Lorraine Roth genealogy summaries series

Classification scheme:


Series 1: Genealogy summaries

Scope and content: From her research files (see Series 4), Roth prepared summaries of Amish Mennonite genealogical information. The files are organized by surname.

Notes: Consult the Milton Good Library catalogue for published versions of information in these files.
This series was reorganized in 2014 when additional files were added. Original files in this series have been identified, along with their former classification number, in notes below.

  1. “Summaries of Ontario (Amish) Mennonite families,” 1981, rev. 1983
    Note: A scan of the 1982 version (PDF) is located on the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario website.
  2. Albrecht
  3. Albrecht research from Ken Albrecht
    Note: Includes photocopies and transcriptions of Albrecht papers from Bavaria
  4. Albrecht (Illinois); Schrag / Albrecht (Volhynia)
  5. Arthaud
  6. Baechler / Bechler
  7. Bast
  8. Becker / Blum / Burkart
  9. Bellar / Beller
  10. Diane Beller and Gail Bellar correspondence
  11. Bender
    Notes: Copy of Bender Family 1832 – 1990 transferred to the Milton Good Library. Jacob Bender’s copy book transferred to the Archives.
  12. Berger / Riggenbach
  13. Besinger / Boesiger / Bessiger / Basinger
  14. Bier
  15. Birckelbach
  16. Birkey / Buerge
  17. Blank / Plank
  18. Boshart / Bosshart
  19. Peter E. Boshart
  20. Christian E. Boshart / Stutzman
    Note:  1964 and 1976 editions of David. D. Stutzman and Mary Ann Beckler Family Record transferred to Milton Good Library
  21. Boshart correspondence
  22. Bossert / Bachert
  23. Marie Boshart and Daniel Brenneman
  24. Brenneman
  25. Brenneman (oversize document box)
  26. Brunk
  27. Jacob Bruege tombstone
  28. Carter
  29. Christner
  30. Danner / Donner
  31. Diener / Dienner
  32. Diener
    Scope and content: photocopy of History of the Diener family by Menno A. Diener, 1964
  33. Ebersol
    Note: A copy of Ebersol-Schwartzentruber Miscellany was withdrawn. A copy is located in the Milton Good Library.
  34. Ebersol correspondence
  35. Ebersol family (oversize document box)
  36. Egli / Egly
  37. Eicher
    Note: Includes photocopy of Descendants of Joseph Miller and Christian Eicher
  38. Eiman / Eimen / Eymann
  39. Eier / Eyer / Oyer
  40. Erb
  41. Erb correspondence
  42. Ernst
  43. Fahrni / Farney / Forney
    Note: Includes the paper “Farnisville as frontier: An Illinois Amish Mennonite community as metropolitan hinterland” by Steve Nolt
  44. Gardner / Gordner
  45. Gascho / Cachot / Gachot
  46. Gingerich / Gascho / Oesch
  47. Christian Gascho
  48. Joseph Gascho
  49. John Gascho
  50. Gascho correspondence and notes
    Notes: Der Christliche Jugendfreund (vol. 20) was withdrawn; copy available in the Milton Good Library. Copy of the hymn “Die Welt is meine Heimat nicht” and letter from Michael Myers to John Gascho (Bishop) were transferred to the Archives.
  51. Jacob Gascho correspondence
  52. Gerber / Guerber / Kerber
    Note: The following were withdrawn and are available in the Milton Good Library:  Mennonite Family History (Apr 2011); The Gerber Family Tree.
  53. Giesler / Geisler / Gisler
  54. Ginger
  55. Gingerich
    Note: Gospel Herald, (4 Sept 1979) withdrawn; copy located in the Milton Good Library
  56. Gingerich research by Wendy Wild
    Note: Includes Peter E. Gingerich, Jonas Gingerich, Helena and Magdalena Hartleib, Michael Gingerich, Peter L. Gingerich
  57. Goldschmidt / Goldsmith
  58. Guth
  59. Johannes and Magdalena Guth correspondence, 1819, 1824 (oversize document box)
    Note: Includes 1819 letter formerly part of Hist.Mss.1.117.1/1
  60. Helmuth
  61. Herner, Holly, and Hunt
  62. Herrfort / Herford
  63. Honderich
    Note: The Honderichs and The Descendants of Christian Honderich (1788-1868) and Margaret Gingerich (1798-1862) were withdrawn. Copies are located in the Milton Good Library.
  64. Hochstetler / Hostetler
  65. Holst
  66. Ingold
  67. Jacobs
  68. Jantzi / Yantzi / Yancey
    Note: Copy of Some Information about the Yantzi Jantzi Jantze Yancey Yontzie Yantzie Jauntzie Yonsey Chancey Family transferred to the Milton Good Library. The contents of the file formerly classified as Hist.Mss.1.117.1/4 are integrated here.
  69. Revisions to Jantzi family introduction
    Scope and content: A copy of The Jantzi, Yantzi, Yancey family from Lorraine, France […] by Lorraine Roth, 1991, revised and corrected by Roth.
  70. Jantzi (oversize document box)
  71. Daniel Jantzi
  72. Jantzi correspondence
  73. Joseph Jantzi
  74. Joseph G. Jantzi papers, Christian and Anna Jantzi correspondence
  75. Yantzi Family
    Note: Michael B. Yantzi reunion files transferred to the Archives
  76. Jausi / Yausie / Yousey
  77. Joder / Yoder
  78. Jutzi / Iutzi / Yutzi
    Note: Jutzi reunion materials transferred to the Archives
  79. Kauffman
  80. Christoph Kennel
  81. Jean Kennel
  82. Kennel family
  83. Kennel family (oversize document box)
  84. Christian Kennel
  85. Kennel photographs and documents
    Note: Most from the Orie Bender collection
  86. Peter Kennel
    Note: Copy of Cousins in Contact IV transferred to Milton Good Library. Copies of the following articles were withdrawn: “Telling a Story that has told me,” Mennonite Historical Bulletin (vol. LX no. 1); “How We Remember Our Dad,” Nebraska Mennonite Historical Newsletter (vol. 6, no. 2). Copies are located in the Milton Good Library.
  87. Edna Kennel
  88. Kennel, French research and correspondence
  89. Kipfer / Kuepfer
    Note: “Yesterdays and Years: the Kipfer/Kuepfer Family comes to Canada,” Family Life (Aug/Sept 1989) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  90. Johannes Kipfer
  91. Christian Kipfer
  92. Andreas Kipfer
  93. Jacob Kuepfer
  94. Peter Kipfer
  95. Kipfer / Kuepfer photographs and maps
  96. Kuepfer / Kipfer
  97. Jacob and Maria Kuepfer correspondence
  98. John S. Kipfer Genealogy correspondence
  99. Alfred Kipfer
  100. Arlis Kipfer
    Note: “A Pilgrimage to Bas-de-Brandt,” Mennonite Family History, (Jan 2007) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  101. Cecil Kipfer
  102. Koenig / King
  103. Kropf
  104. Joseph Gropf/Kropf (oversize documemt box)
  105. Solomon N. Kropf
  106. Don Krupp
  107. Kurtz
  108. Lebold
    Note: Also Susanna (Neuhauser) Blank Ebersol / Christian Blank / Christian Ebersol
  109. Lehman
  110. Leis
  111. Leonard
  112. Lichti
  113. Joseph Lichti and Veronica Boesiger
  114. Jacob Leichty collection at the Archives of the Mennonite Church (Goshen, Ind.)
  115. Litwiller
    Note: Copy of The Family of David and Maria (Rediger) Litwiller transferred to the Milton Good Library; copy of “The Litwiller family in Canada,” Mennonite Family History (Apr 1987) withdrawn and located in the Milton Good Library. Litwiller reunion materials were transferred to the Archives. File includes Roth's research on Bishop Peter Litwiller.
  116. Litwiller / Schwarzentruber celebration and publication, 1984
  117. Maurer / Moser / Martin
  118. Mayer / Meyer
  119. Mayer correspondence, 1853-1872 (oversize document box)
  120. Megli
  121. Joseph Megli
    Note: Copies of five articles on Joseph Megli appearing in Mennonite Family History from July 2010-October 2011 were withdrawn. Copies are located in the Milton Good Library.
  122. Joseph Megli correspondence
    Note: In 2022, Wendy Wild donated many of the original letters on which Lorraine Roth based the transcriptions located in this file. These originals are in an accompanying folder "122a."
  123. Megli / Boshart / Stucky estate papers
  124. Miller / Mueller / Muller
  125. Nafziger
    Note: The Nafziger Heritage News (vol. XII no. 1, vol. XII, no. 3, vol. X no.3) were withdrawn. Copies are located in the Milton Good Library.
  126. Christian Nafziger
    Note:  Copy of “Putting together the Canadian Nafziger puzzle” Mennonite Family History (Jul 1996) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  127. Nafziger notes from Anita Fiedler
  128. Dale Nofzinger
  129. Neuhauser
  130. Nicklas
  131. Oesch
    Notes:  Copies of “Johannes Oesch Comes to Canada” (Family Life, Feb 1992) were withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
    Drafts and corrections to Oesch family articles by Roth appearing in Mennonite Family History in 2008-2009 were withdrawn.
    Oesch family reunion materials from 1964 transferred to the Archives.

132.                        John and Barbara (Schultz) Oesch
Notes:  This file was formerly classified as Hist.Mss.1.117.1/6.
Additional materials from Roth’s files were added in 2014, including notes on two books donated to the Milton Good Library:  Dat Nieuwe Testament ons liefs Heeren Jesu Christi : gedruckt naer het oude exemplaer van Nicolaes Biestkens ,1697; Eenighe Psalmen Davids, lof-sangen ende Gheestelijcke Liedekens, 1634.

  1. Oesch family photograph album
    Note: Locations include Switzerland, Germany, Baden, Hay Township
  2. Complete list of Oesch family members
  3. Oesch research by Bryan Bechler
  4. Catherine (Oesch) Bechtel and Jacob W. Bechtel
  5. Oesch, Hage, Ringenburg / Ringenberg
  6. Walter Oesch
  7. Christian Oesch
  8. Veronica (Oesch) Gerber; Daniel Oesch
  9. David and Magdalena (Oesch) Kropf  
  10. Barbara (Oesch) Baechler; Joseph and Jacob Oesch
  11. Menno Oesch
  12. Rudolph Oesch, Leah (Oesch) Schartzentruber, Rachel (Oesch) Kuepfer / Kipfer
  13. Joel and Katherine (Erb) Oesch correspondence
  14. “Family history and genealogy of Joel and Katherine (Erb) Oesch” by Lorraine Roth, 1969
  15. John and Barbara (Nafziger) Oesch
  16. Oesch family (oversize document box)
  17. Tom Esch
  18. Otto Family, Oswald Family
  19. Oswald
    Note: contains photocopy of The Descendants of Jacob Oswald and Elizabeth Rupp Oswald. Roth notes: “related to Canadians through Roth and Gardner”
  20. Oyer
  21. Peterschmidt / Peterschmitt
  22. Petersheim
    Note: 200th anniversary Petersheim reunion information transferred to Archives
  23. Ramseyer
    Note: Information regarding Ramseyer-Rich Reunion transferred to Archives
  24. Rich; Riegsecker
  25. Risser / Riser
  26. Roes
  27. Roeschly / Reschly
    Note: Reschly reunion information (July 2003) transferred to Archives
  28. Roi / Roy
  29. Ropp / Rupp
    Notes: The following were transferred to the Milton Good Library: Ropp Historical Society Newsletter (2001, 2003-2005); Ropp Family Bulletin (2007-2008, 2010). A copy of the following was withdrawn and is located in the Milton Good Library: “The Birth Family of Elisabeth Eymann Ropp (1984-1834),” Illinois Mennonite Heritage Quarterly (vol. XXXIV no.1).
  30. Joseph Ropp and Anna Murer
    Note:  A copy of Christian Ropp, 1812-1896 was transferred to the Milton Good Library.
  31. Roth 
  32. Christian N. Roth (oversize document box)
  33. Hans Roth
    Notes: Copy of Feldbachs Kloster und Kirche: Le prieure et l‘eglise de Feldbach transferred to Milton Good Library; Joseph Roth and Anna Kauffman Reunion information transferred to Archives
  34. Roth family farms
  35. Joseph and Anna Roth genealogy, 1966
    Note:  Roth 1966 reunion information transferred to Archives
  36. Nicolaus L. Roth
  37. Nicholas Roth and Anne Shantz
    Note: Copy of “Jacob Roth: roots and a branch,” Oregon Mennonite Historical and Genealogical Society (Sept 1992) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  38. Nicholaus F. Roth
  39. Nicolaus and Veronica (Zimmerman) Roth; Roth families in Baden, Germany
    Note:  Copy of “Up the wrong family tree,” Mennonite Family History (Oct 1994) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  40. Benjamin and Barbara (Lichti) Roth
    Note: Contains photograph pages used in Family history and genealogy of Benjamin S. and Barbara (Lichti) Roth […]
  41. John Roth
  42. Rudolph Roth
  43. Steve Roth
  44. Jay Norwalk research on Roth family
  45. Rothacker
  46. Ruby / Rubi / Robi 
    Note: Copy of Genealogy of the late Christian Ruby and Anna Roth Ruby transferred to the Milton Good Library.
  47. Christian and Maria (Schmidt) Ruby
  48. Salzman
  49. Schaefer; Schantz / Shantz
    Note: Includes wood fragment of beams of timber-frame construction in Rothot
  50. Schlabach
  51. Schlatter
    Note: Copy of “Schlatterei: the scattered progeny of Christian Schlatter (1743-1829),” Mennonite Family History (Jan 2006) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  52. Schlegel
  53. Schlegel documents
    Note: Copy of “Christian Schlegel: Alsace to Illinois,” Illinois Mennonite Heritage (Jun 1981) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  54. Joseph Schlegel; Leo Schlegel
  55. Schmidt
  56. Schmucker
    Note: Copies of Historical review of Berks County (Spring 2003; Spring 2005) transferred to Milton Good Library. Schmucker-Smoker-Smucker reunion materials transferred to Archives.
  57. Schott
  58. Joseph Schrag
  59. Daniel Schrag
    Notes: Schrag reunion materials transferred to Archives.
    File includes handwritten sermon notes by Chris Schrag.
    See also for oversize Schrag family tree.
  60. Schrag
  61. Christian Schrag
  62. John Schrag
  63. Eli Schrock
  64. Schultz
  65. Schumm
  66. Schwartz / Swartz
  67. John S. Schwartzentruber
  68. Schwartzentruber
    Note: The following were withdrawn. Copies are located in the Milton Good Library: “The Name Schwartzentruber / Schwartzendruber,” Illinois Mennonite Heritage (Summer 2003); Wow! International Report (Feb 2012). Schwartzentruber family reunion materials transferred to Archives.  
  69. Schwartzentruber genealogy
  70. Schwartzentruber genealogy with original photographs
  71. Schwartzentruber updates
  72. Edmund Schwartzentruber collection (oversize document box)
  73. Schweitzer
  74. Sommer
  75. Sommer/Iutzi letter collection (oversize document box)
    Note:  File formerly classified as Hist.Mss.1.117.1/5
  76. Spenler
  77. Stahley and Stalter
    Note: Copy of “Stalter Family in the Palatinate,” Mennonite Heritage (Dec 1985) withdrawn
  78. Steckly / Steckley
    Note: Steckly reunion 2000 materials transferred to Archives
  79. Steinmann / Steinman
    Note: Steinman reunion materials transferred to Archives
  80. Jacob Steinman
    Note:  Copy of “The Will of Jacob Steinman,” Mennonite Family History (Jul 2000) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  81. Peter Steinman / Stineman
    Note: Copy of The Steinman / Stineman story transferred to the Milton Good Library.
  82. Christian Steinman
  83. Steinman (photocopies; oversize document box)
    Note: File formerly classified as Hist.Mss.1.117.1/2
  84. Stoltzfus
    Note: Copies of the following were withdrawn and are located in the Milton Good Library: “Christian Stoltzfus’ children live in Canada?” Family Life (Jun 1992); “Nicholas Stoltzfus in Europe and America,” Pennsylvania Mennonite Heritage (Apr 1981); cover of July 2002 Mennonite Family History (Jul 2002); Revealed life of Nicholas Stoltzfus; The Homestead (Jan 2002, Jul 2002, Sept 2002, Mar 2003, Dec 2005)
  85. Stere
    Note: Copies of the following were withdrawn and are located in the Milton Good Library: “The life story of Joseph Steria, 80, Kirschnerville,” and “Steria” in Strangers and pilgrims: history of Lewis County Mennonites
  86. Streicher
    Note: Copy of Pfarrkirche St. Marien Reusch transferred to Milton Good Library
  87. Stucky / Stuckey
    Note:  Copy of “Stucky (St) Family” entry in Swiss Russian Mennonite Families before 1874 […] was withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  88. Troyer
    Note:  Copy of pages The Pioneer Farmer and the Backwoodsman Vol. 1, pp. 102-105 withdrawn. Copy is located in the Milton Good Library.
  89. Ulrich
  90. Unzicker / Hunzicker
  91. Valentin
  92. Wagler
    Note: Copy of “Isaac Wagler revisited,” Mennonite Family History (Jul 2002) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  93. John Wagler
  94. Transcription of Moses Z. Wagler’s diaries, 1893-1905, incomplete
  95. Wenger
  96. Wutherich / Widrick / Wittrig
  97. Witzel
  98. Yost
  99. Yvonne (Schrag) Zaher correspondence
  100. Joseph R. Zehr family (oversize document box)
  101. Zehr
    Note: Copy of “Dr. Peter Zehr’s European ancestry,” Mennonite Family History (Apr 1994) withdrawn. Copy located in the Milton Good Library.
  102. Dr. Peter Zehr and Barbara (Roth) Zehr
     Note: Copies of the following were withdrawn:  “Model Doctor,” Maclean’s 8 Nov 1999); “Louella Blosser: Pioneer Missionary,” Gospel Herald (26 Jul 1983)
  103. Michael J. Zehr and Joseph C. Zehr
  104. Joseph Zehr, Woolwich Township
  105. Zehr/Lichti/Roth
    Scope and content: Contains revisions to various genealogies compiled by Roth: “Amish Mennonite Roth immigrants to Canada, 1827-1852: an introduction,” rev. 2008; “Introduction: Zehr immigrants from France to Canada and Lewis County, New York, rev. 2009; “Introduction to the Lichti family immigrants to Canada,” rev. 2005. The Lichti introduction, revised 2008, is located in the “Lichti” file.
  106. Zimmer
  107. Zimmerman
  108. Verna Zimmerman
  109. Zwalter