Rodney J. Sawatsky

Classification scheme: XXVI-20.2

Series 20: Conrad Grebel University College Director of Academic Affairs/Academic Dean/ Dean
Sub-Series 2: Rodney J. Sawatsky, 1974-1989

Sub-Series 2.1: Committees

  1. Academic Dean Review Committee, 1984
    1a. Admissions Committee, 1974-1984
    1b. Arts Group Requirements, 1978-1982
  2. Book Publication Committee, 1974, 1985
  3. College Heads and Dean of Arts, 1974
  4. Committee on Women Academics, 1984-1988; predominant 1984-1985
  5. Development Studies sub-committee, 1981-1982
  6. Internal Organizational Review, 1986-1987
  7. Long Range Planning Committee, 1983-1984
  8. Long Range Planning Committee, 1984-1986
  9. Music Committee / Music Department, 1975-1980
  10. Presidential Review Committee, 1975-1988
  11. Graduate Program in Church Music, 1990-1991

Sub-Series 2.2: Courses

  1. Correspondence courses, 1978-1983
  2. Course approval procedure, 1974
  3. Course evaluation, 1975-1976
  4. Course exemption — minutes of meeting, 1981
  5. Course proposals, 1975-1983
    5a. Courses offered, 1971-1978
  6. Curriculum changes, 1979
  7. Graduate Theological Training in Ontario, 1976-1979
  8. Music Department memos, 1973-1975
  9. Summer school, 1974-1975
  10. Summer school, 1982-1983
  11. Teaching and grading evaluation (Faculty of Arts), 1978, 1983
  12. Course offerings, 1975-1976
  13. Course offerings, 1976-1977
  14. Course offerings, 1977-1978
  15. Course offerings, 1978-1979
  16. Course offerings, 1979-1980
  17. Course offerings, 1980-1981
  18. Course offerings, 1988-1989
    18a. Course lists, Winter 1986-Fall 1987, Fall 1989-Winter 1990
  19. Arts 105, Introduction to the Sciences of Man, 1973-1977
  20. Arts 122-123, Quest for Meaning, 1972-1988
    20a. Arts 200, Issues in Mass Communication, 1973-1978
  21. Arts 205, Peace & Conflict Studies I, 1975-1976
  22. Arts 206, Peace & Conflict Studies II, 1975-1977
  23. Arts 218, Love in the Western World, 1972-1977
  24. Arts 219, Dissent, 1973-1980
  25. Arts 225, Mennonite Authors and Artists, 1984-1985
  26. Arts 230, Nonviolence and Political Reality, 1974-1982
  27. Arts 301/302, Seminar in 20th century values, 1971-1972?
  28. Arts 398, Victim-Offender Conflict, 1975-1976
  29. Arts 399, Communication and Conciliation, 1977
  30. Hist 102, From Nationalism to Totalitarianism, 1984-1986
  31. Hist 218, German History, 1740-1945, 1985-1986
  32. Hist 222, History of Modern Revolutions, 1982-1986
  33. Hist 226, Middle East Conflict, 1982-1985
  34. Hist 235/236, History of Christianity, 1974-1985
  35. Hist 245/246, Canadian Minorities, 1981-1982
  36. Hist 247/248, Mennonite History, 1980-1986
  37. Hist 267/268, Canadian Minorities, 1978-1980
  38. Hist 267/268, Canadian Minorities, 1973-1977
  39. Hist 268, Mennonite History, 1977-1980
  40. Hist 343/344, Mystical and Utopian Movements, 1976-1983
  41. Hist 345, Minorities in International Perspective, 1983
  42. Hist 346, Mennonite History: Canadian issues, 1984
  43. Hist 347, Radical Reformation I, 1975-1981
  44. Hist 348, Radical Reformation II, 1976-1986
  45. Hist 358, German history, 1740-1945, 1984-1985
  46. Hist 374, Middle East Conflict, 1975-1981
  47. Hist 378, The Renaissance, 1983-1984
  48. Hist 379, Reformation History, 1984-1987
  49. Hist 398, Directed Studies, 1982
  50. Hist 620, Reformation, 1985-1986
  51. Hist 691, Directed Study, 1976
  52. HRCS 202, Counselling Process and Personal Facilitation, 1976
  53. Independent Study, 1976
  54. Music 100, Basic of Music, 1979-1982
  55. Music 150/151, Introduction to Music, 1973-1980
  56. Music 160, Choral Literature I, 1979
  57. Music 161, Choral Literature II, 1979-1980
  58. Music 250, Music Theory, 1977-1980
  59. Music 252/253, Music & Literature, 1976-1977
  60. Music 253, Medieval and Renaissance Music, 1979
  61. Music 254, Bach to Beethoven, 1973-1979
  62. Music 255, Music of the Romantic Period, 1974-1978
  63. Music 260/261, Choral Literature, 1975-1979
  64. Music 262/263, Instrumental Literature, 1975-1976
  65. Music 272, Traditional Folk Music, 1971-1981
  66. Music 351, Ancient, Medieval and Renaissance Music, 1975-1979
  67. Music 352, Music of the 20th Century, 1975-1980
  68. Music 355/356 Music & Culture Seminar in Vienna, 1978-1990
  69. Music 360, Music of the Church, 1975-1977
  70. Music 371, Music Theory, 1980
  71. Music 372/373, Choral Repertoire & Techniques, 1978
  72. Music 490/491, Honours Seminar, 1979
  73. PACS 201, Roots of Conflict and Violence, 1977-1987
    Note: PACS 201 correspondence course materials are located in Hist.Mss.9.1.26
  74. PACS 202, Conflict Resolution, 1977-1985
  75. PACS 230, Politics of Nonviolence, 1983-1986
  76. PACS 250, The Nuclear Crisis, 1985-1987
    76a. PACS 272, Peace Research, 1984
  77. PACS 301, Special topics, 1979-1987
  78. PACS 302, Special topics, 1977-1988
  79. PACS Special topics, 1982
  80. Phil 215, Professional and Business Ethics, 1981
  81. Phil 222, Contemporary Ethical Theory, 1977-1978
  82. Phil 226, Ethics and the Life Sciences, 1975-1986
  83. Phil 315, Ethics and the Engineering Profession, 1984-1988
  84. Phil 329, War, Peace and Justice, 1977-1987
  85. Rel. & Culture 331, Sects and Cults, 1975
  86. R.S. 100D, Religious Movements, 1984
  87. R.S. 100E, Introduction to Biblical Studies I, 1983-1987
    Note: Includes correspondence course
  88. R.S. 100F, Introduction to the New Testament, 1982-1988
  89. R.S. 103, Introduction to Biblical Studies, 1976-1980
  90. R.S. 103G, History of the Judeo-Christian Tradition, 1971-1975
  91. R.S. 104, Introduction to Biblical Studies II, 1971-1980
  92. R.S. 203, Wisdom Literature in the Old Testament, 1972-197?
  93. R.S. 204, Worship Life in Ancient Israel, 1973
  94. R.S. 205, Hebrew Prophets, 1975-1988
    Note: Includes correspondence course
  95. R.S. 206, Modern Study of Jesus, 1972-1986
  96. R.S. 207, Gospel of John, 1976
  97. R.S. 208, Parables of Jesus, 1978-1987
  98. R.S. 209, Apostle Paul, 1980-1985
  99. R.S. 220, Religious Styles in Recent Western History / Evangelical Christianity, 1977-1982
  100. R.S. 221, Sects, Cults and New Religious Movements, 1977-1987
    Notes: Cross listed as Soc 263. Includes correspondence course notes and readings.
  101. R.S. 227, History of Christianity I, 1975-1981
  102. R.S. 228, History of Christianity II, 1976-1982
  103. R.S. 230, History of Christianity, 1983-1986
    Note: Includes correspondence course notes and audio cassette tapes by Walter Klaassen.
  104. R.S. 253, History and Thought of Christian Pacifism I, 1975-1986
  105. R.S. 254, History and Thought of Christian Pacifism II, 1976-1982
  106. R.S. 255, Religion and the Therapeutic Process, n.d.
  107. R.S. 263, Religion and Politics, 1976-1977
  108. R.S. 264, Religion in Canada, 1979, 1981
  109. R.S. 274, Religious Approaches to Personal Crisis, 1981-1983
  110. R.S. 275, Religion and Psychotherapy, 1976-1984
  111. R.S. 298, Directed Studies, 1976
  112. R.S. 307, Old Testament Theology, 1976-1979
  113. R.S. 309, New Testament Themes, 1975-1988
  114. R.S. 322, Radical Reformation, 1975-1982
  115. R.S. 336, Contemporary Theology, 1988
  116. R.S. 365, Religious Issues in Marxism, 1978-1981
  117. R.S. 369, Travel Seminar in Reformation Studies, 1986
  118. R.S. 373, Religion in the Schools, 1978
  119. R.S. 399, Study Course in the Radical Reformation, 1981
  120. R.S. 490, Religious Thought of the New Testament, 1975-1975
  121. R.S. 574, Exegesis of Galatians, 1983
  122. R.S. 681, Letter to the Ephesians, 1985
  123. R.S. Independent Studies, 1981-1984
  124. SOC 101, Introduction to Sociology, 1969-1988
  125. SOC 190, Sociology of Dissent, 1980
  126. SOC 200, Canadian Society, 1973
  127. SOC 205, Social Problems, 1966-1976
  128. SOC 207, Sociology of Education, 1972-1990
  129. SOC 220, Sociology of Business Management, 1979-1988
  130. SOC 225, Sects, Cults and New Religions, 1981-1986
  131. SOC 230, Family and Kinship, 1970-1976
  132. SOC 243, Occupational Sociology, 1984
  133. SOC 272, Immigrant and Ethnic Groups in Waterloo County, 1971
  134. SOC 275/276, Mennonite Community, 1974-1986
  135. SOC 285, Sociology of Poverty, 1980
  136. SOC 286, Sociology of Ecology, 1981-1984
  137. SOC 290, Utopian Communities, Past and Present, 1970?-1984
  138. SOC 307, Problems in Contemporary Education, 1972-1987
  139. SOC 316, Sociology of Mennonites, 1975
  140. SOC 325, Issues in Third World Development — Haiti Seminar, 1976
  141. SOC 326, Issues in Third World Development, 1981
  142. SOC 370, Sociology of Law, 1975-1988
  143. THEOL 682, History of Christian Worship, 1989
  144. THEOL 670, Church in the Third World, 198?

Sub-Series 2.3: Faculty (CONFIDENTIAL)

  1. Associate Dean Selection Committee, 1987
  2. Epp, Frank, memos, 1981-1984
  3. Faculty memos, 1976-1980
  4. Faculty reports, 1988/89
  5. History Review Committee, 1981
  6. Huron, David, vita, 1979
  7. Music Review Committee, 1975-1983
  8. Music applicants, 1976
  9. Music applicants, 1983-1984
  10. PACS candidates, 1982
  11. PACS - Development Education, 1975-1984
  12. Potential faculty, 1969-1989
  13. Presidential Review Committee, 1987
  14. Promotions Committee, 1978
  15. Promotions & Continuing Contracts Committee, 1975-1985
  16. Religious Studies Department candidates, 1980-1981
  17. Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1973-1978
  18. Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1978-1981
  19. Religious Studies Department minutes, memos, 1981-1986
  20. Sabbaticals, 1968-1985
  21. Sociology candidates, 1978
  22. Sociology candidates, 1990-1991
  23. Sociology of Education memos, 1975
  24. Swartley, Willard, annual report, 1975-1976
  25. Weaver, Carol Anne, vita, 1982

Sub-Series 2.4: Finances

  1. Administrative Stipends Committee, 1979
  2. Budget discussions, 1978-1979
  3. "Building on the Vision" campaign case statement & campaign guide, 1990
  4. Capital fundraising, 1985-1990
  5. Capital needs, 1979-1980
  6. Community Charitable Counselling Service of Canada, 1990
  7. Development and Facilities Planning Committee, 1986-1987
  8. Development Planning, 1986-1987
  9. Development program, 1980-1990
  10. Funding formula, 1980-1986
  11. Funding formula, 1986-1987
  12. Funding formula, 1987-1988
  13. Funding formula, 1988-1989
  14. Funding, 1989-1990
  15. Renison College, 1980
  16. Salary discussions (faculty), 1977
  17. Watfund, 1980-1985

Sub-Series 2.5: Miscellaneous

  1. 25th anniversary memos, minutes, correspondence, 1987-1988
  2. Associate students, 1975, 1980
  3. Beverage policy, 1979-1980
  4. Bible College transfer credits, correspondence, 1974-1984
  5. CGC Charter, memos, correspondence, 1983-1986
  6. CGC Charter, memos, correspondence, 1987-1988
  7. Conference of Mennonites in Canada, 1981-1982
  8. Disaster Studies, 1978, 1986
  9. Exchange students, 1981-1982
  10. Fellows, 1973
  11. Grade appeal procedures, 1980
  12. Guest lecturers, misc. correspondence, 1974-1988
  13. House of Friendship correspondence, 1980-1983
  14. Misc. memos, 1974-1978, 1984-1989
  15. Part time studies correspondence, 1974
  16. Project Ploughshares, 1986/87
  17. Project Ploughshares, 1987/88
  18. Project Ploughshares, 1988/89
  19. Research grants, 1986-1989
  20. Student aid programs in congregations, 1984-1985
  21. School of Adult Studies correspondence, 1974-1976
  22. Summer student assistant, 1986
  23. Stauffer Lecture, 1983-1984
  24. Symbol (CGC) drawings, memos, 1987-1988
  25. Teaching assistants, 1981-1984
  26. Turner, Harold, lecture series, 1981
  27. Performance review procedures, 1985-1989
  28. Wilfrid Laurier-Conrad Grebel relations in Music Programmes, 1980-1984
  29. New Testament teaching rationale & criteria, 1979-81
  30. Administrative Structure files, 1976-1989
  31. Chaplain's memoranda, 1984-1989