Classification scheme: XXVI-3.8
Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 8: Henry Paetkau (2003-2011)
Sub-subseries 1: General
- 40th anniversary of Conrad Grebel, 2003-2004
- Affiliated and Federated Institutions of Waterloo (AFIW) meetings, 2003-2008
- Alumni Committee correspondence
- Brubacher House
- Canadian Distance Education Institute, 2008
- Canadian Mennonite University, 2002-2003, 2007
- Centre for Family Business affiliation
- Centre for the Study of Religion and Peace, 2006-2010
- Chapel lobby renovation, 2007-2008
- College Council structure, 2009
- Conflict Resolution Network Canada
- Convocation, 2003-2008, 2010-2011
- Dueck, Sauer, Jutzi & Noll correspondence, 2003
- Elijah Dann article, 2004-2005
- Elizabeth Witmer re post-secondary education funding, 2005
- Employer Health Tax, 2008
- Eric Friesen Alumni Achievement Award
- Ernie Regehr
- Frank Epp Memorial Fund, 2003, 2006-2010
- Fr. Elias Chacour and Mar Elias Peace Centre, 2005-2006
- German Pioneers Day, 2005
- H1N1 influenza, 2009
- Honorary degrees, Rudy Wiebe, Jean-Philippe Collard
- ICOMB Global Higher Education Consultation, 2009-2011
- Institute for Worship and the Arts, 2006
- International Peace Day, Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish , 2009
- Internationalization at the University of Waterloo, 2005
- J. Winfield Fretz memorial service, 2005
- Mennonite Church Canada (MC Canada) reports and correspondence
- Mennonite Church Eastern Canada (MCEC) annual meeting, 2003, 2004, 2006
- MCEC Conference Historian correspondence, 2004
- MCEC Pastors Breakfast, 2003-2011
- Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) “Business as a calling” conventions, 2004, 2005, 2007
- Mennonite Savings and Credit Union (MSCU) 40th anniversary address by Henry Paetkau, 2004
- Mennonite Service Leadership Corps, 2005
- Music department
- Music recital hall proposal, 2006
- The Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution and IPACS affiliation agreement, 1991
- Ontario Mennonite Music Camp
- Ontario Student Opportunity Trust Fund, 2004-2005, 2007
- Paetkau installation, 2003
- Peter Etril Snyder correspondence, 2004
- Peter Goetz art collection, 2010
- Peter Harder honorary degree nomination, 2003
- Personal information and privacy protection legislation (PIPEDA and FIPPA), 2003-2004, 2009
- Quality Assurance Funds for Colleges and Universities, 2003-2004
- Regional Stormwater Pipe Agreement, 2006
- Religious Studies program review, 2005
- Renison College Founders’ Day toasts, 2004, 2007
- Reports to University of Waterloo (UW) senate, 1996, 2004, 2005, 2009
- Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 2003, 2008-2009
- Ron Mathies, acting president, 2008-2009
- Shad Valley, 2005
- Spirituality and Aging program, 2005-2007
- St. Paul’s College expansion, 2001, 2003-2005
- Swiss and Russian Mennonite memorial gardens, 2004-2005
- Ten Thousand Villages Foundation proposal, 2008-2009
- “Ties That Bind” sculpture, 2003-2011
- UW honorary degree recipients with Mennonite or Grebel connections, 2004-2005
Sub-subseries 2: Development
- Building project, 2014
- Chair in Mennonite Theology discussion, 2005
- Donor dinners and receptions, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007
- Endowment/Investments Portfolio correspondence, 2004
- Fundraising form letters, samples, 1987-2008
- Mennonite Archives of Ontario memo of understanding, 2009-2010
- Mennonite Foundation of Canada
- Mennonite Heritage Dinner, 2011
- Metzger estate, 2009
- Peter Hallman Centre for Youth Leadership proposal, 2007-2008
- Renaming of Stauffer endowment, 2003
- Shawky Fahel
- Harold and Enid Schmidt
Sub-subseries 3: Higher education meetings
- Canadian Education Leaders’ Gathering, “Church and church school,” 2005
- Mennonite Church Canada educational funding, 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010
- Mennonite Church Canada education consultation, 2003-2004
- Mennonite Education Agency, Education Leaders Gathering, “Renewing minds; changing lives,” 2005
- Mennonite post-secondary school presidents meetings, 2002, 2006-2007
- Mennonite post-secondary school presidents meetings, 2007-2009
Sub-subseries 4: Iran
- East West Dialogue meeting with President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, 2007
- Shi’ah Muslim-Mennonite Christian Dialogue, 2007
- Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre/Mennonite Central Committee Iranian student exchange program, 2005-2006, 2009
Sub-subseries 5: Pastoral Leadership
- Census of children, youth and young adults in Mennonite Church of Eastern Canada, 2009
- Conversation on Pastoral leadership education, 2009-2010
- Coordinator of Leadership Formation, 2003-2006
- Faith and business award proposal
- Grebel graduates in pastoral ministry, 2005, 2010
- Lebold Endowment and leadership training, 2003-2010 (includes a confidential document)
- Lebold Endowment banquet, 2003-2012
- Pastoral trends survey, 2007
- School for Ministers and Chaplains, 2004
Sub-subseries 6: Peace and Conflict Studies
- Grant proposal to J.W. McConnell, service learning program in PACS, 2004-2005
- PACS correspondence, 2008-2011
- PACS 30th anniversary, 2007-2008
- Power of Peace Network and Peace BA, 2007-2008
Sub-subseries 7: Residence Program
- Commencement addresses, 2006-2010
- Community supper, 2003-2008, 2010-2011
- End of the term banquet hosting, 2004, 2008
- Fall Fair, 2003-2010
- Fall orientation, 2003-2010
- Residence interview night, 2003-2005, 2008
- Residence program, general, 1999, 2002-2010
- Solar Grebel, 2009, 2011
- Student reflections on Grebel, 2003-2010
- World University Service of Canada Student Refugee Program, 2006-2007, 2009
Sub-subseries 8: Scholarships and Bursaries
- Award agreements
- Award receptions, 2006-2010
- Scholarships and bursaries management, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2007-2009, 2011
Sub-subseries 9: Staff and faculty
- Faculty forum, 2002-2007
- Faculty/staff recognitions for service
- Faith and the hiring process, 2010-2011
- Job descriptions
- Retirements – Sam Steiner, John Good, Werner Packull, Jim Reimer, Ann Snider, Sylvan Martin, Arnold Snyder, Henry Paetkau
- Social gatherings – Board of Governors dinner, summer barbeque, Christmas party
- Staff salary grades guideline, 2006-2007
- Academic Dean search committee, 2004-2005 (restricted)
Sub-subseries 10: Strategic Planning
- Mission statement, 2006-2009
- Strategic planning, 2006
Sub-subseries 11: Theological Studies
- Association of Theological Schools accreditation
- Master of Theological Studies correspondence, 2003-2008
- Master of Theological Studies funding correspondence, 2003, 2005-2006
- Ontario Council on Graduate Studies appraisal, 2007-2008
- Toronto Mennonite Theological Centre surrender of charter, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005
Sub-subseries 12: Visiting scholar programs
- Bechtel Lectures, 2003-2011
- Rodney and Lorna Sawatsky Visiting Scholar fund, 2004-2010