Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.26.3
Physical description: 80 cm of textual records
Scope and content: The files in this series are organized according to an alphabetical guide created by Frank H. Epp which he designated "Personal Files" and which is located in a "File Key." These files were not integrated into the Phonetic Classification Index of the Mount Vernon Foundation which he began using in 1958. The file names used in Frank H. Epp's alphabetical guide are not always consistent with how the files are actually arranged in this series.
These files were largely created before Epp began using the Phonetic Classification index.
Note: See also, 8. Biography - g - Pe Personal - EFH - Epp, Frank H. , which includes Frank H. Epp's biographical files.
File list:
File Key
PF -File Key, 1950s. Includes: the alphabetically organized file names created by Frank H. Epp, some of which are used for the files described below.
PF Personal Files - A
PF -Addresses, 1953-1955, 1966. Includes: handwritten lists of addresses of the Epp family's friends and relatives, for Christmas cards (a few are dated); several greeting cards; Evangelical Press Association Membership list.
PF -Addresses - Miscellaneous, 1958-1965. Includes: various names and address lists as well as individual addresses; notices regarding Frank H. Epp change of address from Altona to Minneapolis, effective Sept. 1, 1959 and from Altona to Winnipeg, Manitoba, effective July 12, 1965; program from Graduation Exercises of the Class of '59, Altona Collegiate Institute with names of the graduates; list of 3 classes of students at the Elim Bible School, 1961-1962; list of "Christmas letters sent out in 1963" of the Epp family; "Prayer letter list of addresses" (undated); list of charter members of the Faith Mennonite Church in Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 4, 1961; "List of Electors," town of Altona, 1963.
PF -ASB Altona School Board, 1963-1965. Includes: minutes of the Altona School District No. 333 board, to which Frank H. Epp had been elected as a trustee in Oct. 1963; information about teacher's salaries at this time; "Address by Premier Duff Roblin to the Manitoba Urban Association," Neepawa, Manitoba, Sept. 23, 1964; financial report of the Altona school district, 1964.
PF -Assignments, 1958. Includes: letter to Frank H. Epp as a member of the Findings Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Church (Newton, Kansas) regarding plans for the upcoming Evangelism Study Conference; paper related to Frank H. Epp's presentations to youth groups; poster with a photo of Frank H. Epp advertising the First Mennonite Church Young Peoples Youth Rally.
PF Personal Files - B
PF -BM Bergthaler Mennonnite Church (Winnipeg), 1957-1958. Includes: letter regarding the attitude of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church toward the General Conference Mennonite Church, Jan. 1957; 7p. article, "The Story of the Winnipeg Bergthaler Mennonite Church," which discusses the establishment of a church in Winnipeg.
Removed: article by G. Lohrenz, "Unsere Leute," in Der Jugendbote in Der Bote Sept. 27, 1960, (p.10?).
PF -BM - A Altona, 1954-1965. Includes: bulletins, membership lists, minutes and annual reports of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church in Altona, Manitoba; the minutes of the Feb. 13, 1958 annual meeting (originally in a separate file) which include names of members and their duties; minutes of a special local Bruderschaft (church community) meeting held June 28, 1960; Study on "Language in the morning worship service" at the Bergthaler Church, Altona (undated); minutes of library committee meeting, Mar. 19, 1955 (one page, origninally in a separate file). At the Oct. 1958 meeting Frank H. Epp spoke on the "purpose, organization and function" of the Men's Association. At the Feb. 13, 1958 annual meeting Frank H. Epp and Ted E. Friesen were elected as secretaries. Also included: "Pastor's Annual Report to the Altona Mennonite Church," Jan. 26-27, 1965, attched to letter of Nov. 21, 1962.
See also, 88 - Ch - AMC Altona Mennonite Church, 1962-1968 and 88 - Ch - AMC Altona Mennonite Church - Bulletins, 1962-1966, 1967-1974.
PF -BM - A - Altona Education Committee, 1962. Includes: minutes and papers of the Altona Education Committee related to discussions of building a new education wing; Frank H. Epp, "Thoughts on an English-Language Mennonite Mission for Altona and district to be known as Altona Mennonite Church," Mar. 16, 1962. Frank H. Epp was chair of this committee until Apr. 1962.
PF -BM - A - Constitution, 1958-1960. Includes: papers related to the study and revision of the constitution of the Bergthaler church and conference in Manitoba; Franz H. Epp, "Die Konstitution Einer Ortsgemeinde" and "Outline of a constitution for a Bergthal congregation" prepared for the study conference of the Bergthaler Mennonite Church in Winkler, May 17, 1958.
PF -BM - A - Minutes - Included: minutes of Nov. 9 (year not given) for which Frank H. Epp was co-secretary; minutes of Feb. 19, 1959 where Frank H. Epp became part of the Education and Publication Board, which were integrated in the file above,
PF -BM - A Altona, 1954-1965. File withdrawn.
PF -BM - A - Gemeindeblatt 1953-1962. Includes: a series of issues (not continuous) of the church newspaper,Das Bergthaler Gemeindeblatt.
PF -BM - A - Men's Brotherhood, 1950s?, 1960. Includes: notes from a meeting of the Altona Bergthaler Mennonite Church Maennerverein (Association of Mennonite Men); "Paper to be presented to the Men's Brotherhood," Mar. 10, 1960, which was "A statement of problems facing the church and suggested courses of action, as a basis for brotherhood group discussion."
PF -BM - A - Sunday School, 1956-1962. Includes: minutes of meetings of the teachers of the Altona Bergthaler Sunday School. Frank H. Epp's involvements includes: member of the Christmas Program Committee (in 1956?); teacher of the youth class in 1959. A record book of a Sunday School class is also included.
PF -BM - A - Youth Fellowship, 1957-1958. Includes papers regarding the meetings of the Altona Mennonite Youth Fellowship, of which Frank H. Epp was the leader.
PF -Book Information 1950-1953. Includes: various book lists and information about the publication of Mennonite books. One of two brochures of the Goshen College Biblical Seminary Correspondence Dept. was moved to:
PF -CC, The Life of Christ, 1950.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: 2 issues of the Bethel College Bulletin, May and Sept. 1954.
PF Personal Files - C
PF -CC College Course
Scope and content: The following files are arranged by year and alphabetically within each year according to the names of the courses which Frank H. Epp took for his undergraduate degrees. Epp took the majority of the courses described below at the two Mennonite colleges.These course files include course outlines, reading reports, exam questions and other hand outs and important notes as well as Frank H. Epp's graded assignments. Longer essays and research papers which he wrote are cited. The majority of his handwritten course notes were removed. The records and transcripts of the grades which Frank H. Epp received in these courses are in the file,
PF -CC , Credits, School, 1947-1958.
PF -CC - Credits, School, 1947-1958. Includes: grade records of Frank H. Epp for his high school education in British Columbia (July 1947) and the seminary, college and university courses he took in Manitoba and Kansas. Also included is a letter from the University of Manitoba, Sept. 27, 1958, regarding his course and degree credits.
The files below do not include papers for all the courses listed in these grade records.
PF -CC - The Life of Christ, 1950. Includes: notes and assignment (done June 28, 1950 at Mt. Lehman, B.C.) for Goshen College Bible School Correspondence Dept.
PF -CC - New Testament, Introduction, 1950. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "An Introduction to the New Testament."
PF -CC - Old Testament History, 1950. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "A History of Egypt."
PF -CC - Public Speaking, 1950.
PF -CC - Psychology, 1950. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Radio, an environmental influence."
PF -CC - Church History, 1951.
PF -CC - Devotional Life, 1951. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Book Review Prayer, Frank C. Laubach."
PF -CC - Ethics, 1951.
PF -CC - General Conference Mennonite Church, 1951. Includes: Franz H. Epp, "Missionsbestrebungen der General Konferenz Mennonitenkirche, 1860-1926" ("The misstion endeavours of the General Conference Mennonite Church, 1860-1926"); leaflet on Germany which accompanied a list of "General Conference workers in foreign relief and service with the Mennonite Central Committee," 1951?
PF -CC -German Literature, 1951. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Lessing als philosoph" ("Lessing as a philosopher").
PF -CC - Old Testament History, 1951. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Nonresistance in the Old Testament."
PF -CC - Pauline Epistles, 1951. Includes: by Frank H. Epp: "Der Brief des Paulus an die Kolosser" (The Letter of Paul to the Colossians") and "Das Zeugnis meines Glaubens" ("Witness to my faith"), a one page description of how he came to the Christian faith, written in the form of a prayer and giving the date of his baptism, May 26, 1947.
PF -CC - Philosophy, 1951. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "Biography of Voltaire," (Mar.) and "All things in common An evaluation: Aristotle's politics, Bk.II," (May).
PF -CC - Theology, 1951. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Inspiration of the Scriptures."
PF -CC - Writings of John, 1951.
PF -CC - Acts, 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "The Character of the early church."
PF -CC - Apologetics, 1952.
PF -CC - Catholicism, 1952. Includes information sent to Frank H. Epp about an extension course on Catholicism, which he did not take.
PF -CC - Christian Family, 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Autobiography"; notes and examination from the course.
PF -CC - Ethics, 1952. Includes: Henry H. Epp's term paper in Christian Ethics I written for Prof. Don. E. Smucker, Nov. 19, 1952.
PF -CC - Evangelism, 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Pauline evangelism."
PF -CC - Galations, 1952.
PF -CC - German, 1952. Includes: Summer School examination for German 201 - Intermediate. See,
PF -CC , Credits, School, 1947-1958, for a University of Manitoba transcript and grade for this course dated Sept. 6, 1952.
PF -CC - Homeletics, 1952. Includes: Franz H. Epp, "Homiletik I. Die Aufgabe des Predigers II. Der Text und seine Wahl III. Die Auslegung des Textes" ("Homeletics I. The task of the preacher II. The text and chosing it III. Interpretation of the text").
PF -CC - Methods of Education, 1952.
PF -CC - Philosophy 301 (UofM), 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "Epicureanism and stoicism: scheme of salvation," (July) and Spinoza's God," (Aug.), two essays for the Philosophy 301 course which Frank H. Epp took at the University of Manitoba in the Spring and Summer of 1952.
PF -CC - Psalms, 1952. Includes: Franz H. Epp, "Der Wert der Psalmen" ("The Usefulness of the Psalms") and "Der Psalter analytisches studium verschiedner Psalmen" ("The Psalter analytical study of various Psalms").
PF -CC - Systematic Theology, 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "The Doctine of the trinity," (Jan.); "The Devil and his kingdom," (Feb.); "The Doctrine of providence in history," (Feb.); "Original creation Gen. 1:1-2," (Feb.); "Man: a dichotomist," (Mar.); "Conversion, its meaning, elements and psychology," (Apr.); "The Atonement: Christ's sacrificial work," (Apr.); "Ecclesiology, the ordinances of the church," (May).
PF -CC - Theology, N.T., 1952.
PF -CC - Theology, O.T., 1952.
PF -CC - Church History, 1953. Includes: Frank H. Epp, Hermann Walde, David Reimer, "The Baptist denomination."
PF -CC - Ephesians, 1953. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "Spiritual blessings of the believers, Ephesians 1," (Apr.) and "The Redemptive work accomplished for the heathen according to Ephesians 2," (May).
PF -CC - Greek, 1953.
PF -CC - Mennonite History, 1953. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Mennonite teaching on and practice of believer's baptism"; Franz Dyck, "Die Mennonitische Ansicht und Praxis von Freiheit" ("The Mennonite view and practice of freedom").
PF -CC - Missions, 1953. Includes: lists, maps and notes on mission personnel of the General Conference Mennonite Church; Isaac Froese, "The Challenge of foreign missions to the missionary."
Transferred to, 88. Religion - MB - GCMM General Conference Mennonite Missions, 1953-1964: 16 one page biographies of missionary men and women, also published by the Literature Committee, Women's Missionary Association of the General Conference Mennonites of North America.
PF -CC - Music, 1953?
PF -CC - Old Testament Prophets, 1953.
PF -CC - Pastoral Work, 1953. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "The New Testament basis for the ministry," (Jan.); "Pastoral visitation," (Feb.); "The Spiritual and intellectual qualifications of a minister," (Feb.); "Public worship," (Feb.); "Enlisting the membership of the church," (Mar.).
PF -CC - Principles of Christian Education, 1952-1953. Includes: notes from course which Frank H. Epp took in the winter term, 1952-1953, from G. Lohrenz; notes on "Religious education of adults," by J. G. Wiens; notes on teaching adolescents and youth.
PF -CC - Graduation Activity, 1953. Includes: "Graduate program discussion outline" on the theme of being light and salt to the earth (in German); note to Frank H. Epp from Leo Driedger regarding "Suggestions for slides of the college, to be made and purchased by the graduates of 1953."
PF -CC - Abnormal Psychology, 1955-1956. Includes: a few notes from the course; Peacenotes Official publication of the Mennonite and affiliated Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship (Mar. 1956), which includes the schedule for the Seventh Annual Conference, held at Goshen College, Apr. 1956 (which Frank H. Epp may have attended).
PF -CC - Basic Christian Convictions (Credo), 1956. Includes: Frank H. Epp: "Book report on Reinhold Niebuhr: Christianity and power politics," (Jan.) and "My mission in life in the light of my Christian faith," A Personal Credo presented to the Dept. of Bible, Bethel College (Feb.).
PF -CC - English Literature, 1951. Included - notes on Milton and Paradise Lost, Chaucer, Gulliver's Travels, Jonathan Swift, Wordsworth, Scott, Tennyson and Arnold, which were removed. See,
PF -CC , Credits, School, 1947-1958, for a University of Manitoba transcript and grade for Eng II Poetry & Prose, dated Aug. 27, 1951. File withdrawn.
PF -CC - Russian History, 1955-1956.
*See also,
PF -Sunday School Lessons, 1950-1952, for some notes that may have been from one of his courses at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College.
PF -CCT College Courses Taught
PF -CCT - MC Mass Communication, Correspondence, 1962-1963. Includes: correspondence with presidents at two Winnipeg colleges, Canadian Mennonite Bible College (CMBC) and Mennonite Brethren Bible College (MBBC), where Frank H. Epp taught a course in Mass Communication, 1962-1963; correspondence with students; a copy of one part of the CMBC brochure (from 1962?) with his photo and a course description (see the original, full brochure in 8 - g - Pe - PFH Biographical); course outline for Oct. 16, 1962 to Jan. 22, 1963; examination, Jan. 22, 1963.
PF -CCT - MC Correspondence, 1963-1964. Includes: correspondence with faculty and students in regard to the MC course which Frank H. Epp taught at CMBC.
PF -CCT - MC Term papers, 1962-1964. Includes: titles of term papers and book reviews done by students (listed alphabetically by last name) who took Frank H. Epp's Mass Communication course at the Mennonite colleges in Winnipeg, Manitoba: Buhr, Lorne R., “The Sins and virtues of the mass media,” Jan. 28, 1964, term paper CMBC; Dyck, Harry, “The Religious page,” Jan. 15, 1963, term paper MBBC; F riesen, Lorne W., “An Analysis of the religious page of the Winnipeg Free Press,” Fall 1963, term paper CMBC; Goertzen, Ken, “Book Review on Campbell and Wolseley’s How to report and write the news,” Jan. 1963, book review MBBC; Gossen, Bruno, “A Survey and description of all the religion offered by the mass media of greater Winnipeg ,” Jan. 15, 1963, term paper; Koop, John, “A Short study of CFAM 1290 Radio Southern Manitoba,” 1963, term paper MBBC; Loewen, Henry, “CFRY RADIO 92, Portage La Prairie, Man.,” Jan. 1963, term paper MBBC; Neufeld, Ken, “The Story of radio station CFAM,” Feb. 1963, term paper MBBC; Neufeld, Vic, “The History of the Gospel Light Hour,” Jan. 15, 1963, term paper MBBC; Neufeldt, Marianne, “Alberta Radio Mission,” Feb. 1963, term paper CMBC; Reimer, J. Albert, “An Analysis of the religious page of the Winnipeg Free Press,” Jan. 1963, term paper; Sawatsky, Rodney J., “An Evaluation of religious broadcasting on CFAM,” Jan. 1964, term paper CMBC; Schellenberg, D.K., “Church Bulletins,” term paper; Thiessen, Elmer, “Book Review techniques of Christian writing (Benjamin P. Browne),” Dec. 9, 1962, book review MBBC; Voth, Bill, “Book Review on Responsibility in Mass Communication, Wilbur Schramm,” Jan. 1963, book review CMBC; Willms, Johanna, “A Study of the religion page in The Winnipeg Tribune,” Jan. 1963, term paper.
PF -CCT - MC Materials 1962-1964. Includes: outline for MC course taught by Frank H. Epp at CMBC, Oct. 22, 1963 to Jan. 28, 1964; lecture notes from Oct. 16, 1962.
PF -CCT - MC Helen L. Epp, 1964. Includes: course outline and notes made by Frank H. Epp's wife Helen L. Epp for the course in Mass Communication which he taught at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College Oct. 22, 1963 to Jan. 28, 1964, which she took for credit. Also includes her essay for this course, Helen L. Epp, "A Source analysis of letters received in response to The Abundant Life 1958-1963," Mar. 1964.
Scope and content: The following files include Frank H. Epp's handwritten lecture notes and source materials for the various topics in the Mass Communication courses he taught in Winnipeg between 1962 and 1964. The lecture note pages are usually not numbered and include only a few identifying dates. The files are listed below in alphabetical order by topic with noteworthy source materials cited.
PF -CCT - MC The Age of Advertising. Includes: magazine articles and ads.
PF -CCT - MC The Age of Advertising. Complements the above file. Includes ads from newspapers.
PF -CCT - MC Audiences for Religious Broadcasts. Includes: some handwritten notes; Frank H. Epp. "Mass communication and persuasion in religion a case study of Billy Graham" Chapter VI "Graham's audience in New Haven," 6p., which was removed. A copy of the latter is filed in, 8 - g - Pe - PFH Masters degree papers, 1960.
PF -CCT - MC The Church and the Giant. Includes: materials from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.
Removed: Russell Kraybill and Cleo A. Mann, What about television? (Scottdale, Pa.: Herald Press, 1952), 20p.; Harry C. Spencer, "The Christian and the censorship of television, radio and films," Reprinted from Religion in Life (Winter 1960-61).
PF -CCT - MC The Church and the Giant. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
PF -CCT - MC The Church and the Newspaper.
PF -CCT - MC The Effective Communicator.
PF -CCT - MC The Electronic Giant. Includes: lecture notes and sources on the subject of television.
PF -CCT - MC The Institution and the Image. Includes: Andrew R. Shelly, "Christian public relations," Paper presented to the Information Services Consultation sponsored by the Mennonite Central Committee, Sept. 12-13, 1963, 10p.; Frank H. Epp, "Maintaining Christian integrity in our promotional program," Presented at an MCC Consultation on promotion and interpretation, Chicago, Illinois, Dec. 16, 1960, 9p.
PF -CCT - MC Jesus: The Great Propagandist. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "Jesus of Nazereth failure or success," Four Radio Talks from, "The Abundant Life" broadcast of the Mennonite Radio Mission (Apr. 1962); Lord Beaverbrook, "The Divine propagandist" in Weekend Magazine, Vol.12, No.28, 1962, p. 3f., which was designated 88-C. See also, 88 - C Christology.
PF -CCT - MC Mass Evangelism. Included: the complete essay, "Mass communication and persuasion in religion: A Case study of Billy Graham," which was removed. A copy of the latter is filed in, 8 - g - Pe - PFH Masters degree papers, 1960. The single sheet of hand written notes, "Mass Evangelism," was moved to the file above, Audiences for Religious Broadcasts. File withdrawn.
PF -CCT - MC Mass Media Audiences.
PF -CCT - MC Missions and the printed page. Includes: an issue of Christian Life (Nov. 1959) which includes the article, "The Battle of the printed page," p.49f.; National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. materials on world literacy such as, Lit-Lit Newsletter (Feb. 1963), which were designated 103 - g - WL (see this file for more such materials); Eugene A. Nida, "Christian literature: problems and opportunities" which was designated 88 - Mi - Li Literature (see this file for more materials on missions).
PF -CCT - MC Newspaper: News and Opinion. Includes: a brochure, "A Brief visit to the Winnipeg Free Press."
PF -CCT - MC Newspaper: News and Opinion. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
PF -CCT - MC Problems in Mass Communication.
PF -CCT - MC Propaganda - Brain-washing. Includes: some course notes; the course materials in this file from Frank H. Epp's Ph.D. journalism courses 131 and 230 and Sociology 125 were moved to: 8 - g - Pe - PFH Ph.D. - Journalism 131, 1960, 8 - g - Pe - PFH Ph.D. - Journalism 230, 1960 and 8 - g - Pe - EFH Ph.D. - Sociology 125, 1959.
PF -CCT - MC Radio and Religion. Includes: Canadian Broadcaster (Oct. 1962), pp.20-21; an issue of United Evangelical Action (Nov. 1963) which focuses on Christian radio ministry; Report of the Third World Conference on Missionary Radio, June 12-15, 1961 in Milwaukee, WI; Maynard Shelly, "Looking for a Mennonite philosophy on the use of radio," 1958? 13p.; material from the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A.; International Christian Broadcasters Bulletin (Mar. 1963). See also, 30 - g - Ep F. H. Epp, 1960-1963.
PF -CCT - MC The Technological Revolution.
PF -CCT - MC The Technological Revolution. Complements the above file, news clippings only.
PF -CCT - MC Two Philosophies of Broadcasting. Includes: "List of broadcasting stations in Canada in operation April 1, 1963."
PF -CCT - MC The Writer in the Religious Market. Includes: "Some tools of the writing trade," 6p. from the Mennonite Writers Conference, Winnipeg, July 1963, Fiction - Margaret A. Epp. See 103 - g - WC-63 Writers Conference, Mennonite, 1961-1963, for more papers from this conference.
Scope and content: The following files include course outlines, exam questions and notes for the course taught by Frank H. Epp at the University of Ottawa.
PF -CCT - UO University of Ottawa - g General, 1967. Includes: information on building expansion and a copy of the university newspaper, The Fulcrum.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi History 4482x - Register, 1967-1968. Includes: student registers and grades for this extension course on Russia and the Soviet Union. The student papers, of which there were several, were removed.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Prospectus and Exams, 1967-1969.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Introduction, 1967-1969.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Ancient Russia, 1967-1969.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Muscovite Russia, 1967-1969. Includes notes for Part IV of the course.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Imperial Russia (1), 1967-1969.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Imperial Russia (2), 1967-1969. Includes notes for Part V of the course.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Soviet Period, 1967-1969.
PF -CCT - UO - Hi 4482x - Correspondence, 1967-1968. Includes correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding the teaching of this course; time-table and course list for the University of Ottawa, Dept. of History; discussion of Frank H. Epp's proposal for a Centre for Peace and War at the University of Ottawa in letters of Apr. 30, May 6 and Oct. 18, 1968.
Removed: 10 pages copied from the Subject Guide of Books in Print for 1966 to 1975 on Russian subjects.
PF -CF CFAM - Church News, 1957-1958. Includes: correspondence and manuscripts for "Church News" (the latter originally in a separate file), a 10 minute summary of world and local church news broadcast on Sunday mornings which Frank H. Epp, as editor of The Canadian Mennonite, edited for the Altona radio station CFAM.
PF -CFAM - Four Minutes, 1958-1959. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding his meditations program, "Four Minutes a Day," broadcast in the morning on the Altona radio station CFAM. In regard to CFAM see also, 30 - R - CFAM CFAM (Altona, Man.), 1960-1964.
PF -CMBC Canadian Mennonite Bible College - Alumni, 1955-1961. Includes: papers from annual meetings of the alumni association; correspondence of Frank H. Epp with other alumni members; letters from the president, Henry Poettcker to the alumni; tentative program for Missions Conference held at the college, June 15 and 16 (1960?), at which Frank H. Epp spoke on, "Your world is too small." See also in this file, letter of Sept. 22, 1961 in which Frank H. Epp lists his primary responsibilties for the coming winter, namely to, The Canadian Mennonite, Mennonite Radio Mission and the Canadian Mennonite Relief and Immigration Council.
Removed: two issues of Canadian Mennonite Bible College Alumni Bulletin, June and October 1961; two issues ofCollege Scroll, Apr. 1958 and Sept. 1959, which were transferred to PF -CMBC - College Scroll, 1950-1961, below.
PF -CMBC - Bible Week, 1951-1952. Includes: themes and program for Bible Week, March 1951; hand written notes from Bible week in 1952.
PF -CMBC - College Scroll, 1950-1961. Included: the following issues of the alumni newsletter, College Scroll, edited by Frank H. Epp, which was published every two months and preceded the Canadian Mennonite Bible College Alumni Bulletin, were all transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives: for 1950, June or Aug. and Dec.; for 1951, Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct. and Dec.; for 1952, Apr., Aug. and Oct.; for 1953, Feb., Apr., Aug. and Dec.; for 1954, June and Aug.; for 1958, Apr.; for 1959, Sept. and December; for 1960, Feb., Apr., June, Aug., Oct., Dec.; for 1961, Feb., Apr., June, Nov.
Each of the issues up to Dec. 1951includes editorials by Frank H. Epp and 2 of his poems (in German) were published in the Dec.1, 1950 issue on pp.5 and 7. See also, Frank H. Epp, ""Message from the student body president," in Oct. 1952, p.3; Frank H. Epp, "What do I expect of my college professor?" in April 1953, p.2 and comments of Frank H. Epp under "A Last word from our grads" in June 1953, p.3.
File withdrawn.
PF -CMBC - Personal Matters, 1957-1959. Includes: Frank H. Epp's letters and correspondence regarding the leadership of the college, David Janzen's dismissal from CMBC and the article on the college crisis, "The Alumni and the college" by Frank H. Epp '53, the manuscript of which is attached to a letter of Apr. 7, 1958 and which was published in College Scroll, Vol.XI (April 1958), p.5; correspondence regarding the college request for Frank H. Epp to become their Director of Public Relations, a position he did not accept.
PF -CMBC - Programs, 1952-1953. Includes: various programs of the college; for the Commencement Exercises of 1952, College choir program, Frank H. Epp is listed as the "Vorsitzender" ("Chairman").
PF -CMBC - Public Relations, 1955-1959. Includes: papers related to brochures and publicity for the college; brochures from various other Mennonite colleges in North America.
PF -CMBC - Reports, 1952-1956. Includes: two reports on the college, from 1952-1953 and 1956.
Removed: The Bulletin, Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Vol.XX, No.3 (July 1957); "The Christian College" in Evangelical Visitor, May 19, 1958, p.3f.
PF -CMBC - Student Council, 1952-1953. Includes: constitution of the student assembly; agendas for council meetings, attended by Frank H. Epp as part of the executive; letter of Frank H. Epp, Sept. 10, 1952, to fellow-members of the council.
PF -CMC Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1958. Includes: letter of concern from Frank H. Epp regarding missions.
Removed: program (in German) for the 51st Conference of the Mennonites in Canada, held July 4-8, 1953 in Drake, Saskatchewan, published in Der Bote, May 6, 1953, p.8.
PF -CMC - BEP Board of Education and Publication 1957-1958. Includes: reports of this committee of which Frank H. Epp was a member.
PF -CMM Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, 1956. Includes: protocol of the annual meeting of the provincial relief committee of the Mennonites in Manitoba, Oct. 11, 1956, for which Frank H. Epp was one of the secretaries (p.9); annual report of the CMM Sunday School committee for Nov. 1955 to Nov. 1956.
PF -Christmas - Greeting and gift records, 1952-1955. Includes: cards sent to Helen L. Dick, from Frank H. Epp before they were married and from her family members.
PF -CP Church Publications - Asuncion, 1953. Includes: four issues of Mennonitengemeinschaft Asuncion.
PF -CP - Bethel Beacon, 1952-1953. Includes: series of newsletters of the Bethel Mission Church in Winnipeg, Manitoba, the Bethel Beacon; bulletins from this church for 1952 and 1953.
PF -CP - Essex County Mennonite Church, 1954. Includes: church news sheets from the Leamington United Mennonite Church.
PF -CP - Saskatoon, 1953-1954. Includes: two issues of the First Mennonite News Letter, Saskatoon, Sask., Feb. 1953 and Jan. 1954.
PF -CP - West Abbotsford, 1951-1954. Includes: series of newsletters and information, in German, of the West Abbotsford Mennonite Church.
PF -Conferences - British Columbia, 1951-1952. Includes: reports from the Conference of the United Mennonites.
PF -Conference Mennonite Cultural Problems, 1964-1965. Includes correspondence and program for this conference held at Bluffton College, Bluffton, Ohio, June 1965; the paper which Frank H. Epp presented at this conference, "National Socialism among the Canadian Mennonites in the 1930s.
PF -Customs, 1959-1961. Includes: correspondence and papers related to the Epp family's move from St. Paul, Minnesota, USA back to Altona, Manitoba in Canada, in Aug. 1961.
PF Personal Files - D
PF -Debate, 1952. Includes: Frank H. Epp, "RESOLVED that our present economic system with its emphasis on the profit motive is undermining our Mennonite faith," 5p., copy of his debate argument at CMBC.
PF -Deutsche Muttersprache, 1952. Includes: letters (in German) from the Mennonite Society for German as a mother tongue in Canada, led by G. H. Peters, Springstein, Manitoba; an issue of Canadian Society for German Relief, Inc., Feb.-Mar. 1952.
PF Personal Files - F
PF -Finances, 1959. Includes: correspondence related to the interest free loan of $1,000.00 to Frank H. Epp from the Canadian Board of Christian Service for his graduate studies.
PF Personal Files - G
PF -Ge General Conference Mennonite Church - General, 1951-1954. Includes: program of the 1951 annual meeting of the General Council Council of Boards, held in Winnipeg, Manitoba; correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding his church membership and that of his wife, Helen in both local churches and that of the GCMC.
PF -Ge - Information Service, 1956. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp, as editor of The Canadian Mennonite and member of the Publicity Committee of the General Conference Mennonite Church.
PF -Ge - Missions, 1958. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp as executive secretary for the Canadian Board of Christian Service regarding protential mission candidates.
PF -Ge - Mission Promotion, 1956. Includes: correspondence and minutes related to the Missionary Promotion Study Committee of which Frank H. Epp was the secretary.
PF -Ge - Triennial session, 1953. Includes: brochures from the 33rd triennial session, held Aug. 1953 at Jennigs Lodge, Oregon, USA, which Frank H. Epp attended as a visitor.
Removed: two issues from 1953 of The Mennonite, Vol. 68, No.19 (May 12) and Vol.68, No.27 (July 14).
PF Personal Files - H
PF -House, 1960-1961. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp and Helen L. Epp regarding the house they were having built on the family's move back to Altona.
PF -House, 1965-1967. Includes: correspondence and papers of Frank H. Epp related to the family's housing and moves to Winnipeg in 1965 and Ottawa in 1967.
PF Personal Files - M
PF -Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society, 1957-1958. Includes: papers of the society for its organizational meeting at which Frank H. Epp spoke on doing research on Manitoba Mennonites, Apr. 25, 1958.
PF -Manitoba Mennonite Mental Health Society, 1950s? Includes: information sheet in German.
PF -Mennonite Life, 1958-1959. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding rental and use of the film "The Living Church."
PF -Mennonite Symphony Orchestra, 1961. Includes: letters sent to board members of the The Mennonite Symphony Orchestra Society.
PF -Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Chicago), 1950-1954. Includes: brochures and information about the seminary, located in Chicago, Illinois, USA, sent to Frank H. Epp at The Canadian Mennonite; Bulletin of the Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Jan. 1954).
PF -Mennonite Biblical Seminary - Co Correspondence, 1957-1958. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp.
PF -MCC Mennonite Central Committee - CMRC Canadian Mennonite Relief Committee, 1954-1958. Includes: program and reports (Protokoll), in German, of the annual meeting of Feb. 1958; program for the annual meeting of Jan. 1954, held at the Bethel Mission Church in Winnipge, Manitoba.
PF -MCC - CMRCM - Central Mennonite Relief Committee of Manitoba, 1957. Includes: program and reports (Protokoll), in German, of the annual meeting of Nov. 1957. See also,
PF -MCC - PS Peace Section, 1961-1963, below.
PF -MCC - MDS Mennonite Disaster Service, 1950s. Includes: handwritten notes (of Frank H. Epp?) from an executive meeting held in the office of The Canadian Mennonite.
PF -MCC - PS Peace Section, 1961-1963. Includes: correspondence regarding Frank H. Epp's attendance at the Church and Society Study Conference in Chicago in Nov. 1961; correspondence of Frank H. Epp and information sent to him as a member of the Peace Section, representing the Canadian Mennonite Relief Committee (see letter of Mar. 16, 1962).
PF -MCC - Publications, 1952-.1953. Includes: newsletters of various MCC volunteer units: in Brandon, Manitoba; at the provincial hospital in North Battleford, Saskatchewan; the Clearwater Lake Sanitorium in The Pas, Manitoba; the Manitoba School for Mentally Defective Persons in Portage la Prairie, Manitoba; and the Boys Village in Smithville, Ohio.
PF -MCC - VSC Voluntary Service Committee, 1956-1958. Includes: reports and minutes of meetings of the Committee on VS Advice and Control, sent to Frank H. Epp at The Canadian Mennonite.
PF -MCC - Wa Waterloo, 1958. Includes: "Report of Taves-Schellenberg visit to Matheson-New Liskeard" Mar. 1958, to evaluate relief work among Old Colony people living there.
PF -Mennonite Students, 1957-1958. Includes: a list, prepared by the General Conference Mennonite Board of Education, of Mennonite students attending non General Conference Mennonite educational institutions for the school year 1949-1950; report, in German, of the history of the Verein der Mennonitischen Universitaetsstudenten (Society of Mennoninte university students), 2p.
PF -Mennonitische Forschungstelle, 1957. Includes: report of Ernst Crous at a meeting held in Goettingen on this Mennonite research centre in Germany.
PF -Ministers Life and Casualty Union, 1957-1958. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding this insurance plan for clergy; correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding claims made to them for his family members.
PF -Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1954-1958. Includes: miscellaneous correspondence of Frank H. Epp.
Transferred to CGUC Libray and Archives: Confession of faith of the Mennonite Brethren Church of North America (undated but likely a translation into English of the 1917 edition).
PF -Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1959-1967. Includes: miscellaneous correspondence of Frank H. and Helen Epp; letters regarding subscriptions and donations; letters from friends, for example from Susan Martens who was serving in Taiwan.
PF -Miscellaneous Correspondence - Peace Vigils, 1965-1966. Includes: correspondence and informaton sent to Frank H. Epp regarding the Peace Vigil on June 27, 1965 at the Dana Radar Base near Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in which Frank H. Epp took part along with members of the Doukhobor community, the Quakers and other denominations; information sheets concerning an International Peace Vigil to be held on Labour Day, Sept. 5, 1966 at the International Peace Gardens on the US-Canada border which was initiated by the Canadian Board of Christian Service to which Frank H. Epp belonged, and the Northern District Peace Committee.
PF -Moose Lake Camp, 1956, 1962. Includes: correspondence, reports and information about this camp of the Manitoba Mennonite Conference; notes from meetings of the Manitoba Mennonite Youth Camp Study Commission (the meeting held June 9, 1962 and the report of Oct. 25, 1962 were both written by Frank H. Epp).
PF -MRM Mennonite Radio Mission - Co Correspondence, 1953-1960. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding "The Abundant Life," a MRM program of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba for which he was the director and a regular speaker between 1957 and 1963, and the MRM director, J. K. Klassen and the MRM office in Altona, exchanging ideas and information related to the routine work of MRM as well as on topics such as speakers, listener response, broadcasting in other provinces, donations, sermon themes and the printing of Epp's sermons, spotter reports and the discussion of committee reports. The following letter is of note, from Frank H. Epp to the program committee (in German) of the Konferenz der Mennoniten Manitobas, K.M.M. (Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba), Oct. 1956 in which Epp, as leader of the Altona Youth Fellowship, requests that, at the program of interest to the young people, the speakers present in English not German.
PF -MRM - Co, 1961-1963. Includes: a continuation of the correspondence between Frank H. Epp and J. K Klassen, as described in the above file. The following letter is of note, from Frank H. Epp to J. K. Klassen, Dec. 15, 1961,"Regarding problems of my continued emplyment by Mennonite Radio Mission."
PF -MRM - Co, 1963-1965. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp after he left "The Abundant Life" program; letters regarding the sermons he planned to give on the program in Oct. 1964, in a return visit to the program; reference in a letter of Mar. 18, 1964 to an essay by Helen L. Epp, Frank H. Epp's wife's, on reader response to "The Abundant Life" program, (see the essay in PF -CCT - MC Helen L. Epp, 1964, above); notes from, Joint meeting of the Mennonite Radio Mission, the Christian Home Hour Committee and the Manitoba Conference Board of Missions, at Lowe Farm, Mar. 27, 1965; minutes of meeting of MRM Committee, Dec. 27, 1965?
PF -MRM - Co - Music, 1959-1963. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp, with persons and groups who contributed music to "The Abundant Life" radio program, with listeners and with George Wiebe, music director for the program; "Recommendations re music on the Abundant Life program" in which the affiliation of the Canadian Mennonite Bible College with the program is outlined, Sept. 25, 1962.
PF -MRM - Cop Copyright, 1959-1962. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp to obtain permission for items he planned to use in his radio sermons.
PF -MRM - Minutes and Reports, 1959-1963. Includes: minutes of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba Radio Committee (also referred to as Konferenz der Mennoniten Manitobas, K. M. M.); minutes and reports of the MRM committee; monthly financial statements of donations to MRM and their expenses; minutes of meetings of the MRM committee with other denominations such as the Evangelical Mennonite Mission Church (EMMC) and the Evangelical Mennonite Church (EMC); MRM newsletters, beginning July 1, 1960; "Bericht vom Missionskomitee Konferenz der Mennoniten in Manitoba" and "Missions Committee Report of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba" for meetings in Crystal City, Manitoba, Nov. 10, 1961 which includes a report of the Radio Committee on p.5 ("The Abundant Life" program was now broadcast in other provinces); "Missions Committee Report" of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba, Nov. 9, 1962; discussion of Frank H. Epp's position ot his job as director of "The Abundant Life" program in "Protokoll" of the Radio Commiitte of the K.M.M. (Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba) meeting of Dec. 28, 1962; notes regarding the transfer of "The Abundant Life" program to the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, Feb. 15, 1963.
PF -MRM - Radio Messenger, 1959-1967. Includes: series from Sept. 1, 1959 to Apr. 1967 of The Radio Messenger/Der Radio-Bote, Bilingual Bulletin of "The Abundant Life" published every six weeks at the Christian Radio Center (Mennonite Radio Mission). For larger photos of Frank H. Epp see the following issues: Sept. 1, 1959 (group photo); Dec. 1, 1960, formal head shot with information on his background and on his role as the first director and speaker of "The Abundant Life" radio program; August 1963, the "Canadian Conference Issue," formal head shot; Dec. 1963, formal head shot accompanies article, "Farewell to Frank H. Epp."
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: studio photo of the radio quartet that frequently sang on Mennonite Radio Mission "Abundant Life" program, which was published on the front page of The Radio Messenger (Apr. 4, 1960). Left to right: John Thiessen, Dave Wiebe, Abe Olfert and Henry Wiebe.
PF -MRM - Radio Messenger - Reprint, 1961. Includes: "The Outreach of Mennonite Radio Mission, the responses of many people reflect many personal problems," Reprinted from The Canadian Mennonite, which was attached to The Radio Messenger/Der Radio-Bote, Dec. 1961.
PF -MRM - Reports, 1956-1963. Includes: "Protokoll der Konferenz der Mennoniten Manitobas (K.M.M.) ("Protocol of the Conference of Mennonites in Manitoba") meeting held in Whitewater, Manitoba, Nov. 11-12, 1957, at which Frank H. Epp gave a report (p.2); "Findings of the Radio Workshop" held in Altona, Mar. 23-24, 1962 at which Frank H. Epp and J. K. Klassen spoke on the issue of promotion (see Frank H. Epp's handwritten notes on this subject attached); minutes of the Board of Education and Publication, General Conference Mennonite Church held in Berne, Indiana, Nov. 28-30, 1962, which includes a "Radio Committee Report" on p.A-24; minutes of the Canadian Mennonite Radio Committee, Jan. 25, 1963.
PF -MRM - Script, 1960s. Includes: handwritten partial broadcast scripts (introductions and concluding prayers) of Frank H. Epp for the program "The Abundant Life" of which a few are dated, 1962; a MRM Format sheet for May 1, 1960 on the theme "Making Decisions," in which the 9 parts of the program are listed.
PF -MRM - Stations, 1959-1963. Includes: correspondence (mainly of J. K. Klassen, MRM director, of which Frank H. Epp received copies), flyers, financial information and minutes of meetings from the different provinces where "The Abundant Life" was broadcast, namely, Ontario, British Columbia and Alberta; "Bericht ueber Radioarbeit" (Report on radio work), presented to the Conference of Mennonites in Alberta by David P. Neufeld, attached to the letter of Apr. 26, 1960; minutes of the Radio Committee of the Conference of Mennonites in Canada, July? 1960?, attached to letter of July 27, 1960; report of Frank H. Epp, Feb. 4, 1962, to J. K. Klassen on his Ontario trip on which he spoke on behalf of "The Abundant Life."
PF -MRM - Survey, 1960s. Includes: "Name list of candidates for program evaluation"; explanation of the evaluation and a sample form; forms filled in by about a dozen people.
* See also, in 88. Religion, files for Bible and Church which include references to Mennonite Radio Mission and "The Abundant Life."
PF -MVF Mount Vernon Foundation - g General, 1956. Includes: information about this foundation, its operating policy and the filing and classification system it offered; a poster illustrating the materials, including: Modern Tools for Ministers, Memory-O-Matic, the Classification Index, the Sermon Index Service and Counselling & Guidance, which were used by Frank H. Epp.
PF -MVF - Co Correspondence (1), 1957-1958. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding his purchase of their system of classifying, indexing and filing materials, which he used to organize all his materials which are located in Series 1: Phonetic Classification Index. Frank H. Epp was an agent and Manitoba (area) representative for the MVF system. An ad, which he placed in The Canadian Mennonite brought a number of inquiries to which Epp responded with membership information, acting as an intermediary for those who purchased the system. The foundation sent Epp motivational letters to encourage him in his promotion and sale of the system to others. On Oct. 5, 1959 Epp wrote to the head of the foundation, listing all his duties at that particular time and stated that, while the Memory-O-Matic system had become a part of him and he would continue selling it, he would not assume more responsibility for them. He also stated that at this time, his wife Helen was helping him with "about 20 hours of secretarial work a week."
PF -MVF - Co (2), 1960-1964. Includes: more information from the foundation and some correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding his sale and promotion of the system; list of persons who were using the Modern Tools part of the system in letter of June 21, 1961.
PF -MVF - Counseling and Guidance Services, 1950s. Includes: MVF materials that were originally in a black binder.
PF -MVF - Finances, 1957-1963. Includes: financial statements for the persons who purchased MVF materials and informaton on the commission earned by Frank H. Epp.
PF -MVF - Flyers, 1957-1960s. Includes: information about the various classification and filing tools sold by the foundation.
PF Personal Files - O
PF -Order of Canada, 1983. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp nomiating the Rev. D. D. and Mrs. Susan Klassen to the Order of Canada; list of D. D. Klassen's "noteworthy contributions"; "Biographical Sketch of Susan Heinrich Klassen" by Kay Martens; letter of Frank H. Epp in support of Dr. Adam Bromke to the Order of Canada; brochure "The Order of Canada."
PF Personal Files - P
PF -Peace - Christian Youth Conference on War, 1952. Includes: program and papers related to this conference held in Apr. in Columbus, Ohio for which one of the sponsors was the Historic Peace Churches; A. J. Muste, "Non-violence - the true revolution," 7p.; some notes from the conference.
PF -Peace Materials - Church of the Brethren, 1948-1951. Includes: Statements of the Church of the Brethren on war, race and economic problems, 1948-1951; pamphlet by Dan West, Better leadership toward peace, published by the Brethren Service Commission, Church of the Brethren, Elgin, Illinois, 1950s?; booklet by Dan West, Peace Education in Homes (Illinois: Brethren Service Commission, Church of the Brethren, 1950?), 16p.; "Bible teachings on peace," for adults, youth and children, prepared cooperatively by the Brethren Service Commission and the Christian Education Commission of the Church of the Brethren, 44p.
See also, 88 - D - CB Church of the Brethren, 1970s? and 1975.
PF -Peace Materials - Conference on Church and War, 1948-1953. Includes: "The Church - the Christian - and war," reprinted from Sept. 1948 issue of Fellowship - Journal of the Fellowship of Reconciliation; papers and study materials related to this conference of The Church Peace Mission of New York of which Mennonite Central Committee was one of the sponsors; notes on Christian pacifism; Study Materials Conference on Church and War, Detroit, May 8-11, 1950, journal issue on which is written J. Harold Sherk; short articles by J. C. Wenger of Goshen College, Goshen, Indiana, H. A. Fast of North Newton, Kansas and Paul Peachey of Heilbronn, Germany.
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: War is contrary to the will of God, Statements by the Historic Peace Churches and the International Fellowship of Reconciliation (July 1951), 32p.
PF -Peace Materials - Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1951-1952. Includes: brochures, including, "...But how do you make peace? The Story of the Fellowship of Reconciliation," 1951?; 2 publications of A. J. Muste, Ghandi, and the h-bomb, how non-violence can take the place of war (New York, N.Y.: Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1950), 20p. and Korea: spark to set a world afire? (New York, N.Y., Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1950s?), 32p.
See also, 88 - DMCC - PS- OC - FOR Fellowship of Reconciliation, 1967-1969.
PF -Peace Materials - General Conference Mennonite Church, 1953. Includes: one item, "a Christian declaration on... Peace, War, and Military Service," The Position on love and nonresistance of the General Conference Mennonite Church as adopted at Portland, Ore., Aug. 22, 1953.
PF -Peace Materials - Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, 1952. Includes: minutes of the Intercollegiate Peace Fellowship, Apr. 1952, Columbus, Ohio; one letter from Sept. sent to Frank H. Epp as a member of the "College Peace Group."
PF -Peace Materials - Mennonite Central Committee, 1948-1950. Includes: pamphlet entitled, "Think on these things..." which asks questions about participation in war and "Constructive Service," published by Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pennsylvania in 1948; pamphlet, "A Declaration of Christian faith and commitment," adopted at Winona Lake, Indiana, Nov. 1950, Mennonite Central Committee, Akron, Pennsylvania, Peace Section, which inlcudes a list of the conference delegates.
PF -Peace Materials - Miscellaneous, 1950-1952. Includes: various articles and pamphlets from non-Mennonite sources; James E. Bristol, "Primer on pacifism," reprinted from Fellowship, by the American Friends Service Committee, 8p.; "The Christian conscience and weapons of mass destruction," Report of a special commission appointed by the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America (Dec. 1950).
Transferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Roland H. Bainton, "The Churches and war: historic attitudes toward Christian participation, A survey from biblical times to the present day," Reprint from Social Action (Jan. 1945), 71p.
PF -Peace Materials - Scottdale, Pennsylvania, 1937, 1951. Includes: 2 pamphlets, "Peace, war and military service, A Statement of the position of the Mennonite Church," Resolution adopted by the Mennonite General Conference at Turner, Oregon, Aug. 1937 and "A Statement of concerns," Adopted at a study conference on Christian Community Relations, at Laurelville Mennonite Camp, July 1951.
Removed: John A. Hostetler, revised and edited, If war comes: a condensation of the book, "Must Christians fight?" (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1949), 16p.; Wilbur J. Bender, Nonresistance in colonial pennsylvania (Scottdale, Pennsylvania: Herald Press, 1949), 31p.
PF -Plays, Drama, Dialouges, etc. 1950s? Includes: two German plays, "An der Himmerstuer" ("At Heaven's Door"), 12p. and "Lehret Sie und Taufet" ("Teach and baptize them"), 3p. which is described as a diaglogue for 5 persons to explain the questions of young people about the youth instruction and baptism.
PF -Poetry, General, 1944, 1950s? Includes: various poems, some in German on a variety of topics.
PF -Politics, 1950s? Includes: a brochure "Why Canada needs Socail Credit" of a Social Credit candidate running in the Fraser Valley Riding in 1952; a newspaper ad for Stephen Juba (mayor of Winnipeg from 1957-1959 and 1960-1977) with the heading, "You think we need a change ... mixed beverage rooms."
PF Personal Files - R
PF -Russian Evangelism Policy Committee, 1963. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp regarding the Russian Policy Committee of Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc. in Harrisonburg, Virginia; copies of The Informerette, a newsletter of Mennonite Broadcasts, Inc.
PF Personal Files - S
PF -Social Concerns Column - Articles - Included the articles (some in published and some in manuscript format) for Frank H. Epp's "Focus on Christian concerns" column in The Mennonite which ran from Oct. 6, 1959 to Oct. 17, 1961. See related correspondence in the file below.
PF -Social Concerns Column - Correspondence, 1959-1962. Includes: correspondence of Frank H. Epp with the Peace and Social Concerns Committee of the Board of Christian Service, especially Leo Driedger, associate secretary of the committee and J. N. Smucker, editor of The Mennonite, concerning the "Focus on Christian concerns" column which Frank H. Epp was asked to write for The Mennonite on a bi-weekly basis from Oct. 6, 1959 to Oct. 17, 1961; some reader response. See especially the letter of Jul 8, 1959 in which the attached pages outline the purposes, principles and conditions of this writing assignment. See also, letters of Sept./Oct.? 1959 and June 6, 1960 in which Frank H. Epp comments to Leo Driedger about his graduate studies.
PF -Social Concerns Column - Co, 1960. Complements the above file, news print pages. Includes: Congressional Record - House, pp.7669-7846 which include discussions on religious freedom and "The National Council of Churches vis-a-vis the air force manual," p.7842f., sent to Frank H. Epp (Peace Section) from Elmer N. (Neufeld), which were in the
PF -Social Concerns Column - Correspondence, 1959-1962, above.
PF -SP School Publications - Canadian Mennonite Bible College - Scroll - Included issues for the school alumni newsletter for 1950-1954, which were moved to,
PF -CMBC - College Scroll, 1950-1961, above. File withdrawn.
PF -SP - Mennonite Brethren Bible College, Olive Leaf, 1951. Includes: two issues of The Olive Leaf ,a faculty and students' publication of the Mennonite Brethren Bible College, Jan. and Oct. 1951.
PF -SP - Mennonite Collegiate Institute, Ich Sende Euch, 1950-1954. Includes: series of 11 issues of the Mennonite Collegeiate Institute (Gretna, Manitoba) Alumni association publication, Ich Sende Euch (I send you). Poems written by Frank H. Epp are published in the following issues: Nov. 1950, p.1, May 1951, p.1, June 1951, p.2. Also, Frank H. Epp is named in the Nov. 1952 issue on p.4.
PF -SP - Mennonite Educational Institute, Students' Call, 1950-1954. Includes: issues of the Students' Call, monthly publication of the students of the Mennonite Educational Institute for Oct. and Dec. 1950, Jan., Feb. and May of 1951, and Jan. 1954; letter to the alumni, Nov. 5, 1953 and the statues of the alumni association.
PF -SP - United Mennonite Bible School, 1952-1953.
Transferred to the CGUC Library and Archives: the calendar (in German) for 1952-1953 of United Mennonite Bible School, Die Bibelschule der Vereinigten Mennoniten Gemeinden (The Bible School of the United Mennoite Churches), St. Catharines, Ontario which includes, among other things, photos of the faculty; program for the Vereinigten Mennoniten (United Mennonite) Bible School that took place in St. Catharines, Ontario (1950s?); program for the Saengerfest (Song Festival) of the choirs of the United Mennonite (Vereinigten Mennoniten) Churches of Ontario that took place in the Niagara United Mennonite Church, Oct. 26, 1952. File withdrawn.
PF -St. Vital Mennonite Mission, 1953. Includes: a letter, report, invitation and names and addresses of the members for this mission church.
PF -Sunday School Lessons, 1950-1952. Includes: handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for lessons on various New Testament topics, several of which may have been taken from his courses at the Canadian Mennonite Bible College in the fall terms of 1950 and 1951.
PF - Personal Files T
PF -Theological Study Group, 1956-1958. Includes: information and papers for this General Conference Mennonite Church group which was formed in 1956; Gordon D. Kaufman, "Non-resistance and responsibility," 15p.; comments on the latter from the Theological Study Group, Aug. 5, 1957, 14p.
PF -TS Theological Seminaries - Included: an issue of The Christian Century, Apr. 25, 1956, which focused on seminary education, which was removed.
Tranferred to CGUC Library and Archives: Goshen College Bulletin, Vol.L, No.5 (Mar. 1956) which includes the catalog, student register and announcements for the Goshen College Biblical Seminary for 1956-1957. File withdrawn.
See also, 41 - IS - AMBS Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1956-1959, 1980s.
PF -Tithing, 1952. Includes: Andrew R. Shelly, "Towards a tithing congregation," A pamphlet for the ministers and leaders of the General Conference Mennonite Church, Feb. 1952, 22p.; Andrew R. Shelly, "Opportunities unlimited," A presentation of "open doors for the spread of the Gospel in respect to financial resource, Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Chicago, Illinois, Mar. 1952, 5p.; handwritten notes of Frank H. Epp for, "Talk on stewardship."
PF -Tithing, 1952. Complements the above file, news clippings only. Includes: series of articles in the Winnipeg Free Press, Jan. 1954 on the topic of giving to charity.
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Last modified 11-Jan-2011 by Laureen Harder-Gissing