Classification scheme: XXVI.3.1
Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 1: J. Winfield Fretz (1963-1973)
Custodial history: Files in Vol. 5 (26-39) were received in 2001, at a later date than the rest of the files, and processed by the Archives in 2018.
Vol. 1: 1963-1978
- Clippings of groundbreaking ceremony, 1963; cornerstone laying (1964); program from dedication service (1964); Symbolism of CGC Chapel; Vesper service program (1963)
- Board of Governors lists, 1967-1973
- Presidential reports to Board, 1963-1966
- Addresses by J. W. Fretz and others at CGC retreats
- Address by Walter Klaassen, "The Biblical view of Christian community"
- Draft materials for dedication and inauguration services, 1964
- Inauguration addresses by J. W. Fretz and Walter Klaassen, 1964
- Correspondence re: dedication and inauguration service, 1964
- Summer programs, 1963-1973
- Discussion on change of regulations regarding use of alcohol in residence, 1969
- "The future of Conrad Grebel College" long range planning report, 1978
- Clipping file, 1962-1964
- Correspondence with Dean of Arts, 1962-1968 (includes early correspondence between Fretz and Norman High, including High’s invitation to Fretz to come to Conrad Grebel College)
Vol. 2: 1963-1973
- General correspondence, 1963
- General correspondence, 1964
- General correspondence, 1965
- General correspondence, 1966
- General correspondence, 1967
- General correspondence, 1968
- General correspondence, 1969
- General correspondence, 1970
- General correspondence, 1971
- General correspondence, 1972
- Empty
- General correspondence, 1973
- News service, releases, 1965-1970
- New service releases, 1971-1973
- Student seminar materials, 1965-1967
- Expansion planning, 1969
- Correspondence, Joseph Stauffer, 1966-1972
- General publicity, 1963-1968
- Frank Epp installation, minutes, notes, etc., 1973
- Outline for Sociology of the Family course, 1963
- Harvey Taves memorial service
Vol. 3: 1963-1973
- Mennonite high school lists, 1964-1965
- Correspondence, Canadian Mennonite, 1964-1971
- Correspondence, Christian Living, 1963-1973
- Correspondence, Evangel, 1967-1969
- Correspondence, The Mennonite, 1964-1972
- Correspondence, Mennonite Life, 1966-1970
- Correspondence, Mennonite Quarterly Review, 1968-1973
- Correspondence, Mennonite Weekly Review, 1968-1971
- "Baptists and Conrad Grebel College," 1969
- U. of Waterloo-CGC - College Affairs Committee, 1964-1973
- Inter-Church College matters, 1968-1973
- CGC-Renison correspondence, 1962-1971
- CGC-St. Jerome’s College, 1965-1973
- CGC-St. Paul’s College, 1963-1972
- CGC-Waterloo Lutheran, 1964-1973
- Bethel College, 1971-1973; also administrative model of Bethel College, 1937
- CGC-Canadian Mennonite Bible College correspondence, 1964-1973
- CGC-Eastern Mennonite College, 1966-1973
- CGC-Freeman Junior College, 1967-1973
- CGC-Goshen College, 1968-1973
- CGC-Hesston College, 1956-1958
- CGC-Messiah College, 1967-1972
- Rockway Mennonite School, 1969-1970
- Rosthern Junior College, 1966
- CGC-Tabor College, 1972-1973
- Inter-Faculty studios memos, minutes, correspondence, 1970-1971
- John E. Martens file, 1969-1973
- Harold Moyer file, 1973
- President’s house file, 1969-1971, including drawings
- Prospective students list, 1970
- Religious Studies faculty matters, 1969-1973
- Lama T. Chime Rinpoche file, 1970
- Residence students statistics, 1964-1968
- Correspondence, George H. Williams, 1971
- International students file, 1964-1967
- Library book orders, 1964-1967
- Residence Caution fund file, 1964-1966
- CGC Christmas card file, 1967
- Letters of congratulations to J. W. Fretz, 1962-1964
- CGC Church materials, 1965
- Counseling Services, 1966
- Donations, pledges, gifts, 1966-1975
- Residence study by Barbara Smucker, 1969
- Empty
- Graduation dinner lists, 1967-1972
- Library memos, correspondence, 1966-1972
- Correspondence, Mennonite Board of Education, 1968-1973
- Appalachian Committee
- MCC Exchange Program materials, 1973
Vol. 4: 1963-1973
- Summer school, 1972
- Notes, correspondence re: Board of Governors Executive Committee, 1963-1973
- Stratford Festival seminar, 1969
- Stratford Festival seminar, 1970
- Summer school, 1973
- Study carrels, 1969-1971
- Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, 1973-1974
- News releases re: Frank Epp installation, 1973
- Conference on Christian Community, 1973
- Summer program, 1965
- Residence matters, 1965-1974
- Correspondence, Arnold Gingrich memorial, 1962-1974
- General inquiries, 1971-1972
- Correspondence, David Falk, 1973 (RESTRICTED)
- Teachers Abroad Program, Waterloo, 1963
- Correspondence, Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1959-1966
- Council of Mennonite Colleges European Tour, 1967
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, International Education Conference, 1966
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, International Education, 1967
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, International Education, 1966
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, International Education, 1962-1965
- Correspondence, Council of Mennonite Colleges, 1965-1967
- Correspondence, Council of Mennonite Colleges Haiti trip, 1967
- Correspondence, Council of Mennonite Colleges, 1968-1970
- Correspondence, Council of Mennonite Colleges, Quebec seminar, 1968-1971
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, International Student Conference, 1967
- Council of Mennonite Colleges, Misc. material, 1971
- Correspondence, Council of Mennonite Colleges, 1972
- Adult school, 1969
- Summer school, 1968
- Summer school, 1969
- Summer school, 1970-1971
- Board of Governors statement re: resignation of J.W. Fretz, 1973
- Correspondence, Archives, 1960-1970
- Correspondence, Archives, 1971-1975
- President’s Annual Report to Board, 1964, 1967
- Correspondence, John Ruth re: biography of Conrad Grebel, 1972-1974
- Birkholtz painting and history, 1972-1974
- Correspondence, Board chairperson, 1962-1971
- Correspondence, Board secretary, 1962-1973
- Correspondence, Board treasurer, 1964-1972
- Building file, including minutes, quotations, specifications, 1962-1964
- Correspondence, building and grounds, 1965-1973
- Correspondence, chapel furnishings and windows, 1964, 1972
Vol. 5: 1959-1973
- College crest, design, including plates, 1965
- Grants – correspondence, forms, etc. 1967-74
- Correspondence, groundbreaking ceremony, 1963
- History of CGC and historical background, 1961-1964
- Landscaping, including plans, 1969
- Ontario Minister of Colleges and Universities, 1972-1975
- Misc. correspondence, minutes, 1960
- Misc. correspondence, minutes, 1961
- Misc. correspondence, minutes, 1963
- Misc. correspondence, minutes, 1959-1965
- News releases, 1965, 1966
- Promotion and advertising, 1964-1979
- Quotations, etc., 1966-1971
- International students, government regulations, 1968
- Study Committee report, "Ontario Peace Churches and Higher Education at U. of W.; also minutes, correspondence re: the establishment of CGC, 1953, 1959
- Memoranda re: U. of Waterloo electrical service, 1973
- U. of Waterloo Board of Governors memoranda, 1971
- Mennonite students at U. Of Waterloo, 1960/61-1968/69 (statistics)
- Ontario Co-operative Program in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, memoranda, 1970-1972
- U. W. Inter-Faculty Studies minutes, memos, 1970
- Educational consultations with Mennonite constituency, 1971-1973
- University of Waterloo, "A study of organization and administration," 1970
- Misc. correspondence with U.W., 1971-1973
- UW/CGC Tuition split memos, calculations, 1964-1971
- UW/CGC Tuition split memos, calculations, 1972-1973
- CGC Student Admission Policy, 1964-1972
- French language seminar, 1968
- Correspondence, CGC Faculty-Board-Conference retreat, 1963
- Personal notes on early CGC days, 1962-1967
Scope and content: Includes a discussion paper by J. Winfield Fretz “A Mennonite Community on a University Campus”, written November 13, 1963. - Initial Interview with J. Winfield Fretz at CGC, 1962-1963
- Education in the Churches, 1962-1964
Scope and content: Early notes on a Christian education service for the Ontario Mennonite constituency. - Anabaptist-Mennonite Centre, 1969-1971
- International Students Centre, 1970-1971
- Mennonite Graduate Student Fellowship, 1959-1965
- Director of Student Affairs, 1966-1972
- CGC Public Relations, 1971-1973
- Faculty salaries, 1966-1971
- Executive Committee correspondence, 1969-1971
- Academic Affairs, 1964-1972