Student papers

Classification scheme:


This collection includes unpublished graduate and undergraduate papers on Mennonite themes that may be examined in the Archives.

  1. "History of the Mennonite Conference in Ontario" / Almeda Brown, 1956
  2. "Church discipline in Mennonite and Amish conferences" / Earl Schwartzentruber, 1960
  3. "Conrad Grebel" / W. S. Johnston, 1965
  4. "Religious freedom by default" / Ernie Dick, 1968.
  5. "The life of Conrad Grebel" / Brian Metcalfe, 1968
  6. "The story of Boys' Farm, Ailsa Craig, Ontario" / Twila Zimmerly, 1960
  7. "The Church of Christ" - what it meant to the early Anabaptists and what it means to the Old Order Mennonites in Waterloo County" / Mary Martin, 1970
  8. "A study in early and present Mennonite Church discipline" / John Wiebe, 1970
  9. "Settlement patterns and their development in the rural areas of Waterloo County" / Jim Shantz, 1970
  10. "Sociological contributions of Mennonites to Waterloo County" / Peter Enns, 1971
  11. "The Russian Mennonite "Selbstschutz" in its historical perspective" / Lyle Friesen, 1973
  12. "The peace witness of the Brethren in Christ" / Lucille Marr, 1973
  13. "The Frema Geisht": a study of the 1939 schism in the Woolwich Conferencet that ended in a merger with the Mennonite Conference of Ontario" / Glenn Brubacher
  14. "Analysis of Peter Riedemann's Account of our religion, faith and doctrine" / Lucille Marr, 1974
  15. "Oscar Burkholder (1886-1956)" / Norma Shantz (filed under Historical Manuscripts 7-14 as a biography), 1969
  16. "Attitudes towards Jews encountered among selected segments of Mennonites in Canada" / Kenneth Dueck and Donald Froese, 1974
  17. "The role of women in the Brethren in Christ Church in historical perspective" / Lucille Marr, 1974
  18. "Biography of Richard Beasley" / Robert Hadley, 1972
  19. "The growth of the Floradale Mennonite Church - Floradale, Ont. 1944-1964" / Edith Martin, 1965
  20. "The New Canadian Library and Mennonites" / Lois Brubacher, 1974
  21. "Attitudes to Jews and Nazi Germany in the Christian Monitor: 1922-53" / Peter H. Rempel, 1974
  22. "Mennonite parochial education in Waterloo County, Ontario" / K. Anne Walsh, 1974
  23. "A.A. Friesen" / Ron Sawatsky, 1974
  24. "The role of Jacob Y. Shantz in the Mennonite migrations to Manitoba in the 1870's" / Phyllis Bishop, 1974
  25. "Canadian Protestantism and its conceived role within the national life in Canada 1900-14" / Paul Cornies, 1975
  26. "An Investigation into the effectiveness of Christian education among high school students" / Larry A. Cornies, 1975
  27. "Kitchener Germans and National Socialism: 1930-39" / Samuel Steiner, 1973
  28. "History of the East Zorra Amish Mennonite congregation (Part II)" / Fred M. Lichti, 1975
  29. "Doukhobors and Mennonites -- a comparative study of ideological response to the institution of militarism" / Koozma J. Tarasoff, 1975
  30. "The Hutterite experience in Alberta in World War II" / Kirk Barons, 1975
  31. "Mennonites in the U.S.S.R.: some historiographical comments" / Peter H. Rempel, 1975
  32. "Conrad Grebel College: 1959 -- the sewing of the seed" / Larry A. Cornies, 1974
  33. "The history of Tavistock Mennonite Church (1942-1975)" / Wilmer Martin, 1975
  34. Social change in the Mennonite community, with special emphasis on education and the East Zorra Amish Mennonite congregation" / Robert Stock, 1967
  35. "An evaluation of the program of the Ontario Mennonite Bible School" / Clare L. Martin 1951
  36. "The tabernacle and its significance" / Jean Bender, 1956
  37. "Mennonites and state service in the USSR 1917-1939" / Peter H. Rempel, 1976
  38. "The history of the Emmaus Mennonite Church of Swift Current and South" / Ernie Sawatsky, c. 1961
  39. Outside influences, fundamentalism and the Amish Mennonite Conference of Ontario" / Fred Lichti, 1975
  40. "The Amish school: a case study of a private school in Ontario" / Kirk Barons, 1976 f.
  41. "History of the Zion Mennonite Church, Swift Current, Sask." / Bryan Sawatzky, 1973
  42. "Will Bergthal Mennonite Church survive another twenty years?" / Helena M. Brown, 1974
  43. "A history of the Drake Mennonite Church" / John W. Bergen, 1956
  44. "Waldheim Zion Mennonite Church 1910-1972" / Dorothy Adrian, 1973
  45. "A history of the North Battleford Mennonite Church" / Cindy Zacharias, 1973
  46. "A tale of three churches" / Richard Epp, 1973
  47. "Tiefengrund" / Waldemar Regier, 1959
  48. "Mennonite history: founding of the Eyebrow-Tugaske General Conference Mennonite Church" / S. Martens, 1952
  49. "The Ebenfeld Mennonite Church" / Linda Krahn, 1965
  50. "Church of the Swift Current Reserve" / Judy Epp, 1972
  51. "The fundamentalist-modernist controversy and the defence of the faith according to Horsch and Janzen" / Henry Paetkau, 1976
  52. "Jacob H. Janzen (1878-1950): a man with a mission to his people" / Henry Paetkau, 1976
  53. "History of Silberfeld" / Peter Peters, 1974
  54. "The Saskatchewan Youth Farm" / Laura Bergen 1956
  55. Mennonite Youth Society of the Conference of Mennonites of Canada, Saskatchewan Division" / Homer Janzen, 1949
  56. "Shantz Mennonite Church: a church in transition" / Doreen Snyder, 1978
  57. "The life of a Mennonite pioneer: Reverend Peter H. Dirks" / Peter Dirks, 1977
  58. "Congregational history of Steinmann Mennonite Church" / Pauline Steinmann, 1977
  59. A historical sketch of Canadian Mennonite Relief Committee" / Carolyn Enns, 1977
  60. "Jakob I. Lehn: the story of a young man and his family" / Jerry Dick, 1978
  61. "The life of Christian Neff" / Richard Neff, 1978
  62. "Alternative Service programs available to Mennonites during the Second World War" / Marie Burkholder, 1973
  63. "George St. congregation: a close-up" / David Martin, nd.
  64. Jacob J. and Anna (Ens) Neufeld family story, 1920-1976 / Anne Nikkel, Mennonite Collegiate Institute, 1979.
    Note: Includes correspondence. Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2023.
  65. "Factors of influence and change in the Mennonite Conference of Ontario, 1900-1980" / Paul Martin, 1979.
  66. "Hymns of crusading Protestantism, 1860-1914" / Brent A. Reilly, 1980
  67. "Rockway Mennonite Collegiate: its objectives and its struggle as a private educational institution" / Esther A. Balzer, 1981
  68. "The Chaco War, 1932-1937 : causes, fighting, settlement" / John Martens, 1961
  69. "Mennonite churches in Ontario" / Ron McCauley 1977
  70. "The ethics and theology of Rev. Clayton F. Derstine" / Chris Lichty, 1982
  71. "The cookbook: another means of preserving the Pennsylvania Dutch/German experience" / Tryntje Miller.- 1992 - Explores Pennsylvania Dutch food and roadways. Includes extensive bibliography of cookbooks.
  72. "A reflection of thought" / Maria Carolino.- 1993 -
    Summary of interviews conducted with Russian Mennonites at George St. Mennonite Church regarding their experiences in Russia and immigration to Canada.
  73. "Mennonites and the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine" / Mychailo Ivan Wynnyckyj.- 1993 - Places Mennonite experience of the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine in Russian context.
  74. "The David Martin Church" / Suanne Cotey. 1992. - An overview of the David Martin Old Order Mennonite Church in Waterloo County.
  75. "A. Lorne Burkholder" / Rich Burkholder.- 1992. - A brief biography of A. Lorne Burkholder (1903-1983), who succeeded L.J. Burkholder as pastor of Cedar Grove in 1940 and served there until 1957.
  76. "'Change' in Harrow Mennonite Church's history" / Carl Lepp. 1992. - A description of historical changes in the identity and mission of Harrow Mennonite Church.
  77. "A visual rendering of Agatha Schmidt" / Sarah Collard.- 1992. - A description of Agatha Schmidt's paintings from a biographical perspective.
  78. "Jacob A. Kutz: a unique Mennonite" / Daryl Kutz. 1992. - A brief biography of Jacob Kutz (1903-1961) Two oral history; tapes regarding Kutz are filed separately.
  79. "Annals Story: the strength of the Russian Mennonite woman" / Deborah Tait & Adam David Lee.- ca. 1992.
    Summaries of interviews with Helen Rempel and Henry and Anna [Reimer].
  80. "Mennonites and homosexuality: a time for dialogue" /Carmen Brubacher.- 1992. - A study of current Mennonite opinions and beliefs about homosexuality with a call for mutual understanding and respect between heterosexuals and homosexuals.
  81. "An emerging spirit: [A Biography of Ruth Nighswander Smith]" / Carolyn Smith.- 1992. - A biography of Ruth Nighswander Smith, who was raised in the Markam-Waterloo Mennonite Conference in the Markham District and became a charter member of the Steeles Avenue Mennonite congregation (MC).
  82. "The reunification of Russian Mennonites in post-World War II Canada" / Krista Taves. 1993. - A study of the reception of Russian Mennonite immigration to Canada in the 1940s using the Leamington, Ontario community as a case study.
  83. "Historiography of Mennonite Self-Definition" / Heather Weaver. 1993. - An historiographical study of Mennonite self-definition from Tieleman van Sittert to Harry Loewen.
  84. "An examination of Mennonite aid to refugees in the KitchenerWaterloo area from 1979-1992" / Karen Baird.- 1992.
    A study of First Mennonite Church's involvement with refugees in Kitchener.
  85. "Fairview Mennonite Home: a history of the development of caregiving for the elderly" / Barbara Beacom.- 1992.
    A history of Fairview Mennonite Home, Cambridge.
  86. "Time Warp 1991: the buggy invasion of Northeastern Mornington Township / John-David Kuepfer.- 1991. - A demographic study of the movement of Old Order Mennonites into Northeastern Mornington Township.
  87. "The New Hamburg Mennonite Church" / Merna Norris, 1992. - A history of the joint Mennonite Brethren and United Mennonite church in New Hamburg, 1927-1952.
  88. "Learning from history: an account of my parents' experiences in Russia / Heidi (Schulz) Coon.- 1992. - A joint biography of Elizabeth Reimer and Johann Schulz.
  89. "Lifting the carpet: sweeping out, the dust bunnies of the hidden past / Andrew Scheifele.- 1992. - A study of Mennonites from St. Jacob's Mennonite Church who enlisted in the Canadian armed forces during WW II.
  90. "The effect of membership and attendance on the finances of Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church" / Randal Harder.- 1992. A statistical study of the finances of Waterloo Mennonite Brethren Church, 1981-1992.
  91. "23 years of Family life" / Todd McNamara.- 1992. - An analysis of contents of the Amish periodical Family Life.
  92. "Reflections of Anna Fast on her immigration to Canada and growing up Mennonite in the Soviet Union" / Mary Diemen.- 1993. - Hist. Mss.
  93. "Working for new life" / Brent Kipfer.- 1993. - Summaries of interview with Henry Heinrichs and John Letkemann.
  94. "One man's journey to Canada: Mr. Henry Wiens' story" / Kara Lee Ryce. 1993. - Summary of interview with Henry Wiens about his immigration to Canada in 1925.
  95. "Language: a study of Mennonite life in Canada from 1924 to the present" / Deborah Neill.- 1993. Summary of interviews with Russian Mennonites about making the language transition form German to English.
  96. "Let love and faithfulness never leave you" / Susanne Borrman.- 1993. - Summary of interviews with Mennonites about the experiences in Russian during the 1920s.
  97. "Changing attitudes of Mennonites on sexuality and birth control from the 1940s until the present day" / Lisa Piano.1992. - A study of Mennonite attitudes about sexuality and birth control, beginning with the writings of C.F. Derstine.
  98. "The importance of youth: the self-preservation of the St. Catharines United Mennonite Church" / Tim Berg.- 1991. - A study of youth groups at St. Catharines United Mennonite Church.
  99. "'Horse and Buggy' vs 'Black Bumper' Mennonites: is the difference also apparent in their attitudes toward marriage and children" / Diane Cleasby.- 1993. - A comparative study of Old Order (Wisler horse and buggy) Mennonite and Markham-Waterloo Mennonite attitudes toward marriage.
  100. "Lorna Bergey: a twentieth century Mennonite women [sic] of Pennsylvania German descent" / Marilyn L. Wilson.- 1993. - A biography of Lorna Bergey.
  101. "The Fraser Lake Camp mission: 'camping with a purpose'" / Jonathan Selling.- 1993. -  A study of Fraser Lake summer camping progamme.
  102. "Mennonite involvement at Cape Croker Reserve" / Rebecca Seiling. 1993. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee's involvement with the residents of Cape Croker Reserve.
  103. "The Mennonite Central Committee (Ontario)" / Sharon Elliott.- 1993. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee Ontario programmes.
  104. "Amish and Mennonites in Huron County" / Monica Gingerich.- 1994. - A history of the Hay Amish Mennonite Church.
  105. "The Christian pathway view of those outside the Mennonite Church" / Julie Habermehl.- 1993. - A study of how the The Christian Pathway quarterly views non-Mennonites.
  106. "The ministry of Leonard W. Hoover and Aaron D. Grove at the Wideman Church" / Stephanie Cressman. 1993. - Biographical sketches of Leonard W. Hoover and Aaron D. Grove.
  107. "The 'Sewing Circle Corner': Mennonite women's mission effort" / Sheri-Lynne A. James.- 1993. - A study of the sewing circle column in the Gospel Herald newspaper.
  108. "Seasons of flavour -- the sweets and sours of the Old Order Mennonite community in Central Ontario" / Jo Marie Powers and Anita Stewart. 1993. - A discussion of flavourings used by Old Order Mennonites.
  109. "Food giving on a global scale -- a way of life among the Mennonites" / Jo Marie Powers.- 1992. - A study of Mennonite Central Committee relief activities.
  110. "Churches in Mennonite Russia: the construction, worship services and demographics within Mennonite Churches in Russia" / David J. Brunelle. 1992
  111. "'Put love in the stitches': a study of Mennonie women in Waterloo County sewing circles" / Laurie Janzi. 1994
  112. "Joseph Brant and the Grand River land controversy: a case of policy, law, humanity and justice" / Naomi C. Chosen. -- 1994?
  113. "The injustice of early land transactions between the British Crown and the Mississaugas of Southern Ontario" / Rebecca Steinmann. -- 1994.
  114. "The Mennonites among us: an examination into the evolution of a distinct culture" [Countryside Mennonite Fellowship] / Sandra de Ruiter and Sharon Nowlan. -- 1995
  115. "Modernization and meeting houses: the Old Order Amish division, 1886-1891" / Pamela Albrecht. -- 1999, 34 p.
  116. "From the Heart : the Music of Reinhard Oppel" / Anna Janecek. -- 2001, 43 p. (Music honours paper)
  117. "The First Mennonite Church of Kitchener" / Elizabeth Alder. -- 1985, [32] p.
    Note: Traces history of original 1813 log building which was moved to Breslau, Ontario
  118. "Interview with Richard Detweiler President, Eastern Mennonite College" / David Stahl, 1982
  119. "Churches' Activity in Economic Development and CIDA's Response" / Jeffrey E. Buisman [MCC included in study], 1985
  120. "The extraordinary life of Orland Gingerich" / Sheena Gingerich, 2004. Includes note from Lorraine Roth, December 2006.
  121. "History of Erie View United Mennonite Church" / Colin Wiebe, 1996, 14, xxi p.
  122. "Uncovering my Maternal Ancestry" / Bethany Seiling, 2003, 15 p.
  123. "Mennonite Fundamentalism and the Hawkesville Brethren" / David A. Martin, 41 p.
  124. "My relatives: Ultra Conservative Mennonites" / Charlotte Martin, 1997
  125. "The Success of the 1920's Mennonite Migration to ACanada from Russia was a Result of Mennonite Values" / Suzanne Bergey, 1997?
  126. "Change in the Use of the Pennsylvania German Dialect in Southwestern Ontario" / Pearl Jutzi, 1996
  127. "History of the Mennonites in Markham, Ontario" / Janine Wideman, 1997
  128. "19th Century Mennonite Faith as seen through Fraktur Art" / Holly K. Curtis, 1991.
  129. "A 'Cause-Effect' Approach to the Changes of the U.M.E.I." / Dennis Flaming, 1982.
  130. "Not Just Mennonite, Russian Mennonite: an Analysis of Church Anniversary Books" / Philippa Jones, 1992.
  131. "Mennonites and the Press in Kitchener-Waterloo during the Years of World Wars I and II" / Dave Kroeker, 1972
  132. "A Tribute to Irvin & Selema Bauman" / Rosalie Emery, 2007.
  133. "The Mennonite Tradition in a Calvinistic Context with Special Reference to the Sacraments" / John D. Rempel, 1981
  134. "Enrolment at Conrad Grebel College" / Kelly Loree, 1984
  135. "Marketing Problems in Book Publishing: a Case Study of Conrad Press" / Ruby Weber, 1977
  136. "Separatism: From Early Anabaptism to Present-Day Mennonite Conservatism" / Andy Martin, 2005
  137. "Confessional Analysis of the Conservative Mennonite Movement" / Andy Martin, 2006.
  138. "Choosing Home: Alsations [Alsatians] in France 1681-1870" / Nancy E. Manning, 2008. With notes by Lorraine Roth.
  139. "Case Study of the Conflicts Involving Curtis Cressman and the Biehn Mennonite Church, 1957-59" / by Karen Cressman, 1987
  140. "The anxiety of MCC : Where are our volunteers?" / by Victor Krahn, 1990.
  141. "Mennonites and river brethren" / by Aden Eby, 1986.
  142. "History of Mennonites and natives in the last one hundred years" / by Leonard Doell, 1977.
  143. "Religious freedom by default" / by Ernie Dick, 1968.
  144. "Legitimizing the Reformation : the Anabaptists and the Reformation disputations of Bern" / by Timothy Cooke, 1987.
  145. "Trends in Swiss Anabaptist historiography and the development of a sectarian position" / by Jim Brown, 1987.
  146. "A history of the MCC Ottawa office as drawn from MCC files" / by Monique Enns, 1986.
  147. "The Mennonite settlements in Mexico : a research paper " / by Joyce Miller Rios, 1987.
  148. "The Mennonites in West Prussia : a study of their transition from nonresistance to participation in war" / by Ingrid Enss, 1983.
  149. "Pressures affecting the Mennonite German-Americans in central Kansas during World War I" / by Donald C. Holsinger, Mar 1970
  150. "Urbanization and the small, homogeneous ethno-religious community : an investigation into the process of assimilation [in Yarrow, B.C.]" / by Anita L. Penner and Lyle L. Wahl, ca. 1967
  151. "Causes of change in the socio-religious structure of the Bergthal Mennonite community" / by Jacob D. Harder, Spring 1969
  152. "The 'dress question' among Ontario Mennonites, 1898-1960" / by Marlene Epp, Apr 1990. M.A. cognate essay, University of Waterloo 
  153. "From distinction to adaptation : an analysis of Swiss Mennonite and Amish wedding customs over the course of three decades" / by Armin Siedlecki, Spring/Summer 1990. Department of Religion and Culture, Wilfrid Laurier University.
  154. "Powwowing : folk medicine or white magic?" / by Gerald Studer, [1979?].--No copies to be made without author's permission.
  155. "Canadian Mennonites and World War One" / George Reimer, 1971. Canadian Social and Intellectual History, University of Winnipeg. - transferred from the Frank H. Epp fonds. 
  156. "Images of faith, conflict and transformation: the response of Canadian Mennonites to the Vietnam War as told through the Canadian Mennonite newspaper, 1966-1970" / by Michelle Cameron, 2006. - donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  157. "Conscientious or cowards: a study of the peace position of the Brethren in Christ Church from 1900 to 1950" / Shawn Spence, [200-]. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  158. "The development of women's service in the Mennonite Church: Bethel Mennonite Church, Elora: a case study"  / by Bethany Leis, 2006. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  159. "Mennonites and the marriage relationship: views from sixteenth century Anabaptism to the present day" / Maida Tiessen, 2005. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  160. "Old Order Mennonites, Amish and Hutterites and excommunication" / Helena Bergen, 2003. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  161. "The United Church and World War II: the challenge of pacifist conviction" / David A. Martin, 2004. - Donated to the Archives by Marlene Epp in 2016.
  162. "A History of the Mennonite Church at Vineland" by Lewis J. Brubacher, 1957. - A history of The First Mennonite Church, Vineland.  File includes a letter to Brubacher by Barbara Coffman.
  163. "'Gutierrez is also a Mennonite name': identity and hymnody in contemporary Canadian Mennonite churches" / attributed to Anna Janecek. - This paper won the Mennonite Historical Society of Ontario's J. Winfield Fretz Award in 2004 (graduate student category).
  164. "The good old days: a research on my family history" / Jacqueline Kathler, 1980. - Photocopy donated to the Archives by Peter Rempel in 2021.
  165. "The History of the Goodwill School District, Number 1967" / Cornelius G. Unruh, Grunthal, Manitoba, 1956. - Transferred from XV-31.4 Mennonites in Canada research files.