Sam Steiner: Jacob Y. Shantz lecture, 1986

Classification scheme:

Hist. Mss. 10.9

Date of creation: 1986

1 sleeve containing 20 35mm colour slides. This slide set was prepared by Sam Steiner for an illustrated lecture on the life of Jacob Y Shantz to the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario in November, 1986. The scenes are from the city of Berlin (now Kitchener), Ontario. The lecture was in association with writing the book: Vicarious pioneer: the life of Jacob Y. Shantz (Winnipeg : Hyperion Press, 1988).

The set was donated to the Archives by Sam Steiner in 1986.

Created Nov. 1997 by Sam Steiner

1.   Jacob Y. Shantz (1822-1909), ca. 1880
2.   Jacob Y. and Mary Shantz, ca. 1865
3.   Jacob Y. Shantz and family, ca. 1875
4.   Map of Berlin, ca. 1853.
5.   Berlin Farmer's Market (Shantz built two story building at rear)
6.   Dominion Button factory, Northwest corner of King & College Streets
7.   Northwest corner of King & College Streets in 1986
8.   Canadian Block, Northwest corner of King & Ontario Streets; built & owned by Shantz in 1865
9.   Canadian Block in 1865
10.  Different angle of above. 1865 date can be seen between two leftmost boarded-up windows.
11.  As above.
12.  Home on Church St. built by Jacob Y. Shantz in 1850s
13.  Two homes on Church St. built by Shantz
14.  Jacob Y. Shantz home at 5 Maurice St. (corner of Ottawa St. S); built in
15. Back yard of above home
16. Garage at above home.

4 additional slides relate to newsclippings or documents associated with Shantz.