Classification scheme: XXVI-20.2
Series 20: Conrad Grebel University College Director of Academic Affairs/Academic Dean/ Dean
Sub-Series 2: Rodney J. Sawatsky, 1974-1989
Sub-Series 2.1: Committees
- Academic Dean Review Committee, 1984
1a. Admissions Committee, 1974-1984
1b. Arts Group Requirements, 1978-1982 - Book Publication Committee, 1974, 1985
- College Heads and Dean of Arts, 1974
- Committee on Women Academics, 1984-1988; predominant 1984-1985
- Development Studies sub-committee, 1981-1982
- Internal Organizational Review, 1986-1987
- Long Range Planning Committee, 1983-1984
- Long Range Planning Committee, 1984-1986
- Music Committee / Music Department, 1975-1980
- Presidential Review Committee, 1975-1988
- Graduate Program in Church Music, 1990-1991
Sub-Series 2.2: Courses
- Correspondence courses, 1978-1983
- Course approval procedure, 1974
- Course evaluation, 1975-1976
- Course exemption — minutes of meeting, 1981
- Course proposals, 1975-1983
5a. Courses offered, 1971-1978 - Curriculum changes, 1979
- Graduate Theological Training in Ontario, 1976-1979
- Music Department memos, 1973-1975
- Summer school, 1974-1975
- Summer school, 1982-1983
- Teaching and grading evaluation (Faculty of Arts), 1978, 1983
- Course offerings, 1975-1976
- Course offerings, 1976-1977
- Course offerings, 1977-1978
- Course offerings, 1978-1979
- Course offerings, 1979-1980
- Course offerings, 1980-1981
- Course offerings, 1988-1989
18a. Course lists, Winter 1986-Fall 1987, Fall 1989-Winter 1990 - Arts 105, Introduction to the Sciences of Man, 1973-1977
- Arts 122-123, Quest for Meaning, 1972-1988
20a. Arts 200, Issues in Mass Communication, 1973-1978 - Arts 205, Peace & Conflict Studies I, 1975-1976
- Arts 206, Peace & Conflict Studies II, 1975-1977
- Arts 218, Love in the Western World, 1972-1977
- Arts 219, Dissent, 1973-1980
- Arts 225, Mennonite Authors and Artists, 1984-1985
- Arts 230, Nonviolence and Political Reality, 1974-1982
- Arts 301/302, Seminar in 20th century values, 1971-1972?
- Arts 398, Victim-Offender Conflict, 1975-1976
- Arts 399, Communication and Conciliation, 1977
- Hist 102, From Nationalism to Totalitarianism, 1984-1986
- Hist 218, German History, 1740-1945, 1985-1986
- Hist 222, History of Modern Revolutions, 1982-1986
- Hist 226, Middle East Conflict, 1982-1985
- Hist 235/236, History of Christianity, 1974-1985
- Hist 245/246, Canadian Minorities, 1981-1982
- Hist 247/248, Mennonite History, 1980-1986
- Hist 267/268, Canadian Minorities, 1978-1980
- Hist 267/268, Canadian Minorities, 1973-1977
- Hist 268, Mennonite History, 1977-1980
- Hist 343/344, Mystical and Utopian Movements, 1976-1983
- Hist 345, Minorities in International Perspective, 1983
- Hist 346, Mennonite History: Canadian issues, 1984
- Hist 347, Radical Reformation I, 1975-1981
- Hist 348, Radical Reformation II, 1976-1986
- Hist 358, German history, 1740-1945, 1984-1985
- Hist 374, Middle East Conflict, 1975-1981
- Hist 378, The Renaissance, 1983-1984
- Hist 379, Reformation History, 1984-1987
- Hist 398, Directed Studies, 1982
- Hist 620, Reformation, 1985-1986
- Hist 691, Directed Study, 1976
- HRCS 202, Counselling Process and Personal Facilitation, 1976
- Independent Study, 1976
- Music 100, Basic of Music, 1979-1982
- Music 150/151, Introduction to Music, 1973-1980
- Music 160, Choral Literature I, 1979
- Music 161, Choral Literature II, 1979-1980
- Music 250, Music Theory, 1977-1980
- Music 252/253, Music & Literature, 1976-1977
- Music 253, Medieval and Renaissance Music, 1979
- Music 254, Bach to Beethoven, 1973-1979
- Music 255, Music of the Romantic Period, 1974-1978
- Music 260/261, Choral Literature, 1975-1979
- Music 262/263, Instrumental Literature, 1975-1976
- Music 272, Traditional Folk Music, 1971-1981
- Music 351, Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Music, 1975-1979
- Music 352, Music of the 20th Century, 1975-1980
- Music 355/356 Music & Culture Seminar in Vienna, 1978-1990
- Music 360, Music of the Church, 1975-1977
- Music 371, Music Theory, 1980
- Music 372/373, Choral Repertoire & Techniques, 1978
- Music 490/491, Honours Seminar, 1979
- PACS 201, Roots of Conflict and Violence, 1977-1987
Note: PACS 201 correspondence course materials are located in Hist.Mss.9.1.26 - PACS 202, Conflict Resolution, 1977-1985
- PACS 230, Politics of Nonviolence, 1983-1986
- PACS 250, The Nuclear Crisis, 1985-1987
76a. PACS 272, Peace Research, 1984 - PACS 301, Special topics, 1979-1987
- PACS 302, Special topics, 1977-1988
- PACS Special topics, 1982
- Phil 215, Professional and Business Ethics, 1981
- Phil 222, Contemporary Ethical Theory, 1977-1978
- Phil 226, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1975-1986
- Phil 315, Ethics and the Engineering Profession, 1984-1988
- Phil 329, War, Peace and Justice, 1977-1987
- Rel. & Culture 331, Sects and Cults, 1975
- R.S. 100D, Religious Movements, 1984
- R.S. 100E, Introduction to Biblical Studies I, 1983-1987
Note: Includes correspondence course - R.S. 100F, Introduction to the New Testament, 1982-1988
- R.S. 103, Introduction to Biblical Studies, 1976-1980
- R.S. 103G, History of the Judeo-Christian Tradition, 1971-1975
- R.S. 104, Introduction to Biblical Studies II, 1971-1980
- R.S. 203, Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament, 1972-197?
- R.S. 204, Worship Life in Ancient Israel, 1973
- R.S. 205, Hebrew Prophets, 1975-1988
Note: Includes correspondence course - R.S. 206, Modern Study of Jesus, 1972-1986
- R.S. 207, Gospel of John, 1976
- R.S. 208, Parables of Jesus, 1978-1987
- R.S. 209, Apostle Paul, 1980-1985
- R.S. 220, Religious Styles in Recent Western History / Evangelical Christianity, 1977-1982
- R.S. 221, Sects, Cults and New Religious Movements, 1977-1987
Notes: Cross listed as Soc 263. Includes correspondence course notes and readings. - R.S. 227, History of Christianity I, 1975-1981
- R.S. 228, History of Christianity II, 1976-1982
- R.S. 230, History of Christianity, 1983-1986
Note: Includes correspondence course notes and audio cassette tapes by Walter Klaassen. - R.S. 253, History and Thought of Christian Pacifism I, 1975-1986
- R.S. 254, History and Thought of Christian Pacifism II, 1976-1982
- R.S. 255, Religion and the Therapeutic Process, n.d.
- R.S. 263, Religion and Politics, 1976-1977
- R.S. 264, Religion in Canada, 1979, 1981
- R.S. 274, Religious Approaches to Personal Crisis, 1981-1983
- R.S. 275, Religion and Psychotherapy, 1976-1984
- R.S. 298, Directed Studies, 1976
- R.S. 307, Old Testament Theology, 1976-1979
- R.S. 309, New Testament Themes, 1975-1988
- R.S. 322, Radical Reformation, 1975-1982
- R.S. 336, Contemporary Theology, 1988
- R.S. 365, Religious Issues in Marxism, 1978-1981
- R.S. 369, Travel Seminar in Reformation Studies, 1986
- R.S. 373, Religion in the Schools, 1978
- R.S. 399, Study Course in the Radical Reformation, 1981
- R.S. 490, Religious Thought of the New Testament, 1975-1975
- R.S. 574, Exegesis of Galatians, 1983
- R.S. 681, Letter to the Ephesians, 1985
- R.S. Independent Studies, 1981-1984
- SOC 101, Introduction to Sociology, 1969-1988
- SOC 190, Sociology of Dissent, 1980
- SOC 200, Canadian Society, 1973
- SOC 205, Social Problems, 1966-1976
- SOC 207, Sociology of Education, 1972-1990
- SOC 220, Sociology of Business Management, 1979-1988
- SOC 225, Sects, Cults and New Religions, 1981-1986
- SOC 230, Family and Kinship, 1970-1976
- SOC 243, Occupational Sociology, 1984
- SOC 272, Immigrant and Ethnic Groups in Waterloo County, 1971
- SOC 275/276, Mennonite Community, 1974-1986
- SOC 285, Sociology of Poverty, 1980
- SOC 286, Sociology of Ecology, 1981-1984
- SOC 290, Utopian Communities, Past and Present, 1970?-1984
- SOC 307, Problems in Contemporary Education, 1972-1987
- SOC 316, Sociology of Mennonites, 1975
- SOC 325, Issues in Third World Development — Haiti Seminar, 1976
- SOC 326, Issues in Third World Development, 1981
- SOC 370, Sociology of Law, 1975-1988
- THEOL 682, History of Christian Worship, 1989
- THEOL 670, Church in the Third World, 198?
Sub-Series 2.3: Faculty (CONFIDENTIAL)
- Associate Dean Selection Committee, 1987
- Epp, Frank, memos, 1981-1984
- Faculty memos, 1976-1980
- Faculty reports, 1988/89
- History Review Committee, 1981
- Huron, David, vita, 1979
- Music Review Committee, 1975-1983
- Music applicants, 1976
- Music applicants, 1983-1984
- PACS candidates, 1982
- PACS - Development Education, 1975-1984
- Potential faculty, 1969-1989
- Presidential Review Committee, 1987
- Promotions Committee, 1978
- Promotions & Continuing Contracts Committee, 1975-1985
- Religious Studies Department candidates, 1980-1981
- Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1973-1978
- Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1978-1981
- Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1981-1986
- Sabbaticals, 1968-1985
- Sociology candidates, 1978
- Sociology candidates, 1990-1991
- Sociology of Education memos, 1975
- Swartley, Willard, annual report, 1975-1976
- Weaver, Carol Anne, vita, 1982
Sub-Series 2.4: Finances
- Administrative Stipends Committee, 1979
- Budget discussions, 1978-1979
- "Building on the Vision" campaign case statement & campaign guide, 1990
- Capital fundraising, 1985-1990
- Capital needs, 1979-1980
- Community Charitable Counselling Service of Canada, 1990
- Development and Facilities Planning Committee, 1986-1987
- Development Planning, 1986-1987
- Development program, 1980-1990
- Funding formula, 1980-1986
- Funding formula, 1986-1987
- Funding formula, 1987-1988
- Funding formula, 1988-1989
- Funding, 1989-1990
- Renison College, 1980
- Salary discussions (faculty), 1977
- Watfund, 1980-1985
Sub-Series 2.5: Miscellaneous
- 25th anniversary memos, minutes, correspondence, 1987-1988
- Associate students, 1975, 1980
- Beverage policy, 1979-1980
- Bible College transfer credits, correspondence, 1974-1984
- CGC Charter, memos, correspondence, 1983-1986
- CGC Charter, memos, correspondence, 1987-1988
- Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1981-1982
- Disaster Studies, 1978, 1986
- Exchange students, 1981-1982
- Fellows, 1973
- Grade appeal procedures, 1980
- Guest lecturers, misc. correspondence, 1974-1988
- House of Friendship correspondence, 1980-1983
- Misc. memos, 1974-1978, 1984-1989
- Part time studies correspondence, 1974
- Project Ploughshares, 1986/87
- Project Ploughshares, 1987/88
- Project Ploughshares, 1988/89
- Research grants, 1986-1989
- Student aid programs in congregations, 1984-1985
- School of Adult Studies correspondence, 1974-1976
- Summer student assistant, 1986
- Stauffer Lecture, 1983-1984
- Symbol (CGC) drawings, memos, 1987-1988
- Teaching assistants, 1981-1984
- Turner, Harold, lecture series, 1981
- Performance review procedures, 1985-1989
- Wilfrid Laurier-Conrad Grebel relations in Music Programmes, 1980-1984
- New Testament teaching rationale & criteria, 1979-81
- Administrative Structure files, 1976-1989
- Chaplain's memoranda, 1984-1989