Graduate Theological Studies Program

Classification scheme:


Graduate Theological Studies Program

Sub-Series 1: Logbooks

The logbooks contain course schedules, memos to students/faculty/others, class lists, annual report of GTS program, graduation information, and miscellaneous other information.


Sub-Series 2: Formal Records

  1. MTS / Graduate Studies Committee/Administrative Group minutes
    1987- Nov 2022
    Ministry Option Instructors Meeting, 2004
  2. Early Discussions
  3. Association of Theological Schools (ATS)
  4. Supervised Experience in Ministry (SEM)
    2002-2004; Manual, [between 2014 and 2016]
  5. Proposal for a Master of Theological Studies submitted to the Ontario Council on Graduate Studies, 2007
  6. Graduate Theological Studies Advisory Council, Feb 2002 - Nov 2003
  7. Statistics
    Course enrolment, 1987-2004
  8. Consortium agreements, 1987, 1997-2003

Sub-Series 3: Press Releases/Publicity

  1. Press releases, 1988-1993
  2. Grebel Scholar, 1998-1999, plus articles for 2001 issue (never published)

Sub-Series 4: Calendars

  • 1988/1989-1995/1996, 1999/2000, 2001/2002-2006/2007

Sub-Series 5: Student Records (CONFIDENTIAL)

Students files, in alphabetical order, are only for M.T.S. graduates or persons no longer active in the program. They may be accessed only by senior administrative officials of the College.

Sub-Series 6: Cognate Essays, Unbound Theses, Final Research Paper

Bound MTS Theses are catalogued and retained in the Restricted Circulation area of the Conrad Grebel College Library. An unbound copy of each theses is retained here. Cognate essays/Final Papers are only filed here and are available for research use in the Archives.

  1. "Liberation Theology: Third World Perspectives Exemplified in Gustavo Gutierrez" / Peter H. Baerg, 1999
  2. "Theology and Technology in the Electronic Church" / Andrew Bean, 1996
  3. "The Effect of Revivalism on Worship in the (Old) Mennonite Church of Waterloo Region" / Barbara Draper, 1997
  4. "Ritual and Sacred Remembrance: a Wholistic and Theological Approach to Pastoral Care with the Frail Elderly" / Tanya Dyck Steinmann, 2001
  5. "Christian Camping as Spiritual Orientation: a Vision for Camping Ministry" / Tanya Dyck Steinmann, 2002
  6. "The Doctrine of Creation: the Relationship of Theology and Ecology Compared in the Writings of Rosemary Radford Ruether and Thomas N. Finger" / Kendra Whitfield Ellis, 2004
  7. "A Conversation Between Theology and Literature: Patrick Friesen, Pilgram Marpeck and Milan Kundera, Artists and Theologian of the Body and Soul" / Catherine Eyer, 1993
  8. "Task, Method, and Conclusions in the Christology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer" / Andrew Frey, 1993
  9. "Family Values: Valuing Families" / Randel L. Hamel, 1993
  10. "Pastoral Care to Single Parents" / Sandi Hannigan, 2002
  11. "Developing a Theology of Pastoral Care" / Sandi Hannigan, 2002
  12. "What is the Church?" / Matthew Isert Bender
  13. "Who is the Pastor?" / Matthew Isert Bender
  14. "Peace and Judgement: an Exploration of Church Discipline in 1 Corinthians 5" / Elizabeth Lucas, 2004
  15. "Pastoral Care With Poor Persons" / Elizabeth Lucas, 2004
  16. "Karl Rahner: His Life and Central Thoughts" / Richard MacBride, 1988
  17. "The Emerging Church in South Africa Today" / Richard MacBride, 1988
  18. "Action and Reflection in Theological Method" / Fred W. Martin, 1992
  19. "War Tax Resistance in Biblical Perspective" / Fred W. Martin, 1992
  20. "Did God Institute Technique: Another Look at Genesis 1-3" / Shirley Martin, 1992
  21. "The Methodological Interdependence of Systematic Theology with Practical Theology" / Shirley Martin, 1993
  22. "The 'Light of Christ Within' in the Writings of George Fox" / David Newlands, 2000
  23. "Ruah and Filioque: an Exploration of the History of Pneumatology" / Timothy S. Reaburn, 1997
  24. "A Unique Twist on the Relationship Between Spirit and Matter: Menno Simons' Theology of the Lord's Supper" / Joél Z. Schmidt, 2003
  25. "Origenism in the Early Biblical Hermeneutics of Basil the Great" / Jonathan Seiling, 2003
  26. "Be Subject to One Another: the "Household Code" of Ephesians / Phyllis Tribby, 1994
  27. "Karl Barth's Theological Foundation for Interpreting Gender Distinctions" / Hans Witzke, 2001
  28. "The Bible and Women Ordination in Regards to the Nature of Reality" / Hans Witzke, 2001
  29. "A Good Tree Bears Good Fruit: an Image of Anabaptist Spirituality" / Nak Sun Kim, 2005
  30. "The Environmental Crisis: a Spiritual Problem" / Mahlon Bast, 1990 (Thesis)
  31. "Calvin and the Anabaptists: Re-Examining the Theological Conflict" / Lynn Bergsma Friesen, 1993 (Thesis)
  32. "Let My People Go: a Mennonite Theology of Exorcism" / Lawrence Edward Burkholder, 1999 (Thesis)
  33. "Theological and Technological Language: Different Ways of Talking About the World" / Daryl Culp, 1989 (Thesis)
  34. "The Church is an Ethic: Ecclesiology and Social Ethics in the Theological Ethics of Stanley Hauerwas" / Paul Giesbrecht Doerksen, 1999 (Thesis)
  35. "Meaning and Truth in Religious Language" / Philip Enns, 1993 (Thesis)
  36. "Menno Simons: on Women, Marriage, Children and Family" / Betti Erb, 1989
  37. "The Psalms: Out of the Depths" / Betti Erb, 1990
  38. "Karl Rahner: His Life and Central Thoughts" / Richard P. MacBride, 1988
  39. "The Emerging Church in South Africa Today" / Richard P. MacBride, 1988
  40. "Attitudes to Poverty and Wealth in Q and Mark" / Justin James Meggitt, 1991 (Thesis)
  41. "The Means and Ends of Revival: a Comparative Study of Charles G. Finney and the Church Growth Movement" / Willard M. Metzger, 1994 (Thesis)
  42. "A Historical/Literary Approach to the Parables: a Discussion of the Work of James Breech" / Amanda R. Witmer, 1993 (Thesis)
  43. "The Word of God and its Anthropological Implications in the Thought of Karl Barth and Herman Friedrich Kohlbrugge" / Meine Veldman, 2000 (Thesis)
  44. "Mennonites and the Environmental Debate: an Exploration of Theological Options" / Timothy John Wiebe-Neufeld, 1994 (Thesis)
  45. "Religion as 'Language Game': George Lindbeck's View of the Relationship between Religious Language and Religious Experience" / G. Timothy Wiebe, 1990 (Thesis)
  46. "Melchizedek: King of Righteousness and King of Peace" / Douglas J. Zehr, 1993
  47. "The Spirituality of Hans Denck and the Early Anabaptists"/ David Nicol, 2006
  48. "Anabaptism in the Twenty-First Century: Cheap Imitation or Priceless Treasure?"/ Janet Bauman, 2006
  49. "Church Doctrine and Theology: Two Approaches" / Michelle Cameron, 2006
  50. "Parable of the Good Samaritan" / Kerrie Anne Bremner Engler, 2006
  51. "Pastoral Authority: How it is obtained and how it should be exercised" / Darrell "Chip" Bender, 2006
  52. "An Analysis of the Purpose-Driven Church: a Theological Critique of Rick Warren and Bill Hybels'Ecclesiology in Light of the Theology of Dietrich Bonhoeffer" / Jacob J. Shelly, 2004
  53. "The Pastor's Role in Managing Change Within a Congregational Scheme" / Susan Allison-Jones, 2002
  54. "Ephesians: Triadic Baptism and Syzgic Unity" / Stacey Thurman, 2007
  55. "Participating in Christ's Victory in God's War Against Evil and Suffering" / Troy Watson, 2006
  56. "Anabaptist Rebirth and Spiritual Resurrection: Then and Now" / Barb Smith-Morrison, 2007
  57. "Bible Study to Transform a Community: a Comparative Project" / Anne Campion, 2008
  58. "The Global Church, Peacemaking and International Norms: the Case of the World Council of Churches and the Responsibility to Protect" / Sarah Whyte, 2007
  59. "Anabaptist Spirituality: the Inheritance of a Spiritual Path for Mennonite Pastors and Pastoral Care in te Congregation" / Jean Lehn Epp, 2006
  60. "Augustine on Just Wars and Lies: Conflicting Logic or the Embodiment of Platonism?" / Andrew Suderman, 2007
  61. "Conversion: Shiva, Shira, and Shalom (Mourning, Song, and Peace/Wholeness): Reflections on Interviews with Women Converts to an Abrahamic Faith about their Conversions and Associated Barriers and/or Bridges" / Dalinda B. Reese, 2007
  62. "Gayle Gerber Koontz: a Significant Voice for Our Time" / Nancy Mann, 2005
  63. "The Apostles' Creed and the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective" / Anna P. Wiens, 2008
  64. "Where are the Voices of the 'Hupotossō,' Wives?: Understanding Ephesians 5:22-33 in 1953 and 2002" / Sarah Pinell, 2007
  65. "Recovering the Historical Death of Jesus for Our Time: en Engagement with Recent Scholarship" / Sungyoul Park, 2007
  66. "The wisdom of the Peace and Conflict Studies program at Conrad Grebel University College at University of Waterloo" / Mary Lou Klassen, 2010
  67. "How great Thou art : An exegetical study of Psalm 8" / Rudy Wiens, 2007
  68. "Postcolonial hermeneutics according to R. S. Sugirtharajah" / Rafael Vallejo, 2009
  69. "Shalom/chaos : a discussion and exegesis of the Olivet discourse in Luke 21:5-36 with limited references to similar accounts in Matthew and Mark" / Kenneth Cressman, 2010
  70. "Whore, bride and the Kings of the Earth : an ethical choice in 'The Revelation to John'" / Mary Lou Klassen, 2007
  71. "As we go...a model for the spiritual formation of youth" / Ray Martin, 2009
  72. "What makes it work? : guiding personal and spiritual growth of summer staff at Hidden Acres Mennonite Camp" / Campbell Nisbet, 2010
  73. "God's dream of Shalom : creating communities of Shalom in Waterloo Region with and for women who are homeless" / Dawne Driedger, 2013
  74. "Idols in the mind : idolatry as sinful perception" / Chris Brnjas, 2014
  75. "Inhabitants of the scaffolding : body politics, ecclesiology and church membership" / Ben Cassels, 2014
  76. "Removing the tongue screws" / Ken Driedger, 2014
  77. "Missionally Mennonite : an examination of the missional church and the Mennonite Church" / Sean East, 2014
  78. "Learning to nurture a community of belonging : reflections on my work experience at Charles Village with marginalized people and communities" / Taylor Martin, 2014
  79. "Anabaptists, scripture and the sword" / David Alas, 2014
  80. "Humour in Mark 11.27-33? Finding laughter in the Bible" / Heike Walker, 2014
  81. "Examining discipline and violence in the Christian traditions of the sixteenth and seventeenth century" / Thomas Fisher, 2014
  82. "From salvation to foundation: objectives and language of Mennonite Sunday school from 1950 to present" / Michael Turman, 2014
  83. "Why is Jesus good news to the marginalized?" / Julie Eby, 2015
  84. "Worship for people: commuting through scripture or constitutional encounter" / Alvis Pettker, 2015
  85. (untitled) / Gary Rush, 2015
  86. "'I do not permit a woman to teach': wrestling with the legitimacy of my place in ministry in light of scripture, culture and calling" / Rebecca V. Thomson, 2015
  87. "The Christian afterlife: examining new apostolic eschatology" / Dustin Zender, 2015
  88. "'Never stronger than when we stand as one': the powerful witness of Christian unity" / Stu Blyde, 2016
  89. "The movement of youth ministry in the Mennonite Church" / Jonathan Brubacher, 2016
  90. "'Whoever wants to be first must be your slave': examining the New Testament slave image as a model for contemporary ethics" / Jake Bursey, 2016
  91. "An agrarian theology" / Elijah F. Tracy, 2016
  92. "Community dissonance: towards harmony in the worship war at Calvary Church" / Erika Mills, 2017
  93. "The plea for eleison: grounding the call for social justice in the tradition of lament" / Joy De Vito, 2017
  94. "creative spirit: Zine description and reflection" / Stephanie Chandler Burns, 2017
  95. "Promise and fulfillment: the significance of Peter's vision in Luke-Acts" / Darren DeMelo, 2017
  96. "The death of a church: ministering to congregations experiencing the loss of their church" / Danielle Raimbault, 2017
  97. "Evangelism-aversion and central church" / Mike Shehan, 2017
  98. "Reflections on pastoral care and the vulnerable elderly" / Colleen Dotzert, 2017
  99. "Anabaptism in the context of Korean Christianity" / KyongJung Kim, 2018
  100. "Liberation in scripture and in Latin American theology" / P. Alexander Hoffmann, 2017
  101. "A historical case for the reintegration of the Love Feast in Be in Christ Canada" / Laura Klaver, 2018
  102. "The demise of missions to Global South and the rise of missions with the Global South" / Kathy Elliott, 2017
  103. "Just friends: Mercy is more than meets the eye in the Letter of James" / Jonathan Boerger, 2018
  104. "George Hunsinger and the Eucharist: Transelementation" / Zach Charbonneau, 2017
  105. "Strategic planning and Community Outreach, North Toronto Salvation Army" / Mesfin Zeme, 2018
  106. "Theology: Finding its Place in the Bioethical and Philosophical Debates of Disability" / Erin Huber, 2017
  107. "Land | School | Now | You : First Nations Solidarity Beginnings for an Evangelical Youth Group" / Graham Watson, 2017
  108. "The Problem with One Theology of the Cross" / Heather Homewood, 2018
  109. ["Fasting"] / L. B. Bouwman, 2021
  110. "Instructed Silence: Western Education and Lament from the Margins" / Douglas Clarke, 2021
  111. "Inauthentic and Important: A Critical Look into the Canonical Status of the Ending of the Gospel of Mark" / Joshua Woodcock, 2021
  112. unused file number
  113. “Anabaptism in the Context of Korean Christianity” / KyongJung Kim, 2017
  114. unused file number
  115. “King David Donald J. Trump in the Psalms: An Artistic Work on the Book of Psalms and American Politics”  / Taryn Ferrede, 2016
  116. unused file number
  117. unused file number
  118. unused file number
  119. unused file number
  120. "Reflective Analysis on Pastoral Care for a Person Struggling with Addiction: A Case Study" / Joshua Kuehnel, 2018
  121. "Like a Virgin: Releasting the Shame Surrounding Sexuality and Intercourse and Focusing on Connection" / Sarah Brnjas, 2018
  122. "Theology in Action: Engaging with Poverty" / Peter Kranenburg, 2018
  123. "Public Perception, Canadian Mennonites, and World War I: Re-evaluating through Mennonite Central Committee (Canada) Peace Buttons" / Seanna Sheffield, 2018
  124. "St. Gregory of Nyssa's views on Slavery: Condust Unbecoming of a Christian" / Lesley-Ann Reed, 2018
  125. "No Hands But Ours: The Church as God's Answer to the Problem of Suffering" / Rachel Wallace, 2018
  126. "Resolving Conflict in the Church: a Pastoral Response to Congregational Disputes about Homosexuality" / Samantha Coelho, 2019
  127. "Journeying together: the care of young adults with mental health problems in a Christian community" / Kyung Young (Peter) Kim, 2019
  128. "Adultery in pastoral leadership" / Bruno Siqueira Peitl, 2019
  129. "A Call to Heathenize the Indigenous Christian" / Paulinus Okoye, 2020
  130. "A Treacherous Call to Arms: An Exegetical Paper on Ephesians 6:10-18" / Tim Elliott, 2020
  131. "Fundraising at Present Day Church: Stewardship: A Gift of Gratitude" / Glenda Ribey Rozomiak, 2020
  132. "Remembering the Lonely Among You: A Theodicy of Loneliness for the Church in COVID-19" / Janelle Arnold, 2021
  133. "Personal Journey to understanding the Problem of Suffering and God's Goodness" / Emmanuel Isreal / 2021
  134. "Indigenous Worship Practices in the Christian Setting: Critical observations of Indigenous cultural and spiritual traditions & their use within the Christian worship context" / Lucas Jervis, 2020
  135. "Seeking spiritual maturity: spiritual and emotional care of young adults and students in a campus Christian community." / Chan Young (Joseph) Kim, 2021
  136. "Second Protestant Reformation" / Lily Maryo, 2020
  137. “Of Choirs and Kingdoms: Decolonization and the Church Choir” / Becky Booker, 2021
  138. “Components of a Healthy Pastoral Ministry” / Rosemarie Chambers, 2022
  139. “Miriam Toews and the Mennonite Stories” / Sandy Conrad, 2018
  140. “The Jewish Sabbath: Something Worth Copying” / Kathryn Cressman, 2022
  141. “Treasures New and Old: Story and Theology” / Susan Fish, 2021
  142. “Sacred Stories Told in Numinous Spaces” / Don Justrabo, 2021
  143. “The Communion of Saints: God’s Ultimate Solution to an Ancient Problem” / Joshua Martin, 2022
  144. “The Biblical and Legislative Mandate for Ministry to Those in Prison” / Jeff McCrea, 2022
  145. “Faith Formation: Moving from Traditional Sunday School Classes to Integrational Worship: A Case Study: First Hmong Mennonite Church” / Mollee Moua, 2022
  146. “Justice in the Holy Land: Palestine, Israel, and Liberation” / Heather Samuel, [2021?]
  147. “Liberating Missions Examining the Evangelical Missiological Model Through a Liberationist Lens” / Jared Vander Meulen, 2021

Sub-series 7: Course Outlines

pre 1987
1987-2014/15, Fall 2015

Series 8: Anabaptist Leaning Workshop

Administrative history: Funded by a five-year grant from Mennonite Church Eastern Canada, the Anabaptist Learning Workshop (ALW) provided learning experiences about "the intersection of Anabaptist-Chrisitan faith and contemporary life" for clery and lay people.  Matthew Bailey-Dick served as ALW coordinator and was supervised by the Theological Studies director. The program concluded in 2020.

  1.  Foundational documents
  2. Planning committee, program proposals and curriculum committee, 2013-2015
  3. Steering committee, 2016-2020
  4. Program evaluation and reports, 2015-2019
  5. Events - Lebold Fundraiser presentation, 2016
  6. Events - MCEC School for Ministers, 2016-2019
  7. Events - MCEC Pastors, Chaplains and Congregational Leaders workshops, 2016-2019
  8. Events - ALW workshops, 2015-2020
  9. Blog posts and news releases, 2015-2020
  10. Monthly newsletters, 2018-2020
  11. Inventory of items recieved, 2020
    Note: This is an itemized list of materials received by the Archives in 2020, provided by the ALW administrative assistant. Some items in the list, such as meeting agendas, event logistics notes and participant lists, were not kept by the Archives.

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