Rodney J. Sawatsky

Classification scheme: XXVI-3.4

Series 3: Conrad Grebel University College Presidents
Subseries 4: Rodney J. Sawatsky (1989-1994)

Note: Files from previous presidencies that were maintained during the Sawatsky years are filed here.

Vol. 1: Aids-Correspondence

  1. Aids policy, 1988
  2. Alumni fundraising, 1987-1989
  3. Bicentennial Commission, 1986
  4. Building on the Vision campaign, 1990-1991
  5. Caleb Fund, 1989/1990
  6. Canadian Association of Mennonite Schools (CAMS), 1981-1994
  7. Canadian Centre for Habitation and Research, 1990
  8. Canadian Higher Education, 1987-1990
  9. Centre for Advanced Studies in Humanist Social Sciences, 1985
  10. Centre for Society, Technology and Values, 1985-1990
  11. Centre for Studies in Religion, Culture and Society, 1988
  12. Charitable Institutions, 1990
  13. China Educational Exchange (CEE), 1985-1995
  14. Christian Legal Fellowship, 1987-1988
  15. Church Colleges, 1982-1990
  16. Church Colleges - Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1981-1995
  17. Church Colleges - Bethel College, 1991-1994
  18. Church Colleges - Bluffton College, 1994
  19. Church Colleges - Canadian Mennonite Bible College (CMBC), 1974-1994
  20. Church Colleges - Columbia Bible College, 1981-1989
  21. Church Colleges - Council of Mennonite Colleges, 1990-1995
  22. Church Colleges - Council of Mennonite College Presidents, 1982-1991
  23. Church Colleges - Eastern Mennonite University, 1980-1995
  24. Church Colleges - Emmanuel Bible College, 1973-1977
  25. Church Colleges - Fresno Pacific College, 1988-1994
  26. Church Colleges - Goshen College, 1991-1994
  27. Church Colleges - Hesston College, 1994
  28. Church Colleges - Institute of Mennonite Studies, 1983-1992
  29. Church Colleges - Mennonite Biblical Seminary (Elkhart, Ind.), 1978-1990
  30. Church Colleges - Menno Simons College, 1988-1991
  31. Church Colleges - Mennonite Brethren Biblical Seminary, 1992
  32. Church Colleges - Niagara Christian College, 1974-1977
  33. Church Colleges - Ontario Bible College, 1983
  34. Church Colleges - Rockway Mennonite Collegiate, 1989-1995
  35. Church Colleges - Selly Oak College, 1982
  36. Church Colleges - Swift Current Bible Institute, 1982-1983
  37. Church Colleges - Tabor College, 1988-1995
  38. Churches Council on Theological Education in Canada, 1985-1991
  39. Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1984-1995
  40. Correspondence (Misc.), 1987/88
  41. Correspondence (Misc.), 1986/87
  42. Correspondence (Misc.), 1988/89
  43. Correspondence (Misc.), 1989/90
  44. Correspondence (Misc.), 1990/91
  45. Correspondence (Misc.), 1991/92
  46. Correspondence (Misc.), 1992/93
  47. Correspondence (Misc.), 1993/94
  48. Correspondence (Misc.), 1994/95

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Vol. 2: Council-Mennonite Board of Congregational Ministries

  1. Council of USSR Ministries, 1991-1993
  2. Doopsgezind Seminarium, 1989
  3. Ecology Based Christian Training Centre, 1992
  4. Endowments - IAMS proposals, 1986
  5. Endowments - IPACS, 1989
  6. Endowments - IPACS fundraising correspondence, 1986-1987
  7. Endowments - IPACS proposals, 1985-1986
  8. Endowments - Janzen, Jacob H. fund, 1974-1990
  9. Endowments - Stauffer, Joseph correspondence, 1972-1989
  10. Endowments - Scholarship and Bursary Committee minutes and memos, 1982-1994
  11. Endowments - Student Aid, 1985
  12. Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, 1992-1995
  13. General Conference Mennonite Church correspondence, 1984-1993
  14. Government - Funding formula for Ontario universities, 1994/95
  15. Government - Ministry of Colleges and Universities, 1988-1992
    15a. Government - Ontario Council of University Affairs, 1984-1989
  16. Government - Ontario Council of University Affairs, 1984-1995
  17. Habitat for Humanity, 1992
  18. Higher Education Council (General Conference Mennonite Church), 1990-1996
    18a. Inauguration, 1989
  19. Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario), 1985-1987
  20. Inter-Mennonite Conference (Ontario) Executive Council, 1980-1988
  21. International Doukhobor Intergroup Symposium, 1982
  22. International Student Centre (at UW), 1995
  23. M.A. in Religious Studies memos, reports, 1977-1986
  24. M.A. in Religious Studies memos, reports, 1988-1989
  25. M.A. in Religious Studies memos, correspondence, 1993-1994
  26. M.A. in Religious Studies - Funding, 1990-1991
  27. McLean, Walter, M. P., correspondence, 1984-1988
  28. Mennonite/Baptist dialogue, 1982
  29. Mennonite Bicentennial Commission, 1983-1986
  30. Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), 1985-1994
  31. Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA) - Soviet Union, 1989
  32. Mennonite Board of Congregational Ministries, 1982-1990

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Vol. 3: Mennonite Board of Education-UW-Honorary Degrees

  1. Mennonite Board of Education, 1984-1996
  2. Mennonite Board of Education, Mennonite Church census, 1982
  3. Mennonite Board of Missions, 1981-1991
  4. Mennonite Center (Toronto), 1983
  5. Mennonite Central Committee correspondence, etc., 1975-1994
  6. Mennonite Central Committee -- 75th anniversary, 1995
  7. Mennonite Central Committee -- Mental Health program, 1989-1990
  8. Mennonite Conference of Eastern Canada, 1988-1994
  9. Mennonite Conference of Ontario/Western Ontario Mennonite Conference, 1983-1987
  10. Mennonite Council of Learned Societies, 1989
  11. Mennonite Festival of the Arts, 1990
  12. Mennonite films (David Dueck), 1981-1989
  13. Mennonite Historical Society of Canada, 1984-1992
  14. Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario, 1981-1995
  15. Mennonite Publishing Service (Mennonite Reporter), 1980-1991
  16. Mennonite/United Church, 1990
  17. Mennonite World Conference, 1989-1990
  18. Mennonite Youth Council, 1980-1993
  19. Non-credit tutorial, 1985
  20. Pastors’ breakfast, 1985-1986
  21. Pastoral Leadership Training Commission, 1985-1994
  22. Provident Bookstore, 1990
    22a. Rempel, David - Correspondence, 1983
    22b. Residence Planning Committee, 1995-1996
  23. Soviet Union Network, 1992
  24. UW - Admissions Committee, 1994
  25. UW - Arts Dean, 1981-1995
  26. UW - Arts Faculty, 1989-1994
  27. UW - Board of Governors, 1991-1994
    27a. UW - BTU Equity Reports, 1990-1995
  28. UW - Campus Development, 1990-1995
  29. UW - Church College Heads, 1989/90
  30. UW- Church College Heads, 1990/91
  31. UW - Church College Heads, 1991/92
  32. UW - Church College Heads, 1992/93
  33. UW - Church College Heads, 1993/94
  34. UW - Church College Heads, 1994/95
  35. UW - Faculty Association, 1978-1995
  36. UW - Fees, 1974-1989
  37. UW - Funds for Music program, 1996
  38. UW - Future negotiations, 1981
  39. UW - General correspondence, 1985, 1991-1995
  40. UW - Heads of Federated & Affiliated Colleges of Ontario, 1992-1994
  41. UW - Honorary degrees, 1986-1994

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Vol. 4: UW-National Alumni Council - World Vision, Later additions

  1. UW - National Alumni Council, 1987, 1988, 1991-1993
  2. UW - Renison College, 1986-1995
  3. UW - Senate minutes and reports, 1994/95 (incomplete)
    3.a. UW - Service Charge Agreement, 1992-1995 (some back to 1974)
  4. UW - St. Jerome’s College, 1989-1995
  5. UW - St. Paul’s College, 1982-1995
  6. UW - Vice President, Academic, 1977-1995
  7. UW - Writer-in-Residence, 1979-1990
  8. Wilfrid Laurier University
  9. World Vision, 1995
  10. Frank H. Epp Memorial Fund, 
    Correspondence, 1986-1994
    Committee minutes, 1986-1996
  11. Religious Studies/M.A. in Religious Studies
    Correspondence, minutes, 1975, 1995
  12. Taskforce on University Accountability, 1992-93
    (Relationship of UW and the Colleges, summary analysis)
  13. Benjamin Eby Lecture
  14. Correspondence, David G. Rempel
    Rempel Library inventory, ca. 1980 (photocopy)
    Rempel materials listing compiled by Len Friesen, 1993
  15. Correspondence, Bill Dick, 1990
  16. Correspondence, Archives, 1979-1994
    Includes agreement with MCC Ontario (1983)
    Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario (1981)
  17. Peter Braun Archive correspondence, 1993/94
  18. College Council Retreat materials, 1982-1995
  19. Higher Education Council (General Conference), 1989-1992
  20. Financial Forecasts, 1993
  21. Fund Raising recommendations (Community Charitable Counselling Service of Canada), 1990
  22. Government Funding for Affiliated College Capital Projects, 1987-1991
  23. Network: Interaction for Conflict Resolution correspondence, 1988-1995
  24. President's Advisory Council, 1992
  25. Social Contract Act, 1993
  26. Strategic Planning
  27. Sexual harassment policies
  28. Dean of Students search, 1993 (Restricted)
  29. Faculty/staff/administrator farewells and retirements - Helen Martens

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Sub-Series 5: Ernie Regehr (Interim, 1994-1995)

Note: Most of Regehr’s Presidential files are included in the R. Sawatsky Presidential files, since Regehr integrated his documents into the same filing system. Some files created solely by Regehr are listed below.

  1. Installation, 1994
  2. Faculty Salary and Pension Issues, 1990, 1993-1995
  3. University of Waterloo Transfer Payments to Conrad Grebel, 1994/95
  4. Memos, notes on Financial Issues, 1994/95
  5. UW - BTU Equity Reports, 1995-1996
  6. Committee on CGC/CMC Relations, 1994-1995

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Sub-Series 6: Hildi Froese Tiessen (Interim) (1995)

Note: Froese Tiessen’s Presidential files are included in the R. Sawatsky Presidential files, since Froese Tiessen continued to use the same filing system