Title: Mennonite Archives of Ontario collections of letters (correspondence)
Dates of creation: 1824-
Note: Further accruals are expected.
Scope and content: The letter collection series is used for miscellaneous letter collections not included in manuscript collections. In many cases these are photoreproductions obtained from other archival centers, or from individuals.
Note: Original archival description created by Sam Steiner.
File list:
- Jacob B. Mensch letters. Some print copies and transcriptions are located here. For the microfilm collection of the complete set of letters see Hist.Mss.11.9.
- Christian Eby letters about charming and practice of folk medicine, 1904-1920 (Typescript of letters transcribed by Anne Eby Miller)
- 44 p. of typescript. See Hist.Mss. 1.21 for the original letters and description of Eby.
- Erma Opperthauser to family, June 2, 1935; April 28, 1933. Erma Opperthauser was a teacher in the Reesor, Ontario community for four years in the 1930s. Her father and sister lived in Hanover, Ontario. The 1935 letter describes a Silver Wedding anniversary for the Berg family; the 1933 letter describes the death of Neta Berg, and the funeral following. Also in the folder is a school publication, "Our birthday journal" including writings by a number of the pupils in Erma's class. The collection was donated to the Archives in 1988 by Robert Enns.
- Johanna Dyck, Leamington, Ontario, on behalf of Second World War Mennonite refugees and survivors to The Canadian Mennonite and Ben Goossen, 2016.
- Catherine Clemens in Hay, Ontario to Jacob Clemens (a cousin living in Breslau), Jan. 12, 1868.
- David Rensberger letter from prison, Aug. 12, 1972. Rensberger was a Mennonite draft resistor during the Vietnam war who wrote this letter for wider circulation from prison.
- A.C. Bowman to Mr. & Mrs. Wilhelm Dick, Mar. 2, 1925. Photocopy of original; translations of original; background material to the letter by Annie Konrad. Donated to the Archives by Anne Millar in 1980.
- David Musselman (Wellington District, Ontario) to Christian Musselman (New Holland, Pa.), May 7, 1843; David and Esther Musselman (Woolwich) to Henry and Maria Musselman Steiner (West Earl Township, Lancaster County, Pa.), Apr. 3, 1868; Maria Musselman Stoner (Lancaster, Pa.) to David and Esther Musselman, Sept. 29, 1868. Photocopies, translations and commentary provided to Archives by Clarke E. Hess, Lancaster, Pa., 1980.
- Anna (Martin) Weber, widow of preacher Samuel Weber, to Henry and Lovina Godshall, Lansdale, Montgomery County, Pa., Feb. 28, 1886. Photocopy of transcription by Isaac G. Martin. Also translation into English.
- Jacob Hallman to Samuel Hallman, Sept. 1, 1845; Sept. 30, 1845. Photoreproductions of originals.
- Samuel and Dilman Moyer letters to Jacob Groff, 1850-1861. Photocopies of originals and translations. See originals and fuller description in L.J. Burkholder collection (Hist.Mss. 1.4)
- Abram Clemens (Waterloo, Ont.) to Jacob Clemens, Apr. 16, 1836. Photocopy of translation. Mentions cholera epidemic of 1835.
- Jacob Burkholder/L.J. Burkholder letter collection, 1824-1884; photocopied in 1998. Originals at Mennonite Historical Association of the Cumberland Valley, Chamersburg, VA. Most are letters received by Jacob Burkholder from relatives who did not immigrate to Canada. The photocopies were provided to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario by MHACV in 1998, ca. 50 p.
- Barbara Ebersole to Lydia Brenneman, [between 1892 and 1900]. Fragment of original letter, plus typed transcription, translation and notes by Lorraine Roth. Barbara Ebersole was the Amish folk artist (see David Luthy, Amish folk artist, Barbara Ebersol, her life, fraktur and death record book (Lancaster, 1995). Fragment donated by Doris Litwiller in 1998.
- Nicolaus Nafziger, Johanes Albrecht, Joseph Nafziger, Jacob Wagler, Jakob Lichti, Johannes Gascho, John R. Gerber, David Wagler and Joseph R. Gerber to Amischen Mennoniten Gemein in Wilmot, Aug. 24, 1917. Fragment of original letter, plus typed transcription, translation and notes by Lorraine Roth. The letter is from the Amish-Mennonite pastors in Mornington and Wellesley Townships to the Wilmot congregation about the issuing of church letters (membership letters) to persons who are not at peace with the local congregation. These pastors say the letters will not be issued in such circumstances. Donated to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario by Alvin Steinman.
- Peter Holly to Christian Steinman, 1851. This letter from Bulter County, Ohio concerns the "Eier" estate. A translation is found in The family history and genealogy of Christian Steinman(n) and Veronica Eyer, 372. Donated to the Mennonite Archives of Ontario by Carol Steinmann in 1998 via Lorraine Roth.
- Benjamin Eby and Maria Eby to Samuel Martin, 1834 (photocopy). - Accompanying note reads "It seem[s] he notified his cousin Sam Martin that John Meyer had been authorized to receive inheritance. He gives little news of Canada that Abraham Martin was sick but is better and Susanna Burkhard passed away." - original at Muddy Creek Farm Library.
- David Janzen to Sam Steiner, 15 May 2002. - Regarding the history of Springridge German Bible School. - 2 pages.
- John and Elizabeth Schantz of Hosensack, Lehigh County, Pennsyvlania to relations in the Waterloo region, 31 Jan 1857. - Transferred from the Mennonite Church USA Archives in 2015.
- Peter and Anna Langenecker of Holmes County, Ohio to Jacob Bickslar of Masontown, Pennsylvania, 1844. - Includes a 25-letter "pow wow formula" to cure Jacob's son. A German transcription is also included. Transferred from the Mennonite Church USA Archives in 2015.
- Gordon Steinman to mother and brother, 28 Jan 1943. - Gordon was among the group of consicentious objectors in Alternative Service at Montreal River Alternative Service Work Camp in the winter of 1942/43. His letter encloses a list of the names and home towns of the other men at camp. - printed from scan of original provided by the family.