Classification scheme:
This collection includes unpublished graduate and undergraduate papers on Mennonite themes that may be examined in the Archives.
- "History of the Mennonite Conference in Ontario" / Almeda Brown, 1956
- "Church discipline in Mennonite and Amish conferences" / Earl Schwartzentruber, 1960
- "Conrad Grebel" / W. S. Johnston, 1965
- "Religious freedom by default" / Ernie Dick, 1968.
- "The life of Conrad Grebel" / Brian Metcalfe, 1968
- "The story of Boys' Farm, Ailsa Craig, Ontario" / Twila Zimmerly, 1960
- "The Church of Christ" - what it meant to the early Anabaptists and what it means to the Old Order Mennonites in Waterloo County" / Mary Martin, 1970
- "A study in early and present Mennonite Church discipline" / John Wiebe, 1970
- "Settlement patterns and their development in the rural areas of Waterloo County" / Jim Shantz, 1970
- "Sociological contributions of Mennonites to Waterloo County" / Peter Enns, 1971
- "The Russian Mennonite "Selbstschutz" in its historical perspective" / Lyle Friesen, 1973
- "The peace witness of the Brethren in Christ" / Lucille Marr, 1973
- "The Frema Geisht": a study of the 1939 schism in the Woolwich Conferencet that ended in a merger with the Mennonite Conference of Ontario" / Glenn Brubacher
- "Analysis of Peter Riedemann's Account of our religion, faith and doctrine" / Lucille Marr, 1974
- "Oscar Burkholder (1886-1956)" / Norma Shantz (filed under Historical Manuscripts 7-14 as a biography), 1969
- "Attitudes towards Jews encountered among selected segments of Mennonites in Canada" / Kenneth Dueck and Donald Froese, 1974
- "The role of women in the Brethren in Christ Church in historical perspective" / Lucille Marr, 1974
- "Biography of Richard Beasley" / Robert Hadley, 1972
- "The growth of the Floradale Mennonite Church - Floradale, Ont. 1944-1964" / Edith Martin, 1965
- "The New Canadian Library and Mennonites" / Lois Brubacher, 1974
- "Attitudes to Jews and Nazi Germany in the Christian Monitor: 1922-53" / Peter H. Rempel, 1974
- "Mennonite parochial education in Waterloo County, Ontario" / K. Anne Walsh, 1974
- "A.A. Friesen" / Ron Sawatsky, 1974
- "The role of Jacob Y. Shantz in the Mennonite migrations to Manitoba in the 1870's" / Phyllis Bishop, 1974
- "Canadian Protestantism and its conceived role within the national life in Canada 1900-14" / Paul Cornies, 1975
- "An Investigation into the effectiveness of Christian education among high school students" / Larry A. Cornies, 1975
- "Kitchener Germans and National Socialism: 1930-39" / Samuel Steiner, 1973
- "History of the East Zorra Amish Mennonite congregation (Part II)" / Fred M. Lichti, 1975
- "Doukhobors and Mennonites -- a comparative study of ideological response to the institution of militarism" / Koozma J. Tarasoff, 1975
- "The Hutterite experience in Alberta in World War II" / Kirk Barons, 1975
- "Mennonites in the U.S.S.R.: some historiographical comments" / Peter H. Rempel, 1975
- "Conrad Grebel College: 1959 -- the sewing of the seed" / Larry A. Cornies, 1974
- "The history of Tavistock Mennonite Church (1942-1975)" / Wilmer Martin, 1975
- Social change in the Mennonite community, with special emphasis on education and the East Zorra Amish Mennonite congregation" / Robert Stock, 1967
- "An evaluation of the program of the Ontario Mennonite Bible School" / Clare L. Martin 1951
- "The tabernacle and its significance" / Jean Bender, 1956
- "Mennonites and state service in the USSR 1917-1939" / Peter H. Rempel, 1976
- "The history of the Emmaus Mennonite Church of Swift Current and South" / Ernie Sawatsky, c. 1961
- Outside influences, fundamentalism and the Amish Mennonite Conference of Ontario" / Fred Lichti, 1975
- "The Amish school: a case study of a private school in Ontario" / Kirk Barons, 1976 f.
- "History of the Zion Mennonite Church, Swift Current, Sask." / Bryan Sawatzky, 1973
- "Will Bergthal Mennonite Church survive another twenty years?" / Helena M. Brown, 1974
- "A history of the Drake Mennonite Church" / John W. Bergen, 1956
- "Waldheim Zion Mennonite Church 1910-1972" / Dorothy Adrian, 1973
- "A history of the North Battleford Mennonite Church" / Cindy Zacharias, 1973
- "A tale of three churches" / Richard Epp, 1973
- "Tiefengrund" / Waldemar Regier, 1959
- "Mennonite history: founding of the Eyebrow-Tugaske General Conference Mennonite Church" / S. Martens, 1952
- "The Ebenfeld Mennonite Church" / Linda Krahn, 1965
- "Church of the Swift Current Reserve" / Judy Epp, 1972
- "The fundamentalist-modernist controversy and the defence of the faith according to Horsch and Janzen" / Henry Paetkau, 1976
- "Jacob H. Janzen (1878-1950): a man with a mission to his people" / Henry Paetkau, 1976
- "History of Silberfeld" / Peter Peters, 1974
- "The Saskatchewan Youth Farm" / Laura Bergen 1956
- Mennonite Youth Society of the Conference of Mennonites of Canada, Saskatchewan Division" / Homer Janzen, 1949
- "Shantz Mennonite Church: a church in transition" / Doreen Snyder, 1978
- "The life of a Mennonite pioneer: Reverend Peter H. Dirks" / Peter Dirks, 1977
- "Congregational history of Steinmann Mennonite Church" / Pauline Steinmann, 1977
- A historical sketch of Canadian Mennonite Relief Committee" / Carolyn Enns, 1977
- "Jakob I. Lehn: the story of a young man and his family" / Jerry Dick, 1978
- "The life of Christian Neff" / Richard Neff, 1978
- "Alternative Service programs available to Mennonites during the Second World War" / Marie Burkholder, 1973
- "George St. congregation: a close-up" / David Martin, nd.
- Jacob J. and Anna (Ens) Neufeld family story, 1920-1976 / Anne Nikkel, Mennonite Collegiate Institute, 1979.
Note: Includes correspondence. Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2023. - "Factors of influence and change in the Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 1900-1980" / Paul Martin, 1979.
- "Hymns of crusading Protestantism, 1860-1914" / Brent A. Reilly, 1980
- "Rockway Mennonite Collegiate: its objectives and its struggle as a private educational institution" / Esther A. Balzer, 1981
- "The Chaco War, 1932-1937 : causes, fighting, settlement" / John Martens, 1961
- "Mennonite churches in Ontario" / Ron McCauley 1977
- "The ethics and theology of Rev. Clayton F. Derstine" / Chris Lichty, 1982
- "The cookbook: another means of preserving the Pennsylvania Dutch/German experience" / Tryntje Miller.- 1992 - Explores Pennsylvania Dutch food and roadways. Includes extensive bibliography of cookbooks.
- "A reflection of thought" / Maria Carolino.- 1993 -
Summary of interviews conducted with Russian Mennonites at George St. Mennonite Church regarding their experiences in Russia and immigration to Canada. - "Mennonites and the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine" / Mychailo Ivan Wynnyckyj.- 1993 - Places Mennonite experience of the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine in Russian context.
- "The David Martin Church" / Suanne Cotey. 1992. - An overview of the David Martin Old Order Mennonite Church in Waterloo County.
- "A. Lorne Burkholder" / Rich Burkholder.- 1992. - A brief biography of A. Lorne Burkholder (1903-1983), who succeeded L.J. Burkholder as pastor of Cedar Grove in 1940 and served there until 1957.
- "'Change' in Harrow Mennonite Church's history" / Carl Lepp. 1992. - A description of historical changes in the identity and mission of Harrow Mennonite Church.
- "A visual rendering of Agatha Schmidt" / Sarah Collard.- 1992. - A description of Agatha Schmidt's paintings from a biographical perspective.
- "Jacob A. Kutz: a unique Mennonite" / Daryl Kutz. 1992. - A brief biography of Jacob Kutz (1903-1961) Two oral history; tapes regarding Kutz are filed separately.
- "Annals Story: the strength of the Russian Mennonite woman" / Deborah Tait & Adam David Lee.- ca. 1992.
Summaries of interviews with Helen Rempel and Henry and Anna [Reimer]. - "Mennonites and homosexuality: a time for dialogue" /Carmen Brubacher.- 1992. - A study of current Mennonite opinions and beliefs about homosexuality with a call for mutual understanding and respect between heterosexuals and homosexuals.
- "An emerging spirit: [A Biography of Ruth Nighswander Smith]" / Carolyn Smith.- 1992. - A biography of Ruth Nighswander Smith, who was raised in the Markam-Waterloo Mennonite Conference in the Markham District and became a charter member of the Steeles Avenue Mennonite congregation (MC).
- "The reunification of Russian Mennonites in post-World War II Canada" / Krista Taves. 1993. - A study of the reception of Russian Mennonite immigration to Canada in the 1940s using the Leamington, Ontario community as a case study.
- "Historiography of Mennonite Self-Definition" / Heather Weaver. 1993. - An historiographical study of Mennonite self-definition from Tieleman van Sittert to Harry Loewen.
- "An examination of Mennonite aid to refugees in the KitchenerWaterloo area from 1979-1992" / Karen Baird.- 1992.
A study of First Mennonite Church's involvement with refugees in Kitchener. - "Fairview Mennonite Home: a history of the development of caregiving for the elderly" / Barbara Beacom.- 1992.
A history of Fairview Mennonite Home, Cambridge. - "Time Warp 1991: the buggy invasion of Northeastern Mornington Township / John-David Kuepfer.- 1991. - A demographic study of the movement of Old Order Mennonites into Northeastern Mornington Township.
- "The New Hamburg Mennonite Church" / Merna Norris, 1992. - A history of the joint Mennonite Brethren and United Mennonite church in New Hamburg, 1927-1952.
- "Learning from history: an account of my parents' experiences in Russia / Heidi (Schulz) Coon.- 1992. - A joint biography of Elizabeth Reimer and Johann Schulz.
- "Lifting the carpet: sweeping out, the dust bunnies of the hidden past / Andrew Scheifele.- 1992. - A study of Mennonites from St. Jacob's Mennonite Church who enlisted in the Canadian armed forces during WW II.
- "The effect of membership and attendance on the finances of Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church" / Randal Harder.- 1992. A statistical study of the finances of Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church, 1981-1992.
- "23 years of Family life" / Todd McNamara.- 1992. - An analysis of contents of the Amish periodical Family Life.
- "Reflections of Anna Fast on her immigration to Canada and growing up Mennonite in the Soviet Union" / Mary Diemen.- 1993. - Hist. Mss.
- "Working for new life" / Brent Kipfer.- 1993. - Summaries of interview with Henry Heinrichs and John Letkemann.
- "One man's journey to Canada: Mr. Henry Wiens' story" / Kara Lee Ryce. 1993. - Summary of interview with Henry Wiens about his immigration to Canada in 1925.
- "Language: a study of Mennonite life in Canada from 1924 to the present" / Deborah Neill.- 1993. Summary of interviews with Russian Mennonites about making the language transition form German to English.
- "Let love and faithfulness never leave you" / Susanne Borrman.- 1993. - Summary of interviews with Mennonites about the experiences in Russian during the 1920s.
- "Changing attitudes of Mennonites on sexuality and birth control from the 1940s until the present day" / Lisa Piano.1992. - A study of Mennonite attitudes about sexuality and birth control, beginning with the writings of C.F. Derstine.
- "The importance of youth: the self-preservation of the St. Catharines United Mennonite Church" / Tim Berg.- 1991. - A study of youth groups at St. Catharines United Mennonite Church.
- "'Horse and Buggy' vs 'Black Bumper' Mennonites: is the difference also apparent in their attitudes toward marriage and children" / Diane Cleasby.- 1993. - A comparative study of Old Order (Wisler horse and buggy) Mennonite and Markham-Waterloo Mennonite attitudes toward marriage.
- "Lorna Bergey: a twentieth century Mennonite women [sic] of Pennsylvania German descent" / Marilyn L. Wilson.- 1993. - A biography of Lorna Bergey.
- "The Fraser Lake Camp mission: 'camping with a purpose'" / Jonathan Selling.- 1993. - A study of Fraser Lake summer camping progamme.
- "Mennonite involvement at Cape Croker Reserve" / Rebecca Seiling. 1993. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee's involvement with the residents of Cape Croker Reserve.
- "The Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario)" / Sharon Elliott.- 1993. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee Ontario programmes.
- "Amish and Mennonites in Huron County" / Monica Gingerich.- 1994. - A history of the Hay Amish Mennonite Church.
- "The Christian pathway view of those outside the Mennonite Church" / Julie Habermehl.- 1993. - A study of how the The Christian Pathway quarterly views non-Mennonites.
- "The ministry of Leonard W. Hoover and Aaron D. Grove at the Wideman Church" / Stephanie Cressman. 1993. - Biographical sketches of Leonard W. Hoover and Aaron D. Grove.
- "The 'Sewing Circle Corner': Mennonite women's mission effort" / Sheri-Lynne A. James.- 1993. - A study of the sewing circle column in the Gospel Herald newspaper.
- "Seasons of flavour -- the sweets and sours of the Old Order Mennonite community in Central Ontario" / Jo Marie Powers and Anita Stewart. 1993. - A discussion of flavourings used by Old Order Mennonites.
- "Food giving on a global scale -- a way of life among the Mennonites" / Jo Marie Powers.- 1992. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee relief activities.
- "Churches in Mennonite Russia: the construction, worship services and demographics within Mennonite Churches in Russia" / David J. Brunelle. 1992
- "'Put love in the stitches': a study of Mennonie women in Waterloo County sewing circles" / Laurie Janzi. 1994
- "Joseph Brant and the Grand River land controversy: a case of policy, law, humanity and justice" / Naomi C. Chosen. -- 1994?
- "The injustice of early land transactions between the British Crown and the Mississaugas of Southern Ontario" / Rebecca Steinmann. -- 1994.
- "The Mennonites among us: an examination into the evolution of a distinct culture" [Countryside Mennonite Fellowship] / Sandra de Ruiter and Sharon Nowlan. -- 1995
- "Modernization and meeting houses: the Old Order Amish division, 1886-1891" / Pamela Albrecht. -- 1999, 34 p.
- "From the Heart : the Music of Reinhard Oppel" / Anna Janecek. -- 2001, 43 p. (Music honours paper)
- "The First Mennonite Church of Kitchener" / Elizabeth Alder. -- 1985, [32] p.
Note: Traces history of original 1813 log building which was moved to Breslau, Ontario - "Interview with Richard Detweiler President, Eastern Mennonite College" / David Stahl, 1982
- "Churches' Activity in Economic Development and CIDA's Response" / Jeffrey E. Buisman [MCC included in study], 1985
- "The extraordinary life of Orland Gingerich" / Sheena Gingerich, 2004. Includes note from Lorraine Roth, December 2006.
- "History of Erie View United Mennonite Church" / Colin Wiebe, 1996, 14, xxi p.
- "Uncovering my Maternal Ancestry" / Bethany Seiling, 2003, 15 p.
- "Mennonite Fundamentalism and the Hawkesville Brethren" / David A. Martin, 41 p.
- "My relatives: Ultra Conservative Mennonites" / Charlotte Martin, 1997
- "The Success of the 1920's Mennonite Migration to ACanada from Russia was a Result of Mennonite Values" / Suzanne Bergey, 1997?
- "Change in the Use of the Pennsylvania German Dialect in Southwestern Ontario" / Pearl Jutzi, 1996
- "History of the Mennonites in Markham, Ontario" / Janine Wideman, 1997
- "19th Century Mennonite Faith as seen through Fraktur Art" / Holly K. Curtis, 1991.
- "A 'Cause-Effect' Approach to the Changes of the U.M.E.I." / Dennis Flaming, 1982.
- "Not Just Mennonite, Russian Mennonite: an Analysis of Church Anniversary Books" / Philippa Jones, 1992.
- "Mennonites and the Press in Kitchener-Waterloo during the Years of World Wars I and II" / Dave Kroeker, 1972
- "A Tribute to Irvin & Selema Bauman" / Rosalie Emery, 2007.
- "The Mennonite Tradition in a Calvinistic Context with Special Reference to the Sacraments" / John D. Rempel, 1981
- "Enrolment at Conrad Grebel College" / Kelly Loree, 1984
- "Marketing Problems in Book Publishing: a Case Study of Conrad Press" / Ruby Weber, 1977
- "Separatism: From Early Anabaptism to Present-Day Mennonite Conservatism" / Andy Martin, 2005
- "Confessional Analysis of the Conservative Mennonite Movement" / Andy Martin, 2006.
- "Choosing Home: Alsations [Alsatians] in France 1681-1870" / Nancy E. Manning, 2008. With notes by Lorraine Roth.
- "Case Study of the Conflicts Involving Curtis Cressman and the Biehn Mennonite Church, 1957-59" / by Karen Cressman, 1987
- "The anxiety of MCC : Where are our volunteers?" / by Victor Krahn, 1990.
- "Mennonites and river brethren" / by Aden Eby, 1986.
- "History of Mennonites and natives in the last one hundred years" / by Leonard Doell, 1977.
- "Religious freedom by default" / by Ernie Dick, 1968.
- "Legitimizing the Reformation : the Anabaptists and the Reformation disputations of Bern" / by Timothy Cooke, 1987.
- "Trends in Swiss Anabaptist historiography and the development of a sectarian position" / by Jim Brown, 1987.
- "A history of the MCC Ottawa office as drawn from MCC files" / by Monique Enns, 1986.
- "The Mennonite settlements in Mexico : a research paper " / by Joyce Miller Rios, 1987.
- "The Mennonites in West Prussia : a study of their transition from nonresistance to participation in war" / by Ingrid Enss, 1983.
- "Pressures affecting the Mennonite German-Americans in central Kansas during World War I" / by Donald C. Holsinger, Mar 1970
- "Urbanization and the small, homogeneous ethno-religious community : an investigation into the process of assimilation [in Yarrow, B.C.]" / by Anita L. Penner and Lyle L. Wahl, ca. 1967
- "Causes of change in the socio-religious structure of the Bergthal Mennonite community" / by Jacob D. Harder, Spring 1969
- "The 'dress question' among Ontario Mennonites, 1898-1960" / by Marlene Epp, Apr 1990. M.A. cognate essay, University of Waterloo
- "From distinction to adaptation : an analysis of Swiss Mennonite and Amish wedding customs over the course of three decades" / by Armin Siedlecki, Spring/Summer 1990. Department of Religion and Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University.
- "Powwowing : folk medicine or white magic?" / by Gerald Studer, [1979?].--No copies to be made without author's permission.
- "Canadian Mennonites and World War One" / George Reimer, 1971. Canadian Social and Intellectual History, University of Winnipeg. - transferred from the Frank H. Epp fonds.
- "Images of faith, conflict and transformation: the response of Canadian Mennonites to the Vietnam War as told through the Canadian Mennonite newspaper, 1966-1970" / by Michelle Cameron, 2006. - donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "Conscientious or cowards: a study of the peace position of the Brethren in Christ Church from 1900 to 1950" / Shawn Spence, [200-]. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "The development of women's service in the Mennonite Church: Bethel Mennonite Church, Elora: a case study" / by Bethany Leis, 2006. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "Mennonites and the marriage relationship: views from sixteenth century Anabaptism to the present day" / Maida Tiessen, 2005. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "Old Order Mennonites, Amish and Hutterites and excommunication" / Helena Bergen, 2003. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "The United Church and World War II: the challenge of pacifist conviction" / David A. Martin, 2004. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
- "A History of the Mennonite Church at Vineland" by Lewis J. Brubacher, 1957. - A history of The First Mennonite Church, Vineland. File includes a letter to Brubacher by Barbara Coffman.
- "'Gutierrez is also a Mennonite name': identity and hymnody in contemporary Canadian Mennonite churches" / attributed to Anna Janecek. - This paper won the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario's J. Winfield Fretz Award in 2004 (graduate student category).
- "The good old days: a research on my family history" / Jacqueline Kathler, 1980. - Photocopy donated to the Archives by Peter Rempel in 2021.
- "The History of the Goodwill School District, Number 1967" / Cornelius G. Unruh, Grunthal, Manitoba, 1956. - Transferred from XV-31.4 Mennonites in Canada research files.