Reinhold (Ray) Konrath

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 1.152

Title: Reinhold Konrath collection of Hutterite materials

Dates of creation: 1523-1606, 1643, 1653-1654, 1872, 1928, 1938, 1942, 1957, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1993

Physical description: 36 cm of textual records

Biographical sketch: Reinhold (Ray) Konrath (23 Jun 1930-12 Jun 2016) was an auto mechanic. He was born in Yugoslavia to German parents, and later immigrated to Canada, living in Kitchener, Ontario. He was a lay student of Hutterite history.

Custodial history: Donations were made from time to time by Ray Konrath. Items 1-7 in Vol. 1 were loaned to the Archives during Ray Konrath's lifetime. These materials were formally donated to the Archives by the Estate of Reinhold Konrath in December 2016. 

Scope and content: The fonds consists of rare books and codexes, and photocopies.

Note: Until his death, access to the collection was by permission of Ray Konrath only. As of December 2016, the collection is open to anyone with a legitimate research interest, according to the policies of the Mennonite Archives of Ontario.
In August 2017, the following items listed in Volume 2 were identified as missing in inventory: 6,8,17,19,21,23,26.

Items 1,2,4,6 and 7 in Vol. 1 were digitised by the Archives in 2016.


  1. Dreller Codex, 
    Date of creation: 1653-54
  2. Caspar Braitmichel Codex. The church history section of this codex, attributed in the codex to Caspar Breitmichel, is divided into seven age,
    Date of creation: [1551?]
  3. Chr. Würz Codex, "Eine Rede an der Jugend,"
    Date of creation: 9 July 1928 [Photocopied in 19--]
  4. P. Jaünsle Codex, Commentary on Exodus 12, May 1606
  5. S.M.W. Codex, Hutterite History (Western Europe and Russia) and Epistles
    Date of creation: 5 September 1938 [also includes a photocopy made in 19--]
  6. P. Walter Codex, Expository Sermon on Hebrews 13: 8-14)
    Date of creation: 29 November 1989
  7. Hutterische Geschichtbuch
    Date of creation: 1523-1605
  8. List of books Conrad Grebel College received from Ray Konrath; obituary of Ray Konrath
  9. Microfilm of Dreller Codex (one positive copy, one master negative) made by the Archives

Note: The following are all photocopies

  1. Sammlung von Liedern und Gesängen.- Bern.- 1872
  2. Elmer Baer, letter to Ray Konrath, 10 April 1993
  3. Mein Recht / W.H. Riehl
  4. Was hat uns Jakob Hueter zu sagen?.- 1986
  5. What the Church of Christ Is and How One May Join It / Jacob Hutter.- 1536
  6. Johan Gober, letter to Joseph W.W., 27 September 1942
  7. A Christian's Dream with a Moral
  8. Admonition and Challenge / Fred Kurucz
  9. Regeln für den Lehrer
  10. Curriculum (Lehrplan) für Deutsch an den Schulen der Hutterischen Bruderhöfen in Manitoba (Draft)
  11. Regel und Ordnungen einer Christlichen Gemein / Peter Yoder
  12. Diary Excerpts, 1977
  13. Statement of Faith
  14. Peter Hofer, letter to all the Hutterian congregations in Manitoba, 1957
  15. Rules for Teachers, 1972
  16. Elizabeth B. Jones, letter to Henry S. Fraser, 1928
  17. Excerpts from Hymns of Eternal Truth.- 1971
  18. A Summary of Hutterite History
  19. Claus Braidl, letter to Christian Raussenberger, 1601
  20. Aberrant Christianity? /Earl Middleton
  21. Mankind's Prevailing Mindset / Hutterite Elder from Dariusleut
  22. Translation of sixteenth century Hutterian document
  23. Wayne Chesley, letter to Glenn, 1992
  24. Hutterische Leben / John S. Hofer.- 1990
  25. Regulation Concerning the Matching of Young People for Marriage.- 1643
  26. Ein Gebet Jacob Hutters
  27. Journey North / Don Murphy.- 1988
  28. Die ketzerischen Lehrmeinungen der Täufer / Leonard Gross
  29. "Der hutterischen Brüder Antwort auf des Colman Rorers des flabianischen Lehrers Lästerung und Schreiben Anno 1593," 1976

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