Promotion and Publicity

Classification scheme:


Sub-Series 1: Press Releases/Brochures/Posters

Vol. 1 1962-1979

  1. Press clippings, Canadian Mennonite Nov. 3, 1964
  2. U. of Waterloo Admissions Bulletin, 1963-1964
  3. CGC brochure, 1964
  4. CGC brochure, 1964 "Special supplement to the Canadian Mennonite"
  5. CGC Bulletin, 19--?
  6. Rough draft for brochures
  7. Correspondence, 1962
  8. Mailing list - Board of Governors
  9. CGC annual report, 1960-1961 – ideas for CGC report
  10. Correspondence - Renison College, 1961; Renison Calendar, 1961
  11. Misc. calendars - CMBC, Assoc. Colleges of Indians, "College on Credit"
  12. Convocation Chapel Service bulletin, April 4, 1974
  13. Service of Installation Service of Dedication and Inauguration, Oct. 25, 1964
  14. Invitation to Reception, Oct. 25, 1964
  15. Release (1962), "Concerning the origins of C.G.C."
  16. News release, Dec. 29, 1962
  17. Progress report, Feb. 22, 1963
  18. and Dedication for Frank H. Epp, President, Dec. 9, 1973
  19. Service of Inauguration of Ralph A. Lebold, Oct. 14, 1979
  20. Correspondence, 1975-1977, 1979 re: advertising
  21. Misc. programs, 1973, 1980, 1982
  22. Conrad Grebel College logo

Vol. 2 1965-1980

  1. Music program brochures, 19--?, 1974/1975, 1977
  2. Handbooks for Associate and Residence students, 19--?; residence accommodation sheet
  3. Symbolism of CG Chapel
  4. Advent service, 1973; Christmas greeting, 19--?
  5. Invitations by the Board of Governors, 199--?
  6. Misc. documents re: Conrad Grebel, 1972-1973
  7. News releases, 1965-1979; many undated
  8. Address list of Mennonite periodicals; outline for publication releases
  9. Press releases, 1965-1977; many undated
  10. Slides

Vol. 3 1970-

  1. Undated posters (Oversize located in map case)
  2. Brochures, posters (Oversize located in map case)
    1970-2016 (samples only, not complete)
    Note: Includes a video: "Welcome to Grebel!" (optical disc, 2 min 50 sec), [between 2006 and 2009]
  3. Photograph album for display, building expansion, 1992

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Sub-Series 2: Calendars

Vol.1 1964-2001
Note: No calendar was issued in 1971/72. The last print calendar was published in 2001.

Sub-Series 3: Clippings

Vol. 1 1962-1984

  1. 1962
  2. 1963
  3. 1964
  4. 1973
    Note: The following clippings were in poor condition and not kept: 
    The religion of the future will emerge in the university / by Dr. J.W. Miller. - Gazette. - Waterloo, Ont. : University of Waterloo, 24 Oct 1973.
    [Music at University of Waterloo] (author unknown). --Gazette. - Waterloo, Ont. : University of Waterloo, [24 Oct 1973?] 
  5. 1974
  6. 1975
  7. 1976
  8. 1977
  9. 1978
  10. 1979
  11. 1982-1984
  12. 1990-1996

Sub-Series 4: Communications Coordinator

  1. Correspondence
  2. Marketing Meetings
  3. Elderhostel
    List of participants at Grebel Elderhostel, 1989, 1995-1998; other Elderhostel records, 1986-2002
  4. Family Day/Fall Fair 
    Minutes, etc., 1998-2001
  5. Valedictory/Baccalaureate Addresses
    1985, 1987, 1994
  6. "Ties that bind" sculpture by Jo-Anne Harder, artist statement, 2003
  7. Faculty profiles, [2008?]
  8. Christmas cards, ca. 1987-2018
  9. Transcript of interview with Walter Klaassen for Grebel Now, Dec 2023

Sub-series 5: Personnel photographs

Note: This sub-series contains photographs of individual Conrad Grebel employees. Additional photographs are described in the Mennonite Archival Image Database.

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