Community Mennonite Fellowship (Drayton, ON) (formerly Moorefield Mennonite Church)

Classification scheme:


Title: Community Mennonite Fellowship fonds

Dates of creation: 1859-2005

Physical description:

Administrative history: The Moorefield Mennonite Church had its beginning in 1947 when Amos Brubacher bought the former Anglican Church building for $1000. He had a vision for a mission outpost in Moorefield. Bible school was held at the church in 1947; worship services began in  1949. Renovations took place in 1955 and 1977-78, and 1985.

In 1989 the congregation merged with the nearby Berea Mennonite Church (they had shared a pastor for a number of years) and in 1996/1997 the congregation built a new facility. Pastoral leaders for the congregation have included Amos Martin (1950-1961); Elvin Burkholder (1961-1969); Alfred Polzin (interim 1969); Jesse B. Martin (interim); Alfred Polzin (1970-1976); Menno Zehr (Interim); Dale Bauman (summer, 1977); Curtis Bender (1977-1981); Dale Bauman (1981-1990); Willard Metzger (1991-2005), Ron Weber (1999-2006), Dave Tiessen (2006-2014), Jim Whitehead (Interim, 2015-2016), Craig Frere (2016- )

Custodial history: Donations have been made by the congregation to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario on a regular basis.

Notes: For photographs related to this congregation search the Mennonite Archival Image Database.
For sound recordings related to this congregation, see Hist.Mss.9.25
Further materials related to this congregation may be found by searching the Archives.
An encyclopedia entry for this congregation may be found in GAMEO.
Original description created by Sam Steiner, November 1999

Series 1: Formal records

  1. Deeds/titles to Moorefield property, 1859-1962
  2. Constitution, 1960s?
  3. Summer Bible School records, 1968-1988
  4. Lists
    Scope and content: Sunday school officers, 1959, 1968; high school census, 1968; church officers, 1960; directory, 1989; pastors, 1941-1981
  5. Annual reports, 2000, 2004
  6. Berea-Moorefield joint congregational meetings, 1967-1989
  7. Moorefield church council correspondence and minutes, 1980-1989
  8. Moorefield annual meetings and reports, 1981-1988
  9. Moorefield account book, 1968-1977
  10. Women's groups
    1. Moorefield Women's Missionary and Service Association (WMSA), 1982-1988
    2. Mennonite Women of Community (MWOC), 1989-2000
  11. Moorefield young people's minutes, 1962-1971
    Note:  Also includes Berea youth activities
  12. Moorefield Sunday school executive, 1977-1985

Series 2: Informal records

  1. Miscellaneous programs, including 1955 and 1986 dedication services, and litany of integration of Berea and Moorefield, 1989
  2. Historical essays
    "Berea Beginnings," ca. 1967
    Brief history of congregation by Laurene Albrecht, 1986
  3. Sermon text by Dale Bauman, "Why God? Why" (1985)
  4. Clippings related to congregation
  5. Publicity brochures prepared by congregation
  6. Correspondence around amalgamation of Berea and Moorefield, including invitation to Glen Allen to join, 1990-1991

Series 3: Church bulletins

Series 4: Drayton and District Ministerial Association

Scope and content: Contains the minute books of the Association, also referred to as the Drayton-Moorefield Ministerial Association, from 1974-1986. This ecumenical association included churches in Drayton, Glen Allan, Moorefield and Rothsay. Denominations included Mennonite, Christian Reformed, Pentecostal, Presbyterian, Reformed, Roman Catholic and United.

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