1951), 57p.; 2 issues of: Listen A Journal of Better Living, Mar.-Apr. 1960, which has a few markings on p.34 and May-June 1960, in which pp. 6-7 have markings; 
Removed: 3 issues of Listen A Journal of Better Living: July-Aug. 1958, Nov.-Dec. 1959, Jan.-Feb. 1960.

92 - A1 - Te Teenage Drinkers, 1952-1964. Includes: articles and pamphlets for young people and parents, undated materials, including from: The Canadian Baptist, Jan. 15, 1962, p.19.; The United Church Observer, Oct. 1, 1959, p.10f.; tentative outline of topics for discussion for moderators, 1950s? 

92 - C Children (Labour and Welfare), 1957-1966, 1975, 1983. Includes: popular articles; Marilyn Bender, "The Spoiled child and how he grows" in New York Times Magazine, Nov. 20, 1960, p.104; notice of meeting of Association of Retarded Children in Altona, June 1963; pamphlet by Paul T. Guengerich, "How to conduct family worship" (Scottdale Pa.: Mennonite Commission for Christian Education, 1966).

92 - C Children (Labour and Welfare), 1958-1960, 1967, 1974, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the articles that were in the file, on retarded children and children in Canada and abroad.
Removed: "Code for sitters, sittees - and parents" in New York Times Magazine, May 22, 1960, p.38f.; "A better world for retarded children" in Look Magazine, Nov. 22, 1958, p.19f.; "Thalidomide" in Globe and Mail, Mar. 10, 1973, p.1; "White House children..." in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Jan. 1, 1961, p.1f.6

92 - C - BB Big Brothers, 1978-1982. Includes: general mailings from the Big Brothers of Kitchener-Waterloo; the Dec. 11, 1978 letter includes a note of a contribution.

92 - C - I11 Illegitimacy, 1959-1966 - Included a few popular articles and 2 undated notes about famous Americans, all of which were moved to - C Children (Labour and Welfare), above. File withdrawn.

92 - C - In Institutions - Included: "Graham Home has been a haven to children during its 153 years" in New York Times, Dec. 6, 1959, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - C - Vi Violence, 1983-1985. Includes: news clippings on children in war zones; violence and television in children. 
Removed: "Children of war, Special Report in Time, Jan. 11, 1982; "Kids with nuclear jitters" in Newsweek, Oct. 11, 1982, p.117.

92 - CYC Company of Young Canadians, 1968-1971. Includes: information brochure; Commons Debates, Nov. 6, 1968; 2 of the 4 news clippings that were in the file.|

92 - Cr Crime, 1953-1966, 1984. Original file measured 3 cm. Includes: Billy Graham, God and Crime (Minneapolis, MN: Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1956); statistics on crime, popular articles on crime in general in North America and some examples of individual crimes.
Removed: "The Church, the state, and the offender" prepared by Pennsylvania Study Group, 1960-1961, 20p, part of papers for Church and Society Conference, Chicago, Oct. 31-Nov. 3, 1961.; United Church Observer, Oct. 15, 1960, p.7; Maclean's Magazine, Mar. 26, 1960, p.17f. on the morality squad and "Organized crime's grip on Ontario" in Sept. 21, 1963, p.15; New York Times Magazine, Aug. 21, 1960 on wiretapping, "We ask the wrong questions about crime" in Nov. 21, 1965, p.27f. & "A Normal week for crime" in June 18, 1967, p.8f.; Look, July 3, 1962, p.13f. on US law and order; "Nach siebzehn Jahren Gefaengnis..." in Der Bote, Aug. 2 and 8, 1961; mass killings in US in Globe and Mail, July 15, 1966, p.27; Time essay , Mar. 24, 1967, p.22f.; Saturday Review, Sept. 7, 1968 and Mar. 22, 1969, p.55f.; Newsweek, Aug. 14, 1972, p.36

92 - Cr Crime, 1958-1978, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the articles that were in the file.

92 - Cr - CP Capital Punishment, 1954-1966, 1972-1978, 1985. Original file measured 8cm. Includes: "Preliminary report on capital punishment" by J. H. Yoder, Mar. 10, 1959 and attached to it, notes from the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Nov. 1952 issue; notes of Frank H. Epp for a talk in the late 1950s or early 1960s?; "Capital Punishment," compilation of articles, statements and papers of the General Conference Mennonite Church from 1959-1960 which include Frank H. Epp, "The Death Penalty, pp.19-21; copy of message sent by wire from the Peace Social and Economic Relations Committee of the Mennonite Conference of Ontario to Prime Minister Diefenbaker, Dec. 10, 1962; "The Abolition of capital punishment," address of G. Arthur Martin by Osgoode Hall, Dec. 4, 1964; "Capital punishment," address by Thorsten Sellin, Feb. 7, 1965; pamphlet and letter of thanks for a contribution to The Canadian Society for the Abolition of the Death Penalty, 1965; short letter of Frank H. Epp to the editor of the Mennonite Brethren Herald, Nov. 29, 1965; "A Christian declaration on capital punishment" General Conference Mennonite Church pamphlet, 1965; Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons, Oct. 24, 1967, No. 64; letter of Frank H. Epp to the Hon. Warren Allmand, new solicitor-general; 5 page letter of Max Saltsman, MP for Waterloo-Cambridge, 1976?; "Memorandum " for members of the Liberal Caucus, Apr. 1978 and government statistics on capital punishment, 1978; "John Diefenbaker against capital punishment," speech given in the House of Commons, Apr. 4, 1966, attached to a memo of June 11, 1985 from Mennonite Central Committee, Winnipeg.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: "Death row Christian given new lease on life" in News Mennonite Broadcasts, Oct. 1972.
Removed: The Bulletin, Council for Social Service, The Anglican Church of Canada, Nov. 15, 1955, No.163 on capital punishment and "The Ethics of punishment" reprint from the Bulletin, Oct. 15, 1956, No.165; John Howard Yoder, The Christian and capital punishment (Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1961), 24p.; Honourable Guy Favreau (Minister of Justice), Capital Punishment, Material Relating to Its Purpose and Value (June 1965), 141p.; John Howard Yoder, "Capital punishment and the Bible" in Christianity Today, Feb. 1, 1960, p.3f.; Gospel Herald, Mar. 31, 1959, p.293f.; Gospel Messenger, July 12, 1958, p.6f.; The Mennonite, 1959: Oct. 20, p.646 and Nov. 24, p.724f.; Mennonite Brethren Herald, Oct. 19, 1973, p.12f.; series of articles in Der Bote, 1965: June 15 and June 22 and 1966: Jan. 18, Jan. 25, Feb. 22, ("Gedankensplitter zum Thema `Todesstrafe'"), Mar. 15, Nov. 1; series of articles from The Canadian Mennonite, June 1965, which have markings; comments on capital punishment under "Random reflections" in The I-W Mirror, 1956?; Release, Mennonite Central Committee Offender ministries Newsletter, Mar. 1979, Vol.4, No.1; John A. Lapp, "The Death penalty" in Christian Living, May 1972, p.18f.; United Church Observer: June 1, 1958, p.11f., July 1958, p.11-13, Jan. 15, 1959, p.8f., Apr. 1, 1965, p.12f. (includes table on "How MP's expect to vote on abolition bill"); Maclean's Magazine: Aug. 1, 1959, p.7f., Aug. 13, 1960, p.9f., Oct. 8, 1984, p.48f.; Newsweek, Nov. 2, 1959, p.61-64; "The Chessman affair" in Time, Mar. 21, 1960, p.16f.; "Mind of a Murderer" in Saturday Evening Post, July 1, 1967, p.27f.; Look: July 19, 1960, p.19f., May 7, 1963, p.23f. and Mar. 19, 1968, p.80f.; New York Times Magazine, Oct. 28, 1973, p.27f.; Globe and Mail: Oct. 21, 1972, p.2f. in Weekend Magazine, June 23, 1976, p.1.

92 - Cr - CP Capital Punishment, 1957-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles on political discussions, views in other parts of the world as well as individual cases; "Churchmen not all in agreement on death penalty" in the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 20, 1984, p. B3 in which Rev. J. Allan Shantz, pastor at Faith Missionary Church in Kitchener and Dave Worth, Director of the Victim-Offender Ministries of Mennonite Central Committee Canada were pictured and their views discussed.

92 - Cr - CP - TS Thomas Shand, 1972-1973. Includes: materials and correspondence related to Thomas Shand, a condemned murderer who was befriended by Mennonites in the Charleswood Mennonite Church; "A Statement on capital punishment" in which what the Bible says and the history of Mennonite objection to capital punishment are discussed. Frank H. Epp was asked by the western Mennonite community to address the Honourable Otto Lang, Minister of Justice on behalf of Shand. 

92 - Cr - Gu Guns - Included: news clipping, "The Gun in Canada" in Globe and Mail, Apr. 11, 1981, p. 10 which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - Cr - Me Mennonite, 1960-1962. Includes: news clippings which discuss various crimes of Mennonites in southern Manitoba.

92 - Cr - Mu Murder, 1957-1961, 1971, 1985. Includes: news clippings of murder cases. 
Removed: "What makes a man kill?" in Maclean's Magazine, Feb. 13, 1960, p.13f.

92 - Cr - Po Police, 1969-1972, 1979, 1985. Includes: a selection of news clippings that were in the file; 2 articles on J. Edgar Hoover from 1972.

92 - Cr - Su Suicide, 1951, 1957-1959. Includes: note on a Winkler Bible School student; "The Signs of suicide" inEsquire, Oct. 1951.

92 - Cr - Su Suicide, 1958-1979, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the articles that were in the file.

92 - Cr - Vic Victims, 1964- 1971? Includes: popular articles on TV violence and violence in society; "Summary of issues connected with violence," course outline of Arts 121 by Donovan E. Smucker, 1971?.
Removed: Saturday Review: May 11, 1968, p.19 (article on riots), May 17, 969, p.28f., May 24, 1969, p.24f.;Newsweek, April 19, 1971, p.46f. (on Ulster); New York Times Magazine, Sept. 3, 1972; William R. McMurtry, Q.C.,Investigation and inquiry into violence in amateur hockey, Report to the Honorable Rene Brunelle, Ontario Minister of Community and Social Services.

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92 - Cr - Vic Victims, 1968-1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - Cu Cultural Decay, 1956-1959. Includes: a few clippings. 
Removed: Gospel Herald, Aug. 12, 1957, p.753f.

9 2 - D Drugs - Included: Margaret Mead, "`I'm sick of being shocked!'" and Art Linkletter, "How to make and keep big money" both in This Week Magazine, Nov. 20, 1960; "Rampant drug abuse brings call for move against source nations" in New York Times Sunday, Sept. 9, 1984, p.1f.; "The Case for modesty" and "Movies - good or bad?" both in The Evangelical Mennonite, Aug. 15, 1958, pp.5-7, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - E Evil Influences - Li Literature (Pornography), 1948-1963. Includes: articles from various religious and popular sources on comic books, pornography, hate literature, movies; letter from Leo Driedger, Board of Christian Service to The Canadian Mennonite, with excerpt of article on the parliamentary bill to bar obscene matter, June 23, 1958; Ruth I. Johnson, "The Truth about comic books" pamphlet of Back to the Bible Publishers, undated.
Removed: article on Copenhagen's sex fair in New York Times Magazine, Feb. 8, 1970, p.32f. 

92 - E Evil Influences - Li Literature (Pornography), 1957-1970, 1984-1985. Complements above file, news clippings only. 

92 - E - M Movies - Included the following 2 books: John R. Rice, What is wrong with the movies? (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan Publishing House, 1938), 117p.(transferred to CGUC library); Stephen W. Paine, The Christian and the movies (Grand Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1957), 79p. (removed). The 2 sheets and note card that were in the file were moved to: 92 - E Evil Influences - Li Literature, above. File withdrawn.
Removed: Youth's Christian Companion, June 22, 1958; Maclean's Magazine, 1959: June 6, p.23f. and June 20, p.21f.

92 - E - T Television, 1953?-1961, 1972. Includes: "Radio and television" tract of the Brethren in Christ, 1953?; "Information Service" sheets published by the National Council of Churches of Christ in the US, Apr. 24, 1954; quote written down by Frank H. Epp regarding a Bible verse used when radio and later television came out, Mar. 16, 1958; popular articles.
Removed: Evangelical Mennonite, Nov. 15, 1954, p.3; Gospel Messenger, Aug. 13, 1955, p.10f.; Christian Leader, Dec. 1, 1956, p.3; Mennonite Observer, May 23, 1958, p.8f.; Dr. Leslie Bell, "Why I'm out of TV" in Maclean's Magazine, Apr. 30, 1955, p.15f.

92 - E - T Television, 1957-1964, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes a selection of the clippings that were in the file; The Winnipeg Tribune TV-Radio Guide, Sat., Sept. 29, 1962.

92 - F Family, 1952-1971. Includes: Pastoral Psychology (May 1952) Vol.2, No.24, Special issue on Marriage, the family and the church, with markings and notes on some pages; Address by the Governor-General to the Canadian Conference on the Family, June 7-10, 1964, members of the Ottawa Mennonite Church attended representing all Mennonites in Canada; notes made by Helen Epp? at the Manitoba Conference on Family Life Education, Nov. 1966; "Family Life Education in Canada, a Summary prepared by the Canadian Catholic Conference," 1968; "How much are you worth to your husband?" in Chatelaine, Apr. 1959; "The Census definition of family: 1871-1971," Statistics Canada, 10p.
Removed: Christian Century, Apr. 11, 1956, editor's article; Christian Living: July 1958, p.8f., June 1959, p.8f., June 1961, p.22f., Mar. 1962, p.9f., June 1964, p.4f.; "Why every family needs rituals" in This Week Magazine, Nov. 22, 1959; Abortion in Saturday Evening Post, June 3, 1961, p.25f.; The Mennonite, Apr. 25, 1972, p.278f.; bibliography, filmstrip data sheets and transcripts: "How your child develops year by year" and "How we grow up emotionally" from Manitoba Conference on Family Life Education, Nov. 1966

92 - F Family, 1959-1963, 1970, 1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes a selection of the human interest stories on families that were in the file.

92 - F - Ad Adoption, 1957-1960, 1984. Includes: articles from religious magazines and popular articles; copies of a few of the news clippings that were in the file.
Removed: Gospel Herald: Dec. 24, 1957, p.1119f., Dec. 31, 1957, p.1143, Jan. 21, 1958, p.63; Newsweek, Sept. 13, 1971, p.66f.; Maclean's Magazine: "Is our system of adoption good enough?" in Sept. 26, 1959, p.15f. and "We adopted a Negro" in Nov. 19, 1960

92 - F - Adu Adultery - Included one clipping: "US court backs alien's morality," New York Times, Dec. 5, 1971, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - A1 Altar - Included the introductory sheet with article, "Ten Reasons for observing the family altar," which was moved to 92 - F Family, above; The Mennonite, Feb. 7, 1956, p.92f.; Ruth Bell (Mrs. Billy) Graham, "Building with the Bible in the home" Gospel Herald, June 12, 1956, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Ba Bachelor - Included: "Men without women" in Look Magazine, Nov. 22, 1960, p.125f.; "The World's most glamorous bachelors - who are they?" in Ladies Home Journal, June 1960; article on a bachelor with seven children in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Jan. 24, 1960, part two; "Family prevented (Mackenzie) King's marriage" inWinnipeg Free Press, Nov. 18, 1958, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Bo Boys, 1956-1960. Includes: general articles, some undated.

92 - F - Ch Children, 1957-1965, 1971, 1979. Original file measured 2 cm. Includes: popular articles; article fromThe Mennonite, May 3, 1960, p.279f. with markings.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, Secrets for building a happy home (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1954), 64p.
Removed: The Christian Evangel (Organ of the Central Conference of Mennonites)June 1955, p.103; Christian Century, Apr. 3, 1957, p.423f.; The Mennonite: Nov. 26, 1957, p.746 & William Klassen, "Infant dedication," May 6, 1958, p.277; Gospel Messenger: whole issue, for Christian family week, May 1, 1954 & May 3, 1958, p.6f.; New York Times Book Review on In the secret land of childhood in Mar. 13, 1960; article on infertility in Look Magazine, 1960s?; "9 children not planned, family `just grew'" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Oct. 11, 1975, p.55; article on a neglected child in Saturday Magazine, Toronto Star, Sept. 8, 1984, p.M1f.; "The Coming day care squeeze" in The Record, Sept. 8, 1984, p.E1.

92 - F - CH Christian Home, 1955?-1963, 1969, 1985. Includes: James L. Hymes, Jr., Enjoy your child- ages 1, 2 and 3, Public Affairs Pamphlet No. 141, 1955?; articles from religious periodicals; Christian Family Living A selected book list compiled by Alta Mae Erb (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1952), Seventh printing, revised ed. 1959; "The Christian home's greatest contribution to the world A symposium of women in different lands" in Christian Living, May 1963, p23f. (which includes comments by Mary Schantz from St. Jacobs, Ontario and Mrs. Amstutz of Kidron, Ohio.
Removed: Gospel Herald, Jan. 8, 1957, p.34; Gospel Messenger, article on worshipping together in Mar. 2, 1957, p.6f. and on the family in May 4, 1957, pp.3-9, 13-15 and May 3, 1958: "Our family needs the church," pp.3f and "The Bible on the hearth" pp.10-14.

92 - F - CL Common Law - Included one article: "The Unmarried wives" in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 27, 1962, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Co Courtship, 1957-1960s? Includes: popular articles; Herald press tracts, pamphlets and notes on Christian courtship; a few handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for a workshop presentation.
Removed: B. Charles Hostetter, Keep yourself pure (Chicago: Moody Press, 1957), 96p.; Evangelical Visitor, May 5, 1958, p.6; The Mennonite: Oct. 16, 1956, p.662-63 and Nov. 4, 1958, p.685f.; "How to get a diamond that talks for you A Dozen questions and answers about your engagement ring," news release with 8x10 inch photos from N. W. Ayer and Son, Inc., 30 Rockefeller Plaza, New York 20, New York Plaza 7-5700

92 - F - Da Dating, 1955-1957. Includes: popular articles; statistics (1960s?) from a non-Mennonite source.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Esther Eby Glass, When you date (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1952), Fourth printing, 1957, 32p. 
Removed: ad for book on dating by Art Unger in Gospel Messenger, Feb. 16, 1963, p.29.

92 - F - Da Dating, 1957-1960. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the articles that were in the file.

92 - F - Di Divorce (Separation), 1953-1972. Includes: Why Divorce? pamphlet issued by The Board of Evangelism and Social Service, United Church of Canada, 1953; articles from Liberty magazine and Maclean's Magazine; statistics on divorce rates in Canada, 1947, 1960s; other popular articles. 
Removed: Maclean's Magazine, Aug. 4, 1956, p.4f.; Gospel Messenger, May 2, 1964, p.24f.; "Ehescheidung und Wiederverheiratung..." in Der Bote, Sept. 27, 1960, p.2, 3; "The Hard facts about our `soft' new divorce law: ... in Canada" in The Star Weekly Magazine, Apr. 20, 1968, p.2f; "Hispaniola's the name of the island, and divorce is the name of the game" in New York Times Feb. 13, 1972, p.1, 10; "Now the poor can get divorced too" in New York Times Magazine, 1960s? 

92 - F - Di Divorce (Separation), 1954-1978, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: comments by sociologist John Peters in article in The Toronto Star, Nov. 29, 1975, p.A14.

92 - F - Gi Girls (Women), 1957-1969. Includes: articles on women in popular articles, women in Canada, women and careers; "Why I like being a woman" in Ladies Home Journal, Oct. 1957 (the ad included here for Aunt Jemima corn bread mix is addressed to "Girls"); a note by Frank H. Epp that there were 67 widows and 4 widowers in the Essex County United Mennonite Church Dec. 23, 1957; articles in German on the development of the Anabaptist spirit in the life of Mennonite women by Anna Brons, Christine Hege, Elizabeth Bender and Martha Haendiges which were presented at the 1957 Mennonite World Conference, Women's Sectional Meeting, 11p.; "The American Woman" in Saturday Evening Post, Dec. 1962; "What women can do to end violence in America" ad in Saturday Review, June 29, 1968, p.16f.; brochure "Women in Church Vocations" Mennonite Church, 1960s?
Removed: articles on woman's role by Paul Miller and Elaine Sommers Rich in Gospel Herald, Jan. 14, 1958, pp.25-26 and 43, 30-31; "Women today" in Gospel Messenger, Feb. 16, 1963, p.5f.; The United Church Observer: Sept. 15, 1958, p.12f. and Mar. 1, 1959, p.8f. 

92 - F - Gi Girls, 1957-1961, 1969. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: The Woman's Globe and Mail, Mar. 13, 1969 on Grace MacInnis in the Canadian parliament.

Return to top

92 - F - Ho Honeymoon, 1956-1960. Includes: a few popular articles with human interest stories. 
Removed: "Future looks rosy despite a disastrous honeymoon" in Toronto Daily Star, Aug. 2, 1971, p.37.

92 - F - Lo Love, 1955-1963, 1984. Includes: C. S. Lewis, A Series of ten radio talks on love, Talks One and Ten (Atlanta, GA: The Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation,1959); human interest stories. 
Removed: The Mennonite, June 24, 1958, p.393f.; "Love is not what you think" in Ladies Home Journal, June 1959, p.46f.; C. S. Lewis, A Series of ten radio talks on love, Talks Two to Nine, (Atlanta, GA: The Episcopal Radio-TV Foundation,1959). 

92 - F - Ma marriage, 1954-1964, 1972-1973. Original file measured 4cm. Includes: "The Marriage act" statue of the province of Manitoba, 1954; popular articles; letter of Frank H. Epp from Sept. 1963 requesting a copy of the Planned Parenthood Preparation for marriage manual; Bill C-93, Aug. 1, 1963 and Bill C-5, Feb. 20, 1964, acts of the Canadian parliament on the annulment of marriage; Ron Hunsicker, "Growth to intimacy" Part 1, June 1972 and Part II, July 1972, "The Abundant Life," radio talks. Undated materials: "Guiding principles for weddings in the Bergthaler Mennonite Church" 1960s? 5 p. pamphlet of suggestions in German and English; typed notes on marital systems and communication in marriage, 9p.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Winifred Waltner, Half of love is faithfulness (Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1957), three radio messages.

92 - F - Ma marriage, 1953-1975, 1983. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the stories of human interest, of celebrities and public figures that were in the file.
Removed: The Mennonite, Sept. 11, 1956, p.580f.; "Beatitudes of marriage" in Evangelical Mennonite, May 15, 1957; Gospel Messenger: Jan. 12, 1957, p.10f. and May 2, 1964, p.7f.; Gospel Herald,Jan. 27, 1959, p.82f.;Christian Living: Sept. 1958, p.20f., Aug. 1967, p.30f., Jan. 1969, p.5-6, July 1969, p.15f.; Christian Century, June 20-27, 1979, p.669f.; "Christians and marriage, a closer look at the United Church's study of marriage and sex" inUnited Church Observer, Oct. 15, 1960, p.11f.; Maclean's Magazine: "The Happy sequel to Quebec's great ball-park wedding" in Dec. 6, 1958, p.22f., "Bigamy: how to spot the marrying kind" in Aug. 11, 1962, p.13f. and "The Mask of modern marriage" in Oct. 19, 1963, p.15f.; New York Times Magazine: "Should parents or cupid arrange marriages" in Dec. 13, 1959, "About: polygamy" in Apr. 24, 1960, p.114f., "France Reassays love and marriage" in Mar. 27, 1960, p.36f.; "The Man and woman thing" in Look Magazine, Dec. 24, 1968, p.55f.; "To have and to hold - weekends only" in Globe and Mail, May 27, 1978, p.F6; "The New marriage counselling" in The Woman's Globe and Mail, Apr. 27, 1972. 

92 - F - Pa Parent, 1953-1961. Includes: brochure for parents of mentally retarded children, 1953?; The Christian Parent, May 1957; J. K. Klassen, "Das Heim - ein Paradies," 4 sermons in the German language given on Mennonite Radio Mission, May 1961.
Removed: 4 issues of the Concordia Publishing House, Parent Guidance Series, 1950s?: "Happiness is homemade," No. 3, "Parents are teachers," No. 6 and Partners in education, No. 7 (the latter sent as a review copy), Christian discipline, No. 8;"Mother-Anno Domini 1963" in Christian Living, May 1963, p.6f.; The Mennonite 1960: Feb. 2, p.67f. and Apr. 26, p.265. 

92 - F - Pa Parent, 1958-1964, 1971, 1978-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: a selection of the clippings that were in the file; the first and article and Chapters 11 in the series of articles, "Widowhood the lonely road" in the Winnipeg Free Press, Feb. 1958.. 
Removed: Chapters 3 to 10 in the series of articles, "Widowhood the lonely road" in the Winnipeg Free Press, Feb. 1958.

92 - F - Po Polygamy - Included only an introductory page with a news clipping, which was moved to 92 - F Family, 1952-1971, above. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Pr Problems, 1957-1962. Includes: popular articles on working women.

92 - F - Pr Problems, 1957-1960. Complements the above file, newspaper articles. Includes: "Chatelaine's special report on The Wife with a job..." in Chatelaine, June 1958, p.61f.

92 - F - Qu Quarrel - Included 2 news clippings: one on Liz Taylor and Mike Todd's tiff in Winnipeg Tribune, June 22, 1957 and "Bergman-Rossellini marriage finished" also from Winnipeg newspaper?, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Re Reunions - Included only: "Apart for 33 years, family finds its missing links" in Globe and Mail, Dec. 31, 1983, p.12, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Si Singles - Included only: "In a city of singles, many look to be couples" in New York Times, Sept. 2, 1984, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - SP Single Parent - Included only an article on single mothers from the Toronto Star, Sept. 24, 1983, p.1, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - UF Unusual Families, 1959, 1971-1972. Includes: popular articles.

92 - F - UF Unusual Families, 1958-1961, 1967-1969, 1984-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: feature article on the Dionne quintuplets in Toronto Star, May 17, 1984, p.E4f.

92 - F - VL Vanier Institute - Included only: "Institute on family begins first project" in Globe and Mail, Nov. 18, 1967, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - We Wedding - Included only: "RSVP?" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Dec. 4, 1984, p.1, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - F - Wi Widow - Included: "How to be a widow" in Maclean's Magazine, Mar. 20, 1965, p.17f. and Katie Funk Wiebe, "Parents without partners" in Christian Living, Mar. 1966, p.8f., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

Return to Top

92 - G Gambling, 1954-1964, 1979, 1983. Original file measured 2.5 cm. Includes: "Statements of the Protestant Council of the city of New York presented to the Mayor's committee to study off-track betting," Nov. 26, 1958, sent to Frank H. Epp on request; booklets from various denominations; "A Statement on lotteries in Canada; article by Herb Epp in The Independent, July 18, 1979.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: B. Charles Hostetter, Worldliness - What is it? (Harrisonburg, Va.: Mennonite Hour, 1957), 24p.
Removed: Gospel Messenger: June 7, 1958, p.5f. and Apr. 18, 1959, p.3f.; United Church Observer: May 15, 1959, p.8f., June 1, 1959, p.11f., June 15, 1959, p.11f., Sept. 1, 1959, p.12f.; "Should gambling be legalized?" in The Saturday Evening Post, Jan. 3, 1959, p. 26f.; Newsweek, Apr. 10, 1972, p.46f.; F. W. L. Brailey, Gambling in Canada, Board of Evangelism and Social Service The United Church of Canada, 1954, revised 1958; James V. Lamb,What's wrong with gambling (Wheaton, Il.: Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1950), 62p.; James W. Clarke (prof. at Princeton, NJ), "The Sin of gambling," reprint of his sermon, 1955.

92 - G Gambling, 1968, 1979, 1983-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - G - LC Lotto-Canada, 1979. Includes: Briefing book prepared by Minister Iona Campagnolo, 1979. 

92 - H Handicapped, 1957-1972, 1981. Original file measured 2.5 cm. Includes: popular articles; Coalition for development newsletter (Sept. 1981); J. Winfield Fretz, "Ethiopian factory a model in aid to handicapped" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Aug. 3, 1972, p.41. 
Transferred to University of Waterloo Library: Rehabilitation in Canada, Dept. of Manpower and Immigration Canada, No. 19 (Fall-Winter 1968-69).
Removed: Mennonite Weekly Review: "Surgery gives hope for arthritis victim" in Apr. 27, 1961, p.5, "And the passersby may know" in Sept. 7, 1961, "Neighbors end worry about spring plowing" in Apr. 12, 1962; "At 80 - The Miracle of Helen Keller" in New York Times Magazine, June 24, 1960, p.18f.; "New hope for retarded: a community approach" in New York Times, June 11, 1972, p.1f.; The Social worker = Le Travailleur social, Vol.49, No.3 (Fall 1981), issue for International year of disabled persons; Report on the administration of allowances for disabled persons in Canada (Canada Dept. of National Health and Welfare), Mar. 31, 1963.

92 - H Handicapped, 1957-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: articles on handicapped Mennonites in southern Manitoba: Rudy Klassen in Red River Valley Echo, Jan. 23, 1957; Peter J. Toews in Carillon News, Aug. 2, 1963; Ben Reimer in Winnipeg Tribune, Aug. 24, 1966; couple wed in sign language in Red River Valley Echo, Feb. 9, 1972; Jacob S. Koop in Carillon News, May 17, 1972.

92 - H - B1 Blind, 1954-1960, 1967, 1978, 1982-1983. Includes: a selection of the human interest newspaper articles that were in the file.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Nov. 29, 1958, p.1; The Mennonite, Jan. 13, 1959, p.19f.; Report on the administration of allowances for blind persons in Canada (Canada Dept. of National Health and Welfare), Mar. 31, 1963.

92 - H - Sh Shut-in - Included: poems in the following issues of the Gospel Herald: 1956: Oct. 2, p.946, Nov. 6, p.1058, Dec. 4, p.1130; 1957: Feb. 5, p.130, Mar. 5, p.226, Sept. 3, p.767; 1958: July 1, p.614, Oct. 7, p.950, which were removed; introductory sheet, which was moved to 92 - H Handicapped, above. File withdrawn.

92 - I Immigration - Included: article on community welcome houses in the Globe and Mail, Sept. 3, 1984, which was moved to 92 - I Immigration - Axworthy, 1980-1981, below. File withdrawn. On the theme of immigration see also, 103 - B - YNY Your Neighbour as Yourself, regarding Frank H. Epp, Your neighbour as yourself: A Study in responsibility in Immigration (Winnipeg, Man.: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1968), 144p.

92 - I Immigration - Axworthy, 1980-1981. Includes: articles on Canadian immigration and the Canadian labour market sent to Frank H. Epp and correspondence related to his work with the Toronto round table discussion sponsored by the Honourable Lloyd Axworthy, Minister of Employment and Immigration. 
Removed: Annual report to parliament on immigration levels 1980; "Exploitation of potential immigrants by unscrupulous consultants, Discussion paper issued by the Honourable Llyod Axworthy, Minister of Employment and Immigration, Apr. 1981."

92 - IAB Immigration Advisory Board, 1971-1976. Includes: membership lists for the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council Representatives (1973?) and the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council, including the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, July 15, 1969, Aug. 10, 1970, Nov. 1, 1974 and July 29, 1976, of which Frank H. Epp was a member. Also includes: flow chart for the Dept. of Manpower and Immigration and the Dept.'s "Official Organization Chart No. 1."

92 - IAB - ACT Immigration Act, 1967, 1975? Includes: copy of Act of Parliament establishing the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council, Dec. 21, 1967, which was attached to June 9, 1969 letter in the correspondence file, to Frank H. Epp from Leo R. Vachon, the acting secretary general; "New Immigration Act" Draft, "Selection System," "Control," "Deportation," and Appendices, 38p., 1975? 

92 - IAB - AR Annual Reports, Journals - The file included the following reports and government journals, all of which were removed: Annual Reports of the Dept. of Manpower and Immigration for, 1967-1968, 1968-1969, 1969-1970, 1970-1971, 1972-1973, 1974-1975; Immigration Statistics, Canada Immigration DivisionDept. of Manpower and Immigration, 1967 to 1971, 1973 and 1974; Immigration '73 Quarterly Statistics Manpower and Immigration, the First, Second, Third and Fourth Quarters; Immigration '74 Quarterly Statistics Manpower and Immigration, the First, Second, Third and Fourth Quarters; Immigration '75 Quarterly Statistics Manpower and Immigration, the Third and Fourth Quarters; Canada Manpower Review, First Quarter 1971, Fourth Quarter 1971, First Quarter 1972, First Quarter 1973, First, Second, Third and Fourth Quarters for 1974, First Quarter 1975(Special Issue: International Women's Year 1975) and Canada Manpower and Immigration Review, Fourth Quarter 1975; 3 issues of Migration News 1971, Nos. 2, 5 and 6; Ethnic Kaleidoscope Canada, Manpower and Immigration,(May 1976), issue in Immigration by George Bonavia; Canadian work values Findings of a work ethic survey and a job satisfaction survey (Ottawa: Manpower and Immigration, Strategic Planning and Research, 1975), sent to Frank H. Epp by Robert Andras (letter correspondence file); Report to Parliament by the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on Immigration Policy (Ottawa 1975), 11p.; Three years in Canada, First report of the longitudinal survey on the economic and social adaptation of immigrants, Manpower and Immigration, Canadian immigration and population study (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1974), 152p.; Immigration to the Canadian Prairies 1870-1914 (Ottawa: Information Canada, 1971) French and English together 46p. Two flow charts for the Dept. of Manpower and Immigration that were in the file were moved to 92 - IAB Immigration Advisory Board, 1971-1976, above. 
Removed also from the files were: Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on Immigration Policy, most of the issues between No. 1, March 18, 1975 and No. 51, Sept. 25, 1975 in which the discussions of the First Session of the Thirtieth Parliament, 1974-75 were documented, Nos. 1, 3-32, 34-37, 39-40, 43, 44, 48-51 (see

92 - IAB - NR News Releases, 1974-1975, below, which includes No. 2, Wednesday, Mar. 26, 1975, as a sample of these documents); Monthly Immigration Statistical Highlights, Pocket Bulletins, prepared by the Program Data Division of Immigration Canada, for 1974 and 1975 and some of the other years when Frank H. Epp was on this committee; International Migration, Vol.XII, No.3, 1974, Seminar on adaptation and integration of permanent immigrants, Geneva, 29-31 May, 1974; Marc Lalonde (Minister of National Health and Welfare), Working paper on social security in Canada, Apr. 18, 1973; International Migration Review, Vol.8, No.2 (Summer 1974), Special issue on Policy and research on migration: Canadian and world perspectives, ed. by Daniel Kubat, Anthony H. Richmond, Jerzy Zubrzycki (Freda Hawkins also had an article in this issue); issue of Time Magazine Canada , Feb. 17, 1975 in which the cover story was "Immigration: what kind of Canada?" File withdrawn.

92 - IAB - Cor Correspondence, 1969-1972. Includes: correspondence from May 28, 1969 when Frank H. Epp was appointed to the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants to Aug. 31, 1977, when his task on this board was complete; materials related to Frank H. Epp's work on the IAB and as chair of Immigration Act subcommittee (see letter of Apr. 23, 1970). The correspondence pertains to the meetings and work of the committee. Letters of Frank H. Epp included are: to various committee members; to the Honourable Allen J. MacEachen on behalf of a Muslim priest whose application for landed immigrant status was held up, Oct. 24, 1969; regarding sending his book, Your neighbour as yourself A study on responsibility in immigration (Winnipeg: Mennonite Central Committee (Canada), 1968) to all board and committee members, July 25, 1969 and later to the Canada Immigration Centre, Feb. 5, 1971; regarding the drafting of his recommendations on young American draft-age immigrants, in a 2 page position paper, Oct. 7, 1970; and to J. L. Jaskula, that issues related to draft-age immigrants and refugees will remain on the committee agenda, Apr. 27, 1971. 

92 - IAB - Cor Correspondence, 1973-1977. Continuation of correspondence from the above file. Includes: letters of Frank H. Epp: to Freda Hawkins, Feb. 27, 1972; to the director of the Canadian Immigration and Population Study, advising him of the brief from the Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) which Epp helped to write, Feb. 13, 1974; to J. L. Jaskula giving suggestions for the board agenda, June 7, 1975. Also included are: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on various immigrant issues as well as notes to "Joe" Nov. 15, 1974, with Epp's concerns. Also included are, a thank you letter from John L. Jaskula to members of the board expressing his thanks, July 26, 1977 and Jaskula's personal note of thanks (undated) to Frank H. Epp for making the work of the board a success and for their friendship. (See also 98 - F - Mex Mexico, 1971-1973, regarding Frank H. Epp's inquires for travel to Mexico for a research study on Mennonite immigrant adjustment.)

92 - IAB - Cor Correspondence, 1975. Complements the above file. Includes: Joseph Kage, "Report to Parliament: Canada needs immigrants" in JIAS (Jewish Immigrant Aid Service), Vol.XXII, No.4 (Winter 1975), pp.1, 4. 

92 - IAB - Cou Council, 1970, 1975-1977. Includes: "The Criteria which should be used to judge whether refugees should be admitted to Canada," (blue cover) Canada Manpower and Immigration Council report to the Honourable Allan J. Maceachen, Minister of Manpower and Immigration, Feb. 1970. (John Jaskula was a member of this council and also the chair of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants subcommittee of which Frank H. Epp was a member.) Also includes: minutes of 10th, 14th, 15th and 16th meetings of the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council joint meetings with the Advisory Board on Adult Occupational Training and the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, Oct. 1976 and Mar. and June 1977. One example of Frank H. Epp participation is in Minute 199, p.24, in the minutes of the 14th meeting, when he seconded the motion moved by Mr. Kage "That a brief history of the work of the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council and the Advisory Boards since their inception be written."
Removed: minutes from Canada Manpower and Immigration Council meetings held jointly with Advisory Board on Adult Occupational Training, Jan., May and Aug. 1975 and Jan. 1976; minutes of the 2nd (Nov. 26 and 27, 1969), 4th (Dec. 4, 1970) and 6th meetings of the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council (2nd and 4th have yellow covers) and 2 Reports from the Canada Manpower and Immigration Council to the Honorable Allan J. Maceachen, Minister of Manpower and Immigration, from Jan. 1970 ("The Entry to Canada, as visitors, of persons normally prohibited as immigrants") and Feb. 1970 ("The Admission to Canada of persons who are physically or mentally handicapped"), marked confidential (blue covers). 

92 - IAB - GP Green Paper, 1974-1975. Includes: "Memo" to J. L. Jaskula from J. Kage, Jan. 21, 1974; news release from the Office of the Minister of Manpower and Immigration, "Statement on tabling the Green Paper on immigration policy House of Commons," by the Honourable Robert Andras, Feb. 3, 1975; booklet, "Summary of proceedings workshop on consultations re Green Paper on immigration policy, Government Conference Centre - Ottawa, Mar. 14, 1975; F. E. Hawkins, "The Green Paper recommendations," 1975?
Removed: "Highlights from the Green Paper on immigration and population," Canada Dept. of Manpower and Immigration, 1975, booklet. 

92 - IAB - Me Meeting Notes, Materials, 1969-1972. Includes: agendas and selected materials from the meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants which Frank H. Epp attended as a member; a list of the board members with the papers for the first meeting in June, 1969; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp with the papers for 1971 and a resolution he drafted, Nov. 15, 1971; a list of appointments up to that time in Appendix E of the papers for the 9th Meeting, May 30-31, 1972 .

Return to top

92 - IAB - Me Meeting Notes, Materials, 1972. Includes: the agenda and materials from the Dec. 13-14, 1972 meeting of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants; long document, "Immigrant selection criteria," some items marked; "Informal notes re meeting of committee to deal with immigrant selection criteria," from two meetings, Oct. 25 and Nov. 8, 1972 in which the comments of the participants, including those of Frank H. Epp are documented; report of this committee, Dec. 1972.

92 - IAB - Me Meeting Notes, Materials, 1973-1974. Includes: the agenda and materials from the 13th meeting, June 6-7, 1973 of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants; draft of resolution by Frank H. Epp from the 13th meeting; agendas for the 16th and 17th meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants; agenda for the Steering Committee of this Advisory Board, Oct. 11, 1974.

92 - IAB - Mi Minutes, 1969-1971. Includes: minutes of the 7 meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, from the First Meeting Oct. 21-22, 1969 to the Seventh Meeting Dec. 8-9, 1971. Frank H. Epp was chair of the a subcommittee of this board which dealt with the New Immigration Act. See the Interim Report of July 1970 with the minutes of the Fourth Meeting, Oct. 6 and 7, 1970 in Appendix B p.1. Pages with small paper clips indicate some of the pages that were tagged with metal clips.

92 - IAB - Mi Minutes, 1972-1973. Includes: minutes of meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, from the Eighth Meeting Mar. 1-2, 1972 to the 14th Meeting, June 21, 1973.

92 - IAB - Mi Minutes, 1973-1974. Includes: minutes of meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, from the 15th Meeting Aug. 7-8, 1973 to the 20th Meeting Nov. 14-15, 1974.

92 - IAB - Mi Minutes, 1975-1976. Includes: minutes of meetings of the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, from the 22nd Meeting Feb. 27-28, 1975 to the 26th Meeting June 9-10, 1976 and the 28th Meeting Dec. 14-15, 1976. Minutes from the 21st and 27th meetings were not in the files.

92 - IAB - NR News Releases, 1973-1975. Includes: a few of the mailings from the Office of the Minister of Manpower and Immigration; Minutes of proceedings and evidence of the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and of the House of Commons on Immigration Policy, Issue No. 2, Wednesday, Mar. 26, 1975, as a sample of this series of documents which were removed from

92 - IAB - AR Annual Reports, Journals.
Removed: mailings from the Office of the Minister of Manpower and Immigration for 1969-1976, remarks and speeches made by the Hon. Allan J. MacEachen at various times and places on the subjects related to immigration during 1969-1971 and of the Honourable Robert Andras during 1973-76, also on subjects related to immigration, all of which were removed. 

92 - IAB - P/IS Population/Immigration Study, 1973-1975. Includes: reports, comments and background papers; "A Statement on population/immigration policy for Canada (Prepared by Frank H. Epp for discussion by the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, February 1, 1974)," 5p.; 2 statements by Frank H. Epp, "Statement on the subject of immigration flow," 1p. and "Statement on the subject of refugees," 2p., both in "Background papers prepared by members and committees of the board on Canada's immigration and population policy," Sept. 1975 (Yellow spiral manuscript). 

92 - IAB - Ref Refugees, 1967-1970. Includes: "Protocol relating to the Status of Refugees" Presented to the British Parliament, Feb. 1969, Treaty Series No. 15 (1969); "Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, Report from the committee on : 1) Prohibited classes 2) Visitors applying within Canada, November 1970"; 2 newspaper articles; "The Definition of 'Refugee'," Position paper prepared by J. Kage for the Advisory Board on Immigrant Adjustment, Dept. of Manpower and Immigration, Dec. 1969; Frank H. Epp, "Toward the adjustment of American war resisters in Canada," Position paper presented for discussion to the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants, Jan. 12-13, 1971, 7p.; excerpts on the subject "refugee" from council meeting minutes and reports, June 1969 to Apr. 1971.

92 - IAB - Rep Report, 1970. Includes: "Selected aspects of immigration's adaptation in Canada - 1969, Partial and provisional report to the deputy minister - for internal circulation only, Ottawa, Aug. 1970, 152p.

92 - IAB - Rep Reports, 1970-1976. Includes: various reports from the Advisory Board on the Adjustment of Immigrants and its members. The "Committee report on employment visas for non-immigrants," to the Honourable Bryce Mackasey, July 1972, includes Resolution No.2, which was moved by Frank H. Epp (last page of the report) and carried. The "Committee Report on New immigration legislation," Sept. 1975, lists Frank H. Epp as one of the three members. Also included is a motion or resolution, handwritten by Frank H. Epp, regarding communication between the board and the government dept., 1975? (see also the letter of Frank H. Epp to J. L. Jaskula giving suggestions for the board agenda, June 7, 1975 in

92 - IAB - Cor Correspondence, 1973-1977 in this regard.). Also included is, Joseph Kage, "Summary and comments, Report to parliament: special joint committee on immigration policy (orange folder).

92 - IAB - WP White Paper, 1966. Includes: White Paper on Immigration, The Hon. Jean Marchand, Oct. 1966, with parts underlined.

92 - IAB - 71 #2 - Included: brochure Manpower Profile Cornwall Area, Dept. of Manpower and Immigration (Dept. of Manpower and Immigration, 1971?), report prepared for the Federal Task Force on Cornwall, established to promote economic development in the area, 14p., which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - I - PM Population Movement - Included - an issue of Current, New York, Current Inc.(February 1963) which includes articles on "Can the United Nations protect minorities?" and "The U.S. takes a stand on population control" among others, and "Success story of one minority group in U.S." in U.S. News & World Report, Dec. 26, 1966, p.73f., both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - J Juvenile Delinquency, 1954-1965. Includes: a selection of the popular articles that were in the file; 2 pamphlets by Billy Graham: "Our teen-age problem," (Minneapolis, MN: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1954) and "Juvenile delinquency and its cure" (Minneapolis, MN: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1955); James Reimer and Henry Peters, "A Study of juvenile delinquency in south-central Manitoba," essay for Sociology 204, Instructor, Dr. L. Driedger, Feb. 1965. Removed: Gospel Messenger, Nov. 24, 1956, p.6f. and The Mennonite, Jan. 14, 1958, p.26f.

92 - J Juvenile Delinquency, 1955-1964, 1973. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - J - Ga Gangs - Included - news clippings only, two of which were moved to 92 - J Juvenile Delinquency, 1955-1964, 1973, above. File withdrawn.

92 - J - In Institutions, 1958-1963. Includes: articles on various homes for children and youth; materials on Ailsa Craig Boys Farm, double-sided flyer and undated brochure (1962?), article with photos in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 12, 1963, p.11, "Building progress report of the Ailsa Craig Boys Farm to the Conference of Historic Peace Churches," Oct. 27, 1962. 
Removed: "Rescuing the perishing in British Columbia's metropolis," in Mennonite Observer, Mar. 7, 1958, p.5.

92 - L Labor Conditions, 1960s? Includes: "Report of questionaire used at seminar," (1960s?), 5p., which discusses Mennonite churches and unions. 
Removed: "Slavery is still an issue," in Gospel Messenger, Mar. 27, 1957, p.6f.

92 - L Labor Conditions, 1957-1961, 1972. Complements the above file. Includes a few of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - L - Au Automation, 1957-1963. Includes: popular articles. 

92 - L - CLC Canadian Labour Congress, 1976. Includes: Labour manifesto for Canada (1976). 
Removed: 5 issues from 1976 of Canadian Labour Comment, Sept. 10, Sept. 24, Aug. 27, Oct. 8, Oct. 29.

92 - M Mennonite, 1961-1964. Includes: information from B. Alfred Warkentin of Public and Industrial Relations Ltd. on prairie farming; clippings related to Mennonites and dancing at the high school in Altona.

92 - M - IM Inter-Marriage - Included one clipping, which was moved to 92 - M Mennonite, 1961-1964, above. File withdrawn.

92 - N Narcotics, 1957-1959, 1968-1975. Includes: popular articles. 
Removed: "Addictions," periodical of the Alcoholism & Drug Addiction Research Foundation of Ontario (Winter 1964); from the New York Time Magazine, "Ours is the addicted society," in Dec. 11, 1966, p.43f. and "What we have forgotten about pot," in Dec. 13, 1976, p.26f.; Frank Bergmann, "The Problem of drug addiction in Canada," inThe Canadian Mennonite, June 14, 1963, p.6.; 2 articles from The United Church Observer, "The Case for legal drugs," in Sept. 1, 1958, p.14f. and "Who is the drug addict," in Nov. 15, 1959, p.8-9; "Treating narcotics addiction," in The Christian Century, Dec. 16, 1959, p.1467f.

92 - N Narcotics, 1963-1973, 1983-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - O Old Age Security, 1955-1966, 1972-1979. Original file measured 8cm. Includes: program for the official opening of the Fairview Mennonite Home, Feb. 10, 1956 which includes an enlargement of the black and white photo of the home in the centre, by Hunsberger Photos, St. Jacobs, Ont., which was transferred to the David L. Hunsberger Collection in the CGUC Library and Archives; On growing old/Vivre longtemps, Vol.II, No.1 (January 1959), The Canadian Welfare Council (30 copies of which were removed); popular articles on aging; "Sharing through Mennonite Aid, Inc.," Feb. 1, 1961, informational booklet; Arnold J. Regier, "A Survey planned to evaluate and to more fully understand the thinking of our older citizens," Jan. 1965, 8p.; program from the official opening of the Leamington Mennonite Home, June 23, 1965; The Canadian Conference on Aging, Newsletter No. 5, July 1966.
Removed: Older persons in the church program (Newton, Kan.: Faith and Life Press, 1960), Board of Christian Service, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1960, 64p.; The Mennonite, Sept. 25, 1956, p.613; 2 issues ofThe Mennonite, Jan. 28, 1958 on Mennonite Homes and Hospitals; Gospel Herald, Apr. 30, 1957, p.418; 2 articles from the Gospel Messenger, June 1, 1957, p.10f. and July 19, 1958, p.6f.; "Wir Alten," in Der Bote, May 14, 1958, p.3; Evangelical Visitor, Apr. 6, 1959, p.5f.; On growing old/Vivre longtemps, Information Kit from The Committee on Aging and The Canadian Welfare Council; On growing old/Vivre longtemps, Vol.III, No.2, (December 1960) and Vol.V, No.1, (April 1967); "The Secrets of successful retirement," in Look Magazine, Mar. 14, 1961, p.27f.; "Report on the administration of old age assistance in Canada," Dept. of National Health and Welfare, Canada, Mar. 31, 1963; articles in Christian Living, July 1961, p.8f., Dec. 1961, p.16f., Aug. 1963, p.12f. and Jan. 1965, p.5f.;Mennonite Brethren Herald, May 28, 1971, p.32; The Christian Century, Mar. 27, 1974, p.344; "The Double standard of aging," in Saturday Review, Sept. 23, 1972, p.29f.; Fairview News, Vol.19, No.3, May, June 1979; "Growing older, feeling young," in Newsweek, Nov. 1, 1982, p.56f.; "Canada pension plan and changes in the Old Age Security Act," Dept. of National Health and Welfare, Canada, pamphlet, 1981?

92 - O Old Age Security, 1956-1964, 1971-1973, 1980-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - O - Pe Pensions - Included - 3 clippings from 1983 in The Toronto Star, Nov. 1, p.A10, Nov. 5, p.B5 and Nov. 25, p.A16, which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - O - Kit Senior Citizens, Kitchener Mennonites, 1981-1984. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and Brice H. Balmer, secretary for the Housing Task force, with government officials, regarding the building of a housing complex for older persons on King St. East, across form the Rockway Senior Citizen Center; "Task force on Housing for older persons," Nov. 1981, the study with recommendations and letters of support, 48 p.

92 - P Population, 1959-1962, 1980-1984. Includes: news clippings on the subject. 
Removed: The 1-W Mirror, Vol.9, No.5, May 25, 1961; Edgar Stokes, "Can the global food supply stretch to fit population?" in The Mennonite, Oct. 22, 1974, p.614; Information Service, National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America, Vol.XLIV, No.10 (May 8, 1965), issue on "The Population prospect"; from The New York Times Magazine: "Population, the US problem the world crisis," April 30, 1972, Section 12 and "The Trouble with a zero-growth world," June 2, 1974, p.14f.; "The Malthusian time bomb is still ticking," in The New York Times, July 29, 1984, p.E3.

92 - P - Ca Canadian, 1957-1962, 1978. Includes: popular articles. 
Removed: "The Canadian Americans," in Maclean's Magazine, July 27, 1963, p.9f.

92 - P - I'm Immigration, 1957-1964-1969. Includes: popular articles; Immigration, Report of the commission on immigration, No. Three, The United Church of Canada (Nov. 1964), 31p.; "Commons Debates," excerpts of debates in the House of Commons of the Canadian parliament, 1968-1969. 
Removed: Migration today (Geneva: Secretariat for Migration, World Council of Churches, 1969), 12 Spring issue;UNRWA Reviews, A Background information series, Information papers, No.2 to 6 (Sept. 1962) of which No.2 is, "Summary data on assistance to the Palestine refugees (December 1948-31 December 1962)"; Annual report 1967-1968, Dept. of Manpower and Immigration; Migration News (Geneva: International Catholic Migration Commission 1969), May-June issue; Helen I. Co wan, "British Immigration before Confederation," The Canadian Historical Association Booklets, No.22, Ottawa 1968.

92 - P - I'm Immigration, 1968-1972, 1979, 1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file. Also includes an issue of Jewish Immigrant Aid Services News, (Spring 1979), which includes an article by Joseph Kage, known to Frank H. Epp through his work with the Immigration Advisory Board. See

92 - IAB files above.

92 - P - Re Refugees, 1957-1960, 1969-1971, 1979. Original file measured 7cm. Includes: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Reference Service, No.1 June 1957; United Nations pamphlets, World Refugee Year, Nos.12, 15 and 18 (1959); Refugees, 20 questions and answers, office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 1969; "Friends of Uganda Refugees, Human Right Caucus, Kitchener-Waterloo (undated); Youth Dept. News Sheet, World Council of Churches, No.3, 1958; 
Removed: Palestine Refugees Today Newsletter, United States Commission for refugees, No.68, June-July, 1971. 
Removed: 2 articles from The United Church Observer, "Refugees, scar of the near east," in Jan. 1, 1959, p.9f. and "Refugees A never-ending problem," in Oct. 15, 1961, p.15f.; "Alternative: refugee or victim," in The Mennonite, Mar. 29, 1960, p.198f.; "The One million refugees in Africa," reprint from Migration News, July-Aug. 1971; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Reference Service, for 1957, No.1, May and No.2, June, for 1962, No.24, Feb., No.25, May and No.26, Aug., published in Geneva; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Bulletin, published in Geneva, branch office in Canada, issues: No.2 Apr./May/June 1968, No.3 July/Aug./Sept. 1968, No.11 3rd Quarter 1970, June 1971 Twentieth Anniversary, No.14 2nd quarter 1971, No.15 3rd quarter 1971, No.17, May 1972; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (replacing the Bulleting series, a newspaper format), issues: No.3 Dec. 1972, for 1973: No. 1 Feb. (which includes an article "Church agencies and refugees (II) on p.5f.), No.2 Apr., No.3, June, No.4, July, No.5 Oct., No.6 Dec., for 1974: No.1, Mar. and No.2 May; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Report: Nov. 1972, for 1973: May, Sept and Oct.; The Red Cross and the refugees (Geneva: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees,1963) for the centenary of the Red Cross; United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Reference Service, No.2 June 1957, No.24 Feb. 1962, No.25 May 1962, No.26 Aug. 1962.

Return to top

92 - P - Re Refugees, 1958-1959, 1971, 1978-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - P - Re - Vi Vietnamese Refugees, 1979. Includes: papers regarding groups who aided the refugees from Vietnam; story about the sponsorship of a Vietnamese refugee family by a Mennonite church, "Vic Herbert: loves to sponsor refugees" in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, July 30, 1979, p.3.

92 - P - Re - Vi Vietnamese Refugees, 1979. Complements the above file. News clippings only.

92 - Po Poverty, 1957-1974. The original file measured 5cm. Includes: materials from various church organizations; brochure from Board of Christian Service, General Conference Mennonite Church, June 1961; "Quakers and poverty," special supplement to The Canadian Friend, May 1968; "Study guide for income security for Canadians," United Church of Canada, Board of Evangelism and Social Service and the Board of Women, tabled in the House of Commons, Nov. 1970 (requested by Frank H. Epp); articles in The Mennonite, Sept. 29, 1959; popular articles.
Removed: Louisa Rosier Shotwell, This is the migrant (Friendship Press, 1958), 24p.Concern, a pamphlet series for questions of Christian renewal, No. 11 (Scottdale, Pa. : Sponsoring Group, 1963), 64p.; "Food in today's world," in Gospel Messenger, Mar. 24, 1962, p.9f.; "a case of poverty, North America's wealth, godless capitalism, and false Christianity," Apr. 23, 1974, p.266f.; 2 articles from The New York Times Magazine, "The good war that might have been," in Sept. 29, 1974, p.56f. and "The anger and problems and sickness of the poor of the whole nation were in this one shantytown," in July 7, 1968, p.5f.; from Saturday Review: "The combustibility of humans," in June 24, 1967, p.14f., "A Businesslike approach to poverty," in Dec. 9, 1967, p.20; "Rich versus poor:..." in Maclean's Magazine, Oct. 26, 1981, p.40f.; "Reagan's America, And the poor get poorer," in Newsweek, Apr. 5, 1982, p.16f.;Inter-Church aid in 1957 - year end report, World Council of Churches, Geneva., Switzerland.

92 - Po Poverty, 1958-1972, 1979-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: "Townsfolk rescue starving family," in Carillon News, Dec. 12, 1958, p.1.

92 - Po - Ch Charity, 1954-1966, 1972-1975, 1985. Includes: material from various organization such as The United Way, the Lutheran Church in America and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, eg. their Church World Service Annual Report 1962; popular articles including "The Original Red Cross girl," in theMinneapolis Sunday Tribune, Mar. 19, 1961, p.8; "Suggested column fillers," July 24, 1956, 7p.; Otto H. Driedger, "A Short overview of some welfare institutions," submitted to the Board of Christian Service, May 10, 1958; "Brief to the special Senate committee on poverty," Board of Evangelism and Social Service, The United Church of Canada, April 14, 1970; references on poverty for a course, Sociology 205G, Nov. 1, 1972.
Removed: "Can science win the coming battle against starvation?" in Maclean's Magazine, Nov. 7, 1959, p.37f.; "How Canadians share the wealth," in The United Church Observer, Dec. 15, 1961, p.11f.; "From `Hoovervilles' to 'pockets of poverty' Poverty is a tougher problem than ever," in The New York Times Magazine, Feb. 4, 1968, p.22f., "Rural poverty in eastern Ontario," in The Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 21, 1969, special news supplement; an issue of Saturday Review, May 23, 1970, focusing on "Welfare, time for reform."

92 - Po - HF House of Friendship, 1981-1982. Includes: programs from the official opening and service of dedication of the House of Friendship in Kitchener, Ontario, April 2 and 4, 1982 in which Helen Epp, wife of Frank H. Epp led the litany of dedication on April 4; "House of Friendship News and Views," flyers for Aug. and Nov. 1981; brochure for the "Hostel building project."

92 - Po - Hu Hunger, 1965-1968, 1980-1985. Includes: "I am hunger," quotations from H. L. Truman, secretariat of Canadian Freedom from Hunger; articles by R. P. A. Sims in reprints from journals on food research; "Resolution on the world food crisis reaffirmed January 28, 1984," Mennonite Central Committee brochure; report of the Lutheran Church in America, 1984; article on Canadian Baptist in response to hunger, 1985. 
Removed: issues of Hunger, July-Sept. 1965, for 1967, Jan.-Mar. and July-Sept, for 1968, Apr.-June and Oct.-Dec. and Hunger Unlimited, reprint from the Aug. 1964 issue of the Canadian Geographical Journal, sponsored by the Canadian Hunger Foundation
Removed: "Hunger in America The Safety net has shrunk but it's still in place," in The New York Times Magazine, June 16, 1985, p.20f.; A Shift in the wind 12, The Hunger Project Newspaper and A Shift in the wind 19, The Hunger Project Newspaper.

92 - Po - Hu Hunger, 1968-1969, 1981-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

92 - Po - Mo Montreal Conference, 1968. Includes: materials from the meeting of the directors of the church sponsored Montreal conference on "Christian conscience and poverty," which Frank H. Epp attended.

92 - Po - US United States - Included only one news clipping: "Poor have got poorer, rich richer under Reagan, U.S. study shows," in Globe and Mail, Aug. 16, 1984, p. 12, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - Po - WP Welfare Program, 1958-1959, 1967-1969. Includes: brochure of the Christian Rural Overseas Program, Church World Service, 1959; popular articles; Florence and Otto Driedger, "Survey of welfare services," Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Board of Christian Service, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1967 (see also, paper by Otto Driedger in

92 - Po - Ch Charity, above). 
Removed: "Welfare population," in The New York Times Magazine, Jan. 26, 1969, p.21f.

Return to Top

92 - PR Prisoners and Reformatories, 1953-1975. Original file measured 7 cm. Includes: "The Scandal of women's prisons in Canada," in Chatelaine, Nov. 1958; Bulletin, Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Nov. 2, 1965, Special Section of The Canadian Mennonite; resolution of the Ottawa Council of Churches for the Carleton County Jail, 1968; House of Commons debates, Nov. 1969; "Practical suggestions for prison service," Mennonite Central Committee, Peace, social and economic relations committee, mailed to Frank H. Epp, editor of The Canadian Mennonite, July 1964, correspondence attached; John Howard Society Prince Albert Council Annual Report 1964; Hilda Tiessen, "The Pastoral care function of the local congregation to the offender and his family," 10p. and David Rempel, "Report to half-way houses in Canada," 9p., both from the 1960s?; "The Canadian penitentiary service," and "Notes on correctional services," Dept. of the Solicitor General, 1969; "Address given at the Washington seminar on the church and the offender, September 27-29, 1971 sponsored by the Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section, Washington, D.C., 17p.; article from Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Sept. 20, 1971, p.7 to which a note is attached from Dave Kroeker, ed. of The Canadian Mennonite, asking Frank H. Epp if this article would be "Any use as background to prison-reform editorial?" indicating that the sources in this and the above file could have been used by Epp for that purpose; Amnesty International Canada news release, Jan. 13, 1975 regarding the tour of a former South Vietnamese prisoner of conscience; "Women in prison," in Ramparts, 1970s?
Removed: Amnesty International Bulletin: Canadian Section, Vol.VI, No.1 (Jan. 1979); publication of the Kingston Penitentiary, The K. P. Telescope, for 1958: Mar., May, June, July, Oct., Nov. and for 1959: Feb. Note: Issues ofK.P. Telescope were transferred to the Correctional Service of Canada Museum, Kingston, Ont. 
Removed: "How the church can serve prison inmates," in Gospel Messenger, Feb. 27, 1954; from The United Church Observer: "Inside Kingston Penitentiary," in June 15, 1958, p.8f., "Prison without bars," in July 1958, p.13f., "Women behind bars," in Nov. 1, 1958, p.11f., "Will it ever come to Canada? in Aug. 1965, p.15f., "A Steady stream of prisoners," in Dec. 1, 1965, p.26f., "Why our prison system is a failure," in Mar. 15, 1968, p.26f.; "Behind the iron bars," in Messenger Church of the Brethren, 7/8/65; "My son is a prisoner in Red China," in Look Magazine, Dec. 6, 1960, p.70f.; from The New York Times Magazine: article on parole in Sept. 18, 1960, p.34f. and "Our prisons are criminal," in Sept. 22, 1968, p.44f.; "Prisons - don't work and won't burn," in The Mennonite, Mar. 25, 1975; "Myths and realities about prisons and jails," in Christian Century, Mar. 19, 1980, p.323f.; "Inside Canada's prisons," inMaclean's Magazine, June 6, 1983, p.16f.; Release, Mennonite Central Committee, an offender ministries newsletter, Vol.3, No.1 (April 1978), Vol.3, No.2, June 1978 and Vol.4, No.2, June 1979; J. T. L. James, A New look at the offender (Toronto: The Ryerson Press, 1964), 30p.; Christmas Carol Kauffman, Life with life (Scottdale, Pa: Herald Press, 1952), 62p.

92 - PR Prisoners and Reformatories, 1957-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file. 

92 - PR - At Attica, 1971-1972. Includes: popular articles on the bloody revolt at the New York state prison. 
Removed: news clippings in the New York Times, Sept. 19, 1971 and the Globe and Mail, Sept. 14, 1971 and Oct. 5, 6, and 7, 1971.

92 - PR - At Attica and Crowding, 1971, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

92 - PR - Cr Crowding - Included 2 news clippings from 1984 which were moved to 92 - PR - At Attica and Crowding, 1971, 1984, above. File withdrawn.

92 - PR - PG Prisoners who made Good, 1957, 1964, 1970. Includes: "Scholarly prisoner translates story of the Mennonites," in General Conference Mennonite Church News Service, Apr. 3, 1964; Abe H. Peters, "Evangelism in the Indiana state prison," Evangelism and Church Extension, Nov. 23, 1970.
Removed: "Prison reform in Israel," in Christian Century, Jan. 9, 1957, p.41f.; "Nathon Leopold calls on the brethren," Gospel Messenger, Feb. 1, 1964, p.7f.

92 - PR - PG Prisoners who made Good, 1957-1962, 1968-1974. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

92 - R Race, 1953-1964. Original file measured 7 cm. Includes: materials from the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States of America; articles in magazines and various sources, some related to the clergy and the church; "The Right of every child" The Story of the Washington, D.C. program of school integration, A Report by the American Friends Service Committee, Apr. 1955; Oswald O. Schrag, "America's greatest hypocrisy," inBethel College Bulletin, Jan. 1956, p.3f.; "A Christian declaration on race relations," position of the General Conference Mennonite Church adopted Aug. 17, 1959; "A Need for the Christian pacifist witness," in Information Service of the Mennonite Central Committee, Sept. 18, 1959, 5p.; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp on half sheets of paper on John Brown, integration, the church and the race question, 1959?; "Seminary Students' Southland Experiences 1960," 33p., compiled by Leo Driedger, assoc. exec. sec. of the General Conference Mennonite Board of Christian Service, which includes the reports and recommendations following their tour to the southern United States in May 1960; "The Christian and race relations," Paper for the Church and Society Conference in Chicago, Oct.-Nov. 1961, prepared by the Chicago, Illinois Study Group which had 7 members in addition to the chair, Vincent Harding; "`Unwise and untimely'? A letter from eight Alabama clergymen to Martin Luther Jr. and his reply to them on order and common sense, the law and justice, nonviolence and love," pamphlet of The Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1963; Martin Luther Jr., "Letter from Birmingham city jail," Apr. 16, 1963, published by the American Friends Service Committee. See 8. Biography - g - Pe - EFH Ph.D. - Sociology 123, 1960 for, Frank H. Epp, "American Protestant churches and racial integration since 1954," his paper for Sociology 123, University of Minnesota, Aug. 1960, 34p. which was originally filed here.
Removed: The 1-W Mirror, June 1, 1958; Christian Leader, May 20, 1958, p.18; "South African church vs. racism," in Christian Century, Aug. 7, 1957, p.936f.; Gospel Messenger: Sept. 8, 1956, p.6f., Feb. 13, 1962, p.137f., Apr. 4, 1972, p.315f.; The Mennonite: Martin Luther King, Jr., "We are still walking," Jan. 29, 1957, p.68f. as well as, July 19, 1960, p.461f. and Feb. 15, 1972, p.112f.; in The United Church Observer: Feb. 15, 1959, p.8f., June 15, 1960, p.6f., Feb. 1, 1964, p.15f. and Nov. 1, 1965, p.12f.; "The Advantages of being black," in Maclean's Magazine, Oct. 22, 1960, p.18f.; articles on the United Nations and South Africa in The New York Timesnewspaper, Apr. 3, 1960, pp.E1, E3; The New York Times Magazine: Jan. 17, 1960, Section 10, Apr. 10, 1960, p.9f., Sept. 11, 1960 and Sept. 28, 1969 (article on Roy Wilkins); Look Magazine: Nov. 12, 1957, p.31f. (on Little Rock), "What is prejudice," in May 24, 1960, p.93f., "A Negro takes over federal housing," in Apr. 11, 1961, p.33f., Apr. 25, 1961, p.31 (on Atlanta), Dec. 31, 1962, p.19f. (on Mississippi), "The South's war against Negro votes," in May 21, 1963, p.38f. and May 21, 1963, p.31f. (on John Wideman); The International organization for the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination (EAFORD) Bulletin, Vol.1, No.4, Sept. 1980; Decade for the action to combat racism and racial discrimination 1973-1983, United Nations, Secretary of State.

92 - R Race, 1958-1965, 1971-1985. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file.

92 - R Race, 1966-1972. Original file measured 5 cm. Includes: letter of support from Frank H. Epp to the National Committee of Negro Churchmen, Nov. 10, 1966
popular articles, some related to the church and religion; United Nations "Statement on race and racial prejudice," Paris, Sept. 1967; Renewal, National Committee of Black Churchmen, Vol.10, No.7, Oct.-Nov. 1970; article on Jesse Jackson in The New York Times Magazine, July 9, 1972, p.14f. 
Removed: Christian Century, Apr. 10, 1974, p.387f.; articles in The New York Times Magazine: Sept. 25, 1966, p.21f., "Can India survive Calcutta?" in Oct. 13, 1968, Apr. 20, 1969, p.32f., "A Surprising talk between a black leader and a top segregationist," in Apr. 27, 1969, p.34f., "The Negro in America - where Myrdal went wrong," in Dec. 7, 1969; "School for sit-ins," in Look Magazine, Aug. 30, 1960, p.78f.; in U.S. News & World Report, article on riots in the US, Aug. 8, 1966, p.38 and on South Africa in Nov. 14, 1966, p.94; "What the Negro has - and has not - gained," in Time Magazine, Oct. 28, 1966, p.30f.; whole issue of Time Magazine Canada, Apr. 6, 1970focusing on Black America 1970 with a sketch of Jesse Jackson on the cover.

92 - R Race, 1966-1972, 1981-1983. Complements the above file. Includes a selection of the news clippings that were in the file. 

92 - R - AS Anti-Semitism, 1961-1973, 1983. Includes: Sami Hadawi, Who Benefits from Anti-Semitism (New York, N.Y.: Arab Information Center, 1961), 13p.; Gebran Majdalany, "Reflections on racialism and neo Anti-Semitism," Beirut, Feb. 1969; Arthur Hertzberg, "Anti-Semitism and Jewish uniqueness ancient and contemporary," The B. G. Rudolph lectures in Judaic Studies (April 1973), 20p.; "Anti-Semitism considered `respectable,'" in Canadian Jewish Outlook (June 1983), p.3. 
Removed: "Soviet Anti-Semitism," in Look Magazine, Oct. 24, 1961, p.75f.

92 - R - AS Anti-Semitism, 1961-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - R - BP Black Panthers, 1968-1970. Includes: 2 popular articles.

92 - R - BP Black Panthers, 1969-1972. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - R - Ca Canada, 1957, 1965-1966, 1983. Includes: The Canadian Intelligence Service, Nov. 1957, 4p.; Peter Gzowski, "This is our Alabama," in Maclean's Magazine, July 6, 1963, p.20f.; minutes of third meeting of Winnipeg youth leaders with others with an interest in helping the Winnipeg Indian population, Mar. 5, 1965 at Bethel Mennonite Church, 1p.; Roy Bauman, notes from the Indian Eskimo Association of Canada, Seventh annual meeting, Dec. 1966, 5p.; "Participation of visible minorities in Canadian society, news release of Multiculturalism Canada, May 25, 1983.
Removed: Arthur Tateishi, "How I became an equal," in Maclean's Magazine, Jan. 4 1958, p.19; from The United Church Observer: "Race relations in Canada," in Oct. 1, 1958, p.8f., "The Maritimes colour bar," in June 1, 1960, p.8f. and "In Dominion city," in Nov. 15, 1966, p.21f.

92 - R - Ca Canada, 1965-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - R - CAP Crisis Action Packet, 1967. Includes: materials from, "Crisis in the Nation," Board of Education, US Presbyterian Church.
Removed: Newsweek issue, "The Negro in America What must be done A Program for action," Nov. 20, 1967.

92 - R - De Detroit - Included only: "Detroit scared, wounds of riot still run deep," in Globe and Mail, May 19, 1969, p.25, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - R - HL Hate Literature - Included only: "Remedy for hate: extend criminal code," in Globe and Mail, Sept. 3, 1984, p.7, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - R - IM Interracial Marriage - Included the following news clippings from 1972 in: "Dr. Deng weds Dorothy Ann Ludwig," in The New York Times, Feb. 20, p.70, "Interracial marriages are gradually increasing despite complex problems for both partners," in The Wall Street Journal, July 14, p.30 and "Fewer Americans in Vietnam but intermarriage reaches peak," in Globe and Mail, Sept. 6, p.11, which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - R - KKK Ku Klux Klan, 1957-1966. Includes: popular articles.
Removed: from The United Church Observer: "The Ku Klux Klan Where Protestants went wrong," in Dec. 1,1965; p.12f. and "The Ku Klux Klan How the klan came to Canada," in Dec. 15, 1965, p.12f.

92 - R - KKK Ku Klux Klan, 1957, 1972, 1979-1981. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - R - NH Negro History, 1968-1969. Includes: annotated bibliography of Dec. 1968 and article in Saturday Review, Jan. 18, 1969. 
Removed: Look Magazine, special issue "The Blacks and the whites," Jan. 7, 1969; "U.S. Senator Edward Brooke," in Time Canada ed., Feb. 17, 1967, p.18f.; "The Search for a black past," in Life Magazine, Nov. 22, 1968, p.90f.

92 - R - US United States 1968, 1967-1968. Includes: "Information Service" sheet of the National Council of Churches of Christ in the US of America, Oct. 14, 1967; newspaper articles. 
Removed: "The Kerner Report," in Christian Century, Apr. 3, 1968, p.416f. and news clippings.

Return to top

92 - RC Rural Conditions, 1960, 1970. Includes: newspaper articles on the water supply in Minnesota and country living in British Columbia.

92 - RC - Com Communes - Included - "Communes: A Step forward in female equality," in Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Aug. 11, 1971, p.47 and "The New pioneers, A Progress report on communes in Canada," in Weekend Magazine, Apr. 29, 1972, p.20f. from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record?, both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - RC - CRDC Council on Rural Development Canada, 1976-1978. Includes: Statement of Activities of the council, 1976/77; "Working towards appropriate development - report of the second eastern Ontario workshop on rural development Dec. 10-12, 1978, of the CRDC, prepared by Koozma J. Tarasoff and others.
Removed: Statement of Activities of the council, 1977/78.

92 - RW Rescue Work, 1955-1967, 1974. Includes: brochures and articles about rescue mission work of various groups; brochures and information about the London Rescue Mission to which the Epp family gave a donation;Mission Services of London, summer edition; "Kleefeld boy runs skid row mission," in Carillon News? Feb. 23, 1962, on the work of the Union Gospel Mission in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: London Rescue Mission News, Sept.-Oct. 1964.
Removed: Gospel Messenger, Mar. 14, 1964, p.4f.; Gospel Herald, Sept. 30, 1958, p.932; The United Church Observer: Jan. 1, 1962, p.12f., Nov. 1, 1958, p.8f., Dec. 1, 1959, p.15f., Nov. 15, 1960; "Rescue for wayward girls," in The New York Times Magazine, July 22, 1961, p.14f.; "Case history of a drug addict," in Maclean's Magazine, May 5, 1962, p.16f.; "The Miracle of the north - the full story of two people who were given up for dead - told for the first time," in The Winnipeg Tribune Weekend Magazine, June 8, 1963, p.2f.

92 - RW Rescue Work, 1957-1963, 1968-1969, 1979, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - RW - Hu Hunger, 1967-1968. Includes: "Ministry to a changing world," Bulletin (April 1967), published by the United Church and the Anglican Church of Canada; "Food for the future," special lectures and seminars published by the University of British Columbia (May 1967); "The Young World Food and Development Project," Summary report of the World Conference, Toronto, Canada, 11-15 Sept. 1967; "Industry's responsibilities to the developing world," address by president of Massey-Ferguson Ltd. June 3, 1968; Lester R. Brown, "The Agricultural revolution in Asia," reprinted from Foreign affairs: an American quarterly review (July 1968).
Removed: Freedom From Hunger - Magazine of the Food and Agricultural Organization: No.33 Nov.-Dec. 1964, No.40 Jan.-Feb. 1966, for 1967, No.47 Mar.-Apr. and No.50 Sept.-Oct.; Ceres, Food and Agriculture Organization Review of the United Nations, Vol.1, No.4, July-Aug. 1968; "The CUSO Agriculturalist," CUSO Bulletin, Vol.6, No.3, May-July 1968. 

92 - RW - RC Red Cross, 1961-1963. Includes: "The Red Cross centenary," in The Royal Bank of Canada Monthly Letter, Feb. 1963; 2 issues of The Canadian Red Cross Society Despatch journal, Campaign issue 1963 and Winter 1961, the latter moved here from

92 - RW - Hu Hunger, 1967-1968.

92 - SA Social Agencies - Included - a duplicate copy of, Florence and Otto Driedger, "Survey of welfare services," Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Board of Christian Service, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 1967, which is found in,

92 - Po - WP Welfare Program, above, and a general mailing from Big Brothers (undated), both of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - SA - UM Unwed Mothers - Included - one article: "Unwed teenage mothers helped," in Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 14, 1969, p.6, which was moved to 92 - RW Rescue Work, new clippings file, above. File withdrawn. 

92 - SI Social Security and Insurance, 1956-1966. Includes: "Statuen des Beerdigungsvereins der Mennoniten zu Lena, Manitoba," 1950s? (Statues of the Burial Society of the Mennonites in Lena, Manitoba), established in 1936, 1p.; 2 sheets of information on, "The Mennonite Union Waisenamt (Trust and Loan), Waldheim, Saskatchewan, 1964?, which includes a balance sheet of assets and liabilities 1963-1964; "Proposed group permanent annuity plan for the Canadian Conference of Mennonites, May 13, 1959, 5p.; L. D. Wilcox, "Medicare in Canada: A National danger: June 1966," submitted to members of parliament.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Retirement life income plan As adopted by the General Conference, 1948, 16p.; Mennonite Union Waisenamt, Trust and Loan Plan, Waldheim, Saskatchewan (Rosthern, Saskatchewan: Saskatchewan Valley News, 1951?), (assented to Mar. 10, 1917), 12p.; Regeln und Statuten des Mennonitischen Vereinigten Waisenamtes (Rosthern, Saskatchewan: D. H. Epp, 1951?), 5p.
Removed: "The Ethical implications of current life insurance practices," in Gospel Herald, Apr. 28, 1959, p.385f.; an issue of The Mennonite, Jan. 28, 1958, on Mennonite homes and hospitals; "The Dismal failure of our welfare system," in Chatelaine, Nov. 1961, p.34f.; "How to plan your retirement," in Maclean's Magazine , May 24, 1958, p.28f.; R. Wilfred Kelsey and Arthur C. Daniels, Handbook of life insurance (New York, N.Y.: Institute of Life Insurance, 1949), 2nd ed., 87p.

92 - SI - MA Mutual Aid - Included - Mennonite mutual aid services, 3 sheets of information from H. Ralph Hernley, Director, Aug. 15, 1961, which was moved to 92 - SI Social Security and Insurance, above and Association of Mennonite Aid Societies Bulletin, Vol.2, No.1 (October 1961), which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - SR Social Reforms, 1960-1963. Includes: book review of new book on Frank Laubach in Saturday Review, Feb. 13, 1960, p.28; information from the National Council of Churches of Christ in the U.S.A., 1963
Removed: an article on the attack on the establishment, "The New Reformation," in New York Times Magazine,Sept. 14, 1969, p.32; "He made the parking meter extinct in N.D." in Minneapolis Sunday Tribune, Apr. 24, 1960, p.8B.

92 - T Tragedies - Included: "1966 A Year of grief," in the Winnipeg Free Press, Dec. 16, 1966, which was moved to 92 - T - Pe Personal, below. File withdrawn.

92 - T Tragedies - Pe Personal, 1959-1966. Includes: news clippings only of a few personal stories of tragedies. 

92 - U Urban Conditions, 1960-1971. Includes: bibliography from National Council of Churches of Christ in the US of America, Oct. 23, 1965; popular articles.

92 - U Urban Conditions, 1960, 1968-1972, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

92 - U - Ho Housing, 1960, 1969, 1983-1985. Includes: news clippings only; article on the Mennonite facility, St. Clair O'Connor Community Centre, Toronto, Ontario in the Toronto Star, Sept. 17, 1983, A17. 

92 - V Vice, 1946, 1954-1965. Includes: pamphlet on women in conquered Europe during W.W. II, 1946; a selection of the articles on unwed mothers and prostitution that were in the file. 
Removed: "The church and the homosexual," in The United Church Observer, Nov. 15, 1965, p.22f.; "America's greatest sin," in The Evangelical Visitor, Aug. 15, 1958, p.2.; article on the call girl in Maclean's Magazine, Apr. 11, 1959, p.15f.; article on unwed mothers in Ladies Home Journal, Aug. 1958, p.40f.

92 - V Vice, 19559-1970, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 
Removed: articles on the front pages of the Winnipeg Free Press and the Winnipeg Tribune, June 6, 7, and 8, 1963 on the Christine Keeler affair.

92 - V - Ab Abortion, 1957, 1960s, 1972, 1978-1984. Includes: materials from the Association for the Modernization of Canadian Abortion Laws from the 1960s; David Janzen, "Morality and abortion," May 3, 1972, 1p.; materials from the Canadian Association for Repeal of the Abortion Law and the K-W Chapter, May 1, 1978; "The Problem of abortion A Service response," pamphlet of Mennonite Central Committee Canada, 1982 (the draft copy of this pamphlet was included with the MCC(C) files that were transferred to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario.
Removed: "What I saw at the abortion," in Christian Leader, May 22, 1979, p.6f.; "A Report on the abortion capitol of the country," in The New York Times Magazine, Apr. 11, 1971, p.10f.

92 - V - Ab Abortion, 1967-1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: lists of Christian leaders, Doctors and citizens who were against abortion clinics, that were printed in the newspaper (Globe and Mail?) in Oct. or Nov. 1983; a shorter list was printed in the Toronto Star, Nov. 30, 1983, p.A5

92 - V - Ho Homosexuals - Included only an article on homophiles in The Globe and Mail, Mar. 2, 1972, p.5, which was removed. File withdrawn. 

92 - Vi Violence - Included the following: 3 articles from The New York Times Magazine: Hannah Arendt, "Is America by nature a violent society?" Apr. 28, 1968, p.24f."Why we are having a wave of violence," May 19, 1968, p.23f. and "Violence, like charity, begins at home," Nov. 24, 1968, p.59f.; "Violence in the U.S. A troubled society in which gunmen are glorified," in The Globe and Mail, June 11, 1968, p.7; "Reagan planning fight on violence in public schools," in the New York Times, Jan. 1, 1984, p.1, all of which were removed. File withdrawn.

92 - W Wealthy Classes (see also 8-Mi), 1961-1968, 1984. Includes: Program report of Church World Service 20 years of service 1967; general information. 

92 - W Wealthy Classes, 1962-1979, 1985. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - Wo Women, 1976-1982. Includes: "Focus on women and power," Mennonite Central Committee Peace Section Task Force on Women in Church and Society Report, Mar.-Apr. 1979, Report 25; government materials such as,Advisory Council on the Status of Women Annual Report 1976-77; . 
Removed: Status of women in Canada 1975, Marc Lalonde, Minister responsible for the status of women.

92 - Wo Women, 1978-1979. Complements the above file, news clippings only.

92 - Wo - Fe Feminism - Included one clipping of a review of Sisterhood is global The international women's movement anthology, in The New York Times Book Review, Jan. 27, 1985, p.12, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - Y Youth, 1955-1969. Original file measured 6 cm. Includes: "Survey of youth publications," of the Mennonite church, 1956?; 2 copies of High-a Sunday take-home paper for teenagers (Chicago: Baptist Conference Press), Mar. 6 and 27, 1960; Moody Monthly, Youth Supplement, Aug. 1957 (on young people and the New York Billy Graham crusade); 2 sermons of Frank H. Epp, "Angry Young Men (2)" and "A Pat on the back (4)" both from "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission, June 1959; Billy Graham, Youth of Today (Minneapolis, Minn.: The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, 1959), 11p. pamphlet; "To live is Christ," Mennonite Youth Fellowship Convention, Aug. 1962; reports from of the General Conference Mennonite youth groups in Saskatchewan (1962) and West Abbotsford Mennonite Youth Fellowship, British Columbia (1960s?); Jugendbrief der MG Suedamerikas, Asuncion, Paraguay, 1960s?; Educational News Bulletin, Board of Education and Publication, General Conference Mennonite Church, Summer 1966; "Youth extension program," in Commons Debates, House of Commons Canadian parliament, Dec. 2, 1968; Henry Dueck, "Youth leader's manual," 1960s?; popular articles. 
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Elnora Schrock, ed., "All of life for Christ" A Guide for youth organizations, (Scottdale, Pa.: Mennonite Publishing House, undated) publication of Mennonite Youth Fellowship.
Removed: an issue of The Y.P. Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada (March 1948); Youth's Christian companion, June 22, 1958, 388f.; The Mennonite, Oct. 22, 1957, p.666f. and Feb. 24, 1959, p.121;Gospel Messenger, Aug. 23, 1958, p.1 and Jan. 31, 1959, p.3f; Christian Leader, Feb. 11, 1958, p.10f.; Christian Living, Aug. 1961, p.32f.; articles in Der Bote, "Mehr Ehrfurcht - mehr Verstaendnis," in Dec. 10, 1958, "Welche Fragen beschaeftigen unsere Jugend?" in Feb. 11, 1959, a series of articles in 1960 on "Junge und alte," in Oct. 25, Nov. 15, Nov. 22 (a poem) and Nov. 29 as well as two articles from the youth page, Jugendbote, Apr. 26, 1960 and May 31, 1960, p.10; in The United Church Observer, Apr. 1, 1959, p.14f. and July 1965, p.10f.; The Reader's Digest, May, 1967, p.77f.; Maclean's Magazine, Oct. 10, 1959, p.13f.; from Look Magazine, July 23, 1957, p.21f. and May 10, 1960, p.69f. as well as the first 2 pages of "Youth of the sixties... The Explosive generation, the rest, pp. 19-75; from the New York Times Magazine, Oct. 11, 1959, p.47f., Nov. 8, 1959, p.42f., Jan. 29, 1961, p.5f. and Apr. 23, 1961, p.20f.; Ladies Home Journal, Nov. 1957, p.11f.; "How will youth vote?" in Newsweek, Oct. 25, 1971, p.28f.

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92 - Y Youth, 1957-1973, 1984. Complements the above file, news clippings only. 

92 - Y - A Activities, 1955-1965. Includes: most of the papers pertain to suggestions for youth activities and various topics of discussion for Mennonite churches; letters of Isaac Epp, editor of The Y.P. Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, and D. W. Friesens who printed it, Aug. 1949.
Removed: 3 issues of The Y.P. Messenger of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada: Vol.3, No.1 (March 1949), Vol.3, No.2 (June 1949) and Vol.4, No.2 (June 1950); papers moved here from

92 - Y - CS Clubs and Societies, see file below for description.

92 - Y - Be Beatnik, 1959-1960, 1968. Includes: "The Gospel and the Beatnik" by the president of the California Baptist Theological Seminary; news clippings.

92 - Y - CG Canadian Groups - Included - 2 articles from the Der Jugendbote section of Der Bote: "Steinbach young people's activities," in July 29, 1959, p.8 and "Vineland young people report," in Sept. 15, 1959, p.10, which were removed; "Calendar of 1958-59 of the Steinbach Mennonite Church young people, which was moved to 92 - Y - A Activities, above; "From the youth office," in The Mennonite, Aug. 2, 1960, p.495, which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - Y - Co Correspondence, 1953-1954. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding Mennonite youth organizations in Canada (also referred to as K.J.O. Konferenz Jugend Organization (Conferenence Youth Organization); minutes of the CMYO (Canadian Mennonite Youth Organization) in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Feb. 2, 1954; "Report on the activities of the Canadian Youth Organization," 1953?; address lists for persons in various parts of Canada receiving the Young People's Union calendars; church bulletin for Nov. 29, 1953 where Frank H. Epp worshipped enroute to YPU meetings in Bluffton.

92 - Y - CYO Canadian Youth Organization - Essay Contest, 1952-1953. Includes: announcement and results as well as the essays of the participants and related correspondence for an essay contest of the Mennonite Canadian Youth Organization.; "Jugendseite" in Der Bote, Feb. 17, 1954, of which Frank H. Epp was the editor.

92 - Y - CS Clubs and Societies - Included - an introductory sheet with the clipping, "Ten ways to kill a youth society"; excerpts of the The Youth Worker, June 1961, published by the Youth Committee of the Mennonite Brethren Church; Word of Life Lifelines, special 25th anniversary issue. These papers were moved to 92 - Y - A Activities, above. File withdrawn.

92 - Y - MYO Manitoba Youth Organization, 1952, 1962-1963. Includes: statutes of the MYO; P. J. Schaefer, "Jugendarbeit in Manitoba, Kurzer Ueberblick ueber die Jugendarbeit und Kindererziehung in Manitoba, ... 1942-1952; notes and reports from the annual meeting of the Manitoba Mennonite Youth Organization, Oct. 27, 1962 in Morden, Manitoba; MMYO Bulletin, Feb. 1963.

92 - Y - PRB Problems - Included - Elmer Ediger, Youth fellowship manual for local church youth groups (Newton, Kan.: Young Peoples Union, General Conference Mennonite Church, 1953), 48p., which was removed. File withdrawn.

92 - Y - PRG Programs, 1951-1959. Includes: youth prayer calendars for 1951, 1953 and 1957 and program helps of the Young People's Union starting in 1955, both published by the General Conference Mennonite Church, Newton, Kansas; YPU brochure with budget for 1957 attached.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: series of issues of The Youth Worker (Program Helps), published by the Youth Committee of the Mennonite Brethren Church: Nov.-Dec. 1954, for 1957: Mar.-Apr., May-June, Nov. and Dec., some pages from 1960 (Topic VI "The Christ-centered life" by Katie Wiebe), for 1961, Jan. and June, May-Aug. 1962 (Topic IX "Be thou faithful unto death" by Katie Funk Wiebe).

92 - Y - Re Recreation - Included: "Indoor field day" 1p. of suggestions for physical activities (undated), which was moved to 92 - Y - A Activities, above and the article, "Teen-age code of conduct," in The Mennonite, May 28, 1957, p.347f., which was removed. File withdrawn. 

92 - Y - Se Senior, 1955-1960. Includes: flyers with suggestions for service for youth and work camps as well as fund-raising projects in the US and Canada for General Conference Mennonite youth; "Mennonite muscles for missions," in Christian Life, Jan. 1955; Mennonite Voluntary Service Newsletter, Feb. 1958

92 - Y - YCL Youth in Conflict with the Law, 1977-1979, 1981-1985. Includes: receipt for a donation made by the Epps; letters from Andrew Telegdi, co-ordinator of this association, with headquarters on Frederick St. in Kitchener, Ont.; mailings and announcements about events indicating various politicians' support; Youth in Conflict with the Law Newsletter, No. 2 January 1979, attached to Telegdi's letter of Jan. 12, 1979; Dave Worth of the Mennonite Central Committee office in Kitchener participated in "Justice in the community week" Apr. 1985 (see flyer).

92 - Y - YCL Youth in Conflict with the Law, newspaper, 1982. Complements the above file. Includes one copy.

92 - Y - YFC Youth for Christ - Included - 2 clippings on the 40th anniversary and Charles Templeton and flyer for event in Winnipeg, Aug. 1965, which were moved to 92 - Y Youth, 1955-1969, above. File withdrawn.

92 - Y - YPU Young People's Union - Included - YPU brochure with budget for 1957 attached and handwritten notes of 1955? on the history of youth work by Bill Gering, both of which were moved to 92 - Y - PRG Programs, above. See,

92 - Y - Co Correspondence, 1953-1954, above for some information on YPU and Frank H. Epp.
Removed: "Teenager learns of prejudice," in The Mennonite, May 21, 1957, p.332 and "Mennonite Youth" pages (sponsored by the YPU of the General Conference) in The Mennonite, for 1958: Jan. 7, p.9-11, May 13, 1958, p.297-98, Dec. 9, 1958, p.765-66 and in Nov. 24, 1959, p.733-34 (the latter includes a historical sketch of the YPU by Gordon Dyck). File withdrawn. 

92 - Y - YPU - Committee organization, 1956? Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Calling all youth committees," 4p., sent to the Youth office, Mennonite youth, "Jugendbote" and the Vereinsglocke, in which Epp describes how youth committees can organize their materials and keep records by filing them properly and gives details about how to do this with the use of four-drawer filing cabinets and involving the girls for their secretarial help; "Report of the district president" to the General Conference Young People's Union (undated).

92 - Y - YWMA Young World Mobilization Appeal, 1965. Includes: information on their events in Oct. and about the project as a whole. This Canadian organization was based in Ottawa and sought to promote its events in 1965 through religious organizations as well as the media.

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Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing