Classification scheme:
Hist. Mss. 1.152
Title: Reinhold Konrath collection of Hutterite materials
Dates of creation: 1523-1606, 1643, 1653-1654, 1872, 1928, 1938, 1942, 1957, 1971, 1972, 1976, 1977, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1993
Physical description: 36 cm of textual records
Biographical sketch: Reinhold (Ray) Konrath (23 Jun 1930-12 Jun 2016) was an auto mechanic. He was born in Yugoslavia to German parents, and later immigrated to Canada, living in Kitchener, Ontario. He was a lay student of Hutterite history.
Custodial history: Donations were made from time to time by Ray Konrath. Items 1-7 in Vol. 1 were loaned to the Archives during Ray Konrath's lifetime. These materials were formally donated to the Archives by the Estate of Reinhold Konrath in December 2016.
Scope and content: The fonds consists of rare books and codexes, and photocopies.
Note: Until his death, access to the collection was by permission of Ray Konrath only. As of December 2016, the collection is open to anyone with a legitimate research interest, according to the policies of the Mennonite Archives of Ontario.
In August 2017, the following items listed in Volume 2 were identified as missing in inventory: 6,8,17,19,21,23,26.
Items 1,2,4,6 and 7 in Vol. 1 were digitised by the Archives in 2016.
- Dreller Codex,
Date of creation: 1653-54 - Caspar Braitmichel Codex. The church history section of this codex, attributed in the codex to Caspar Breitmichel, is divided into seven age,
Date of creation: [1551?] - Chr. Würz Codex, "Eine Rede an der Jugend,"
Date of creation: 9 July 1928 [Photocopied in 19--] - P. Jaünsle Codex, Commentary on Exodus 12, May 1606
- S.M.W. Codex, Hutterite History (Western Europe and Russia) and Epistles
Date of creation: 5 September 1938 [also includes a photocopy made in 19--] - P. Walter Codex, Expository Sermon on Hebrews 13: 8-14)
Date of creation: 29 November 1989 - Hutterische Geschichtbuch
Date of creation: 1523-1605 - List of books Conrad Grebel College received from Ray Konrath; obituary of Ray Konrath
- Microfilm of Dreller Codex (one positive copy, one master negative) made by the Archives
Note: The following are all photocopies
- Sammlung von Liedern und Gesängen.- Bern.- 1872
- Elmer Baer, letter to Ray Konrath, 10 April 1993
- Mein Recht / W.H. Riehl
- Was hat uns Jakob Hueter zu sagen?.- 1986
- What the Church of Christ Is and How One May Join It / Jacob Hutter.- 1536
- Johan Gober, letter to Joseph W.W., 27 September 1942
- A Christian's Dream with a Moral
- Admonition and Challenge / Fred Kurucz
- Regeln für den Lehrer
- Curriculum (Lehrplan) für Deutsch an den Schulen der Hutterischen Bruderhöfen in Manitoba (Draft)
- Regel und Ordnungen einer Christlichen Gemein / Peter Yoder
- Diary Excerpts, 1977
- Statement of Faith
- Peter Hofer, letter to all the Hutterian congregations in Manitoba, 1957
- Rules for Teachers, 1972
- Elizabeth B. Jones, letter to Henry S. Fraser, 1928
- Excerpts from Hymns of Eternal Truth.- 1971
- A Summary of Hutterite History
- Claus Braidl, letter to Christian Raussenberger, 1601
- Aberrant Christianity? /Earl Middleton
- Mankind's Prevailing Mindset / Hutterite Elder from Dariusleut
- Translation of sixteenth century Hutterian document
- Wayne Chesley, letter to Glenn, 1992
- Hutterische Leben / John S. Hofer.- 1990
- Regulation Concerning the Matching of Young People for Marriage.- 1643
- Ein Gebet Jacob Hutters
- Journey North / Don Murphy.- 1988
- Die ketzerischen Lehrmeinungen der Täufer / Leonard Gross
- "Der hutterischen Brüder Antwort auf des Colman Rorers des flabianischen Lehrers Lästerung und Schreiben Anno 1593," 1976