Henry Paetkau

Classification scheme: XXVI-3.8

Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 8: Henry Paetkau (2003-2011)

Sub-subseries 1: General

  1. 40th anniversary of Conrad Grebel, 2003-2004
  2. Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) meetings, 2003-2008
  3. Alumni Committee correspondence
  4. Brubacher House
  5. Canadian Distance Education Institute, 2008
  6. Canadian Mennonite University, 2002-2003, 2007
  7. Centre for Family Business affiliation
  8. Centre for the Study of Religion and Peace, 2006-2010
  9. Chapel lobby renovation, 2007-2008
  10. College Council structure, 2009
  11. Conflict Resolution Network Canada
  12. Convocation, 2003-2008, 2010-2011
  13. Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll correspondence, 2003
  14. Elijah Dann article, 2004-2005
  15. Elizabeth Witmer re post-secondary education funding, 2005
  16. Employer Health Tax, 2008
  17. Eric Friesen Alumni Achievement Award
  18. Ernie Regehr
  19. Frank Epp Memorial Fund, 2003, 2006-2010
  20. Fr. Elias Chacour and Mar Elias Peace Centre, 2005-2006
  21. German Pioneers Day, 2005
  22. H1N1 influenza, 2009
  23. Honorary degrees, Rudy Wiebe, Jean-Philippe Collard
  24. ICOMB Global Higher Education Consultation, 2009-2011
  25. Institute for Worship and the Arts, 2006
  26. International Peace Day, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish , 2009
  27. Internationalization at the University of Waterloo, 2005
  28. J. Winfield Fretz memorial service, 2005
  29. Mennonite Church Canada (MC Canada) reports and correspondence
  30. Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) annual meeting, 2003, 2004, 2006
  31. MCEC Conference Historian correspondence, 2004
  32. MCEC Pastors Breakfast, 2003-2011
  33. Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) “Business as a calling” conventions, 2004, 2005, 2007
  34. Mennonite Savings and Credit Union (MSCU) 40th anniversary address by Henry Paetkau, 2004
  35. Mennonite Service Leadership Corps, 2005
  36. Music department
  37. Music recital hall proposal, 2006
  38. The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution and IPACS affiliation agreement, 1991
  39. Ontario Mennonite Music Camp
  40. Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund, 2004-2005, 2007
  41. Paetkau installation, 2003
  42. Peter Etril Snyder correspondence, 2004
  43. Peter Goetz art collection, 2010
  44. Peter Harder honorary degree nomination, 2003
  45. Personal information and privacy protection legislation (PIPEDA and FIPPA), 2003-2004, 2009
  46. Quality Assurance Funds for Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004
  47. Regional Stormwater Pipe Agreement, 2006
  48. Religious Studies program review, 2005
  49. Renison College Founders’ Day toasts, 2004, 2007
  50. Reports to University of Waterloo (UW) senate, 1996, 2004, 2005, 2009
  51. Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 2003, 2008-2009
  52. Ron Mathies, acting president, 2008-2009
  53. Shad Valley, 2005
  54. Spirituality and Aging program, 2005-2007
  55. St. Paul’s College expansion, 2001, 2003-2005
  56. Swiss and Russian Mennonite memorial gardens, 2004-2005
  57. Ten Thousand Villages Foundation proposal, 2008-2009
  58. “Ties That Bind” sculpture, 2003-2011
  59. UW honorary degree recipients with Mennonite or Grebel connections, 2004-2005

Sub-subseries 2: Development

  1. Building project, 2014
  2. Chair in Mennonite Theology discussion, 2005
  3. Donor dinners and receptions, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
  4. Endowment/Investments Portfolio correspondence, 2004
  5. Fundraising form letters, samples, 1987-2008
  6. Mennonite Archives of Ontario memo of understanding, 2009-2010
  7. Mennonite Foundation of Canada
  8. Mennonite Heritage Dinner, 2011
  9. Metzger estate, 2009
  10. Peter Hallman Centre for Youth Leadership proposal, 2007-2008
  11. Renaming of Stauffer endowment, 2003
  12. Shawky Fahel
  13. Harold and Enid Schmidt

Sub-subseries 3: Higher education meetings

  1. Canadian Education Leaders’ Gathering, “Church and church school,” 2005
  2. Mennonite Church Canada educational funding, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010
  3. Mennonite Church Canada education consultation, 2003-2004
  4. Mennonite Education Agency, Education Leaders Gathering, “Renewing minds; changing lives,” 2005
  5. Mennonite post-secondary school presidents meetings, 2002, 2006-2007
  6. Mennonite post-secondary school presidents meetings, 2007-2009

Sub-subseries 4: Iran

  1. East West Dialogue meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 2007
  2. Shi’ah Muslim-Mennonite Christian Dialogue, 2007
  3. Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre/Mennonite Central Committee Iranian student exchange program, 2005-2006, 2009

Sub-subseries 5: Pastoral Leadership

  1. Census of children, youth and young adults in Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada, 2009
  2. Conversation on Pastoral leadership education, 2009-2010
  3. Coordinator of Leadership Formation, 2003-2006
  4. Faith and business award proposal
  5. Grebel graduates in pastoral ministry, 2005, 2010
  6. Lebold Endowment and leadership training, 2003-2010 (includes a confidential document)
  7. Lebold Endowment banquet, 2003-2012
  8. Pastoral trends survey, 2007
  9. School for Ministers and Chaplains, 2004

Sub-subseries 6: Peace and Conflict Studies

  1. Grant proposal to J.W. McConnell, service learning program in PACS, 2004-2005
  2. PACS correspondence, 2008-2011
  3. PACS 30th anniversary, 2007-2008
  4. Power of Peace Network and Peace BA, 2007-2008

Sub-subseries 7: Residence Program

  1. Commencement addresses, 2006-2010
  2. Community supper, 2003-2008, 2010-2011
  3. End of the term banquet hosting, 2004, 2008
  4. Fall Fair, 2003-2010
  5. Fall orientation, 2003-2010
  6. Residence interview night, 2003-2005, 2008
  7. Residence program, general, 1999, 2002-2010
  8. Solar Grebel, 2009, 2011
  9. Student reflections on Grebel, 2003-2010
  10. World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program, 2006-2007, 2009

Sub-subseries 8: Scholarships and Bursaries

  1. Award agreements
  2. Award receptions, 2006-2010
  3. Scholarships and bursaries management, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007-2009, 2011

Sub-subseries 9: Staff and faculty

  1. Faculty forum, 2002-2007
  2. Faculty/staff recognitions for service
  3. Faith and the hiring process, 2010-2011
  4. Job descriptions
  5. Retirements – Sam Steiner, John Good, Werner Packull, Jim Reimer, Ann Snider, Sylvan Martin, Arnold Snyder, Henry Paetkau
  6. Social gatherings – Board of Governors dinner, summer barbeque, Christmas party
  7. Staff salary grades guideline, 2006-2007
  8. Academic Dean search committee, 2004-2005 (restricted)

Sub-subseries 10: Strategic Planning

  1. Mission statement, 2006-2009
  2. Strategic planning, 2006

Sub-subseries 11: Theological Studies

  1. Association of Theological Schools accreditation
  2. Master of Theological Studies correspondence, 2003-2008
  3. Master of Theological Studies funding correspondence, 2003, 2005-2006
  4. Ontario Council on Graduate Studies appraisal, 2007-2008
  5. Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre surrender of charter, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005

Sub-subseries 12: Visiting scholar programs

  1. Bechtel Lectures, 2003-2011
  2. Rodney and Lorna Sawatsky Visiting Scholar fund, 2004-2010