Waterloo '79 (Mennonite Church General Assembly)

Classification scheme:

Hist.Mss. 9.26

  1. Howard Charles, "Bible study on Acts"
  2. Ivan Kauffmann, "Where we are in urban concerns"
  3. "Menno Singers; Children's Choir"
  4. Howard Charles, "Who are the participants"; Merle & Phyllis Good, "Drama"
  5. June Alliman Yoder, "Relationships with parents"
  6. Howard Charles, "What is the media"; Merle & Phyllis Good, "Drama"
  7. Myron Augsburger, "Ministering through word and deed"
  8. Howard Charles, "What are the problems?"; Merle & Phyllis Good, "Drama"
  9. L. Mirando & Hubert Brown, "Relationships with persons from other cultures"
  10. Edgar Stoesz, "Rich Christians in a needy world"; Responses
  11. William Kruger, "How relationships changed my life"; Youth choir
  12. Howard Charles, "What are the resources?"; Merle & Phyllis Good, "Drama"
  13. Emma Richards, "Witnessing & discipling"; final evening service

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